Water Nomad Madness

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okay the only downside with this scene is you will not be able to see the populations for the uh player at the bottom but this is the as good as it's going to get for today i think and welcome ladies and gents to a diplomacy regicide water nomad game water nomad there's a lot of amphibious terrain you start with fishing ships it's crazy and we could see kings explode uh so in the blue we have deonte four light or d this is ethan apparently but dionite for life um in the green somewhere over here we have ape man can we wait a moment let's talk about what we expect here i expect a lot of water uh imagine that i expect to see a lot of kings and transport ships possibly a lot of kings getting sniped by demos and galleys and things of the sorts um i i have seen water nomad before in regicide and it can be pretty crazy and it's very very different than your standard settings but yeah i didn't want to they went random civ and i didn't really want to do an introduction until anyone had us or excuse me everyone had a spot so i think they have a spot now blue is playing as the magiars here on the yellow we have damp playing as the aztecs um in the orange we have puppy saturation playing as the byzantines it's actually really good sieve for this in the teal we have two karambits one pop [Laughter] what a name i don't know this person's twitch name but that's actually really funny playing as the italians which is also quite good when it comes to water uh very close by we have gray and grey is crooked yams uh here we have green ape man playing as the lithuanians and nearby is purple but where's purple's tc at purple oh purple's tc is here humanoid playing us the sicilians and uh forgot to make a house apparently still working on that right now and then last but not least is alucard alucard is playing as the tatars which is honestly amazing because of the water buffalos in this map guitars have a bonus where they get 50 more food on their uh their heritables and there's a lot of water buffalos okay quick question before we get started here um is the is the sensitivity of my mouse bothering you guys should i possibly change that i tend to have it this high for playing and i with capture age i tend to use a different uh sensitivity is this fine i try to i try not to move around too much okay cool well whoa uh purple's stealing water buffaloes with fishing ships you have to make a dock at the start and you can see that at least so far we've not seen humanoid ally anyone what about puppy saturation puppy saturation is someone i want you to look out for in this game still hasn't allied anyone okay so no malay thinking malay might be strong with starting with fishing ships you have italians you do have um saracens and then byzantines those are really solid water sieves water is going to be a factor here diplomacy will be a factor as well now let's see it is currently april of 2021. age of empires 2 definitive edition came out november of 2019 and it's been a wild ride there's so much about to e which is better than any version i've ever played a great game however there's so much about the e that still needs improved uh and what i mean by that is not the civilization count this is my once a month spec chant spec chat rant uh when you guys post it on twitter and facebook and wherever whatever socials age of empires uses i do see those comments so thank you to the people who are like hey when are you going to do this microsoft because at this point i've lost hope but it is quite silly that a version of a game existed for 20 years and when you were spectating a game that you could see the discussions that people would have and yet microsoft had said you know what we don't want to prioritize what people like there's not going to be spec yet so community games they're just not the same so we have to imagine that people are talking to each other we can't actually know what they're saying to each other so microsoft please prioritize it that'd be great i feel like i should make a promise like i'll do something crazy if spec chat were to actually happen but i know that that's one of the only things that's gotten results throughout my streaming career and i'm hesitant i'm hesitant and i also have two promises i have to live up to yet from the 24 hour stream anyway so i mean i have the mustache i gotta go skydiving with it and oh slicker league yet yeah so here's the deal i don't know if i'm supposed to say this out loud but you guys pretend that this wasn't heard all right i know that people who work with age of empires are like within certain aspects of microsoft um they actually watch the stream on a regular basis some people not everyone and granted they they shouldn't always just do what i want or what a streamer wants because that's not if i were to want something that's not good for the community and not good for the game then you know that wouldn't be good but it might actually be working right now and listening to me complain about this again all right you guys are thinking of ideas right now sponsor a 10 000 diplomacy tournament if microsoft enables it oh i have an idea so typically when i want to sponsor an event i talk to microsoft about it if they're going to sponsor so i go to microsoft and i i say hey it's going to be on twitch front page it's going to be diplomacy it's going to be awesome these are the settings uh would you sponsor it and let's say i request you know for the sake of this crazy conversation let's say i request a hundred thousand and microsoft goes is that a mill wall two karambits one pop is making a mill wall and humanoids defeated how where what happened who killed it guys i don't know who did that i was telling a story now that's a villager i was too focused on the mill my guess is somebody went for a demo of some kind on the king and i'm gonna i really don't know i really don't know i don't see the tc being out maybe someone else's tc took it out with the garrison actually let's look at the scouting from purple purple scouting frozen canadian arctic i can't check purple scouting for whatever reason is purple's dead okay according to the kd puppy saturation has a kill though ooh and puppy saturation's at the bottom you guys can't see that puppy saturation got that kill fascinating anyways back to what i was saying microsoft's like yeah you're gonna get great exposure for the game here's a hundred thousand and i'd say great here's the hundred thousand back use that for spec chat because it's a diplomacy event event that's how we do it we get them to agree to sponsor an event and then i just say how much money how much of this money do you need to actually get spec chat because we kind of need that for the event twitch says so that's the strategy so yeah i'm just wondering gallies fire galleys what the preference is going to be um i suppose mass galleys is probably the safer long term play but you should definitely have your king inside of your town center oh my god spectating's bugged i can't click buildings wait is that because i'm on humanoid's point of view okay we're safe never mind i was about to get upset yeah okay i can click things down it's fine it's fine um castler just about to be in for blue and blue is magyar's which is not really a it's not a water sieve that you really think of maybe he meant to pick malay you know he picked the wrong stiff kappa of course here is uh they've gone random i like his eco i mean he's in castlage already he's good fishing ships from what i can see his resource is probably pretty high yeah and unfortunately for many players in this game i'd expect that they might die early uh with galleys and yellow showed me with his tc spot that he's probably not the most experienced it's pretty common to place your tc up against the woodline on nomad as opposed to going out to build a lumber camp and i just feel like this is a very you can easily get surrounded right without having protection on the one side like you would if you had the woodline but for now he seems to be trying to go up to the next age oh god he's so dead guys you have to ally people in these games if you don't ally people that ally you they're going to assume that you're you're bad news and they're going to get rid of you and i think in yellow's case he probably is just kind of uninexperienced with community games and look blue just turned him back to enemy and it makes sense from blue's perspective if the person's not talking to you or not allied with you then you if they're close by you might not trust them maybe yellow will be able to to realize and say hey what did i do i'm sorry humanoid are you in twitch chat right now humanoid uh someone who's played in a lot of community games over the years i'm just wondering if you could tell us how you're feeling what's your mindset if humanoid's not here maybe even though it's like screw age of empires i'm gonna go play fortnite or something oh wow red is attacking blue over here all right and these galleys for for red are going to go down to the war galleries now you would assume and the villager really surviving here okay well good job here from blue now blue is by far the highest rated player in this game by the way um according to what i heard from blue earlier in the day blue is actually 1800 1v1 which surprised me and then blue said that the only reason that he got 1800 1v1 is because he's been picking koreans nonstop and going for castle drops on arena so he favors arena and goes korean castle drop so boosted his elo up to 1800 which is actually insane oh my goodness those water buffaloes protect them at all costs alucard protect them at all costs you will never need to make a you you might as well just delete your fishing ships honestly holy moly as tatars too 29 of them i want to see them explode i want to see someone go in there with a demo and explode them and we're not seeing many players make demos i think it will come out later heavy demos can be strong but for now just just doing their thing on water uh oh see i feel bad for yellow i feel bad for yellow because yellow doesn't know why blue's being so mean and maybe blue would have done this anyways i can't see if they're talking maybe yellow's like help me help me help me please please help me maybe that's how he sounds too i don't know microsoft doesn't want me to know but eventually this tc is going to eject the king is in there so your best bet if you're yellow is to try and flee with the king and maybe make a transport ship none of which is happening oh the king is fleeing actually is the king faster than a war galley it feels like they're the same speed actually blue doesn't have ballistics let's go yellow wait is he going to make it to cass league he's actually going to make it to cass legend if he can find an ally real quick he has allies he has friends is orange his friend aren't just not his friend oh no he's going the wrong way what can he see he doesn't know that orange is a castle there okay let's go this is how legends are made all right so blue and orange apparently teamed up yellow don't go that way and then oh oh man this is so close my heart is racing i would say run to teal's base but teal might not want you there it does not benefit teal to have a king which has a bounty on his head in his town center so i guess he's just running around i mean he made it to castle at least he does have some villagers over here and continuing to run not focusing on a whole lot else uh update on the water buffaloes they're safe red with lots on water and blue i think has lost track of the king now this is true but yellow you don't want to loop back that way okay yellow fortunately gets an attack notification seeing those there can he make it back to his base like he's not not back to his base can you make it to his new home i think so oh no i mean it's not safe though it's still just as bad oh great you saved your king and now this base is going to go down too you see how a lot of players are just protecting their tc's look how orange is playing in he knows the king is actually in the castle there type of one in chat if you relate to yellow you feel like well you know i'm not really good at this game i probably forget to ally people and then regret it i always get bullied okay a lot of people in chat relate to yellow okay so keep that in mind yellow has been bullied by blue now many people might start to call for blue's head maybe root for red as he gets more water buffaloes and he will bring them back to his base uh levin on food two tcs but not really producing out of them but does have good numbers puppy saturation though very experienced community gamer is byzantines making fire ships and is soon going to be in the imperial age economically yellow has 21 second lowest is 35 for humanoid and i just remember the humanoid has been dead for like 15 minutes so yeah yellow spots pretty bad wait where's the king the king is this is the nice king the king could have stayed in the town center but then he would have jeopardized his people so he's now just going to leave like no listen you guys you stay and live in peace i'll sacrifice myself for you but if i'm yellow i'd be typing up a storm right now also i think puppy saturation clicked the wrong upgrade i'm pretty sure puppy saturation meant to get fast fire and not galleon um so now puppy saturation has we'll have three galleons with regular fire ships and the king is still alive what do water buffaloes do they go that's what they do but they also provide food blue uh has this work cut out for him over here which is why he's maybe not tracking yellow's king as much the fires are going down that's a castle for blue that will protect this tc but he's also sending so much over here which tells me his eco might not be too great yellow's king is gonna hide in the trees right now and if if the enemy doesn't have small trees it's a perfect hiding spot who's orange allied with orange is allied with repeat four people green gray teal and blue we haven't talked about green a lot green is trading right now and oh boy didn't realize this but looks like blue and orange are now no longer friends okay so the top three in this game are extremely aggressive people alucard puppy saturation and dianite very aggressive souls and you have to imagine with that kings are going to be exposed where's blue's king at [Music] guys i think that for all my complaints about de they added a hotkey to go to the king like a couple months ago but i forget what that is okay it's in this castle now does anyone remember what that is i'll take what i can get yellow still alive control w it's not alt f4 it's not control w either it's ctrl alt something okay you're right but i don't think that's the most it's not that there's a lot if it's ctrl alt something we're not really narrowing it down okay ctrl alt k that's not it that's a good one though good guess i'll wait till someone in twitch said who i trust says something before i start pressing too many buttons so far i haven't seen a single name i can trust look at the way grey's playing this okay so green and gray thank you sally are trading and they're playing the long game here they're trading so we have a true diplo attempt from some of the weaker players whereas these guys they're taking the approach that you can take to get a few people killed but sometimes if you're playing like the top dog and you're thinking i don't need friends i don't need trade i could come back to bite you where it hurts um i i this cracks me up though these water buffaloes i'll continue to give you water buffalo updates the buffalo population going way down here in this game alt plus i actually think that was it no that's not it that didn't do anything russell ales says do you trust me t90 no not really it's not that you've done anything to make me not trust you it's that i don't know you enough to trust you there used to be control of up used to be back in the voobly days but up just just moves me around the map sorry that was chat's fault all these people on youtube are never gonna stop by on fridays for community games because of this conversation right here all right let's let's talk hal let me break down how i think this game is going to go orange is pushing blue blue is kind of paying the price for his dirty deeds earlier in this game but i expect him to survive a bit longer but he'll ultimately die to red or to orange meaning yellow is safe now where's this king he still hasn't even moved his king that's funny he's actually getting attacked by orange so i take that back now i don't think yellow's really safe but he's alive okay ctrl alt comma oh it worked i think that's it let me see nice okay that's extremely inconvenient but it is something so thank you chat uh salutes and chat please for everyone who helps so i think as much as i would like gil that have time to reboom back into this game he's not even making anything on water i think yellow will go out too but what you have on this right side i don't know what we should call it we call it instead of ape man do we call it apm or it's the crooked man the crooked man alliance yeah the crooked man alliance over here you know they're flying under everyone's radar they're trading wait who are they trading to oh they're trading with with alucard so it's the it's the crooked man card team gotcha let me just verify this let's see red is allied with gray teach you about your car green is allied with him but he's not that's confusing all right i'll have to i'll have to think about that one but certainly crooked yams and ape man will make the game interesting diplomatically because yellow doesn't even have bracer yet or uh of course he doesn't have eraser sorry he doesn't have bod canary yet kind of defending where he can and blue is trading right through yellow's little base and he okay so he's gonna be teamed up with puppy saturation so it's the puppy for life team now byzantine fires with greek fire are insanely strong and they're insanely strong against galleons especially when the galleons don't have bracer an alucard you're making some big mistakes here my friend even with bracer you're going to have problems but missing bracer missing chemistry means that these byzantine fire ships are going to own that said the castle fire will help a little bit a few demos might help i don't know if tatars get heavy demo because i never see them on water something tells me they don't and the king is still inside that town center there or red who's just getting mopped up by these fire ships but certainly civilized i think byzantine's is up there you know it's one of the better ones ammos uh getting good solid connects but still chips remaining there so red's actually gonna need his team and remember he's not allied with green or excuse me no yeah green is allied with him he's not accepted that alliance which makes me think that maybe green won't be so excited to help him and maybe the crooked man alliance with grey and green would just say well let's give up on him he's not worth the effort to save him you know he's doing okay though blue's actually coming back into this though blue of course still having this king safe and i have to say i'm pretty surprised that we've made it this far with only one king going down even yellow is alive so it's been a pretty solid diplo game here but yeah trade cogs not something you see too frequently they're bringing back 99 gold a trip for blue that would be great he's working with teal i wasn't expecting that [Music] even without spec jack community games are the best never the same game twice thank you charging rhinos yeah man i agree i i do like community games despite no spectate but special can really spice it up and there's definitely been a part of it for so long archer ranges for red telling me he might he tempted to make cave archers i don't think cav archers would be the land unit i want to make i think maybe hussars or knights but if you want something that's mobile and has range i think you should just make aliens hey demo nice the red's doing what he can to combat this these are some good demo shots that's satisfying you know a lot of the players in this game have been following my community for years and so it may it makes me feel like i'm not doing a good enough job when they miss crucial upgrades both of these players are missing chemistry right now which makes me think they might be missing ballistics as well but they'll get there i believe oh yellow's dead f's in chat please pay respects with the emote if you have it well yellow you put up a good fight there my friend and i think you learned a valuable lesson in diplomacy make sure you are allying people early on and not after things start to get awkward for you so there's six players remaining let's check the resources for some of the trade boomers oh my goodness crooked dms has 7000 gold with 64 on gold andes saracens and serious and galleys do fire faster what about green 5 000 gold so let's compare that to red 3000 gold is actually quite good orange 500 gold blue 1600 that's more than i thought but i think the trade is paying off [Music] all right keeping an eye on things here seeing how things will develop red i'd say still seems to be struggling but the crooked ape team scores certainly going up i'm just gonna change their name every time whatever variation of crooked yams and eight man's name i can make i'm gonna go for here does green not have the trade upgrade no trade trade cogs are not significantly faster than trade cards but trade cogs are significantly faster than trade cards that do not have caravan that is very slow trade okay i have a question and this has never crossed my mind before give me your thoughts as yellow's castle yellow if you're still here your castle's actually slowly taking out blue's trade that's amazing um but anywho so there's never really a scenario competitively anyways where you should be trading without caravan do you think that caravan should be removed and that trade cards should always move at the maximum speed they probably would never do that because it would ruin campaigns and that was something that was brought up i think in the past um they didn't want to make changes because they would like break a bunch of things okay people were saying no it was just the thought okay it was just a thought well you know what they did with with um they did that with cartography for example first cartography used to be a hundred food 100 gold then they made it so cartography was free but you had to click it now you get cartography if you build the market okay it has a cost for a reason fair all right that's just the thought seeing as you know a lot of other changes have been made to make this game a little bit easier at that logic why not have horse collar be free because that's not even a fair comparison you should make farms without horse collar in many situations in our game but i actually feel like the sim cityers out there would not appreciate and not enjoy fast trade cards because slow trade cards just so much more pleasing to the eye you really get to enjoy the trade yeah they made tracking free as well yeah exactly ganji thanks for 30 man didn't see you reese up congrats on the grind by the way thank you uh huss girls junior carl's jr donated five dollars and says we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty oh yeah sorry i i meant to pick up and talk to you about that and take that very seriously i thank you for the five kobe donated five dollars and says just wanted to see my name on the screen oh wait that's not kobe that's just someone who named their name for 2069 i got that confused with someone else never mind thank you beth though thank you for the twitch prime sup thank you for the support today everybody it's been fun and it's been heated and i i think it will only continue to get more heated from here um there's going to be a point and we've just reached that point where someone gets betrayed and i think two karambits one pop needs to save the king wherever the king is all right control alt okay it's oh down here in the south wow great great thinking ahead here from teal and teal has something like 60 teal is the most military in the game teal can defend on his own against green and gray i believe is italian so able to get those doctex able to get the navy out as full upgrades probably should garrison the farmers a wooden gold definitely the most important resource in this game and we knew that crooked dams and eight men would be working together but we didn't know that two karambits would maybe be able to hold on his own here at least that's what it seems like i mean he's still taking losses where are these demos coming from from ape man a-man's missing crucial blacksmith upgrades right now only has eight plus two okay somebody just researched trees and to see where kings are located my guess is it's probably gray or green over here we have blue orange everybody going into battle it seems like blue and orange working together against red red doesn't really have i think he is friends with these two down here sort of kind of but oh my goodness ape man has batards and a transport ship okay let me control group that one i love eight man eight man still doesn't have caravan that's a pretty newbie thing to miss still doesn't have important blacksmith upgrades ape-man is a legend in the making here but certainly has been helped by crooked yam so if anything crazy happens crookedyams gets the assist now did eight-man research that yeah i think ape-man researched treason and thus knows the king is down here and is gonna try and somehow unload pitard's from the transport ship take out the stonewall and take out the castle and then kill the king snippy would would approve snippy does approve he's in chat right now hey keshix here missing upgrades but i guess maybe red feels like he needs something to be able to take out the trebuchets which he won't do and i think this might be the end for red guys keep you updated on green's transport chip it's not moving yet but red is is 2v1s and by the two strongest players and doesn't have any support maybe would have helped if you would have allied green because green had him allied maybe green would be sending support but it doesn't it never really felt like green was serious about a long-term relationship with red call me it was just convenient for ape-man to be with alucard just for a time but it was never alucard thought it was going to last forever alucard thought that was a relationship for life but sadly that's not what a man thought ape man was just over here with crooked yams the entire time trading away all behind dallu cards back sad times not really though cape man or cape man sorry ape man is trading with gray but right in the middle of the freaking map so it's not really not really keeping it a secret here 10k gold finally getting chemistry at least that helps oh blues trade wait blue's been trading how much how much gold is in these cards 97 gold he's just trading right across the map yeah i saw him earlier trading all the way to gray but i think it's this is a bit of a traffic jam maybe make some gates it's rush hour over here whoa dude how many trade cogs does this guy have he has 44 trade units i think they're all trade cogs which i do think would be the wisest way to trade on this map because it is a bit faster all right uh blue i don't know where he's going i think he might be going in here to snipe red's king but he certainly is pathing incorrectly the red's king is over here in this castle definitely feels possible guys i'm going to remove this on the right side now because that's just in the way we don't it's not too important but um as we've been saying for a while as red's about to get pop blocked even worse i think red is gonna die soon see the trade going through the gates teal producing from the south that's where the king is green still pushing with gray towards what used to be teal's main base kiel's main base is down here now but i don't know if t will have resources long term because i'm not seeing a lot of teal in the mini map would trade water buffalo update well they're dead they've either been eaten or they've been killed by the ships not much else for red he's gonna find a few more and i think make a run for it i hope make a run for it because green seems like the type he's not necessarily gonna help red but he seems like the type that would let red you know just chill out over here for a bit there goes red someone just researched trees and it probably was blue or orange trying to find red's king and the king is on the move there's alive for now and green going to wall that okay uh grey dropping a castle here what in the world you see that gray tried to wall in blue's castle and then drop his own castle there and then if he was able to do that he would have just turned on blue and tried to to keep the king trapped in there and kill him that's sneaky maybe a a reason you picked gray as well because it's harder to see that on the mini map here he comes someone says take a look at yellow yellow is dead yellow's been dead for a while so i don't think it's fair to give an update on him right now this is great okay he's just spotted the castle and red just signaled and we don't know what they're saying so we have to pretend since there's no spectator we have to pretend we know what they're saying and i think red's saying please don't kill me with those demos green what are you thinking about with those demos please don't kill me because red's king is in there and green is two demos sitting right next to his own castle another signal from red i think he's probably saying take the relics leave me be take the relics yeah red just got wiped all right let's say you have seven and a half billion dollars to bet on this game who do you bet on right now pick a name someone said gray with seven and a half billion dollars you bet on crooked yams well he he has almost seven billion dollars in gold he's got 16 000 gold that's a lot they're saying orange yeah orange 4 000 gold blue [Music] 8 000 golden getting elite mag your hussar honestly it would be hard to make any like any bets on this because it could go either way in red he feels dead green i'm not convinced he can win but i think he can make it entertaining um as he comes in here at one point he lost his oh no the petars are over there okay yeah just the simple fact that green doesn't have bracer tells me that he's he's probably not a favorite to win the amount of space that blue has right now and the amount of people he's trading with mainly this left and southern side it seems very strong and oh blue just turned on green oh wait a second where's red's king now uh red okay it's still inside the castle if i'm green i give him up because the only reason you're getting attacked by blue right now ape man is because you have red so just give up the king he'll kill his king and say i took care of it or something don't harbor a fugitive green's losing a lot right now losing a lot here sending everything home but lost most of that force losing this force here red is still in there green doesn't really seem to care too much it's rather ironic though because i think red was still enemy to green for such a long time and green trying to hold on is i think we're going to see orange push this way as well it seems like dion dionite sorry his name is deontay and on discord i think um the puppy saturation the two strongest working together maybe teals involved in that little alliance well now i what i really like about diplo games that get that have solid teams like this is when the teams break apart not trying to be mean but it does give me great pleasure when two people have been teamed up for about an hour and then someone decides to break that alliance that normally is entertaining stuff so in particular orange when is he going to backstab blue when is blue going to backstab orange when his teal gonna backstab barnes what is going to happen here where bombard towers disabled or anything everyone alive except blue and greek grey can get those uh bombard towers were not disabled actually speak of the devil freezing point what a time to ask that yeah we actually have some bomber towers here thing about bombard towers is obviously there's stone costs attached to it but i think the gold cost you probably just it's better to have navy but bombard towers and navy would be very strong red's rebooming down here though i think red's king is still over here and it is and green has paid a heavy price i think green is gonna lose everything himself and red's on the move now let me see green's king green's king is actually not too far away whoa that's the lithuanian bombard tower i've never seen that before i i honestly i kind of hate it i kind of hate it it's different but it's not very impressive i think some of the other bumboard towers look better what's grey's looking like as far as resources go oh my goodness look at grey's q guys first off 20 000 gold in the bank but he's made he is a mix of everything galleons and also cannon galleons but he also is fighting on his own pretty much because green is going to go down it's lovely t90 official you have no taste 11. i i have a taste that you disagree with but i clearly have a taste and it's not for these bombard towers that's for sure are the balls even shooting out of the top what is that someone chucking it out the window now this isn't really this isn't really the architecture that's more so the uh graphics i guess yeah gray has probably said his gather point forward and he's tossing in unit after unit i think we might see players run out of wood in this game guys but i think the crooked ape team or the crooked man team or the yam man team whatever i think they're about to go down alongside alucard and there's going to be some massive engagements between teal orange and blue green's king wasn't here he's making some elite latest now green's king is now down here behind gray and if i'm gray i'm like get out of here please leave i love you but leave don't take me down with you like eight man is drowning and crooked yams he knows how to tread water he knows how to swim but eight man is just grabbing onto him and clawing him and pulling him down with him i don't know maybe that's how gray would want it maybe that's how close the relationship is we don't know we can't see what they're saying [Music] okay this is it's about to go down here first off look at the q for blue that's a lot of canon galleons see he's trading with teal which makes me think that blue and teal are going to take care of of orange first orange is doing a lot of the heavy lifting with this push teal's not really doing so much well okay he is he's doing his part but yeah i'd say that orange is probably the the player that they would focus on because aren't just right in the middle of their trade and so i would i'd be thinking about it that way if you see blue and and teal trading together if i'm puppy saturation i start thinking about taking one of those two out soon just to have a chance t90 it's actually more complicated green has had a crush on red for the entire game but red only gave green the cold treatment gray likes green and green nose but doesn't look at gray the same way it's how you use it that's true it's not all about how your bombard tower works guys it's how you use it thank you for the year no chill and thank you mj for almost a year now hmm yeah it's also what my ex-girlfriend said to me and then she broke up with me a week later so i'm not sure if that's correct but anyways moving on moving away from towers we've got um we still got some batards there for whatever reason it says it says the game was paused but it's very much not paused here life is about to be paused for red i think reddit 26 pop sees the writing on the wall is anyone else disappointed we haven't seen many heavy demos is it that the sieves don't get heavy demo or something or that the players have gone for the safe options i don't even know can you guys tell me which sieves here get heavy demo this is still this is still a good time just saying i expected some more explosions i don't know the water tech tree well for civilizations you don't see on water competitively so yeah for me i'm i'm not the go-to when it comes to that you're come the latest so you have latest against ships and they're doing all right and blue's going down but the who the gray oh my god with the turns what a legend what a legend grayson 120 pop he's being pushed by blue who's top scorer and crooked yams gets the snipe crooked yams i think had it was canon galleons in there that's what did it i remember crookedyams tried that earlier and that didn't work out crooked dams will lose everything here but the top score player is out so now what well actually that's pretty convenient for teal because he will unless orange turns on him always have that trade with blue but i don't think that orange and teal are going to turn on each other until grey's out of the picture well green is well and red i suppose red's king is actually with grey's king here but that's just so many galleons man well snipe of the game sniper the day right there certainly by gray and at this point he will consider this a victory certainly getting the highlights always good any funky business down here no no funky business deal's making cannon galleons that that's funky business where's the king for orange he definitely moved it ah it's in the north that's smart and move that far away from where the your allies might look can grace stay alive on his own i i just don't think so teal's got according to the stats here teal has 106 military gray is 47. however red's fast fires are really helping here props to red for continuing to fight he's been fighting for the people who are keeping him alive heard treason now when you spend 400 gold on treason to find out where things are you can only find out where enemy kings are not your allies you have to look for castles oh excuse me i promise this isn't boring uh you have to look for castles and have flags on them and hope for the best actually a great test exercise would be or trust exercise would be put a villager inside this castle if you're orange and then teal might be tempted to try and take out your king if he goes for that castle you're completely safe and now you know he can't be trusted and teal's losing everything he has here on the front so gray will stay alive for a bit however he's completely out of wood and currently wood is 253 gold to buy you cannot hotkey an allied king no uh orange is still gonna be pushing in hot and heavy though actually guys if you would give me a moment i've been meaning to do this let me just remove tooltips there we go that way that stuff doesn't pop up for you i only needed that for playing [Music] so when i said that you would if you had seven and a half billion dollars and you debited on one player a lot of people did say blue [Music] it wasn't everybody though but blue's out now right castle will go down i don't think there's a king in there but crooked yams knows okay he gets it guys listen if you win a community game by patrolling in galleons all the time that's great you have a lot to be proud of but three weeks after the game i don't know if twitch chat's gonna remember it too much but if you lose a game going out like a champ getting kills with sneaky attempts with batards i think people might remember that a little bit and you see the petars getting loaded up into the transport ship now gray is is running low on docks to produce running low on wood not buying wood either and gray and red's king wow the kings and their wives are in there look at that what are the chances that they would all have villagers and also greens king is here too you could put three kings into a transport ship right now and sail away to safety okay here they go okay they're all moving together there is room in that transport ship um okay gray gets into it green's like i don't trust you and red i don't even think red knows this king is there okay now red nose okay so we have three kings on our screen uh okay green is the tc so green's going there red has villagers will probably go there do you really want to have your king in this transport ship i know that kings can also walk on la on this land but for whatever reason the transport goes down all the units in there will die and oh he ejected the petard not the king oh but it was a distraction yo what a play but this is still so risky i'm not sure if he tried to eject his king or if he tried to distract i don't know where to look right now because there's so many exposed kings uh oh shoot i gotta go back okay here's the transport ship i'm just going to follow this this this is not going to end well surely 11 petards and a king walk into a bar and they say oh you're going towards so many unknowns here um uh oh oh orange gets the kill gray is out salutes for gray please red's king where does red go oh red is on the move here and teal's chasing all right the reds on the move 13 pop making a transport somewhere villagers are all getting slaughtered this is how it ends sometimes for some of the rulers out there lived a good life for so many years but now go down salutes and chat for red as well and now the final person from that trio to go down would be green green's king is here but keep an eye on on orange and teal because this would be the time to backstep if you're orange or teal this is your moment will you let it slip i'm so tempted to go into some type of a god-awful rap about that his galleons are on the terrain already blah blah blah blah okay uh i guess they're just fighting for the kill right now green's trying to save some villagers and that fire will go down i think arn's got the kill there too what three kills maybe four for puppy saturation in this game and now this is a 1v1 so king updates two cram bits one pop first off 10 000 wood and ten thousand gold king in the south behind fortified walls if you have if you look at orange's perspective does not have as much wood but king in the north amongst four byzantine castles with 8 000 hp and there's plenty of wood to chop this could be a very very very very very long 1v1 battle what you absolute cowards they went for allied victory allied victory where's the bloodshed where's the turmoil this is not what i signed up for well they probably did just save us about three hours so salutes and chat for them and it looks like puppy saturation and two karambits one pop both win and uh i think they get a strong assist from crooked dams though crooked yams took out blue now maybe blue was planning on allying orange and teal and and living the high life with allied victory but uh crooked yams still probably one of the mvps of the game because of that snipe interesting game but let's go through some of these sieves here real quick with the tech tree because i'm i'm curious someone said lithuanians don't get heavy demo i feel like a lot of these sibs don't get it see magyars magyard they don't get heavy demo uh italians don't get heavy demo byzantines do get heavy demo all right that's fair that's fair that's fair what else do we have in this game guys um oh that tabbing out is not going to help me what am i doing um saracens i don't think saracens get it either no no they do get it the tatars don't get it aztecs don't get it sicilians probably don't get it but then again humanoid died pretty early so yeah we just didn't see a lot of demos because random civilization didn't give us a lot of demo sieves and it was a great fun little competitive cutthroat game um i'm trying to get this to to disappear i don't know why this is here i have a theory behind that but i cannot get that to what now it's gone i okay i don't understand sorry anyways let's go to the statistics here you have the kd and puppy saturation was all over today he uh hit 208 buildings raised as he pushed across the map 539 units killed two karambits one pup also did a great job with the kd and buildings raised same with blue excuse me i'm sorry for the odds apparently i need my early caffeine in terms of resources collected blue had 40 000 gold with trade profit i have now spent no i clicked the wrong one do not fear though my massive gains i'm sorry coin over the past 24 hours have officially made up for the money i wasted on stream so before definitive edition the return to map uh button was on the opposite side and i still get that confused so it used to have returned a map where go to main menu is now and so they screwed me up with that man because so many times i'll accidentally go to the main menu when i want to look at stats but what i wanted to see was what blue's uh gold count was when he got sniped i didn't check that but if he had 30 000 more gold collected with trade profit i think he probably had around that much gold in the bank when he was killed
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 16,858
Rating: 4.9092784 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, Haha, WTF, Crazy, challenge, victory, risk, risky, insane, water, community, commy, com, commie, nomad, nomadness, madness, boat, ship, dock, demo, demolition
Id: _guhA-H99Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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