Outpost Nothing?

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okay the AI will drop this is outpost nothing oh it's actually working alright ladies and gents it's been a long time since we've done a ridiculous nothing map this is outpost nothing it has covered an outpost it will be extremely laggy it will be extremely fun for everyone who's not playing it if you destroy an outpost you get 10 wood ten food three gold and two stone so actually it looks like players start with zero food in the bank so here we have tricky playing as the vietnamese and he is currently destroying outposts in the red we have la Mae who's doing the same band this is so unbelievably laggy in the green we have Miguel oh we went for Incas that's that's pretty that's smart thinking he got a free llama out of that boys Miguel is a pro player top 25 and he's playing in this and the yellow we have the hostage he is playing as the Japanese in the teal we have MBL another pro player eyes at least in the top couple hundred in the world he's playing as the cumin so I don't know is MBL gonna go to TC boom and destroy outposts faster than others I this is ridiculous and then we have juror plays playing as the Portuguese can we please Smiley's and salutes and and pogs and whatever for the pros who decided to hop into this obviously it's ridiculous I think we know that but when we have had so many tournaments over the last year every now and then it's good for even pro players to step away from the tryharding and I appreciate the fact that they want to hop in here it's great for us and scrape for me and it'll be good fun okay yeah so we look at the Ville highs I guess it could show the starts I'm wondering if Miguel start makes sense I guess he doesn't take out Miguel Miguel this is gonna make someone's PC crash isn't it is he did he drop its ketchup to real time oh what the oh this game was not meant for this somebody's lagging hard I think Miguel save has been created for restoring Oh Miguel dropped but what the okay it's fine this is fine poor Miguel I'm so sorry Miguel he broke his computer boys I've actually been helping the guy upgrade his PC I look looking at chipping a little bit more we broke his PC oh damn that that hurts well I'll I'll message Miguel after the fact feels bad I feel like Lithuanian to be really interesting for this because you start with the extra food ok so let's talk about let's talk about where this goes right players are going to need houses which they can't afford they're going to need like MBL is doing that right now they're going to need to get the fuel age in order to get the feudal age you need to build a lumber camp and you need to build a mining camp so MBL's actually built a mill and he's gonna farm now which isn't bad because he's not gonna be able to chop wood but he's going to get wood by destroying the outpost you get 10 for every outpost okay so MBL is gonna have a little bit more food income which means more bills I like it you would expect MBL despite this being a very new situation for him you would expect MBL to outplay the others because of the pros ability to adapt so again it's 10 wood and 10 food three wait is it three three golden two stone for every outpost so 10 10 3 2 that's how it goes in MBL a pro player at 8 villagers now so that is the high Wow well the approach for these players is very different some players are battering in a circle some players are bad at patterning in one direction I I think you just got to create space that in a way that makes sense so you don't want one tile gaps you want three tile gaps for farms and then you have the houses - and who the elves actually feasting in right now he's actually doing really well with this it's just crazy and the farms will last him a while and then eventually he might need to do use dip oh it's not even oh it's not dip low so it's a standard free-for-all okay but like what does this turn into eventually there's gonna be no more outpost so you have to be good to be cautious with with how much gold you use how much stone you use I really want to see MDL try a 2tc boom with this that would be hilarious to me because a Town Center's so freakin expensive I feel like cumin for second TC and feudal age might not be doable but then again is it doable to go to Castle age wouldn't it be more efficient to garrison in the TC no it would not nope villagers have villagers have really good attack against outpost this is no this is so bad cuz in your no no no that's not I don't think that's good which one's even attacking right now I think that takes way too long oh my god feudal rams you guys are right feudal rams with Komen's mvl is big braining us with the sieve pick I didn't even think about the fact you can make feudal rams with Moomins MBL says this is still better than playing against long would you look at that guy's long not only has he given us great entertainment value with YouTube videos he has giving us further YouTube content by scaring pros into community games like this all hail the Lord Wong crazy the funny thing is there might be other high level players who this say the same thing about playing MDL because they both can be really annoying to play against I say that with obviously so much respect for them and love the crap out of those guys a barracks no he's gonna make militia he's gonna dredge the outposts what are you wha me one they wanna what is that worth it I mean you have I feel like because villagers have villagers have a bonus damage against outpost right so I feel like the militias way weaker because I think villagers do more than three attack but they also it auto attack so it's something if you see how long it Oh someone said you have sappers oh you start with sappers really I guess that would make sense to balance it all right well if you have sappers villagers are way better then but yeah you're right you don't have to click I suppose like militia wouldn't be bad if you could keep your Town Center producing at all times problem I have for a while may is he's not farming so I would I would have some farms going up but he is creating militia really impressed with MBL right now we could see him click up to feudal soon MBL is also known for his outpost rushing if an opponent will not resign he doesn't do this too frequently anymore because he doesn't he doesn't want to be taken he doesn't want to offend anybody right but in the past go back to masters arena 3 he was he outpost rush Viper so Viper would resigned and then Viper was winning the game and Viper outpost rushed him back it's no it doesn't do anything except give you vision but it is pretty freaking funny he does it on occasion ok lumber camp now for MBL that's obviously not to chop wood that is so he key a few wage I feel like MBL's is gonna he's gonna destroy everybody with the Rams like his resources are gonna go so high okay now we can go feudal go up to him he's gonna destroy people man maybe the barracks for sure and you have to say MBL did a good job with this economy but also constantly attacking the outposts Wow poor Miguel like I had two pros in here so we balance each other out a little bit Miguel's PC couldn't handle it we are gonna get him in a game today he's even he asked me over what's up psych get me in get me in so I feel a bit bad and the militia are contributing something it's also really costly but maybe if llamas able to get to get to feudal and get mad at arms so that probably translates better as the game goes on I was thinking maybe pick Incas and then you could get the blacksmith upgrades but again I don't know I've never played this or seeing that I guess the idea of going Portuguese is if you make it to imp you can make Vittorio's and that would be pretty ope cuz there's going to be a point where players can't collect any resources we'll MBL go for a second TC or is he gonna go for a siege workshop let's see I think siege workshop is pretty obvious it's equally he's gonna get capped Rams in castle age it's just this is quite possibly the best Civ pick and a really good build ordered from MBL he's gonna go blacksmith market when he's in castle Age crewmen's get capped RAM and then he can just Ram everything down and BL has never played this before we're just like hey play this and he's king of the outpost man this is there's gonna be a night and day difference between MBL's position and everyone else that's so like that's so strong ok futile age on the way now for WOM a he is on the other side of the map you never know this is stupid MBL's probably the map maker I mean he's at least related to him right yeah and if you get resources from destroying outposts then go for the siege to do it and MBL could quite possibly he could fast imp this faster than he could fast imp in a normal game think about it with the amount of resources around here he could fast him I'm really excited to see how high his resources get he could have a fast or imp time then you could have if you were to go fast in Turks or something what are their whatever fast and build you would consider to be the strongest this is gonna be really satisfying to see him destroy all these outposts alright he's about to be house but it's MBL so you expect that yep can you imagine if there was a game-mode where he would destroy houses MBL with he would never get above 5 pop you just be you wouldn't understand okay so he gets pop caps will get capped RAM I really like to see what the other players are saying right now they're probably like what that's crazy yeah watches gold count co-op now I guess gold it's gonna be the toughest thing to come by well I guess stone technically is but you get three gold for every outpost that goes down you get two stone but with capped Rams he's gonna fast imp this with one farm that's what it feels like just just watch his res sick so I said before we did this now obviously you're looking at a pro player but I said before we did this that I didn't want to ban any civilizations because there's no way to know what's opie until we see it happen could be wrong but I feel like cumin sir I mean MBL zopi right you got a pro player against some some solid mid-level players but I think humans are pretty broken humans are pretty freakin broke and look at these outposts go down and look over at the other bases yeah we got the farming approach actually could see Castle age for hostage soon man-at-arms wise oh is it worth it supplies he's just doing that for the memes supplies he's gonna he's gonna go for more of them I guess I guess if you research supplies you might as well how's Blu doing tricky he's having a tricky time over here how many militias you have ten militia as Vietnamese okay and then your juniors having a tough time he's gone for the low eco approach twelve villagers look at MDL go actually he could sell us food and then get gold for that and then go in and then getsy trim this is this is ridiculous watch he's gonna sell us food cuz he already has a ton of it I assume that's why he's built the Marquis a selling stuff he's gonna go in unbelievable unbelievable I mean it's somewhat believable at this point but you know what I mean yeah Gold is quite hard to come by because you only get three and he's gonna drop a castle maybe can we point out that the AI is so score leading MBL's so bad I thought he was a pro can't even beat the AI and score but yeah the rams do Splash Damage it's gonna be seed RAM then MBL's starting to farm a little bit for more food income which could be more gold and now a castle - wow this is ridiculous this is definitely one of the crazier nothing Maps I've ever seen and some random dude created it like I did my my regular map creators didn't tell me about it I just searched and saw some of the weird nothing maps out there and said ok let's try it I can't wait to look at someone's perspective when MBL arrives with seed ramps because they can't see this right now so I can't wait to see their reaction too bad we can't see in-game chat though MBL's just building castles for pop space at this point man if four years ago someone would have told me hey T 94 years from now you'll be almost three years into being full time with Age of Empires suit content I would have said you're crazy but then they would have said T 90 not only that but one of the best bits of content that you'll be putting out for that week or that month is outpost nothing I said no no one's gonna watch that now you're joking you're trolling and I already know because I know what people on YouTube tend to like or at least like the masses tend to like I know that that there's a lot of people excited watching this because it's so unique I just know it's gonna be my most popular video in months um I'm okay with that to some extent but also it makes me think what am I not doing in the other videos you guys must not really like me oh my god I can't wait to see the buildings destroyed statistic at the end that would be pretty cool to look at what oh my god adoring pigeon that was that last one though thank you for the four months of which Brian okay so purple is he is a villager here and he's doing his best okay he doesn't see the Rams yet he's about to find out such a shame MBL's just his rams going every direction it's like a it's like a weird what would you call this I have no clue what this looks like right now it's like a weird gross mass spiderweb I was thinking that but spider webs aren't build like that ants it okay I could see it I could see it as tech bird art what's somebody said as dick bird art Thank You Sheldon Silver Boy for the for the two months of Twitter on hey by the way shout out to all the people out there who might not live in a great time zone or can't make it to the stream who dropped twitch primes I know who you are and I see it thank you but you guys don't always get the live shoutouts I know there's a few Aussies out there especially when I'm not live we'll stop by that's a lot of rams for mb i'll have to ask why isn't he making more and/or why isn't he using these that's a little bit confusing maybe maybe he wants to take his foot off the gas because he wants this to be more of a game can the other players hear the rams good question they should be able to explos but you might need some help to pay oh wait a second wait a second chad is telling me Splash Damage doesn't give resources I guess MBL just figured that out oh you know what that makes sense look he just took out like five of them oh so he's got a pull he's going for Kip checks for that reason ah interesting so you only you only get resources for the original one okay well hostage seize this now you can hear it at least it's hard for me to tell if they can hear cuz they just hear whap whap whap whap ching ching ching whap whap boom boom they just hear all these random noises so I don't know if they can really tell but we do have quite a few players in Castle H I imagine some others are on the way it Purple's on the way blue is not on the way yet but he's clothed making Scouts okay I feel like wha man it could be a real threat to MBL in this game I mean the fact that he could impress interesting but he's still only in Castle age I say a real threat like MBL's even going to come close to being attacked anytime soon like I guess Kip checks are decent yeah I mean Kip checks fire pretty quickly so it's not bad and that's probably why MBL stop using the Rams as much actually this is if that's the case you could argue that this is a big mistake for MBL if you're not getting res for Splash Damage you shouldn't be clearing out the Rams back here because this is like food wood gold stone this is these are resources I think it's a mistake for him to be clearing this out the way he is because he could he could definitely run out of res but I mean it's a mistake that might not matter because he's so far ahead right now now I'm fairly certain he noticed because everyone came like there was like a dozen people who came in and brought it up at the same time and I believe that people might be watching MBL's point of view at the same time and they heard him realize it what he's probably okay is one of two reactions Oh Splash Damage doesn't I don't get r is for Splash Damage or it was a more angry reaction but I'll have to think about what that might have been Oh purple could die purple could die I feel like MBL's playing this more seriously than any game I've ever seen for him like what okay to be honest he has never won a community game before he has played in quite a few and you guys always target him he is never won 8090 community game before because you guys always kill him so this is a first for him and it there are more people like type of one in the chat if you have one at least one community game over the years they're like voracious gracious is one one low have is one one Road is one one barbecue but there's a lot of people here who are better at MDL in something Wow pat yourself on the back my friends pat yourself on the back unbelievable all right so Japanese longswords not bad against the Rams quite bad against the league Kip checks yeah that's that's rough that's gonna hurt yeah the problem is getting to him so being next to MBL is certainly not gonna help oh no oh oh no dang this is brutal ninety-six population four MBL not a lot of gold but he has so much golden military he has so many rams is the Kip checks could probably sell food in stone for decent prices if you wanted Gold's I think it's time to pay respects to purple and maybe even pay respects to a yellow and your taps outta here GG a pretty cutthroat game mode I always feel bad when people die like this in a community game whether it's getting sniper or early or unless I actually you know what I said ahead of time if you're signing up for this you should know ahead of time it's gonna be ridiculous I did say that so I feel less bad all right what are the odds that MBL loses why is he getting double bit x MBL you can't chop trees why is there any is there any reason for him to get double bit X I would say is 1% chance of losing this it is possible I once score oh he once score lead over the AI of course because what makes your ego feel better than beating humans beating BOTS it is 20/20 after all you got to be careful about this a is maybe a little bit of overconfidence just a little bit think yellow is about to be flat-out defeated here and be able doesn't know where the other players are but he is on the way blue is making a castle this is this is so stupid this is so stupid I love it okay it's gonna be red against steel it's probably just gonna be a massive lumpy one here red is on its way to him he's making a lot of pikes Byzantine hubs are very cheap so if he gets seed RAM himself if he gets like halberdiers skirmisher you never know ooh MBL destroyed the market he could have traded with that market what about over here he destroyed everything so he can't trade I believe MBL sees the score and he he is certain he's gonna win this game yeah you're right Kip texts are really good against house just thinking um you know just just talking through possibilities I mean it's quite obvious that MBO should win this game people said there's a there's a 100 percent chance at MBL will win if that's the case though then there's more pressure on him than anyone else that's the way I see it all right well that castles now in harm's way and yet another player in a tricky situation I'll see if tricky can survive Tricky's trying to defend from red who's attempting to expand here that looks I mean that's the less important side here he's just gonna die as well another one's gonna bite the dust indeed this is crazy man this is crazy even in outpost nothing yellow still wears this population yo-yo is rebooting let's go he's rebooting boys that's amazing I wish this was regicide if this was regicide and he could somehow make a little base to try and snipe MBL's King that'd be great we'll try and get a red regicide version as far as I know regicide it's not possible on this unless it's built into the map but yeah he's not dead MBL is about to take score lead over the AI who obviously lose the score every time that outposts go down I guess it's just how the scenario was made okay red could definitely use more eco wet he's at 14 bills I didn't realize he was at 14 bills I feel like that's too little MBL's gonna make some scouts now so he wants to make hustler I suppose doesn't have the gold to do much else alright MBL takes the score lead it seems to me like he's not even truly trying to focus heavily on blue right now it's just like I'd rather go to red and if I kill blue in the process so be it who cares if yellow wins this game I'll know I gotta I kind of stop saying I'm gonna give subs for four things then I know I I will rejoice and he will be a legend alright that's what will happen Thank You Kyle for the twitch primer thank you cash a key says I thought you might need to help to pay off your debt to MBL after you promised I did say I would give MBL fifty bucks we played but then what about Miguel you know like then I gotta start paying everybody that's that's dangerous man listen I I have sub to MBL for 40 plus months do the math the 50s already gone too Kappa a thousand subs if MBL loses Vox there's no way I would feel so uncomfortable if anyone ever did that that's way too much I would decline that offer Thank You Cal [Music] think MBL's gonna win hot take and like the blue is gonna reboot yeah let's go it's the REE boom let's go boys let's go he's got a siege workshop he's got an archery range tricky no no no no why why what would make you think you need to resign is it the fact you've won population is that it one pot really you can that's much better than zero in fact that is that is infinitely better than zero and tricky resigns all right Ricky's out of there I can understand it I'm just kidding we have the pointy boys now Kip texts are really strong they also cost gold so it's possible if if flama gets enough that maybe he could out pop but I think MBL with his micro should be more than fine here crazy his t90 enjoying this I I'm enjoying this yeah this is great this is one of the best games that this is this is more entertaining than hidden Cup three finals actually it's not it's not more entertaining but slightly more competitive oof I didn't realize what I was saying until I said it feels like oh I could see how that could be taken I don't mean that to be it's it's fine it's fine it's all jokes we're good we're good I just literally dissed my own dortmund now MBL I think he's gonna win this game it's a bit of a shame it's a lot of a shame actually than it was that miguel couldn't play because i was curious to see what two pros would do but my goodness MBL like i even said at the start props the MBL for you know he was a pro player who might may go try hard props to him for stepping back from that and what did he do he went full try hard with the best sieve for the map before even seeing it like kuban's are really good he somehow figured it out now guys I didn't mean anything crazy about that all right I think there's a clip of MBL asking is t90 enjoying this yeah I am I'm proud of MBL he's come a long way man he's come a long way like I've watched him get his King sniped I watched him he lost the sudden-death game he lost the it was actually on nothing that relic nothing game all that's on YouTube he started from the bottom he started from the bottom but now he's here I think we should all respect the path that MBL's taken become a pro player in community games oh it's a job castle it's a doubt castle props the hostage for for trying but he's been found and gg ok chat I want you to guess how many buildings MBL destroyed in this game take a wild guess this is like that game III don't know what you're up bringing was like but for me there at school there was always this jelly bean game you try and guess how many beans are in the jar and the person who gets closest gets the beans or something I would I would take beans out of it anyways when I was hungry and when no one was looking but ok some people are saying 786 thousands yeah of course ate the beans buildings whoa 9600 buildings lost now I reckon MBL might come out around oh my god it's right there I was gonna say 8,000 - I'm an idiot he almost got 6969 it's right there 6970 - Miguel got three crops to him I still feel so bad that he dropped largest army was a hundred nine you know what would be really satisfying is if grey had if outpost counted as anything on the timeline it'd be cool to see the steady decline of outposts that was sick bill all right well obviously we need to have MBL play again because crewmen's is cheating right he's got to play again and then if he wins again we have to nerf him further if he wins again we have to nerve from further MBL's the next 12 hours for MBL is going to be it's gonna be all about outpost nothing that was absolutely ridiculous something we may do again I'm actually joking I don't know if I want to do any more of that today we'll see but thank you for watching and by the way you're crazy have you guys thought about maybe getting your head checked if you watch this whole thing you're crazy just like me you could be part of my crazy little nothing map Club what what sibs would be good here Saracens some people said Saracens that's interesting you sound like my wife that's your wife judge you hard money Lancer that's funny that's where you turn around and you're like well you married me so who's the real crazy one okay Chinese you start with more villes and considering everyone starts with zero food Chinese could be good I like that and I guess Mayans you can make an argument for as well because the additional bill you could also say Mayans obsidian arrows for the archers someone mentioned Saracens I would Saracens would be quality so if you go Saracens you benefit from a bonus against outpost in feudal so maybe make Saracen archers and that's much easier and and helps you more in the mid game than mine obsidian arrows would somebody said Hans I think Tarkan's would be pretty strong yeah somehow getting the Tarkan's I'm not sure how much Inka blacksmith upgrades on villagers would would help because it's mainly the fact that builders start with sappers I think that's the important thing but you do get the llama like that's what Miguel is gonna try and he drop sadly I think siege is not the way you want to look because if it's a closer game you need to hold on to resources right so if that was a more competitive game MBL it could have been seen as a mistake that he used the rams to clear it so many outposts because he dealt you don't get resources for the ones that died Splash Damage so it's tough yeah Indian camels actually that's true they have cheap bills and they also have a bonus against buildings so maybe Indian camels could be good and then Portuguese you can make an argument for for the victorious if you make it late that's what jerk was gonna try but he couldn't get there whoo yeah it's tough it's it's hard to say I think it depends but things to think about if we ever do this again if this does go to YouTube and I'm sure will at some point YouTube maybe give us your thoughts and if you want to see this again or if you'd like to see Arabia hunts instead I can definitely supply that that's for sure
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 403,105
Rating: 4.8968096 out of 5
Keywords: Outpost, Nothing, Forest Nothing, AoE2, Age of Empires, WTF, How, Back, New, Return, Funny, Ridiculous, Weird, Diplomacy, Farms, Low Elo Legends, Hoang, MbL, Miguel, T90, T90Official, what?
Id: Y1CZ43ge0iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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