Solo Overnight Building an Emergency Fort In the Woods PART 3 Dakota Fireplace and Cajun Shrimp Boil

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all right another beautiful day in paradise today is our first video of 2021 and i want to go and conclude our emergency fort in the woods so here is part three of building an emergency fort in the woods we're going to get out here i want to try to find some materials to close that back wall make a door and improve our fireplace or our heating unit inside let's get to it [Applause] uh so so so so all right so far so good we're looking outstanding we've got a y branch down there creating a pivot point up on top we thin that branch out and wrapped it around give me a second pivot point so my door will now swing open and closed i like it so now i'm gonna go and get some verticals slam those bad boys in there and tie them off maybe we'll sandwich them together who knows but right here with that bark or that thinned out branch wraps around i'm gonna finish securing that off using a whipping like on a rope foreign okay so one thing i forgot this jacket that i'm wearing i normally get bombarded with 10 million emails what jacket is that where do i get it how much is that so this is a poncho liner wobby jacket and there's several different patterns there's a woodland pattern i believe there's some foreign patterns as well this is the tiger stripe it can be found at perseverance survival check him out online or instagram perseverance survival all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in copies corner merchandise they can be found in teespring all three links are found inside my description box [Applause] so [Applause] okay so i mentioned i'm changing my videos up and i am i'm having coffee during the day why because i want the caffeine that door about killed me and it took way longer than i thought so it's done um i'm gonna caffeine up so death wish coffee okay so give me that extra boost let's talk about heating this bad boy so i'm thinking some type of improvised dakota fire pit with a twist i want to go and do my 12 inch diameter by 12 inches deep we have an elongated shaft right here it's elongated it's about half of this length of this fort why not continue that trench all the way out the back sort of create a mine shaft then go ahead and lay logs on top of that cover that with dirt so we get that airflow being sucked in or drawn in from the outside under the floor to my bowl of coals and then we'll take it a step further put rocks around it and clay it up sort of like a well but it will be a fire pit and we keep that fire low we're talking about three to six inches it's enough space right here vent the smoke out flame shouldn't do any damage to the tarps and i guarantee i'll be warm all night yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] all right check this out most of this dirt is clay it's clay and sand which is perfect i got my channel dug and we have our bowl right here so i'm thinking about three to six inches away from that bowl i want to line that with rocks and create an archway and then the rest of it with logs just lay them perpendicular to that channel and then cover it with clay the reason why i want to go about three to six inches away from the bowl is so any heat builds up we're not going to ignite those logs and start a fire underground the heat's going to be absorbing those rocks protecting the logs and we're good to go while keeping our mine shaft open to draw that cold air or that air from outside into that bowl get that bad boy circulating around causing that venturi effect be warm and toasty all night okay so today is day number two yesterday was a nightmare took me almost all day to get that door put on our emergency ford and then we dug out our trench and our dakota fire hole so today i want to go ahead and put our rocks in there lay our logs perpendicular to that trench and then cover that bad boy with clay get our back door put on or our wall and then if we have time clay that bad boy up and be ready to go so it'll be a long day today but you know what on my channel we come here to work let's get to it so so so [Music] so foreign so so so so [Music] so all right so the back wall is complete and the trench is covered last thing i want to do for my dakota fire hole is at a rim nothing special good two and a half three inches just add a rim around that bowl so that way in the night i'm not gonna roll into it and most importantly if i want to cook something in there i'll warm up some chow i can do that say a can of stew or the good old chili mac i'll be good to go [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] turned out nice take that patrick swayze or it's a large toilet bowl one of the two so [Applause] let's go ahead and pause for a minute if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then read that notification bell and feel free to check out my other skills and overnight videos take it a step further grab the cell phone and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so okay here we go cajun shrimp boil that is outstanding no bacon but i don't care oh man this is good that sauce is perfect oh my god look at corn just missing crawfish maybe next time gonna fish eating this i'm gonna transfer those coals into my dakota fire hole and get that bad boy lit stay tuned man oh man [Applause] [Applause] that's what i'm talking about right there this is probably the warmest shelter i have built this past year this is the first video of 2021 so again this is a taste of things that come check this out we have a dakota fire hole we have a long four and a half foot trench that goes outside sucking that cold air in getting that venturi effect and getting our clean burn the flames are probably what two or three inches off the top of this rim no danger of igniting this at all and it is hot very little smoke with smoke we do have is being vented at the top and i am happy af this is cool and it could probably be 20 degrees outside close that door up and i don't even need a blanket like this laying here this is nice this is outstanding very happy with this and i can just lay in here get a pile of sticks over here add these small ones toss them in there and keep that bad boy going outstanding [Applause] all right like i said my video format has changed i'm gonna do different things different times sometimes you'll have day videos that'd be 30 40 minutes long working on ports working on cool stuff then we'll do overnighters so overnighters i'll bring medium-sized dude out but look forward to badassery 2021 and like i said this is just a taste you guys were there for me last year and because of you all i'm still here without you i'm nothing let's make 2021 outstanding af catch you all next week [Applause] and it's still raining came in last night and hasn't stopped not that hard rain though just that drizzle crap just to piss you off but it happens so there you have it so overnight building an emergency fort in the woods part three and we still have work to do we can go ahead and clay all those walls up and seal that bad boy tight but i'll tell you what that dakota fire hole that was the warmest i was period in any shelter that i built and i'm loving that like i said this is a taste of things to come in 2021. thank you for everything for 2020. let's step off on the right foot and do a right that's an outstanding shelter as usual all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise that can be found at t-spring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button there mean that notification bell once you read that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 757,846
Rating: 4.9188552 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building an Emergency Fort In the Woods, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, building a fort in the woos, fort in the woods, joerobinet fort, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, building a cabin in the woods, how to build a fort, overnight in an emergency shelter
Id: qQ-759opW0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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