Overnight Bushcraft Camp with my NEW Dog-Wool Blanket, Tarp Shelter, Wild Blueberries.

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hey guys how you doing Joe and Tripp are out here in the woods we drove in a couple crazy logging roads big backcountry roads to get in here we took our time paddling through two sets of lakes and portage over into another one I've got a small backpack on me the hidden woodsman de rock the wool blanket we're gonna search for a good spot to set up camp I got a tarp to camp under I'll have to have a fire in front to keep the bugs down we're going to pick wild blueberries spend the night out here camping with each other [Music] wondering if there's a better spot over here come on buddy so we're just I just pulled up I'm just like Peninsula looking thing seems like there's a decent spot back behind me to camp but I figured let's hike down a ways over here hey there he is hey good boy I see you see if we can't find us an even more more better spot an even more decent spot to camp well buddy you're going in the water good boy these are all blueberries tons of tons of good sized blueberries pretty cool so before supper tramps them all I have to get myself some but this doesn't look like a great spot to me very hilly so I'll keep going go going down the shoreline here there's a good rock for jumping it looks like it just keeps getting thicker over here good water a water super deep clear and cold yeah got a couple rocks rocky outcrops but it's looking like the promised land is back where I originally put in so let's go back head back over there and set up camp I got a pretty cool tarp shelter to set up and get over the Sun for a bit good boy yeah this will do I'll cut back in here a little bit I have to cut some boughs for my mattress I don't have an air mattress or a sleeping pad I mean I have all the gear I need for myself and the dog in this 15 liter ruck for overnight so I'm pretty pleased about that when I pick a lot of these before you get wasted so I got myself a stake in there I also have my fishing pole hoping to catch a trout today if not that's okay I got a stake tripperz about his food like I said I have a wool blanket you got a awesome new ax a new old ax which was my favorite kind of vintage should be a fun night a little handful so far really leaf mm-hmm nothing more flavorful than wild fruit those little wild strawberries you can find way more flavorful than those juiced up ones you get at the grocery store same thing with these blueberries much smaller than the grocery store but they pack a wallop I'll wallop have taste there's a nice spot I want some crowd man means it's not a park it's not owned I can pretty much do what I want here hey buck you want a blueberry let's try here here you like oh no here try another one there's plenty you don't have to sniff with that other one here we go here bud okay there you go good boy starting to look like a real dog eh I got real dog let's dive into the backpack really quick I want to show you just quickly what I brought I'm gonna take a long time there's not much in there it's not much room really we got a tripper that's for sure okay so again this is my hidden woodsman de Rock I've got a wool blanket attached to the bottom an axe drop to the outside of Tupac two pouches there's an Italian wool blanket I've had for a long time you guys have seen me use it before stick this up in here get the axe out this axe was gifted to me and I don't remember the guys name off the top of my head but I have it written down so I will tell you in a little bit this is a true temper tommy axe it's really slick it's got the little pry bar on the back of it very nice there's a council tool handle very nicely aged slick axe very slick acts as a 19 inch did the leather work on it for me too and she's sharp as the dickens so we're gonna have to be careful with trip her around he's no Scout you know he hasn't learned his stay away from sharp objects thing yet but anyway very hot and very nice axe and I will tell you the name of the girl who made it for me very shortly I apologize for not remembering I'm horrible horrible okay so into the meat of the pack I've got a lightweight hammock which is gonna come in handy today I want to enjoy hanging in that just lounging I've got a secondary lens so this is a 85 millimeter lens from my Nikon camera I've got a nice t-bone still half frozen which is good let's stay good until tonight when I want to eat it or I'll give it to tripper if I catch a fish or we'll share both well mice probably will do share both of them well you smelled that one did you big I got a poached from the Hidden woodsman this is a possibles poach nice and orange bright color I don't know all of the things I have in it but I have things like paracord filet knife I have a handkerchief some sunscreen some bug spray I've got my main cord to hang up my tarp firesteel just things like that battery or know a little bit of first aid so that's that's a really handy coach it comes in like should show you how this all fits in here actually let's do that so everything was in there the stake we just slid in your lens you have a good pouch now look that's about it that's the meat of the whole pack I've got this is my tarp this is a out of what tarp I believe yeah that will gear from Ben's backwoods my little sit pad I got my grill in the back Oh got a book east of superior true wilderness stories so I'll sit in the hammock and read that today and tonight a little grill in a side pouch here there's a little sleeve I got my silky saw I got my little baby pillow I can't go to Nora thought my pillow I've got a little bush chair if I wanted to use it just take up extra room my two can case and that's it that's the meat of the pack there a little zipper with my little bit of fishing tackle and some buck cream for me so that's all the main path right like it's a pretty decent setup actually stuff all this in front this goes in there sideways all this can be slid down the back and all I have left out is my sit pad my steak and my lens pretty slick setup man pretty slick setup these pouches on the outside are what make it doable for this size for an overnighter and the dog for me and the dog I mean I don't want to bore you guys with this right off the hob with the gear stuff but it is asked about a lot of times it's interesting when I have a small pack and yeah I'm not going to do a gear video for this for this trip so this will be all in the same same video in the side pouch or integral parts of the campaign experience for me I've got my Nalgene check this out this is the new Scout logo titanium 750 mil mug cook kit so shot a bail it's got the Scout logo on it itched in there this is titanium got the handles got measurement marks and it's got the little loop on the bail so we'll cook up a pot hook and be able to cook rice in here cook oatmeal in here tea what else do I have that needs to cook in here there are other things definitely so I'm excited for that we can boil water it's got this little spout on top for the steam to come up I'm excited about these these are for sale on the bunker branding website right now we've got this one and we've also got a bigger one a pot that that hits that fits the bush bloody twig stove right in it so very pleased to both these very pleased I don't use mine yet I haven't used this one yet at all I had a prototype with no logo on it I've used this one is brand spanking new alright and next the Nalgene obviously that's the Nalgene that's right inside of it this is just an old like let me know what it is not Maxpedition about knockoff condor condor water bottle pouch oh I've got a oak spoon that the gentleman who made the axe for me also made so again thank you will give you a show toe it real quick here in the other side this is a hidden woodsman pouch and it swallows here's a big old one I got tripperz Kong trip what's this hey what's this buddy oh oh it's that one alright googy that's a floating Kong so I can throw in the water for them I've got batteries for my Nikon and batteries for my GoPro which I broke the screen on on the way in and batteries for my headlamp just extra stuff I got some biltong somebody sent me this as well thank you very much ingredients beef vinegar salt coriander black pepper pretty good for you some spice some spice some rice spice and rice can't go wrong I got a can of soup that's the other thing I'm going to cook in my in my cup is a can of soup this is a organic lentil soup very good for me at all so we got a couple granola bars some oatmeal for the morning bag a tripperz dog food so even if we don't catch a fish we could still be still eating good we got the steak and the dog food and then some more teeth so that as you can see that poach really swallows the gear up very pleased with it if you guys are interested in checking out any of this gear hit up the hidden woodsman calm Malcolm makes all this stuff in New England it's all american-made handmade he's a great guy a good friend and I'm happy to support him we've been working together for years were you doing where's your toy you got your toy see if he'll jump in the water for it Oh big boys drop good leave leave [Music] tripper likes his toys your buddy trigger this side ready go and get it there you go swim swim big guy you know how to swim good boy crazy dog and he's off to the muscles in his legs oh my goodness who that he's ripped something I originally thought I would set this little tarp up back in here in the shade between the tree behind you and this one here but I want to have a fire right in front to keep the bugs down while I'm sleeping tonight I don't have any bug protection and in order to do that I would have to rip out all these blueberries or just burn oh I don't want to do that that's a little invasive and a little intrusive so I think up here and the Sun is gonna be better and then I'll just hang out back here in my hammock in the shade so who's already doing enough damage yes but uh yeah I think I'll set up up there a possible and then there's no blueberries right there and it's all sand underneath the Duff I can just kick that away and I'm not concerned about that so let's go check it out crazy crazy go come come sit sit maybe next time I will probably have to add some paracord to it but if I can keep going from that tree to way over here I can just sleep in the middle here it's relatively flat and again it's all sand so it's not another concern let's try this is some reflective cord that I've used forever I got it when Kyle gave me the mic Kyle made tarp back years ago and I like to use it because I can have a long piece of it and it doesn't take up as much room or weight as paracord would there are some pre-tied toggles these are old arrow shafts cut down and they make things really easy I'm just gonna tie a taut line to on the inside one to one on the outside one but BAM I think there's a shirt somewhere that says something like that all right that's nice and quick let's see how far this bad boy reaches bad boy so far this bad boy oh yeah I forgot I have my swim shorts packed in went to perfect that might do it that piece just might do it like my organized paracord you guys know me by now all right I don't do any fancy she'd Bend or anything I just do a little overhand together call it good all right and then you can just the benefit of this is you can tighten it easily or loosen it easily I don't need it to tight before I put the tarp on then I can really wrench her down right oh boy I'm fine with that toy buddy glad I brought it so this tarp is not a normal tarp it's already set up and cut like the Adirondack wind tarp setups that I really like to use and you guys see me my original big video overnight bushcraft camp with my dog they use a normal heart but set it up in this configuration this one's already set up I think I've only used it once before really so I'm gonna go corner I'm gonna take that that toggle that pre-tied toggle on a prusik and loop it through the tab slide that over and find the other corner which is here put that through and that sounds hot okay he's eating blueberries pull it tight said obviously this whole setup needs to be raised and that's that's okay I'm glad I put the adjust at the other side too she goes now once I tighten it all up should be almost three sided big enough for the dog and I I can put a little talk let's do that we'll put a toggle in the middle as well I'll cut a toggle stick okay I'll break the toggle step all I'm gonna do is loop the cord run it through the middle through the middle tab and then put the stick in there now it'll hold that I'm going to go this up there's grabbin some sticks off the ground a stake in the back really quickly quad ducted ground loops but the ground is uh has enough substrate on it but I can stick it in underneath the sand it's rock - right okay comes out on a 45 that way there's enough substrate whoo that's hot stop for a blueberry break blueberry break a blueberry bit great blueberry II a lot of deer flies out right now you can see it starting to take shape we do this see this is all rock here I might have to put a rock on top of this in order to keep it staked in little suckers growth maples right in my spot here but that's alright we'll work around it I gotta get better stakes for the back this one popped out - that's a good steak there there we go it set up pretty decent but what really makes this thing pop is when you pull out the back tab and you get all this extra room in there so that's what we'll do now there's not really a tree close by to tie it back to I should have should have took that into consideration beforehand but I kind of forgot so yeah we'll tie out from there maybe to that skinny tree hopefully have enough paracord for that [Music] that's good tripper what's good yo okay let's check out the finished product there we have it plenty big for the dog and I crazy dog and I that side slopes down so I'll probably sleep this dog can be tucked in the corner or behind me even yeah that'll work it's hot it's super hot so now next thing I have to do is you can see like the duct is very shallow and then there's sand later underneath so I'm not concerned I don't really have to clear out too much I will scrape away the pine needles and stuff but I do need to get myself a bunch of spruce boughs so that I can make a mattress I don't have like I said it'll have a sleeping pad ah oh that was a big bug ah he got me good I might go swimming wait jump in the lake and cool down for a bit really warm it's one o'clock and here for a couple hours there's no one out here got the whole lake to myself ourselves which is good we try to find a rock to jump off um see if the dog will follow me hey big guy come in boy that's it we've got my toy and I'm going to even I want it to be a good step away from my tent the foyer my tarp I mean I'm not gonna have an enormous fire by any means just something to keep the bugs down something you see as soon as I get down it's actually my clay here it's damp to stands off that side but totally fine barely any blueberry plants here compared to back in there I was going to have it there we go there's the sand okay so the gentleman who made the axe for me his name is Jay lady Jim leyte not Jim Leahey Ellie hi ght why anyone who knows anything about axes knows this is a sweet fine an old-school k-pax you can't just get anywhere so thank you very much to Jim much appreciated buddy it's been nice talking to you in the in the messenger let's go use it your the depth of the grain the grain boy I love it back in the woods away from the water I found this decent let's say old balsam fir good good firewood nice and dry and shale from the hotel from this natural check be good firewood but also though there's another one that on the diagonal I'll check this out this normally grows right by the water this is Labrador fee if you watch my alone series I uh I used to drink I used that to make a bunch of tea well myself for those ten days so that's cool too and then here is the thicker spruce stuff so I can get my boughs from back in here there's a lot of just thinner smaller spruce out there well this is decent so I can clear off a bunch back in here let's give it a sink considering I've never used this axe before let's chop this balsam first see how she goes I'm sure it'll be great we'll just buck it up into sections that way it's easier for me to carry back always a very good idea to throw the old axe mask this is a lefty there's a lefty mask are you a lefty Jim always a good idea to throw it in the pocket not just on the ground that's a sharp sharp edge the heads got some heft to it especially for the length of handle I like that personally alright nice old ship weights good to the joy to use a little heavy for one-handed to be honest for a little Jo at least okay good news is that wood is dry as a bone a lot of times balsam fir when I said well we no good but yeah very cool very cool so because tripper is not used to things out here yet I'll read mask it three sheath it before I just drop it down to deal with the wood I don't want him busting his nose off it or anything licking it [Music] go not too shabby too shabby gem all right that's my firewood sorted it's not too bad just yeah that's him morning me too throws toy for him I'll use my silky and buck it up cut it up later on home maybe use this depending but yeah well get that over back to the camp come back for some boughs I am very warm I'm very happy to be over here - I'm glad I brought that toy for the dog I'm glad he hasn't lost it yet all right he's got to be back in here with me eh it's one good thing about him he sticks right by my side he never wants to go away from me which you can't really ask for more than that oh here we go you got it no you didn't find something to cover Search Search Search so I occupy them for a minute no my hammock set up huh I'm just gonna take a little break here for a minute I'm pretty warm if I go swimming yeah it's warm tripperz been eating the deer flies buzzing around his head which is kind of funny for you to watch I will bring a hammock on my next canoe trip that's not like a high paced hai phong distance trip I really missed it on the last one with with Kyle there we had a lot of downtime it would have been nice to be able to cuz like look you can I could set it up in such a fashion work and just sit like this is a chair basically can lay down as well rest the back without having to get the the chair out like my actual chair and it's nice to be able to lay down very nice feel lay down I never want a camp in this you know I'm not it's not my thing a hammock is not my type of thing to camp in sleep in but here chewing this thing but for lounging especially this one is super lightweight I found this one maybe so I forgot I had it so anyway well I'm sitting here I'll just make up a little plot hook I got a piece of maple back in the woods here when I was in there there's not many kicking around but you can see I just cut it so that one of the branches coming off cut that off as a hook part cut the bottom pretty short then I'll leave it about that long and I could make a couple different adjustment sizes so that it I can I can adjust it up and down this will be a nice easy project to do well I was just sitting here so I put on I've been having people ask for my peal box for ever since I moved last October I got one a couple months ago and I put up a community post on YouTube with the address and I got I got so many people like you got a couple comments like that one was like greed will be the downfall of man like don't you get paid enough from YouTube you don't need subscribe we're sending you stuff it's like my one reply to that was yeah I'm gonna get rich off of subscriber pictures and paracord bracelets cuz that's 90% of what I get but that said I appreciate all this stuff and if I can't I can't possibly reply to everyone via private message or comment saying Joe what is your P o box one is you're gonna when you're gonna get your player box I need to send you stuff so I put it on there anyways I'm telling you now that's how Jim got my my information to send me this axe and I appreciate it I like it I got a couple other cool really really cool things I got something from Australia I got a couple shirts for my daughters and a nice alligator bracelet and also a crocodile bracelet and magnate a couple really cool things so I really appreciate that appreciate that thank you tripper Shepherd careful big guy you're gonna knock my camera over silly anyways it's a hundred percent not necessary you do not need to send me anything that is totally fine this is just for the people who already wanted to send me so I had people set wanting to send me stuff since Scout past like memorial cards and like thinking of you type stuff and that those are flooded into so I never put it in a video I will put it in the description of this video if anyone is interested please feel free and if not that's totally fine I'm not asking for anything believe me this is just again for the people who have asked I don't need anything from my subscribers I don't need money from my subscribers via patreon or sponsorships or their donations or anything like that I have a lot of gear I don't need any gear but if you do feel the need or have the want then by all means look at the description and the people box will be in there I'm not I'm not hurting you know I mean I don't need anything I'm good my family's good and I appreciate it okay so I'm just making these bird beaks notches in the back and then the plan is I'll have another piece of wood that goes down like this and this hang on here and then the weight of the Billy pot or in this case of titanium cup we'll pull it down it'll be good this is called the Burtonsville rig I've been doing this for years and my favorite way to suspend a pot over the fire you got one there it's probably pretty good height and I'll just make another one up here all you do is make an X with your knife into the wood just make an X and then carve out the bottom three sections of the X leaving the top beak point coming down you can baton it or you can just take your time and cut it away like I am okay there we go got to then I can raise it or lower it as need be and this is only half of the half of the pot hank hanger but i can show you the rest after I haven't made it I just grab this piece when I was in the woods like I said I'm happy to have Tripp wrote here with me I'm happy to be feeling pretty good for those who don't know I was in Toronto for ten days at the doctors at the hospital and I have to go back very soon and get surgery done on the old behind they did give me a couple of things that have helped a lot a certain different different kind of cream the nitroglycerin cream that has helped tremendously and they also gave me these very strong antacid pills for my stomach I got a colonoscopy Anna and a scope and endoscopy and a scope E endoscopy this way in this way camera OOP OOP not sedated because I was by myself in Toronto and they wouldn't let me leave after the fact so they did it while I was awake and I'm telling you this way was a lot less painful and intrusive than coming in down through my throat I was gagging and everything my throat's still all raw from it they took by up they took biopsies I could feel it they slid this other little tube down in a secondary hole and I could feel them just pull on the inside my stomach do a little three or four biopsy's so that they could take a pieces so they can biopsy it and check it out but but all-in-all like I don't have colitis at all Crohn's everything should be fine then these pills have helped helped tremendously they found out that my my bile ducts or but I was creating so much stomach acid excuse me that when I was passing it I was wrecking everything so I've been on these pills for maybe a week now and I've noticed a huge improvement which is thank God it's life-saving I'm so so happy about that I think the doctors for finding it's the right thing to do I was begging for a different kind of like different kind of surgery and they said if I got that it would wreck me so they're gonna do a minimally invasive type thing down there and and and they say that the downtime is only a couple weeks so I'm excited for that and with that coupled with these pills I should be on the right track I've been eating properly for a long time now I just never never fixed itself because the damage was done but I'm feeling good and that's an asset that's that's necessary with the tripper and my family and living up here and continuing on my youtube channel and doing all these things you know last winter I wasn't even able to go out and do any kind of extended trips and this whole whole leading up to last month a month ago almost today when I was with with Kyle and woodland caribou I was erect couldn't do much just do over little overnighters and have to boot home really quick in the morning to take care of myself so anyway feeling good feeling really good and that's I can't be happier about that so got to carry ourselves Hey oh man tripperz coming along working up to actual canoe trip with him this today we only can we're only in the canoe for maybe an hour tops between the two lakes that we came into he was okay he was okay at first he's trying to chase a dragonfly he got a little antsy and I gave him that bone and that that calmed him down too so he's a good boy we've been hiking like crazy if you check out my Instagram my Instagram handle is Joe Robin out bushcraft if you check out my Instagram there's lots of little videos and pictures of me hiking with trip or things around the house and stuff like that stacking wood just normal life stuff that I do that I don't film for you too but yeah things are good everything's good we had family over for about a month my my mother-in-law and my niece over so emerald had her best friend play with us the most of the summer they left two days ago tripper be careful big guy left two days ago my brother-in-law came down and his family came down and spent some time with us and yeah we took him around and showed him a lot of stuff and then they drove the mother-in-law in the nice home so yeah back to normal life normal life at home until I have to go back to Toronto for my surgery but happy to do it so this is just a little intermission on the stranded series I will be back to it I will be tripper you're gonna knock like hammer over man oh hey calm down thank you thank you next week we'll be back to the part four of the strategies and actually if you guys if you haven't noticed or if you didn't do it you can enter into B for a giveaway for those titanium mugs there's the mug in the pot I'm gonna give one of each away you have to go to what is it the first episode of the stranded series or the second maybe and say I'm in I can't remember which which one I talk about it in but I say I'm in and I'll go back to that I'll pick a winner and I'm gonna I'm gonna tell the winners on episode 4 so we've had three episodes so far and this this video will come out in two days hopefully for this Friday we'll take a a week break on the stranded series this is a video I'm excited to do right now I'm out with the dog people have been asking for it big time so this is what we're gonna post first aw man oh you knocked my camera over bro he knocked it right over are you good anyways if you want to be entered into a giveaway for those titanium mugs you can go check that video and say I'm in in the comments either episode one or episode two of the the stranded series if you don't want to watch the videos just look in the comments to see which which which video says I'm in a whole bunch of times and you'll you'll get the gist of it but but I implore you to watch the series it was a very fun time the banter between Kyle and I is second to none so anyways I'm rambling on let's go swimmin you knocked my camera over again bro so like I said I broke my screen on my GoPro on the way in here somehow I did fell on a rock but not very hard at all I was very surprised at the rules of hugs will post forever and this is a brand new one but anyway I can't can't bring you in the water with me so we'll just have to have to do the camera thing from sure Oh slippery should have brought some water shoes they wouldn't have fit in my backpack - how am I going from the other side seems to drop off better over there let's throw this for him again hey buddy what's this hey boy come get cool you can do it man good boy bring Cody Lundin in it up see if Canterbury doesn't like me I didn't even know who I didn't even know he knew who I was and now in the past three months I've had its two separate people telling me he wasn't talking smack about me Dave Canterbury is worried about old Joe isn't that funny maybe I'll do a video detailing and foot I don't wanna be too negative but I thought it was quite funny I had no idea that doo doo who I was anyway nothing against him not at all oldie see that's one thing I've never even spoke about him ever on video ok anyway so let's swim Cody Lundin Stowe come on boy come on come come come on you got it good boy yeah right here okay go boy you can swim you're a doggy good job dripper good boy good boy come on boy come on man nope he's out and he's off well this is decent very refreshing very refreshing tripper where while you're young and you go swimming and you're in there for hours it doesn't stay the same when you get a little bit older in a note does it just fine woo little froggy Oh green frog it was try and get them to go in one more time let's see if I can throw it far for them graceful as a gazelle is good boy tripper drop drop hey hey good boy good boy good drop you ready Kuki Foothill weirdo what a weirdo good boy come on let's do it again okay you got it good dog good here's where my role Oh Yoda everyone didn't get the reference explaining jokes Joe he's all about the blueberries now he's literally picking out getting bit he's literally picking blueberries those are lying man will be Bogart in the blueberries bro okay I think he likes it now he's waiting for me farther and farther every time and he's not hesitating to go get it he's not crying at me you're just going to get it like a dog like a real dog good you got it man come on big guy it's a decent distance keep on going I'm getting bit by flies it crazy good boy good boy hi tripper a banshee good shake I used to hate it when schoo cried like that no I feel lucky if tripper that's the only thing that you're doing perspective perspective okay that's a decent enough fire pit there for me I could probably integrate one of these rocks into the the pot hook if I need to the pot hair if I need to I might be able to stick it in the ground over here though I like to have my fire pits open on the side that's towards me makes sense there's no need for a full circle just trimming some branches off these trees I'm not taking any trees down oh my bad do a little trim work silky makes it easy I think it's easier it'll be easier than the ash because these uh these limbs are pretty small or branches are pretty pretty thin so yeah that's my thought anyway gather enough to sit on right now I need to cook lunch up I want to cook that soup Miami's organic soup and then I think when I go out and try to fish it's not a good time of day but it's okay I'll go see oh that's an old beehive look at that old wasp nest it's empty completely old paper wasps nests I'm glad that it's empty node over here hacking I can into it drop drop drop good boy crazies all right we're gonna save the thinner pieces for the top are you just gonna okay yeah and again it's not that big a deal this time for warmth it's more for comfort still do the herringbone pattern kind of taking the thicker pieces and putting them off to the side and how it crossing the the thinner pieces on the inside gives a little bit of buoyancy and oops and keeps the the sharp pieces away from you the thick pieces away from you I do need to build up the head part a little bit because it's a little bit humped in the middle but no big deal chipper you got it back up you gotta back up homie look at this dog honestly all these little pieces are good to go on top kind of weave them in poking the bigger stick the bigger sides in underneath stuff you've already created I can always get more after like I said right now I'm just kind of trying to get somewhere to sit and throw it near my camera cuz he's just this a breed right just to the drive on them is just out of this world so it's like anything that that he's focused on nothing else matters it's it's kind of sketchy to be honest with you he's good with the baby I'll give him that he he's very gentle around the baby he drops over her and doesn't plow her over which is which is always nice she she growls back at him he does that growl thing about his toys and whatever it's not like an aggressive thing it's just him being like Vocaloid he wants me to play with him so whenever he does that around her she does it back to him no she's almost 1 she'll be 1 at the end of this month crazy crazy right autumns gonna be one at the end of this month time flies time flies especially when you have kids man okay yeah hol need a little bit more on here but this is a good base these these vowels they'll keep drop it drop it yeah these vowels will keep some of the bugs out hopefully he's so he's so much he's so much all the time okay we're gonna get a fire going and cook up this soup so I'm famished I'll give her his food in the in the boat after I'm done eating when we go fishing okay enough but I'll make this as sharp as possible because the ground is kind of sketchy so we'll see how far she goes in pick the top of this flat as flat as can be straight across all right should be good so the whole gist is this right here boom or so say good spot here to stab this in yeah okay that's in great that's better than I thought it could have done so make sure it's still gonna sit good it's kind of high but that's why you get the second one in all honesty I do need it to be over a bit more it's a little bit too far back so bill here yeah that ain't coming over tripper leave it leave it buddy thanks super hopeful okay right there you're perfect I could raise it up if I need to all right before I get this going I will get my food ready so I can throw it on and possibly cook it all just the oh that's a big old pine beetle be careful getting that one Oh his lip is like quivering so much getting this guy he's gonna bite you man Wow obsessive bug that was one thing scope didn't care about at all okay food time so again a nice oops a couple of good things I like about them those are my swimming shorts bro what are you doing take two it's a couple of things I like other than the fact that it's good for me it's organic you don't have to add water and the old pop top so it's good good and convenient you know it's all organic [Music] you smell that do I just look that sharp can alright there we go so we'll just have to light the fire I guess that's that's the main thing right I got these uh shavings you got my magnesium slash fire steel probably don't need the magnesium this is from fire steel calm I got nice and easy as long as tripper doesn't knock this over should be good to go here scapegoat tripper urgent burn yeah having an adjustment part whatever you want to call it being able to adjust the height is ideal for sure oh it's hot in your left fireman toasty tripperz in the shade somehow there we go a little better she's boiling so you can see this pot hanger is very easy to make kind of fun to do well she's done good boy probably have to let it cool a bit I imagine I'm looking to you soon buddy you bent your bowling all day though there are raw marrow bone with fat on the outside and marrow on the inside and after a while after a while of him chewing on it I'll take it and I'll take a stick or like a butter knife or something I'll scrape it all all the marrow it's gotta be good for him but one marrow soup is what's recommended for people these days so sure it's good for him he's all sorts of muscular skinny skinny as the day is long like owner like dog hmm I was perfect little twig fire cook this up in no time fires gonna die right down just in time for me to go fishing or swimming again I gotta cool down after this what some like hot soup on a hot day breathing heavy okay two big gay running around you get a little smile on him doesn't he Kayode good boy man anytime I move around he gets up and come with me again it's not a bad thing he's going in sit no sit or yeah okay works too there we go that's a big ol Larry it's a nice piece of marrow for them good boy so much for the stick say I never did anything for you big guy good boy there you go oh look at that bees damn son that's a good one cleaned it right out buddy clean it right out I'm able to stick your food in there yeah can you ride yeah this is happening fingering the phone check it out honestly didn't throw it down at all it just kind of like fell off my backpack and hit on a rock and shattered so it still is usable for this trip like minimally usable but I'll have to get a new one I use it all on the that stranded series videos so whatever I guess I got some use out of it but the point I'm making is that I'm not gonna bring my big camera into the canoe with us just because I still don't trust him to not tip us and if my big camera goes in the water then happy Joe is no longer so I'll do minimal filming in the canoe forget it fish for sure will show you but it might have a couple cracks in the screen and that's our in the picture and that's why I want to put a different lure on I had a floating X wrap on on the way in and it just doesn't die of half as deep as it needs to this is a warm day its middle of summer and all the trout are gonna be deep so I'll put a bigger spoon on and believe let's look at my let's look at the fishing kit I'll decide what I'm gonna put on these are fishing lures these are fishing lures well thank you for the kisses thank you I love you too big guy a good boy oh yeah he's very pause he very handsy likes to paw me in the face doesn't feel good but he means well oh boy okay thank you thank you thank you where's toy okay where's go get your toy I don't have it go get it I need you to back up from this buddy go good stay oh man no this isn't for you good boy little Cleo has always been good for me that's pretty decent size 3/4 ounce other than that I have a deep diver that might work as well but I think we'll put the little Clio on right now and try my luck with that will bring the whole tackle box out there should bring my hat too and put on some sunscreen I think this is the floating X wrap I had Kyle was raking them in the woodland caribou on one of these guys wasn't the same color but same size well we're far away from there and there was no brook trout there these are brookey's in here supposedly specks stuck at rope all right so I will say goodbye to this camera for now and then I'll meet back up with you on this camera when I get back but we will bring the GoPro like I said he's calmed down just very good still no fish turned around and started paddling back towards camp I hope to shore the whole way around back to the end and then now I'm cutting straight down the middle look just yet it is really hard to adjust the weight in the front I can't turn the light right there we go but I think we're gonna go back and have a little nappy-poo it's guys tired and I could use a little rest in the hammock gonna go read some of my book doesn't sound like too bad of a way to spend an afternoon right I've been back for about an hour I've just been laying on my hammock reading east of Superior it's pretty cool it's a bunch of different stories and in a boat like close calls on canoe trips and hiking trips and stuff all very close to where I live the first one actually took place just outside of sucia Murray so pretty interesting read tripperz not really calming down too much he's still running around chasing flies and getting drinks of water and stuff he's tried to come to the hammock a couple times with me I moved the hammock over here into the shade because the Sun had moved obviously so that spot wasn't too shady anymore it's nice over here nice and cool really relaxed oh it's uh 5:30 now I'm not really hungry I had a granola bar when I got back so I'll cook supper up in a little bit no fish no fish action but that's okay maybe tonight I can get out and fish some but that steak will be fine I got some rice to go with it strippers still got more than half of this food left so everything's good oh it's relaxing very relaxing day oh hello okay yeah easy he's been eating blueberries off the chain here breath smells of blueberries better than what it normally smells like boy doing laps go crazy hello you okay need a little burst energy there you only really slept for a couple minutes I don't know where he is either well I both fell asleep it's time to make supper clean up all the twigs off these logs sawed him down into pieces split some getting all the branches off makes it easier to cut them into size and also obviously use them for kindling [Laughter] [Laughter] nope no you leave that stuff there leave it leave it [Laughter] you know beautiful would be able to nice nice check I'll be able to split it easily as well dog this is not taking my fire we're just chewing it on site what it's so weird man why are you doing that a visit unless you smell something I don't smell there's there's definite possibility of bears in the area we're not on an island or on this peninsula but I know blueberries are kicking right now maybe maybe I don't think so not too worried about it but sure tripper will keep whatever it is far away use on point though hmm what is it buddy show me where is it huh let's go get up what come come freeze what is well show me there's nothing here dude what come on let's see anything Oh your butts in just in my camera hey can you go over there please I've got all my fire prep done right a buttload of shavings there no birch around so you using shavings to strike the fire still on to a couple of split pieces their fire pits full twigs none about my fuel so I think I will get this fire going and then go down and find a couple rocks to rest my grill on and boil up some rice and cook up that steak at the same time tripper phone is his toy you found your toy buddy where's your toy you found it good boy do one of these will prop this side up completely I can slide a fire underneath there once it's made I got my feather stick to the night thought I was gonna lose that one instant fire this is sure keeping them away from this I'm sure no leave it leave it not for you it's any little t-bone boom get the little stamp on it on the fat there all right Fox dance and that means it's boiling I'll get that off of there put the rice on that's almost time to put the steak on a lot of water in there more than I need oh that's hot it's funny how that works eh oh look at that look at the how slick that is slick Rick Joe that should be yeah that's probably still too much whatever whatever make up your mind so much so much water that's all right now porcelain after the big deal par for the course eh yes now he passes oh now he goes to sleep right when it's getting to be nighttime just busting these up so I can grow my steak without too much flame Paul I'm so hungry now all right we got the pot moved over town the first bad boy on good amount of sizzle no bugs are coming around with this I'm gonna smoke this for sure all right damn not too shabby oh Sh I had gloves next time got a little boil over going on one awesome thing about this cup is that I can just pour the water out through those holes just hold the lid down with a piece of wood this is precarious yeah gloves it'd be easy or if you just wait till it cooled down but who wants to do that see where we're at with that oh yeah lots of water still race cooked nearly 90 percent done put it back on on some low heat yeah Oh high heat it up I'm hungry there we go oh yeah this is done a little bit more on this side here almost almost done boys and girls good boy yeah she done pull it off let it sit for a minute me I do okay that's a horrible noise that was weird all right good boy dizzy and shoe it's good thing about titanium it cools down relatively quickly let's check and see water situation oh yeah good you're good fluffy rice more than enough Plus that steak oh yeah perfect perfect Oh tummy's grumbling just hold down - so people always ask me how you keep your steak good know it all day like it's obvious you have to freeze it the night before take it out that morning mmm mmm that's the juicy tender steak and then it will fall halfway through the day so I was actually like concerned this is still good that's how it was today but it's fine hold that thought hold that thought I'll be right back don't eat my food bro well you know what I'm allowed to have one I'm allowed to have one you know I have abstained for such a long time I was driving here I had to get gas and I saw this at the outfitter I said Cheers that's what I said to myself Cheers so cheers guys I'm allowed to have one right this warm as the day is long oh that's tasty okay everything's right in the world he's looking all that juice all the steak Danko to that bag don't eat the plastic all right ma'am I almost choked that was so rewarding this is so good mmm feeling filler various tripper supper what's this buddy here come chew it up okay that's all you're getting he still has more than enough food for the morning we're gonna get out of here early he's got a vet appointment tomorrow there's something a little wrong with his eye I think with him in the cat were fighting not fighting playing around she got him in the inner eyelid that's all it looks detached so anyways the only appointment I could get it was tomorrow at 11:00 and I'm about a three-hour drive from where I need to go for that so gotta get up and out of here in the morning I'm not even gonna go home in between excuse me my nose is running off my face the meet right next to the bone is super tender super flavorful this is kind of reminiscent to a scout trip I never used to take Scout on the canoe only a couple times in the canoe but that's what tripperz for right working up to a actual canoe trip with them so this is good here buddy so hey too close sit good sit good boy I'm not gonna give him the bone cuz it'll splinter it's been cooked too much if I slow cooked it for a long time I wouldn't mind but that's not the case I don't want him to get a splinter out here or even at home I wouldn't give it to him Oh shoes me just came out of nor there you go buddy that's it for now okay hold one more little piece here they go they go all right come on all guys feel good everything feels right in the world right now to me here my doggy enjoying what I love to do I have some trips planned I got a trip plan with buddy Mike you haven't seen him in a while I stopped at his place when I was down in Toronto on one of my off days when I didn't have a doctor appointment we mapped out and I'll gone Quinn wrote so September sometime we're going for six nights I believe should be a really good trip be long distance reminiscent of the old trips not just fishing and hanging around but busting our butts and moving we will still be fishing we'll be on some River and some lake travel we've got a trip plan with with Doug and September as well so that should be fun and that's again River and Lake trouble travel trouble no so much rice left so I'm really looking forward to both those things well I will be taking tripper on an extended camp this fall maybe in October up to some crown land lakes a little bit north of here where I know I can stay there for like maybe a week and oh man he's just destroying everything and uh fish for food build a shelter hang out have some fun she'll be good times I got lots lots in the works man lots in the works putting on a course very soon through course concierge will be really good online learning course just basic bushcraft type stuff where we've been putting a lot of money and effort into it and we're gonna announce it soon it's uh it's planned out big time it's it's way above my head there they have multiple people helping me with it with with the with the layout and with the advertisement all that stuff so she was pretty good excuse me should be pretty cool go back to my roots you know trying to help people feel confident outside trial people get the basic skills they need to do this stuff I only have basic skills I'm not some kind of crazy Bushman never claimed to be you know I'm not a survivalist definitely never claimed to be that I just like camping and in order to do the type of camping I like to do you have to have a little bit baseline of skills I mean and I've I've been doing that so time to pass the knowledge on in depth do things that I'm not allowed to do on YouTube do things a little bit video form PDF written audio mixture of all of them so should be pretty cool I'm excited to drop it you got to take the kid camping like I said lots of stuff about the stuff in the works ma'am but I'm gonna finish this up and go back to you do they drool in there from this move all right big guy gonna get hooked up all right you stay there don't be greedy no no data here try to chew it okay you know I'm like oh he's not getting any more I just take the bone clean I picked the bone clean for you big guy all the morsels all the tender morsels good boy see this eye here is on the his left eye is the one that's messed up I can see it right now boy alright that's probably it man probably it may go big guy that's all she wrote boy so I've been laying here reading this is actually quite comfortable there are some some low spots that I want to fill in that's what this last armful of that was this for it's not cold at all still okay okay okay go over there go I'm still really warm actually I got all these little tops just to make it softer make it springy dude you need to go over there okay go over there go on trip let's go go all full energy again he had that little nap I'm getting ready for bed huh I hear you anyway this is gonna be a nice comfortable sleep tonight there's the bugs have not come out yet it's 8:45 I'm expecting that comfort them to come out when the Sun Goes Down completely [Music] but uh anyway regardless still a decent amount of firewood and worse comes to worse I'll bury myself in my wool blanket it's not not gonna be the worst night's sleep I ever had I'm sure see so I'm going to open my wool blanket halfway this is only a quarter it's been only a quarter open all day no no and then I will crawl inside it that thing down that the half of it down so don't feel the bow so I don't get all poked up all night long I just sleep in my clothes oh yeah this is totally doable I do have a pillow to go out in my in my backpack will just be the icing on the cake oh yes oh yes that's more than fine that'll do well I'm gonna get the little bit of food I have and his food put away for the night before it gets too dark I did and all you need to leave that alone well man leave it buddy he's a good-looking dog he's lucky he is lucky you got something going for you big guy myself is a little smoke bath probably put some bug screen on here bug spray on here too I imagine probably should do that okay I will you talked me into it I got my food all in the other pouch on this side and then I put it up into a tree I'm not concerned Oh for water this trip I have pristine drops that's what I've been doing just waiting on some water to be done got 20 minutes to go where I can drink some water yeah the mosquitoes are oh they're not going away well the moons oh it's crescent moon no real color tonight all my scooters are out oh my goodness through forget my headlamp out soon it's just in my backpack right there but try and read by the light of the fire for a bit if I can all right well it's 10:30 now tell them to turn in excuse me mosquitoes are still pretty bad I'm gonna put my head underneath the blanket oh that does the trick tripperz dead to the world he doesn't seem to care too much he's got his flea and tick medication which prevents worms from pleased they get worm dogs to get worms from please not please sorry mosquitoes so hope you alright it might be an uncomfortable night but no damage will happen to him for it so alright guys wish me luck oh yeah plenty of room good night oh this is this is warm this is pretty warm was a rough night buggy buggy not warm warm for half the night it's uh 6:00 in the morning no sounds just starting to come up nice fog on the lake oh he goes they never really died down I can see my breath I don't have a sweater or anything oh I had my toque you forgot about my - oh you get this water on here now the boil quite plenty of water here I'm just gonna set it right on this these logs per took this morning yeah it's an easy you say tripper pretty buggy or what it's just a frog tripper half using this blanket for warmth and half for love protection sleeping pad I made her boughs was fine comfortable enough for one night I'll let the fire die down prior on midnight I have two pieces left here just throw them on this morning like you saw that's got to be boiled by now no careful tripper be careful go get some blueberries too he's a handful there oh man bugs are not fun I'll add some flavor to land land oh you know this is not leading up in the yard yet to not be bringing a tent I figured it was August skew it was it died down a bit and they have obviously and there's no black flies and I survived the night you know I mean like I did get lit up lit up by bugs on my arms oh yeah I mean Ecch what that's good to know maybe in another month I had fun I had a lot of fun enjoy being out here at repre enjoyed having a stake in the beer checking testing out my new pot bringing that small little backpack from the hidden woodsman it's always fun when I do stuff like that minimal gear type thing you know I have everything I need you know I mean again a tent would have been nice but I'm really my solos head he's not much bigger than this tarp when it's rolled up the only difference is the poles yeah the poles would have been moving a lot blueberries really working there my back is so itchy from bites mosquitoes have started to calm down now the humming was so loud at one point all around my head took me a long time to fall asleep actually waiting to fall asleep till about 1:00 and I had broken sleep till about 5:00 I got up around 5:00 never stayed up around 5:00 well I'll finish eating this up and we'll get packed up get on out of here hope you guys enjoyed this video haven't done a camp like this in a long time and a lot of you guys were asking for videos with tripper I'm glad to do it next one with him Pro you know what so I'm still waiting on my files to come back my external hard drive they called me and said that it would cost a little bit extra money because or a lot of money because the the the hard drive itself was like broken like the head what are you doing it's a frog man here's a frog croaking he's anyway I'm waiting on all that to come back and when I do get that back I have my first video tripperz first backpacking video already done ready to go he's like a fraction of the size he is now in this in that video so I'll be able to post that hopefully soon it's taking some doing it's probably been 2 months now craziness but anyway that will be a video similar to this but backpacking and in much colder weather would there were still a little bit of snow on the ground when we hiked in camped and I go what I need to stop deal with the dog and get on out of here like I said thank you for watching I really appreciate it be on the lookout for new videos check out the hidden woodsman for the backpack bends back woods for the tarp bunker branding for the part under Joe for under influencers and under Joe what else do we got thank you to Jim laity for the axe and the spoon I think that's everything yeah and thank you thank you guys for always watching being very supportive sticking with me keep it up we'll be more to come what are you doing man she's the lead tripper is frog is only frog
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,355,231
Rating: 4.8995762 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, dog, overnight, woolblanket, tarp, shelter, wild, blueberries, bushcraft, camp, tbone, steak, fire, coals, offgrid, bugprotection, warmth, hammock, fish, relax, relaxing, crown, land, crownland, tripper, dutchshepherd, dutch, shepherd, puppy, fun, summer, swim, lake
Id: mpiXHd39msc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 31sec (7531 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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