Berry Nothing!?

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ladies and gentlemen we have very nothing what is going on free-for-all diplomacy regicide on very nothing though we do technically have berries and we have whatever fruit is in the fruit bush I don't know like fruit is pretty general but we have forage bushes and we have fruit bushes there's there's bushes on bushes here and that is all there is so there's been force nothing wolf nothing gold nothing still nothing Dolphin nothing could God what else has there been here pilgrims nothing what other nothing Maps has there been guys I mean there's been so many now and there will be more in the future I could tell you that much but this one is very different t90 nothing yeah this one's very different you start with a market and a TC stacked on top of one another and I don't know if you notice but if you look at the top left well there's a lot of chat right now so I can't scroll up to it but immediately people started selling food on force nothing you sell would because what do you have a lot of wood you need a way to get gold on this map it's all food so you need to be selling that food to get gold now this is not straight berry nothing there is a twist if you get maca Nell's not auditors but even maca Nels you can cut through these berry bushes and I think then the strategy would be to cut through to your ally and trade but you know there's not a lot of places for your king to height is there so you have to be very very careful let's introduce the eight players that are in this game we have Sally Sally one of the legends of Texas here he's playing as the Magyars in the gray we have Oedipus Oedipus is playing as the Saracens a very good nothing map civilization because of the market bonus in the red we have Foxtrot Foxtrot is playing as the Huns you can see Fox tries to purchase some wood there I'm sorry I'm on Sally's point of view so Sally's done that we have la boga in the blue la boca is playing as the Franks solid pick for this I think because Frank's do forge fast in the teal we have Frank's for Mac Mel so he has applied the same logic here and the yellow we have Cohen skink jr. and he is choosing the Huns Huns are also a popular pick on nothing Maps because you need space and you will not have space if you have to build houses so luckily this nomadic civilization does not need them as they forage we have bumble Rick bumble Rick is playing as the Huns as well so he's using the same logic uh-huh you know what mr. curvy he chose Incas and he has that llama there isn't that funny vegan nothing ruined ruined cuz the llama is there so he's gonna eat that llama that's actually clogging up everything here that's funny I didn't expect Incas to be chosen here what a cheater what is this map called this map is called Rock nothing as you can see there's lots of rocks there's definitely no berry bushes definitely no berry bushes if there were berry bushes then we'd maybe call it berry nothing but I don't see any so yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know why anyone would call it that so we have some time to get to know each other today guys we have some time to get to know each other today as they also did start on hi resources so they started with more gold more stone and more wood than they normally would in a standard game and I did that because there's literally no trees on this map so don't even think about that tree emote to a chat don't even think about it because it's not applicable here now technically technically there's got to be some wood there's got to be some twigs in these bushes this game is obviously broken why on earth can I not get wood from these bushes as well just Age of Empires things but and they will not have any wood in the bank unfortunately Coen skank did he what happened to his market what he deleted his market what why you're gonna need that they the funny thing is he's going to futile age and normally you'd hit fuel age well I don't even know why you'd go futile here because except for wheelbarrow because you have the market in Dark Age so you can sell that anyway but you know he doesn't have the market that's really gonna suck for him I guess wheel will help a little bit he got a horse collar as well I don't think he's gonna build any farms anytime soon but okay I'll tell you what we are in a unique position here as as YouTube viewers and as twitch viewers you guys are in a unique position to judge but when you are playing this stuff and I can I can speak from firsthand experience you just feel like an idiot because you don't know what the correct move is like we we can see someone make a mistake and we can say okay logically that was wrong but it's only after we see the mistakes that we've learned so so all you guys in this game as Yuri watch this thank you for making mistakes if it wasn't for you we wouldn't better ourselves here I can't in castle age if you have enough wood for siege workshop and then mag Annelle you can start cutting these these bushes what's funny telling skink only has 275 wood so he needs to build a market he needs to build a market at some point if he builds anything else he's dead boys yeah he's essentially dead so he needs to for some some space for a market I'm really hoping he doesn't fail here I'm I'm getting all tense now because without that market it's gonna be a problem let's toggle through the players point of views here see what the resources they have we know kolinsky yeah bumble Rick has decent amount of gold there 420 gold the memes man the memes is not only bushes that he's a he's eating we're not eating but it might be smoking something there as well okay so one hundred forty gold for Kirby not too much also doesn't have much wood some players are buying wood like Sally's been buying wood just consistently sell food I'd say just consistently sell food what's the price of wood right now it's actually a hundred seventy four gold to buy a hundred stone so that's not cheap it's a hundred fifty-one gold to buy a hundred wood I think the best units here would be Scouts so a sieve like Magyars and he said that gets hustler would be really strong Saracens they have the market bonus oh man this isn't bad for Oedipus I think he can sell some of that food but it isn't bad what we have for red red yeah he's not whoa whoa a little fox drop box trying to make it a trade cart at least he was for a moment there I guess he he thought twice about that cuz that guy was only gonna clog things up here okay and Lopaka yeah he also has decent number of resources but nobody has resources that makes me say wow that's crazy you know nobody really does so would you guys say that this is an unbearable map on variable map what other fruit puns can I think of here I didn't prepare myself I didn't prepare a script for this like I have done for previous nothing Maps you got unbearable we got I can't pair myself away from these fruit bushes they look so beautiful an apple a day keeps the keeps the bush to bury nothing away I doubt of fruit puns okay I'm out of fruit puns plus I don't want to be overly fruity well bumble Rick bumble Rick is gonna hate castle Age guys let's go and look he has the resources to build the siege workshop and one magno and then he can open up some space and I think then he can cut to an ally and then he can trade a little bit T now an official an apple a day keeps nippy away this is true yeah well one could hope anyway one could hope if you're playing regicide yeah my my always making a TC no don't make a TC make a siege workshop here we are getting all judgy again my last name is actually Barry so this this is a good map for me I guess man can you imagine being a young t90 and having someone call you a fruitcake because your last name is Barry that's rough that's rough like people are already gonna be rude but then my last name was fruit so I got called a fruitcake all the time ouch man still burns it's like my last name just gave people insults to work with I got dingleberry all the time hey dingleberry what's up that dingleberry man tea Barry yeah I got tea Barry all the time T Barry is actually wasn't an insult that was actually my nickname with one group of friends because there was another Tristan believe it or not I went to a very small school right and there was another Tristan which is a rare name and there was also another guy with the last name Barry so I arrived latest to this school so they called me TB TB is an abbreviation for tuberculosis so he had that or it was T Barry so I mean I it was tough it was tough I had to say I really weathered some storms wasn't wasn't easy super poor I already found my old my old Twitter that I haven't used in years yeah go ahead try and stalk me it's fine I don't have anything I don't have any skeletons in the closet I don't use my personal social medias anymore so it's not like you guys can stalk me and find out something that that you don't already know I have assumed the role of t90 official and that's all I do man like all my social medias and lt ninety social medias there used to be a province in France I don't know where my name came from exactly but anyway yeah I know a few people knew that so it wasn't like I mean there's some articles and all that has my name it's not a huge secret so well played well played Sherlock well played to find that out Rodi thank you for six months he says half a year done yeah man so let's see in 6 more months it's gonna be actually around the time my birthday cuz my birthday's in six months oh god I'm gonna be 26 and six months oh no I'm not even used to being 25 yet I'll try I'll try to stop thinking about that AB a3 thank you very much for the prime sub a burning lobster thank you for the new sub let's see some manga Dells here we go speaking of fruit we want some mangoes that's what I call the mac and ELLs of course kolinsky come all people he gets the siege workshop first I find that so funny cuz he deleted his market by accident oh here Sally's having some space problems here man these villagers can't do anything what is what is going on all of his bills are idle you know the maggin L has minimum range so if he can't hit wouldn't be something if he couldn't hit this berry bush to make space for himself is the Maggie no traps it seems like there's some real splash on this I think he should be able to hit this area and it will open up yeah there we go okay so it begins so it begins Koen skink is still working on getting the resources for his nagging l so I'm fairly certain this would be unplayable if this mag and L feature wasn't added or at least it would take a long long time so if you want a fruit smoothie just come over here a sally smashing up the fruit already it's just like a human there's like an old-fashioned blender just throw some rocks at the fruit before you shake it up it's so silly how people in their 20s complain about being old well yeah and then people who earn the 30s who complain about being old seem ridiculous to people who are in their 40s I know how it goes I'm I'm a kid at heart and I'm pretty sure all people are kids at heart nobody ever truly gets old mentally I shouldn't say that but for the most part as people age they're we're all just big kids you know I really realized that over the past five years these people I used to see growing up that I thought were responsible adults and whatnot they're responsible but they're just big kids and that's that's definitely me I mean what do I do for a living I'm sitting here 25 years old and I'm talking about a bunch of bushes I just talked about old fashioned smoothie making with Megan ELLs I mean talk about young at heart more like weird at heart but combo of both I guess so Sally and mr. Kirby a friendship is blooming here I can feel it they should be able to trade with each other and get gold that they would only be able to get by selling otherwise open your market ups is mr. Kirby well mr. Kirby probably saw the legend of the Texas video where Sally and Ariane had a thing so maybe he doesn't want to intrude on their love but Ariane isn't here so maybe mr. Kirby can be the side chick I don't know maybe Sally's in an open relationship I mean maybe maybe Sally can can go out with other people I don't know Ariane doesn't seem to be in the twitch chat so love to give his his thoughts on that but you've never had anyone put you on audio while moving before how many people in the twitch chat listen to just the audio of my videos or streams not that you're doing it now but have done it at one point lots of people right yeah it's probably like a podcast for many like I do that with podcasts all the time podcasts obviously don't have something on the screen to look at but I've heard a lot of people say that so glue you're actually wrong on that man actually wrong on that whoa why did Allah BOGO just delete a Ville maybe he ate from the poisonous bush pie t90 after September Ryan finally a sub greetings from Chile less than three laurel Seraphin happy to hear it man I know September helped a lot of people thank you for coming back seriously a lot of people received gifted subs and and if you received a gift at 7 in September it's just $1 to resub the next month the beautiful thing is is that I still get full benefit of it which is awesome amazing from twitch to do that seriously amazing from twitch to do that I know it doesn't seem like a lot but all the people who signed back on or who subbed it really helped me so thank you guys for the support let's not beat around the bush this map is very bad there we go Gavin see Gathol spoon he's probably the best dad joke maker on the stream I don't know if Gathol spoon is happy to have that title but anytime he donates its it gets a laugh out of all the dads watching and myself so well played well played gallon spoon thank you for the tip man Skeletor I'll definitely keep smashing it man thank you for - thank you guys know the different color bushes do not have different kinds of food however since there's fruit bushes and forage bushes it does improve your towns morale if you introduce variety into their diet much like strongholds do you guys remember playing strongholds where you could have meat you could have what was it meat bread cheese it's such a weird combo meat bread cheese I guess it's not that weird and then and then apples yeah apples and then it would improve their morale as good this is an age of empires they didn't care about morale they just get the job done and they just get the job done catch the stream no regrets no regrets it's good that you don't have any regrets regrets I hear they're pretty bad don't any regrets to get into your meat and cheese that can be disgusting plus we're well thank you for the support no man I understand life is busy I understand you might not be able to make to the streams a lot I understand you might just see youtube videos but if it wasn't for people like you man I seriously wouldn't be doing this so thank you angrist hobo says is villager morale I forgot about this angry hobo says is voter morale like that one time you convinced the pleb streamer his Vil's would die of smoke inhalation from damage burning buildings oh god well I think I need to tell that story again so for those unfamiliar with how twitch works when I end a stream I can host someone and so what that means is we have a thousand people and then as my stream ends it refreshes and it goes to somebody else so typically what I do is I go to the Age of Empires directory on Twitch to see you streaming it look at the guys with very low view numbers and then I send all my viewers to them and they freak out and it's it's a lot of fun so this was probably last year and goes even more than a year ago but I still remember this I hosted this guy and the best way I could describe him was an enthusiastic college kid and he was not very good at the game his I mean based off what we know right even even many of you guys were more casual based of what we know like he was was very bad at the game and he was just like he was so an excited he was so excited like oh my gosh t9 d thank you for hosting me oh my goodness like and he was trying to you know talk to chat and everything as you should and he did a great job so he was playing the AI or something and the AI had attacked his base at one point and he had a bunch of houses in one area the map that happened to be on fire but they they obviously still give you pop space there's nothing wrong with those buildings being on fire but I made a joke and I didn't even think that he would see it my message in the chat I made a joke and I said make sure you repair those houses because if you don't your villagers will slowly die from smoke inhalation and I I assumed that he would have known that that was a joke however he reads it and he's like he's like oh really wow thanks t90 oh my god that would have been so bad I would have lost all my villagers so then he goes over and he starts repairing like two dozen houses and he probably puts hundreds of wood into repairing these houses and I'm like no no it was I was just kidding no no and he never you never saw me clarify so if you have a friend out there who's in college and plays Age of Empires and thinks that villagers can die of smoke inhalation it might be that guy so that's not a thing it was just a joke okay it was just a joke Sammy I I I don't know what his name was I I barely remember his face at this point but uh I just recall him being enthusiastic college kid look look at this these these villagers are on strike you know what they want they want fruit bush when do they want it they want it now and they're not stopping until they get that and with some variety in the workplace seriously that's a lot of idols but you know it is opening up and the trade is happening very inefficient very inefficient this is just a mess and normally you'd build a mill so villagers wouldn't have to walk such a long distance but you don't have wood on this map so I don't know if that's the play now I this is interestingly boga has purchased a castle looking forward to the 24 hour stream next game forest nothing well brt I don't know if we'll do force nothing today actually I recall saying I would do force nothing this today last week so maybe we will do a variation of it today but thank you very much for the three and yes it's been wild it's been wild thank you for the congrats everybody seriously September was the craziest month of of streaming that I've ever had and I'm hoping to continue that momentum and hidden Cup was also pretty awesome so I think this will just come down to who can make like Gavin HUS are the Franks they have the extra HP on their Lightcap excuse me and on their Scouts that's nice but they don't get HUS are so I think Steve's that get house our would be better here acceptance is quite strong because Saracens get us our Saracens also have the market bonus so when they sell to get a little bit more golden returned I think a sieve like Spanish could have been strong on this because the fact that you have to trade bonus but look at look at these trade cards man why sometimes units and Age of Empires are so dumb they keep going this way instead of this way getting all clogged up yeah Portuguese would be o P yeah I mean if you could afford a fitori I did just say they sucked an hour ago but on nothing Maps Vittoria could actually work well for you I agree how about a nothing nothing where the map is totally empty well the problem is these games have to be playable if the map if the map is empty then I can talk about that for maybe 15 minutes I think it could pack 15 minutes of humor and commentary into that but after that it doesn't progress so while nothing maps are supposed to be ridiculous they also have to be playable t90 official nothing nothing where you start with the market in a trade and no rez so there's something called trade nothing it's like that angriest hobo and I have seen it and it is unbearable it is truly unbearable man well Spartan tiles has a good point he says what about Malay I think infinite two-handed swordsman is pretty good yes but it's so expensive to get there so you would need to get 650 stones somehow and the only person that has a castle is blue and that's because he's Franks but even still it's really hard to get a castle then you need 1000 food and 800 gold so I think eventually you might be able to get there but it's not all that easy to get there let's look at prices oh wow look at this it is 354 gold it's by 100 wood and they're getting gold by selling food and they're getting gold by trading very inefficiently at the moment I think what I would like to see next is vegan nothing I think it'd be hilarious to have something with lots of berry bushes like this and lots of farm potential and then you have sheep and boar which do give you food but then something happens to you if you eat it like I don't want to give a bad name to all vegans I understand that that like there's a lot of jokes there about out there about vegans that are just completely false and it might annoy my vegan audience like nearly one of my good friends and Age of Empires is vegan as well but some some vegans I believe are vegan because they don't want to hurt animals which is fine I mean that's not for me but I understand that and if that's the case I think that'd be quite funny to have a map word like the animals repel against you or or something like that I don't know man I don't want to offend people too much but everyone you know you gotta laugh at yourself I was just talking about my name my last name being Barry you gotta know how to laugh yourself right can't take life that seriously when Italians be good on this since Genovese Crossfield counts are all the potential hussar spam nope don't like you man bacon empires it's a good thought but wood is already at 400 gold per hundred wood so I don't think that you can afford to make a lot of genevese crossbow anything that involves wood is is bad to invest into I think that was funny the trade Kurt was so confused how do you recognize vegan he tells you yeah exactly it's like I I've heard those jokes as well now we don't need to do a poll we don't need to call out the vegan people watching the stream you don't need to do that well I think gold is going to be an issue wood is going to be an issue food is not going to be an issue until they forge through all of this I want a hamburger nothing map just for the name nothing burger oh yeah yeah that's an interesting idea right there t90 facial have you ever casted a game on Ludacris map sighs I think we did once and I claw I remember closing out of the game because it was it was just too ridiculous and also that's only available on HD so that was another good reason to close out of the game it was probably a combo of lag and just how extreme it was Spanish should be a strong pick for bills yeah Spanish should be a really strong pick for bills which interesting is we have we have red in blue allied in trading here but you notice how they're not they're not all going to each other now oh wow blue is actually gone this is interesting guys LeBeau has gone all the way to the north so he might be going for a longer trade route and and while Sally's also clearing out some space this is so perfectly done but you know blue is not going to teal teal seems to be going to him now yellow is not going to teal so there's you would think that this would be a full circle but in reality it's that's not what we have here Mac Mouse's mmm wanna build a house oh just 400 gold just 400 gold to buy some wood to build a house that's so funny I didn't think about it that way it's funny man he's right though he just had to spend 400 gold so he could build some houses crazy I imagine killing any buildings any production buildings in this would be fantastic it's such a good strat because they won't be able to rebuild things yes but by imagine investing into a trebuchet all the Gold's and wood involved in a trebuchet or bomb Lord cannon then if you lose your seed unit even if you lose a ram that's that's difficult let's look at the costs again here 430 gold to purchase 100 wood and that's so tough because the trade is bad for all of them they have to sell food to get there it ain't easy it ain't easy my friends look at that mini-map isn't that gorgeous paying attention to chat as much as possible the overlay does show when people are using the market so we do miss out on that chat sometimes I believe we're going to see a market in the north yes now guys there's a couple areas here where there's just a one tile gap of forage so I have a feeling there's going to be a big traffic jam it's about to be rush hour in Berryville he needs to to make this wider yes there are a few people who are on some actually gonna bring up the overlay I hope it's not bugged let's see it's probably gonna be bugged out oh it's not knock on the wood okay so there you can see the populations obviously yellow and green are huns red as well now red did say to me it was awful timing as well as right after I rolled to him he said I'm not gonna have time to play so I mean at some point he might resign or maybe he'll just cancel all of his plans like it like a true hero and stick around he will be an MP be the second person to the Imperial aged tea now an official I think it's more cost-effective to buy enough stone for castle that's true especially if you're Frank's because at the moment stone is only 187 gold per hundred good point now they're getting a lot more gold per trip here this is wonderful let's see how much gold this this trade card comes back with let's see I don't know what it was before is probably around twenty or thirty now it's 45 so well actually it was probably less than 20 if you look at the distance this is this is twice the distance rabid beaver says t9 official I think you mentioned that the next hidden cup of custom names not just hidden cup can you have the community vote all knows nothing amazing I think so yes I think we could do that I would want an over all themed and I want it to be kind of funny rabid beaver so I'm not sure just yet like a couple ideas I had for hidden cup names would be like different historical figures like we could have Caesar and and Napoleon you know just different historical figures I think that could fit Age of Empires we could also grab names from the campaign so guys like William Wallace for example we could have another funny idea would be to go for some like really really a girlie name so you know like calling Viper princess Buttercup or something like I don't know just ideas but yeah I mean for the most part I'll be honest I'm kind of at a stage now where if I'm getting input from the community there's about 50 different ideas that come into play so it's kind of difficult so I'll probably just run it by like my moderators and admins but I'll make sure to mention it when the time comes in fact if I post it on a OE zone at that point I might leave it leave it open to some ideas so these Lightcap he's like kept goin Cohen's King says they're scouting and Sally says just passing let's get the just passings in the chat Thank You Kirby Kirby's the real MVP where is he passing to where the Kings where's the king for gray oh it's in you know it's interesting the main t see there's no flag on it if you're kings Garrison's you know if oh oh my god he didn't he killed the Macan ELLs and now he's going to attack the villagers so he was not just passing an Oedipus he's in trouble guys he doesn't have a he is a barracks okay but he doesn't have a stable I mean these Lightcap don't have a ton of upgrades so the spears could actually deal with them but all right first fight of the game let's go let's do this he's like have her so weak man they're so weak [Music] maybe the spears and TC will be enough like : skank he's just he just poked the hornet's nest Sally says that an enemy him but I need my trade yeah that's why I was confused I I really thought that Cohen's kink would try and trade a longer distance however you know I've seen kolinsky play enough times to know that he's just this type of player right this is how this is how it is in life some people just want to watch the world burn Glenn skink is one of them you could say his strategy cool instincts I'm dumb I'll stop what does it cost what a drunk goat say said what's the cost of a spear in gold at the moment you mean if I would well 409 gold to buy wood 409 gold to get 100 wood yes start to build army blue little bogus is yes what will the boga make honestly just get stables up because I don't think you can make halberdiers for very long just get stables up and think about going like keV red and blue they have the best team game plan they are cutting through the berries to get long-distance trade which gives them more gold per trip Bianca says t90 official what is your favorite Arabia civ honestly I'm not very picky as long as it's not Koreans I think I'm having a good time no seriously I think mezzo sibs are good I don't really have a favourite but I've always liked mines mines back in the day is fantastic it's all spin it's even better now my eyes are even better ship than they were because of the few editions yeah good question from the chat what what is on this fruit bush we've yet to decide this it kind of look like lemons when gate when life gives you lemons you you collect them and trade apparently could be mangoes yeah could be pears could be a pear bush I mean there's different types of pears some pears are more yellow tint ish it doesn't that wouldn't be my first guess lemon is definitely my first guess they're not they're not banana bushes my name is aren't grown on bushes as far as I know anyway and they're definitely not shaped like that unless you smush one a couple times and somehow put it back on the bush pears grow on trees our isn't it isn't a pear tree like kind of shaped like this though I don't know I I don't do my research okay I just commentate Age of Empires don't judge my lack of bush and tree knowledge I just eat the fruit but uh I think it's more of a circular shaped tree it's like a bush on a stick that's what I'm trying to say it isn't a pear tree like a bush on a stick I need to Google this now I need one second pear tree images yeah this is what I'm talking about this could totally be a pair look that could be a pair that I mean it's like a bush on a stick okay oh whoa whoa we don't need to go to the article but that could be it right there I kind of know what I'm talking about there-there Bush like you guys learned something today there you go for all you students out there your parents like hey what have you been learning recently he's like well actually haven't learned that much in school cuz I haven't been paying attention but what I have paid attention to is is that pear trees kind of looked like a bush alright hey Wayne thank you very much for that prime sub man a lot of me or dude I don't think nothing maps are ever gonna stop at this point thank you I I thought that people get tired of it but that was over a year ago now and oh we got buddy we got a buddy we got some action we have bumble Ric with huh stars with full upgrades and Cohen skank with like calves without full upgrades I can tell you how this one's gonna go fertile instinct yeah he's gonna die and his villagers oh my god his villagers are getting in on it bumble Rick's king is safe and Bumble rick is gonna destroy kolinsky and kolinsky is gonna get defeated here at this rate look at this look at these villagers even if they were Spanish villagers he might struggle here and kolinsky and could easily be cleaned up now I think he's dead he is one stable to produce light calves out of he tried to surprise bumble Rick a bumble Rick he's a trouper man he's a trouper he was prepared for this so I think Glen skink jr. will be the first to die seems like there's no way he can defend himself so he's probably gonna die we have Lightcap from grey Grey's is patrolling in green space I'd like to see him get look he's on two stable production it's not that I'd like to see him get that plus our upgrade oh you know Sally I saw Sally build this castle earlier sally has Maggie our house are so this if you'd like huh stars this is the game for you and Kirby Kirby's not enjoying this he's like dude why are you guys hanging out my base it's not not time for the party the party's not till next week kolinsky says he got bored okay fair enough his king is looking to get one last meal before he dies typical fatty this is what you would expect can you imagine having it eating from a bush being your last meal what do you want your last meal to be well I'll take that Bush over there and go ahead have at it there's plenty to have I don't know what my last meal would be hopefully I know I'm never in a situation where where I have to make that decision I don't plan on doing any any crimes anytime soon so I I don't think I'll ever get the death penalty maybe I'll be put to death for all this nothingness maybe at one point Society will just just turn on me I probably do salmon and rice let's be honest if I could do some juicy salmon with white rice and avocado oh that would be wonderful but that's not last meal worthy see here's the thing if you're eating your final meal it doesn't matter if you feel like a slob afterwards like there's a lot of meals that I really like to eat but I just feel so awful because it's just so bad for me I just it takes a toll on me but and this is gonna get real morbid if it's your last meal then who cares what you feel like afterwards so I don't know if I'd go for that hit that the avocado and and rice and salmon I might go crazy I might get like one of those burgers that give me a heart attack would that be the ultimate fu to someone who's giving you the electric chair you die when eating your last meal that's the way to do it right there that's the way to deal that's the way to do it just eat a ten thousand dollar or ten thousand dollar ten thousand calorie burger and do a bunch of push-ups and say screw you anyway I don't know why I'm talking about the death penalty this is this is a happy place we're gonna we're gonna switch up the topic a little bit that you didn't think that you learn about do you hear about last meals when this game started I didn't even know my mind just takes me places so are they trading here yet now blue and red still have not gotten to this corner it's gonna be an awkward trade route but I guess it's better than the shorter trade routes everyone else has guys I don't know why this just dawned on me mister mr. Kirby Cho's Incas and Incas don't get horses so what in the world do you do here I guess you could get try and go eagle or yours but that's gonna be so expensive he said I don't have calves because I'm an idiot this just dawned on me this guy if he tries to make anything that involves wood it's gonna be too expensive and anything that involves gold it's gonna be too expensive he could get blacksmith upgrades on his bills which would be hilarious this is true man that's funny I guess he didn't think about that till now well sure cameos are great cash but you can't afford to make them on this map look at the prices now six hundred and six gold to buy 100 wood so what let's talk about gray situation remember when gray was making Spears how much how much wood is it for his spear let's just verify 25 right yeah so for 4 spearmen it is 606 gold gold that you're not able to collect and you have the trade for yes per for spearmint yes Kimmy axe don't cost what yeah okay cameo stone cost wood what do they cost they cost food and they cost gold so let's look at the cameos for a second just to give you an idea of how crazy this is so it's it's sixty food thirty gold okay so first of all you need a castle he doesn't have a castle let's see the path to a castle 198 gold for 100 stone which he would need to do six times and the price will go up as he purchases it then he's gonna need to get a Lee cameo let's see what that upgrade cost oh we don't need to the point is is that things are too expensive on this damn map so yes there are lots of strong unity sibs have but they just can't get to him they just can't get to him math is hard we don't do math on this stream okay I'll let you guys do the and once you guys do the math I've been wrong one too many times been wrong one too many times what percentage of the map has been forged here can I can I get your analysis on that chat I'd say we're at about 20 percent right now 4 percent either I'm really bad at math or you guys are really bad 97 percent I'm thinking between 15 and 20 percent so eventually they'll run out of food we'll keep that in mind like if this game goes on long enough they'll need to to start buying food which they don't have to do at the moment six hundred and twenty nine gold to buy 100 wood good lord I think that if Sally can get to imp the elite magyar house our upgrade would be so good and plus magyars get the extra attack so you don't need to invest gold into that upgrade I believe he's just idling his TC he's trying to get there looking at the trade numbers fifteen trade cars ferla boga fifteen for him Oedipus has 14 Kirby has 14 keep in mind that blue is going on further distance though so he's getting more gold per trip and now look he's getting 122 gold per trip this is huge and he's easy killing cavalier wow you know what paladin would destroy or even Cavalier would destroy because no one can make helps but it was one single stable but you know he's even selling some food to get golds I mean why not why not did orange do mercenary you know I assume he did mercenaries yeah though I did not I did not check there's a special mod you can get full tier which has this ex Dolph when people have and have not researched it I don't have that so there's no way to see on the tech tree until I add that and I've been casting this game for so freakin long I still haven't gotten that I said this to Robo a few weeks ago said man I still have that mod and he goes how have you been casting this game for three years without that mod and I and I told Robo well the key to casting excuse me the key to casting is to say give yourself an out so you have to say it's probably been researched but it could be wrong so that means technically I'm always right because I say that it could have been researched I also say it could not have been researched and if you approached casting like that you're never roll honi says you should see it because there's a different green color or is that only HD I don't know like let's see so we have Sally I'm not seeing a change in what does the green tech mean they haven't researched it has that has it been like that forever and I just never realized that the colors meant that doesn't make too much sense though because we have green here and then some of these are blue if I I mean I'm getting really embarrassed right now it's light green but there's also dark green here so this means gotcha well apparently there's another mod that makes it a lot easier so bluer units okay Tech's are green and it's light green uh interesting so I learned something today you guys know about my tech tree issues you guys know about my tech tree issues I think they should choose some different shades so those are pretty close but I guess if you know you're looking for your good this this looks suspicious where's the king for gray is it's still in that TC yes it is where are these bad boys go on we have gray and we have orange going together allied to this little area and maybe maybe they're gonna hit the opponent's trade but actually allied together now but they could turn on them can you imagine how devastating a trade rate would be with this how awful would that be because again 680 one goal to purchase 100 would I I just it'd be the most devastating trade raid possible really you're about to see Age of Empires history ladies and gentlemen and and Wow okay so Sally's making a movie he just hit his own house ours there as well oh he's gonna kill the trade this is crazy man this is crazy and Grey's helping him out what a move that is just devastating there now the blue has a lot of gold probably he had enough gold to make this many cavalier but just wild there I can't believe you made that move and Red's not part of this so red needs to defend now Sally said this is war alright let's let's get an update on Kirby what's he going for you has some Eagle warriors guys eagles are actually working for Matt I can look in and see that he has good upgrades too so he might either help or he might turn on on orange right now but remember arches King is in this castle in a very safe position yes Sally says if I die we all died together interesting stuff Oedipus agrees wouldn't be funny to quikwall there with the palisade just build a palisade wall where are those eagles going yet greens gonna help so we have the southern Alliance we have Kirby Oedipus and Sally I really have no clue what bumble Rix plans are now he's quite a few units and it seems like he might be cutting his weight too teal but teal needs to get involved he has the light calf blue he actually has Cavalier and now paladin so will that be enough I don't think so what they need is they need to create more of an opening here so these units can get in yes stone walls are actually cheaper than Palisades it's a good point that is a good point Sally says they probably don't have murder holes well yes that would be an expensive tech to get crazy game here we are two hours into Barry nothing or berry bush nothing and this has been a pretty good game and perfect timing sent in on that resale thank you for a year and a half may not force nothing now not for is nothing very nothing good to see you back man Holy's eagle or sorry holy özil age i guess thank you for the prime mr. Magoo's thank you thank you everybody for the love today the salaries on the way to imply friends and Sally if his trade carts still move and they are if they keep trading he might be able to get the elite Maggie her house are what should not cost any gold okay well red is holding on [Music] blue is kind of trading this direction now so I have to sale a bogus done a good job with relocating trade there's also a fine decision to see that La Boca was doing that and then turn on them because you can't let a guy trade boom for that long I could have been wrong about Incas I could have been wrong about in because Incas might work here with the amount of trade that Kirby has 14 trade carts he's selling food non-stop as well whoa I guess he needs pop space it needs pop space don't look man if people have to eat imagine trying to eat some fresh berries seeing all that oh that's disgusting so we are we at 25% of the map yeah I don't think we are these villagers are walking a long distance when they forage so this could be a really long game man that's what it was they ate the wrong color wrong colored fruit that's what it was red was holding on for a little while as king is in here and Kirby seems to be just passing I don't think red is against Kirby at Kirby should not go towards blue I think below will turn on him and the paladin's will kill the Eagles and yeah he'll eat up thinking about it he's thinking about it and is he gonna turn mean blues no idiot lavaca sees this soul iboga will lose a few pills he'll turn and I'll kill the Eagles interesting that Kirby wanted to do that I guess if you if you kill every enemy villager then they will never have any food income so they might not be able to create more Vil's these Eagles man look at these Eagles go what oh I love it Kirby distracted with this half and he's he's going to the market can he kill that market look he's trying to distract this is slick move but blues not patrolling if it was patrolling it would've worked so he's going past the market now and he'll go towards the trade carts I guess which again very expensive to make most trade carts in the game as mr. Kirby himself actually with only 14 a red has held on here but he's at 30 villagers guys so I think the red could be in trouble and we have Oedipus's camels I think Saracens arguably the best pick in this game we still don't know but heavy camels will of course shred what other people are going to be going for which will be the HUS are so Oedipus because if that might have a large target on his back and holy eagles from Kirby I've been proven wrong who needs horses when you have these guys you just need to find the birds wear them as armor and you're good is it the forging party here man there's a foraging party here bumble Rick what does he say where his teal is he even so I guess he sang Till's not fighting and teal says is of no concern to you well yet the teal that you're gonna have some concerns of your own here in a second look at what bumble rick has this is so funny cuz deals like don't worry about it don't worry about me I'm not a threat and bumble Rick says hello precious teal says hi there and the king is in this tea see so I think I think teal is dead Red's actually oh where does King run now as king is with blue so Reds essentially dead but blue is protecting him Wow look at this madness look at this madness Frank like keV you know they're getting with all the extra HP they're getting wedged in between the siege workshop and the blacksmith they're not fighting man oh my god his whole army look how many units he has stacked they're not fighting I don't think it would really matter though I don't think it would matter Foxtrot says hey blue do you have sixty wood oh my word how ridiculous is this Ben I think that Kirby is looking strong I think Oedipus is looking strong and I I think Sally needs to go for a sniper cuz just elite magyar hustler might not be enough here Gold units are better just matter being able to afford them and the King for teal hey now this is like the the King Hotel apparently so teal ran nice and early and got the blues base if I'm blue look at this you have two kings in your castle that's wonderful I try and keep these guys alive so I can trade with them just mooch off of them essentially I think teal has bumble on Ally maybe he did I thought he made the switch yeah he does have him on Ally so he didn't even turn him to enemy so you can even fight Sally says how do we do this not like this I can tell you that much well things have been things have been peachy here next to all the fruit bushes in the South Kirby Sally and Oedipus they've been best buds for a while but they're all very strong and I think that they will not trust each other so I don't know at what point do you turn on someone I don't think you do it now but I think it's coming up I think it is coming up Sally says protect the tribe at all costs wait me okay where do they have their kings out let's look at gray again okay in this castle sorry about the sniffles what a red say red say I'm out t90 thanks for the invitation hope next time is not nothing well there will be plenty of opportunities I guess red is just kind of sign out here I did say prior to people entering for this game that wasn't nothing Maps oh and in surprised him I mean I surprised him with the type of nothing map but I did say it was going to be nothing map ooh oh wow blue is trying to wall up his market and he loses the Ville he doesn't really have any trade working right now anyway but that could be a concern I love Sally man Sally says open the gates with the one trebuchet open the gates with the one Trev or you could just get a Mac in Ellen you could you could kill the berry bushes but all right you know how it is when we watch pro players and we say don't over chop don't over chop don't let the units in well now it's don't over forage don't over forage guys okay so blue lost his market whoa this K this is a smart paladin right here this guy he he knows how to adapt he realized that things were going south for his team so he hopped right into the bushes man if you could imagine if you could put your King in there you could glitch your King into the bushes that would actually be really bad but but uh hey you never know Fox shot resigns twitch chat could we could we please send some salutes to Foxtrot Foxtrot thank you for playing man it is now 626 gold to buy 100 wood which means for a trebuchet you'd need to buy 200 wood which is 1200 gold and then you need the goal of itself which many players might not have so that is one expensive trebuchet my friends tough sheet thank you for the prime des vault thank you for the 10 again man now I really hope because cuz Sally's the host of this game I really hope that Sally doesn't drop that does happen sometimes and I start freaking out at this stage it's interesting they're able to make so many gold units really is made a lot of gold units here as far as King positions go I think that the best positions would be for for gray who has his King here and Sally who has his King here I mean I Sally doesn't have a history of dropping from games or anything course technology can make life difficult might just be a pause might just be a pause this doesn't have anything to do with Foxtrot we'll find out in a bit this gives us some time this gives us some time to analyze the situation this this wonderful situation we have here I mean Bumble Rick is he's been dominant 390 kills 33 deaths of course kolinsky sacrificed so much of his military and so many of his villagers to boost that KD but hmm Sally says feels like a real siege sitting back watching the walls crumble this is true yes the king for blue is now in this TC there's three kings here there's three kings here just imagine if you got an award it was a Balinese system la boca just resides he just resides well hold on a second now these Kings are trapped in the bogus TC so that's awkward it's gonna really smell in there there's a dead King in there Oh gross well hopefully they'll deal with that I'm sure that if they're they're facing all these threats that they might welcome smell of that dead King and you know ideal Sally says smell what killed teal he's still alive teal says no I'm not kill bigmouth orange man dansgame okay so what's funny is his teal has one unit and that's his king so he's alive technically but he really doesn't have anything beyond his king so wouldn't it be funny if teal could somehow influence these events though he can't really win the Sally says so now what returning on purple who's he talking to I assume he's talking to gray we have Kirby we have gray and we have Sally all together it seems if Kirby's if Kirby leads the charge here if Kirby's forward with his army Greg could just killed the TC and surprise him so if I'm Kirby I I protect myself at all costs here is it just me or did the game gets slightly faster is it because we're catching up from the pause what's the bowl here make the map even more fun what does t90 think about eating a berry should summon a bear calf can ride through the bushes but lose HP with each step vegetarian mode no animal units no leather base text I like this map very much no changes please and the first option seems to be winning we actually do have a very nothing map where bears come out of the bushes after you eat it we do have that so we could do that I don't think that has seen any big YouTube videos yet or been uploaded or anything thank you for your votes guys hacker Peter thank you for the five man that was yeah I agree Doug that was rather even people seem to be split people seem to be split on on that split like a pair I guess you don't have to split pairs I split them okay so that was the only the only joke I've made about fruit in the past hour so bear with me lots of talking right now lots of talking what are they saying to each other I wish I could remove the overlay somehow and see the chat in order mr. Kirby says no idea go for player six Oedipus agrees does kill perp Sally says all right Kirby says no other option enjoy the stream graces then we Duke it out with a funny game five bills plus king fight arena Kirby says he's down at a post says but purple first and Sally Eden really agreed to that those terms there Bumba Rick says I get it yes that's how it is now so he knows the situation he knows that he could be in trouble all right I mean it seems like these guys trust each other a lot and I can respect that that's good it's good character trait to have like if you if you can be trustworthy that's good but I gotta be honest with you guys I'm here to watch people die I'm here to watch people get sniped I'm here for drama I'm here for back stabs so I want to see somebody go against that agreement that's what I want I vote the secret option that is next game Forrest nothing next my headphones aren't working next weird my headphones always go out when certain alerts come in I just don't get it yes you did hear anything let me see if I can fix this game Forrest nothing next games first one second oh I got him working too bad I missed it damn my bad well two over that was I apologize sorry I missed out on that Oh what what is this King doing he's running away man great look look at all three are here everybody's here Mack Mel says he just wants berries let him be he just wants berries man if you had a green King you might be able to blend in you know just just hide oh he says save me Oh floating berry paladin the best part about that was he had limited time to type man he was on the clock there so he had to type that while he was running save me Oh floating berry paladin that's hilarious oh man we have a big fight happening here well-played teal see you don't have to win a game for you to be remembered that was hilarious man it's bumble Rick verse all bumble Rick verse everybody let's get some tears in the chat please for Mac Mouse that the Kings in here and I think bumble Rick is dead eat he might lose this game because he's lost he's lost his friends the sad reality of war if you don't have allies oftentimes you can die or what are they talking about [Music] they talk about going to grey I saw Kirby said do it and then Sally said if I fail I'll look stupid bumble Rick is trying to loop around actually to surprise great that is gonna take some time and he does not have the time so he's gonna die and Sally says guys Shh I think okay so that's what he was talking about the Kings down here the Kings down here that's hilarious so that's what sally was talking about I believe I believe sally was talking to only us he probably went up here and untie untie checked everybody on ticked everybody so he could talk to the stream so I was forewarned that and he said if I fail it'll look like an idiot Kirby's King was way down here that's funny and Kirby said I knew that was gonna happen man I just knew it wow how funny is that also you know Kirby's wall Snell this is real interesting because Kirby's walls are here grey can't get back in orange can't get back and all grey is turning on Sally grey is turning on Sally and now Sally might die oh man what what scenes here I think so I think so I was gonna die so Sally he turns on green grey turns on Sally and Kirby says Gigi no market only lost his market he lost his market so I wouldn't call it just yet but that is an interesting point he doesn't have a TC nearby those voters to collect resources and he doesn't have the wood to build a new market and so the Kirby while he still has some resources he can't can't make anything he can't make huh stars now I think Sally Turner who might have murder holes we're not going to check the tech tree because we do that then people would just make fun of the fact I can't use the tech tree but Ken Kenny survived Castle does not have fletching or anything think he might be able to survive does he have bills in here this look like villagers look like villager elbows or it's the side of some guy's head and there's an ear I'm not sure it probably there's probably no ears or floating heads in there so yeah villagers he could repair or with the tents tony has you could repair with the tents tony has where a when will the King eject it's gonna be real soon oh look look repair okay now you need to buy stone you really need to buy stone here the price is only 268 gold you could actually do it don't tell me he's gonna survive don't tell me he's gonna survive you're kidding me right you're kidding me the Kings gonna come out like right now Wow Sally holds on I mean he's lost everything to gray but his Kings still alive Kirby calls to gigi I guess Grey's gonna win now cuz he is eco but how did that King survive I don't know what does anyone know the exact HP number on the castle make it eject I think it's around 1100 now he is six thousand food he is a hundred pop space and he has to use that to snipe gray somehow well if it's 1165 then the king would have ejected so I mean I don't know if I can trust you guys but it's close right it's close this is 20% so what's 20% of 40 hundred that would be about 20% would be nine sixty nine hundred sixty right die just do the math correct I thought it was more slightly more than that but either way it is very close very very close great Gray's won this game Gray's won this game I just love how that ended it was so good we had we had a triple back step it was beautiful Sally says pop tres is 185 which is true and I think Sally says welp there's no way to do this now auntie he calls the gg that was awesome I just want to say that was awesome this game would have been kind of a bummer for me if it ended in the way that they'd proposed where they fight with villagers and the king I didn't want that what I wanted was back steps I got what I wanted and what a funny moment for Sally to try and go for the epic highlight and he went for the wrong he gambled for the wrong building smart move from Kirby to the places king down here though because you can't really be surprised here oh boy really be surprised there sorry for the yawns my friends there's plenty more games to come I promise you I have the energy Saracen seemed to be a pretty strong pick for that not having the market bonus is always good for nothing Maps then you get the heavy camels you also get the Huss are great Civ great Civ so perhaps we found the map for Saracens Celts would actually be quite bad illness this is the first nothing map where Celts are awful did you guys realize that this is the first one on all the other ones Celts are really good but Celts are want they're awful like what do they do they chop wood faster and they have infantry but you can't make that infantry they don't have horses so for that reason we might need to do this again at some point just so we don't see Celts picked every time there's the Eco difference now let's look at this a hundred and seventy-nine thousand food I don't know how it works is one food is there's 125 food per per bush does that mean there's a hundred twenty five pieces of fruit is that the way it works that's the case we had 100 78634 berries or whatever collected by oedipus and that is some that that's fantastic right there also of course he could sell a lot of that and look at the amount of gold he had also had more trade profit was a really smart move from sallee and Oedipus to kill the trade from lavaca la boca and foxtrot had a fantastic strategy and what what's really disappointing for them is they spent so much time the maca dolls don't auto-attack the berry bushes so you have to to click every single area this is a large map so they finally get it going and they're probably like yes yes we're gonna do this they're probably calling their friends like yeah turn on t90 stream yeah that guy that guy the nothing guy yeah go go look at his stream look at this trade I have and then it gets killed so that that is a bummer for Lobo go but but good strategy just didn't pan out maybe maybe next time it'll work for you uh what else we have here it's a long game we should probably look at this you know bumble Rick he co won this game if he just had some friends so Coonskin can fortunately went all kamikaze on him maybe bumble Rick should have kept teal in the game if Tia was in the game maybe teal would have provided some friendship vilho is interesting well played Kirby at Kirby I was cracking up man Kirby I was cracking up when you realized that your sieve would be awful without horses but it wasn't too bad all right so to those on YouTube as I said in the beginning of this video if you'd like to join in on the twitch action at some point check out a live stream I'm either casting expert games classic games or community games five four to five days a week the twitch link below is in the video description and I have a schedule which is below my twitch page once you get there which automatically goes to your time zone shows the day and time and countdown so I'd love to see some of you there there are plenty of people in the twitch chat right now which are new I've seen some new faces at least but we've had about a dozen people say that they're new so it's good to have new people in all the time don't say this is the end just joining the stream it's the end of this game but we will do many more today on the stream I'm just doing my outro just doing my outro for YouTube trying to do more of that nowadays don't do it YouTube it's a trap he keeps us here and tortures us and knew nothing maps it's not true man it's not true I would never do that I've never do that
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 570,668
Rating: 4.8145499 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: Y_N5oFmIxuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 47sec (4847 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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