Overnight Emergency Shelter Improvements With Minimal Gear

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*A former U.S. Marine (thus the channel name and salutes), "the Corporal" specializes in giving practical, no-nonsense advice on how to survive in the wild. He makes the best bushcraft and camping videos on YouTube. I've watched him for years. Ooo-rah!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ May 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to corporals corner today we're making some improvements to our emergency shelter using our minimum kit so stick around in our previous video we talked about the 72-hour scenario and how it could bleed into that fourth fifth or sixth day with that mindset in our minimum kit we went ahead and created this existing structure we added wall a wall be a long fire we took our grab our emergency blanket put in a lean-to configuration and lastly we went ahead and took our 55-gallon drum Liars fill no fall leaves and created an improvised mattress it adds comfort and keeps us off the ground for venting conduction or when that cold Browns EPS that body heater takes that body heat away from you so I thought today why not talk about some improvements you can make using that same minimum kit let's get started [Music] [Music] okay so first things first let's talk reality and we'll start with these improvised mattresses the first night they worked great take a look at them now in that small clip they're deflated at best and the reason for that is because I use dried dead leaves and the reason why I use those is because that's all I had available to me and that's a sad truth ideally I would love pine boughs I'll have any I would love dead grass don't have any of that so a simple fix is you grab a stick with multiple branches just like our previous video go out there break a leaf pile and fill our bags now real quick if you hadn't seen that video click on the car to the top of the screen and we'll take you there now let's talk about another simple improvement that we can do we have wall a we have wall B why not add a half partition to call it wall C this will actually change the pitch of the roof it will lower the front part down getting that heat to circulate around me but most importantly it will raise the back end up giving me more room [Applause] all right so far so good you filled our bags back up and we're ready for tonight we added wall C and in doing that we actually changed the pitch of our roof giving us more room on the back end but most importantly I don't notice that our not I showed a small clip the tarp still touches the ground but it's actually bent over the back side of this wall making it windproof waterproof but most importantly it's gonna help trap that heat when it rolls around me let's go ahead and keep talking about reality firewood fire away fire wood fire wood it's still gonna be cool at night down in the 40s maybe the high 30s and I need a butt ton of firewood so just like last time we're going to use our firewood carrier but this time I'm gonna add something to it it's gonna allow us to carry a lot more wood since you're cutting firewood you want to sit there all night using your saw and wear yourself out and burn calories that's up to you an easier way is to find it freeze doesn't have to be grooving it all you got to do place your wood inside there to your desired length snap it all that's a whole lot faster seeds calories and I'm not tired you wanna learn how I make one of these click on the car the top of the screen let's take right to that video all right so we're still talking about firewood and my need to stack it for the night so now in addition to my two firewood carriers I have right over there I'm gonna go ahead and use this ladder style pack frame it's designed to distribute the weight vertically and horizontally across your back and allow you to carry a heavier load over a longer distance and we'll secure it off with a trucker's hitch not the years it's the mileage [Applause] oh yeah a lot more room in here now I like it very not bad wall seized up looking good to go my tarp is nice and tight firewood stacked so I guess the last order of business for the night is to get that fire established and get our nice hot coal bed going so I'm out here walking around and everything is bone-dry it hasn't rained in about a week which is perfect for my fuel and my kindling I'm still on the quest for tinder so looking around I found this dead aspen tree and a beautiful thing about Aspen's is it just like cottonwoods and tulip poplars and the fact that the inner bark fibers are nice and stringy which is perfect for bird's nest you always want to try and get a perfect mix of pencil led pencil a thumb-sized sticks a nice target area right here place my bird's nest inside the target area and voila I'm going to mash up all this inner bark fibers those tiny exposed strands today's fire starting method the Ferro rod 1/2 inch by 6 [Music] I just want to turn it over let it in golf and place it inside man I can feel that heat it's gonna be a good night tonight tell you what and just like last time I'm not even thinking about putting on something this diameter or this size so I've established a nice cold bed and a one rule of fire the constant role of fire you never want to add any fuel to that fire until the flames are above the current fuel source so right now the role above I'm good to go to add some more [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we're getting there nice cool bed well before I anymore would have for some chow what's on the menu tonight hmm Oh SpaghettiOs oh yeah check this out yeah trying to hide in there mmm-hmm feel like I'm seven years old and at my grandma's house except for we're in the woods now it's Danny [Music] now here's the truth of the reason why I tossed the cans in the fire before somebody losing their mind I always pack out my trash I'll take it out let it cool down but if I'm asleep in here I'm gonna go ahead and wash out my dishes but that can need to be cooked out all the food you hear it sizzling right now I'm gonna cook it out thoroughly and then I'll pack it out in the morning less risk of animals wandering through here or insects things like that is next pretty good [Music] so I'm talking about it's moving the baby all night long last door business feed that fire they wash rinse repeat I'll go ahead and end this off right now let's talk about this shelter all these improvements were made with our minimum kit you don't need 70 pounds of gear you need about 20 pounds of the right gear now speaking of gear all the gear you see in this video is available my Amazon inflow to page you I'll toss a link inside the description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're ringing that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching you out in the field have some fun and catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 280,245
Rating: 4.9474053 out of 5
Keywords: Overnight Emergency Shelter Improvements With Minimal Gear, corporals corner, survival, joerobinet, minimal gear camping, minimal gear survival, minimal gear overnight, minimum gear camping, bushcraft logcabin, shelter building with minimum gear, primitive shelter, building a shelter in the woods, super shelter, bushcraft, overnight shelter, overnight shelter building with minimal gear, emergency shelter
Id: X1nG97yPe5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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