The Castle Wall

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what's going on YouTube and welcome back to another video I don't know why I'm so excited that one I am I just get into these weird moods sometimes and it's really good as a caster and content creator where I just don't want to stop and I'm in that right now and then we're gonna ride this out all night now for you you're just gonna watch one video and you're gonna get really impatient for the next 18 hours because you're waiting for the one after this but trust me it'll be pretty sweet on this game is a 1v1 between MBL and fire to top 20 players in the world's MBL still my opinion top 5 for sure or at least around there a fire maybe 10 maybe 11 maybe 12 somewhere very very high still and they were both playing some ranked games and this is Arabia and in these ranked games fire likes to go for mirror now I've talked a lot about this recently and I think a large part of this is probably because I casted four days of hidden Cup three non-stop and it was all very competitive very serious and in a tournament if it's a mirror matchup it doesn't bother me because I look for the competitive advantages that each tip has in each map has and I get down to business for ranked games I don't like mirror matches I really think that random should be the way to do it obviously there can be some difference if mismatches and all that but it gives us some creative games sometimes so I'm not a fan a fire doing this but the reason he doesn't is because he doesn't want there to be a disadvantage for him he wants to see who can execute the best between him and his opponent and that's fair that's fair I think that makes a whole lot of sense he's here in the red MBL is in the blue and I'd say at first glance MBL's base is certainly more awkward if he walls here and walls here and walls here you always have to talk about walls and and competitive games I could be good right but then he has more areas to lock down in the north whereas if you look at the back of fires base boom boom and while there is a gold outside of his walls and maybe even the stone whose two golds are in a perfect position and they're really far away from MBL so I like that but there's not much else to talk about for now I hope you guys are doing all right out there you've probably already seen the new fad sob upload I uploaded yesterday or the day before I have I'm backing business with trading content every single day I'm gonna be streaming a little bit less this week because there's some big things coming this weekend and the following weekend after that and I can't talk about that just yet but I am still going to be streaming significant amount Friday Saturday Sunday and making sure that we have plenty of YouTube only content up on YouTube I really like doing YouTube only content because I feel like we can we can really break down situations more I also really like interacting with people on the streams so I like both just for different reasons and I hope you guys appreciate it for those different reasons as well I feel like even for people who just watch on YouTube you're probably you probably kind of like mixing in some of the games coming from twitch because you get to hear my opinions and answers to questions that maybe you would have yourself okay so the norm in a china war is to see both players open up with Scouts just so you're aware and you've probably seen the title of this video and we're not going to talk about that yet but it's not gonna be just about Scouts this game that's for sure big focus here is going to be on MBL who can make games very messy and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact he plays a lot when it's really late for him I think he was playing this when it was 4 a.m. for him so that the gameplay gets a little bit lazy he doesn't do his alto or Alto as he says his alto farm he gets a list a little bit MBL is is just so fascinating it's so funny how messy you can play sometimes and that he's still such a good player can be infuriating at times than for serious events I'll tell you that much but for rated games he's definitely one of the ones that you'll want to keep watching probably some of the best games I've ever cast that than MDL games but also I'm a good friend of his and might be some bias there you never know but here's a question as they're both on the way to fuel age very similar up times similar populations like I said yeah they're good would you guys like a I'm not sure could be top twenty or top twenty five or top ten but eight eight top Age of Empires two games video because I've been starting to make a list and this might take some time because I I really want to make sure I get it right but I was thinking of making a list of the best competitive games that I have casted so these would be games that are only on my channel and so in this video I M and then I talked about what made the games really impressive and then I would of course link them III don't know how how many people are new but I imagine for people who don't want to watch all my 1500 videos and might be good to do that I'm gonna assume the answer to that's gonna be yes and I'll continue to work on that list I was also thinking of doing best Kings night video I think it suits me instead of doing top-5 farming civilizations that's not really my forte right well stick the games that I casted the games that have watched I think that would make more sense but do you see what I mean about fires base really easy wolof he's building the stable there and he's almost fully walled now where they're building their stables is actually really close to one another really really close to one another MBL is making use of the straggler trees this is perfect so what he's doing here is he's waiting to get sixty wood and every time he gets sixty what he builds a farm for more food income he actually doesn't have the food to produce villagers and a new Scout right now I think fire who pushed Deer is gonna be better off when it comes to that yep fires creating Scouts Annie's plating villagers so better start for fire hope that's not so good for fire he loses Scout HP there he show us playing safe and wants to make sure he gets his walls up fire is an extremely safe player you're not gonna see any flash from fire that's not a bad thing so many pros or just solid overall and they make it to the top by not making a lot of mistakes walling the key areas making the right transitions and playing clean and for what it's worth the china civilization is all about that as well they have so many strengths in the mid game sometimes it's just about playing safe in the early game MBL is he walling is he walling here he hasn't walled no I think there's a gap there not really walling at all his opponents full wall then this is not easy to deal with because now fire he knows he can send his scouts out and try and get to MBL's base to pick off villagers MBL's gonna make it difficult for himself which is really gonna build it up nicely because we are gonna be talking a lot about how he plays this game here now if MBL is going to go into defensive spears or he's not going to have a lot of scouts at the correct approach for fire would normally be to make an archery range and transition into archers but the crazy thing about a Chinese war is that you can do everything you can go into crossbows in Castle age and then are blessed in the Imperial age or you can go full Knights into Cavalier bull camels and to have a camel the the civilization has so many strong options you see this I hate this I love it because it's the right play as a caster but I hate it as a player you're protecting your gold your opponent's full walled and then fire just goes the sneaky way the sneaky way around well sure if MBL spotted that or what a fire spearmen raided the town center there I was actually a nifty move from MBO he stopped and received a hit but he just wanted his town center finish off the spear and those two Scouts should do the job boom well done and he's just looking at this point he knows fire is fire looking yo fire guys fire didn't see any trees being chopped that's funny I thought fire could have at least tried to go in there here you could have snagged a veil but okay well you stopped scout production now and he's making the archery ranges again very clean crisp build from fire more food in the bank right now just slightly better I say this about mirror matchups a lot it comes down to the small thing slightly faster archers slightly faster castle time all that good stuff feel like MBL knows that walling this further is risky so he's just leaving it there he is going to have to wall a bit I hate these walls I really think walling here to here would be smarter but there's also more resources invested into that and that villager needs to get back to work for him and he's just kind of make an archer switch as well you see the resources climbing and so far you're probably thinking t90 this is not the most exciting game ever I get it I get it okay not the most exciting start to a game trust me there will be a big finale here ooh fires making move I it's kind of worth it there but now they're Spears yeah so he gets a few hits and is now on the way out okay so what I would suggest doing let's say you are playing as one of these players what I would suggest doing is taking one of your low HP Scouts and scouting the other areas of the map see fire oh let's see actually this is interesting who wins this okay so fire has some low HP Scouts I would scalp the other areas of the map actually you could say that fires should try and confirm when MBL is doing I think 69 percent of the time you see the archer switch so you might expect it MBL certainly is expecting it for fire but yeah just scout for the extra gold scout for the extra resources and one thing I want you to pay attention to as this game goes on are those extra resources this for tile gold that's MBL's smack-dab in the middle of the map this gold that's fires and this stone is fires so good map to wall up but the stone positions aren't fantastic for him on either side and if he doesn't have control in the mid game could be a real worry oh wow I wasn't expecting this wire is going scurbs and a few archers so he wants to go elite skirm and crossbow interesting just flat-out expecting MBL ago only crossbow I suppose but it's also a lot of resources get a lead screw I forget the wood price 251 251 160 golds then 125 food and 75 gold for crossbow and then bodkin arrows 200 food and a hundred golds that's a lot of resources and yeah he's going for a leet skirm it's actually not even getting crossbow I feel like MBL wasn't really aware of that or he wouldn't expect it it's not the norm here comes fire now and be able to see that and think oh I can't can't I finish this town center you know he's should I try meanwhile he's trying to get in the fires base and fires folding walls so fire will lose that fill he will lose a villager but he could kill so much more this is quite good for fire actually I expected the archer switch from MBL and MBL oh good micro from him he should have lost more villagers by now he's lost too he'll lose three he'll lose four and aw he was off gold that whole time yeah he's instantly behind instantly behind five villagers behind just like that MBL's base is not all buyers in ambi Ella's nots and now you've got to be thinking this game is over right buyers gonna win this right let's look at fires economy second Town Center's now on the way he did make a mistake there he sent a skirmisher this way probably should you send squirms on to the other side of the ranges MBL loses another villager and has gone for nagging el defense which he kind of has - it's just everything's really sloppy and really messy for him right now now there is some potential for MBL with these crossbows because there's a wood line on this side fire is hoping to defend with scurbs but maybe if a knight comes out from MBL to accompany the crossbows and it all gets in it could be a worry for fire and normally the approach you're gonna take in fires position is you know you're slightly ahead now so it's all about staying ahead so that would mean adding more economy that would mean not losing your army keeping MBL defensive it's not that big a deal without forty-five voters was 42 I'm really surprised a fire would would maintain that lead he had oh you niversity so he can go for that ballistics upgrade that's pretty huge now MBL can't even think about my crowing those crossbows against the skirmishers once fire comes out and fires out and crossbows now - it's it's a nice move if you know that only skirmisher would leave you vulnerable against knights but you see how sneaky fire is it's really smart now he's gonna sneak around this way and bl will see it and be able to have to leave his wood line and be able to have to send his back of course good wall from MBL though it's like he expected that was the possibility he and fire are both adding the third town centers for their economy fires is going up here good TC spot to protects that wood line if you placed it right here the wood line could be arranged now it can't all right so MBL adds a night we have let three crossbows in there and the rest are skirmishers that night does no upgrades well what what you'll see high level players do is just try and attract attract to the army and distract the army so attract the aggro so the mag and elk and fire such an upward position for fire to be in now he wants to go back this way this is funny that fire has another army here and BL will have to deal with some heels really showing for map control and good micro from fire who has he must have struggled with the micro and credit villagers because he has two less villagers right now he really doesn't want to lose this army but then he has this army here good microphone fire remember he has ballistics so it's possible that he could take out that mango take out the Knights take out the crossbows it's not easy but it is possible and mvl sends a villager over to repair all right fire takes two losses or it's it's almost inevitable this Army's gonna go down now and fire with this army I found another mag and Allen he's leaving now okay so you see what I mean about the night you send the night in and hope the units have to stop but totally worth it for fire now his tea sees were idle ah see he queued up seven here and I think he he didn't queue up in the other ones but still the fact that fires on touch is very very good pretty close game overall MBL will have the opportunity to push back take some map control away from fire after he cleans this up and he does MBL is 26 farmers fire has 24th see the the numbers at the top just don't really add up MBL was able to to deal with all of that pressure and actually slightly out boom add slightly more farms my voice is going slightly too high oh it's a lot of crossbows though roof that's a lot of crossbows and a mag and ellis now coming out for fire yeah that's a good spot right there's Gold's the stones let's see what the micros like it is 30 military to 21 right now very close game very very close game so we've actually seen the beauty of a mirror matchup so far because there's been these tiny little pros and cons oh MBL's on the way to the imperial age what's so I'm gonna explain one of the reasons why MBL was able to float food MBL one one big thing that normally happens here is MBL has not gone to stone so he hasn't sent five six seven villagers to stone he also didn't get his stone upgrades fires doing the normal chinese war thing and he's sending villagers to stone and he's he's starting to get his upgrades on stone mining because it's so common for chinese as fire runs in here and is doing a ton of damage it's so common for chinese to go are blessed into 2 into trebs from those castles MBL is going to try something completely different here and this is gonna lead us up towards really interesting thing and a kind of a flexi move MBL is just hoping for fast árboles and fast bracer and and fire that's not the first siege workshop he's denied look at this that's to doubt shops for MBL MBL is ten villagers behind now because that one town center is idle as he's on his way to imp he lands a big shot though fire does the right thing he takes up the repair ville he'll split again yeah good split and he should take that out no problem and BL did more damage and fire would have wanted there Oh and then over here both players lost units but just great pressure from fire right now great pressure from fire now he's thinking about clicking up to the Imperial age almost looks like MBL wants to go for auditor actually very very very uncommon in a china war because to Canoe do so much damage against auditors you will see it but first thing is very rare now is watching NB l stream when he was doing this and he said I should lose this game I should lose but I called the cockroach and he's going to try his best to survive and the last thing you're probably expecting if your fire is auditor I think he's going to expect fast art and that's why he's getting the archer armor for his Kermes because it gives the screams better pierce armor and he's making scurbs ii don't think he would expect honor because that's not meta 36 military for fires hitting thumb ring now he's getting all those upgrades can he get a castle up here can you get a castle up in a good spot notice the difference now MBL he's going to stone realizing it where is the stone yeah realising the importance of a castle eventually but he just he went for a faster Imperial with less economy because he wanted to take the map oh and fire now sees auditors in and there's not much you can do against that if you're in fires position so here comes that that all then pressure now as you play in these games it's always about taking map control solidifying map control and expanding that map control so what I mean by that is as MBL takes these Gold's away what you normally see is a castle here then a castle on this hill then a castle on this hill and you expanded and hold the map for fire that would be a castle on this hill a castle here a castle here right and fire unfortunately for him he's building this castle further back than you would have wanted because he's building a castle just add a necessity for a castle it's not protecting a resource that's not already protected so it really has been some pretty sick push from MBL the auditors were definitely the trick so much so fires actually researching guard tower so that's stone he's putting in two towers now instead of castles but you saw the title of the video and I believe it was Viper who did the first time I think Viper might have done it against Hera in a nomad game just the other day and MBL used to always do this thing called the outpost rush where it was a bit of a flex where he knows he's way ahead and so he starts to build outposts in front of you which is a waste of stone right MVL says no I like this now yeah I like this thing now but hey let's not get ahead of ourselves fire has more population fire has more eco he has a lot more idols but he has more economy he also has a nice little raiding army in here though MBO has homages defending look at the difference in the amount of walls that they went forward the fire went for so many more walls my opinion had the better map MBL's pressure is just relentless he took out that town center steel has auditors around now if you're getting on and you're pushed going guard tower is a great idea guard tower will have the range to do with it and it kind of stalls that push out oh no the herbs got flattens back here and if it wasn't one a.m. I would totally go back and recast this so I could show how non blind I am I'm sorry I mean I knew it was gonna happen at some point I just had other things to talk about what it why does why is MDL rolling around with an auditor in the south is he really scouting the map with an auditor what's he's scouting the map with an auditor that is the most expensive and the slowest Scout you could make but okay see fired still struggling with the auditor choice he continues to try and send Knights out here to pick them off but then beyond that has ARBs protecting it so as he the Knights have won armor upgrade and he lost all four Knights in the last couple moments but that's actually decent because the scar here now so thus Kermes can can get some hits in on the Arve list forward squirms again for fire hoping to raid there is an auditor there for MBL auditors protecting that stone I guess a hundred and forty population for both book that fast Imperial just did so many good things for MDL is so much control and so he's beginning to bank up stone now yeah you can tell it's for him because he missed clicked his stone so he's sending them Idol but what you would normally do if it was the ten the ten billion dollar tournament I'm gonna announce next week finals he would build a castle here he would build a castle here he'd build castles on hills he'd take position all the things I mentioned earlier by the way it's not going to be 10 billion sorry big big hits for MBL's homage errs he's still saving stone he saw that fire was was going to make a switch into either cowboy your light calf shoe canoe are really good against that why isn't he building a castle wait a second he's getting bombard our he might be a little bit overconfident right now that he's going to win this game not bombard towers incredible for two things one holding map control but to also saying resign my friends I've got this one bomber tower bombard tower palm bar tower bombard tower MBL is so known for this with Chinese even in like more serious situations look tower tower tower bombard towers another Palomar tower he wants to build if you didn't see hidden cup - you probably don't know but it was one of the semi-finals spoilers sorry maybe just mute or skip ahead 10 seconds but it was MBL against the Viper and one of the semi-finals and everyone thought it could be leery even Piper thought it could be leery as MBO and then it was Chinese Game one and the bombard towers came out and everyone said okay this is MBM confirmed well he's towering a lot of wood lines like fire is very much pushed into his back corner has an extra gold back there which is nice but he can't take the stone he can't take this gold MBL still doesn't have a castle he didn't even make a castle for conscription he liked conscription is so important so you can produce your military unions faster but he didn't care the fire is doing what's really good move if someone has a strong position in the middle and he goes for some type of a counter raid but fire is going to lose these cavalier or yeah I mean he might end up running in but he doesn't have much I'm just waiting to see what fire has it he's he had the pop for a while he's just switching into cab to snipe off these on udders and this this will work he doesn't have like calves yet which is I don't know maybe he thinks he's clicked it but he's still going to kill to auditors right there he's going to run back here to raid but MBL continues to build towers this see even if fire were to win this playing seriously from here on out which it's possible I think it would really discourage fire if I were in fires shoes I would and I were to win this I'd say well he was trolling you know it's really good strategy but he is 19 on stone at the moment MPL has 19 on stone so tough to stop where you can stop it you can stall it out fires done a good job ever since that Bush came in and in but how does he take all these towers down it's gonna take forever all right like calves is now in they do very little verse they are blessed are really only good for raiding or against the siege MBL's base so random so many idols so messy so so messy much messier than fires in many ways make fires idols were at least forced because of MBL's pressure now MBL is going to add some stables here because he sees that fire has trapped which is a great move he's also protecting the trebuchet with some herbs and sperm so I like it also Rams I think all NBL wants to do is hold that position and he wants to snipe the siege as it comes in here fires Cavalier finally getting some value though yeah they're gonna get mopped up we have an AI army a spear to like Kevin five are blessed they're to deal with that and here it is fel is building three castles right next to fire so fires already seized the bombard towers he's already trying to deal with those and MBL bought a ton of stone and went boop-boop-boop it's the castle wall the castle wall I think this is the new thing guys the castle wall is the new I'm gonna win this game resign strategy it's no longer the outpost rush it's the castle wall there was another game where MBL and I were playing a 2v2 and let me know if you'd like to see it I don't want to spoil it but MBL builds five castles in that one right and aligned with stupid ease though it's a great way to throw the game it's a great way to throw the game if you would have built castles on hills and secure the resources he would win this game for sure but instead what he's doing and remember he doesn't even have conscription yet is he's building three castles right next to fires castle which has the trebuchet next to it but yeah I have to repair this now it's so silly man meanwhile if you're wondering the light cab I've done decent job over here he did lose a few bombard towers but I don't think these will ever go down MBL and fire both research architecture because they realize that rev war is coming and now MBL is going to make he's struggling for gold at the moment but he's hoping to make a trip out of this castle as well as these other two case of fires massing skirmishers fires massing light kev so i can't let this guy flex on me I can't let him flex can't let him flex oh he has to trebs over here he has a siege ramp so that's a total of others another one it'll be five trebuchet 'z four fire when I saw MDL do this I said that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen 650 stone gone the Lightcap seed ramps at skirmishers coming in it is very possible that this castle wall which was meant to send a message could lose MV elva's game can he hold on if he takes out fires castle he might be in a position to run on run underneath that a run run by where the castle used to be in sniper trebuchet so he's a lot of reinforcements MDL a lot of reinforcements fires not repairing his castle so fires castle will go down MPL steel repairing that castle with so many bills can he get like have in there the seed ramps haven't really contributed too much for fire he's trying his best with what little goldie has remaining oh here come the light cab I think this castle has to go down for MBL he loses two out of the three in that wall but the light cab will take out some of the trebs yep these trebs are no longer protected just insane production from MBL he's still lining that stone - that should be fires so he could build another castle if need be and he had the trebs all down fire doesn't have any relics he has so much of his eco into this back corner and on this side he hasn't been able to expand and MBL will make sure of that with another bombard tower it's just it's got to be humiliating I I would be humiliated I would not be happy but you know what I would play MBL again and if I got ahead I would do the same thing to him so it wasn't really a castle wall right that that's kind of as close as you get at a high level free castles is a lot of castles but MBL wins the game unbelievable I think it was the awkward on injure crossbow start to imp that did it like what I call it is low eco up so if you go low eco up to imp you can get a power spike normally that happens with archers because bracer comes in really quickly and also has a huge effect so if your Britain's for example you go up to imp with 20 less villagers but then you get the extra range with Britons and then bracer then are blessed and you can push back and get that map control but very rarely do you see that with Auditor he went on injure first and then ARB and it just it just looked so normal right if this would be your first China wherever you'd think well why doesn't everyone do that it just worked out one two three four five six seven bombard towers still up and only one castle but you know he found this extra stone he I think there was stone here to remember the homage or scouted it and then he had fires stones so he certainly had the stone to use my goodness that's funny I can't wait to see more of this though I want more castle walls not against me please alright but against others that's fine MBL had forty-three hundred stone collected in this game while it wasn't coming in until after he cooked up to Mpho that's when he started to go to all the stone 89% of that map was explored by fire in 87 for MDL he still was able to find the key spots three relics were captured it was a messy game but it was a fun game and I hope you guys enjoyed so what do you think of this strategy YouTube is it too much is it too much disrespect or is it just enough let me know in the comments see you next time
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 370,722
Rating: 4.837759 out of 5
Keywords: The, Castle, Wall, AoE2, AoE2 Definitive Edition, TheViper, MbL, Fire, Mastapiece, New, Goths, Chinese, Update, Fun, Wonders, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Kitboga, Welyn, Spiffing Brit, Cumans
Id: el7yxloxdoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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