My New EDC

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welcome to corporals corner today we're going to talk about my everyday carry so stick around about a year ago I posted two videos one on a bug-out bag and one on the get home bag now since then I've been bombarded with the same question over and over and over again and it starts off with bug-out bags are cool get hom bags are awesome but what do you carry every single day what is your everyday carry or EDC well today you're in luck I'm gonna try and answer that question now for me and EDC means just that it's something I'm carrying every single day so what I've done here is I've compiled a list of 10 items or tendencies of survivability and to me those will be the core of every single kit that I create let's say I'm going to go to the Pathfinder school and teach for three to five days or or night camping trip or a weekend camping trip or make a bug-out bag or a get home bag these items will be the core of every single kit and they can function as a minimum kit so that minimum kit becomes my EDC so let's go ahead and talk about what I carry and why I carry it alright let's go ahead and dive right in and talk about cutting tools now normally I'm not camping I'm in the woods doing a day hike or overnighter or simply teaching at the Pathfinder school I want a full 10 knife that's carbon steel has a sharp 90 grease pie on the back with an overall blade length of minimum 4 inches you that's just my personal preference but what I've noticed is certain states that I work in mostly on the west coast or left coast people seem to get intimidated if they see a knife on your hip or on your side or carrying one in general so what I've done is I scaled that down I thought about it what can I do to still carry a cutting tool and my mindset is if they don't see it then it can't intimidate or be harmful and so what I've been caring for the past four years is this Viktor knocks Swiss Army knife one had a trekker now it's designed to be opened with your right-handed or left-handed we have our saw and the common tools screwdrivers bottle openers can openers we have our tweezers on one side with the standard toothpick now what I've done on taking a toothpick out I'll grade it to a mini firesteel novelty maybe but doesn't work yes and best of all I could mentioned before I could place it in my pocket and no one knows they have it now in addition to my Victor Knox one had a trekker or redundancy I'm gonna carry a saw and this one happens to be a mini silky or a silky pocket boy just like the larger versions has medium sized teeth and is designed to cut on the pole rather than a push and a saw this size you can still process two inch diameter saplings you'll be good to go let's go ahead and talk about combustion devices now for me the primary go to combustion device first time every time it's gonna be a bit lighter and I'm gonna carry three of these one in my pocket and two of my pack or one of my pocket one of my packet one in a day bag or haversack now for me the big lighter is a go-to source because it operates when it's cold wet dry even when it's out of fluid just look at spark now there's a lot of controversy about these all you got to do to warm them up put it on earth your armpit or in your pocket once it's warm pull it out you're good to go if it gets wet there's a small middle strap your the top it's spring-loaded remove that with a pocketknife or a Leatherman blow into it several times dry it out and you should be good to go now the next combustion device I want to talk about is a half-inch diameter by six inch in length pharisee abroad now unlike a Bic lighter that guarantees you flame the pharisee arad will guarantee you spark and it works while it's wet ticking the end of it throughout a one inch roll a gorilla brand duct tape tape the end give me a finger and thumb hold I can take this using a 9 degree spine on my full tang knife or my saw on my Victor Knox one hand trekker I can plant my ferrocene rod firmly on my foot or my knee take the 90 degree spine or that saw stick it against there and scrape it back giving me spark over and over again guarantee you in your lifetime you're probably never gonna make enough fires to use this up here we have our silky saw there's a sharp spine here on the back I'm a Pharisee a rod in the last redundancy of a combustion device that I want to talk about is a magnifying lens or Sun lens this one happens to be an inch in diameter with a magnification power of six times now the Sun is a renewable resource which means until the end of the world occurs and the machines take over and we have to darken the skies so they can't recharge their batteries the sun's always gonna be there so why not take advantage of it instead of using the few open my dick lighter or scraping my Ferro rod until it breaks talking about containers for me I'm looking for a stainless steel bottle with a wide mouth at a minimum of 32 ounces this happens to be 38 ounces and some Nalgene bottle it's four years old have some minor dents here at the bottom as you can see has been placed in the fire several times I can cook in this or even disinfect water now the best part is I can combine this 38 ounce bottle with my 25 ounce nesting cup now 32 ounces to a court that was 38 i've extra six ounces combined with my 25 ounces gives me 31 ounces so in reality i have almost two quarts of water available to me at any time no nesting cup I can make char cloth achar material inside this or even cook inside of it but the feature i like the most is that here at the top there's two holes all I gotta do is grab a piece of paracord or Bank line or even a piece of barbed wire from a fence and improvise a bail I can hang it from a tripod over fire and now I have a mini Bush pot combine this with this and let's say a stainless steel spork and now I have a miniature cook set that can go anywhere moving on to an important part of the kit the cordage now I carry two types of cordage the first time I want to talk about is gonna be Bank line I get to question a lot what is bank line think of trot line for catfishing except for it's been tarred the Tarim makes it water resistant and rot proof it will last a long time it's not going to stretch like paracord does so any type of camp crafting or structures I need to make or build I'm going to this first time every time now this is a one-pound roll it's about 350 feet and I glue the brake strength is around 340 pounds each one of these strands on here there's actually three strands that make this individual piece each strand is number twelve Bank line has a break strength of a hundred pounds now again I mentioned this is a one-pound roll there's a smaller one that's offered it's a hunter foot roll it's about half the length and half the diameter so the option is yours the next one we talk about is paracord or 550 paracord inside the paracord there's seven inner strands now ideally the paracord would break at 550 pounds but I've noticed around 250 to 300 who wants to stretch so for me a shelter Ridgeline is perfect with this type of setup what you have right here is my pre-made ridgeline I have two prusik loops in a bowline and it's hanged up for easy storage I can toss this into a pack and it's tangle free and it's there when I need it what I'll do is I'll go ahead and post a link or a card right up here somewhere those who don't know how to make this setup click on that card they'll take you to my video and you can get her done now I'm talking about cover for me this is one of the most important pieces of your kit it's going to help regulate your body's core temperature from conduction convection and radiation now the military poncho for me anyways it doesn't get much better than that this thing is so versatile that it makes your head spin I can take this place it over my body put the hood on keeps me out of the wind out of the rain with it on my body I can sit in from a fire I can lift it up get that convective heat working around all the way around my body keeping me warm take that same poncho combine it with a military poncho liner and make an improvised Sleep System I've taken this poncho and actually made three different types of emergency shelters lean-to a frame and plow point exact same poncho I turn it into twos different types of improvised raised beds and even a hammock continuing to move forward let's talk about our compass for me I carry a base plate style compass this is a zoom toe mc2 now on this compass we have a signal mirror as well as an additional magnifying lens or Sun lens now the sole purpose of a compass is that allow you to walk in a straight line walking that straight line will keep you from experiencing something called lateral drift now the lateral drift occurs when you veer off in your dominant leg or for some people their non-dominant leg and over a period of time where you think you are you lean up somewhere else or walk in a circle and you become lost now combining a compass with Ranger beads or pacing beads you can walk in that straight line and keep track of the distance as you walk now I currently have three land navigation videos from beginner all the way up through map reading go ahead and search those out I also have a video on how to make your own Ranger beads or pacing beads so in case you don't how to make these why spend the money make your own we're going to talk about our candling device or our headlamp I chose a headlamp cuz I wanna be hands-free say it's darkness falls and I have to go out there and do something or fix my shell 3 after the rainstorm I want my hands to be free now this one happens to be a Princeton tech it's a hundred and twenty lumen at the high beam eight illuminate low beam it's got a red light on here for night vision as well as a strobe cost around thirty five dollars I want to carry something like this which is 100% waterproof as well as extra batteries let's go ahead and talk about cargo tape or cloth tape for this I've chosen a one inch roll of guerrilla brand duct tape now we all know as millions of uses of this this is talked about a couple of them the obvious ones will get out of the way gear repair clothing repair got a hole in my tarp or my tent patch it up I'm good to go hold my pants like and stick it on there done deal now there's several other uses for this and some of them are actually medical you can take your knife and trace out an hourglass shape but use it for an improvised butterfly bandage you can actually go ahead and make improvised sutures with your bank line you can use it to help keep a limb and mobilize see a broken arm I can take the same tape roll it into a ball light on fire with my thick lighter and it was actually gonna burn it for 30 seconds or more I've even pull strips off here if I want to and make an improvised duct tape bird's nest that'll actually be ignited about my Ferro rod so this right here is black gold and I highly recommend you carry it next on the list we have cotton material right here I have two two by two hundred percent cotton bandanas now I suggest getting three by threes or even one large Samak now the benefit of having cotton material is that I can take a piece of this and tear it off use it with my nesting cup I talked about earlier or even my stainless steel container cover the top place it inside some coals and create char cloth for my next fire also I can take these bandanas and use it for medicinal purposes I can make slings or improvised splints or something as simple as placing into a cool stream put around my neck to cool me down the only limit something like this is your imagination the last item I want to talk about before we go into optional items is a cargo needle or sail needle I always suggest carry number 10 or number 14 you want to need a large enough for Giri pair but small enough for clothing repair all you got to do is go ahead and combine this with your paracord ridgeline cut off a good two-foot inside there you have seven inner strands two times seven is what fourteen so you now have 14 feet of thread free needle I'm going to briefly talk about some additional items they're not required or necessary what don't make your life a lot easier first one's gonna be plastic ABS tent stakes I'm gonna carry for these now here's my methodology the amount of stakes I'm gonna need he's determined by the type of shelter I'm going to put up type of shelter I'm gonna put up he's determined by what's going on I need two sticks for a lean-to I need three for a plough point and I need four for an a-frame now I gotta tell students all the time with the Pathfinder school do you want to stand in a rain storm or a thunderstorm and carve tent stakes or do you already want to have them made now let's say for example you're that good you can locate that material process that material carve that material and you can do it all in under one minute now it's times four it's proven that in two minutes or less you'll be soaking wet or your family or your kids etc are going to be wet smart person is going to carry some stakes and that's what I do now next up my list is gonna be a 2x2 signal panel I want to carry this with obvious reasons my opinion should be a 3x3 I can go to open field I can wave it like a single for rescue now the other reason why I carry this because I can make an improvised Waypoint now Waypoint is simply a stopping point let's say I'm walking a known trail and I want to deviate from that trail to go you my number 2 or drop adduced in the field let's say I'm on that azimuth or bearing and I look over and I see this potential water source down that way do I want to deviate off my azmuth and no longer walk that straight line or do I want the ability to drop my gear take out my orange cloth my signal panel hang it from a tree and use it as a waypoint so now that gives me freedom to roam the countryside in any direction as far as I want to as long as I can turn around and see that cloth I can come back to my gear put it on continue down that trail or pick up where I left off with my eyes with a bearing and walk that straight line now last optional item I want to talk about is a good notebook this happens to be a 5 by 7 right in the rain I want to combine this with 2 right in the rain mechanical pencils now why carry notebook there's several reasons and we'll leave that up to you but for me one of the main reasons is so that I can document what I do where I'm going how far I'm going if i find materials or resources in a certain location i want make it noted that and approximately what the distance was from my base camp let's say I went out 500 meters and I found a place that's surrounded by cottonwoods oh well I can make bow drill for days right there oh I'm making know that five hundred meters from my base camp for planning the route I'm gonna go out I'm explore for the day make a gigantic box all the asthma has been bearing to here azimuth and bearing to here azimuth and bearing to here and then that way I can get my hazardous and burying to here so I'd become lost somewhere all I gotta do is look out and go oh my beaver Smith is $100 at my compass head back to my previous point or back to my camp all this goes along with something called self mapping or Paul which is positive azimuth uniform layout now I'll get to that in the future look back to a notebook get a notebook that works for you and for me the first time every time it's right in the rain welcome back that was good to go now you know what I carry and why I carry it let's talk about a couple of things like I mentioned at the very beginning these ten items can function as a minimum kit however they can be the core of any kit all you have to do is scale that up or down to your liking now everything we talked about can be found in bushcraft 101 and all the gear displayed in this video can be found on my Amazon influencer page all you do is go there click on it and check it out now do me a favor hit that subscribe and like button bring that notification bell and as always thank if your comments abuse and support thanks for watching got in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 269,950
Rating: 4.9280763 out of 5
Keywords: My New EDC, edc backpack, edc demolitionranch, my edc, my edc bag, every day carry, survival, bushcraft, EDC, edc 2019, every day carry knife, every day carry gear, best edc gear, everyday carry, corporals corner
Id: 4sgnav-1b64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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