Solo Overnight With 5 Items Building a Natural Shelter with a Tomahawk Bacon Ribeye Cooked on a Rock

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uh uh all right so the year is almost over and today is actually thanksgiving week so i thought why not change things up a little bit change my pack up change my gear loadout so with that we're gonna go ahead and give you a solo overnight with a natural shelter and five items let's get her done all right seeing something like this i go crazy it's like a pimp palace waiting to happen we have two y branches one right here in the front that splits off giving you a top and a bottom further on down there's one more y branch that gives me that perfect pitch for that roof right here and right here i'm thinking there's debris everywhere i can grab that debris simply snap it off and start laying those logs across there in the front as well cover that bad boy up with debris and leaves got my opening long fire out front and i'll be comfy all night let's get her done let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to so so uh uh laughs so so perfect length so i'm thinking we're good enough on the structure i want to go ahead and try to beef up this bedding maybe get some leaves some pine vows get that all tossed in here and then we'll work on getting some type of reflector put up either wood or rocks and i think we'll be in business for those that skipped through all my videos and are just now tuning in to be like he's burying a body in the woods i can't take it well here's the thing about bearing bodies you got to do it right the holes already got to be dug before you show up otherwise you're talking 35 45 minutes of digging and honestly out here in the woods that's a big variable and who knows who's going to show up during that time before you know it you're digging a few more holes and there you have use number one million for the poncho liner so okay so i'm limited to those five items but like i already showed you just walking through here it's a debris field there's no need to come back with an ax start chopping water trying to feather stick something to show off them knife skills all i gotta do is walk around and look down and i'm going to find my kindling and my fuel which is going to be pencil lead pencil finger and thumb side sticks in diameter and grab a bunch of those i'll be in business so uh uh let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell then feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos and take it a step further grab your cell phone and download that free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop so tell you what my thanksgiving tomahawk ribeye wow look at that chunk of meat oh my god dude going fat so greasy yet chewy tell you what this is hands down probably the best rib i've ever had at the field josh in your great beard green beret eat your heart out bro we gotta do this tell you what look at that fat um outstanding wow catch you all in about 30 minutes yes there's a light right there i brought that from my camera people like he's got a sixth item it's a flashlight well yeah don't lose your minds it's for my camera so i can film um if i didn't have that it'll be dark right now um so first order of business logos are done and so is merchandise fingers crossed and you know god willing as you're watching this video right at the very bottom of that video right above the comment section you're seeing teespring rolling across there with logos i can see it in my head t-shirts you know tank tops workout clothes mugs i haven't checked it yet but imagine this bikinis for the chicks or dudes depending on what you're into um but it's complete it took me almost a year i apologize but i bit the bullet and said hey we're doing this right now press the launch button because christmas time is coming so check that out in the future we're going to probably hit up bunker branding once i do that i'll let you know but please don't say well hold out for bunker branding you might be holding out for a long time um i have to go through all their regulations and percentages and what goes on and ship dates and how they work all that refund policies things like that so if you want it right now teespring good to go thank you for waiting i appreciate every single one of you all right so next order of business youtube okay so i appreciate everyone who's watching my videos and watching them all the way through sharing them with everybody everywhere please do me that favor at the end of my video as the recommended youtube playlist comes up scroll through that bad boy and press the play button on that next video this will bump me up higher on that list i'm not saying sit there and watch it but let it play go do your yard work school work housework chores whatever come back and then press that play button again this actually takes you up to a higher level and it shows youtube that you want corporal's corner if you want corporal's corner show them that you want corporals corner i appreciate it and last but not least to my legions thank you for spending thanksgiving with me happy holidays i appreciate every single one of you all the new subs and all my old subs 2020 sucked we had the coronavirus we have changing command here um love them hate them hate the new guy i love the new guy but politics aside i don't care 2020 sucked but on youtube it gave me a chance to see what was possible for me and in turn i could share that with you so you can see what's possible for you 2021 let's go ahead and harness that positive vibe that energy and take these builds to a different level i have all kinds of things in my head right now crazy stuff 2021 is going to be bomb ass and i'm taking you all with me thanks again i appreciate every single one of you without you i'm nothing and i truly mean that nest cafe three in one strong outstanding af speaking of af somebody's triggered af right now he's drinking coffee and talking it's the same thing i'm out of here well this is what makes my channel uniquely my own this and several other things that i do on my channel um i'm gonna come out here i'm gonna spend the night i'm gonna build something i'm gonna do something out here this labor intensive that other youtubers are not doing and 2021's coming and it's gonna be an outstanding year for my channel and bushcraft builds let's go and talk about that shelter out there came out here with five items and built a hilton okay basically just sawed some logs off broke a few logs in between a y branch and a tree and built a lean to want to be trapper's cabin right in front of that we collected rocks and built a true reflector not only a windscreen is a true reflector it absorbed that heat it's actually the rocks are reflecting it back on my bed it was outstanding the bed of coals and those warm rocks i was warm and toasty all night now just like every other shelter i built there's room for improvement there's gaps in those logs over there that could be filled with clay rocks leaves debris i'd spend two or three four or five more days out here improving upon that shelter and making it 100 waterproof and windproof but it was a one day operation and that's the best i can get done in my time crunch overall i'm proud of it i'm happy with it and yeah it's good to go welcome back last night in a natural shelter with five items was outstanding and truth be told i believe we only used four of those five items trying to think yeah we had cordage out here number 36 bank line and we didn't use it so we had four items and that place over there is like a freaking hilton so you truly can do a hell of a lot more with a lot less with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one of my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found in my description box or simply go to please do that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 282,360
Rating: 4.9537315 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight With 5 Items Building a Natural Shelter, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a fort in the woods, joerobinet fort, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in an emergency shelter, debris shelter, solo overnighter, building a natural shelter
Id: e1n_aMYNC4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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