Solo Overnight With My NEW Emergency Kit and Campfire BBQ Beans and Weenies

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welcome to the corporal's corner today we're gonna do an overnight using my new emergency kit so stick around we've an outstanding show coming up well here we are again another beautiful day high of 37 low of 27 time for another solo overnighter in the woods perfect time to be out here no rain the forecast however it's cloudy but you never know so those are following my channel you notice that I've been pumping out these overnight videos once a week and to be honest I'm gonna keep doing it I'm here to stay I found I can cover more topics show more gear I can explain more things instead of being locked into one single subject and just talk about it and ramble on and be done there's a lot more things I get involved in and show you and more importantly the realism of it the work involved so again I'm here to stay get used to it now along with that I've been searching high and low for a new bag now I have my sobota it's currently a 30 liter pack and to be honest nothing will ever replace that well nothing so far will ever replace that but I wanted something smaller something I can keep in my vehicle so today I want to show you what I'm currently working on is my vehicle kit but for this video here let's call it an emergency kit because that's exactly what it is so with that let's check out that pack and then walk our area and get our camp set up we're looking at the Scout pack by self Alliance Outfitters it holds approximately 20 liters weighs 1.9 pounds has made from 1000 denier polyester at the top we have a carrying handle working our way towards the sides we have two straps along with plastic buckles both sides are identical working away towards the bottom we have two additional straps for bed rolls and plastic buckles on the front we have two zippered pouches MOLLE webbing in a large velcro panel working our way towards the back we have breathable mesh for your back and along the straps as well d rings and a waist strap that's a lot of crap and that's just the inside of that pack the two outside pouches contain gloves and food the food portion we'll get to later and knowing me and my channel it most likely has something to do with bacon so I'm thinking our emergency shelter our tarp in a lean-to configuration right here boom one full step away long fire and if we have time a backstop so far so good as usual we're looking outstanding why because I made it now for that pain and every single person's ass collecting wood not the years hits the mileage and now for the million dollar question dry wood or green wood for the windscreen think about that this is gonna be right next to a fire a hot fire a raging fire I'm gonna go with green wood so that windscreen first time every time we're gonna go underneath I'm gonna go over the top and then back through should form an overhand knot or a pretzel knot all we're gonna do we're gonna twist it over the top go back through its tail and pull that tight then pull on the opposite end and cinch it all together now we're looking good to go borderline outstanding if I do say so I'm very impressed with that bag and the amount of tools that can actually carry let's talk about getting that fire going the hard work is done we cut down live trees about that diameter six or seven feet in length and hauled them up this hill to our campsite now I want to try and conserve what's left there's no reason to be out here swinging an axe or using some large saw try and cut down trees I guarantee you I can walk through this wooded area and pick up sticks that are kindling and fuel size which means pencil ed pencil finger and thumb size and diameter that's all I need to establish that fire once we have our hot coal bed that I can walk through here again and I'm willing to bet you I can find sticks the size of my wrist of my forearm if I can just grab look for a tree trunk with a Y branch in it wedge him in there and bust them off here's some of the things you can find walking around here that's a good indicator of a red pine and lo and behold right next to it it's a large red pine just several open records a little cluster all these limbs right here is where you're gonna find fat wood or on a Down pine there's one right there there's a red pine its Dead's been there for a long time go ahead and cut that right there and see what we have yes sir look at that all those dark hairs right there that's all fat wood nice look at that all the way through now I take my knife and but Thomas into quarters and then scrape it or shave it back and forth with the backside of my knife with those nice fat wood shavings use my Ferro rod and ignite that [Music] now it's time for the best part of the video Chow time let's go ahead and bust open those last two pouches see what we got and then get our grub on [Applause] that means these are safe and who knows more about our safety than our good friends at the FDA I think about it if you're dead you can't buy these that's going to be outstanding 3540 minutes stir occasionally don't want to burn all we're doing is two things first off we're infusing the hotdogs with that flavor and most importantly we're cooking hot dogs [Music] [Applause] looking good thickened up nicely man that smells good oh dude perfect get the bell peppers the onions there's a piece of hot dog right here shred this yeah it's infused but that barbecue sauce in there onions yeah outstanding actually half tempted to try and save some of this perta morrow but then I think about it and I'm like it tastes so damn good got a nice warm fire get a full belly and I'm hitting the rack so probably not finishing all this why because I can yep gone today what though it's a lot warmer than the open-air shelter we had last week this reflective side right here I am baking it is hot as hell right here I think the open-air shelter was around 64 degrees and its peak and it died down to like 50 but I just put this right here so we'll find out exactly how hot it is she's put it like right here this is crazy I'll hold the thing right here and left the wool blanket at home just have the swagman roll my outer layers tell you what probably sleeping naked this is crazy just sitting here talking it's already 60 and it's rising yeah Wow [Applause] while the windscreen this reflective blanket and that long fire are definitely doing the job definitely this probably the warmest shelter I've been in so far I'm only covered on one side now earlier today I went and took those leaves they raked up I place them on the back side the shelter I did that to eliminate that air gap it's also known as flying your tarp in a small air gap there so all I did was seal that gap leaves the leaves were wet so the weight of those leaves actually pushed it down to the bottom or to the ground so I don't feel any draft back there 70 degrees right now and rising not this is unreal Wow well that's it for me I'm gonna enjoy the fire and hit the rack so get you in the morning when I was a warm but rough night hashtag trigger warning the coffee's black I'm currently on the market looking for some type of instant coffee that's actually decent this guy be something out there Folgers sucked this Taster's Choice is actually better but it still sucks so if you know of anything hit me up drop a link or a comment in the comment section tell me where I can get the stuff I don't care the prices I'm all about that instant gratification I want something lightweight for a pack if I can just toss in there and add hot water I want to bring coffee presses out I don't want to screw around legit camping yes I'm all for that but something like this bug out bag or a car bag or just a lightweight Scout bag instant coffee is the way to go so if you know something please hook me up let's go ahead and have a quick after-action report here last night dipped down to 30 with the long fire windscreen and reflective tarp it was 72 right here at its peak it dipped down to about 65 67 somewhere I would fluctuate and that honestly was too hot just with the swagman rule that was too hot I actually woke up in a puddle of sweat had to walk around here in the vent so this definitely does this job this is the Arcturus blanket and I'm very impressed I've had the grabber blankets out here and as the sparks fly around here in little embers actually burns holes through all this whole thing and this there's nothing here that I can see so very impressed once again still testing that blow-up mattress it's over there it's not a four-season so the air was cold the mattress was cold it's also very thin it's something you want to beef up with extra blankets or a sleeping bag I do not recommend that the pillow was okay but all in all I'm still in the market looking for something like that as well anything you can do to enhance your comfort it's a good other knives good night it's always good to get out here and enjoy nature and the great outdoors I'm gonna sit here and enjoy my coffee enjoy my coffee welcome back last night shelter build was outstanding and to be honest that's the warmest up in all winter it always amazes me to see what you can do with a minimum or emergency kit outstanding as usual as always all the gear news video can be found on Amazon influencer page with the exception of that 20 leader scout pack that can be found my self reliance Outfitters influencer page I'll tell us both those links inside my description box please do in that favor hit that like and subscribe button then bring that notification bell once you ring that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 228,978
Rating: 4.9425569 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight With My NEW Emergency Kit and Campfire BBQ Beans and Weenies, corporalscorner, solo overnight camping, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear overnighter, overnight emergency shelter, minimum gear camping, emergency kit, building a shelter in the woods, minimal ger survival, overnight in an emergency shelter
Id: QUd91kRB2QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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