5 Days In The Adirondacks

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welcome to corporals corner we're in the Adirondacks this is module five as a pathfinder flint and steel instructor program so stick around [Music] emergency father we just finished with the initial shakedown ensuring that the students have the proper gear we're gonna pack them up and head out to the base camp hold on up badassery right here check this out warriors welcome to the party [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and up here fire is life it's it's the most important thing nobody will die from hypothermia if all you get is a fire so as that goes down all the little nonsense we got around this marker size some size and smaller we can just pile it on there to make sure that we get the next couple of layers going you got to need two pairs then once you're actually standing in it with your toe forward when you got enough room for your heel you pulled the front over first if you want to pack insulation up in there you can pack it in there more insulation the better if you're basically making some grass mukluks here around your ankle one of the other than your feet your ankles are another area of high heat loss then you're gonna go to the outside first and fold that over then you want to kind of pull it tight here then you go to the inside and fold that over nice and tight and you don't want snow and stuff to be able to get up in here and then what you end up with is this the scene needs to be on the outside not the inside and then you pull it around the back he's got this gap back here you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from here we're gonna map this trail back down to where our gear is no it goes there alright so when you're doing the pole system it's very very very important to be perfect with your azmuth and your pace not necessarily just to measure from here to there you may end up over there and be calculating back to either that point or this point so it has to be accurate so we use a leapfrog technique and a buddy system one person starts this is the start point now I'm gonna push the guy forward I'm gonna look and see what I can see if you even a slight bend as a change of azmuth and if you don't write that down to your map by the time you get 96 points into it so the only thing I can guarantee I can see as I'm looking through here I've got the pink ribbon on the left I got a stump on the right I can look straight through along that trail where that trail disappears out of sight that's what I'm gonna shoot an azimuth to like okay I'm gonna send my runner out alright because he's gonna actually go I'm gonna send my runner out and he's gonna go to about where I tell him to go then he's gonna stop and turn around we're gonna make sure we can still see each other I contact so we're leap frogging I'm setting him out as a point of reference once he's there stationary I'll shoot an azimuth to him and then I am going to pace from here to him fire you know gradually and passively eventually melts that snow and you drip fresh water into your container alright so you're melting snow while you're doing other tasks you already have a fire so that's gonna be easy then on this side we're gonna be making pemmican tomorrow so that requires dried meat so you're gonna get a venison roast you're gonna cut that into strips and then you're going to actually dry that out all night it's gonna take about 24 hours to get it dry enough to make pemmican which will make tomorrow so I wrap around the tree we talked about a marlinespike hitch right a Marlin spike hitch go grab me a tent stake all right so we're gonna do we make an improvised Marlin spike hitch I take our end pass it through our bowline there's an Arby's hat that Josh was talking about take our steak place it inside pull it tight okay that gives you a quick release right here anywhere along here some people say one foot back to put back are you gonna do I'll take my left hand imma grab piece I'm gonna twist it towards my tree everything's going to working in towards the tree okay so once again you create no loop boom I'm laying that loop down pulling it through towards the tree you know you got it right when you can do this give it knots up on you it's wrong okay so once again towards the tree lay it down boom okay place or other in through here now we have a pulley system okay the more you pull this the tighter it's going to be okay it goes towards the tree now I teach this there's two ways you can pinch here drape it over pull it through right or the best way pinch here both lines rape over pull it through towards your hand okay and there's your improvised trucker's hitch no I like doing it on this ridge line because start off from this loop so if you're looped over here kind of hard to do that okay all right so those originally okay now that's gonna be a stick off the ground as well okay what type we mate you have six ten sticks so we wanted that small look at the end there I place it through here and stick boom pull it tight okay so this is our class between two for emergency conditions even talked about the sides in again should we do this have a fire sitting right here make them kind of backstop across here crossed here put a fire right there he's just gonna percolate all night okay first what was what first we do this is a it's going to an a-frame shelter your pile of snow across here on this side you'll hear wall snow on this side right one opening pretty much no fire for this one but you got pine boughs inside there get that just like a good read Hut no more than two fists that hot air in there can circulate around we survived maybe hopefully but you can eliminate all the air space anywhere inside all the way around this thing good joke okay so we understand lean-to cloud point a frame quick-release over here you use know what modified - Mike hitch this is a trucker's hitch okay fifteen seconds five four three two one stop got your night you got your hands properly dressed over there he's got to be up against here outstanding just the whole through yeah everything has a purpose but you can practice it all at once so how you making well there's other parts to this and this one is made out of willow but you can also strip your will above off and part of the test and part of the tri-state you can make cordage out of that with the bark that came off of it and the other part of that is when you're doing your round reduction you're using the curved part of your carving knife it's hard to do anything groups excuse good job stop youco youco match there we go twig or grass bundle with match one match only in your ball and three strikes Rafael Robb get it zero yeah you the next knot is a round turn with two half hitches round firms with you you welcome back that was outstanding and just promised only the highlights why because I can't get too much away now if we're interested this program you just watched module five go to self-reliance out here's website scroll over Dorset survival training click on it and make it happen as usual to get your comments using support thanks for watching you have to feel the house of Padma catch you next time do you think you want to be an instructor do you really think you have what it takes do you think being an instructor is all fortune and glory let me tell you something the students are gone it's cold as f and guess who gets to clean up instructors life for me instructor life [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 95,087
Rating: 4.9345074 out of 5
Keywords: 5 days in the Adirondacks, winter survival, winter survival training, winter survival shelter, solo winter surival, winter survival shelter in the woods, corporals corner, survival, bushcraft, mountain survival skills, mountain survival shelter, cold weather survival, cold weather camping, cold weather training, Joe Robinet Winter Camping
Id: 0VROCvQ-pkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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