Trade Nothing!?

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ladies and gentlemen I present to you trade nothing yes the rumors are true there is a trade nothing map and it is here we have eight players this is a free-for-all this is diplomacy this is regicide but all you start with is a town centre a market and a house alongside ten think it's ten yes ten trade carts so the the description of this map I will read to you actually I will not read the description of the map because I don't have that up on a tab anymore so I will give you an idea of what the description said the description said you should only start with the TC a market and ten trade carts and trade carts are ten wood and fifty gold so the price is cheaper but then at the end of the description it said you think that is cheap yeah and laughed so obviously that laughter implies that that is not going to be very cheap because there's no wood there's no gold there's no stone on this map and you're only relying on the trade to then bring in gold and of course use the market to adjust things to your liking we did casteist previously I think that this will probably be the first one to go to YouTube just because of how crazy it is but we casted this previously and previously we did king of the hill and so some players it was interesting some players bought a lot of food some players bought a lot of wood most players did and then many players actually bought stone so it's a matter of when you purchase things because the prices are ever-changing when you get to feudal age you can make more trade carts you of course cannot do that for now and since it is diplomacy that means you can ally or enemy any person at any time the ultimate goal on any regicide game at Age of Empires 2 is to kill the kings and every single person as a king this is not played on explored so they're gonna draw some fancy things for us on the on the mini-map be careful sometimes it could be an 18 Plus image of course they're probably all allied at the start but you're unable to you don't get the free card to upgrade until later on Wow what did drew ski-doo here brueski I guess it should introduce the players but he built two farms a barracks and he's advancing to fuel age already it's a bold strategy cot and we'll see if it pays off okay let me introduce the players in their arms we have drew ski and drew ski is playing as the Hunt's strong save you don't need to build houses like some of these other civilizations we have spiro spero is playing us as Slavs in the blue in the red we have a fee age fee age is actually one of the best players of all time one of the best brazilian players of all time for sure and actively probably a top 20 player so i might have missed some complaints from him but fee age wanted to play in a community game and here he is let's see if he lasts very long it's it's exciting to have someone like the age in here in the yellow we have tilt stars tilt stars is playing as the Aztecs in the green we have roach roaches playing as these Saracens and the purple we have Saracens for V kick-ass and then we have magyars for heir balem heir balem is oh not the final player to introduce we have 408 use in the grey playing as the Berbers and yes twitch chat is pointing out to me they chose normal speed and I'll tell you what the first time we tried to do this to a chat the first time we tried to do this what did we get we got king of the hill instead of regicide the second time we don't have fastest speed so there's so many settings that that can be adjusted in ancient empires too which makes it beautiful but also can make it a bit frustrating if we get it wrong so hopefully the game does not go on for too many hours because I only have about six left in the day and I don't want to spend them all in this game so get comfy as m8 says get comfy this is this is a great time for those here on Twitch to talk about what strategies could possibly be used there's also no possibility for us to know what the what the best play is because we've haven't seen this enough to know I can't tell you that Saracens are a good pick because anytime there's a nothing map anytime you're using the market Saracens can be helpful Aztecs can be really strong you see Aztecs 4 tilt stars what do a sex get well they get the best monks in the game so I think for that reason that can be great because you are good you are going to get gold that's one thing that's guaranteed the price of wood the price of stone everything will will go up even the price of food might go up obstacies t9 official I would wall and gate my market well of course it's a good point if you lose your market you don't have enough wood to build another one you're up the creek without a paddle but I also think that efficiency is important so we saw players in the king of the hill version of this building markets in that the corners so if you trade from the northern corner to the southern corner you get 199 gold per trip which seems it seems like a lot it really does I know that that makes you think wow why would players ever have any problems that's a lot of gold but yeah you're gonna have some problems when the costs change here in common I did I did ban Spanish yes I should have mentioned that I banned Spanish just because of the fact that blacksmith upgrades do not cost gold not that that would really help them here because they're gonna have gold but also because the trade they get so much more gold per trip so just talking about ideas not not necessarily what is best here good point from sister respecter 420 in the chat he said camara + instant aged up would be a good choice he it's a good point every player here will need to build the required buildings to advance to the next age that's that's a good it's interesting that Fiat is building so many freakin farms and look at the Ville differences fee age you know he I just said that one of the viewers here make sure you're constantly creating villagers and that was my tip for this guy because he's gonna play in a casual tournament this weekend well I don't know if that's the the best strategy for this map because he's going when these farms expire they are there's going to be no wood in the bank to to replenish them it's tough I mean maybe you can sell the food for golds maybe that's a strat he will be in fuel age yeah I think that that's what he will go for it's hard to track but it seems like fee age is trading as efficiently as possible of course it's not completely even because some players are further and closer yeah this is what I'm talking about all the farms are expiring 4ph all the farms expiring oh boy and so he has to decide between receiving the farms and building a market this is cool because you can see their actual ratings so half the people in this game never play rated games on Buble they just probably just play for community games where they play on the beginners ladder then you have row cheese 1700 plus so he's definitely the second best player in this game a fee age he is is 2 K 2 2 K 2 is again within the top 20 or 30 in the world or maybe maybe top 50 but see I think fie age is creating villagers for nothing they can't go into any resource now I think you should just trade boom and you can see Jerusalem with the trade number at the moment and that could be because Hans guys that could be because Huns so a funny situation that I'd really like to see in this game is where there's a battering ram or or Mackin al or something attacking a building that you need that is holding your king and and typically in those scenarios what you'll find is that the ffensive player will repair so they will repair their Town Center or repair whatever that may be even their market well they might not have the wood for that because when you try and repair a market which is only 175 wood it takes a lot of wood away from you that's the same with all repairs in Age of Empires 2 all right I'm curious let's look at the achievements here look at the food difference man put some of that food on ebay and ship it out I know eBay is kind of a dead website now but geez forget about the market to 2500 food what is that food giving him maybe he is selling it a bit he must be it's not showing here much a grace at t90 farm yeah yeah this is this is kind of like watching me play my farms expire and and I'm I'm using the farms that are further away from the TC the age speaks he says yo guys player seven is a traitor oh okay he says he's gonna sneak you and kill you in the back just saying so gray hasn't even said anything fear just enjoying the limelight here I don't think gray has said a word and everybody's gonna believe the age as well because he is a pro player so they think he's being serious however great did place one stone wall there so I don't know where that Ville is gone too where is that bill for gray oh yeah great grace he's doing some something funky out here maybe wanted to wall up the market if he was trying to yet if he's trying to wall up the market that would make sense wouldn't it but the farm believe or not the farm would have blocked the wall t90 fishel the price of food should skyrocket if he aged is the only one selling and the others buying right so at the moment the price is gonna go down to buy food so I don't know I mean every time you buy food it gets more expensive every time you sell food it gets less expensive to buy tilt star says I'm so bored nothing to do well tilt stars you're pretty far behind man other people have a lot more population so most people are double-digit trade carts 408 is not an arrow arrow limp is not either but 18 trade for drew ski and he's just built market in the corner so now he's getting 122 gold per trip graces Thank You T 90 are you thanking me for pointing out the fact that you're listening to the stream when you're playing a game or are you thanking me for not allowing you to play community games next time because you are which one is it I don't know if he is he could have just been saying that randomly Oh roach is building a tower here so Grey's here grace been trying to wall up roaches market and Roach built a tower defensively and Roach does not have loom he's going to attempt the two micro this anyhow oh man this is awkward grey has to give me a staff light here underneath the tower so yes I don't know who's gonna win this actually this would be really close roach doesn't have loom he has two bills remaining but one is very weak and grey Oh great when your go away to a twitch baby wall in your village if you want your Vil you can kill the tower what are you doing there we go so Roach has to is to try and either kill the Stonewall you know killing the Stonewall could work because ret gray won't have the resources to repair this Roach might just buy another tower yeah he will oh man how annoying is that great now I don't know I just want to say I don't know for sure if gray is actually watching but if you are gray just closed the stream he was thinking he was thanking you for the wall in the batter down market idea ah yeah okay yeah I was mainly kidding so that's what he wanted to do thank you thank you yeah I did say that in the last game this wouldn't be very clear I did say to gray I don't want any witch hunts okay I remember now I did say that what strategy I would go for is I would wall in a villager next to a guy's market and try and kill the market and then your opponent is forced to to repair that market with wood which they don't have yeah Baron dill Baron dill who played in that that other game here he says just watch the last game I don't want to spoil it Baron dill so I won't read that comment out because I think that this will probably be uploaded first and only be in a wacky order but what is this madness man now I have to give fee H credit fee H he's done quite a good job actually I'm surprised that he only has one Idol villager I'm really surprised what are the prices looking like hey you can see currently it's only 27 gold to buy a hundred food so I don't know is he aged possibly helping the others because the others could buy the food for so cheap or is he gaining enough from this because of all the gold I want to say he's he's doing better he has 20 trade charts which is tied for most in the game but he's not doing that much better than some of the others so it's weird conker says t90 facial which funky playlist did you play a few hours ago so conker if you type exclamation mark Spotify in the twitch chat I my Spotify is there or you can search for me on Spotify which is t90 official and I have quite a few public playlists but the one you'll be looking for is old but gold I honestly am gonna change the name of that to community games because I have a lot of songs on there which aren't really old I think they're I have some memes on there as well so tilt star says they can't even build my towers when my trade carts come back I'll be rich yeah until Thursday is known for his tower rushing so the only reason we've gone into this trade nothing is because tilt stars boys tower rushes and we need to break the habit it's like fat camp except its tower camp that's essentially what this is not advocating something called fat camp and just making a comparison that's all I search t90 official everywhere oh really oh do you honestly might be more worth it to just buy a castle you know than to build all these houses look at the cost of wood it is 252 gold for 100 wood that buys you three houses yes and then stone is is 130 gold for 100 shown you have to do that quite a few times but I think in the long run that might be better all grey is doing it grey is doing it and grey signals and I guess yellow could always rebuild the market but but poor oh no tilt stars not like this man guys if this is a big problem if tilt stars doesn't buy more wood quickly he just invested into a blacksmith so if he doesn't buy wood for another market he's dead if his market goes down oh no yes another one I'm sorry never mind that would only be the case if he didn't already have this market in the south so he doesn't need this one so it doesn't even matter and he advances to Castle age well I can appreciate the fact that gray has has fallen for the bait of going with one of my ideas really the reason I say those things is so people can test my ideas out for me and as you can see this idea was awful and I will never try it when I play on this map actually I should say if a big fat if I don't know about when so drew ski was the first to castle age hun seems to be a pretty strong pick and he's making scouts and knights are you kidding me he is +2 attack and he has a defense upgrade could actually go kill some Kings right now he's the only one who has more than just one military and what is that one military is that did they start with a scalp oh it's the king duh I'm sorry I was gonna say I don't recall seeing the scalp did I miss something he's the only one who has military husbandry of course only costs food each seems to have food we might have found the best Civ for this game-mode do you need the game to spectate and is there a limit to how many people can spec a game so so zyphus I'll explain that briefly so first of all to spectate an actual match you need to own the game yes d for those who are interested in getting involved in HF empires 2 this is how I'd recommend doing it go to Steam purchase the game in the expansions you can then play on HD and then what I use is called vu bleah so after you purchase the the HD edition there's a free compatibility patch and that free compatibility patch allows you to play on Buble as well so Buble has all these fancy features as better performances more of everything that more capabilities and so you can use both then now when you're on Buble as we have a tower here from tilt stars when you're on Buble there's a limit of I think a couple hundred people can spectate one game at once like here's an idea this is what it looks like this is the game room you can see oh sorry it's a bit zoomed there so you can see I'm here right and that the players are there there's there's 8 spectators right now many of whom are probably in the twitch chat so it's it's really nice hard to get used to I will say hard to get used to but once you're used to it you're in the clear so Giroux ski has 27 trade karts it is 28 now for Feige to be slightly ahead their fee age is now clicking he's on his way to castle age and all eyes are on brewski and he's even building a castle defensively not needing the houses must have really helped here and he also didn't invest in today as many farms and well did you see that did you see him buy that food he must be buying it so I think fee age is indirectly helping drew ski and drew ski is is indirectly helping Fiat or even directly because fee age is trying to to sell the food and true ski is is trying to buy it and that they're helping each other it's kind of like a seesaw here back and forth by cell by cell bunny Warren I'm I'm not quite at UK right now I've had better days looks like he is doing sideways trading well he's going to yeah he's going to the corners so you can go from north to south but you if you get turned on then the trades more vulnerable there so I would probably try and diversify Tillett Starr says I will help you read Grace's my bills are faster is gray just running around with this yeah he's brick and Burgerville right grey is uh is the Menace that every game needs the edge is chasing down these bills tilt stars is chasing down these bills gray Eve really doesn't have a chance right now as far as I can see he doesn't care man he doesn't care he's he's going for the highlight reel so it's really just down to when ruski turns I think he be turns to early yeah if he turns to early life you get difficult because then people will know he's a threat his score will jump up people will start saying drew skied ruski stop it stop it and then there will be six people attacking drew ski now I like the tech edge of solve from Roch Roch just researched madrasah and that's one thing we've not seen a lot of yet we've not seen a lot of monks so what is the only resource that's pretty much guaranteed on this map gold what amongst cost gold and is only only gold madrasah is a tech that gives you 33% so 33 gold from your monk if it dies so that's a really good tech yeah thank God for grey grey is as sacrificed the victory so we could have something to talk about in their little game indeed and now Marauders for for drew skis so he's thinking of going Tarkan's from the stables is it even what I gots kind of a waste of a tech for me it's not like you're making these non-stop anyway might just be able to make those Tarkan's from the castle you already have but alright it's cool tech yeah by ello you're right yesterday on the stream we discussed when that when is that useful when is that madrasah Tec useful and it's it's 200 food 100 gold so it's it's useful pretty much all the time if you have more than and four or five monks on this map is extremely useful so on many nothing maps that include would you have Celts as one of the best SIVs on gold nothing there's Turks maybe I don't know there's lots of good civilizations for these other nothing maps but every nothing map we encounter there's a different meta game and I think that well first of all I can't believe that I'm talking so seriously about a freakin nothing map I don't know what I've turned into but but second of all and more importantly it's different every single map so we have Huns here and then we have Saracens as well I think Saracens what the madras attack could be really strong what's the cost of stone now is 191 gold to buy 100 stone it's not bad it is 405 gold to buy 100 wood so that's getting more pricey fee age still is 24 Vil's which is by far the most he has 40 trade card style which is definitely the most he also has more markets for efficiency so I think he's at the point now where if he just continues to buy would just starve everyone from wood he'll be okay oh there's a king from gray steel says get him orange everyone wants gray dead that's funny yeah aim on site I did ban I did ban the Spanish sorry to all the Spaniards out there just couldn't handle the strength of you well we got a traffic jam here [Music] what is this VHS move move get out of the way what's going on man a trade raid is gonna be so devastating on this map this gray have a Ville here does gray have a unit here he just says trade what's happening is it green I think I think some of these are trapped to this one trade card is trapped he can't get out and then Giroux ski straight cars beyond like notes motor Umbro and roaches I know I already got my gold just let me pass so yeah it's getting clogged up this is like a snowball rolling down a hill right now it's only gonna get worse and worse and worse and worse ah there we go okay Roach realises Strode says I'm off to bed has been a fun stream it has been man thank you for the map today and have a nice night here the market prices again bottom right of your screen you can see the prices on the left that's what that's how much gold it costs to buy those resources and then there's how much gold you get on the right for selling those resources and that's per 100 so if you sell 100 would which would be dumb you'd get 400 gold but it is tempting isn't it Grace's please don't do this and yellow says get rekt that's funny man I mean well-played gray I know that gray probably won't win this game but he's been funny tilt stars has the rocket beans TV clan on boogly and and 408 says my dad is a member of rocket beans he will annihilate you and tilt star says is it Donnie and and Grace's yes so apparently Donnie is is the father of 408 whoa look at purple this castle kind of has a dual purpose I like on one hand I like it on the other hand I don't but his castle is not only protecting his king but it is protecting the trade oh wow drew ski he has Tarkan's he has batard 'he's Roach says I hate myself for forgetting fast speed yep you should it's alright just gives us more time to cast yeah I think true ski might regret not attacking people earlier if your attack fee age now age would die I think the longer drew ski waits the more difficult it gets for him against his opponents however it is uh I mean it really depends on just how people treat you after you kill someone I think now fee AGS you he's buying a castle and so he might go for the madrasah tech as well and the prices are just getting higher and higher for everything Malan adcast says are you doing any events at twitchcon so good question I will be at twitchcon the second day which is Saturday I'm going to tweet out at a location in twitchcon or maybe right outside a twitchcon where I'll have a meet-up but it will be very last-minute like I might I think either Friday evening or Saturday morning I will say hey I'll be here at this time for this period of time the reason I can't schedule an actual event is because everything's booked around twitchcon unless I have like a spare five thousand dollar bill that I could book place I'm not going to get in and also twitchcon itself is very it was very packed so you know if people are around and people want to meet me somewhere I'll definitely go out of my way to meet fans for sure but it will be a little bit last minute I just had lunch with my friend who's coming with me today to talk about my plans and for our plans I'm excited blues in the Imperial age good point but he doesn't have a castle yet Seven Veils in the Imperial age seven bills in the Imperial ages what is this is he trying to what is that gate does that even worth it I think a palisade gate is almost too expensive to build well orange doesn't want to attack because he doesn't want to be the bad guy that's why do I think you should be the bad guy here probably but the second he kills somebody the second he puts a target on his back and roach town says aren't you going for pH I'll help you okay interesting so they're going to team up on pH Roach has Mamluks and he has monks and he's going to be an imp I think Roach is the strongest player in this game right now just remember twitch tat in YouTube it's very easy to judge when we're here spectators but when you're playing the game you don't see what we see Tetris Key says wasn't planning on it and Roach says then who do you want to go for roaches ready to kill yeah there's some market prices again at the bottom right I'll just leave that up I guess for a little while so it is currently 640 gold for 100 wood is 315 gold per 100 stone but fee Edge has two castles he's making mammal Luke's remember he's kept more active farmers so he's actually bringing in more food he also has 88 trade carts which is way more than anybody else in the game though drew skis right behind him in this game trade carts are essential your bills so I would continue to trade and he is how do you counter Mameluke swell how buddy is currently it really strong but you can't make can't make Hobbs you don't have wood so the counter to the mammal Luke's is they don't exist in this game may be monks and there's a big fat may be surrounding that blues actually build his castle in northern corner next the purple I can't I love how symmetrical this all is now they've kind of ruined it including teal in the trade the symmetry but nice and straight I like it so you know back to twitchcon as this game heats up I'm really excited to be there I'm really excited to meet whoever is able to get together and meet as well anytime I can get together with fans and talk to them is great especially people who have been supported to my channel for a long time I feel like they're not that in a one two but I feel like they're definitely owed that face-to-face you know and I'm able to say thank you in real life for allowing me to to do what I do and and for enjoying the content also it's getting rather cold around here and while I like fall weather it'll be nice to be in warmer weather somebody asked what state I live in I live in Pennsylvania so it's it's getting pretty chilly here also my my best friend in real life is going to be coming with me he's not a big gamer but I am I'm kind of looking forward to just going on vacation with him which I did in April as well because you know we get we all grow up you don't get to see your friends as often and so you know it kind of stinks so it'd be good to go on a trip with him so look look at this tilt starts is blowing a castle in this corner we do be careful if your feet you don't what this castle to go up cuz tilt stars he's the kind of guy who'd just turn on you and kill all your trade jerski says okay roach we can go for fee H Roach says okay do you have siege and truce key does not take Jeff Bezos gold please smile next game forest nothing t90 tree next game forest nothing t90 tree next game forest nothing t90 tree user no force nothing today man too many nothing maps to count thank you thank you thank you though for the to thank you for coming back with the crime also bourbon proof thank you very much for the five months man you said past halfway chart which baby keep up the great work I will keep it up I will definitely keep it up I live in Texas where it's 120 degrees year-round well that could be that could be a bit much for me taxes are really good for streamers in Texas I thought about moving to Texas because there's not as much income tax on streaming income and it's different state to state but I just don't want to live in Texas sorry I will cast the Age of Empires Texas map and it will be legendary but I don't know if I want to move there Sophie H McKenna he's one of the best players in the game and he now has a elite Mameluke on the way o Malin outcasts were you the one who tweeted me about art want a free breakfast buffet yeah heck yeah dude somebody contacted me about that it might have been you and I didn't respond yet but Mountain outcast if you if you contact me via discord or Twitter I can respond to you sorry if I didn't respond I I get a lot of messages and I read them and you know you get a text message or an email and you read it and then you forget to respond that that um happens to me Sophie age is allied with arms she probably sees the army is there also if the age is allied with blue he will see that booze building a castle at home blues King is in this TC now Roach notices this he says are you ready so this would be the time maybe to surprise pH where his fee is going exactly he says let's kill trade first oh man this is going to be brutal we've spent an hour game time to build up to this point I think roaches trade is about to be killed actually so Roach and V age the two strongest players in this game they're probably going to lose all the trade in a bit at least half of it Giroux ski says okay but he's seen he doesn't seem too excited about it it's like on a hot summer day when there's a cold pool which which looks nice it seems like a great idea to jump in that pool once you stick your foot in you're like yeah I don't know it's a little bit cold thank you risk you should be very cautious about this Florida and Nevada have no state income tax yeah I know I I don't I'm very picky person like when it comes to climate and I if things like I'm in a comfortable position right now thankfully but you know if things started getting really rough for me then I might like make a move so I can continue making content but we'll see I don't really prefer to move away from family and it's complicated thing I don't want to talk I know I mentioned it but I don't want to talk too much about all that it's very complicated business I'm in we have to focus on the action here Roach has Mamluks he has plus four taki is plus four defense he does not have elite Mameluke so I wonder what's better here unless feel like roaches mammal loops are better because well use more of them and he has the other upgrades Oh drew ski says if you draw him away I can kill all his houses in no time oh that's interesting this is tense this is really tense I really don't know where we're going from here for gray is great even playing at this point I guess he has to wait yeah look at that it's 824 gold to buy 100 wood so if he wants to do anything more he has to wait for the wood to buy houses he'll be waiting a while oh okay Sofia is losing its trade he's losing his trade and how his Fiat reacted where his feet just military at its on the way so again elite ma'am Luke he will have some monks as well and he has way more trade even after losing some he is more than double roaches trade and here he comes our oats is actually trying to convert the trade carts which is an interesting play really will just come down to the fights here so going into this game I did say Fiat just that the highest rated player here by far you have Roche and second place those two are going to be fighting out now and yeah I just I want to say L Roache was too busy typing he's not actually engaging here oh well that's so good for fee age I still want to say that Roach is in a better situation he's not far off from getting elite Mameluke himself and then I'll have full ops but depends on conversions depends on a lot of things and this normally will favor the more skilled player Roach he's going head-to-head with fee age and he gets a few conversions and he might hold on here might just hold on yes gray signals blue and says by blue but really orange is going towards fee age just realizing this he says hey they teaming me imagine that man imagine that surprise surprise all futures in trouble pH is in trouble good point from orange if he just kills Fiat his houses I mean of course you could go for the King the king is actually Al the King is right here for pH are you kidding me he's for always running with this gang okay makes sense as ma'am Luke's I don't see them he doesn't have enough of them anyway his King is just dancing around the age has a hundred forty tray charts but he won't have buildings to fight if he loses his castle he would need roughly well 2,000 gold to buy another castle and again it's it's roughly it down goes to castle so good on drew ski good on drew ski to be aggressive here because he he really had a big advantage earlier this mini-map is gonna be really hard to follow because there's so many colors moving around but that's good I think fee age could still do this if he buys another castle and there we go he's just done so so honestly props to VH prop Sofia to somehow stay alive there Randy's qinglai and drew skis just running back canal but the counter to him and the mammal loops are chasing him down I think if yellow were to turn on pH pH would be in big trouble because that castle would killed a lot of trade oh the castles been denied so Drew ski snuck in here and denied the castle wow what a play yeah elsewhere there's not a lot of movement I see a few units randomly throughout the map a fee edge once payback and he is killing some of drew skis trade guru ski he only has 80 trade and Roche is losing numbers too somehow fee a jazz he's losing trade is is still at 140 it's just incredible oh yeah t lies 150 so what will teal go with he doesn't have a castle to wait what is this teal you don't even have a military building bro there we go he's building his first military building at a game yeah without military it's gonna be a problem th has over trade booms he is 10,000 golds he doesn't have he doesn't have the pop space to create any houses and gray shows up it grows like hey what's going on here just passing great there's nothing else great can do so Cray shows up he's just getting in the way he just wants to watch Murphy 18 it's a lot of conversions to make up for the fact that he's at 34 military well roaches at 62 and okay now this villagers on the way out and this villager can maybe finish the castle which will give th pop space and that will then give him a way to make more Mamluks 17,000 gold for fee 8 I mean what do you want to would you prefer less military more trade but would you perform more military less trade I don't know I I don't know honestly whoa purple mate batard x' and bombard kins this is a sniping army the grey says my king is here to boost morale so grace trying to he's trying to boost morale and fishes down I love gray man this is great this is great but scary assists good night T 90 in chat too tired to finish watching the game unfortunately enjoy the rest of the stream everyone alright man thank you a stinky bat wings with a $2 donation I'm sorry I've been believer not so focused on the game I haven't been able to catch up with all the alerts but I do get to it he said ocean nothing ake a baby shark nothing trade cog or fishing ship nothing demos being the Sharks t90 demo oh boy that sounds rough he also said keep up the good streams thank you I will man thank you thank you for the tip nobody is dead yet everybody lives everybody lives and as I say that the edge is getting pressured VHS is mam Luke's going for trade here he's killing some trade but what he needs is he needs defense and all of his monks are going down I think the edge could die VH is at 80 for trade he's lost a bunch of trade gray is still here to watch which is funny VH has his king in this castle I mean TC I just don't see him coming back despite his best efforts luckily the castle will stay alive for a little while but I think you know what VH is trying to bait roach into the castle fire eh says I need help I can pay that's true he could sling resources to someone for help that's an interesting proposal I think and I don't know if Roach can sit here he's going to but I don't see him telling the castle because the castle is killing his mammal looks pretty quickly and pH is getting conversions features gonna survive from this are you kidding me is he actually gonna survive from this he's just built another castle and a new TC now I've really hoped that nobody else fights because okay well it's happening so I can't really focus on a teal his King is on the move and Purple's looking to find him you know Purple's trade carts are giving him vision so he can see the king is there so we have that going on while roaches is actually having success with killing this castle and fee eight runs and oh goodness is so far it's so difficult to find the Kings it's he'll we'll have to find an ally to run to VH is also on the move to an ally everyone's going the blue blue is probably thinking get away from me man get away from me I don't want this attention it's teal in here yeah teal is in here werewolf eh go the age you have to you have to go for the castle man he says help my king please player one fast have mercy Oh God make it oh are you kidding me that came some like two HP and he makes it into castle but now blue is gonna be attacked by everybody if he doesn't uncaring these kings Grey actually says I'm coming with my own king to help which is ridiculous and yet now Roach is gonna turn on blue poor blue he didn't want anything about he didn't want anything to do with this he wasn't hosting a party that's supposed to be next weekend's come on guys you knew that the the Mamluks were coming tonight why'd you show up now gray has been just running around he he hasn't really done much right he's just had idle bills and he's boosting morale I guess OPH says he doesn't have any more pills he's lost all of his villagers who he's dead now I'm gonna remove the overlays to take one last look at that I guess it's not possible then for him to build any more buildings so blue has quite a few monks here eh is gonna believe or not he'll be the first one dead as long as someone wants to snipe and purple will take it Wow well throphy ate some salutes please cuz that was one heck of a game all the focus was on him he goes down and purple he's allied with blue but he has to beat r2 right next to Blues Castle is he gonna get to know is he gonna turn on him he turns on him he'll kill the castle there's two kings there he kills blue he kills teal he's just killed three kings in the last thirty seconds and now Grey's dead gray was here as well that's four kings this is just the dream game for purple have you ever seen so many King kills at once Wow and yellow and and green they're like what are you kidding me I wasn't even a triple kill it was an overkill that was nuts and so now all of a sudden as everyone made it past an hour we have tilt stars we have purple we have drew ski we have Roach so we have four people left just like that and now who I mean I don't want to go back to the overlay cuz unfortunately the overlay is just clogging everything up but I don't know who is favored I have to say probably roach but then again purple will have this whole corner secured Wow so many so many trade cards getting slaughtered this is funny we really needed time-lapse of this mini-map after the game if someone could do that after watching the video or the stream that'd be funny just to see how many trade carts are eliminated this is way better than I expected way better than I expected what's true ski up to I think aggression is your friend I think the best defense is an offense here that was FIA's mistake he wasn't aggressive enough he should have just gone for it especially in fee Aegis shoes because people are gonna team up on him anyway true ski has elite Arkin's and I know that ma'am Luke's are on the field but if he just kills people's castles and and and markets that could be the strat and Boop says you're right it's good yeah surprisingly good isn't it true ski says so purple Roach is gonna win if we don't team up interesting what is Roach doing yeah he does have a lot of mammal oops and Roach also has 60 trade what are the prices at 813 Gold's by 100 wood 363 gold to buy 100 stone which is still surprisingly low so Roach said holy purple northern coroner seems super strong and then arm said I don't know you seem pretty strong Andros said you too so I mean everybody screw it I need the CB overlay to assess the situation we need to need the data well just look at this for a couple moments it's too bad that overlay glitches out in these settings okay so most trade is Druce key from the people that are alive right it's 64 Purple's 64 Roach and 54 yellow military also more for drew ski he only has three villagers he's a two hundred pop and he only has three bills and their Idol so yeah drew ski is in the lead as far as resources go for sure okay let's remove this now but if you if you lose your bills like VH did and you lose t sees you could die because you won't be able to rebuild buildings then told stars is is trying to convert the houses and it seems like the age of researched heresies so these houses will not go to tilt stars that's funny good upgrade there now f11 does the word lower doesn't work Willard regardless of how many caps you type doesn't work for me because I have other other settings set up thank you though okay so drew ski and rotor now fighting and drew ski again I think he should have made a move Roche he he needs seed she needs one single trebuchet but he does have ma'am loops first Tarkan's and now what will purple do purple is just making the trade more efficient I guess so I forget about yellow yellow doesn't seem like he's a real threat to anyone right now but maybe we've yet to see Aztec monks he is 85 HP on these mom's he has a few I say yet to see I mean like Mass Aztec monks hands The Fatman thank you for the new sub man welcome XO Accra thank you for 14 I apologize for butchering your name 14 times does he have murder holes if he doesn't have murder holes in the castle that's gonna be a problem [Music] purple says to think we have to make move on the others and he's talking to yellow and yellow says yes but I have no good army okay this is true I mean we thought Huns could be the best but I think Huns are good for a start you have a really fast start with Hans but Saracens with these ma'am Luke's and the monks and the market bonus that's a triple whammy right there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no communicating in German cos I well I don't won't know what you're talking about purple says are you German and yellow says yes no we need a translator somebody trans like that what does that my name is in that sentence can I get a translator there please what does that say they say will confuse you really is that what it says if we speak German it will confuse 290 that's funny you know everything's going on and he had the presence of mind to say that oh no we have more you guys Germans Germans always troll me I swear and now whoa hold on a second what is happening here all of Till's trade carts have well they're dead well they're not dead they still have life it's like a fish after you cut its head off it's still breathing even though it doesn't do anything that's a lot of trade I guess that there's no home for them now is that 150 trade carts right there might be that's a good troll I have to admit so on a very serious note if I could get translations in the twitch chat like serious translations because I'd like to know what they're talking about I guess all orange so I got that much I think okay now I got siege so purple orange said yellow says maybe we need to team orange to attack Roach who's green I don't know if grown is green then kick asses I have siege and I only got army from what tilt stars just said he's going on orange the other on green oh really I was close I was close you know when I went to Germany it was great because most of the Germans I met could speak English I think they should let orange be I don't think they should waste resources on orange no offense to true ski but he seems to be hurting right now he's lost a lot of his trade he has yeah 50 for trade down I would I would focus on killing roach your German ain't that bad if you can get that much from it well it's just because that the words are are similar like I'm just I'm just guessing you know I actually only know one German word and that's 9 that's 9 that's easy what does purple have he has petard he did have bombard cannons where did the palmer cannons go remember he was killing the houses from teal with them where did he send them he has 18 seed units does he have them here ah there we go there's three ballmart cannons okay yeah Dave teal is dead and these trade carts like there's so many that the ones who've already dropped off the golds have stopped and the other ones with the gold they're like give me gimme gimme I need to need to give this gold to my master something like that equals act more German does it well thank you very much for the eight months real Pope Francis no moves yet from purple he has a total of 64 trade units will look to green now Green has a total of 68 trade units are enjoys around 50 when we checked a moment ago at Roche is still losing trade I mean everybody's taking losses to this except for yellow right yellow is only at 62 but he's not fighting anybody's he allied with everybody allied with green purple and orange so he's kind of been forgotten about alright we need another translation here can they convert the trade units from teal they could do that actually something that we saw earlier but perhaps the players aren't thinking about right now now what I don't know is if you can convert it and get the gold because if you can convert it and get the gold that is a lot of gold right that's 150 gold per I don't know it may be 20 30 trade carts yes together on green is what they said okay thank you I figured if more than one person says the translation is probably accurate because very rare the twitch chat will think of the same troll twice like if you all said it means that they like cheese sandwiches then I would believe you because it just be one person but I mean now of course you're all gonna say that in the chat and I'll know I've also just challenged you guys to troll me which was a mistake so I might be deceived but anyway okay in two minutes I see I got that one in two minutes and yes is that how you pronounce it in German is it is it I know German you have to have a lot in the word so like is minuto is that what it is that was my first impression when I heard German in real life it's just a lot of a lot of weird no offense but just a lot of those noises you know not saying English is a perfect language but that does my experience as an outsider oh god we have German donations now you would think in 2018 that my bot could translate this okay that means that Dave is a sexy Canadian I think sexy Canadian beast I think that's got to be that's got to be Dave as a sexy Canadian beast so I didn't even realize because the too busy talking about languages Roche is pushing Orange - this would be a good opportunity for purple to make a move would be a good opportunity for yellow to make a move on green guru skis King is in the corner and he's it's not looking great for him hoo boy sorry about the odds I want to hear from Dave that sexy Canadian beast Oh gotcha okay I bet you guys didn't think that you'd be translating for me today Barrett that means ready that means ready right yellow says yes yes I got it woohoo we're learning German who needs a rosetta stone when I can just cast Age of Empires perfect yes all right so tilt Stars says go purple says yes roach is out of position with his army he has to expect this possibility and he has a lot of monks at home but you know what his mam Loops are chasing these these Dru ski Tarkan's and I don't know if Roach can click enough to use all these monks especially when hustlers are coming in oh man and just send the hustlers after the mumps and Roach is dead just just send the hustlers right after the monks don't go for the TC go for the monks nine nine nine Yuchun Gutzon good chin monks he knows now that the king is in the in the castle okay so can he save himself let's see the TC goes down that the king is in this castle Roach has to click with every single with every single monk now I don't know if this King can escape to another castle it is possible if he runs this way there it is are you kidding me help help okay he's dead I was gonna say Roach must not have thought he was gonna live there because he didn't garrison in the castle this possibly could have survived there and now they both say nice which does not need a translation [Music] people are translating anyway thank you so drew ski he's he's feeling very blessed at the moment to still be alive and wait now what did they say oh they just said yes so I feel bad for Drew ski drew skis like me he can't speak German so the Germans are teaming up on the Americans well not really but I expect that that's what will happen now and Giroux ski has now set purple to enemy and he said yellow to enemy yellows King is Walden here and all of these castles in the north for purple are going to protect him and jerski will lose both corners immediately and lose all of his trade so that's probably the end for drew ski nice means cheese sandwich in English and stop it what did tars is say with his five dollar donation I don't know if that means I had a conversation with tars as once and tars as you should have known better than to bring this up around me cuz I've gotta bring it up a lot tars is said when he was in the United States he really liked eating at Denny's which I mean hey I'm not gonna knock it you like what you like but Denny's has not really seen as a as a great restaurant in the States so maybe that's what he said maybe he said something like instead of director princess in it sir schmooze and he said I like pristine Dani I don't know I can't do so Jesse's gonna die now or at least he should right he doesn't have resources he's at 74 pop his population is half trade and does he half military okay so he has a few units so maybe I mean it would be one heck of a snipe but it's unlikely my parents have been living in the States for six years I have Denny's every single time I visit you know I tarz is I don't know what the French health care is like but if you can pull it off man go to the doctor and get your head checked house because there's something wrong with you man the only time and this is coming from a guy who doesn't drink a lot the only time that I would even remotely desire Denny's would be if I was drunk that would be the only the only time I feel like it'd be good drunk food but nice attempt there nice attempts from from orange to to kill yellows came but yellows king is down here so yeah it's good it's good before or after ordering alcohol I guess which technically could be done he could be at any time I remember my brother went to college in in a state up north and when we were visiting my brother I was very young we went to Denny's and that that might have like really changed my outlook on Denny's but it was not the classiest place maybe tars is his parents live in a nice part of town and they have a classy Denny's I don't know anyway I didn't want to talk about Denny's when I started this game so no we're not gonna eat Denny's at twitchcon I'm not flying across the states to eat Denny's it sounds like an awful idea okay what's that mean I'm I'm scared now I'm scared what does that mean Denny's tastes like the inside of an escalator Dave for a sexy Canadian feast you have a really weird minds my friend how many in how many escalators have you tasted Dave that's what I want to know I mean I know Canada I know weed is legal now but was that your first move like oh I'm gonna get high legally let's go let's go taste the inside of an escalator guess it wouldn't surprise me where did that bombard can't you just hit the the Tarkin if nothing else drew ski is being a trooper here to survive siege is so expensive for the other players there's a few bills for purple let's look at the cost as 888 Gold's buy 100 would I think see yellow doesn't have bomb our cannon which is a bit of a problem because he would have to go for trebs oh boy blue shoe today is X actually against purple now which means he's gonna lose his trade right oh no he's trying he's trying to trade with teal where's he going where are these things coming from they're looping the whole way around he must have just grabbed a few because he realized that some are gonna die okay so overlay again let's see purple says well that's bad I need to see the trade numbers now so Green is of course dead 18 for purple 44 yellow but that's before a bunch oh no he saves them that's big and seven Oh God seven trade cards for Drew Sookie are we at the point where people don't have enough trade to actually do anything is this how trade nothing ends you know roaches markets are still alive but Roach has these these towers so yellow and aunt Roach has made so these trade carts won't make it back oh no what does this become no one's gonna have trade this could be a big stalemate and naturally if you don't think you can get gold to make more army you won't want to engage with the army you have you want to play it safe and survive orange has 30 military with Tarkan's could orange do this what does purple have it purple could die - orange his Tarkan's it could actually happen you've got to be kidding me monks instantly become the strongest thing in the game but you have to use them what about yellow wait where does his gold go what did he spend his gold on he is one barracks making Eagles where does his gold go didn't he have like 8000 stone did he buy stone would be a nice idea to castle here if he has villes did he actually buy stone maybe I missed how many resources he had but seems to me like he had gold before Driss key he's winning with the trade numbers ladies and gentlemen and oh he's still trading with yellow oh wait they're allied I'm sorry this is just too insane for me to follow I mean we're talking about Deniz we have Germans consulting me cheese sandwiches till it started what happened my TC and drew says sorry a Sagna says can we redo this I missed the beginning no possibly in the future of course but if you like you can watch the twitch pass broadcast of the entire stream I've been live for six hours now so you could watch the whole thing actually Yuko is what wait for the YouTube video as well of course in my defense I was for sure thinking it was over you don't have to defend yourself brewski he needs 911 gold to buy 100 food the most expensive Tarkan's ever oh and they're now going to arrive and kill roaches towers you know in hindsight if yellow would have just been more patient he could have survived with a lot more trade I I thought the game was speeding up to the point where it would end soon but now that purple has one two three four seven castles I'm not so sure is purple trading with anybody oh he's trading with teal so he's getting a little bit of something he also could convert these trade carts actually no I can't you can't convert them because if he changes yeah see this is what happens if you changes to steal the enemy to try and convert them this gas is just in the wrong spot so now you need to make sure you don't kill this market okay purple sorted it out drew ski says we wouldn't take out Purple's houses good strategy good strategy and still probably won't be enough he does have houses and castles so I don't think they realized that the guy has seven castles they must not be thinking about it purple he probably misses yellows friendship he's not talking in German anymore he's not communicating with anybody he says so how's it going guys I'm Oppo 45 which I can't speak Jeremy but I can translate that means pop 45 tails sources that's what you get for trying to snipe me did I miss something did purple try and snipe yellow he did have the batard sneer yellows TC but maybe I missed a snipe attempt or I've forgotten about it already yeah I know I'm just kidding Germans I know that he misspelled pop I know it's just a dumb joke my apologies yeah maybe it was the petard with orange that did it you and purposes just passing it just passing pitar chin to your TC bro that's it just it that's it trade numbers again drew ski has 26 trade units yellow has 11 and then purple has 24 however he's not trading as efficiently he could try and go to green actually that could obviously be killed but he could try and sneak a few cards over purp with us say I'm no threat right now take care of each other or men now I'm getting all hungry cuz we talked about Denny's believe it or not and this game could go on for a while longer where do we go from here oh boy that's a game-changer who was allied with teal was it drew ski drew ski was allied with teal and he saw the market and deleted it and now purple has nowhere to trade you harro Lim says I was allied to yell ant arms when I died okay so it was either yellow or was orange so I think both drew ski and tilt stars will know that uh they are the two strongest now that's fairly obvious I like Aztecs better here as long as that barracks is still alive is that barracks still live for tilt stars yet is this one barracks will can produce Eagles I guess they don't trust purple but they'll find out soon enough they'll just see castles that's it dad tilt star says why do you have so many points so he sees this score Giroux ski says trip saving up let's go that's so expensive guys drew ski is a legend he's trying to save up for this I thought he had actually created one so it is 996 gold to buy 100 wood which he will need to do twice so he needs 2000 gold and then he needs two hundred golds for the traps a 2000 gold for the wood and then 200 gold for the trap cost purple doesn't just really have a way of bringing in resources right now unless he goes for the trade heist and gets to Roach's base which could actually work he's enemy too roach corrects yeah but if he's sneaky about this he could slap them around the edge of the map they really should have killed roaches markets if they weren't going to use them all right so we'll just get to know one another until Giroux ski gets enough for a trap the stupid thing is they can't fight with their Tarkan's or their equals there's so many castles that just wouldn't work so oh boy I a good point yellow has houses here but I don't know if he'll spot it I don't think that was intentional did he convert them maybe he converted a few of them actually no because the architecture would have sort of stayed the same as roaches you could convert enemy monks if you knew they were here of course there's Castle fire you have to think about Oh tilt stars is starting to trade with Roche which I really like because Roche is already dead and orange could really turn on yellow at any time purple is sending everything forward he's going on a secret mission to get trade think with one seed room you could possibly kill that castle here we go here we go here he goes yeah your castles still around the stipe the carts but if he if he goes against the edge of the map he's okay come on he knows the castles there that wouldn't have changed he's getting theocracy that will help maybe he wants to heal his trade carts honestly it makes sense trade her it's her ridiculously expensive cell so he doesn't necessarily have to return with auto pathing if he just clicks them right then they will automatically path right here but if he if he manually does this then he can you can make his own route back Oh for yellow good point for yellow nope hope this castles not quite in range actually purple says I have 250 gold 60 pop no trade which is true and tilt stars he is really tilted for black of a better word he does not trust purple at all after the betrayal he says what what consists this 60 Popov so what what 60 population do you have 10 bills 20 trade useless how accurate is this he's telling the truth with all this I like Kelly adds youth useless oh look at the pro strats okay so now what he needs to do I have the strategy idea down kill the castle well you know what he should be able to kill this you know if for some reason you couldn't kill this like bro Chet imagine el here the strategy would be to leave the RAM in the castle fire send a villager to repair the RAM and just let the RAM sit there and soak up the damage okay well here go all the units nice and slow just has to kill this castle all boy one trade cart down that's right don't care about the monk move it horses come on Seabiscuit thanks kill the castle you just want to come this way I mean he's gonna kill the house oh we have drama we have drama drew ski and yellower fighting and risky just well alright he close to GG I wasn't even paying attention to that tilt stars will now lose a lot of his trade though and in theory it could give purple lead the RAM survives it will finish off this castle once the castles down just click man and get that gold there's only one castle for yellow what you could do is just kill the barracks from from yellow and then you can't make eagles kill the monastery you can't make monks and purple changes yellow to neutral and yellow change his purple the neutral come on purple go go buddy trade please drew skis been defeated down I guess he just sent his king forward he just gave it up well-played ruski and now tilt stars changes his stance with Purple's enemy and purple you're kind of like I like the strategy choice but it's kind of bothering me I'm not gonna lie what why go what's that what's that what's that do was that you oh oh oh oh I understand so yellow didn't kill it drew ski probably committed suicide somewhere and so yellow thinks that purple has a real force because somebody had to kill Orange you come on guys you don't have to be secretive anymore it's just you how's it looking okay thank you hi I see I see high 4s in the chat he's been truthful this entire time and they're off they were off why is purple being so hesitant okay do we keep going Oh purple thinks that towers are still there purple thinks the towers are still there and he finds out they're not there anymore Wow so now he changed his road to allies so he won't accidentally kill these buildings and he will convert yellows houses with just alerts yellow - what's going on yellow should be able to fight this there's not a not a lot of ma'am Luke's in this group but he also might not want to leave home yellow is psyched out yellow doesn't realize that purple is as dead as he is who said you are dead why don't you resign who said that was that yellow was that purple is yellow right yellow is losing trade to this and remember he can't trade this way actually you know you know what he might be able to get away with the view I have trade now again that's what purple said and Oh what are you doing it's purple gonna win this nonsense okay trade trade cog or cart numbers 22 for yellow make that twenty the other ones will die on the other side eventually purple just needs enough to make military to defend and if he if he's able to defend his trade obviously he'll take a long time but he'll win because he eventually need he needs to buy enough food I don't God he needs 840 gold to buy a hundred food which gives him one Mameluke so he needs enough man loops to kill the Eagles and then he should win that's it he only needs 800 gold 400 that's it why don't they make farms well could have something to do with the fact that it's 916 gold to make or to buy 100 wood you is it worth the deform will do they have TCS no TCS for purple he does he have a mill he has no mill either so he has some villagers he would actually need a mill and he would need to go for the farm so that's 2,000 gold again it's very easy for us to think about these things now but for the players they don't know yellow he has Vil's no TCS and he does have a mill and he has 73 wood which is that's basically 730 gold right there but food for him doesn't mean quite as much does it it's really the goal with cost Co Roach's farms I guess you could make it do that too there are possibilities again will they think of them they know that there's 1200 people watching this and this is the first time they've ever played this so we're quickly learning not that I want this map to be a regular thing but we will we will know for next time and yeah I think yellow all he really needs to do now is clean this up purple doesn't have the military yet yellow can kill this Eagles clean this up easily and ah there we go so the monks will die and now purple hasn't had the trade long enough I don't think you can win well here's here's the dumb thing because this is going to become a stalemate I don't think yellow has enough eagles to kill the castles so if purple once you can just sit back but with no trade Purple's dead of course and now yellow says get rekt he needs to be careful he has 19 trade units some of which are being attacked by by drew skis castles and he need don't kill the markets oh man it's gonna say he needs to keep these markets alive yeah one trip true one trebuchet so yellow needs enough gold honestly one trip with the trade and he should have enough gold to buy wood and maybe have enough gold remaining for a trap and then he has to protect that trebuchet to the very end which mm-hmm I think it's doable yeah I think it's doable I mean I don't know what you guys were expecting from trade nothing but if you didn't expect the game to stall out like this at the end because trade is important must been having one too many coffees from Denny's okay and yellow still does not know that purple is now anything back at home that's the thing purple has a higher score than him so he's assuming that purple is actually in a stronger position does green have trebs arounds Oh a green also has mammal Luke's to convert he has monks to convert how he is trip somewhere where were they here Oh ooh trebuchet is okay that would be huge Roche says he has heresy never minds so with heresy his units will just disappear okay translators what's this mean he's talking about nuns he says can you do something I think can you beat me okay okay that's confusing I I can't even guess they're yellows asking for a drawl okay so purple basically says can you even do anything yellow asks for a draw and this might give purple confidence hmm there any markets remaining purple is enemy to orange corrects he is he could possibly go for oranges castles and try and trade there but then I kept of course yellow could could trade for the same corner I don't know I don't know 89 population for yellow purple oh here he goes um I guess it doesn't hurt to try something is better than nothing so he'll make it back with some gold he'll start says I guess t90 quit watching already I don't know why you would think that is this I'm learning German right now man and oh he changes tilt stars to Ally Tsar's allies him what is happening wouldn't wouldn't it be hilarious if purple Trix yellen's a lying him and then kills all of his trade or something yellows considering running forward as well purple is yet to go for the trade now they can see that they both have very little but yellow the thing is yellow doesn't have enough to kill these castles that's the dumb thing the King is right therefore for purple by the way so I don't think Giroux ski has ballistics so in theory you could send one trade card back and forth here and distract all the castle fire and send trade carts in he's actually gotten past their wait is this gonna work are you kidding me you can only do this so many times look at this trade card hasn't taken any hits this is gonna take so long oh man but he didn't take any hits there what fight are you guys talking about I don't see any fighting going on oh yeah there was fighting so I guess add purple tried to kill trade and he died which is kind of expected but purple has a new strat this will take a long time but this is his new strategy apparently I guess truce key never needed ballistics because he was going for Tarkan's of course eventually that the trade will die means playing with fire but he's getting some gold back just don't see that being enough when yellow has a safe trade route okay let's look at yellows resources he has wood now so with a little bit more gold right after this he can make a trap make it make the tread make the trap go for it man I don't see what else you can do just just protect your one trebuchet if he sacrifices his Eagles going for it because he's overconfident I might cry a lot or yeah a sizable amount there will be tears don't don't try it unless he remembers the king was there and he wants to kill the king but protector thank you for the 200 bits man ground 15 thank you for the prime where are these Eagles going does he make you more trade oh he's just making more trade so purple says show down in the middle honestly Germans not that complicated I'm picking up on a lot of these words purples trade is working somehow yellow asks purple for population purple is probably thinking show a bluff should I be honest what's okay I said German is easy I don't know not many oh it was so close let's go learning German with t90 official was close so I guess you know in the long run yellow of course he can create more trade he will well get an advantage here you can see the importance of ballistics in this game-mode even drew ski is still evading the arrows and he's been dead for a while German Thursday incoming now just English here I guess if if tilt stars yeah he sees the trade now if he just kills these markets then purple definitely has no chance tilts ours doesn't need that now purple responds 70 which is Eliza's the first time he's lied and he says you and yellow is being honest she says 109 yeah red floyd this this has trade nothing we were two hours and 40 minutes since you're getting here near the ends down goes the market and that opened up a small opportunity for for purple to kill these markets now oh wow and and yellows even stonewalling it up yeah this is over now i think this is over purple ass no trade he is sending the king to the middle so he must know and i think he'll go for one last little raid and he'll call it quits what a one eventful game what an eventful game drew ski said thought about getting ballistics before suiciding yeah what it changed things for sure but I still think yellow would have would have held his position here it's a bit of a shame because yellow wasn't all that aggressive in the early stages of the game I mean obviously he wants to get the victory and he played very well once he started doing things but he he was very passive compared to others for a while anyway I wanted to snipe yellow earlier but i misclicked the chat tab instead of to Diplo and got confused but then I was so slow that yellow realized and I went to Fiat and said oh really interesting okay so I think this is funny Purple's trying to bait yellow into losing his Eagles to the castles and yella realizes this I mean again what is your plan purple you you can't do anything here so you should probably just give it up and save us some time oh wait a second he's got a plan he has military he has this little dude and this guy he is gonna save the game never mind hey it could work it could work I mean if he tries a million times he could work at least once if the micro is good he's been playing that scenario bomb large cannon micro you never know I think in a second he will realize he says yeah I'm dead signals where his king is going yeah the bomber can and obviously can't win you says something about falling or his King is falling the bumper cannon is now falling and the king is now falling and that is the end of trades nothing technically that was not the first time we've done it because we did do a king in the hill prior to this but that is the first true trade nothing in my opinion because we had the regicide aspect which is what everyone wants to see well played tilts stars he says sorry guys hey man I know what I I know what I'm in for when I start casting these and I know the TWiT shed is as well so I put in the sacrifices for all of you that was I'm trying to think of a way to describe that game that was surprisingly good that was surprisingly good I knew that it would be stalemate he at times but I did not expect it to be that good well played everybody I mean of course when you have a good game it's because of not only the map but how the players played it we've had maps which could have arguably been fantastic but the players didn't play fantastic so thank you Roach drew ski tilt stars kick-ass VH Spiro heirloom air Berlin and 408 a small little shout-out to 408 for just giving us something to talk about before we eat anything to talk about being different this game right there's the KD Roche actually had more kills I think economy is what we need to see true sky head well he had a good sieve for sniping early drew ski if Yuri watch this you probably could have killed half the players early in all honesty Huns give you a fantastic start but in late-game Saracens seem to be good in this case Aztecs seem to be good but I think that had Roshan up in double-teamed his Mameluke would have killed everything that yellow could make I think jerski didn't want to be a jerk that was what I said at the time I think he didn't want to be that guy to snipe first um all right I mean research counts interesting up times very different there's the timeline I was wondering if the timeline would look any different I guess it doesn't look too different from any other game but this is the period in time when I was discussing how yellow didn't he didn't do much AG look at the military from all the other players so yellow took his time I think people need to be mindful of this in community games in the future mean sure yellow might not have made any enemies but that in itself could make him an enemy if you think about it because he should have more resources and he should be stronger because he was not fighting so like every once in a while in these community games you will find players being very passive in hopes that they can hold on for later well when you see that maybe you should step aside from the fight say listen buddy I know we've been fighting for the last 20 minutes but this yellow guy or this blue guy or whoever that might be they're not engaging in in fights and they probably have more resources than us okay great you don't see any dark gray really / graves military greys Grey's timeline is pretty funny and he survived for a long time - I mean all things considered well played for him I guess so of course if you're watching this on YouTube I know I say this a lot nowadays ice cream Age of Empires 2 on Twitch I do this four to five days a week whether that be community games or classic games or expert games so if you'd like to stop by and say hello and see what the stream is all about that link is below in the video description until star says just didn't have resources for any military the whole time yeah I understand I understand but you did you did have a strong number of eagles for a while and not saying it's a bad thing I'm not saying it's a bad thing that you you didn't use them because how did you use them you probably would have lost them but if other players would have thought about that they could have turned on you before continuing the fights between themselves
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 477,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 44sec (6164 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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