Female Villagers Only Challenge

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all right I'm so dead I am there's no way I'm so dead I'm gonna lose this so bad this guy's this guy's rusty but he's not he's not an easy AI who's on sleeping pills all right geez the DAX thank you for the $5 he says t90 you're not allowed to use keyboard well that's a great idea maybe we'll do that in the near future can I pick Indians though I think I should pick Indians here because I need cheap Vil's I'm gonna have to delete so much the only way I have a chance with Indians oh man the FE T novice is calling out my hypocrisy he says t90 officials says give me a harder challenge also t90 official this challenge is too hard listen I've won four games today we've got to make it difficult so this is probably not going to work but the challenge here is to play with only female villes which means that if a male Villas created which is completely random I have to delete him now when I was like six years old and listen I was a child okay I actually would do the opposite I would delete most of the women except one and that one woman wait no no no I would delete most of the men and then that the one man would have a bunch of lives that's what I did I forgot but you know times have changed I moved on from that but I get it it's gonna be a female town all right I hope I do I hope I start with three women I hope I start with three babes because if I start with three dudes this could be so bad Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please have at least two that that's good okay that's fine so I chose Indians because of the cheap bills if you're wondering because I'm gonna have to delete a lot okay it looks like it's a woman that's coming next okay now it looks like another woman I don't know if this is accurate here but could I just Riku okay that's not working I'm trying to no no no we don't want them how does this work the opponent is about eleven hundred yes we got four of them this is a great start this is a great start cancel click cancel click I don't think that works ok hold on cancel Idol TC new one ah cancel new one Oh loopholes loopholes yes oh yes ok it looks like this in classic age of empires it's not show what was actually gonna be coming next I think it does now oh yeah oh this makes me this is so satisfying because I know chat you guys thought you just wanted to watch me die but now I found a way to win I've already deleted the villager in dark age and had a lot of idle time get out of here what this is too easy this is not too easy people are people are not happy people are not happy oh come on give me a woman yes okay I should die have way more pop right now I also need a house come on woman OH woman yes that's interesting how on de it it actually shows it though cuz back that did not that was not the case I am NOT classic because I tried this before this is still gonna be really tough like how am I gonna boom when I have to pay attention to all this it seems like it it tries to diversify and then I have to cancel the mail ville wait till my TC goes idle and then queue up what do I even do that's my question my I have to pay attention this all game I think he's Ethiopians I think I gotta try and go Scouts or something get a lead of some kind yeah just like all in play just maybe I've to end finish this in futile because I don't have I don't have faith in my ability to to be able to pay attention to this it's actually once I get the hang of it it's not that bad though so I can see why you guys are saying it's cheating okay funny enough this might be a really great way to balance out the levels because I like an eleven hundred is gonna have Dark Age idle time anyways so I've had to delete a vill okay alright we'll see how this goes wait tonight was wondering what that bore when I thought on my board ran away okay you know what's funny do you guys remember that low e low Legend episode where the one guy only had female villagers what if he did this like how else would he pull that off I feel like you would have had to do this there is a person who actually chose to do this oh god I got cancer that bill Oh No give me a bill give me a woman there we go okay so you have to select the TC again interesting I'm still down sheep that's why that's what I would just go into the streets and yell before I had a girlfriend give me a woman it works so we're good we'll see how long that lasts okay [Music] it ought us coming bad I mean it's you don't want to rely on it let's put it that way did I just create a man I didn't okay it's it's something that you really shouldn't do until the mid game should be scouting your opponents base scouting for your resources those types of things for most the game okay so this is a very delayed Scout bill but we're we're kind of we're doing it we're doing the thing hello ladies ladies fine you just do that let's try and find him okay so cue up a woman oh wait I could just queue up is that all does that mean it's it's five women coming after a feudal is that what that means I don't think that's what that means I think it's a trick [Music] okay hopes if the opponent's going to be more towards the north so actually instead of building the barracks there you just get some walls up there we go that's fine barracks here instead I completely forget about scouting and other aspects of playing what I'm doing this hmm we'll see thank you the dark moon night for $1 he says you can't use spear units either cut oh hello enemy scout we're fight woman aah hazing fuel age a decent time oh yes and now it was a trick hey what's he got here archers maybe okay Scouts a little bit weak I have to pay attention to what villagers are on the way okay team is also because you found a way around it we need to spice this up a bit what if you create two male you have to delete him plus ten other than you actually challenged ten how about five his score is higher than mine what are you talking about ten okay where's he going right now where's he taking it you don't have any bills there dude okay let's let's let's do ten I like it Thank You Magisto I mean if I stay one TC I'm able to pay attention to it though it's the same I think this I mean as long as I don't create a man I think we're good because I'm in a great position Oh woman yeah this is a loophole this is a loophole I'm I say I don't want to try hard and then I find the loopholes I should be ashamed of myself I just I should just stop grading bills then if that's the case I get some point oh oh that was so close oh man oh he's got archers okay well he doesn't have a blacksmith anymore hello lady if he doesn't have fletching he's in trouble I can't kill women bills oh he's got it okay he's got a blacksmith now I'm I'm the worst Oh quick wall quick wall quick wall click wall Oh quick wall brick wall [Music] run okay so he's gonna have fletching soon I imagine goal here is just to create squirms we just easier way to castle age and then we cancel out his units pretty easily don't see any male villagers no male villagers combines nice little build from him honestly but for that the problem is he committed to way too many walls but it's decent I'm like I feel like male villas are never coming out though I'm getting really lucky Oh No let me in fletching now okay it's just all women oh I'll take that okay oh there's a hole there oh no they cancel the male fill the archer they come the skirmishers oh no oh no what just go castle age this is fine oh man I was doing so good - oh wait I have to kill oh now I have to kill another one now just deleted one extra ah what am i doing guess we'll get armor we're on the way to castle age but we won't be able to afford anything Castle age fantastic that's what that hurts big time like I killed what for and I delete 11 all right well let's let's hope he sends his archers out I think he's fully walled at this point so the thing is I would normally boom you know we're gonna do we're gonna go like Cuong style and all in because I can't if I keep losing bills or if I keep making male villagers oh we made scouts - who is this guy he's smurfing me oh god he has a lot of Scouts okay well we're gonna want to make camels then that's actually really smart thinking okay so we go camels instead I was gonna go forward but that's not gonna happen now here just attack these skirmishers attack that one yeah good now stay away nice Oh God run no more - no more men female feet stop it no yeah oh no god this is the there we go finally I don't have enough upgrades to fight this I just didn't want him to get in my base alright that works [Music] need more on woods okay so he's going back now that's actually really nice he's gonna lose his Scouts no okay so let's send one villager forward he's gonna I need to all in in or as a whole great kill we shoot to kill know how many of you guys are just getting so excited to when when you see me queue up a Millville how many of you guys get get really excited you guys are the worst I can't afford to oh I thought I just created another one all man that scared me I can't afford to lose more the scrims are gonna do enough right now ah man it's so tense do you realize that you can tell if it's male or female by looking at your production tab of course it's just it's just that there's a lot of different things I'm doing at the moment oh come on give me it there we go okay so we're probably gonna we're not gonna get through the gate what we can do is we can take out this Rangers let's just get handcart because I don't oh my it's a male camel had to get rid of it hmm see normally I had one a boom it bothers me I haven't been able to kill his army I'm just gonna go Yolo monks in siege because at this point I feel like that's my best option okay okay got rid of the man woman [Music] what's he gonna do she's gonna counter me let's let's go the tower just in case she does okay okay get a little bit out of control here you know it's let's tower cuz I'm not gonna add a second TC anyways see if I can put a scrim I just will find the annoying oh I don't know nice microbe nice times on the splits however there's still another mango here just gonna be a problem for him what is this rusty 1100 doing split Mike going against me what is this nonsense nice play did I create a man please tell me I didn't create a man did I create a man I think I created man did I don't think so I need a market art of war feel like he doesn't have any eco behind it but neither do i right [Music] he's got like kept for months some smush it's not really gonna work I'm gonna have to it's gonna be tough for me to know what what to do how to play this oh [Music] she's coming to my base now over chopped Oh such a great opportunity for me to blew that one hmm I think we're dead like if I I can't boom don't really have what it takes to pressure let's see how he handles the focus let's try and go chain bar ding on our camels no males yet see the issue is he wants to go forward that's good because I can clear out his uh clear out his little push there nope we don't want him going him either okay that's that's important for us no no no yes we're doing it boys Oh No [Music] nope oh no not again why is a ram in there interesting this is this is intense you know what I need to do is go for a Yolo castle grab on them I think Castle drop would be tough for a noob to deal with oh nice shot the University now I mean his golds are right here so we can pressure this and now he's not in the best position to to make anything to counter it right oh no no I this is so dumb now don't lose don't lose the siege as well no no no no no no no no no no fire [Music] all right all right all right he's probably like man what does T Nagi doing right now wise wise as clothes that understand [Music] all right I should probably get my buddies to be smart convert the night boom see it oh come on now come on thank you did I do it again hi it's so hard for me to pay attention to it guys because like I am focusing on the micro and the upgrades and units and the Eco balance this is so tough for me it's so tough for me to remember to look I have to delete ten more now I barely have eco as it is I have 25 visibles okay everyone all caps type the word focus right now let's go we're gonna do this if I somehow win this poor feral flare is gonna feel so bad about himself time to focus let's go mm-hmm let's make him feel awful about himself let's do it all right game pace yes I don't want to do it I don't want to delete them okay we've got it again we've got to get bills forward eight two more okay maybe the honest okay my publishers not oh they're running the whole wait there's a wide-open we'll get out there didn't realize that let's just play full home so all monks and seeds I'm not even gonna create any more bills full home keeper units alive that's it I didn't make another man did I I didn't do it no okay you know what there we won't even make the mistake now perfect [Music] he's gonna make mistake at some point right there we go that's what we're talking about that that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it not really it where's my bill i one feels forward i need repair bills where am i bill come here i really regret deleting my town center i really regret doing that that was a dumb move I should have I should still try that was really not smart I just got frustrated but I still think if we he's gonna get demotivated if we take out his uh-oh we got another monk beautiful take out his gold because I his Gold's are right here is my attack ground hockey not work for something though hey look see that's what it's like when you create a male villager right there that's what it feels like come on ceej I feel like I have five range in my seat weapons look at this Oh [Music] super weird oh and on camels anymore oh this is just me or does it seem like the attack round should be doing more and you really feel like the attack on should be doing work [Music] ah boy well okay looks like it's time to build a TC we got a reboot there we go come on save it save it save it save it always attacking the wrong one beautiful okay I need I need to really be focusing on getting bills forward oh boy not good if I don't land a big shot here I think I'll Gigi no no no no no no no I think it's cd19 pop GG well played ah I don't I I believe that at this stage had I kept my TCE up he's gonna look back at my base and be like what had I kept my TC up I still think I'm dead because he is so much economy compared to us what's this Ville high 81 yeah 81 so I think it would have been too difficult he had more of every resource I think what I should have done is gone monks eat immediately instead of going for the camels I mean camels we're in a bad play but I didn't have the economy to continue to create them so I don't know I think I should have put way more focused on making monks and CH and I should have yellowed earlier but you know why do you know why I thought that it was I thought I could do it I was overconfident how many bills did it end up bleeding like 40 yeah I was overconfident well I think I think it's better if men and women coexist would you guys agree I think it's probably better for economies and and just for life in general there's there's something to learn from this okay definitely something to learn from this Karma for trying to get around the female only rule okay but imagine imagine how tough it would be if like every other villager is is a male it would be even more difficult than that I believe because I've tried it in the past and I remember losing to like 800 elope layer it was really bad I actually couldn't make it a futile age I remember the last time I tried it I could never make it a few late but yes I did try and get around the rule indeed indeed GG there's the timeline hm I wonder what I deleted villagers man oh that's bad I deleted more than 50% yeah I think it's the time of it though the fact that I didn't have delete them in dark age means I could get the feudal English nemesis trust me if you ever try this without doing it the way I did it and getting around the rule you wouldn't even make it the feudal red maker dwell salutes to him he might grow really well I think like that type of a Yolo push when I don't have eco all he's got to do is weather this storm and he did that there were a few instances where the splits didn't work out for him but for that ello it was pretty good very very well done nice micro good nerd good nerding that's actually even though I lost probably one of the better episodes we've done today I don't know if this is gonna go on YouTube or what but if it does YouTube let me know if you have more ideas about challenges and if you'd like to see more of this you need at 3tc boom get out of here corporal a 3tc boom would mean that everything in my eco would go boom that would be a disaster but now's a good time
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 79,588
Rating: 4.7259302 out of 5
Keywords: Female, Villagers, Only, Challenge, Funny, Troll, Joke, FUn, Fatslob, Villager Rush, Indians, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Strategy, HC3, Castle, match
Id: BtXnj7P_lBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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