Best Migration EVER!

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what's going on everybody it is t90 official and welcome welcome welcome to one of the best migration 1v1 s of all time now I want to say before we get into this Age of Empires 2 game that I've actually never seen it the only reason I know that this is one of the best migration games of all time is because tatto said that to me during the tatto challenge which you may or may not have seen on youtube yet I am currently away from streaming and whatnot so I have a lot of videos plans for YouTube and I don't know right now exactly how I have a pant panned out on the schedule so if you haven't seen the tattoo challenge yet you'll probably see that within a few days but long story short tatto said to me mm hmm because he played these games the other day he said t90 if you haven't seen that game we need to cast it's one of the best migration games ever so we have tattoo on the blue tattoo is well known as one of the best players in the world and then in the red we have Aramis and Aramis he's not well known as one of the best players in the world however tatto said that he's one of the best water players in the world and there are a few guys who I want to give shoutouts to who play on Buble while too specifically we have Aramis he plays a lot of water maps and then we have a guy named rui lopez i believe and all the guy hosts he's a brazilian and all he tends to host his migration so there are a few people who like certain maps and they play them a lot and then they they become very good at it obviously and apparently this game tattoo is going to be rivaled now this game was in a best-of-five which was in a tournament called king of migration which tatto played so this was the the final of a best-of-five and king of migration so anyway we got that out of the way let's talk about migration exactly what it is so on migration you start on a starting island and the starting island has no board so as you can see players are pushing indir which takes a decent skill level to do also you will then see fishing ships and players will will probably go heavy on fish now you have gold you have stone you even have berries if you need that on your starting Island but eventually you're going to need to get to this island where there's more gold there's more food there's more wood if you don't do that you'll sometimes struggle now I haven't really seen a lot of migration 1b ones with the current meta in the old meta there was no fire galley so players would tend to go with galleys and because galleys were a bit weaker in early feudal players wood would go for two docks they would add a lot of fishing ships and those fishing ships would eventually take them to a strong Castle age so I imagine we're gonna see something similar here you know Italians is that pic for Aramis and he were just talking to each other there he he has what is known as the best water Civ in the game for 1v1 islands reason for that is that Italians if you look at their tech tree for a moment their fishing ships costs 15% less and their dock text costs 50 percent less and advance to the next stage is 15% less so there's 50% there's there's 2 15% discount there that all applied towards water Italians though they might not be as strong it's Vikings the Vikings they don't get the fire galley which is why there's a lot of conversation about the malp not being the best civilization but you know you can go straight into galleys or straight into long boats maybe as Vikings if you just have the time and on migration it's gonna take players a long distance to travel to get to the other player so possibly tatto will have the time so that's pretty much the extent of what we're going to see here in this game you know Age of Empires 2 is beautiful because I have time to talk about everything that we might see it's obvious to me that tatse will go for either straight galleys or straight long boats I'm kind of hoping he goes long boats because I find lime looks really fun but um yeah we'll find out and in the meantime you know I haven't really left for my trip yet but I can tell you guys I missed the streams I missed the streams I know many of you guys might not watch my live streams or anything many of you might have stopped by but I do cast a lot of Age of Empires too while live on Twitch and that that link can still be found in the video description and you know I love what I do so much that my my vacation while it will be fun will be filled with regret well for being away like I guess that means that I found something I truly enjoy when I I am off work and I miss it you know so I decided to cast a lot of things for YouTube while I was gone make sure that you guys could have some new and fresh content and not just well what might be reruns from twitch streams and so this is apparently gonna be an awesome game I'm really excited for it cuz tattoo is never told me that before teto has never said teen ID this game is something you need to cast so we'll see currently comparing the player situations you can see that tattoo has one more villager probably because of some idle time that red had but red has two more fishing ships so you know the fishing ship discount certainly paying off now for ready can afford so much more because of the discount and we actually have three docks now for red so again fish booming is common on a map like this and I think because of this tattoo we'll probably just go for what will be a faster castle age into the long boats which is one of my favorite unique units in the game most unique units are created out of castles however in the case of long boats in the case of turtle ships from Koreans there are unique units that can be created from docks and well we do see long boards long boats more often now we do not see too many turtle ships still unfortunately it won't see that this game obviously I think on land both suits are very similar here if you compare their land options I think the one difference is that the unique unit is maybe a bit more viable for Vikings the Genoese crossbow for red that that counters calves so a counters Knights that counters cavalier paladin camels and that's not something that Vikings would ever go I think Genoese crossbow are bit useless for Italians but Italians do have their there police say their pavese a unique tech which gives the regular archers more pierce armor which actually make their archers stronger than Viking archers Vikings have a very strong economy though with a freewheel barrel when they hit fuel age and the free hand cart when they hit Castle age to tattoo we'll have that tattoo we'll also have the berserks - maybe counter the condos it was conned ot arrows is something we see frequently from the Italians but then again condos now there another counter - - gunpowder a gunpowder is something that Vikings don't have so I I think that Vikings they do a great way great job at neutralizing the threats that Italians pose on lands on water we'll see because the Italian discount was pretty insane at a toe is on his way to Castle age he's making more docs and tatto will be getting his upgrades to go for those longboats so I'm getting what I want to see a red is later than tat so to the castle age he has transported already though so he's transported to the main lanes with one villager actually really liked this move see he's docked here simply because there's more fish to tatse we'll need to do that as well because these deep fish will run out and hit he's actually at a disadvantage with that unless he docks way down here or way up here tatto was considering I think he's sent a fishing ship this way to scout maybe and speaking of scouting these Scout for red is now on the mainland so red knows how important the Gold's are he assumes tats is on the other side and he sees this gold and so if he were to protect this somehow tato would be kind of starved of gold actually look at this there's just too gold to your potato Wow you know what this is pretty insane I'm not familiar with how many resources should be on the mainland's but we have one stone here there's got to be another one somewhere right oh there's another one so there's two main stones and two main goals and the goals are in this spot the red is a guy who who places map frequently so he will see that and maybe try and try and take advantage of that situation the tatto is making the longboats he also got the guillemets upgrade which improves the fishing rate of his fishing ships wow he's just killed the Sheep the animal I don't know why he did that actually you could have just stolen the sheep and used that as a scalp it's not something I totally agree with like this sheep he could be using to scout a little bit red is now getting war Kali which will turn his fire galleys into fire ships and you'll notice that he has quite a few resources in the bank quite a few resources he also has monastery the universities just completed so he might go for a one TC Imperial Age all the extra fishing ships helping him out he has eight more fishing ships in tad so at the moment and yes he's cooked up to the Imperial age so really interesting his villager is also going to survive here tanto really can't fight the fact the fire ships oh look at that Imperial age time it will be a twenty one minute and forty second Imperial age time for red I'm gonna call you call him our challenger here because I think it's safe to say that he's challenging a better player though I believe this was game one of their best of five so and none of them are reigning champions but you guys you guys get when I'm I'm going for I think so tat so we'll probably now go to the mainland and start adding town centers that's what I assume a lot of emphasis on water control in this map because water can well if you don't have water control you lose everything on the starting T starting island and you're probably dead then then of course if you'd like to transport to get to the mainland you need to have some form of water control this is quite a few long boats from tatto a red did get careening which is the the fire ship armor red is just waiting for fast fire ship so he doesn't really want to be fighting now but these fights aren't awful for him lowering the HP on tattoo ships now red has looped around with a few fire ships this is a sneaky movie hasn't found any fishing ship pickoffs as far as I know it's what he's looking for so he won't get that there and III do think that I do think that red will get what he wants here let's look at his resources he has enough to research fast fire ship and tatoes kind of getting wedged in here question is has tato gone too far kind of feels like it I doubt he was expecting this strategy from red tatto said this is the best migration game he's ever seen obviously it might be a bit biased cuz he played in it but fast fire ship is all in the way and there's really no way to tattoo can fight this with this amount of long boats now forced to fire ships fire ships are better in lower numbers and tattooin knows that so he's running away now I don't know if you noticed this but on the right of your screen you can see the texts that are being researched and I'm seeing infantry upgrades infantry defense upgrades which tells me that we will see condo tiaras created now now red has just sent filters here I think he's just now realized tattoos building a TC and let's see if Tatsu can get this up I think tattoo meets a wall in his Ville and he does want a soldier that's huge simply because well he didn't wall up the Ville the TC gets denied but read you know he will make more fire ship look how many fire ships he has he has 14 of them and they're fast fire ships and he'll be pushing tatto here and also I'd like to see him build barracks I think he's going to go here which is where the Gold's are okay if he builds the barracks he will just swarm the mainland's with some condo tea arrows so I think the score might not show it but I do think tattoes kind of behind town he doesn't have a big village in fact he doesn't have a field lead at all he is a slight fishing ship lead but red is currently in the Imperial age and can make condottiere oats Oh an also tattos TC got snide at 99% you know what I just assumed that that would have never happened ice all right it was attacking the palisade wall that's that's a little bit of luck you need versus a guy like tattoo look at that that whole TC tonight just a nightmare for tato who though I will say tatto is finally on the way to the Imperial age himself now with this many long boats I believe he can kill a fire ship with three volleys which is not a lot which is not a lot he's using the fishing ship as a distraction yeah it seems three volleys and and so Tata will have to hit and run which means in his fishing ships will have to just run and they won't really be able to fish and run now he's getting war Kali I just wonder if tat oh well we'll go for demos and yes it'll be demos and longboats so work ally will change the demo rafts into demo ships and demo ships Rd counter that's what the water triangles supposed to bring us an age of empires 2 you have the fast fires verse any galleys you have the demos then first two fast fires and I personally think the strongest composition is to go with a ranged unit like Dee longboats and then have the demos in front but read oh are you kidding me read is transported here so some Reds playing one of the best players in the world in the tournament final and he transports this is brilliant this is absolutely brilliant he's transport here now if he builds one barrack stats is gonna be in trouble and I think that barracks will go up so taxes economy I look at this tattoo is building Morty sees he knows you could be in trouble as far as I know a tattoo doesn't have any mainland's control the tattoo does have the the longboats coming over and longboats can range the the coyote arrows it's also worth pointing out that it's not like bread has a lot of economy to make the condos because he only has 13 fishing ships now and they cost food however this is amazing harassment from him he has more villagers than tatto tats was actually just about getting loom tats has been forced into building town centers on this starting little islands i believe he's going to send a villa over there to finish that TC we'll see if that will be completed Wow so tattoos at 75 population red is at 100 population just soul that demo or heard that demo go off and tattoo will kill that fire ship tat so gets a conversion on the condo tiro you can actually get another one if you pays attention here I think I'll get that actually and if he gets it you've got to be kidding me ok he gets the conversion he could possibly kill these bills he's actually just walled them in there that was intentional for me I mean walls in the filters so they can't build more barracks wow what scenes here tap toe is 20 idle villagers and that's 20 idols out of the 47 I do think that Reds control here will just stop because tatto has so many long boats now he'll shred that barracks this one can just be walled in actually if Tata thinks of it it looks like he is now crucially tatto finishes this town centre funny enough he doesn't really have food income to create more Vil's there so I need to wait I think that the well I don't know what to think really possibly the best move for Tatsu would be to go into our ballast on land simply because he's currently creating Navy which costs wood and gold so I think you want to go into something which has the same cost because his economy's just not set up to make champions and I think that red was a good example of just how economies work because his condos were pretty expensive for him to go into and he couldn't expand them like you can in other instances but he is ahead tatto our red is ahead tattoes a76 population is 113 for red I just wonder how much how stressed red is at the moment because obviously he's doing very very well versed player like tato I would be really stressed and in the tattoo challenge tattoo and I actually play some games together now Aramis and I are around equal rate when it comes to like the age of empires rating but he like I would just be garbage of these settings like this is his specialty so if anything he might be like a 2 K - 2 K 3 rated migration player as you can see he he notices tattoes finished the TC and so he wants to stop that tattoes going for heavy demos and he's just really far behind right now he is just completely swarmed by these fire ships and the longboats when not elite they barely scratched the fire ships it's pretty insane so tatto he's going to convert the villagers i needs him because he's 20 behind so that'll help and he's going for demos he's hoping the demo ships will bail him out and he does have another demo coming out of this dock and there's a few fire ships here clumped up this is what demos specialize in their heavy demos now let's see what Tatsu can do and a big explosion wow that was a huge demo ship the audio always bugs about always but sometimes plugs out so we heard that the explosion happened just a bit too early so maybe now red does he consider switching away from the fire ships it does come down to what his economy can afford to do he's just built a castle here and I think now he can just hold tattoo on water and prioritize land I'm not really sure how ATS is gonna come back but because he sent me the game I imagine there's a way back into this I just don't know how I just don't see it right now how comes had to come back in this game he's taking good engagements on water now he does have more military the power of the longboats my friends the power of the longboats he doesn't know about these two golds his villagers here would need to run away not sure if he'll be able to do anything with them red is now getting fletching and he's getting galleon so I think he realizes that's a lot of long boats so he is to go into galleons now if we're comparing elite long boats versus galleons the elite long boats would be better for tat oh but they're not elite yet and the tech for lis is I'm really bad with the tech tree so this is embarrassing there should be this is really embarrassing I'm thank God I'm not streaming this because if I was streaming this everyone big old - no - can't you - tech tree I apologize okay let's let's just I'm gonna have to edit that out we'll just edit that out of the video I believe it's like a thousand food eight hundred gold the research elite Longboat I was looking to see the cost and I can't use the tech tree for my life so yeah I just try and memorize things so hopefully I'm close the point is is that tattoo does not have the resources yet okay calm down chat calmed down comments calm down comments the tattoos villagers actually escaped and your red has 89 villagers tattoos at 83 now not bad red has a lot of his economy on the starting islands both of them do red is docking on this side to pressure with galleons and pressure with fires so if most of the economy is on the starting islands winning water and taking control that could win you the game so perhaps that's the way for tatto to stay alive here just went on water red sees them the red is tracking him oh look at this demo look at this demo from tat oh that's gonna be huge wow that's a huge demo that's sick that's it's the second one now that has killed three fire ships with one explosion and tat owned nicely saves his villagers don't know what he'll go with yet but well done another demo now incoming and this should be another good fight for tat oh and yes it is so you can really tell that red has text switched now because he's lost momentum when he trying text which it takes some time and - red is slowly losing control catches catching up in population a tattoo is trying to build some archery ranges so this is kind of what I expected is this longboat plugged into the archery range ship yes it is some poor archers are probably out there trying to train like yo Jeff get your boat out of the training facility that's why they don't you don't drinkin and Fletch okay that was bad that was really bad anyway this woman survived she's the only survivor and I just jinxed it I think she's gonna die now red should really prioritize getting tattoos villagers off of here kill her no is he gonna let her live okay she's dead guys red has collected four relics for relics he has 40 more population now he has a castle on this hill so so the census is recorded game since this is not live I actually want to analyze this a little bit more than I normally would have time to do tat oh he can't take any goals or any woods whatsoever that's not on the mainland's and he has one two three four five six eight ish plus we're gonna call this twenty five plus another twenty five so like maybe 60 trees others more up here I don't know like maybe maybe 80 90 100 trees it's still not a lot when you're making full Navy as it's still not going to be a lot to receive the farms he doesn't have a lot of space he's out of stone completely in fact tattos completely out of gold tatto is completely out of gold he has one single relic and now tatts is gonna make a move here so I think what Tatsu could do is he could sell some of that stone he has in the bank and get gold possibly if he were to build a castle here and then go into a TREB war he could kill Red's buildings and take the gold back but dad's is behind he's just really far behind red has so much math coverage just look at this he can see virtually everything and now I can see the tattoos building a castle here I think that red will regret not mixing in his own archers or skirmishers or something ranged that could stop this so that castle will go up for tatto which is good for him long boats are now meet by the way they are now elite and taps is building a second castle and yes it they will go up because red cannot stop them so I just wonder if Reds commitment to water almost doesn't help him now here he has a few galleys that's gonna be helpful if he disrupts the fish or sorry the farms from tatto so that that works out tattoos only gone for good versions there and and that does not work but the condos are not working and I think Tatsu could maybe get some gold back he can at least get this stone but red you know he's gonna have an edge in the trevore he makes a Trebek mmediately a tattoo it's as well tattoes only golden come is coming from the one relic on his starting islands and he has lots of idle villas here so he is to start sending batches of villagers to the main lands I I'm not exaggerating for hype this is a game that tatto should not win he is down in relic count he's down in Ville count the only thing he has a lead in its military camp but I don't see how his longboats can influence the outcome of the center all that much the only thing that tattoo his military's giving him is control of the shoreline to land like he already has done that's why I go for water control so you can get here and both players are now here so it's gonna be a real difficult task for tatto he can't make are blessed he can't really make Burks he has to go into skirmishers because of the lack of gold they you can tell that that red is probably just toggling through all of his barracks and and uh excuse me Spivak these cardio tiaras I've been drinking way too much coffee lately been yawning on streams and videos I apologize we got to take a break from it but yeah yet Reds unit control isn't fantastic but he's in a position where he can afford to throw away a few units as long as he keeps tatto held on water and pushes on land but you know what tattos making a few bucks and with a small hill advantage he will it's actually gonna kill this trebuchet isn't he he does but he loses one out of his two castles and this one's almost dead so tatto can't make berserks if he loses castles speaking of lost castles bread will lose his now will leave red with this one here on the hill kind of puts route red in a tough position now remember I said I think Vikings are slightly better on land if fred goes into our blessed tattoo has the skirmishers so don't really want to do that you almost want to go into infantry because infantry will counter the squirms and it'll hold up decently against the berserks but his form of infantry is gonna have to be conned Otero's and he's trying that but tatto still has a castle to make berserk so we had a couple of the unique texts saving tatto so far this game we've had the zerks we've had the elite long votes and the elite long boats are still helping tatooed secure the shoreline oh and bombard ken from red oh he kills both of the trucks from tatto and also he keeps his bombard cannon alive so now he has his own trebuchet coming forward he has a bomber cannon here as well I don't think tattoo has a lot of stone remaining tatto is that the limit for resources so tatto he can't even buy stone to repair this guy's he could possibly kill this ball mark and it's only on 18 HP but he has no answer to the trebuchet and I want to say that Brett's gonna win the game like if this castle goes down I just don't see how attic never come back and down goes the castle so now tatto has zero answers to the condos red is still keeping tatto pinned back tattoo does have a TC here so he has more farming eco is more wood eco coming in but it seems like I missed red losing its monastery here it's actually quite a big deal it's gonna be tough for tatto now red has this gold fully saturated so he has that gold income he has 40 more bills and he does know that tattoos over there it's tough it's tough to be judgmental when a guy doesn't collect his relics like this because there's he should have the lead right that's what it feels like but look at the stubbornness of tato he kills every villager that was building the barracks there and with skirmishers he's going to kill the bomb our cannon tattoo could actually steal those relics like he's obviously the one who killed that he's building more archery ranges to just go full skirmisher pretty insane here the condos they're an interesting unit because you can build them instantly in the Imperial age as Italians they have a huge power spike as the game goes all know they just get weaker and weaker so going for something like champion would be better for red but of course does he really have the resources to go in the champions no he can't approach this area of Titas economy because tattos protecting it with the longboat so red will probably add more Navy now that's his micro is just been exceptional and I believe Tatsu can get these relics so that means tatto he cannot only get the relics he can get the stone and he could have a gold income lead actually it's possible Reds gold miners here would still be stronger than the four relics but it'd be close and red will run out of that eventually so tatto wants to go for viking light calf so he wants light calves as meat for the skirmishers only for pierce armor on the condos are not amazing bursts Kermes and of course light calves would help with mobility they'd help to to distract these condottiere O's and at a toe secures a stone Todd took it of course build a castle and go for the zerks later on this is where if you're red you really start to feel the pressure now he has quite a few idols on his starting Island it's so tough to to select all these garrison on garrison fight and do all that at once tat oh he's obviously a better player so he's doing a better job at that because all the trees are just disappearing from the starting islands great raid from red here Red's been doing this multiple times now and yeah so Pike's from red red thinks he can go pikemen and Condit Eros and I'm not so sure if Tatsu gets enough skirmishers he could just one shot everything we've come any scams tattos trying to create he is 60 military with watch this that kind of tiara wolf will die pretty quickly it's not it's not bad right it's not bad yeah see two volleys and the light cover there's a distraction so it's not as if red can close in touches micro good yet again right accidentally weakens is one condottiere there and tatoes now building a new CC i imagine he will get the relics that's why he has the monk there monk will help with a conversion for now tattos holding this tattos coming back wow what a game fred still has so much gold will he be able to find the answer to the push from tatto i still think that red has the lead he has more villagers he just has less military and the weaker options gonna be struggled I mean if he doesn't get the relics tattoos situation just gets stronger and stronger as the game goes on simply because Reds golds is not he's not gonna have that forever I do think red needs text which now either needs to text which or he needs to wait till he has 200 population to fight because he's been doing a lot of small group fighting and he's just going to give tatto he's just feeding tat so then but you know on water man has he been annoying tattoes just attempting to track these fires the galleys or the galleons rather I'd just be a bit more patient in from red shirt at oh it's 40 skirmishers but if you have 40 condos and it's an easy win disrupting tatto here next to the relics on stone this is a crazy game and a nice demo shot from tat oh actually it's not necessary a bit of a waste but obviously there's a lot going on cap tram is also very helpful here I think but look what that's is doing with his like tab just going for all the gold units that red has and he's going to kill this trebuchet which wasn't really all that useful for red so sloppy play tatto now has two relics there's two more for him to take and he's getting guard tower so tat ties this little section of land and he will go for guard tower now and I think he has enough skirmishers I think he has just enough skirmishers here the big reason I don't play migration is because games can turn into this they stall out if this was Arabia red would have had a big advantage he would have pushed the advantage home and he would have been rewarded for it think a map like migration you're rewarded for being stubborn and that's exactly what's happening al tats is being stubborn man heck of a job from him still behind the population that's simply because red has so many bills but red spills just don't seem to be bringing him much I believe a lot of them are idle as well as you can see yep these bills are all idle Reds had about 40-50 idols for the last 10 minutes at a toes consistently had idols as well though just not as many tattoos Cady it used to be negative now it is positive because of all those condo tears he's been killing and now red is going to go into his own like calf which Italians like avatar better than the Vikings like death great move because your opponent's going full skirmish and you're losing a lot of gold unis unnecessarily I would say maybe switch to two pikemen like cap and cap tramps no need for condos right now disco for light keV ain't in fact full like cap would kill tattoos current composition for sure no doubt in my mind great game though I'm not gonna cast this whole best-of-five if you go to AoE zone net you can probably find all five games and watch the recording to yourself if you're interested just how the this best-of-five went but if this was game one in the best-of-five I'm sure the whole best-of-five was pretty solid I did see game before I won't spoil like what the score was at that time but I stopped by tato stream to see it and it was closed so at least got there that does imply that both players lost at least one game and tatto is being the final he's being pushed back slightly but the guard tower is really gonna help him he's actually getting arrow slits down as well there's towers to be more effective but my friends for the first time in a long time tato is not a head military numbers and all red is look at this red with the light calves bred with the light cap he's going into tattos farming eco he's going into tattoes lumber eco red has a lot of food in the bank to span these like calves tatto also doesn't have a large Navy anymore he has the Navy down here but I don't think that will be enough Tatsu got the relics but will he even be able to hold on to them because look at this that's us down the 90 for villagers 40 of which are idle and he simply does not have food to create more like Cap'n skirmishers when he loses them and I think he knows now he needs another wood line to court he's going to place a town centre here this whole game has just been a dog fight has been insanity and there we go red there we go he's getting bloodlines he's getting husbandry he is in need of the defense upgrades on his units but I imagine that's probably on the way does he have gold here yeah he has probably about a thousand gold left there and he has one relic Wow and he's building a castle here so after Reds little wave there he kind of he lost out numbers it's almost like he stopped producing to tattoes at 60 military well Reds at 25 and I can see why tatto said this is probably one of the best migration games he's seen or played in a red fire please fire with the bomber cannon off there was an opportunity for him to get a big shot in the skirts but instead he will get he'll lose that bomber cannon but now red can make a few Gentiles crossbow if he needs it I don't think he needs it he can go for TREB - jennice crossbow that's a lot of scrums from tatu full scurbs skirm Schanz Kermes on squirms and a few like calf like calves or the appetizer the main course of skirmishers now watch the difference the chain barding upgrade makes here guys so currently with with so little pierce armor the skirmishers are killing the light calves but chain barding is on the way chain parting is only the castle age defensive grade but once that is complete it will make a huge difference and and then of course plate barding will make an even bigger difference you know i say that and these skirmishers are still doing fantastic job bread just needs to be more patient like i think this is an experience this might be nerves on his part he really doesn't need to be throwing units in one at a time I think if Tata was playing someone around his level and he he fell into the position that he's in currently he probably would have called the game simply because well he would have been confident the other player could finish him off but since he's playing red and no offense red tats who knows okay I'm the better player there's only a few avenues I could take to get this victory let's let's try and he has population lead down he is a population leak now it is actually working believe it or not these skirmishers and like death working out for him okay now the lighthouse now they have all their defense upgrades so they're fully upgraded actually and see the difference you see how long it takes to kill these light calves with just squirms this is where red can start pushing back a little bit skirmishers have minimum range so half the group's not even firing and tattoo realizes okay these like tap they have their play barding armor upgrade I'm in trouble tattoo Oh Tac Toe is also in trouble on this starting I went to this game is sick this game is sick Reds here with navy Tata has a lot of eco here there's now condos in so I thought tattoo was gonna win this one for a while but now I'm really not so sure remember tattoo nail has four but this is just crazy this is simply crazy tatse needs an answer to his opponents like cap now and maybe that's just gonna be more squirms from him he could consider going Pike's but there's a castle here and you don't want to be running into castles with piping tato realizes that he's in trouble on the starting island he has now fallen behind in population this is just after tattoo had a pretty big lead he has 116 bills which is the most he's had this game but he has 45 of them idle military is even however tattoes a lot more on land and red is prioritized when water again on two sides and now rides at 190 population Tata 175 and tatto seems like he's behind it for sure he's behind I also saw red research canaan galleon so I think now he'll start prioritizing water again he can use water control to take these relics away from tatto to kill villagers kill tc's kill production buildings which Tatsu so badly needs and now I'm thinking yet again how does tattle come back in this game because red seems to have the water locked down and he doesn't he's not really in need of a big push on land and even even if he goes for the push on land he has better liked have so you would think that since he has played boarding armor Andy his bloodlines he would be better off and the answer has got to be tattos Gothica water himself and these long boats will maybe do that for him maybe they will they will offer enough protection they can loop around here they can kill Reds Navy and then they can kill Reds villagers tatto will be on the way this is this is just insane man this is truly insane it's at so what's right populations are dead even it's deceiving Cassata has had more idols but man tat so kills rats trebuchet and gets out of there yeah I think he'll Luke Ronson just clean up these galleries that are pestering him and meanwhile red is here with the cannon galleon I mean isn't this something special my friends Red's also dangerously close to killing tattoes army here but here comes tat oh so will it be fast enough will it be fast enough for tat oh let's look at Red's economy again yep he he has food to make like calf and he's pushing tat does main group tats his blue 150 pop now tattoes Navy's actually looping back and he's looping back because red is back Wow red is back again he's the real Slim Shady guys so cap tramps and like half now on tato starting islands this forces tatto into pikemen at home this is craziness so that's why tat does navy's returning so he can clean all this up still no answer to the cannon galleons from red suit at so we'll probably lose a castle and man if we said that before the tattoo could then lose its monasteries as well and red could take those relics that used to be his back is this the blacksmith tap toes using yeah he's using this blacksmith to upgrade chainmail armor so that upgrades gonna be lost which would be a huge just a huge loss for tat so he's going to need that upgrade you know I say that and he might save it let's see here oh you kidding me 63 HP on the blacksmith so he's able to get that upgrade all these little things matters so much in Age of Empires 2 and that upgrade is gonna be big for him he's also mixing in Pike on the mainland look how even the populations have been this game it's insane 169 verse 166 population tatto has consistently had more military though Wow and now red is completely out of gold so he had to free gold piles and now the only thing he'll have is some stone to sell and that one relic just insanity a Cal tattoes made it this long is beyond me I read has played so well somebody's obvious cut obviously got to lose this game and whoever it is I'll feel bad for tattoes about to lose his monastery so that means the tattoo will not have an advantage in gold it will be one to one with the monasteries because there's three in this monastery bread could always try and snipe these and steal these then he'd have an advantage in golden come this fight is looking much better for red if he commits to it he's chosen to go back does red even have the gold despair for a monk he does not he does not maybe I'm not sure how you do this because on one hand you want to take the relic to your safe monastery which is on your starting base or in Reds case I guess it's back here but you also need to snap cheese as fast as possible you can't afford to make three monks so maybe you make one month lag this send it here drop it and do that with all three and then you can take it to your starting islands but that's that's very complicated when you're expected to fight on all fronts and now tatts is gonna go for Red's castle so tattoos just kind of switching the location of his fights one hour and 21 minutes in are these guys gonna run out of wood on the mainland's could God yeah that's who is actually running low on wood I said that as a joke but tattos running out of wood let's see how much he has in the bank he has 1,000 he can't take this he can't take this yet and he's almost out here obviously there's nothing on his starting Island wow what a match Allred don't don't fight the TC buddy don't fight the TC buddy yeah this is not good this hurts to see the populations are still even after this but killing this TC doesn't give you all that much you're just giving tattoo a bunch of free kills and Tatsu is gonna repair the TC anyway and a TC stays up oh boy so red loses 20 population just like that he is getting control in some ways but tat oh he's back he's going back on water and oh we just had a twitch sub who is that who is that wait let's okay can't replay whoever that was they keep for this up and I wasn't expecting the alerts cuz I'm currently offline on Twitch but I think you to whoever that was with a sub I will of course give all my twitch subscribers Reis ups all that stuff shoutouts when I come back and thank you all for the support which is still very appreciated as I'll be gone but I guess now tat oh he still has the tower here so that the relics can't be stolen he has a 40 population lead red is struggling with production he's now going into a lead scrim which I think should have happened way earlier for him but hindsight is of course 2020 if tatto gets his longboats here which is what I've been expecting for a while if he can get his longboats here I think red is in trouble because red would then lose all of these villagers on this island he would also lose all the archery ranges which he's trying to produce from he lose the stables tatse would for sure secure the relics and our registers not the gold Matata will clean up all four of those remaining galleons and maybe are we getting closer now are we getting closer to the end of this game it feels like tato might just be inching it he's killing his opponents production buildings one to one with the relics but Tatsu could have four if he focuses there and tatto has 90 military verse Aramis is 35 that is the biggest difference in military we've seen this game what a fight this game has been what a fight this game has been red is gonna pile on to another transport but I think he's in trouble when he could actually run out of wood now tatto is going to have no wood problems as he's pushed forward and it's really all just about production production buildings map control now as tatto camps these reefs these buildings and he'll start treading down to the one down the one in the center does tatu have it now guys Reds pop just just skyrocketed to 170 foot in reality it's just villagers he has more fills but I don't know if he's really able to make up the difference in military this is a fighting game after all hey maybe this is the way funny enough I feel like if he kills tattoes villagers tattoo would just then get more pop space for skirmishers and like to have him - because he does have wooden food Vikings economy very strong and there we go tatto gets his relics could be the final nail in the coffin for red - I guess he's going to try and steal tattoes relic now I mean he's really tried I really hope the guy did well in the future games cuz obviously this is an incredible result 99% of people who are watching this video probably never heard of our red player so it's not as if he's like a top twenty or thirty player he's just a guy who's good at a few water maps perhaps doesn't get as much recognition as he deserves chap tram is a sign that tattoo will probably finish off this game though so quick story about red I used to play on the HD Edition and I used to think I was pretty big deal this is back in 2013 and I recall being around 2k on HD and Aramis was 2 K 2 or 2 K 3 or something which put him in the top 20 I think on HD and so I used to play with him and I he had mentioned to me boogly I think I then mentioned that I was considering killing so I could cast some games and he said how good do you think you'll be on Buble like what do you think your rating will be and I recall telling him like ah I'll probably be 1800 googley wrong I think it took me a year and a half to get over 1,700 on boo because there's such a big it's different now because so many more people would join the client but at the time there's about a 500 point difference with your HD rating to your googly rating so he was of course he was right up there like he was immediately 1899 I believe he's 2k now but uh yeah I remember playing with you Aramis if you're listening to this I remember the good old days my friends so thank you for those days and thank you for this game and I'd read he's back in the game he's back in the game he has a hundred ninety two population how is this happening I tell one story and the population swings right back into Reds favor tatto has a lot of wood he does not have that much food I I can't believe this I genuine old that story because I thought that Gigi would be coming in and I figured okay this that's a good like note to end on like complimenting Aramis but no like Red's not dead yet he is not dead yet tato should put all of his golden to siege down when you get into this stage and you're relying simply on relic Gold income you want to put your gold into siege either siege or champions so if tattoo where to go for champion that would work really well here but I genuinely cannot believe that red is still holding so much control over this game now this is interesting now remember I said if if tattoo loses villagers it'll just give him half space for military I think the same thing will happen to read here but he will need to add more farms on the mainland let's see ya mean red maybe he doesn't have a lot of food and wood banked up so losing these villagers would be a concern I don't know anymore Red's trying to sneak stables he's he's sneaking siege workshops he just so freakin much man is going down in this game [Music] this game could have ended at the one hour mark and it would have been the best migration I've ever seen Tatsu could loses if he runs out of wood and obviously that would mean that the game would be quite a long game because he is 3,000 in the bank but nothing would surprise me now tattoo is no wood on a starting Island okay of course of course I pan right to wood he has a little bit of wood here but not a lot left here and Fred just controls this area he can see for himself the tattoo shop and wood there this is essentially a trash war so it's really important for tatto that he's able to continue to push maybe even deny hmm I wonder if tat took a transport and start raiding this area with some Lightcap of his own we've seen red go for a lot of raids I've not seen that from tatto actually at least not the same way he's been using his navy which has been effective just not the same holy cow a thousand kills now for tat oh so 1055 unit skilled migration games normally don't go on this long they're just relying on the relics and Wow red sell cologne for hustler how did you get the gold for that will he have the food to create them red is going for us are you know I always forget that Italian even get huh sorry but I acted like I knew didn't I I acted like I knew what I was talking about that's it's really what you have to do as a caster so if anyone's thinking about commentating out there just act like you had under control and for the most part you're you're good to go adapt ascending rams and he's sending trebs as he should do and he needs to kill the production buildings of red in every production building he kills means that red will have less military out in the fields tatto still maintains a military lead oh I think that owed my apologies again for the on I believe that because of his his Navy here he has about 15 of those longboats and then costs ours a good idea for red I just think economically he's starting to struggle he has 40 sorry 60 farmers which is actually enough but tattoes killing some of them so he needs to keep a close eye on this yeah look look at this guy's tattoo is here denying wood he's here tonight wood he's here denying farms and then Reds priority is to deny farm space and wood in the center this is crazy this is truly insane I don't think red can raid with hustlers because if he leaves this area with his hussars tattoo just pushes as he has the seed RAM so the hoodstarz are needed to kill the seed ramps are also needed as a meat shield for his sperms this is gonna be quite difficult for tato because the skirmishers for red are on the hills they're doing more damage they're receiving less and manner these huts are so important to this fight Zee tattoo pulled back a little bit tato has a ridiculous score lead absolutely ridiculous score lead but score doesn't mean anything score does mean anything in war and red pushing back he doesn't have the relics but he has HUS arse and he's going to kill at red he'll kill too and he's calling a bunch of tats of skirmishers and tato is running low on wood as we expected so he is on the clock really red still has some wood next to his castle he still has the wood that he can take away from tato if he continues this bush and why what a push this is what a push this is red has 85 military most of which is on land and tatoes army really can't fight here in fact he has to delete the barracks this is an awful engagement for him the huskar's are soaking up to damage from blues Army and the skirmishers just raining down the hell from behind and I think tattoes starting to panic now or at least I would be if I were in issues and now Reds in the position to possibly mix in a few ramps and a few seat units tattos pikes just can't do anything with all these scurbs here and hustlers are simply stronger because their mobility and the amount of damage they do and the amount of damage they take versus skirmishers I'm speechless I actually hate it when commentators say that it's like obviously you're not speechless I'm not truly speechless but I'm getting there this is a crazy game an LTAC oh my god oh my god I came into this game knowing it was gonna be amazing but I didn't expect it to be this amazing this is sick Tata's gonna transport like calves to red to eco wear red has no defense for this so red has he has like 30 40 percent of his economy there at the same time tatto has 30 40 percent of his economy here which play is gonna win I mean there's so many little details tattos keeping these hustlers out I've continued to watch for them so those hustlers are actually not in the field for read but tatto like he is losing Vil's he's talent to 80 villagers but Reds about to lose some as well I'm losing my mind not only is this one of the best migration games ever this is possibly one of the best Age of Empires one the ones I've ever seen period there are based rates in Age of Empires 2 and this is a very different based rate oh man I think we just have to compare resources tatto has more food than red and less wood but you know I say red doesn't have food he is producing with his food unit so that is deceiving my word and now red has to build barracks to make a few Pike's to defend from this tattoos down the 7 evils and 140 pop and red is as well my goodness my goodness what a game and I I think red has the advantage simply because the huh stars opus America dope from tattoes here it missus will get one more shot before Costa will oh my god look at the population now Tata takes the score lead my neighbors are probably downstairs like I can't wait for this guy to go on his trip he's so loud over that dumb game what a game now that helps I'll tattoo in a massive way will it be enough that Mac and L came in clutch I'm squeaking over here tatto transports to get just a little bit of wood in the south and he's sending for villagers oh my god and yes red just doesn't have the skirm numbers anymore so the hustlers can't push I genuinely believe the game would offend it right there if that Mac and L shot wouldn't have hit if that Mac and L would not have connected I think all of tattoes pikes die red has enough huh SARS and then tattoo loses everything here or maybe not everything they come I'm possibly exaggerating a bit but he would've lost a lot more red would have certainly kept the hill and he could have followed it up with a calf tram to kill things I mean just so many possibilities and you just you have to think now after receiving that blow and Game one of the finals versus a player like tat oh that that red has got to be thinking you're kidding me right he was coming so close and now he has to to add more villagers in and I location that is not ideal and he's thinking man this guy is so good and he is and tatto doesn't know it yet because he doesn't see the army he could fight this now and I believe he could win this fight because somehow someway tattos back up to 90 military 160 plus population and Red's at mid 130s and also about a dozen hussars are still stuck in that stable because of a brilliant clique wall from tats and brilliant repairs from him to keep those units trapped in there and that that stable has been there for a long time it's been there for 30 40 minutes now okay thank you if NAT Oh pushes up this hill he takes the game and he's here but he's he's playing this safe he does not want to lose army numbers like red did so every little kill here is a plus form he'll kill villagers and I think wait for the C tramps wait for the C trams just kill production buildings and eventually Fred just can't make any more military big fight though tattoo fighting up the hill but he's not fighting a lot of pikemen at the start of this engagement so he's killed quite a few skirmish mare miss and that gives tattoo a 50 population lead as a 50 military lead and he also gets his own pike minute up the hill more like couple on the way if he gets the scrums in there I think Tatsu can do this but he's going to leave the hill for now he's going to be more patient and I think that's a good safe decision you don't want to throw your lead here tattoes he's in the strip one of the strongest positions he's been in in this game and I think champions could finish it all for him I do i I hate to call it because I've done so so many times of this game but surely surely champion would would destroy red there's no counter to that in his army Tachi just means like 20 of them with the army he has and then it's off to game 2 and this best-of-five you know I told you I saw game 4 so I I don't I guess I already did spoil I know that Aramis got at least one win because Game four came up and I believe tattos victory might be on the way here maybe when I returned from my trip if you guys would like to see more of that that final maybe the entirety of it I could cast it for you I can promise you that no game will be as good as this one strategies might be different Sims might be different but no game will be as good as this one this is just bad chelyn I read is still holding on for dear life can you imagine the amount of clicking I'm out of focus this is just exhausting to look at at times but tatto the freak of nature that he is in this game he has he's done a fantastic job to hold on that one mag Adela shot is still unbelievable to me and I think now with red running low on resources even before seeing ok now he sees the champion 110 pop he's fighting with bills verse the RAM like Kevin is eco I think that this is where I would start thinking about calling the gg possibly because it's a torment final he'll fight a little bit longer just in case status slips up but I don't see how tattoo can slip up now and I feel like it is simply just a matter of time and there's the GG at asta says good game well played and dad is an understatement that is if tattoo was an honest man he would say good game very very very very very well played red that just sums it up I can't say anything more than that I can't review this game normally I can go to three or four talking points say hey remember when this happened at this minute remember when this happened to this minute well this is how it affected the game this game was just insanity from virtually start to finish you cell Tatsu gets the victory well played Aramis that is the best migration one of the best games I've ever seen in Age of Empires - sorry I just got text message which had relatively bad news so I'm gonna just skip that skip thinking about that for now let's go to the achievements we have the military stats 1500 1500 units killed for tat so 1,300 for Aramis the economy stats wow that's that's pretty interesting isn't it Aramis had more food significantly more food and he had significantly more wood and the gold oh my god the gold as well that I didn't expect there to be that big of a gold difference what was the relic Gold like I guess Aramis had about 4,000 okay that that game has just left me mind blown I think that I have to get back into this and discuss some of the situations despite the fact I said I can't possibly do it I'll try you know there were multiple instances where they had to shift focus so I guess the best way to someone up would be there were times where water control was very helpful and there was times where water control was a waste so so for example at a toe he got to a stage where he was doing really well with his elite longboats but then blue already had mainland's control and so or sorry then red already had mainland's control so the Navy didn't really help him so then tatse would have to focus on land and then red would think okay maybe I can take an advantage on water and he did that multiple times with the transports and killing tatoos eco and then when tattle would stabilize there then tattoo would push back and you can see the long boats are here I mean it was just a big game of of shifting focus and it's this eight game of Age of Empires 2 is just so perfect I mean to be able to to see Games day after day that are different in so many different ways is fantastic and I think that these guys like my hat's go off to these two players because I'm here to talk about it you guys can probably appreciate the strategy after it's explained and after a long game like that but the potential of Age of Empires to the potential greatness of Age of Empires 2 is only shown we only see it because we have fantastic players because I can guarantee if you're watching their point of view you're probably getting dizzy watching that game so guys thank you very much for watching this video if you liked the video please leave a like as I said I am away from streaming for about 8 or 9 days make sure to let you guys know when I'll be back but thank you guys very much for watching the content I will be paying attention to YouTube comments and look forward to the next couple videos guys I have quite a lot of awesome content planned for the next week and a half
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 422,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Wolf Nothing, Expert Game, 1v1, TeamGame, Viper, Daut, Tatoh, RTS Games, Throwback, Nostalgia game, Towers, Mastapiece, Tutorial, Disgusting, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Snippy, Eli, Infaboat
Id: 6QqKFE9QKwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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