Solo Winter Bushcraft Camp-Minimal Gear Supershelter Build in a Snowy Forest

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Joe heads out without his dog or other companions. Expecting bad weather, he carefully chooses his site.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/smarterthanawaffle 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love old Ranger Joe.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GustavoShine 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys how you doing Joe here I'm over in the woods solo today nobody with me no dog this time a couple reasons why I want to do a minimalist camp overnight I'm going to build a super shelter and it's very damp and wet and it's supposed to rain I didn't want to put the dog through that so we're here by ourselves we got just the hidden woodsman day ruck on our back it's a 20 liter there's some stuff lashed to the outside I've got to find an area with a lot of resources because I need to build quite a bit we have a lot of work to do before the Sun Goes Down tonight so let's get to it [Music] some squirrel tracks there there there yeah over there they dug something up right there pretty cool there I'm getting back into these spruces I'm hoping there's something something useful back in here building material wise been walking for some time I'm definitely far in enough where I can set up and be comfortable hmm okay here looky here if we get over here a bit it seems to be a little bit more dense with spruce trees I like this general area I just want to make sure that I'm not missing out on something even better right around the corner so well I don't want to take too much time in finding a spot I also want to make sure I make the right decision I'm getting pretty warm it's probably plus one right now it's gonna stay that around that until tonight where it goes to negative three Celsius so those extreme cold isn't the issue today the issue today is staying dry and not overheating and sweating stuff that's just as for a night now they got all that stuff off I'm gonna do a little quick walk around and make sure this is the actual spot I want to be a well turns out this spot is hot on the resources there's no reason not to use it I'm pretty sheltered underneath here there's no wind coming in here there's a lot of trees that I can use so I'm gonna pick this spot it's not so bad I'm actually gonna put this exact spot right here for my shelter it's a little uneven but that's okay part of the shelter making process make it all even so yeah let's get to it here the birds anyway you got some snow melted away compared to the last video I shot it's almost up to my knees and I'm not as far north as I was in that video too a couple things going for us here yeah facing that way fire in front should be good when I hand my backpack on this tree here so that it's easy access for me also because I have this wool blanket that I'm gonna be using for warmth today and I don't want to lay it on the snow this it's not cold enough where the snow will just brush off it'll stick and get it wet I got my saw rolled up in my blanket see if I can just slide it out actually even easier slide it right there we will be using a saw on our axe for a lot of the work today well pop those right out right now in order to not lose my wool blanket that'll be a little gentle look there got even warmer on the I have more clothes on the on the way in it got warm hood take that off too okay so we are looking for wrist thick pieces of wood standing probably spruce because then I can use it two times I see a couple here we should be able to get everything right from this general vicinity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't leave them intact so I going over to get over to the shelter's spot so that I can use all of the pieces of wood and the boughs and stuff without having to come back for them I don't know what's easier I've got a good start on my polls as you can see next start the next step before I collect any more or do anything to measure how tall I want them how long I want the poll is that way I might be able to get to set two polls out of one section of log I did get I did get this dead one yeah bit the top had been broken off so it's a good start I do want it longer than I am we're taller than I am because of the way the shelter's going to be so I'm gonna make it a couple feet longer than it has to be so I'm here want to go at least up to here for the bed so I have enough room in there okay so that's a good two feet taller than I am that should be perfect that is perfect because that piece I just cut is nearly that tall anyway so getting two pieces out of out of that first piece which is great less trees I have to take down less work less impact the better I am allowed to be here doing this just in case anyone's concerned full permission to do all this stuff here so we've got to clear these off real flush does it I want to be getting poked I'm sleeping no one wants to get poked while they're sleeping right it is warm everything's wet my gloves are soaked already I'm glad I didn't bring the dog it would have been a battle keep him dry and then warm at night cuz he ain't coming in this super shelter with me that would not work out one down only have one Nalgene full of water I will have to melt some snow later on but that's future Joe's problem I'll go through all my gear what I have to make the super shelter with me inside as far as gear there's not much in here that's some food but I got a big space blanket and some plastic sheeting for the for the front of it and some paracord no sleeping pad we'll have to use spruce boughs [Music] [Music] bicha means all I can smell is the spruce needles in it reminds me of vitamin C the vitamin C water we used for my mattress themselves six spend No Oh oh man and I stay out working up an appetite and a sweat clementines season god I love a Clementine in the winter right not to be confused with the tangerine oh well thank you very much for all the support lately for the big views on my last couple of videos I really appreciate that I really I do notice when the winter time comes around there's more viewers on my channel at least which is good I've made most of my big videos in the winter time actually probably all of them I think that's something about seeing someone out in the woods in the wintertime staying warm that appeals to people they know actually have to get up and do it themselves a lot of vicarious campaign and a lot of um gumption to go out I can't think of the word butt initiative to go out as well was this even cooler tripperz really bummed out at home but she's not the day for him over here oh I see a squirrel want some Clementine bro he ran up a tree who's right above me buddy what you doing you'll jump Oh squirrel man all right good snack back to work so we gotta lay this out make sure it's all gonna work out make sure I have enough poles and all that have 9 poles like you saw yeah let's get to it today's gonna be for the bottom to level it out before short ones as opposed to two long ones stops it from rocking so much right on here these are kind of flat - that's actually really helpful that they're not very circular they're more oval so they are gonna lay quite flat and those aren't gonna get tight on those are just it's a profit that way I can move it later on if I have to but hopefully you won't have to do that okay so I've got some height already we need you know what I'd even think about that we need sideways poles and I don't want to cut my my good poles in half let's let's figure out how many poles we're gonna need first because some of them can be used to cut in half if I have enough so let's say use this in half so there's two there I'm not gonna use that just just for just for placement just for now there let's check it out you guys see everything I want to make sure you guys can see what I'm doing here so it won't be that long those are there or pretend I got another one up up and that's not high enough yet I don't think I'll give you one more one more row this is cut in half and that's there this is cut in half here this one as our talk I believe that's gonna be plenty high yeah that's perfect I want to be able to sit like a like a chair look at me have a chair yeah legs are out of L a 90 degrees this is comfortable okay so we can't afford to cut some of these so we'll figure out what ones we want to cut probably the smaller ones I would assume let's get this off here actually there's some Wampus ones that aren't very straight maybe we'll cut those ones we'll cut this one here and see where we're at measure that's plenty wide for me to lay down like which wise definitely wide enough so we do want a little bit of an overhang cut it there will that be half so just might as well cut it right in half excuse me so good my eyeballing skills are whoa about two inches off not so bad that's they're all right no that's they're done next two polls here here all right go cut another one you think I got better or worse Oh worse three inches off slowly coming together guys now all we need is two on top is that all I said or did we do another one three deep right let's see how it is with the sitting yeah that's fine that's just as high as I need to go right there big one on the front cuz that's where I'll be sitting mainly in front of my fire before I lay down well damn son we do need a couple cross pieces at least one cross piece for my legs and then to support the bed itself so that's where this will come into handy we can use this 3/4 of the way down will go under mine underneath my knees as per Moore's gihan skis suggestion so that looks good there as these gloves get more more and more wet they get harder and harder to put back on but dealing with the camera I have to take them off quite often first world problems I know I know they're a little bit up and then you'll probably put another one through I don't know I don't know we'll see how it goes how it feels on my back might as well put two there but no that's gonna not feel good we'll put another one down here near my feet I'll be fine okay so we got to latch them all on now I do want to make sure it's somewhat level it looks pretty good and once I get my bed on there it'll be a sturdier and more level or that's pretty awesome that's pretty awesome okay look at this height up get my paracord over my backpack you don't want the very bottom tied on like I said we don't want the the placement logs the the support logs tied on you want all the bed pieces tied on there it does matter how you go through the knot with the running end on the on the kaneen Gemma sometimes I mess up still but if you do just take it oh do it again it needs to construct there we did it right this time good well I see that's the problem I don't want everything sliding around either [Applause] getting all wet kneeling down mister out here come on and this twig is messing with me we better pull it this way okay she's on I do want to tighten it as tight as possible so I'm gonna use that silly toggle dealio this is all in frame for you guys okay that's tight so now we're confident with how tight that's on together that's this one in this one but I can just cut the line and go on to the next one so now I want to tie this to this this one to this one I might tie the the rest of it a different way I'm not sure we'll see we'll see if I tie it all together or not I'll tell you regardless of what I decide to do I've never made a super shelter in this fashion before I've made the beds definitely and I've made super shelters before but this is like this is a more skiing ski special it's like a movable and and I could have left the the top log if I did plan on like moving it like a trebuchet I think the word is maybe I'm wrong with that but you could have left I could've left the top poles longer as handles but I don't plan on moving it far if at all it's just it is movable okay I think this one side is gonna be yes all right a solid a that's pretty good it's pretty good let's just try tying them all together at once and see what happens this might work just fine I don't know all part of learning okay lost my fog she is yeah you know what I want to say that that's totally fine there's no difference on either side okay that's how it's gonna go from now on look at that eh oh I shouldn't be doing that the other side scrolling around alright check it out everything's solid got the middle piece on learn something new every day I don't have to tie every piece individually it's all good to just wrap it once around kane' and jam that like you can't hear the tension but it's taut it's very tight tight tight on there so yeah basically the bed is done but framework at least solid but the shelter is nowhere near completed and then as soon as the shelter's done what makes this shelter work as firewood for it would enough to last the whole night and it's 11:30 now so a couple hours to do just this and I do need to get tons of firewood gets dark at around 5:00 so we got to keep going the next thing I'm gonna do is go get some saplings because I have to weave them and make an arch over top of my head you'll see what I'm talking about that's for my bed itself the maybe I'll do this first so it gets off the snow the tops of the trees the tops of the spruces that I use for this I can use for my bed get my gloves on my gloves on I was gonna get a sweater on - chilling down a bit haven't been doing too much heavy work just tying all this on and flapping my gums oh they're wet yeah yeah that is looking good been doing some thinking and doing some stuffing of the boughs I think what I'll do because it doesn't seem like there's enough there might be enough buoyancy up here off of loft to keep me up but it I don't think so and I want to cut down on some of the the the diameter of these these poles because again I don't have a sleeping pad and sleeping on things that round is not going to be very comfortable so what I'm gonna do is cut the ends down so they're not all Javanese it's more comfortable to sleep and I'll take some of the saplings that I'm gonna get for my my roof and everything and I'll cut them and I'll slide them underneath this between up here and then did pole behind my knees so I'll have a little bit more spring a little bit more loft and I won't feel like I'm gonna fall right through this which I might be able to keep on like this we'll see but I think I will have to stuff some saplings in there all right and these kind of need to be pushed down into each other as well trying to make myself as comfortable as possible well still saving myself enough time to get firewood that is an integral part of this whole lay down on it see no no I'm gonna fall through it yeah okay well that's what I'll do that get some saplings weave them down in there it'll be fine I've done that before it's worked okay there's a better way to do this but I'm just trying to hurry up a bit all right so go get some saplings now and worry about the bed later on filling in the bed that is I saw out here when I was walking around here's my track trying to find a good spot I saw a clump of saplings that will be very helpful for me looking for things like this really with a wispy end wispy end that's potential I can potentially I can grab that one but I want to go find the clump of them so here they are I just hope that they're not dead I have not approached them yet to see if they are we won't be able to use them [Music] that one's good okay I'm gonna have some good ones here some good firewood over here to actually probably grab before I just leave it come back for it so in my glove that's fun some great fire starter right there all right now to check these out done done no good okay this one's good okay one two I'm not gonna count I'm gonna say everyone I might just keep telling them they'll be silly where he did that in this video three there's a good one here okay got a few I need a bunch more [Applause] so all these are good ones I only brought back the live ones this trip I'm going back right now to go get all that firewood cool all right I'm back three more good saplings to add to those I'm gonna throw it here and I need a drink of water I'm very wet everywhere I brought a change of socks that's the only clothes I brought extra other than what I'm wearing or boring yeah it was definitely the right decision not to bring tripper that and I haven't stopped working since I got here he would have been very bored he probably would have made things a little bit more difficult all right keep on going we got 12:30 now 12:30 having these saplings here is big let's start weaving them this is gonna be this I think this is gonna be the most difficult part of the whole whole shelter building process weaving the saplings into each other all right I guess I gotta start by seeing what are my longest - one of my most sturdy pieces feeds on this unknown saplings the ones I was getting though you saw me get is a little bit it seemed to be a little bit brittle on the brittle side I'll show you what I'm doing here on the other side I'm just trying to this is gonna take a lot of tweaking I'll be careful not to snap it so that's all right that's all right cool okay we're on we're on a roll these other ones I've got maple birch and another maple but let's stick with this unknown wood I'll grab this thick one maybe this one here pardon my sniffling okay let's set the camera up and show you what I'm doing here so under here in between here I want to stick this sapling it's kind of hard to see because the boughs that's gonna go in the first one and propped popped in there that's how it's gonna stay in place without being jabbed into the ground or using any kind of cordage it's all gonna be on itself so that's how it becomes moveable as well okay that looks pretty good it's pretty high I can afford to bring it down some I hope this isn't frame might not be at the risk of it not being afraid want to let this go and fix my camera I really just have to be careful is the whole thing I don't want to snap these and you can use cordage tie these together but I can get away without it I will buy just wrapping saplings around each other carefully enough oh yeah see I heard crack there you want to make sure this is home oh yeah plenty cool oh man I'm scared I'm gonna break it shoot come on a minute there great success great success down I get around one more time I feel very confident oh there she goes boys and girls that is cool that is cool oh yeah act snap oh snap no Pleasant life tonight we're gonna stay water we're gonna stay one more all right he's gonna take a lot of tweaking for sure but we are on the right time look at that I'm stoked stoked I should do the bird Manhattan rub some more that plenty of height to sit up in the front so I got to put one in the back a little bit smaller to kind of have it like come down and then one in the front that comes out a little bit forward here and then some on the back coming up from the back but seeing how that worked I am I'm very excited to see seeing how easily that worked is a good sign she's gonna be a little bit more gentle on them apparently the ends the little wispy ends here add a lot of strength oh man my name is very very happy with this you can see that right it's going through now to get the front part on and then start adding the space blanket and the the roofing material it's pretty symmetrical - this is the hardest that I thought was gonna be the hardest part so bonus I have stopped building this for a for a minute I had a granola bar I made up some steaks because I do need to make a fire reflector in front so before I continue to build on my shelter just to break up the shelter building process for myself I'm gonna start on the fire reflector just pound the steaks and get the distance and then I'll get a couple more saplings because I do need to make more of a ridge rib work and then I have to get the top part on then I have to build the bed up and then I have to collect firewood and finish the fire reflector it's a one o'clock we're doing all right we're doing all right it's nonstop but that's okay so I do need some some saplings like I said for the top and then also for underneath here put underneath maybe five and they don't have to be long at all they only have to be this long so I can get two or three out of each sapling not a big deal but this man let me show you I'll bring you in here a little bit and show you the basket weave of this shelter that it all just holds itself together pretty cool and also if you were making this stationary you could pound stakes in to hold the bed in place and you would even have to use paracord time the bed together so it could be para cordless and how you attach the tarp and everything to the to the shelter you don't have to use paracord either and I'll show you that in a little bit okay keep going Joe keep on so experience shows me that you need a big step away from the super shelter start the fire a little bit stick that into place because depending on how big depending on how big your logs are I will try to get some rotten logs off the ground some bigger ones so yeah that's still it's still made me closer I want to put this secondary stick behind because then that back wall will start to catch too sometimes so yeah blooming back wall fire here that works to me that looks good to me Aaron there hope the grounds not too frozen right now yeah about there partner Oh Oh what that ground ooh there we go show chamfered the ends are gonna mushroom out I should do that still yeah shoot shoot shoot shoot if you watch my videos in the past you know what you normally champer the ends on top of these again I am stressed for time not doing well for time I don't even if I'm doing well I'm kind of feel rushed I'm not having a proper sleeping bag or sleeping pad will do that to you in the winter time anyways they can tie these together after the logs are in there and will be solid enough it'll be fine the whole thing is gonna catch on fire anyways I know it okay cool taking in the longer parts of the saplings underneath and using the top parts for weaving until my bed alright so my my shelter rather works pretty good utilize both parts of the sapling for the better purpose and than just using the full full sapling for this and then cutting a another piece for underneath pretty all together I'm gonna get a roof on there now I'll actually I have one more one more piece to go on the bottom and then I guess I'll use the top for the lashing - it only makes sense right so I've got two in there so far I think that's all I'll need Plus this will be plenty putting them at the top right underneath the boughs and then on the top of the knee log half way down okay one last piece to go I'm pretty pretty happy with that part a pleased what I got for dinner I'm Australian lamb ribs a rack of lamb if I ever get the shelter built I can make a fire and cook it up all right this is my Oh got a thermometer - does it say plus five in my backpack let's hang this up this is my piece resist all I've never used one of these things ever I saw it at Canadian Tire yesterday yep another Canadian Tire reference and they grabbed it it really stinks anyway should help things other things a little bit more durable has some grommets or no that's getting bigger I thought it was gonna be much bigger maybe a little bit than a normal one [Applause] not even sure if this is the same kind of mylar if it will work the same or not we shall see yes this is the reflective bucket fight in the more heat on to me Mott's exposes [Applause] shantytown shantytown anyway still got lots to put on that's just the first cover gotta get the plastic on here too I'm kind of concerned about oil pokies coming through we shall see clean them all up but I want to create extra pokies by doing that poke these being the scientific term look at moving up in the world Joe there we go plastic drop sheet tools I'm just in case but you can see this with these I'm only need one and then the SOL bivy space blanket and paracord and tools are the only things I brought to make this big big shelter you could really do this with it look like you don't need to use a saw he's an axe for it all this and this potentially that's not a lot to keep warm in the winter and then these get down you can with the amount of firewood negative 44 sure if you're up all night we're still gonna fire but you won't you need a sleeping bag in there it's not a fun time don't get me wrong it's doable doable all right let's see how just how big this is we'll have enough coverage or not come on it's like trying to open up plastic Oh [Music] that's pretty feels kind of durable too that's a good thing all right try not to rip this a whole hole buddy looks like we are golden okay so you only need one of those which is even better and I'll show you exactly what that is from Canadian Tire mind you protective plastic drop sheet heavy weight industrial 2.40 meters by three point sixty meters eight feet by or AP by twelve feet and I don't know how thick it is imagine three mil anyway that's what it looks like mr. squirrel is back yeah this is perfect this is a perfect size for super stoked on this I can even I don't want to rip it I'll get some pegs made and PEG this up oh yes the wind of course the wind will kick up okay that's basically what I want I do want some loose at the bottom so I can roll a log around and keep it down flat but I got to get this up and pinned to here or else it's just going to be the bane of my existence okay to make these pins I keep talking about make a notch in the wood I'm gonna split it off the side ah all right to make these pins that keep talking about piece of wood this is birch and make it a little notch in between in the middle then you want to break it not in the middle you don't use your thumbs to break it in the middle off to the side of that cut so now you have potentially a pin see that's working mmm should pinch it I'll show you on here it should work on here okay I want to connect it to there which I do should be able to use this pin there see it's on that's holding that it's not gonna come off at all that's on there it's gonna make up a bunch of those now like a whole bunch that's how that works again more ski and ski damn son till they get my pegs on original screenplay come on here we go is it in the frame I hope so oh I broke that one yeah I broke that one a little bit too far that one okay okay good-looking awesome man okay okay good you need some work underneath here it's not covered and this side is probably not the greatest but we can fix all that with the tarp we brought an extra tarp so you've got pegs up there on there holding it in place this guy's tie it off all right pull this in a bit more here take it there I'll pick this here or tie it somewhat just to get it on there and this is all gonna be blocked off by tarp and I'm on the bottom to where it's not touching into it that's pretty good there nice and tight pretty narrow but that's what I want I only one as wide as I am it's got a good got a good look to it all right I'm happy with how tight everything is tightened up everything on the back let's get this pulled off because we're not gonna have this down until we go to sleep right to keep warm in there pull this off for anyone who doesn't know what a super shelter is oh how it works you basically build the fire in the front it radiates through the clear plastic and you make the back airtight it's gonna be air tight with that tarp like I keep saying and it just radiates through the heat radiates through you stay warm in there that that mylar Blake and there is gonna help bake me in there basically yeah that's it super super shelter anyway there's been lots of videos on it more if your hands he did lots of classes on it and things like that so again credit to him you don't know who he is I highly suggest checking them out okay sit like that I do gotta get that back on but that's the least of my worries right now I stuff just all that'll take is draping the tarp over top of it I can't even do that later on I'm done basically my shelter with the exception of the tarp I have to get a bunch of boughs now so that's gonna be what I spend all this a lot of time on now it's two o'clock yeah so let's see how how well that those those maples will keep me up I haven't tested it since I put those pieces in there the saplings oh it's it's much more buoyant more lofty it's got a lot of spring to it which is good you don't want these big heavy logs in the middle anyways that's really good for loft and to keep me from falling through I'm fine with that now I just gotta gather our ton of boughs and stick them in here as much as I can I won't worry so much about my feet area down here as my knees and up because will be very very hot coming in through the the heat will be coming in through the through the screen through the plastic all right and then yeah sit here have a fire right in front nice and comfortable this isn't as far front as I wanted maybe next time if I make another one I'll work on that being better but I'm totally happy with the way it is now no rain Blind Melon
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,030,423
Rating: 4.8082795 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, supershelter, wintercamping, winter, camping, wildcamping, outdoor, adventure, build, cookingoverthefire, cooking, fire, fun, camp, campvibes, solo, minimal, gear, overnighter
Id: 7F9X-pyIqJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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