T90 Nothing Map #2

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to a map called t90 nothing so is my t90 official logo and it is a map and it is a pilgrims ish start where you have villagers and a king and a transport and you can choose where you'd like to set up shop pretty cool mouth created by Grimm who is in this game however there's not enough wolves apparently because this villager is gonna survive ramp perfect perfect amount of wolves I love it already we have the t90 wood has started off Oh perfect map all right so I've never seen this before I saw a screenshot and this could be quite interesting there are relics in the north the south east and the west but players would have to cut to them you can dock as you can see here and send ships through the trees here you'd have to cut the trees of course but this area is an amphibious terrain so there's really nowhere that you could be that's safe from any Snipes from water with the way this map is set up it is diplomacy which means that players can ally or enemy anyone they would like it just heard a dead body yeah alright I heard something died and become a dead body that was oranges Ville will figure it out as we go here so twitch say hello to YouTube I have a feeling this is gonna be a youtuber but I never really truly know until after the games completed we have bumble Rick Ballmer Rick is playing as the Byzantines in the purple we then have orange oranges or panda rage and the orange playing as the Mongols in the red we have mr. super Lascaux probably the favorite to win this one he's playing as the Slavs in the blue we have Ebert who's playing as the Chinese in the teal we have Ella jury who's playing as the Italians oh I would be careful Oh No oh no eldery whoo they double back there maybe you realize you didn't want to didn't want to continue on there we have night throw or ninth Rhodes playing as the Magyars here in the gray and the yellow we have flying NATO playing us Japanese and then we have Byzantines for grim and grim is playing he's in the green I already said he's playing us the Byzantines so they picked sips for this Nomad style start thank God that no one set their TC up on the tee the nine or the zero that would have been bad so they figured that much out it's actually not playing on explored either which could make things complicated twitch that can you help me out a little bit we're doing all these new maps and I always forget to remind people to play on explored when it's a new map if you could try and remind me that'd be helpful because it's the one thing that I forget to mention and it's so important because the players who didn't create the map they don't know about the relics they don't know about where the resources are so I feel like this gives grim and unfair advantage oh look at this the wolf is here let's go goes not today well this is awkward he has loom no he doesn't have loom so he actually can't place that dock what's the strategy choice here super Lascaux what's the strategy choice man I think you have to to find an area without wolves and that's not it yeah there we go go a little bit further up and place the dock nice Ville micro though nice Phil Niekro chat ideally you'd reminds me in the future ideally you'd remind me in the future and not now because I would forget like I'm aware of it now I got it Hank says I think grim actually wanted it to be unexplored intentionally so players will instantly go for a spot with gold but what's okay I guess what you're saying is that players would be at the same spot okay fair enough but I showed them the screenshot just that they they might forget but this map might be a bad example on all maps I think it's important if it's brand new to have explored but all Age of Empires the best Age of Empires games and maps are played on unnormal so there's a beauty in that there's a beauty in the exploration and he ruins some of the game to not have it seen an official can you remind us to remind you for the explored yes I will I will do that let me set a reminder here yeah we're good I'll be able to remind you so we added the overlay back we can still see the Ville counts and the fish counts for now there's lots of fish on t90 nothing the fishing is always important I'll always stress that so good to see that most players are getting some docks up and fishing I don't know if there's a meta game for this well there can't be a meta game for this because this is so new having water control is great however that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be okay alliances can be set right yep alliances can be set so that's one way to do well so everyone's ally hope they won't attack you our fish salmon no we have Shore fish here and we have snappers this isn't a t90 nothing map we've been tricked no salmon I want some fresh Napa I want some fresh salmon this is rigged I think Spanish candy galleons would be great indeed Spanish candy galleons would be fantastic in theory you if all these trees get chopped you could range probably everything with candy galleons right but of course you need to protect them with other ships I've said everything that I think I need to say so how are you guys doing I haven't had that one or like section of a game where I talk to chat yet so let's do that important question what's your favorite way to cook salmon dude I'm really basic I just put it in the oven put some spices on top nothing special what is this why do I mod people duck says time for a conversation topic embarrassing fact about t90 when did you stop wetting the bed who is the first t90 babe you liked did you ever go to the store without money what did your t90 bro do to mess with you well I think it'd be a waste to vote on number one cuz that's boring it's just well I'm not gonna spoil I'm gonna let you guys vote first the other ones could actually be interesting it seems like who is the first t90 baby lights you guys are interested in the grills I'll have you know this is the Internet and there are no girls in real life here so I can't give you an answer to that hmm all right I'll answer this but I have to think who was the first girl I mean I I have liked a lot of girls I remember I had a crush now don't don't get all don't get your mind in the gutter here cuz I was just in first grade but I remember I had a crush on my first-grade teacher I think her what was her last name what was her name it's like Sherman or something and I figured you know sure she's married and sure the guy she's married to is his thirty years older than me but he's gonna die first so there might be a time where I have a chance and I guess I should probably remember her name if I ever want to if I ever want to attack that but yeah I'm over it now I'm over it so real real girl I think her name was I think her name was Sarah I actually lied to my best friend so I went to a different school and I lied to my best friend who didn't go to my school but knew the girl and I said that this girl was was dating me we were like seven or eight and I was like oh yes Sarah really likes me I was trying to make him jealous but in reality like inside I was just crying because she she was not into me at all but uh yeah I don't know like I said like I was I thought I wanted to be in a relationship way too young I was eight years old I was like oh I love you yeah that was that was that it's embarrassing I'm never having kids because anyone who has my genetic diseases can be a a weirdo stop typing t90 cry in the chat guys you're just bringing up all these old emotions man reconnect with them now that you're famous streamer like yeah you remember me from first grade you remember that yeah well I'm a big deal mal so do you regret turning me down that would be that would be weird I have definitely tried to reconnect with with with people some girls since I've you know become an adult and surged streaming but for the most part I stick to my same group of friends anyway I'm not I'm not giving you guys any more info than you deserve here that you guys always clip stuff remember stuff I got to be careful I remember in the beginning of the summer I said I had a date coming up like on the weekend and for a solid month straight you guys kept asking me about the date I can't give you guys that info that's dangerous man that's dangerous hmm okay so man-at-arms for flying NATO what on earth getting those upgrades out of the way okay well he doesn't have any man in arms right so that that's gonna be a problem but hey yes a market he is free cart oh and that's all we could ever ask for how was that date a date was good date was good but I'll leave it at that I'll leave it at that thank you for asking guys thank you for asking so I fear that while super Lascaux is kind of being attacked here he's going to be in quite a good position because he's in castle age already and he's having tea sees and he's super Lascaux so I want to say panda rage you are a beast for going after a super Lascaux because not many people would want to do that so great job annoying him panda rages attempt here while it might not be doing much it does help others later on because super Lascaux will be a little bit delayed t9 official you had a date is her name doubt can we expect t100 jr son streamer no her name is not doubt but i will say i will give you guys this information cuz you guys would like this this is all you're gonna get i was three dates in with a girl this year or what's it the second I forget and I I told her like immediately I don't even try and and be secretive about what I do now because it's just a waste of time so I'm like hey this is what I do blah blah blah and I was talking to her about something and how chat is hyped up for this dumb thing called force nothing and how it's just a meme and I would had texted that to her I believe and then on the second or third date she was like so tell me more about force nothing those words came out of my dates mouth I was not expecting it and we're driving to go hiking and this girl says so tell me more about force nothing and I was unsure and if I should propose because she had already accepted me for who I am or if I should run away screaming and I haven't really decided yet I mean I'm I'm a bit in-between right now so I figured I shouldn't be too extreme everyone else is saying propose but I don't know I don't know if I want that positive force nothing energy in my house long-term like that that's dangerous I already get enough of that in twitch chat oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we got some demos from grin where is he going with these things he's he has to have a target is it Lisco he's hanging out next to the F the two F's he's going through the FS how fitting she nine officials she could be watching you right now yeah she could she could I guess he's looking for some type of action here looking for something to explode elsewhere it seems pretty passive I mean we had this small attack from Orange but that's it who knows where this will go did you hike in the trees yes we did we did we were on our way to hiking when she asked me about force nothing believe it or not oh you can go oh wow I forgot about this fact can you sail here huh oh you're kidding right oh boy oh boy if he can wiggle his way he through here he's connects what a lot of a lot of stuff oh this is so sneaky man this is so sneaky someone in the chat says this is a flaw Oh we'll find out like this this could be this could be a good thing now this is the altar you know imagine if you're paying the rate and you see demo ships coming out of the wood what even do man what do you even do the poor guy doesn't have loom he could lose all of his villagers oh goodness oh why him Oh Oh make it stop please oh that's so brutal and if he had another demo there just would have been perfect oh good lord delete it oh no man Oh feel so bad for panda rage but he just says mean he gets in the leaves that dude behind he's going back to work I guess and he's going off to find new lands it's an interesting point from someone in the twitch at the the outer shoreline is deep water so I don't think you can't dock there you to dock on the t90 area you could also dock in this area so you could dock anywhere where then fibia strain is compander age you got to be careful you run man grim says just demonstration for stream Audrey says what is happening panda and panda says demos demos everywhere yeah so now people know that that's possible so that's all was all the cream was do as I was educating us he wasn't trying to kill anybody who's just for educational purposes I call I've been calling the transport ships recently because that's what slam does on his stream so I blame slam for any flack I might catch my reputation goes down the tubes it's because of slam always be like oh yeah got up two trainees over here mmm it's it's it's unique its unique it's all I have to say so the King is at least alive for now panda age and grandmas all the way to end which is cheaper as Byzantines I wonder what his plan is it's got to be water control right it's got to be water control yeah I was thinking about doing force nothing as the final map for hidden Cup but all the players said that they would hate me forever so I decided not to do that I don't think t90 nothing would have been good either panda rage has purple friends panda rage definitely needs some friends we have some trade from flying Nadeau he's trading with gray I imagine yeah look see all they've already formed an unbreakable bond okay it might be breakable but it's a bond what's let's go gonna do let's go hasn't clicked up to imp yet but if you cancel some of the bills you can what's weird about this map is you can have strong lanes presence but you almost gets you can't run around it you'd have to kill everyone to have the whole Outer Ring which is really tough so I don't even know how you're able to prioritize just how much Navy and how much land you have maybe if I was playing in this game and I was really trying to win I would go for seed RAM and Davey have the seeds Rams and then the Navy next to the next to the shore make final four hidden kept seven a best-of-seven and last map is force nothing that'll encourage them yeah I'm sure it will encouraged them to to win more games so won't go three three and go to two seven that's what it will do so Byzantines they get cannon galleons right Mongols do as well Japanese do slaps I don't think so but I I don't see a lot of slabs on water okay they do what about Magyars Magyars they do as well Chinese do two Italians should I mean they're Italians they yeah they get elite but then Italians don't get seeds Ram so I'm torn I also don't think having cannon galleons is gonna be all that useful maybe in some scenarios it's good because you can range from distance and kill buildings however I think they're very vulnerable and you have to protect them and that'll be that the hard thing mister person says at what point do we talk about the hidden cup stuff well I've really liked you right now however the final has been uploaded to YouTube so I'd say tomorrow the final will be up on YouTube within an hour with all the reveals so I think tomorrow onwards we can discuss it freely because I don't want to spoil it for people the trade also be awkward just a really awkward map what a good representation of Who I am just just an awkward awkward map for an awkward person perfect it's so fitting please delete to super disco what is this oh he's had some bills okay what what if there are pitar it's in there man you never know II Burke don't trust him he's a menace yes he Burke says can I close now super Lucio says yes there's only bills here is this doc blocked no you can go around it okay so this goes going off to new lands going on a vacation to who knows where I would agree I think out of all the Age of Empires events I've casted hidden cap was probably the most exciting for me I think was more exciting than battle of Africa I think was more exciting the ktd I think was more exciting than well those are the most recent events other than hidden Cup I think was just so cool because you had amazing expert games right but then you had the extra element of trying to guess and not knowing who the players were and what to expect so it's it's the best of both worlds you have amazing expert won't be once but then you also have that guessing game which was really fun t9 official has anyone died yet well I mean pander Age II things died 43 deaths he's not exactly dead though he's not exactly dead still no sign of what green will do an imp he does have some ransom bills around and always he's okay he has a corner so this is kind of what I was talking about but then super Lascaux seems to realize there's a corner here as well so hopefully all players can get there our least four players can t9y official what's your stream delay set to it's about a second or two I think and obviously I'm a bit biased because it was my event but I don't think that my bias is playing a part in it at all because in battle of Africa and ktd I had insane numbers the games were insane I'd have no I'd have no problem saying that another event was more enjoyable you know I don't I don't care who organized it who was involved in that it's just down to how good the games where I guess it was awesome I I spent the last three days pinching myself for how well everything went and for how well the last month has gone let's be honest last year have been pinching myself I went full time in November we're not even at a year yet things have been doing amazing so there's nine relics there's three in the North three in the South three in the East three in the West so three relics there for grim business can be a really strong sieve here with their fires I could be a strong civilization with their fortification bonus as well so maybe building castles on the shoreline to secure your base would be nice what a no carto mode not improve these diplomatic games a lot Algernon can you can you expound a bit can you explain a bit like why do you think that Diplo is bad if anything I think no Diplo would mean that people couldn't coordinate attacks in some situations that might be good if someone's getting three be one but I think carto is important just me though maybe chad disagrees i think art is extremely important we wouldn't see near as many backstabs Blouin seniors as many teamfights without the cartography upgrade what about a good old one if you want best of eleven series between various pro players there were some weeks problem beater I'm gonna be completely honest with you and perhaps I shouldn't be so honest on this is there's very few matchups that I can think of that would go to eleven games I think Viper versus anyone right now with the forum he's in verse that forum the others are not in wouldn't want him to play because they'd probably be over in eight or nine games I could possibly think of some other matchups but I can't think of matchups that make me go like wow that would be super close oh ouch no I see um no I think it's important I think it's important but this is probably got something I'd really need to think about and it's why I am thinking about things right now it's it's different you know I'm not envisioning a game playing out in my minds because I'm also casting and looking at things but I'm totally game with best of sevens best of Elevens I'm working on organizing a t90 series which I think could be a lot of fun because it's been a month or two since Sept on that and doing a lot of things right now I definitely realized my one big weakness as a content creator was that I just didn't plan my own events as much so that's the one that's the one weak point I've been trying to improve upon because I'm in a position to do this hey we agreed you're paying for everything man you're paying for everything I'm not paying for no twitch baby thank you for six months and from a planet I Imperial Floyd guard thank you for the five Argo with the hundred bits says huzzah I'm number two I'm number two yes you are number two now on the what is it the bit ranking I guess in the chat I didn't realize I also missed it screech thank you guys for the primes the next hitting cup will be a1b1 tournament again but I can't I'm not going to talk about any details because I don't have them yet but I'm I'm really happy to see you guys invested into it and that you guys are into it and trying to give suggestions and all that poor Panda rage man he still doesn't have loom that's a problem poor guys oh man he runs into Purple's TC or purple eyes his King by the way I'm feeling bad for panda rage can we get some some tears in the chat for panda rage poor guy like what did he do wrong here I guess he chose a spot next to Lascaux but it would scream of all people who found him Grimm is probably saying oh I'm just gonna I'm just just showing the chat that cataphracts can kill unlimited filters oh geez that was disgusting I'm sorry that's probably what it is is this just to show the stream the situation I want to see a hidden cup of all major casters fighters out t90 purse bearded lovers your empires etc dude I uh I Benny caster wants to play me I think that's a fun idea and I'll play this Nate name a time in place and I'm there but it's also very like it's more comfortable for me to say that because I play a lot more than others do I think that as a caster it so this is this is dangerous topic you need game knowledge and I think to gain gain game knowledge and Age of Empires 2 you need to have extraordinary like skills skill because its knowledge based a lot of its knowledge based you have to understand what Pro players are doing right but at the same time someone does not have that knowledge that does not necessarily mean they they're a bad caster it really depends on their style and how they do things so but anyway I do feel like some some casters whether it's Age of Empires are other things they're hesitant to play in front of yours because they don't want people's opinions to change after watching how they play and for that reason those types of events just don't happen there was one called clash of the casters and after that it it due to some negative responses it wasn't she didn't happen again so I mean I'm cool because I think that nilly and I as far as active casters go nilly and I are like way above everybody else with play level but I can understand why other people might not want that and speaking of nearly by the way I would play nearly actually I do a best-of-seven I think I'd lose but if we did Arabia I think I could take a few games off of them so this is an interesting fight we have Chinese demos Chinese demos and then we have C jhana Jers see temperatures are good but also demos are good I guess C geometers can hit regardless of where they're at though hmm okay well II Burke needs to be very careful with this you canoe I I would old god I would back up Ebert yeah baby she'll be named after my brother-in-law so the baby's name is Driscoll wait your brother-in-law's named Tristan is that what it is oh my god this hurt in so many different levels sick demo sick demo can I get another one please I'd like one fresh demo alright that wasn't too fresh the quality of this demo stores is weak the super list goes pushing and I thought maybe would do a little bit more perhaps going galleons would work yeah super discos doing it this is bad for you Burke well thank you very much are barth a tier three guys tier three nine months thank you Martian for nine months just to not thank you for eleven Congrats on the new PC by the way I'm actually starting to PC shop myself believe it or not to get a second PC so I can have one gaming PC and one streaming PC which would make the quality way better so you and I both I guess will have some new equipment so Lisco is always near the top in these games and blue is now running away from super Lascaux and he needs some help and Grimm says you will be safe here who's he talking to oh he's talking to bumble Rick but bumble Rick has no choice but to trust them I guess and bumper Rick is gonna run into Grimm's base okay cool so they're being best pals best buds yep that's exactly it see that that's exactly it I'm gonna talk to Willis about PC parts what's going on over here just some I guess gray is turned on yellow yep oh boy yellows in trouble I think 90 he's just cut through here he's only at 90 pop oh goodness he has some petard well I admire your spirit lad your spirit admire your spirit lad but that's not gonna work without the leaf Attard model we do not have that on and we got militia from panda rage panda rage is rushing where did this come from panda rage built a sneak barracks and militia the king is in this transport now for yellow he has to run away from here and normally this is bad but this is even worse on the map like this because most of the wood is on the outer ring it's fine it's fine man super Lascaux is now outgunned on water by italians this could be a long game this could be a really long game see janitors are actually quite good against galleons if you can mask them but it's also they're also expensive yeah so easy he's not gonna want to stay here super Lascaux without some demos or fires or something which of these events are you most hyped about 48 hours stream t90 official versus Robo vested 21 that QA video learning hidden Cup was played by AI [Music] and get your votes in there will not be a 48-hour stream you can forget about it [Music] yeah the hidden Cup was played by BOTS sorry guys I just spoiled it man that would have been the ultimate trol why didn't I do that that would have been the ultimate trol that would have been so funny can you imagine 6000 people finding that out actually they people would have been angry at me that would have been so funny a guy I do the hidden cup with a eyes and then I say yeah this was just a promotion of of next weekend which is their true hidden Cup yeah I feel like it would have been obvious because barbarian AI it can spam so much and it does not act like it a human at times but okay so L tree and super let's go fighting on water we have fires we have galleons I would reach down a heck of a job here very high population night throwers also done a heck of a job and grimace is saying I can offer you safety in my corner so hold on it hold on just one hot minute where does bumble Ric have his king wait a second grim is collecting Kings man he has bumble Rix King he's now gonna get yellows King what what is up with this man why is everyone going to grim grim is the guy who attacked panda rage it wouldn't it be funny if he got all of them I guess he can't convince panda rage to go over there but wouldn't that be funny if he could the grim apartments are open for business see this this is honestly brilliant because what you could do in this scenario is you could say hey send me a thousand gold right now are your King dies and they have to send you gold or they're dead I don't even know why purple did that it's not like he's being attacked on the right side he's been tricked he's been bamboozled that's hilarious t90 official hidden couple is an awesome changeup from the traditional one view once with the same great gameplay well done thank you man thank you yeah I thought it was great as well again we're not gonna spoil the results of hidden cup please because in one hour the final will go to youtube so we'll give it a day before we can talk about the specifics and the players please but yeah I thought it was great I was very happy with it and thank you everybody for being there thank you everybody for the positive feedback to support speaking of support Willis thank you for 17 months tier three now my friend what's up thank you a hostile are thank you for the prime chat we haven't spans too much today I don't like to incite spam all that often but could we get some teen ID was spam going for everybody coming in with the love thank you thank you yes the hidden cup player one he did I want to see some juicy demo shots on these bills call me a sick freak but I want to see more Vil's die two demos that would be wonderful true Xena and now heavy scorpion on the way for super let's go Thank You chat thank you we're super Lascaux going to make such siege from while he's pop capped at the moment so okay has canon galleons maybe he can clear up these farms and docks oh boy that's a transport trying to unload or load problem is slabs will die on water to Italians so Eliska really needs is this a transport oh this is what we heard no oh he was so close well let's go really needs us in a light because he's not gonna win on water but he could go for something like that Audrey says let's go leave a sneaky move there from super Lascaux Audrey is not happy about it check yellow King come on at least give him some more space you can barely move around in there how's he gonna sleep he can't lay down green walls up another enemy king or ally King I guess a lie King t9 official telling a demo ship how to do his job is deconstructive wait destructive criticism I see what you did there well played Willis that's deserving of some t90 dad's fan choke points are quite nice for the galleons but they both have galleons here I think list goes in trouble and ow tree could be it could be favored to win this seriously with the Italian Navy definitely the best naval civilization in this game I think Mongols could be sick though panda rage can just get into the game I think with your seed Rams if you patrol your seed Rams along the shoreline and have your navy next to it in theory be unstoppable magyar cavil archers with the elite magyar hustlers and Kappa Rams and next two elite cataphracts and halberdiers from Byzantines so maybe grim oh he is allied with gray I don't know if he trusts him or not why is Viking Navy not great anymore oh it is good it's just there's no Vikings here Viking navy is only questionable in one V ones because they don't get fire galleys and they get overrun on water pretty quickly because of that but in team games there's still one of the best water saves Oh grim you animal seems like there's famine here that's why the bills are dying off but in reality there's plenty of food it's just that the king all the three kings are taking the food that's what it is there's so many kings that the townfolk can't have the food what a bummer man what a bummer okay well I think super Lascaux will have to impress us now he did by going land or by going Lance because you can't go water his laughs and he did choose laughs Audrey says does anyone have wood for me thanks when he has plenty of wood [Music] t90 official to be fair Italians have no Navy bonus at this stage of the match just a complete tech tree well yeah exactly yeah wasn't saying their bonuses make me better now it's just the fact that they have complete tech tree also they get the elite cannon galleon whereas most of the other ships only get cannon galley and plus they get their condos to get there there are other amazing options we can utilize as well as super list goes King is where it's in this castle in the south ooh I like it okay interesting I didn't I didn't realize this game I'll be honest with you guys I didn't realize when I saw the map that this could go on for a long time this is a nothing map so we're an hour in nobody's dead yet maybe you guys are happy about it well this is gonna be quite a doozy it's it's a pretty sick map milk there's so many cool elements I have to say it just might be a long game it missed two sub one month so my streak has gone frown ah man that stinks taht Lacher that stinks man well thank you very much for - what was your streak at before is a half a year at least right regardless I will remember that man thank you thank you blowy boys this we're come all the subs I remember the 24 hour stream not too long ago for 1400 subs well there were almost a thousand subs gifted in September or sub temper I should say so anyone who received a gifted sub can resub them for $1 so I think that the numbers will be higher because of that but we're gonna see a pretty big drop-off most likely I'm being realistic about it I would love everyone who received a gifted sub to continue to the support but odds are well we'll lose a large chunk of subs this month but the number we're got is just insane I can't say enough about how crazy that is so I won't be losing any sleep over it of course as a streamer you want the number to stay consistent or the number to go up but it happens it happens so Green is transporting with cataracts or as we would call them Kappa fracks in the chat and the cap of fracks have now landed and I don't think they'll be able to kill super listable let's see let's go has a lot of helps can we get the Kappas and the fracks in the chat this is duck says idea oh we got the walls it's the king snipe attempt this is where grim needs to say just passing he's been walled out and they're still allied and everything so quick act like you were here for another reason act like you miss clicked yeah yeah this is trouble for Grimm Grimm's cataphracts or Kappa facts are completely surrounded and luckily that some of them have been able to Pat through but he's lost a lot of them super Lascaux is still a 200 pop it's just all in the back of his bass which cannot cannot be taken right now by Audrey but if LG goes through here he can loop around bumble Rick just said super let's go to neutral interestingly enough okay what's grey up to grey remember he has those relics who are we gonna see some transports remember you can't dock in the middle or I'm sorry you can't dock in the middle you cannot dock on this ring here cuz that's deepwater he has Rams huh SARS and calve archers that is a sniping army if you ask me t90 official what do you think about Portuguese Navy and late game in my opinion mascara bells are pretty ope while caravels are good but they're good verse galleons right care bells would die to fire ships so it really depends I think they're very strong especially in team games yeah in team games having the the free cartography with the carry bells is nice I think the best way to define the situation the meta game is in the situation that balances and Age of Empires 2 is to say that there are a lot of things which are very powerful there's a lot of power spikes I was talking to slam about this behind closed doors after after hidden cup there's a lot of power spikes so it's about making use of your power spikes whereas an AOC and the old like Age of conquerors days there were less crazy power spikes I only a few sips have the power spikes and it was it put left less emphasis on your game knowledge I think and your situational awareness back then now you have one one window to utilize you're one unit or one window to utilize your sieve first your opponent's situation it's it's really good for a strategy game the place we're at right now I can definitely say there can be some nerfs however I like I think the game's more exciting now mmm with the power spikes so yes caravels can be strong however they can be very weak depending is does cartography - tech where you see where your allies do work in free for all yes it does bank oh so you see cartography is now being used a model trees point of view so you can see some people's units he cannot see his enemy's units yep so super Lascaux is actually not a front-runner here and I don't know who is the front-runner I think Ella tree sees his ally gray with these units and he doesn't trust him that's what I know that's why he's pulling his Navy back does Audrey have relics yeas three relics he has some trade he has an amazing Civ for this it's gonna be hard to to dislodge these people from their positions can be really hard building bombard towers in the back corner yeah hello tree Elle tree could be favored to win this let me side would favor him right now but of course everyone who has the corner is strong gray red teal and green kuru thank you for the hundred bits he said go Eber key Burke for the win yeah who you guys rooting for here I'm curious ducks maybe we could get a poll so we could see what who viewers are rooting for I can always enlarge the poll if I need to so people can see it and oh boy overlays just bugged out time to remove it bumble Rick I'm always a bumble Rick fan I always like some bumble you changed diplomatic stance with gray oh okay so flights here yeah bumble Rick's always a funny guy in the chat though he hasn't said much hasn't said much today let's not forget about panda rage about flying NATO about Ebert basically the guys who were pushed off their lands we could have legendary comeback okay somebody said something in the chat think was Lenore's I'm gonna scroll up to see it uh where was this there's a nice message Oh t90 got to watch some of the hidden Cup especially the final Sunday love the concept love the commentary it was so nice thank you thank you thank you thanks Kath running on my computer pressing space that's funny yeah I've been there alright so for those watching here on Twitch you can type a number to vote on who you want to win I'm a huge fan of that poll system and it looks so good it looks so good I know in-game it's not ideal but it fits my overlays out of game and you have to cut to the outer edge from grim grim must understand that the king is back here flying NATO says grandma will try and help you in the north this is so funny this is so funny look yellow and purples King Walden Ingram's base and yet flying NATO says he's gonna try and help you've been brainwashed my friend you have been brainwashed oh shoot I missed the results maybe ducks can give me the results I didn't get a chance to look over it seems quite even but I was only looking in my peripheral vision ie Burke has been duking it out with with super Lisco for a long time and oh goodness knight thrower they're the results people want Grimm to win while Grimm could get a king snipe here gracious Hank to wall this up this is beautiful from Grimm he has halberdiers he has trips he has sea trams he's not one auditor to cut the trees jam Vander thank you for ten months unfortunately never done 8:28 aren't here so we can't do force nothing today so maybe another day maybe another day well this castle go down and if it does will he have the options to snipe it sniped the king that is I don't think that this king is going to be Snipes oh god oh god look where it's gonna go it's gonna go forward it's gonna go forward don't run that way okay abort the King is running the other way run buddy run you didn't eat all that that pudding gained all that weight for this cuz that weight definitely is why the king is so fast yeah he's fine he's fine but nice aggressive move from grim I like it that gray is that a hundred pop and oh man he's getting hit from this side as well so I think Nitro or might be the first to die quick quick Ally grim and put your king in his base that's apparently the strategy if Grimm says something I'll lose it that'd be so funny man how many kings can you keep Ebert is still holding for super Lascaux super Lascaux hasn't progressed much Gray's King is in this TC and he will die now what be even funnier is if somehow yellow or purple can snipe green that would be ridiculous Green's king is back here though that's it's gonna be hard to surprise him but there is a chance there is a chance guys please no fat shaming this is 2018 I know saying him being fat is a good thing come on and get with the times get with the times trust me as an American I'm used to seeing lots of kings shaped people out in the belt they might not be as fast they might be a lot slower but I still call them Kings they get confused but they're ok with it it's better than me calling them losers right I would never know seriously I would never I would never I would never call anybody like a loser except like maybe my friends for certain reasons killed it all mine what are they talking about oh they're gonna fight over the relics aren't they grim and eldery are gonna fight over these relics this would be fun and gray still at least kill the guy before you steal his relics he's still alive how rude man how rude he did all the work for it t9 official wears oranges King well let's see it is in this TC out trees King is right here so it's pretty obvious now people who have controlled the corners are going to have their kings in those corners panda rage is making archery ranges so he's not panda rage he's panda range if you get what I'm saying and he's mongols so maybe some calves archers oh yeah get the text these are sniping Tex these are sniping technologies let's go and I think lgo is being a bit greedy well not being a bit greedy it's good to get the relics but he has to be very careful that he does not get sniped must be a brutal map to play must be an absolutely brutal map to claim what's bumble Rick up to bumble Rick he has fire ships he is that but not much else you know players are gonna run out of the wood players are gonna run out of wood the reverse force nothing is coming there's wood in the north there's some wood in the south I mean I guess it's spread all throughout but especially if players on intercut there's going to be very limited wood Oh God see jhana Jers so strong here as you can see cannon galleons they miss a lot they miss a lot if a cannon if a cannon galleon was any basketball player it would be Shaquille O'Neal shooting free throws they they hit their target about ten percent of the time oh my goodness that shot was huge though oh my goodness we just lost all of our Laker audience sorry guys I know Shaq is a big fan of the stream sorry Shaq it I didn't mean it man I didn't mean it but as you can see this is exactly how you would shoot a free throw these things are only only really good burst buildings I think let's go could die he doesn't have a lot of space he doesn't have a lot of production buildings they're really teaming up on the guy and what about gray what's his situation like well he's more population than he did before and he's saving his relics oh wow so Noah says t90 official what's up my man looks like lots of fun here dude it's been a wild day some long games today for sure hmmm I know many of you guys might not like basketball at least I'm not talking about NFL football I think that people from Europe get so annoyed when I say football and then I'm referencing the American football I actually quite like Dan FL I don't watch it all that frequently nowadays but I can't help it I can't help it whoever named it named it wrong yeah hand egg exactly me I I like I like real football more than hand egg but I like most sports so see everyone's everyone immediately hand egg I think it's the second thing Carlini has said in this chat today he's probably working Carleen he's probably working on one monitor and then he just had to stop his work for a second to say hand egg I know man I know yeah you're here to say the key things indeed apparently apparently these magyar cave archers are holding against the cap of racks and who's gonna win this game this needs to be a 400 pop map that's what it needs to be because they don't have enough population they have the resources they don't have enough population high t90 fish on my CrossFit partner told me two things today he is vegan and he told me about an AoE streamer called t90 this is the first time I catch you live keep up the good work yeah interesting project Belgium interesting thank you for stopping by the stream for the first time thank you I hope you enjoy my stream like your CrossFit partner enjoys his vegan life as I'm sure he tells you every other minute Oh God we just lost our vegan audience we're losing our Laker audience we're losing our vegan audience or losing everybody I'm sorry guys I'm sorry you have to be vegan I mean mmm Lakers fans I mean I'm sorry that you got offended it's just a joke this is giving pain to rage time this is giving Panda rage some time lg's right here a Latrese king is not far away panda rage is going for the smart the approach of full skirmishers and he's helping in a traditional fashion it's everybody verse let's go now good news is that most of the LA audience is also vegan good point good point that's funny that's funny you can't get to Kay when you don't take superb or oh my god that's that's why there's no good vegan Age of Empires flavors we need guys we need to do a vegan nothing we need to we need to do vegan nothing or vegetarian nothing something like that there needs to be a vegan nothing map that would be really funny oh that's true nila is vegan nilly well he he just ruined the joke that's what he did how dare he that's called berry nothing yeah but we can we can create other food sources okay we can listen we need to create a bush called kale it's a kale bush all that be so good a kale bush get some get some green beans get some I mean I I eat meat and I don't eat a lot of vegetables I should eat a lot more but whatever whatever people are eating nowadays in the vegan scene and get berries of course just just giving you some ideas that's all there's a couple people who make maps that are listening in that'd be a funny one so bumble Rick is going to attack lisko guys let this be a lesson for you never win consistently at Community games because after about two years this is gonna be your life if you have to even if you're better than the people you're playing just lose on purpose every now and then because if you don't this is gonna happen to you bumble rick is trying to kill this skill Ebert is trying to kill this skill Audrey is trying to kill this skill Graham was trying to kill this Coe everybody is verse let's go this is what happens after two years of dominance in community games people have figured it out can we just change all guy animals to be special tree unit frames no what would be even funnier as if you you had a crap ton of animals like a lot of deer a lot of boar but if you eat them there's some form of punishment or maybe you just can't eat them at all like what exactly happens oh I got this every time you eat a deer a deer comes from the corner of the map that's that's diseased and angry and it attacks you not that if you eat animals in real life animals attack you but anyway I think we're going I I'm taking this too seriously let's go back to the game obviously there's a reason I don't make maps there's there's a couple good reasons why I don't make maps oh wow what a fight over here we have flying NATO fly NATO flying in to help the guy who has him captive he's helping the guy who has his King held captive I guess he has no other choice but to bow down I really like how my thrower has been stubborn here well played from him to still stay alive this game I think that would be funny though if you kill if you eat a deer you can get the food from it but then later on a random deer just starts attacking you and same with boars flying NATO says burn it all he's excited he's excited to be involved I guess I I think there's a lot of potential for king Snipes because players are out of their corners but maybe Graham Graham has played this really smart you'd have to undercut to kill him eloise exposed super Lascaux is still holding on still holding on somehow but I think the end is near what if it was a lottery what if you ate a deer you eat one deer you get the food you eat another deer you get the food but then the third one at random just explodes it'd be it'd be funny if the villagers that collected the food would explode after the deer was consumed almost like it exploded in their stomach I mean again I'm an evil evil man a great gray has been defeated I was just about to look for his king so finally we get a king death but yeah just ideas Jakub we are using what is called Buble so if you have the HC addition you can use Buble it's free it's just a free patch Buble has better features and performance I say as the spectating begins to like a little bit but there's a lot going on here a super Lascaux is still alive somehow yes but II Burke is closing in and Bumble rick is closing in credit to e burke as well Ebert got pushed back real early and he's doing pretty good he zigzag ur dude there's been a lot of zigzagging in this game with the Navy in between all the islands look at this zig zagging hey Thank You Man tier 2 that's awesome thank you for the brand new sub goldfish Jagger thank you as well for the new sub to those watching the stream here if you're ever wondering like what you can do beyond you know your normal means of support to to be involved and support my content honestly the best way is just get excited when people sub say thank you to people when they sub like that's I'm pretty sure I told all my mods that first thing like hey your one job is to type t90 woo when people sub just let them know it's appreciate it so thank you to those that have been doing that you guys seem to like being captive games says super Eliska what does that mean being captive games I don't know but I think Lisco is referencing the fact that he's being attacked right well maybe he's referencing these captives Graham are you fighting panda Grimm is not fighting panda I just love the fact how I love that I love how yellow is just bowed down to his leader here there's been no rebellion right no rebellion whatsoever from bumble Ric and from flying NATO they said okay you you allowed me to live you have my king now so be it we will fight for you sir I feel like there'd be more rebellion for most of you in the twitch chat how many people in the twitch chat would would turn on grin regardless of if you are successful or not I mean I would I'd say no screw you I'm not doing your dirty work I'm gonna try and kill you yeah exactly yellows King is here in Purple's King is here some people said they would not okay arjan says he would not well everyone knows that Sallie wore the pants in the relationship and the legends of Texas game arjan so that's no surprise I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding as a joke gotta be careful these guys will find me next time I play in a community game and kill me they could be playing a long game here right they could definitely be doing that just banking on the fact that they'll kill others and then maybe have an opportunity to later on to kill him which would be amazing if they could do it yes I'm also kind of surprised that Grimm hasn't tried to take advantage of the situation more grandma Nell tree are talking I believe they're talking about lisko who is this guy's never gonna give it up man this guy's never gonna give it up super Lascaux how many kills does he have here he has 1200 kills no way he wins the game unless everyone abandons him there's really just no way if he wasn't Slavs he would be severely housed luckily slaps had that bonus where there their buildings count as a given population space wild game wild game and it still looks like you know what it looks like it looks like someone has just thrown confetti all over the t90 logo that's what it looks like Oh Panda delete it delete the castle Panda no panda oh god well there goes all that stone there goes all that stone for panda rage the grimms random rams destroyed that the skirmishers were not enough unfortunately flip this switch eldery flip the switch they've someone in the electric trailer chair or something what switch were they flipping hello they snow not Panda I feel really bad for panda run buddy run buddy got the quick wall temp from eldery the king is on the move from Panda I guess this is the switch I think that panda rage is gonna die Grimm was saying that because he didn't want to deal with largest attack in the north [Music] panda rage his King is in the TC the TC is going to die can he get away here he runs this way out reuse your castle and F's in the chat so we have two people down now and super Lascaux is just bossing it back into this game how on earth is this guy able to do what he does sorry the f emote has been removed unfortunately I can't do anything about that twitch rules the Panda goes down but you could still just type F we gotta find a loophole for that got to find a loophole then again I probably shouldn't be trying to find loopholes I don't want to put my partnership in jeopardy twitch removed F because you're not allowed to have emotes that are just one letter because then people ruin it by spelling offensive things so they shouldn't be saying and I if you remember during the the stream on the weekends I added t90 G and then I had someone reminds me of that rule so I changed it to t90 GG and then I said something out loud about it I said how f were just gonna leave and hope it never gets taken down and then it was immediately reported so somebody had to spoil the fun maybe someone was watching my channel and it's not very fond of me or something so I shouldn't have said anything out loud I'm sure it would have been fine but some jerk reported it so is one of this is what it is we will survive look at these pointy boys go these pointy boys look that pokin all those holes in the ships his perfect man is perfect yeah it's a shame because the F emote was really nice but apparently that was that was not allowed whoa look at this flying NATO is trying to tell us something instead of crop circles that's halberdiers squares all right what are you trying to tell us my friend I'll look for signals using the box formation huh super Lascaux will eventually run out of wood in fact I think he just has but it's taken so long so long to kill him off goodness that grim says once let's go dies it's kind of all three of us I guess he's not counting bumble Rick and flying NATO I guess grim is not figuring in the fact I'm not counting the two who he has held hostage he figures he can kill them at any time [Music] wonder what NATO is gonna do I say this is where you rebel pretty soon you will not be needed no no no no no no no oh God rebelle quicker Robel quicker i think yellow noticed that yeah he says grim look he noticed he get regear esand what are you gonna say flying NATO grim is a sicko [Music] he says crimp am I gonna die oh that's so sad that's so sad he didn't even say no don't do it I can give you help he's like good Mike am I gonna die said not yet my loyal servant you will march in victory on red first okay so I guess grim is at least thinking about it I I don't know how it's gonna happen but I'd love to see grim get sniped by bumble Rick or by flying NATO don't I'm so torn because on one hand if you're a bell you're instantly gonna die but on the other hand you can at least die with with some honor right we have two hostage situations really interesting super Lascaux he dead he's dead but chat let's throw some salutes for super Lascaux that that was one heck of a hold man he's been 3v1 for a long time this is why this is why you if you should I guess be more mixing more variety with your play maybe his super let's go like he's so dominant people just instantly want to kill him so maybe let's go over the past two to three years should have thrown a few games maybe I don't know how you avoid this dude yellow get these pointy boys and send them into this corner just do it man and also while you're at it take away this guy's relics grim sounds like you're being a hell of a tyrant here grim says so we can call drawl after the others are dealt with wait who is he talking to Oh EE add in parenthesis of course Grimm says I saved both their asses this is I mean you kind of saved both their asses but bumble Rick is the one guy who's Rick I really feel bad for because bumble Rick he was he wasn't in jeopardy of losing his king he could have ran this way and yeah he's like oh yeah sure I'll trust you he went right into green space we'll see what happens there's the king for super Lascaux and the king is going to die too grim i think yep and he says GG so let's get the GG's in the chat for let's go well played man seriously really well played having 0 allies that was pretty wild all right one goes down another goes down grim is ruthless and now it is Ebert Audrey and grim so now what there's three left grim says we called Rahl wipe wipe why would you not let these two in on the party and Audrey says let's kill him kill grim alright I like it I like it grim you're outnumbered buddy would have been useful to have some allies grim grim is gonna die now cuz cuz grim he doesn't have any friends he just killed his only friends in life this is a story on valuing friendship that's what it is it's not an age of empires game this is something to learn from a Grimm says Grimm is pointing out how this game is gonna end it'll take four hours I don't know about that I think they'd kill this cat wait yeah they'd kill this castle I don't even need to kill the castle they can go through here with Navy then chop through the trees and go right in I mean that will take some time Grimm says so all okay for drawl yes or no eat brick says yes Audrey says no oh jeez not having any of this he thinks he can win this Audrey I guess Grimm has six relics and Grimm says kay let's kill him so II Berk he really dictates where this goes now if he turns on teal then teal is probably screwed but if he if he fights with teal then Green's probably screwed I have a really cool idea to avoid calling drawls and community games it's called snipe snipe earlier yet the game went on for two hours but it's cuz you have you have all these friends just kill him early kill nice and early all know l 3e burke don't do this he says so Regan Stella tree then my king is dead but let's try that that's totally true then why why not join teal okay he's just gonna try and run something something tells me this isn't gonna work but all right down goes to Castle and again teal can go through here but then he would need to cut those trees a relevant person you are relevant to me man there goes the king glad to hear you still like the stream man thank you very much for for Steph at and Taylor thank you for the primes and a Strehler thank you for eleven Michelle we're almost out of year almost out of year Grimm doesn't have any water control Audrey could do this 1v2 [Music] he really could blue no blue don't fall for it wat watch this watch blue eventually go into green space that would just be hilarious if Green does the same thing again flying Nadeau it was a very I wouldn't be upset with yourself man this is a very aggressive map same with you panda rage very aggressive map poor Panda rage lost 15 villagers to dem hoes grim is ruthless he is ruthless [Music] man I wish a Berk and L jury would have allied that would have been perfect and then after they kill Graham I would be okay with a drawl of some kinds but now LG is distracted because he has to clean up blue and then he also would have to to get to green oh boy it's alright I have an energy drink in the fridge I'm prepared I'm prepared for the day-long games today is it the style players that the maps are both guys I think this one's definitely the map the other one was sized for pilgrims probably a combo 89y official I know how to make the Amazon Prime Matt not annoying just make it part of the sub animation alert because those are basically ads for you already and we still get the Oh Amazon Prime as a thing outcome then we don't have an annoying extra animation but you still get that out there I'm just gonna make it happen less often right now it's once every 10 minutes so it shows it for three seconds once every 10 minutes I understand it can probably be a bit redundant but I'll just make it happen less often it wants at every half-hour I'm experimenting right now for those who are like my longtime subs you guys are pretty confide your consistent with that and all but you know as the streamer it's important to have new people engaged and I constantly have more people coming to the stream so I'm experimenting I just want to see you know trying to grow my brand grow age this is essentially my business so let's see how it goes like if I if I don't see any benefit from having something up there like that then I'll remove it but I definitely don't want to annoy you so I'll make it happen less frequently what did you guys think of the alerts during the hidden cup by the way can I get your thoughts on that the alerts were really clean for hidden Cup downside is we didn't have any Texas speech but that could be changed I'm I'm a bit hesitant I'm a bit hesitant to to go to those types of alerts because I don't know like it's something special to have the force nothing alerts and and the normal like gifts and stuff for doe nose but I think there's something to that in terms of production quality and and all of that then cut the extension that shows up on the stream you can X out of yet so Till's cleaning up Grimm and that's pretty much all that's happening right now I don't know where Grimm what his plan is so he's building back docks he has tons of halberdiers so many he's 120 pointy boys no II Burke just said where he is he works also losing his bass yeah well Ducks I could kill I could still keep text-to-speech but I thought for maybe Reece ups and donas it would just all be down there so it's less distracting I don't know if I'm ready to make that change yet because I like the one thing I enjoy about my my stream is that I have very special alerts I didn't steal someone else's idea for it like a lot of streams do and since that's fine like I stole the t90 fine meme but I make those force nothing videos and I think that's very unique wait a second Grimm Grimm is bloodthirsty man he's trying to kill a bug Eber click join eldery oh wait did did ever just is he gonna garrison in that oh guys that's not a good play that's not a good play look down look at the bottom is this what you're talking about yeah I got it sorry bit late I wonder what happens now you change scram to enemy ok do you al il tree now if Yuri Burke I think you do man II Burke has no friends I'll resign whenever one of you is dead fair enough fair enough that all wait a second yeah he has a few bills he doesn't have a TC right now so he needs to make sure it keeps him alive okay well if anything him killing these halvah dears from green help green because green needs population at home [Music] but do you guys get what I mean because I think the alerts are very unique here but it also can be a bit much at times I I don't I have to walk a fine line of making it fun and unique and recognizing people like having a resub text-to-speech is very important so people can type their funny messages and and I hear it but at the same time you don't want it to be too much yeah well with 100 gifted sups now there's just one alert for it so that's fine but I wasn't aware of how all that played out in all fairness so that's been changed alright well thanks for the input guys thanks for the input yeah so I wouldn't want to fool on like move away from these alerts I have to I'm gonna make new ones for the next 24 hours stream most likely so keep switching it up Ebert sent resources to Elle tree he's gonna call Gigi and this will be a 1v1 so I think grim he's in trouble how many infantry units does he have he has a hundred eighty of them now he's sacrificing some of them to get pop space could actually be housed quite badly because he's lost a lot of his houses [Music] and this choke point is very good for these ranged units a toe tree has alright did the 100 gifted subs get reversed what do you mean you can still gift 100 it's just that there's one alert that says so-and-so is gifted this many so I'm going to end up creating separate alerts for different amounts of sub gifts just like a would for a $1 nation verse $100 donation right bit less lots of gold in production 9k at the start LG says I have 7k and Grimm does not have that much but he does have relics remember Hebert says LG I got a gift for you oh look at this he's gifting relic Ebert is such a nice guy he's gifting a relic speaking of gifts we don't have an alert for that no don't kill the king now no man oh that's such a horrible ending so brutal Oh God he did not deserve that anyway forget about it okay that's war we go into this expecting death just the casualties of war my friends back to the back to the two players who are fighting it out on this side Grimm says did I kill now you didn't not this one not this one but I think people want to kill I what they think they want to see you die it's good Grimm I could really do it's gonna be tough pushing it against Byzantine buyers though our tree needs to have docks close by and he does having docks close by would really help with reinforcements oh boy okay I'm gonna be honest with you guys I think you guys appreciate honesty if they were to call it a drawl now I wouldn't be all that upset this this has been a wild game this has been a long game oh Jesus Byzantine fires super strong Holy Diver thank you for the prime thank you for the prime this eldery guy and this scrim guy they are so good in community games I think we might have a new list going a new roach or maybe not new but an additional because recently they've been performing really well I'm not just saying that because Grimm created that amazing pole system I'm not being biased seriously I think Grimm one the one was it Grimm that one the pilgrims nothing or was he was close to winning forget he also won the the force nothing with the exploding trees Audrey maybe doesn't have as many wins that's true and apparently they're built for long games Audrey says I'm not done you a K gold now well this this monastery is giving Grimm some gold five gold tiles left to chop yeah but you have four relics so you're fine I would love to see demos and galleons mixed in oh boy yeah if I don't think Italians get heavy demo but if you can get demos in front of your galleons that will work out Alexander says it is 5:00 p.m. video is up nice yep just got an alert video is up to YouTube so if you guys want to see the hidden Cup final if you didn't already it is on YouTube but but don't leave the stream just save that for later save that for later Oh mdh yeah the games have already been streams men hidden Cup final has already been streamed it's all in YouTube now or you can watch the twitch past broadcast hmm what what's the move here from El dree he's creating a lot from home which is a big problem because he has to walk a long distance think he needs forward barracks for it everything same issue will happen for Grimm as well because Grimm he's going to try and get to LG's corner and that's simply not going to happen unless he gets forward buildings t90 official are you streaming standing up I'm not actually have a desk that can stand up though I I've had it for a year and I still haven't set it up I mean it's setup to the point where it can it can go up and down it's electronic which is really nice but unfortunately I don't have courts for all my equipment that are long enough to accommodate standing which I need to do nothing clap your hand if you want the forest nothing clap your hand if you need before it's nothing if you need the forest nothing if you don't do it don't do it don't do it guys please please please please don't stop stop it grim calls to gg grim calls to Chi Chi I think he's dead and he resigns so grim who held two people hostage killed them when they would have offered friendship he loses elder says t90 love man can we get some love in the chat enough for the collapse in the trees can we get some love in the chat for these two they respect each other and the effort that was put into it what a game what a game really well played from them seriously really well played I mean super Lascaux grim and I would replayed the best super Lascaux just didn't have any allies it's still getting the most kills they're so super let's go are you watching how does it feel to get teamed up on every moment now like immediately no one even considers a lying you they just try and kill you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 111,248
Rating: 4.8451023 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: I-vyvJShu9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 17sec (5717 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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