Overnight Building Bushcraft Shelters With My Son and Campfire Western Bacon Cheese Burgers

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so so all right here we are again another beautiful day in the woods high of 68 low of 51. summertime is over yet we're out here we're getting it done now the past couple of videos been about conserving your resources so i'm going to continue on with that theme today's secret word boys and girls is conserve conserve conserve conserve winter time is coming we want to conserve energy we want to conserve our resources most importantly we want to conserve those calories let's get out here get to a secret spot and get her done okay so here we are we're back at our spot that we filmed that last week yes that's the shelter over there our debris shelter but no we're not gonna crawl back under there and hang out for the night i chose this spot because it's resource heaven it's laden with sticks leaves bark for tinder bundles it's ready made i have a fire pit the area is cleaned up and i can actually deconstruct that shelter over there destroy it and have kindling and fuel for the next 20 videos so i'm going to park my lazy butt right here now why am i here though besides it being resource heaven i chose this spot because last week my boy dan wowack of colecracker bushcraft put out a video where he made a simple shelter using the tarp and a stick now if you haven't seen daniel wack check him out he knows what he's talking about he's an outstanding woodsman spent 60 plus days on a loan and unfortunately just like me youtube chooses not to circulate him and he needs to be seen and heard dan woolwack of coal cracker bushcraft now i'm going to take that simple stick and tarp idea for that shelter a modified plow point if you will we're going to modify it a little bit have a fun time doing it let's get started unfortunately sometimes if you're going to create you must first destroy again let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to corporalaf.com uh so once again the infamous square knot left over right right over left but most importantly we're conserving cordage do and there you have it the modified coal cracker shelter not bad if i do say so my dam so now i'm gonna show you one more method that you can use for a modified plot point like this that uses the materials off the landscape and requires zero cordage okay so i have two y branches i'm looking for a third the third one has to be about seven to eight feet in length and i want to be a y branch at the base kind of like this i want to chop that off like an l shape something like this and i'm just not seeing that and this is like the bane of every bush crafter's existence trying to find that perfect y branch so we're looking for something like that but that's just too damn thick that's what she said [Applause] once again easy peasy lemon squeezy seriously though check it out what you have right there is two versions of the exact same shelter a wedge shelter or a diamond plow point shelter obviously both are modified they're different versions of those shelters but what they have in common is they're both made off the landscape conserving 100 of my resources with the exception of a tarp so it's good to go i'll take it as a win now i want to reward myself for my hard work usually that means ciao but i'm gonna push that back i'm gonna head out here to another secret pond what i know that pack dude what are you doing what's up i thought you're at school this is school really what are we catching over here trying to catch some fish not getting [Music] lucky so can you believe that guy i'm over here busting my butt working and medium-sized dudes over there fishing what can i say chip off the old block brought a tear to my eye once again let's go ahead and head back to camp get that fire going and it's chow time let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and then please take it a step further get on your iphones and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications as soon as a new video drops so i'm walking back here and it got me thinking i'm out here looking for resources materials we just completed two natural shelters using natural cordage you know stuff off the landscape killing myself it's still humid out here but it's going to dip down it's going to be 50 degrees tonight somewhere in there 49.50 got a stack of firewood over there big little dudes out there fishing getting his secular education just like huck finn and there's nothing wrong with that but seeing that firewood back there and then looking at the size of the old fire pit i got a task for him when he comes back okay so the one thing i've never shown before on this channel is a tinder source known as a twig bundle and what that is is basically a collection of sticks or twigs that are roughly pencil lead and pencil size in diameter the more pencil lead size the better and all you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and collect enough towards basically like this okay sign right here and then you tie it off with grass or cordage of your choice but the main goal is to have it resemble or somewhat resemble a broom think of the broom handle the bristles that come off the broom all you're going to do is take your bic lighter flick the bic and light those sticks on fire three to five seconds and slowly rotate that twig bundle heat rises flames rise up once it's fully engulfed you place that into your fire lay and it's a good alternative if your tinder source is wet or you're lacking you can't find any type of fat wood you can't find any type of inner bark fibers anywhere this is always something you can default to and it works just as well [Applause] [Applause] so hey look surprisingly no no no fish well you're in luck here because i got something for you all right sweet see that wood pile right there all right look at the size of this ring that wood's way too big yeah so if you can break it down at least half the size and then just stack it right there all right and then once this thing burns down we start tossing wood on here while you're doing that i'll get a tinder bundle made so we'll get this fire going ah [Applause] heavenly by design outstanding is useful so no fish but again i think this is a major score major win i know how you make these so good years of practice so i was cool today it was pretty good decent yeah boring but well tends to happen this is outstanding catch you all in a minute and i'm wiped out let's go ahead and get this talk over with a couple things really quick um two comments i want to address because um the response i got couldn't be far from the truth and i wanted to clarify what's actually going on the first comment was well if you're self-promoting i'm out of here okay well let's go ahead and look at that really quick self-promoting well i've been on youtube for over 12 years and i have done something that's called fighting for views okay and that's where no matter what you do no matter what your content is no matter what your thumbnail looks like no matter what the title is it's not going to get picked up circulated or promoted by youtube now i chose around i want to say 14 months ago 15 months ago to make youtube a full-time business which is what it is i do this full-time and i teach at other locations and i do other stuff here and there but primarily my main source of income is youtube and i wanted to be a youtuber and i looked at other youtube channels and saw what they were not doing and decided i'm going to make my channel unique wrap things into a 35-40 minute package and boom here you go skills entertainment overnighters cooking gear things like that a little bit of adventure here and there um bring my son into it show his learning process going through all those motions and for what i can tell no one else is doing that but here's the key youtube is only going to promote what i call top tubers in every category whether that be entertainment makeup tutorials auto repair pick a category there's one or two individuals that they pick up some are signing contracts with them and they will promote them they can have the worst video we've ever seen and unboxing in their garage in the dark and it's going to get a hundred thousand views in the first day or some of them the first hour and that's how it is so for me to be told that i'm self-promoting here's my answer yes i am i'm self-promoting because no one else is going to promote me especially not youtube so in order for me to be here every single week and pay my bills and do these overnighters it's 24 hours just to be out outside for a day and film as the sun goes down and do all the things i do then you're looking at six to eight hours of editing and then two to four hours of uploading then stick around post it everywhere answer people's questions you know give that little heart you know like button whatever um it's 40 hours of my day of my sorry of my week so imagine if you were working a 40-hour job for your week job and your boss is like yeah we're only going to pay you for 15 hours you'd be gone so that's kind of like how youtube is they don't care what it is if they're not gonna promote you or circulate you they don't care and the views go like this and it's really disheartening and frustrating to hear people say well you're self-promoting i'm out of here i i apologize i'm self-promoting my comment is contact youtube tell them to promote educational entertainment and then i'll be good to go um that's pretty much you know all i can say about that the other comment is the commercials now what i've done for you guys is i scaled the commercials back i put in two commercials for a 35 to 40 minute video and it's usually the first three minutes in the last three minutes now i was told that there was nine commercials in my last video i actually went back logged out went on there and watched the video and you were right there was nine commercials in there that's youtube doing that they're sucking the money out of it and then dumping my channel so i apologize for that um i'm gonna only put two in there so you see one the first three minutes the last three minutes that's me the rest of them there's nothing i can do about it when you sign up for a partnership with youtube they have the right to do what they want so they're gonna flood the market take the money and then pick you the curb i apologize for that um again one two one to two commercials is me and anything else youtube all right so next topic i'll wrap three things into one merchandise logos and online classroom we're kicking butt on all of them i ran into a couple delays uh with some stuff i'm doing right now but we're in it we're about halfway through next couple weeks or so i'll make an announcement and we should be good to go in the meantime i'm going to use teespring i know t spring get a rope i get it um but in order to get merchandise to you right now it's gonna have to be teespring and they have cups and mugs and things like that we'll see how well that does if it's received well and people like the logo and that sort of thing then i'll move into something else maybe even start doing it in my garage myself and getting it out to you or having somebody laser some logos on something that'd be kind of cool that way i'm directly hands-on with the product with the customer with my subscribers but look for that the next couple weeks and i'll make an announcement next aura business hashtag trigger warning my website corporalaf.com if you haven't seen it please check it out once you go there you'll see all my videos in case you missed one you can scroll through and check it out again also on that website you're going to see my amazon influencer page my self reliance outfitters influencer page you can click on both of those and see the gear that i recommend the most important feature of this website though is my email list now i'm using mailchimp you can get on there give me your email address what happens is youtube no longer notifies you through emails they only do push notifications on your cell phone so what i suggest is download that free youtube app sign in then you get a push notification when my new video drops along with that if you're on my email list i send out emails now the problem that people are telling me about is well i'm on your email list i've been on there for three weeks i haven't gotten one notification check your spam box for some reason mailchimp wants to shoot it to your spam box i have no idea i'm not computer savvy i don't know if that problem's on my end if it is let me know and i'll fix it if it's on your end please check your spam box send it to go to your actual inbox and you should be good to go in the future you're gonna have a link on there for my merchandise as well as my online classroom so please check it out corporalaf.com and last but not least my usual thank you thank you all my new subs you're in for a hell of a ride stick with me my old subs thanks again for sticking around it's been a hell of a ride i'm gonna keep on keeping on now speaking of keeping on keeping on um that's all i need your help with my channel is on the threshold of becoming a dead channel a dead channel is where you have 800 000 subscribers and your videos get 20 000 views um find your favorite youtuber and you'll see what i'm talking about you're like mathematically how does this person have 500 000 subs and he gets 12 000 views it's not because people are tired of it it's because they're not being circulated or recommended and the key indicator is at the end of your video or his or her videos if the next video does not pop up being their video or that person's video it's somebody else's that means they're not being recommended or circulated and that's what's happening to my channel ultimately they want to recommend somebody else's video and then the tenth one down you'll see one of mine when in reality it should be your next video popping up so i ask you please help me keep my channel alive keep my channel out there make youtube see me make youtube hear me watch my videos watch them all the way through share my videos with everyone everywhere i appreciate it thanks a lot it won't stop thank you there we go good job once again good job that was a tough piece of wood and you haven't done a bow drill in probably about two months so yeah um it's not like riding a bicycle if you don't do it you lose it yeah but it's a matter of practice practice practice and we're gonna get you there ultimately good job thanks walking back to camp here got me thinking me and medium sized dude gotta get up early we're talking early af around 5 5 30 ish and well depend on that old snooze butt tends to happen but we're going to assist in a beginner's or introductory metal detecting class at the pathfinder school yes metal detecting so it's something new that we're getting involved in and everything in the outdoors in some shape or form or fashion relates to survival and it's always good to get involved in new things and basically teach an old dog new tricks so look for classes like this in the future all you got to do is go to software lines outfitters or my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and go to search and type classes [Music] so zero dark 30 as promised [Music] death wish coffee outstanding af all right so i walked away from camp little dudes back there sleeping i'm gonna give them another half hour or so but i gotta cut this short and get on the road um let's talk about the shelter real quick or the shelters i'm on this natural shelter kick yes i use the tarp however i can serve all my cordage even my tent stakes so once again lesson learned here is if you can use something or produce something off the landscape and conserve your resources take it as a win and honestly that should be our first choice every single time we used natural bark for cordage for our square knots where we lashed all of our poles together and our loops for our tent stakes as well as tying down our tarp to the ridge pole so a little bit extra work but it can be done and it's going to talk about little dude real quick or a medium-sized dude again i love more of my own life he's back here we had to do tandem bow drill but again practice makes you better he hasn't done it in probably a month and a half at least a month and a half and that might be my bust as a father but the transition from moving from the west coast left coast up here and then him starting school and everything um but we'll get him back on it and get him back out here as much as possible but i'm very proud of him i love my own life and i look forward to his future adventures god it's early this sucks it really sucks man all right so as usual all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one on my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page both links are found inside my description box or simply go to corporalaaf.com now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button and entering that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further go to your cell phone download that free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new video drops and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 126,105
Rating: 4.9608631 out of 5
Keywords: Overnight Building Bushcraft Shelters With My Son and Campfire Western Bacon Cheese Burgers, corporals corner, solo overnight, overnighter, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight survival shelter, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, building a survival shelter, building an emergency shelter, natural shelter, camping in an emergency shelter
Id: iTEKWx-Ki9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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