Aztecs vs Tatars | 1500 Elo Coaching

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most people by now know about my LOI lo legends series where I break down noob level gameplay from 900 ela all the way down to 300 at times I talk about where to improve we all giggle at some of the newbie mistakes that players make and then I also cast a lot of expert games so with my youtube only content I normally find a really interesting Civ matchup and show you some excellent play and saves being played to their potential what I haven't done a lot of over the last couple months is I have not focused in the middle and when I say middle truly it's like top 10% but not the guys who are top 50 right the people who are ranked from like 1500s in the world to a thousandth in the world and that's exactly what we have here so this is a1 b1 between two people who have supported me for very long time on Twitch love the crap out of these guys we have strode strode you guys probably have seen quite a few community games someone keeps rigging him in he's playing us that's Attar's I just looked he is 13 okay I mean let me start over he's 14 95 and 1 P 1 ranking which put hit puts him I can't speak at 1300 in the world okay and King Boo is 1545 and King Boo is 9 50th in the world all right so with 50 elope you jump up like 3 or 400 spots in the world ranking so he could tell his mom hey mom we did it I'm top 1000 you know I'm sure his mom will be very proud so King Boo is Aztecs top tier 1 p1 Arabia SIV and this is Arabia and then strode is to tars a civilization that I love but I think there's a certain way you have to play to tars and a certain time frames especially in this sent matchup where you can use them and I'm gonna talk a lot about that here now right the purpose here is to help these players improve and if you're gonna make a jump up 100 ehlo or 200 yellow it's a lot of small things to add up so if I seem slightly over critical throughout this I'm hoping it helps you guys kind of think about what players should do if you're someone who just watches or maybe helps you improve as well if you end up playing okay first off strode what in the world is this lumber can't man like strode he is he's very outspoken of how some of the LOI told legend players are news what why there's no wood over here what is this he's gonna be so pumped to be in the YouTube video and then I'm gonna call him out for his lumber Kim and I promise I'm not gonna be extra critical but there are a few things right off the bat that I really need to bring up so yeah the lumber camp it's not like he does this every game I would prefer to hear that's a perfect lumber camp or here that's a perfect number camp and also a one final thing is the house yes with this build order typically what you do is you send a villager out you build the house and then you go build the mill however I think this house unless you needed to rush it down I wasn't paying attention I think it's got to be here right your house your house your wall and then you could build your barracks and everything in the front despise yourself a little bit more space what I love about Strode position right now is he's actually already found where King Boo is has got to be careful not to run into the TC but he sees the enemy and King Boo is also scouting right now so both players scouting early which i think is so crucial so important I always make a challenge of start leaving to your opponent's base around the five-minute mark at the latest and hope to arrive around the 8 minute mark because that's the earliest that they're really gonna be doing things where you could tell what they're gonna go for the king who's just passing King Boo if he was paying attention sees the go wait a sec what I was gonna steal the goat I thought that was underneath the TC but he's gonna lose it'll aim that bad boy boo hoo okay that was bad but I guitars you can compare them to Hans more than any other civilization they do have more food on their goats so that's very nice for a scout rush and then you could play Scouts into archers as specifically CAV archers because titarros get free thumb ring which is a very important upgrade for cattle archers you notice I talked about his strode just not giving himself a lot of space with the way he's building his houses I would prefer they'd be out there it does look like he's about to be on his way to the feudal age and King Boo I'm noticing is walling up Aztecs are the stronger Civ here but Aztecs me not the stronger see if if decides that their base are open all right so he's already beginning to wall this is a bit of a risky game to play if you know your home and Scout is out because if you're not loomed you can lose it but it's a risk worth taking here and then I'm sure if he is going up to feudal age he's gonna get loom in a moment and then he can wall that left-hand side okay so I'm gonna pause here for a second in the name of coaching all right I'm gonna talk through something now this is with scout builds okay and I have seen this recorded game I just sped through it really quick and this is something that I feel like is a good system that at least works for me and I tend to see this trend with high level players if you need that if you don't trust me for whatever reason okay so a common build with Scouts is 22 top Scouts that was that was common in the past right nowadays you're seeing a lot more 20 pop Scouts and not March 21 pop Scouts so obviously you have your one starting Scout as part of that population so keep that in mind with with you assessment pops so if you want to wall your base this is how I view it if you're doing 20 population Scouts you should have one villager building the barracks that when you're halfway to futile age is that way the barracks up and you can pull a second villager to build the stable and then when you're in feudal age you begin to all of it if you go 21 population Scouts you float a villager as a wall villager to wall while you're on your way up okay and then if you want to wall with more than one villager while you're on your way up to feudal age you should go 22 pop scouts this is all for eco for the health of your economy and I'm gonna show you like how that breaks down with how many resources you are or not gonna have right here okay I just stood out to me and that's a system that is consistent across high level play and another thing if you're really worried about getting walls up is you can always grow your Scout back I'm just gonna the reason I had to bring that up is because strode is walling again as I talked about earlier he could have walled here and here and bought a lot of more space for himself with less walling and then he could have the barracks in the proper position so I don't like the barracks position at all but you notice he had as this villager walling this villager walling this villager building of barracks and what's gonna happen is and now he has this villager walling this is a lot of wall Vil's 421 pop Scouts economically it's gonna be better to go up to a few ladies a little bit later so you can have one more villager write that or if you're really worried don't wall with as many villagers right now and and bring your Scout back so I hope that helps somebody ultimately even from Dark Age he hasn't done a great job buying mixed up space may or may not be an issue here but he is these villagers not working he is this villager not working just again he wants to be secured try and use that system and see how it works out for you okay now King boo he is is walling up nicely you see how important getting walls up are it's it's pretty crazy and he has four golds and I'm gonna be critical of king boo the the bill this is a little bit off right now just because you're not gonna have as much wood as you need like the barracks is up you can place one range and maybe it's gonna end up being a one range build but it's a similar problem they're only in this case I suppose since his Eagles also out and not protecting as wall villagers you felt the need to rush it down I hope I'm not being I hope I'm not confusing you guys too much and I hope I'm not going too in-depth but what a lot of pros do is the user scout to protect their wall bills and till they're walled and they don't commit as much to walling one range for King boo right up against the TC I don't have to talk about how that's not ideal both players a denying eco space for themselves but for now he's doing all right so one thing that I didn't mention and I was kind of leading up towards it and forgot stro does not have four scholar with a scout build you normally have the rez to go for double bit X horse collar and then Scouts and the fact that he did not have rez for horse collar floating is because the fact he had to pull those voters off of resources alright he could have had two more villagers three more villagers collecting res to get horse collar to then have later resources he is scouting well though and he notices his opponents Walt especially if your opponent Walt I would prioritize that horse collar upgrade over making this Scout here and he sees the range and this is something that's really tough not to do like well I made military and he's four wall that's funny it's one of those things where you you like get upset they're full walled when you're full walled as well as making farms that aren't gonna last that long right now but I suppose this is his life and he's decided to build the range the range timing is super complicated here because if you are interested in going into skirmishes against Aztecs they can always switch into Eagles so you never really want to stay with Scouts firm for all that long and also that archery range is 175 wood so it's up to you to determine when you end up going for the for the range and that always depends because if that 175 wood went into farms instead obviously he had a little bit more food to reach Castle age so I always have a kind of like a rule of thumb with the farms I like to build the range when I'm at about eight to ten farms like a roughly around there I think he built the range when he was had four right so it just handicapped his eco a little bit more than I or like other high level players would go for normally the Eco approaches his best oh man I feel like I'm talking more you guys better YouTube I hope you enjoyed this because I feel like I'm talking more during this than a normal cast there's a lot to talk about trust me I'm gonna tear this game apart by the way just like one of my subscribers to put a freaking goat and animal in the corner just so I have something in the corner to talk about things for that alright so we talked about the horse collar we talked about the walls for both what's kingboo up to king boo he currently has eight archers it's about to be ten and his his approach is definitely eco so he's gone for a lot of farms with eco upgrades and he did he does have the blacksmith so he does have fletching I think he's got to be thinking about pushing out here and I actually I actually am gonna propose something completely different from what he's doing here he wants to be safe but you have a lot of fletching archers I if he's knocking on the door there let him and send the archers out I know it's risky because there might be a lot of military units out there but you're gonna have to depend on your awareness and see how much you trust yourself in that situation but imagine if you were to sneak this even five archers out and leave the rest in here and then loop around and hit the wood line and he would be none the wiser like that's one thing that you see wall and sneak but even a few archers is a as a very annoying and very successful thing to do also skirmishers are something you can fight if they don't have armor and there's only three here so this is definitely something where team boo should not be hesitating as much if he is going to be punished by higher rated players who are playing this passive strode his weakness is simply the fact that his eco wasn't good right he still doesn't have like these berries aren't being brought in right now he's building houses with two villagers instead of one when he is not gonna get housed yada yada yada you know like I could continue all these tiny little things but what we're gonna get to is is how you should play against the Aztecs when you're the Tatar okay so you've got to take advantage of time windows in any sit matchup and I the reason I really like random Civ games is because personally and maybe it's because of casting experience might one of my pros I guess to my play is I am really good at understanding where the SIF matchups favored civilizations and and hurt civilizations so in this case Aztecs are going to be in Castle age first and they normally have nice clean momentum going through the entire game if you're Tatar is your best opportunity to forth that is going to be in castle age where you have free thumb ring okay so if you're gonna do that you're gonna have to take a different approach than just the standard to range into Castle age into boom which Strode I believe is gonna go for here right instead you're gonna want to go for a three range opening or even a full range opening and really pile on the pressure because it's obvious that King Boo is very content with staying at home and playing defensive and I think it's because eco is so important I think a lot of players they they went in strode it's position will think well I'm gonna do this the similar thing as him I just hope I don't fall behind when in reality what he could have right now is maybe a third range producing archers and he could opt to to have a lot more focus on on military especially like look at the map here look at the map strode he's scouted really well so he sees this portal gold and this floor tile gold I really think 3 to 4 range play is the play here in stro its position that standard stuff leave that to King boo because he's the slower suit go go for the real powerful options and try and snowball push if you're strode now I don't know the exact time struggle would have been cast like maybe a minute faster if you would have done some of the things I mentioned earlier but King Boo still notice he's still he's gonna have all this army advantage and he's wasting time back here because of a few Scouts so again King boo leave one Archer there if you want and start pushing out man start pushing out be aggressive you're playing against a sixteen seventeen eighteen hundred player and that times gonna matter a lot looks like King Boo is just gonna try and King boom back here and he sees this as a great opportunity I love this TC to place the TC on on the gold I would actually place it here though because it protects more of the wood line and you can still arrange the gold but I like the idea he patrols forward the Eagles I I guess for a time he was he was thinking about using them to counter skirmishers they're not gonna be needed and now strode is backing up so again I just want to point out the approach here strode he's gonna go for university I assume for ballistics but if he was in castle aged slightly faster based on the things I mentioned earlier huh and then had a few ranges ready to go into CAV archers that would be huge now he does it okay so I don't want to be like if if if this game is still very salvageable for him despite the fact he's gonna he's gonna fall behind so you have to decide here how you're gonna use your army and if you're confident fighting what red has extrude he has enough numbers where he could consider finding this if he really believes in his micro I I don't know how much belief he has this micro but it looks like he's gonna try here so this is where you just try and outplay your opponent but I really think would be good again you gotta use the map and you've got to think about a siege workshop early I think a lot of times in the back of people's mind they're gonna be thinking Aztecs can make Eagles but you can't just switch into Eagles when you have all these crossbow upgrades right so if you could send a villager here for a siege workshop and pressured a villager here for a siege workshop and pressure get a villager forward bring it now behind your army because kambou like there's king bill would be punished so much for gaining leads and running back like this he's doing really well with his eco but he is giving you the ah he's giving strode the opportunity to punish the Kievan right here King boo this really should have been avoidable you have more army you didn't track at all and they're just like that he loses one villager he'll lose two villagers now Matt again I'm gonna do the what-if but imagine if you have like eight CAV archers as a follow-up strode runs away on the right side and then loops in with army on the left side he's still gonna stick with the crossbows I think if you're going to range it's probably worth to stick with crossbows in all honesty also the university hasn't been used yet so I think strokes having some eco problems because he doesn't have the balance that he needs I do like the siege workshop for King vu kind of expecting that he's vulnerable to that bit surprised he didn't think about going for ballistics but King Boo has more on food and he's more army so if this is going to be a castle agent herbalist he's definitely doing a great right now alright so strode strode now making a seed workshop he's making it defensively though so I think he sees King boos numbers and he's like oh I'm gonna need something and truthfully he's gonna need a siege workshop at home know that or he could have Tecton to a lead sperm but I strode forgets to Patrol oh no they both forgot to patrol box formation okay now this is great for King Boo this is great for King Boo okay so let's talk a King boos ahead right let's talk about how you stay ahead so obviously you're gonna have the siege right so maybe you could patrol a few scorpions over here I'd like to see him use his army to control the game and and keep strode on the back foot because he did struggle with that for a few moments eventually he's gonna have to consider some type of a way to cook here this gold but you don't need to do it right now because you have this one and while he's only two Town Center's producing villagers right now I think the Eco balance and the army numbers all lead towards adding a third and a fourth range and just going to imp and a whole lot of archers which is a kind of what he's doing he's producing heavily right now an upgrade light ballistics would be really important but what I don't like again is King Boo not like he's sending his whole army back when he has army at home reinforcements are here to deal with that if it happens you're not even on this wood line uh maybe maybe it's a lack of faith in his own ability but if he were to pressure and attack walls at the very least Road has to keep his army at home instead of pushing forward right so his hesitancy to push forward is actually giving strode an opportunity to leave sure it's been waiting for him and he's like okay alright guess I'm going forward see how King Boo can operate with with the moves with the micro started trying to out like her a lot of these shots he really is not taking the best engagements in this game that Aztec eco man it's pretty sick and strode has to Meaghan ELLs alright strode will kill one scorpion he will kill the next scorpion eventually if the Meaghan ELLs are alive and Wow big big hits therefore strode these these units are weak but he didn't kill too much okay if you feel like you're behind you've got to change it so strode again you could be thinking two villagers forwards each workshop make it awkward make it messy there's no transition from King Boo out of crossbows a few Magon ELLs would be sweet now he is officially getting to the point where it's it's now or never with some of these engagements so leave one defensive mad canal next to the wood line look right here and then set everything else forward and try and get some sick damage in you got a hope for the best you got a hope but whatever you have at home is gonna be enough to hold and defend all while you get some type of accounts are in it's a part of the game where you've definitely got to be thinking like that and man if only he had lipsticks here he's killing villagers I think because King vu all I missed a big shout t90 blinds funny when I fast-forwarded through this game earlier I saw it but um King Boo is focused on micro but he also has net ballistics so he didn't really kill that much at all strode pretty bad eco balanced but he is pressuring on both sides and this is his moment King Boo is either gonna go into our ballast or he's gonna go into an eagle warrior switch but that Eagles are gonna take time and you have armies on both sides so again I'm gonna bring it back to what if you snowball numbers at this stage of the game this this is where you have to be doing damage as - tarz against Aztecs what if you had a third in the fourth range what if you had some type of pressure on the front right now in the form of siege I think this is his window though if he can break through here that'd be quite nice he definitely got to be thinking about buying as much time as you can and then if you're King Boo I'd love this I love how strode felt like he might have ran away and he came back you just got a whole if you're King boo you are behind in eco King boos only behind in eco because this TC is on the way to imp and then he actually got out here which is very unique and now he has the Macan ELLs will it be an attack round he does a stroke didn't even micro it so it's a crown didn't do too much and it's probably not what roads time to try and do anything with those they're dead now strode you still have this right-hand side so again like the second you see King boozing it and you're not in the way up you've got to be like fight fight fight fight fight attack try and get in do everything you can to keep King Boo from sending things forward the this is tough eco balance is way off the Scouts actually went down there and I think I would probably go elite scrum here this struggle is if you go a lead scrum right now we're very much nearing the time where Aztecs could go if their Aztecs would go for the Eagles our blessed is in bracer is in strode has it's gonna be an uphill battle from here for strode but imagine the time he could by himself if he gets in here imagine the time it he's attacking the house is not fully focused on that because he's still looking over here he's on his way to him I can't tell what's going on with the flames yeah and then if he breaks through the palisade wall there's nothing here from King Boo and there's a lot of rico back here now obviously he doesn't know what's coming he doesn't know what's back there but i think if he were to broke through there he would at the very least idol 25 villagers and then he pulled this whole army back into the base so could never go to strode space and it would give him time she's got another opportunity I think both players struggle with kind of reading the map I'm awful at chess I'm awful at checkers and any like strategy board game whatever but trying to think about like jocking pieces arounds to control the game and there's there's definitely moments where King Boo and Stroke could have controlled the game more what I love about butoh is that he's scouting with his eagle I love how he did find this extra gold maybe a bit of luck there he's gonna drop a castle now and he's keeping himself safe I'd say King Boo plays very very safe and if that castle goes up he's doing the classic build the castle then they automatically will build the next thing which is the mining camp at the mine gold trick I like it where's the stone okay so he's on stone here this is the part of the game where you start building castles in these areas now again I'm gonna be slightly critical I prefer it over here you've already been pressured on this right side so I think placing the castle more to the right which protects the wood and that that's spacing makes more sense and then you could build your next castle on this hill in front of that goal than than this hill and then and then this hill and then they don't this hill something like that right but he has ARP with upgrades against what it's still Castle eight units she excuse me and so strode felt like you need to take a fight and he just took a losing fight King Boo is 50 military and he also has two relics with Aztecs 33% more gold per relics Aztecs are so so strong and truthfully you guys can kind of see the direction this game is going truthfully the time window for two tars to excel against Aztecs is pretty much already past it was all about castle II so strode is gonna try and get into those those very tanky CAV archers but he doesn't have any momentum anymore now if you have map momentum if you have mobility then you can you have the time to do a lot right but it's been Boo who's been dictating the pace of the game in a lot of ways and strode who is about to complete chemistry and is getting ranked archer armor just quite simply doesn't have enough right now to take this fight and have it be cost-efficient for him he tries to run an epic job from king boo to have the castle there as I said because that does protect that area it's not as exposed and this is where you've got to be thinking about at X which with Aztecs and they're good the barracks I have to say I haven't watched these guys play community games over the years I don't know if this is what being a dad feels like but if so it's not too bad I'm kidding I'm sad that's weird you're like the same age as me many of them but um but no I just feel like it's really it's really cool to see how players we see in community games have developed into such good 1b1 players okay and the getting top 1000 or around there is really really difficult takes a long time a lot of practice and I feel like I can relate to these players a lot because I was once stuck at this you know I don't consider myself the fastest player right but I was stuck at this eloah and then thinking about positioning and what to do in certain cities really what elevated things for me also the fact I was full-time Age of Empires helps a little bit yes so I can't I just can't help but feel like myself or anyone at a higher ela would absolutely punish boo who has more military and he's not using them it took to maintain control of the game like Boo is he's doing the right things in controlling the map and tech switching he's just hesitant to take fights you've got it he's thinking if I throw up if I fight when I'm ahead I could lose my units and fall behind but instead oh you're ahead stay ahead you know don't give them an opportunity whatsoever you could be forcing fights right here as you forced the fights they have everything has to converge to this area the map and then as that happens you pressure the other areas the map right this struggle becomes if if strode had siege or something like on injure then then there's a lot of reason not to take a fight but I think here like you could have been taking a few kills and if it gets bad just run back to your castle so I noticed the King Boo and maybe this is a bit of overconfidence on his part he's getting garland Wars and iron casting he has armor hewed after the attack so he has all this attack the big big thing with Eagles is you go for the pierce armor first I know that he knows this but just for people-watching you've got to go for the pure summer on the Eagles first then you worry about attack because the CAV archers we have seven plus four attack right now it's six pierce armor so they're doing decent damage and especially if they stack like this notice the Eagles are going down a lot faster than you normally expect and that's because that's because of the fact he hasn't gone for armor first he's gone for the attack so good position from strode there but this right side it seems like there's nothing he can do about it it doesn't have the numbers to be where he needs to be for relics for King Boo and guys it was actually strode who sent me this recorded game and the reason I cast it is because I there were many things in the early game and the mid game that he could have brushed up on and definitely won this game it is more difficult with guitars right like Aztecs top tier Arabia civilization one of the best civilizations in the game Tatara mid tier said but certainly with the way King boot played this and some of the potential openings that he left available to strode there were windows for you strode and I think that like with that game submissions channel within my discord I'm gonna I'm gonna be more prone to cast submissions from people who lost and want to know what they could have done different instead of people who won and want YouTube to see their amazing win you know what I mean plot twist King boo paid $10 for strode to submit this I don't know but yeah at this point the siege is gonna come forward and strode is doing what he can to survive but he's well out pop the military and it's 195 population can be really really good expansion for him the raids will come in strode 'he's got to be realizing now that it's all lost even though he's tried to use these cab archers and he calls GG okay so that game was an absolute mouthful and technically this is a first I don't think that I have any coaching videos per se on YouTube so I hope it wasn't too wordy and I hope it didn't make you have to think too hard but you know what the good thing is I'm producing videos every day so even if it wasn't your cup of tea that's fine and I'll be doing the usual stuff - I think strode anbu could learn a lot from this and I even think people who don't play the game and just watch and enjoy the strategy could learn from this in a sense so when they're watching Laoghaire and Viper play they think okay well Viper could control the fights he pushes here I control the map he castles here and and all that jazz alright let's look at the statistics I'm gonna look right here this was the moment Chris rode this is where it has to happen with guitars he was another say if I would have had a completely different thing to say I'm sure just how it works against Aztecs there's the relic hold for King Boo and going backwards with these researches and great food collection rate for King Boo more wood collected and more gold collected he did a really good job and one thing that I think a couple hundred eloah players are sorry 1213 1408 little players dude that god I'm sorry I don't want to rerecord this one thing that lower Eagle players don't do is keep up the constant production military that was the key for me King Boo he had constant crossbow production constant and if there was ever a moment where he dropped off in numbers even though strode didn't do some of the things I mentioned he could do it could have still been hairy for him right that was really really good and not easy to do I'm sure most of you know all right that's it leave me your thoughts in the comments I'm sure we'll see strode in King Boo and a community game soon so maybe it'll get some revenge in community game that'd be funny and I'll see you all next time thanks for watching you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 96,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aztecs, vs, Tatars, 1500 Elo, Coaching, Improvement, Build Order, AoE2 Tips, Age of Empires 2, AoE, Teaching, Advice, Tips, T90Official, T90, Spirit of the Law, Legend of Wall
Id: fzgBnYly9Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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