Solo Overnight In a Natural Rock Overhang and Double Bacon and Egg Over Easy Potato

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welcome to corporals corner today we're doing a solo over nighter in a rock overhang cystogram about standing show coming up hmm here we are once again high of 62 low of 45 another beautiful day in the woods then a co food free video coming your way right now alright check this out a few months ago I put up a video titled soul overnight in a natural rock shelter and for the most part it was outstanding it's a natural rock outcropping or an overhang crawled inside there put some Browse beds down long fire windscreen and was good to go I believe we had bacon-wrapped tenderloins I think it was with that video and I was outstanding as well I'm on this natural shelter kick and to be really honest anytime you're gonna put up a shelter meaning a tarp or something other than a tent should be something natural either one percent ready to go we just crawl inside and you're good to go or forty to seventy percent complete or all you guys at a wall or a tarp and you're good for the night so moving through this woods right here I want to looked up and I found a natural rock outcropping and it looks promising let's go check it out yeah I'm liking this so check this out we got a natural windbreaker windscreen with this wall right here slight overhang we have a rock wall there so in reality all I have to do is level this area out maybe build a small wall right there put a tarp right here and we're good to go maybe a fire out over here I'm liking it so the one thing I'm thinking about I'm looking around and there's plenty of rocks everywhere covered in moss they're all over the place the one thing I haven't built with yet is rocks so why not save some trees level this area out level that off with some paving stones maybe a rock reflector maybe even a rocket so if I have time dig it be outstanding so check this out real quick looking over here we have a natural Ridge or shelf right here there's also one above it so I'm thinking do something different with our tarp instead of putting up a Ridgeline somewhere and trying to rig something up why not frame the tarp out so in since we have a hardened lid or hardened roof slide it in here arm on these natural shelves prop it up get that convective heat blowing around me from that fire radiating off the back wall in our tarp I think we're good to go the Browse bed I've done this several times but I've never really explained it making a browse bed does three things first off it increases your comfort level taking those dry leaves put them inside my 55-gallon drum lighters minimum two of those and putting them front to back creates improvised a mattress then taking my thermal rest laying it on top guarantees me that added layer of comfort I'm off the ground it prevents conduction or my body's contact with that cold ground whisking that body heat off of me number two the area is cleaned out so if windward pickup and embers water float around chances of a hit know the dry leaves and causing a forest fire or causing a fire to spread are slim to none the third thing it does and this is one of the most important ones is in the morning when I want a break camp I can empty those bags across my area and basically return the landscape exactly how I found it okay time to make our hardened roof taking our tarp or laying it down reflective side up grab two seven foot poles rum horizontally top and bottom between our grommets two horizontally on the sides between our grommets maybe one or two stiffeners in between and like everything else all the knots are transferable we're going to secure it with a simple arbor knot or Jam knot out there past entries busted that's what I'm talking about so once again simplicity at its best okay let's go and talk about this tarp real quick we framed it out that way it's gonna give it a little bit more well make it more rigid okay there's no we're tired ridgeline off so if you can't tie your ridgeline and you want to use a tarp just method right here will never fail you probably the problem I see I'm gonna address this because I'm sure someone's gonna blow up the comment section well if it rains the water's gonna run down this side you're absolutely right and the situation like this there's nothing that I can really do if I want to sleep right here now the one good thing though is the tarp slopes this way and that way so the water can be carried down past my body over to these rocks work and run down this side over here [Music] woods burned down to coals chowtime so what we talking about here we've already done the double bacon cheese potato and that was outstanding but I want to do it again and this time I want to add an egg so I'm thinking get a potato wrap it in foil toss it in them coals 2530 minutes nice and soft I'm good to go hollow it out at least halfway layer cheese layer bacon an egg sunny-side up once that's cooked a little more cheese bacon crumbles we're good to go heart attack style welcome to corporals mmm-hmm tell you what this is a work of art a masterpiece check that out enough for the secret ingredient Tabasco some people are triggered right now Tabasco get rope well tell you what Vasko is outstanding now for the taste test bacon egg wild onions cheese sunny-side up oh my god the potato was good before it was missing that egg mm-hmm kind of like Lebowski's rug it tied the whole room together Wow once again and corporals we guarantee a triple bypass or heart attack or stroke or your money back Oh everybody's asking me can you show us how you do your dishes well take a skillet stick on the fire simply cook everything off of it and scrape it clean done deal No all right all right and wiped out well the shelter is doing this job the heat just a small fire right there it's already radiating off it bouncing off on me I can feel it back here be warm and toasty all night okay what double bacon wild edible onions cheese egg sunny-side up with a bacon and cheese topper and Tabasco I'm done man I am done okay so first order of business check this out I talked about this before and we'll go ahead and reiterate it real quick my platform is called think it ik that's the online platform I'm going to use for my online classes so right now as you're watching this video I'm already two or three days in on filming videos for that platform for my classes so to be safe I want to say somewhere around this time in June so mid June I should have a launch date for the classes I don't want to just put up rinky-dink classes that are just you know how to tie a bowline I don't want to do that kind of stuff I want to do actual legit classes that are broke up anywhere from five to ten minute segments that you can get and actually go through it by the numbers and learn something I don't want it to be just some glorified YouTube video and that's it I don't want that and I'm sure you don't want that so just give me time this time next month it should be good to go and I'll keep giving you weekly updates and that's it take a wet towel or damp rag just wipe it out and you're good for next time so for those that don't know I bought a boat nothing big it's more of a glorified raft but this will open the door to other types of overnighters as well getting out there on the water doing some fishing going some islands overall I mean it's not a pack raft by any means so I'm glad to probably drop it off somewhere and actually air the thing up but it seats like six people so I'm looking forward to that once the coronavirus scare is over okay I'm gonna start meeting up with other people for collab videos different states different types of terrain things like that so we'll be changing it up here and there so I appreciate everybody watching continue to watch without you have nothing and I truly mean that so once again all the new subs welcome all the old subs thanks for sticking around we're only gonna get bigger and better well what's worse the potato settling eating y'all tired or the heat from the fire both Wow double bacon eggs sunny-side up cheese potato yeah I think about that potatoes themselves have everything inside them to sustain life then you add everything else to it I mean the potato alone could sustain life I mean ask Matt Damon three nights in a row three rabbits three different locations it's gotta mean something it dumped last night you know I have completely dry and just like I said the water ran off now over here look at that Wow outstanding Coffee time [Music] [Music] heywhat its climate pillow swagman roll the outstanding night's sleep your reign from about 2:00 a.m. till about 6:30 this morning I'm bone dry hmm Irish Cream coffee I'll stand it's going to talk about the shelter real quick so we found a well numerous rock outcroppings it's like one here here going back over there kind of like a rock overhang with these ridges inside here or natural shelves Frank got a tarp wedge it in there prop that corner up tied that corner off and once again it's a 5 by 7 space blanket are curious or Pathfinder tarp and hey what I'm bone dry so and it rain for a good 4 hours at least 4 hours I mean everything out here's this soap but I stayed dry so once again I know it triggers some people people say well you need a bigger tarp I do need a bigger tarp and I have several bigger tarps but again my challenge to inspire you and show you what you can do with a minimum kit and something simple like this that's 17 to 20 bucks and you can do all these things with it stay dry stay warm lightweight and it's meant for emergency purposes why not have one and have an idea of what you can do with it this coffee's really good [Applause] welcome back last night's shelter bills was outstanding and it was fun too and that's what's all about getting out here practicing those skills honing those skills and eventually owning those skills doing something until you can't do it wrong like I said before anytime you come across a natural structure like this we can utilize those natural or existing features jump on it could be a time saver and a life saver as well as always all the gear in this video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance Outfitters influencer page both those links will be inside my description box now please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then I mean that notification bill once you in that bill please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments to use and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 220,349
Rating: 4.9432507 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight In a Natural Rock Overhang and Double Bacon and Egg Over Easy Potato, corporals corner, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear overnighter, minimum gear camping, building a shelter in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, bushcraft overnighter, solo, emergency kit
Id: iVY5R8uJnk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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