Dollar Store Survival Items

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welcome to corporals corner today we're looking for five survival items for $5.00 so stick around let's talk about cheap gear and cheap equipment for a piece of gear or equipment to be considered cheap it's usually purchased below market value it's made from inferior materials it's extremely low quality and you go into it knowing there's a chance in the immediate future this can become broken or unserviceable so what I want to do today is go to a dollar store I want grab five cheap items these five cheap survival items should be the core of every single kit and they are a cutting tool combustion device cover cordage and container major score right here we got five survival items for five dollars plus tax let's go ahead and do a review and talk about them now there were several cutting tools to pick from from steak knives butcher knives none of them were full tang but went ahead and chose to go with this utility camp knife it's stainless steel it can be opened either left hand or right hand it's a basic folding knife extremely cheap just a plastic it's got some old rivets right here and I can see that any pressure on this at all left or right or even down it's probably gonna pop the rivet crack the plastic so that's not good but tonging is probably out of the question it's also serrated some like that some don't I don't but will it cut twine cordage you need make some holes for a fireboard things like that probably this was a two pack of lighters figure fifty cents apiece they're not Bix but they do work and the flame is adjustable so two is one one is none now for our cordage I found jute twine there were three rolls in here of a hundred-foot apiece now there was also a poly proline there's also plastic clothesline I chose this because there's several uses for this item I went ahead and grabbed one of my hundred footers and I took it found the center point at 50 foot and cut it and I laid them side-by-side down the halfway point again at 25 foot grabbed it now have four strands coming off it I made four ply reverse-wrap cordage went ahead and fashioned a ridgeline with a bowline at the end I'm still left with 200 feet of jute twine let's go ahead and kick this off go ahead and locate your center point I take your index finger and thumb from both your hands leave yourself about an inch gap what I want to do is I want to take my right hand I want to twist away from me I'll take my left hand and twist it towards me and that should form a loop there's my loop right there now we take my left hand index finger and thumb I'm going to pinch that loop now we have two strands now that's why it's called two-ply reverse wrap cordage now if you wanted to do a four ply I would just go ahead and leave my cordage out place another one on top of it twist it the exact same way there's my loop now I have beefed-up cordage as four ply because I have four strands here and it can become six ply or eight ply they can go on forever so let's go back to the two pi locate my center point twist away while I twist towards because my loop place into my left hand index finger and thumb now have one horizontal one vertical now I'm going to go ahead I'm gonna take my index finger thumb with my right hand I'm gonna twist it away from me until it's tight just like that now I take my middle finger of my right hand I'm going to grab my vertical now I'm going to pinch it between my index finger just like that now I'm going to wrap it towards myself separate them do exact same thing again twist away grab wrap so I'm twisting away from myself again grabbing it with my middle finger and press it against the nail of my index finger wrapping it towards my body away grab wrap twist away grab wrap and then you just keep repeating this process until you get your quarters completed or carpal tunnel one or the other every once in a while you got to separate them out twist away grab and wrap as you progress it should resemble corded you buy the store and the true test is when you let go of it and lay it down it doesn't unwind itself so you must be doing it right now for our cover element this is what we're going to use for our shelter keep the elements out keep us dry keep the heat in help regulate our body's core temperature there are a couple options there there was a painters drop cloth which wasn't water resistant or waterproof at all so I said that's not even an option there was an actual barbecue cover it was a tarp and it measured four by six but it was so cheap any pressure on it at all you could actually see light through there so that wasn't an option so I stumbled upon this shower curtain liner measure 70 by 72 we all know six times 12 is 72 so we're looking at almost a six by six area going back 100% PVC so that tells me it's going to be waterproof now for a container the only metal bottle they had there at this dollar store was a spray bottle you see right here and that sucks holds ten ounces of water or beverage of your choice and that's it is it multiple use yes I can boil water in this I can go ahead and make char cloth in this and I can use it multiple times however it's aluminum it's not the safest thing in the world what's better than having nothing so also what I found the threads on here match up perfectly to a diet coke lid so now if I boil water in this we'll go ahead and let it cool down you have a watertight lid let's go ahead and talk about this bottle a little bit more 10 ounces sucks hands down number how much you sugarcoat it sucks I can do a lot more things with metal versus plastic but 10 ounces sucks so what if because we went to a dollar store what if there's another option 50 ounces of water and a container for $1.00 in sodium hypochlorite 8% for one dollar now I can disinfect water for weeks or even months now the CDC recommends between 2 and 4 drops of sodium hypochlorite 8% per US Court this is 50 ounces so it should be safe to say 5 drops of sodium hypochlorite at 8 percent should suffice and do the job of disinfecting this water after 30 minutes so now you say well how do I get 5 drops of bleach into this container without an eyedropper I'm going to show you how to make one remove your cap be careful not to spill it grab a small piece of jute twine go ahead and lay it inside or coil it up inside your cap and just leave a little bit left over about an inch or so to dingle off the side just like this now in theory the jute twine will act as a wick will soak up all that bleach oh go over the edge and you'll be able control the drops off the end right here let's go ahead and try it one two three four and five now the CDC recommends between two and four drops per US Court and that depends on clarity if water is clear like this you probably get by with two drops per US Court we're dealing with 50 ounces and it's unknown water source so ahead and maxed it out with five drops so once you get your five drops or between two and four per US Court place your lid back on mix around a little bit and wait 30 minutes we are five items for five dollars we went and reviewed and talked about them and that's going to take that theory and put it into practical application you got my ridge line right here I select these two trees I'm go ahead and hang my tarp on my shower curtain liner on my ridge line now go ahead and start about waist height on this tree right here take my head with my bowline what I want to do right here is make a loop so to do that go ahead and put my hand underneath I'm going to wrap it around like this it forms a loop place that loop on top of my line reach inside pull it through and there's our loop right there now taking my opposite end of my cordage I'm going to pass it through that loop and pull it tight towards that tree now from here is pretty straightforward I have my line in my loop all I'm going to do is pinch them together drape the excess over just like that reach inside pull it through now we have a Ridgeline this is actually perfect right here the shower curtain liner actually has one perk it's got to wait inside of it you see that right there there's actually three of them on the back end of this so what I can do go ahead and twist it around like this tie a jam knot around this which is a slip knot and a stop not that go ahead and anchor my other end off to a stake so we're going to do that right now so what I want to do kind of piece of my jute twine there's several ways you can do this I'm going to do take my line and go around itself just like this and go back up through it and that's a slipknot right there place it over top of it and cinch it down now we have an anchor point and just secure it and go ahead and tie an overhand knot to act as a stopper knot on this end just like that now for the front of our shelter we don't have the luxury of using those weights like we did in the back but one thing we can do is take a pine cone cut it in half place it inside here twist enough exact same way tie it off and anchor it down got three poles is an extra jute twine so if I go ahead make a tripod going to start off with our clove hitch into a basic X pattern right there now from our clove hitch we make a timber hitch just wrap around several times I'll go ahead and wrap around all three poles about six times let's do one more I'm going to dress these up just like that now I want to do a frappe and we'll go between my poles three times here's two that makes three pull it tight go to this side do the exact same thing and that poll split so go ahead and run this up inside here still save this there we go we're going to wrap this out now and there's two there's three now I'll do I'll finish off on this side with a clove hitch and overhand knot there's rx you go and trim this off a little bit and now we'll tie an overhand knot just like that or our cheap camp is almost set up using our five items for five dollars so what I wanted right now is find a way to hang my bottle from my tripod so to do that click my jute twine made a loop and this looks probably about two-and-a-half to three feet in length I'm gonna go ahead and tie larks head knot on a stick I'm gonna place it inside my bottle and hang it off my tripod so I'm taking my stick and my loop all I'm going to do is place it behind my stick reach inside and pull the remainder all the way through and cinch it tight let's call it larks head knot now I'll place this inside my bottle now I can hang it from my tripod now the last thing I want to show you right here pertains to fire starting take your jute twine and cut small pieces off let's go ahead and unravel them pull them apart you already see resembles hair tie like horse hair just keep doing that and you get a pile you can use this as a tinder bundle as in bird's nest you can add it to a bird's nest but what I want you to see is how easy it goes up in flame welcome back this is cheap if a base camp set up for five dollars now keep in mind this is probably the worst gear you're ever going to want to have in the field other than a 55-gallon drum liner but if this is all you had this all you could afford you can make it work for a night or two thanks for a comments view support thanks for watching I'm gonna catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 1,194,254
Rating: 4.8687034 out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Shawn Kelly, Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder, Survival, Items, Dollar Store, Dollar Tree, 10 C's, 5 C's, MRE, Jungle Bed, Raised Bed, Tarp, Shelter, Emergency Blanket, Survivalist, Cordage, Hammock, Shelter Half, Fire, Fighting Hole, Medicinal Plants, Water, Collection, Lean-To, Poncho Liner, Y Harness, Canvas, Haversack, Mora Garberg, Doomsday, Roycroft, Pack Frame, ALICE Pack, Filter, Bow Drill, Hand Drill, Ranger Beads, dollar store survival challenge, Joe Robinet
Id: 4GnsYoHkHAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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