Japan Is A Real Life Gacha Game | Trash Taste #31

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- So Connor was like it's 20 minutes home on a comfy taxi. - It's quicker, it's good. - So then we get in the taxi, taxi's driving fine and then just some random police officer just walks out onto the street and kind of flags us down. - Four policemen surround this poor old man. - And I ask the taxi driver is something wrong? And he's like ha ha I was speeding. (laughing) (gentle music) - Hello and welcome to another episode of Trash Taste. I am your host once again Garnt and with me are the boys. - That's us. - As per usual. - Yep. - How are you boys doing? - Good it's the first week we've skipped of recording on Trash Taste. - Yeah it felt weird. - Mm hmm. - It felt weird because normally we record on Tuesdays, people have probably figured this out. - Hmm. - Some people have figured out the entire Trash Taste schedule. - I think we've mentioned it in passing. - Yeah. - On what we think is a passing comment people like remember. - I remember I got a tweet as well, I was randomly checking Twitter like right before we're about to start and someone tweeted at me saying like, what are you gonna talk about today Joey? (laughing) I'm just like (joey hyperventilating) where are you (laughing) your watching me. - Yeah and people figured out the recording order as opposed to the airing order as well. (laughing) There's probably like a watch order, the official Trash Taste watch order somewhere on Reddit I don't know. - Yeah because some of them get mixed around right? - Yeah. - Right. - Cause of sponsors and whatnot. - Yeah. - But in general you could figure out based on who's sitting where. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Normally. - Normally. - In general. - Unfortunately Garnt doesn't have a guest today with him. - Yeah that's how you can tell. - I'm a little sad about that Garnt, I'm not gonna lie. - No this is my second podcast in a row without guests. - 2021 is different. - It feels good, it feels like a weight's been lifted off my shoulder you know. - (laughing) Wow. (laughing) Just suddenly calling all our guests weights. - No I'm just here I just got the space by myself on the table and it's just good, it's good to be on the hosting side. (laughing) - Obviously you're lucky right, that you weren't fucking hosting with Chris 'cause he kept making me down things (laughing) as I was sitting next to him, he was like go on, go on, drink it, go on. - To be fair you're a pussy drinking that sacket. - Yeah. - I would make you down it. - Yeah I would have done the exact same. - That sacket tastes like shit and I'm not gonna be forced to consume something that tastes like shit. (laughing) - Unless it's for a challenge and I lose then it's my fault. - Right. - So how are you enjoying your Christmas holiday boys? - Well that's from we're recording this right? - Yeah, yeah that's when we're recording this. - Preface we're recording this during the Christmas holiday. (mumbling) We've had our Christmas episodes but we are enjoying our Christmas holidays right now even though we're still technically working. - I took two days off and then I was like right. - A whole two days. - Back to it then, back to YouTube. (laughing) Even like going one day without YouTube, I'm like fuck I wanna do something, fuck I wanna make something, I wanna entertain, I wanna be a clown I don't know why. - You're a clown every day it's all right man. - It's pretty some deep insecurity that happened during my childhood. (laughing) - That makes me strive to wanna entertain. - I don't know why. - Yeah. - It was nice, it was fun. I think the difference between a holiday that is everyone's holiday. - Yeah. - Mm. - And one that you set for yourself is that when it's like a national holiday, you're like well fuck I have to. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You're like obligated. - But then sometimes your head space isn't in this, you're like man I kinda wanna take a vacation but like I don't want to but then if you do it yourself, you hype yourself up for it. You're like I'm taking this time off. No one's gonna tell me what to do but on Christmas you're like, fuck I kinda wanna like make a video, wanna fuck around. (laughing) - Yeah I don't know what it is about the Christmas holidays, Well I've always ended up working during the Christmas holidays. - Yeah same. - Because I've had my yearly videos that probably won't happen this year but that's mostly what I'm working on during the Christmas holidays and then I realized that as YouTubers, you need to take a fucking break right? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah we need some. - Sometimes we take breaks during the weekdays right? - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - To us weekends don't technically exist but I've found that taking breaks on the weekends feels a lot better than taking breaks in during the weekdays, 'cause it just feels nice. - Yeah. - When you know that everyone else in the country. - Most. - Is on a break as well, well most people. - Well except for Japan. (laughing) - Yeah except for Japan, where Christmas Day is just a regular working day. - Yeah, yeah. - And also weekends are a suggestion to stop working. - Yeah, yeah. - It's none enforced. - Every holidays is just a suggestion - Yeah, yeah. - To stop working let's be honest in Japan. - It's crazy. - I went up to the north of Japan for about three or four days to go see Chris. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - And that was really nice, there's so much fucking snow this year. - Did he make you drink shitty sacket? - No he made me drink good sacket. (laughing) - That's an oxymoron for Connor there. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) Also it was the first time ever I did a proper Japanese Christmas aka KFC. - How was it? - It's just KFC ain't it? (laughing) - It's exactly what I thought man. - It's just chicken. Although it was kind of weird because Chris had to schedule it like or book it. - Book KFC. - Booking KFC. - Yeah we had to book KFC. - What has the world come to man? - like two or three weeks in advance. - Right. - It's also weird you not only have to book it but you have to book like a day and time to go and pick it up as well. - Yeah. - Yeah I saw. - So it's like not only do you have to come in on a certain day to a certain store, but it's like come between a 2:00 to 3:00 pm time bracket. - Right. - And we went there and there was just like a group of about maybe five or six families just lining up to get their Christmas chicken from the Colonel. - I'd rather die than lineup for a KFC. - Yeah, (laughing) we got a full bucket of like just a bunch of chicken wings. - As you do at KFC. - But also at the bottom of the bucket there was this kind of Christmas cake or like Christmas pudding kind of thing. - Right. - I don't know 'cause I don't think anyone had a slice of it but it was at the bottom of the thing and we're like oh that's a little weird that it's just been sitting underneath this like. - Greasy chicken. - Greasy fucking chicken. - That's not where you'd wanna put a cake man. - No it was the last thing we were expecting at the bottom of the bucket (laughing) to be fair and it was like 5,000 yen for it and it could feed maybe about three or four people. - You paid 50 bucks for KFC on Christmas. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh my God. - Three or four people. - I mean I didn't Chris did. - You could have had a nice roast dinner for that. - Oh no we ordered all the food as well. - Okay good. - But we were like just because it was the first time for all of us. We've never had a Japanese Christmas before. - Yeah. So we're like you know what fuck it, let's do it. And um wouldn't do it again to be honest, it's just KFC isn't it. - There you go wrong. - 'Cause the thing is this is I think the fourth year that I've been in Asia celebrating Christmas. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - And I gotta say you don't really understand the entire hype behind this the Christmas spirit you know? - Yeah. - I thought that was just a fucking meme. - It's just a marketing point, isn't it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) I didn't understand that until I started spending Christmas outside of where countries that normally celebrate Christmas. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - And you know you can do a lot of things to make it feel Christmassy but having spent a few Christmases in Asia, I kind of miss that Christmas spirit. - Yeah definitely felt that. - Because there's a few things you can put on the Christmas songs, and you can put up the tree but there's just something missing. I can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't feel fully Christmassy. - Yeah I get that. - I think it just has to do with the fact that at least in Japan Christmas is not a family thing. - Yeah. - It's like a romantic thing. - Yeah. - And also everyone's working. - Yeah. - Yeah like I got a delivery as we were having our roast dinner and it was like the immersion breaking Christmas. - Right. - That moment where. - Simulation ruined. - Yeah (laughing) I had an Amazon package and I was like this is not Christmas. - That's the door on your red hat. (laughing) Like I refuse to have this right now. (laughing) - Wine in hand. - Yeah Christmas simulation over, it was like that Rick and Morty episode where you're just trapped in an alternate (laughing) reality. - Yeah. - To me Christmas is like going back and reluctantly having to talk to family members about like oh I do YouTube you know this is what I. - Yeah. - I get naked online sometimes you know. - Like yes I make this much per year thank you uncle for asking me for the seventh time. - You're investing right? In a pension right? Yes yes I am. (laughing) It felt odd 'cause I felt like normally, I didn't appreciate Christmas that much 'cause I didn't realize that there was a really good way of like in my head at least, I don't know if this is how I talk, it was like this is the end of the year. - Yeah. - Now go and restart it. - Yeah. - And then build up to all of this again. - 'Cause it's not just Christmas it's that period between Christmas and New Year's, - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That is just like the blank period. - We don't do anything. - where it's just like what are the rules? Nobody knows what's going on. Are the buses running? I don't know. Are the trains running? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Are shops open? It's fucking anarchy, and I love that period. - Google how long can I have leftovers for? (laughing) How many Christmas dinners can I eat? (laughing) - Yeah that was like living in England, that was like one of my favorite parts of the year. - Mm-hmm. - It was just as you said, like the reset of the year. - Right right. - It was like the entire society kinda goes into cool down right? - Yeah yeah exactly right. - Whereas here it's like business as usual. - It's just business as usual, you go out. - Like supermarkets and convenience stores are open literally 24/7 even on New Year's Day. - My mum won't shut up about KFC Christmas to me, she's fascinated by it. (laughing) She's like I heard they have KFC for Christmas is it true? And I'm like yes they do mom. She's like wow how crazy is that? And I'm like yeah it's kinda weird. (laughing) To be fair it is bizarre when you think about it. - Yeah it is weird. - All the things that Japan has no interest in from like the West right? - Yeah. - We bring our finest things they're like, no no no none of that, none of that and then suddenly the colonel rocks up and he's like listen how about, let me pitch you this. - Y'all like grease? (laughing) - How about. Let me take this absolutely nothing to do with Christmas food and somehow make it a Christmas food. Like oh my God, how did they pull this off? Like I'm sure someone knows the history behind it, but like to me even if you explained to me how it was done, how the KFC marketing department did this. - I mean I explained it to you last time right? - Yeah but even then, it still doesn't make sense to me. - I researched it and it doesn't make sense. - It was like the marketing heist of the century, I swear to God. - Yeah. - I swear in Japan just normal marketing things they just don't care about. There are just like advertisements everywhere, don't care about that. - Yeah. - Oh there's a collaboration where I can get my favorite character poorly printed on a latte? Oh well 100 bucks, hello. That drives me insane dude. - When you see it on paper it just sounds like a great Pretender episode. (laughing) - It is. - It's just like how do they pull this off? - This is like Heist 5 though. (laughing) This is like the OVA episode man, when they sell Christmas to the Japanese. (laughing) - Literally like it is, it's bullshit. It takes some Oceans 11 shit with every marketing department and like they do collaborations with stuff. So this is a really common thing in Japan where - Yeah. - They don't just market things normally, you can't just have adverts. It's like you have to collaborate with businesses. - Yeah. - Like I went to the supermarket and I saw like washing detergent. It was like a Bungo Stray Dogs collaborations. - Oh yeah We got one with Levi on it. - Yeah and I was like okay Levi that makes sense but like some shows it's like Why? Why does Bungo Stray Dogs have a collaboration with washing detergent? - To be fair it works, I'm a weeb, it works. I see Evan (inaudible) I see Oscar's face plastered on some coffee, I'm like. - No, no, no, no. - I need that coffee man. - This is why I hate it because to me right. You don't go to a fine dining like restaurant for example right? - Yeah. - And they draw a fucking smiley face on your hamburger. (laughing) You'd be insulted, wouldn't you? You'd be like, no, no, no, no where's my steak? Why is there a smiley on it? (laughing) This is the way I see stuff and like if you put characters on it or you put these fucking smiley faces. I hate it when Disneyland does that by the way, when they put fucking smiley faces on your food. (laughing) Is my food a joke to you I wanna eat it, fuck never mind I'm gonna (inaudible speech). But like to me you're making the product seem more childish by putting stuff on it. So when I see these collaborations, like most of the time with like, especially with the anime at the cafes, I'm like this is all disgusting. - Right. - You're selling me a $3 latte for 10 times the price. - I'm offended. (laughing) - I feel like it's very similar to what they do in the West with celebrities but like you know. - You don't get like a Kim Kardashian latte. - Um didn't Travis Scott just do like a fucking - The McDonald's meal. - A big collaboration with McDonald's? And wasn't that insanely successful as well? - Yeah. - Yeah but wait okay first of all, I'm near certain and correct me if I'm wrong they didn't plaster his face on it. - I'm pretty sure they had a specific menu that was the Travis Scott/McDonald's. - Travis Scott meal or what it was called. - But it didn't have like his face on it. I went to The Promise Never land collaboration thing and there was a cafe and you could get one of the characters of The Promised Never land printed on your latte and I thought okay fine. - Yeah. - It's $10 by the way - Yeah. - when I had that. Which would be fucking ridiculous for a subpar latte. - Yeah but with stuff like that though. - But. - You have to understand that the fans will pay any amount of money for that one photo. - Right. So then I go to have it and I go to drink it and then as I drink this latte like this film of like the plastic shit. (laughing) - That they printed it on. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Goes in my mouth and I'm like (throwing up) like God it's disgusting, it's vile and I don't wanna have to peel shit off my coffee to eat it. So I'm here scooping it out ruining this picture they printed on it. - Yeah. - And I just ended up hating all of it, I don't care how much of a fan I am of something, I don't want that shit printed on my food or drink. - Oh I mean that's kind of on you then for going to that cafe right? (laughing) Like you could have easily just gone to a Starbucks right? - But the thing is if you go to the exhibition or whatever, you go to these things there normally not that like, there's like enough there if you're a fan right? - Yeah. - But then you have to obliterary go to the gift shop and cafe 'cause you know. - Yeah of course. - You have to the gift shop sometimes has some good stuff but some stuff that I don't care about like they're obsessed with making coasters of characters. - It's not just the coasters, I've noticed that as well because they're putting Gacha into it as well. - Yeah. - It's a blind box of coasters yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if you wanna collect the character you actually like, you gotta buy more shit right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You gotta buy an extra meal. 'Cause that was exactly the same thing as when I went to the Fate Museum as well. - Scams man. (laughing) Scams. It's like being a kid all over again with the Happy Meal Toys. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Man I remember one time Burger King were doing this collaboration with like SpongeBob toys and I was like mum listen this is the third Patrick. - I need to go destroy my body. - This is the third Patrick Star I've had mum can you please go and do like a Karen thing and get me the other toy and she was like. - Yeah my parents used to do that all the time. - She would always go up and ask but sometimes they'd be like no. - Really? - Yeah. - I've never heard of someone saying no. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Really? - They're usually just like whatever, I don't get paid enough to find it. (laughing) - Yeah exactly right. - And he's like, I don't control the Gacha. (laughing) I just fucking give it to you, I don't care. I get paid $6 an hour, ima just give it to you. - But yeah I'm not a big fan of the collaboration cafes, I just feel like you don't really get that good of an experience of the show. - I feel like collaboration cafes are a bit. - Shit. - A bit tacky. - Just say it just say shit, it's shit. - It's shit, it's shit. - Yes it's tacky. I feel like most anime cafes are like that. I've never been to like an anime cafe and been impressed by it. - No. - It's like you go into this room that's like a normal sized cafe and you're like oh they've just plastered paintings of the characters and the show's on the wall, wow look at that. - It's like they don't even get creative with it. Like I would say I've been to quite a few because Aki likes to do videos on it. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah - I've only ever been to two collaborative cafes where I was just like I would go back - Yeah. - And that's the Pokemon cafe and the Kirby cafe but that's just because Nintendo has just so much bigger of a budget. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That they can afford to get a little more creative with it right. - Yeah there's so many of them, you go and watch a YouTube video of someone like go into a cafe and it's like, you could see these YouTubers desperately trying to get like seven minutes out of this cafe. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - At the end of the day it's just like it's literally just paintings on a wall and something. - Yeah I went to the Weathering With You cafe and that shit was so fucking lame. (laughing) - It causes the same formula every time. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And if you come to Japan, come to like one anime cafe and then realize that that's the experience for every cafe. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - The way I see it is that you come once as a tourist and you're like that was cool and then you just don't go to any others - Yeah. - Because they're all the same. - Which is, go on. - No, no I was gonna say like also how they get you with all these anime cafes is that they're only open for limited amounts of time right? - 'Cause they wouldn't fucking make money if they've shut down. - Yeah. - Yeah there's a sense of urgency where it's like, oh The Promised Never land cafe is only open for two weeks. - Yeah. - I mean I want Promised Never land let's go. (laughing) And then you go and you get disappointed and before you can file a complaint it's gone. - The food was vile as well. - Oh they usually are. - Of course it is it's all microwave food or whatever. - The Kirby cafe though had some really good food. I was actually like wow I would actually go back. - I've never had someone be like you must try this souffle, (laughing) You must go to the square Innings collaboration cafe for the best, it's like no. - Listen 'Cause it's not like going to the JoJo bar, where there was obviously like a fan of JoJo, who would personalize these cocktails and these drinks. It's a bunch of corporate. - It's all sponsored. - It's all corporate businessmen stamping like, hmm yes collaboration. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What can we do? Coasters let's print the character on a latte and put some anime posters up. - Yeah. - And then sell a bunch of clear files. (laughing) - I realized we're probably like breaking so many dreams right now (laughing) by explaining how shit they are. - Yeah. - Listen if you come here on like a visiting, you'll probably find it interesting if there's a show you really like but in general. - But 90% of them are really lame. - They're really underwhelming - Yeah like the cafe is always the lowest point to any big anime event - Yeah. - 'Cause I went to the Fate Cafe but that was The Fate Cafe - Of course you did. - In The Fate Museum and the museum, the exhibition actually was fucking awesome. - Yow yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) - Yeah 'cause you got to see the entire fucking history of this franchise. Like of not just Fate but the entire Type-Moon Universe and everything like that and the Nasuverse. - Yeah see that's cool if it's like, 'Cause I went to the Konasuba Cafe. - Yeah. - But that was in par with the Konasuba movie. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - So you can only go to this cafe if you bought tickets to the movie. - Yeah. - So that was like oh okay you know, it's like a little bonus thing but I wouldn't go all the way to central Tokyo (laughing) to go to a fucking Konasuba Cafe. - No, no, no. - No way. - Like it's just not worth it. - I definitely wouldn't recommend going to any pop-up cafes. If something's limited-time, - No, no. - Then they have not put effort into that. - No, no. - Dude the best cafe I went to is actually the one I made a video on, which is like the 3D Latte Art. - Yeah. - That cafe is so fucking good. - And way to suck your own dick there. - Yeah wow. Just like ima say that you know in a good cafe I bet you it's the one that I made a video on. - Well no, (laughing) 'cause I wouldn't make a video on it if I didn't think it was good right? - Yeah again that's like a permanent cafe right? - Yeah that's bad 'cause you can literally, the best part about that thing is that you can take in like anything that you want and you're like make it 3D. - Yeah. - I'm like they'll find a way to do it, it's so fucking cool. - Yeah. - Also that guy on Twitter shit posts like crazy, the owner he's so good, so funny. - Yeah that's the thing it's like again the reason why I like the Pokemon Cafe and the Kirby Cafe so good is because they're permanent. - Yeah they're always there right? - So every season they're like oh we can bring out something a little bit more experimental, if it doesn't work take it out. - Yeah Nintendo are really good at doing like, I mean have you seen the new theme park they're releasing in Osaka? - Yeah it's opening February right? - My God, I saw a picture of that and I thought, wow Lego land's really improved, hasn't it? 'Cause I didn't think it was real at first. - I usually hate amusement parks. - Oh no I'm going. - But this the first time I'm like yeah I'm going. - Well because you wanna go now, before it opens up to tourists. - Right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. - 'Cause it's gonna be hell. - But knowing Japan it's gonna be another fucking lottery to get those tickets. - Oh. - Oh God. - And I fucking hate that, have we talked about that? - No I don't think we've talked about that. - So I watched the video of what's the guy's name? Shigeru Miyamoto. - Yeah. - Like giving a tour of it and you get like a bracelet that you can like hit shit with and like there's like keys and stuff. - Really? - Dude it looks badass. - Yeah, yeah. - Like I felt like a ten year old watching him like talk about it, I'm like yow. - I saw a Japanese YouTuber who got like first access ever as a YouTuber - Oh my God. - Wow. - It's Hikakin the Japanese YouTuber. - Ah of course Of course. - But he's been sponsored by USJ and Nintendo in the past. - Yeah. - Well he's literally like Japan's like YouTuber, Oh Hikakin. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause was one time I had a policeman that was asking me like What do you do? And I was like YouTuber and he was like oh, like Hikakin? - It's like no not like Hikakin. - I'm like yeah Hikakin man, like yeah dude, yeah whatever. (laughing) Like Hikakin and YouTube are like synonymous, - Yeah. - Yeah pretty much. - We've never talked about the lottery system. - The lottery system. So this is how you get tickets in Japan basically. - Yeah. - Would you wanna explain it? - This is better than scalping. - Scalping? - Scalping? - Scalping is people who buy a shit-ton of things. - And then just jack up the prices. - Oh I mean no people do that too here. - It's in theory to stop that from happening right? - Right but like for example when the Olympics for example, we don't know if that's gonna be happening next year. - They've already announced that it will be. I reckon it will happen no matter what but it'll be interesting to see how they'll do it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah exactly. But like with the Olympics for example, it's so dumb. So they do a lottery that you enter and it's like a lottery to get a certain amount of tickets. So this is how we did it. So like when I went to the Persona 5 concert. - Yeah. - It was a lottery system but it was really weird because it was like you go into the lottery to get a certain number of tickets and they're different lotteries. So it's like if you wanna go in just by yourself, you enter the lottery to get one ticket but there's another lottery to get two tickets or three tickets or four tickets and just because you enter into one of them, it's not guaranteed that you gonna get those tickets. - Yeah. - But then what it is, is that you might think, oh okay so if you win the lottery then you just get the tickets right? No you get the right to purchase the tickets. (laughing) - Japan have figured out a way to Gachafy every process possible man. - Yeah I mean I also saw that you could get some of the tickets but you could only be entered into some of them if you bought like a Panasonic device. - Yeah. - yeah, yeah. - So they were like giving away some of the tickets to, and I was like What the fuck, this is a fucking mess. - And also the shitty thing as well is that like say you enter the lottery to get four tickets right? But you're not sure if you're gonna get it. - Yeah. - So you want to enter multiple times but here's the kicker. Say you win twice right? - Yeah. - In that four ticket lottery, you're forced to pay for those eight tickets. (laughing) You can't back out of that shit. (laughing) Like you're actually forced, even if it's only four people that you're going with and you just did another lottery for backup, you have to buy eight tickets. - It's just doesn't make sense to me. - It just doesn't make sense. - I mean I understand in theory why they do it but I feel like this is like trying to put out a fire with cooking oil, you know what I mean? - It's just the most roundabout bullshit, time consuming way to do it and I guarantee you, Nintendo Line is gonna do the same thing. - Yeah. - Probably. I mean Nintendo haven't got the best rep at the moment. (laughing) They've been like fucking everything up. (laughing) - Thanks. - I can't believe that man. - Nintendo and DMCA are like that right now. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But the stuff with the smash tournament, did you see that as well? That was a while back though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - No. - Did you not see that? - No I didn't see that. - Basically they like just cease and desisted a big tournament that'd been going on for a while, and everyone was like the fuck? Obviously the net code of the Switch Smash Brothers is pretty garbage. - Yeah. - So people fan-modded their own version of it that's much better. - Mm-hmm. - Oh okay. - I think it's called like Slippi or something. - And they didn't allow that. - Because they were gonna use that one. - I love how it's called Slippi. - Yeah because it actually runs smoothly 'cause Nintendo online sucks. - Yeah. - And always has sucked and the fact that they pay for it is kind of a joke. - Yeah. - 'Cause you don't really get anything out of it, like it's awful, it's so bad. Like I love Nintendo but goddamn does there online suck. - Yeah they really need to fix that shit. - And so they cease desisted them and then they were also sponsoring a Splatoon tournament right?. (laughing) Guess what the prize was for the, So they were giving the prize, it was like a Nintendo sanctioned event. - Yeah. - They're giving the top prize for a team of five versus five was a $25 Nintendo eShop gift card. (laughing) - Oh my God. - And then they canceled the event 'cause one of the teams had something like free Smash or something, (laughing) or like had something along the lines of Nintendo. (laughing) - My God. - Like for solidarity with the Smash bros believe me. - I love how the top prize you can't even pay for Splatoon. - You can't even split that shit. - you can't even pay for the game used in the fucking tournament is. - It's just funny because it's like for some reason Nintendo just wants their fucking IP's to die. Like I don't get it. - Dude Riot Games is sweating man, they're just like oh there's a new competitor in e-sports scene now. (laughing) - It's just wild to me 'cause you just see like the complete difference, again like you said Riot right? - Yeah. - And you have the fucking, What is it? The Baron Red Bull Power Play. - The Red Bull Baron Power Play. - The Mercedes Drive to Victory, Like they're fully embracing like becoming sports and Nintendo's like none of that. - The State Farm Analyst Desk. (laughing) God I remember watching worlds this year. - It was so funny. - And it was so weird, just seeing literally everything monetized. - It's literally like watching the American. - I say that drinking my G-Fuel out of my G-Fuel cap. (laughing) Thank you G-Fuel for sponsoring Trash Taste, then we had a nice header. (laughing) - Yeah it is funny how it's become like American football, where like every single part of the game is sponsored. - Yeah. - And then again you have the complete opposite right? Nintendo's like yeah we don't wanna put any of this 'cause Nintendo could make money off it if they really wanted to. They wanna be in charge of this - Yeah. - But they've showed no interest in it. - No. I mean they're probably already making enough as is right? - That's the Japanese mindset, isn't it? They're like we've made enough doing it the way we like, We don't want to make more money. (laughing) Which is so odd for a business to say, because I think what was it? Like last year Nintendo was the most cash-rich company in Japan. - Yeah. - Which is insane. - I think that something is slightly wrong with that statement. it's not that they don't wanna make more money, 'cause from my experience working with Japanese companies, they wanna make as much money as possible but they only wanna make as much money as possible using the methods that they like. - They like. - It's not that they don't wanna make money, it's that they don't know how to make money in other ways. - (laughing) Exactly, exactly. - Because they're like esports? What is esports? - I think it's where if you ask someone like, you know if you asked me Connor you can make $10 guaranteed or Connor you can make 100 dollars by you know pushing yourself and being a little crazy and it might go horribly wrong of course every time I'm gonna be like, 100 bucks let's do it. - Yeah, of course but. - But the Japanese companies don't see it that way, they see that's unnecessary risk. - Yeah, Japaneses companies like yeah there's one person in the company that wants to get creative but he has to ask 60 other people for yes. (laughing) - Yeah exactly. - And that might take a while. - Exactly and by the time they always say yeah, a new trend's come out, you know what I mean? (laughing) - I get it, because if you are the head of these companies, you don't wanna make 100 odd people lose their job right? So you go with the safe route, but sometimes the safe route can just lead to being stagnated. - Yeah but also it's like how detrimental could it be if one thing doesn't work out right? Like again Nintendo is the most cash-rich company in Japan right? It's like how much do they have to lose? - It sucks 'cause everyone like wants Nintendo to just do. - Get their shit together. - Yeah 'cause everyone fucking loves it, everyone wants to fucking see a Nintendo game. - Everyone's cheering for Nintendo, just to do the right thing. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - It's literally the opposite of EA, where everyone just wants EA to keep fucking up and keep fucking up (laughing) to the point where laws have to be made but with Nintendo everyone just wants to see. You know you have those typical shows where you know the brother is addicted to drugs and the whole family is super nice (laughing) and it's like come on just, just please stop, just come on get back on your feet man come on. That's the sweet Nintendo. It's like how many chances do we have to give you? how many rehabs do we need to put you through to see you get back on track goddammit? - Especially after all the fucking W's that they will taking in these last couple of years. - Yeah they were killing it. - They were just like killing every E3, everyone was like yep Nintendo King. - Yeah exactly. - Yeah. - Fuck everybody else and now they're just like, We haven't had an L in awhile let's give out a couple of L's. - People fucking lost their shit when they brought out literal cardboard. (laughing) - Oh yeah. Like this is a company that can release cardboard and we'll eat it up. This is how much. - The Nintendo Labo right. - We want them to get W. - (laughing) I completely forgot about that. - Yeah. - Yeah like okay at the end of the day, they do like the coolest fucking shit, no other company. - Nintendo are just doing their own thing man. - Yeah like I played Ring Fit and I was like, What kinda crack head came up with this idea to like just fucking exercise with a ring and like it works - Yeah, yeah. - And it's good. - And it's fun. like who came up with this shit? This is insane, You would never see this from any other company. - It seems like creatively they will take any fucking risks possible. - It's nuts yeah. - Yeah. - But like on a business sense they're like, No, no we do. - Yeah, yeah. - Not do business here. We only make things business is not allowed. - This episode is sponsored by Express VPN. When you use the bathroom, you can always close the door behind you right? - No. - No never. - You can never? - I actually never do it. - Oh my God. - Poop proud with the door open. - Well fuck, that kind of fucks up the next line of this, (laughing) but I'm gonna say it anyway. You don't want a random passerby looking in on you unless you're these boys. So why would you let people look in on you when you go online? Using the internet without Express VPN is like going to the bathroom without closing your door. - That's a nightmare. - Did you know that your internet service provider like Comcast or Verizon note every single website you visit? - I didn't Connor but thank you for letting us know. - And what's worse I'm told is that they can sell this information to ad companies and tech giants, who will use your data to target you. - I don't believe it. - But don't worry Express VPN can put a stop to that, it creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so that your online activity can't be seen by anyone. - I use express VPN on all my devices. It works on everything: phones, laptops even routers. So everyone who shares your Wi-Fi. - And the best part is using Express VPN is as easy as closing the bathroom door. You just fire up the app, click one button and you're protected. Express VPN is the world's number-one-rated VPN by CNET, Wired, The Verge and countless others. - So if you're like me, believing your online activities should be your business like when you take a shit, (laughing) secure yourself by visiting expressvpn.com/trashtaste today, that's expressvpn.com/trashtaste. - Where you can get extra free three months. - That's expressvpn.com/trashtaste. Link's down in the description below. - I think the creative, they obviously trust their creative people at Nintendo and they obviously let them do the crazy ideas. Like they released the Mario Kart AR, did you see that? - No. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You basically get your own RC cars with cameras in them that connect to. - Oh no I saw that. - Which is again another crazy fucking. - It's fucking cool. - It's so cool. 99% of people can't do this 'cause I don't have the living room space. I actually do but I mean, most people. - You can't be both. - Yeah also the thought of having to put a track down and then clean it up. - Yeah exactly. - You know. - I mean you know just the whole concept of Mario Maker right? - Yeah that's fucking awesome. - Clearly they're embracing their fans' creative side. - God I love watching Mario Maker videos on YouTube. - Yeah it's fucking cool. - They were so fun. - But at the same time they're like, Mario Party Online no never heard of that. - Oh! - Oh. - That is the biggest missed opportunity they've ever done. - You just said three magical words that I didn't think I needed to hear and then I was just like, Why have I never thought of this before? - It's like that meme of like whisper the three sexiest words into my ear. (laughing) Mario Party Online. - I can't believe they released Super Mario Party in 2018 was it? - Yeah. - And it didn't have online play and had like four maps and they were shit sorry. - Yeah. - I was so disappointed 'cause I fucking love Mario Party. - I mean Mario Party is still good LAN but you know online would be fucking amazing. - I don't know if you guys play Mario Party but. - Do you feel that some part of the Mario Party experiences being next to each other and just sharing with people? - No I get that. - But I would like the option especially. - To play online. - For streaming right? If I need to you got a better option. - But also it's the same thing with Smash right? - Yeah. - Yeah playing Smash LAN next to your friends and shitting on them IRL is fun as fuck. - Yeah. - But we very quickly found out that online is also just as fun. - Especially on like a discord call, like that shit's fun as fuck. (laughing) - It's just sad, I feel like they just hate happiness sometimes Nintendo. (laughing) And I thought when Super Mario Party released, it's giving way too much detail, it had like four maps and they were all mid and I was like, Okay well they'll release new ones right? They'll update it. (laughing) They'll have DLC right? - What a fucking lie it was. - Yeah so that never happened. Fuck dude I'm still sad about that. - Yeah I know. - God that game could have been something good. - I'm always just hoping next Mario Party is the one that's gonna be online. - The problem with it is everyone else are playing chess and they're just playing fucking hungry hippos (laughing) or something like that and sometimes it's fucking fun as fuck but other times you're just like, can you just go back to like a little bit of chess? You know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Play by the rules just a little bit you know? - I don't get it because you know, we live in Japan and they developed the games. I do not know of any Japanese people who go around to each other's houses. (laughing) - What do you mean? - You never hear of Japanese people meeting in the other people's houses. It's always at an Izakaya or another place. - [Meilyne] Maybe it's cause you don't have that many friends. - Yeah maybe it's just because you don't have that many Japanese friends. - Oh the ones I do have never do that. - Oh I do that with my Japanese friends. - Do you actually? - Yeah. - I stand corrected. - I mean obviously not this year but. - Yeah but nowhere near as often as like going out to eat in an Izakaya. - Oh yeah of course but like there's been a lot of cases where I would go out to eat and then we would go back to someone's place. - Yeah right but it's like. I feel like in the West right? We are like 90% of the time, it's like meet up at each other's house get a few drinks. - Yeah because it's quite expensive to eat out in the West. - Yeah. - Yeah exactly. - Whereas here it's just as cheap. - Yeah it's like the opposite where it's like, I feel like for a country that should value what seems to be like online play more. - Yeah. - For some reason they don't include it. - No because they don't need more reasons to stay at home, that's already a big enough problem as it is. - Yeah exactly. - Are you saying that. - No, no, no. - Nintendo is colluding with the government, (laughing) to get all the Japanese people to fuck. - Nintendo is like we're saving this generation from more hikikomoris that we'll birth. - What if Mario Party is Japanese Twister. (laughing) They're like this is how we get them to fuck. (laughing) Why is Meilyne's face look like I said something super racist there? - Mario Party and chill. (laughing) - They don't have Netflix and chill. - They'd rather create the next fucking Tron VR sex machine toy (laughing) than they would Mario Party online let's be honest guys. - What was the thing we were talking about before again? It was the Tenga. - The Tenga. - That operates with VR porn. - Does it? - Yeah have you seen that? - No. - To explain, I can't believe I'm explaining Tenga. - Tenga. - So Tenga is just like an own-a-hole or like a flashlight. - Flashlight. A flashlight basically, you stick your penis in it. - But it's branded so it doesn't look like a flashlight. - No it's like really way too overly stylish flashlight. - It's a classy. - Looks like a deodorant bottle. - Yeah. (laughing) It's like a classy pocket pussy, that's what it is. (laughing) - Can't believe you called it that. - So gross. - First class pocket pussy. (laughing) I hate that word, pocket pussy. I feel so wrong saying. - Stop saying it. - That's why they called it a Tenga right? - Yeah just call it a Tenga. But basically Tenga just came out with this thing where it's machine operated with like AI in it and it works in tandem with VR porn. So you'd put this thing on your willy and you don't have to touch it at all. You start the VR porn and the thing will move in time with what you're seeing on the VR porn. - That's fucked. - Jesus Christ man. - I don't want that, that's scary. I don't want that. - And I'm just like go to a brothel bro. (laughing) That's the first thing I think, I'm like just at that point just go get laid by a real person please. - That's like. - You're probably paying more for that tech than one session at a brothel. - I do you feel like going to a brothel is a bit different I think. (laughing) You gotta be the kind of person who's like, all right ima go to a brothel. I get it you know, if you want sex that badly but you're too shameful to go to a brothel I get it. - Yeah. You're gonna pay like I don't know 20 grand, then it's in your house right? - Right. - Just never have visitors over. (laughing) - Yeah exactly. - They'd be like what is that like medieval device you have in the corner? (laughing) Oh that's my sex machine. - No dude I saw like a video of it, it straight up looks like a torture device, if you don't know what it is. - I'm good, I'm good. I saw that on the news they had a thing here, where the government was commissioning AI companies to like match people together because the birth rate is declining so low, but then I also feel like. (laughing) - Now that's going into like dystopian worlds now. - Yeah but then I can't. - That's some JoJo. - You can't have a world that exists where we're AI-matching each other but then also having sex machines that cater for your every need. - Yeah right? - 'Cause why would I sign up to the AI matchmaking service? - Like 50 Shades of Gray in like 2050. - Yeah. - It's just like this guy just brings out his VR sex machine. (laughing) - Rolls it in on a trolley. (laughing) - Why would I sign up for an AI matchmaking. - Which Tanga would you like? - He's not romancing a real girl, he's romancing an anime girl. (laughing) - Why would I need to sign up for AI matchmaking when I have the like Cum tron 7,000 in my office, you know what I mean. - What even would the AI determine? Like how do you even determine that shit? - Hmm I don't know. - Your star signs seem to be matched very well, Capricorns and Sagittarius tend to fuck very roughly. - Knowing the Japanese it'd probably be something like, - Blood type. - Oh it'd be blood type, earning and male to female and it'll be right that's good. You're compatible with half the population, fantastic. - Yeah. - Nothing has changed. - I don't get Japan's obsession with blood types man. - That's weird. - Yeah, what is. - Do you know your blood type? - I don't know. I do not know my blood type. - I don't know my blood type. - I know, I think I'm O I think. - Is that good? (laughing) - Well I mean, I know there's three different types right? There's O, A, B and AB. - Yeah. - Yeah and AB is the rare one right? - AB is the rare one. - I mean I should know because I have like a blood disease, so I used to have a medical bracelet. (laughing) - Yeah you probably should know. - Yeah you probably should know, shouldn't you? - I used to have a medical bracelet that would be like, you know, if I am bleeding please give me this thing specifically. - Do you know what your parents are? - No. But then I lost the medical bracelet, so I don't know where it is. (laughing) - The one thing you probably shouldn't lose. - So I haven't got a replacement, it's been a few years now so it's just kinda. - Were you meant to like wear that always? - Not meant to, it's just like a suggestion from the doctor. (laughing) - What blows my mind though is that in Japan, at least in like Japanese schools, like you can get bullied for your blood type. - Damn man, that's next level bullying. - It's like oh you're an A-type right? - That's just racism with extra steps man. - Yeah that does sound like an excuse, it's like I bet he's a filthy O-type. - Yeah. (laughing) You can't hang out with us O-types because you're an A-type right? - Why does everyone know each other's blood type? - [Meilyne] You'll find out next month. - Yeah I think. - Yeah. - It's because like when you do health checks checkups. - Oh yeah we did that. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I haven't done mine yet. - Yeah we can talk about that. - Oh my God. - It should be written on your thing. - That was so strange. - So to explain since we're starring with GeeXPlus, we are technically under their health insurance and their company policy is that we have to get a health checkup once a year. - Which everyone in Japan has to do as well. - Which everyone in Japan has. - [Meilyne] Twice a year. - Twice a year okay. - Twice? - We've been here for one year already Meilyne but we've only had one checkup, how does that work? - [Meilyne] You're YouTubers. - Okay. (laughing) - Well that was good wasn't it? - Okay so we're supposed. - Very professional. - To go twice but we've only just been once and it was weird because. - Yeah true so. - It was weird seeing how efficient a health system can be. (laughing) - Yeah how long did it take? 'Cause I haven't gone yet. - It took about 20 minutes to get. - It was like 30, it was like 30. - Okay well 30 - Still that's fucking quick. - So in 30 minutes you do an X-ray, your blood pressure, you get weighed, you get blood taken, you do a hearing and psych test. - Yeah. - You talk to a doctor who'll talk to you. - And then you do a cardiogram. - And a cardiogram. - Yeah. - Wow in 30 minutes. - All in like 30 minutes. - All in 30 minutes - Fucking hell. - It was like speed running. We were speed running health checks and they even had like fucking splits as well. (laughing) - Because it was just like. - Go and split on that X-ray. - All right X-ray split done, all right blood taking split let's go. It literally felt like that 'cause I was about like. Because I had some problems with my form, so I had to fill out my form again. - Hmm. So I was only about like 5 to 10 minutes behind Connor. - Yeah. - And by the time I had just started my like. I'm gonna call it. - Yeah I was literally done. - I'm gonna call it a conveyor belt, 'cause that's what it felt like. It felt like I was in chicken run being processed. (laughing) So I had just started the process and Connor was almost done. - Wow. - It was the most efficient. - Because I saw the list of all the things that get checked up and I was like, oh this is gonna be like an all day thing. - Yeah you also have to pee the night before and bring it with you, which I just I always feel weird carrying my. - Oh yeah I do have to do that. - Carrying a vial of my piss. - A vial of piss yeah. - Who knows what might arise. (laughing) So you go into this room and it's like this really busy place in like Shinjuku, which I imagine a lot of people would go to if they were in Japan. - Yeah. - And then there's like. you go to this reception area that's like 12 desks, they're like all right come here, you hand the form they're like right go upstairs, you go upstairs, everyone's in like medical downs. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Then like a really fancy office looking thing. - All right. - It's really odd and it's basically just a small room not even that big with like couches in the middle, and then you can see the like sections, like it's a food court of like what's gonna do what. (laughing) You can see everyone getting their blood taken. - Oh wow. - Yeah. - You see everyone doing everything. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And then they're like all right go in this room get changed. So you put the medical gown on you come back in and then they're like right you have a number. So you are literally like a chicken in a farm. (laughing) - It's like actually chicken right? - Yeah it is, it is. - You literally are like a piece of meat being passed around the different things. - Right. - Yeah. - You gotta get it sanitized you know, (laughing) and so you just, they basically just come in they're like, number 124 and then you go in and then you just have to like hopefully understand what they're saying in Japanese - Wow. - Yeah. - And then they tell you. Yeah it was just fast, it was like boom, boom, boom. - Wow. - But I was like, Fuck dude I hate blood tests, I hate getting my blood taken. - Yeah. - God I haven't done that in a while. - And then I was like, I was just. - [Meilyne] Joey you should do it. - Yeah. - Yeah. I gotta do my next week yeah. - It's fun. - Is it? - No it's not. (laughing) - It's as fun as a health check can be because it was something that was so alien for me, especially coming from the UK. - Yeah it was really fast. - Which you know big up the NHS for giving everyone free healthcare but the price you pay for that, is that you have to wait for everything. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And when I say everything, even just going to the fucking GP, sometimes you're like. - Yeah. - You got a fever or something I've phoned up my GP and they're like oh we can't. - Six days. - Yeah we can't book you in until next week and I'm just like great I guess i'll just try to sleep off this fever then. - I guess i'll be sick for an entire week then. (laughing) - And by the time you can see the GP you've already, most of the time you've already recovered. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I think I never see the doctor in London but I booked three times to see it when I was like dying and every time before the appointment, I got better and I had to cancel it. (laughing) 'Cause it was like I'm already better. - Right. - 'Cause like it literally takes a week. At least in London it's even, it's worse, but I remember like, I think I fell, I broke my arm one time when I was a kid and I was in the emergency room and I'm like, fuck dude I'm gonna have to get an X-ray and they're like yep so come back in a week and a half and we'll give you an X-ray and I'm like What? (laughing) Like What am I supposed to do in a week? What about my arm? (laughing) They're like you'll just come back in a week and a half, I'm like but what I do till then? (laughing) They're like oh just don't do anything to it, I'm like what do you mean don't do anything to it? I mean want am I supposed to do for a week and a half? Not move my arm? So stupid man. - Well. - Yeah and it was so weird going to the Japanese health checkup and they started off with the X-ray, 'Cause like when I think X-ray, in my head I'm just like, I'm not getting an X-ray unless it's something serious, So this is obviously like the big checkup, this is the X-ray but no they fucking lubed us up with a fucking X-ray man. Like we went in there. - Oh yeah. - They'd go please go to the X-ray machine. - It's just like a rectangle on a wall and you just put your chest against it. - Yeah. - It was really odd. I've never had that. - Oh 'cause when I imagine X-ray, I imagine like the lying down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I've always had that. It was bizarre. - I've never had an X-ray done before. - What was weird actually was the cardiogram. - Oh yeah I've never had that before. - Yeah I've never had that before, where it's like lie down on the bed and you kind of feel like a mental patient about to get lobotomized. 'Cause they put these. - Suckers on you. - They put these. - Oh. suckers on you and then they put these appendages on your heart and your arms and legs. - Yeah. - All right. - And yeah it just kind of feels like you're about to get lobotomized. - I was waiting for like the electric shock to come or something. (laughing) I was like go hit me arg. but no nothing happened then they had to lube me up as well, they do it to you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They just put like lube on you 'cause I think I had chest hair. - All right. - So it doesn't go. What Meilyne? - Yeah, yeah. (inaudible speech) - What do you mean? It's a natural medical procedure. - I'm not talking about my in-depth colonoscopy Meilyne. - Meilyne is off-screen just like blushing. - Which by the way. - At the smallest details. - I was told if you're over 35, every year you have to have a colonoscopy. - Really? (laughing) - Yeah every year you have to have a colonoscopy. - It's because in Japan hemorrhoids is a really common problem. - I'm legit. - How? - I'm legit serious, I think I saw something a little crazy, like one in four men in Japan have hemorrhoids. (laughing) - Yeah Connor was telling me afterwards that he doesn't want a colonoscopy because he is afraid that it'll awaken something in him. (laughing) - All I'm saying is like what if I dig it man? (laughing) - What you gonna like crack a fart on the fucking (laughing) surgeon table like. - I don't know man. (laughing) - He's like aah. (laughing) 'Cause I was momentarily confused when they said colonoscopy, I'm like wait, wait, I'm like which end is that? (laughing) - Which end is that? - 'Cause I thought about it, would you rather something go up your ass or down your throat? - Up my ass. - I thought up my ass. - He thought it was going down your throat, so they check your throat or down like your stomach whatever. - What's that called? That's a different thing right? - It's something else and I was like totally down. I'm like all right fine put it up my ass dude. (laughing) - Down my throat, Whatever up my ass. - No, no it's the opposite way. - Oh the opposite way? - Opposite yeah, yeah. - I'd rather something up my ass than down my throat. - Meilyne is in disbelief. - Don't take that out of context. (laughing) - Meilyne, what would you. (laughing) I'm kidding. Also when we were doing this health checkup as well, We had like the blood pressure thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - where you put the arm and like the thing in it, which also always feels weird. - The thing that squeezes your arm. - Yeah, yeah. And then the doctor was like, yeah you did good on that and I'm like what does that mean? (laughing) What does that mean I did good? - What is doing bad? Like arg! - I'm like explain what did good means, that your numbers are good. (laughing) I'm like yeah but explain the fucking numbers to me, what is this supposed to mean? - I put all my attention into my arm to change my blood pressure. - Yeah I was doing something like Hunter Hunted nend shit on that thing, (laughing) I'm like heart rate zero. - You did like Avatar blood-bending shit, it's just like. - Yeah. I was like I will now make my heart rate zero so my enemies cannot find me. (laughing) - And then we've got our blood taken and I remember before we got a blood taken, we were talking about you know. (laughing) We were talking about how the Japanese health system had. We've all had pretty good experiences with the Japanese health system because we will all have like. - Right, right. - I don't know why, we all have that inherent fear that you know everyone's had a shitty experience when they have taken the blood and they've just missed the vein. Right? (laughing) - Yeah oh God. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And that happened to me. (laughing) - Really? - Yeah, like it was foreshadowing, that happened to me. 'Cause I knew it as soon as he stuck the needle in. 'Cause you know you can feel it, when it goes straight into your vein, it feels exactly like the doctor describes, it's just like a prick right? - Yeah. - Right. - And it just comes out, so he sticks his needle in and I could feel immediately that something was wrong (laughing) 'cause he was like that's not a vein that's muscle, and you start feeling pain and I felt, sorry for anyone who has like a needle phobia, 'cause I'm gonna, so I can feel him like kind of twitching the needle around. - Oh. - In my arm and I'm just like how do I tell him it's not there? How do I tell him it's not there? (laughing) And he does it for like a full minute before he realizes oh there's no blood coming out, and I look over. (laughing) - He's pulling up fat. - Yeah. (laughing) - And I look over and there's like you know like the vial of blood? - Yeah. - The vial was filled up that much. (laughing) It's like the minute he was poking my arm and am like. - It's probably just a scar tissue blood. - Yeah and I'm just like, God fucking dammit man, I knew it. - I felt so embarrassed I was like, fuck I wanna be cool and not like shit myself here. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But then I was like oh God and I was like, oh no the nurse is cute oh no I can't, I'm gonna make a fool of myself. - No I think with needles, I feel needles are the only time where you can bring out your inner pussy and just be like I don't, no, I hate it. - I can't look at the needle going in. - Oh I have to look at the needle going in. - What? - You do? - Yeah like it's on the contrary for me. If he's like all right, we're gonna go in and if I don't see it and I feel a prick that scares me more. - Joey is just like it's going in. (laughing) - Yeah. No Legit. (laughing) I have to go hard but, (laughing) I'd just be like (laughing) do it, do it now! (laughing) Come on! (laughing) - Wait What about staring at you being pierced helps you? - Because I know when the pain is coming. - What?. (laughing) - You know what I mean? - No that's worse! - No because then you're expecting the pain right? - No, no what's worse for me is unexpected pain, where I'm just chilling and then suddenly it's like ow! - You barely feel it if you don't look though. - No, no, no. - Yeah. - I feel it more if I don't look. - What that's? - Because that's like, have you ever like cut yourself or have like an injury? You don't feel that all day. - Yeah. - And then suddenly you look at it and you're like wow there's a cut and then suddenly you start feeling it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. - That's me and needles. - Really? Because every time I get cut it's just immediate pain. - Like I can't imagine seeing blood literally gush out of my veins and thinking yeah that looks like a painless experience. - Not gonna lie, like during the summer for instance, 'cause like during the summer your blood pressure is a lot higher. - Yeah. - So when the blood comes out it kinda just like gushes out and I'm just like oh that looks sick. (laughing) I like looking at that, it's kind of cool. I'm like whoa that's coming out of my body, fuck. - I remember when I was a kid they would just give me this like contraption that was just like filled with like paint oil and it would just like all of it would like, you would flip it over and I'd start playing like crazy. - Yeah. - They should do that to distract me. - (laughing) To distract yourself. - Yeah 'cause I was like wow look at that thing go wow hey. - I just look at the vail and I'm like whoa that's cool. - That's weird I can't do that. - Really? - I was just like I put my hand on the table and I'm like go ahead. (laughing) - You smacked it off. - I was like Kawaii man go ahead. (laughing) - Why'd you have to like smack it out? - I'm like come on get ready boy. - Belt in the mouth. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm like we using mine or are we using mine? (laughing) - Yeah. - What was weird for me, because normally when I get my blood taken, I'm used to it being like a private place. - Yeah it was weird. - You know what I mean? You know what I mean? - It was only in front of everyone. - Yeah and so we had our blood taken, it's like a conveyor belt and I was just like eyeing up the next guy, the guy next to me getting his blood taken. - Yeah there was three of us right next to each other, getting our blood taken, it was very odd. - And neither of us could look at the blood getting taken and we just fucking met eyes and just like, all right. (laughing) - And then we kissed. - Yeah it's like meeting guys in a urinal. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - For you it's just like sir this is awkward. How's your day going? Oh you look like an O-type there, fuck you mean. (laughing) What are you meant to say right? - Just trying to strike up any conversation. (laughing) - I guess it is odd that we made it into a private thing in the West right? Like does it really need to be private getting your blood taken? - It doesn't but I feel more comfortable. - I think it's that people would prefer it right? - I prefer it but if that means that I get medical tests way fucking quicker in the UK. - Yeah. - By all means do my colonoscopy in front of the other patients. (laughing) I do not mind, Like let's get this done. - It's like oh you cracked a fart too same high five. (laughing) - If that means I can get it done 20% faster and I can get on with my day. - Yeah exactly. - I'll gladly get my blood, if I faint in front of a group of 20 people who cares. - That's why in my head I was like, oh this was gonna be an all-day thing. - I thought it was gonna be an all-day thing. - Because a health checkup anywhere else is definitely an all-day thing right. I think the worst part was that you couldn't eat or drink anything the night before. - Oh really? - Yeah. - After like 8:00 pm you have to stop eating and drinking, - Yeah. - And normally that wouldn't be a problem but when you tell me I can't eat and drink, I'm like well fuck now I wanna to. (laughing) Well now I wanna just eat and drink. - Wait can you drink water? - Oh you can drink water. - Oh right, I was gonna say. - You can drink but water is the only thing you can drink. - Yeah, yeah. - You can't have any alcohol. - I was like it has British people like shaking Tea, tea arg! (laughing) - Yeah basically no substance in your bloodstream the night before. - Why is it substance? What are you taking Garnt? Garnt's like fuck. - You gotta put the belt and spoon away, it's like fuck damn it. - Goddammit, they're gonna see my heroin veins and everything man. - It's like Make sure to hit the heroin vein. (laughing) - It's like don't worry I got this, I've done this before. (laughing) I'm kidding. (laughing) - Garnt's got this. - And this is a joke. How does you take heroin again? You take a pint of heroin that way. - Yeah, yeah. - That's how you take it right. - It's a pint, it's a pint definitely. - Can't believe the Trash Taste boys made a light of drug addicts. - Yeah, well, In case you don't get sarcasm, none of us have done heroin okay? It was just like so wanna make that clear. - Yet, Unless. - That's the good dark art of the Trash Taste. (laughing) - No, okay we should stop joking. - Trailer Trash Tastes. - We can stop joking about it. Oh my God. - I heard you guys had an exciting taxi journey. - Yeah so I convinced Joey to get a taxi 'cause Joey wanted to get the train home 'cause it's about like half the price, but you know it was like midnight. - It was the day when Connor and I were streaming at the Trash Taste office, if you guys saw on our Twitch. - Yeah. - but it was like 11:00 pm when we finished? - Yeah and I was like Fuck getting the train home, Come on Joey let's get a taxi, it must be comfortable. it's late you know we just dreams. - I don't know what you see, I don't know why you like have this massive thing about like the comfort in taxi. It's not that much more comfortable. - It's not comfortable. - Dude it is so much more comfortable. - You say it as if it's like business class versus economy class. - Honestly that's the way I see it. - No, no. - No. - Because also right now with the Rona going on, if I can avoid getting a train, i'll avoid getting a train. - I understand that. - Yeah. - But for me, like I would most like 90% of the time, I would rather get like, have a longer journey that I can actually do stuff on because I can't do anything on a taxi. - Well I can do more on a taxi. - I look at my phone and I immediately just get carsick. - You can't do anything on a train in Japan. - Yeah I mean you can watch YouTube videos. - Yeah, yeah. - You could do that in a taxi. - No, no I can't because I get carsick. - Because I didn't know why. - I'm sorry that your natural selection didn't favor you Joey that's not my problem. - Oh wow. - I'm not the only one (laughing) Garnt gets carsick as well. - Both of you. (laughing) - I think most people get car sick when they look at stuff. - Yeah. - I'm focusing on the YouTube video or the thing. - It's because you can't see outside so the inertia just fucks you up. That's how you get carsick. - I'm not sure about the exact science of car sickness but like cars are the only vehicle I get motion sickness in. - Yeah. - Anything else I can like read. - Boat? - Boats. - Well that's not carsick, is it? It's sea sick. - Yeah, that's. - He said vehicle. - I don't think I get seasick. - Really? I get seasick sometimes. - I get slightly seasick. - Of course it's 'cause normally people who are carsick get seasick. - I don't get carsick that easily though. - Unless you're watching something? - But if I'm looking down at my phone, I can't read in a car. - No, no, no. Like I don't get carsick if I'm just sitting there listening to music. - God carsickness must be hell then. - Yeah it's fucking boring for me. - When you have to travel like four hours in a car, what do you do? - God I fucking hate my life. - I just turn on my music and go to bed. - I think that's why I've conditioned myself to be able to sleep so easily in cars. - Yeah. - Because I literally can't do anything in cars but sleep and listen to music. - But it's weird, I can do the exact same thing on a bus and not get sick. - On a bus? - Yeah I could be on a bus and watch YouTube or whatever or read. - Fucking look at the needle. - And i'll be fine. do this shit? Look What happened to you. (laughing) What happened? - If I do that in a car five minutes in I'm sick. - I think it's the smaller the vehicle, the more likely I'm to get sick. I don't know what the science is behind that but if it's like a small taxi, especially if it's a small taxi and we're like squeezed in, - And if you're in the back seat right? - And if you're in the backseat. I just get immediately motion sick. - I don't wanna be in the front of the taxi, I don't wanna make eye contact with the taxi driver. - You don't have to. What, you think you're just gonna fucking do this the entire ride? (laughing) - Well sometimes you know, you might find yourself wandering and you look at him and it's this awkward moment of like, hi, how are you doing? - No, I've never done. - Good driving, good driving. (laughing) - I'm awkward, I don't wanna make eye contact with him. - I have the same problem in the backseat, where I accidentally sometimes look at the rear view mirror. - No, that's the worst. (laughing) - I sometimes look - That's the worst. at the rear view mirror. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then I make eyes to them and then just like, hi there, hi. (laughing) - You just has to do it silent like nod. - The worst is when they're a fucking awful driver as well, you gotta pretend like they're doing this good job and there just fucking insane. - Yeah and that's why I prefer to be in the front, 'cause I'm less likely to get sick in the front from shit driving - Yeah. than in the back. 'Cause you're fucking thrown around in the back. Anyway the story so. - Oh yeah, we were talking about the fucking story. - Okay we can go back into taxi (inaudible speech). - So anyway Connor was like, look it's 20 minutes home, on a comfy taxi. - It's quicker. - It's quicker and we're comfortable. - It's quicker by only like five, 10 minutes. - We get closer to our house 'cause you would have to go to the station and walk. - Yeah. - Not that much. - So I was like all right, fuck it. i'll fucking humor your taxi ride. So then we get in the taxi, the taxi is driving fine and then we go onto this kind of bridge thing. - Mm-hmm. - and then just some random police officer walks out onto the street and kind of flags us down, - Right. - And tells us to go into one of the roads, and immediately the taxi driver was like, just the Japanese equivalent of Oh fuck. (laughing) - He's like this 90-year-old dude, - Yeah he's old. - just being like Oh shit and he pulls in and Connor and I are like, what the going on? And I ask the taxi driver I'm like Is something wrong? and he's like, (laughing) I was speeding. (laughing) I was like you got stopped for speeding? And he's like yeah I was doing 80 down a 60 (laughing) and this fucking old dude just walks out of the taxi, fucking like you know Ozzy Osborne style, kind of stumbles out. (laughing) - Four policemen surrounded this poor old man. - Yeah. And like in the middle of the night, as he's filling out this paper for work, and Connor and I are just kinda sitting there being like, oh we could have been home by now if we went on the train, huh. (laughing) The one time I humor this man to get on a taxi. - Listen that is the first time I ever had a taxi driver been pulled over by the police you know, 'cause I was just hoping that they wouldn't be like, all right let's have a look, well these boys in the back look pretty foreign. Let's see what's going on with these boys. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's why I was like Fuck come on. - I was afraid that might happen as well, so immediately like before the police officer even started talking to us, I just immediately bust out the Japanese, be like what's going on officer? (laughing) Yes I am Japanese. (laughing) - The police officers asked us, they were like is it okay if we stop you for now? Like the driver. - Yeah, yeah. - And that was like what if we said no? - Yeah I'm like what are we supposed to say to that? Like no, no fuck you. - We're in the middle of fucking nowhere, (laughing) there's no taxis anywhere. What do you expect us to do like walk home? - They pulled us over some bridge, So there wasn't like much there, so it was just like some water, - Right. - And then like a bunch of like a power plant nearby, so it was like nothing, it was really odd. - So four police officers, like fucking busted down this decrepit taxi driver. - Yeah just for this guy and then there was two other police officers just standing there doing nothing 'cause that's what they do here. - Every police story I've heard in Japan is all about how many police officers you need versus how many was actually needed during the scene. - They literally send like six police officers to like someone falling over on a bike. - Yeah. - It's like it's insane. They're so bored here, they've nothing to do. - Yeah they need spotters right? (laughing) He's like I got you bro, nice policing you're doing there. - 'Cause normally in the UK, it's always like two people. Like it's always a squad right? - Yeah, exactly. - Two people and you know. - Go one and your partner right? - Yeah it's normally how it should be right? Because also I don't know if this is on purpose, but it's very intimidating when four or five policemen are crowding around you and you haven't done anything and they're asking you questions. They all look pissed off (laughing) and I'm like well come on, what's going on here then? - Yeah right? (laughing) - What's all this about? - I felt so bad for the old dude, 'cause he looked like he was about to get fucking beaten up by these four police officers, (laughing) 'cause they're literally were just crowding around him, just like looking down at the paperwork. - I've never been in this situation as well, this is the first time where I've been near police where they haven't asked for like my ID and like information and stuff. - Well yeah because I busted out the Japanese quickly. - Yeah, yeah, true. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's so annoying 'cause you just go near them and they're like hey can we see ID and all this? and I'm like why? I'm not involved in this, I'm literally just a customer leave me alone. - Well you think I had a gun pointing to this taxi, like do 80, do 80. - Do it, do it, do 80, you sick cunt. (laughing) - No like what? - Start playing European in the background, hey come on, Gas, gas, gas. - Yo drift this corner, drift this corner. Do it, do it. (laughing) I know what I'm doing, I've done it one time. This video is sponsored by Mack Weldon. There are a lot of things that you'd probably like to leave behind in 2020, one of the most important being your old underwear boys. (laughing) (Joey screaming) If you're rolling into the new year with the same bunching, chafing and uncomfortable underwear then you've gotta check out Mack Weldon. Mack Weldon is an essential piece of my daily routine, thanks to this card holder boys. It holds all my cards very neatly thank you Mack Weldon. - I have a face mask because I'm scared of the outside, as should you be. - Wait Garnt what is that that you're wearing? Is that Mack Weldon? - It is a nice little Mack Weldon fleece. 'Cause it is winter right now, (Joey inhales sharply) - Damn! - And the it's cold outside and I just want to feel comfortable. - You're looking fly. - Thank you very much. - Mack Weldon has all the men's essential covered: Socks, shirts, hoodies, underwear, Polos and active shorts. Mack Weldon promises comfort and consistent fit with versatility. that look great and feel great, from working out, going out, going to work. - Or even going on a date. (laughing) - Mack Weldon is for everyday life. - Don't forget about the wide range of technology (laughing) what the fuck are you doing Joey? Don't forget about the wide range of technology of customized fabrics that can keep up with you no matter what your day looks like. 18 hours, silver, air knit, dry knit, warm knit. - That's a lot of knits but did you also know, Garnt? There's Weldon Blue, totally free loyalty program? Level one gets you free shipping for life. Once you reach level two by spending $200, you get 20% of every order for the next year Garnt. - Get out of here Connor. - It's insane. - On top of that there is the guarantee that Mack Weldon gives you. Do you know what is The Mack Weldon guarantee? - What is the Mack Weldon guarantee? - Well Garnt I'm glad you asked. Mack Weldon wants you to be comfortable, Garnt. So if you don't like your first pair of underwear, you can keep them and they'll still refund you, no questions asked. - Even if I've worn them before? - Especially if you've worn them. (laughing) - I'm here too. - Especially if you've been a little dirty gamer boy and not gone to the toilet. - For 20% off your first order, visit mackweldon.com/trash taste and enter promo code: trashtaste. That's mackweldon.com/trash tastes, promo code: trashtaste for 20% off, Mack Weldon. - Reinventing men's basics. - Reinventing men's basics. - Don't steal this line from me Connor. - Thank you to Mack Weldon for sponsoring this episode back to the show. - But in general I do find taxis a little awkward, I don't know as somebody again who thinks about things a lot socially, I like to think of like the perfect social situations. - What's awkward about them? - Yeah. - You talk so highly of taxis right? - In Japan it's good because I know they'll, actually some of them do actually try and talk to me. - Like virtually none of them ever talk to me, but some of them will. - I feel like some of the older ones, they bust out a conversation. - Yeah. - Some of the people who also like, maybe learned English in college or something. - Especially I've noticed taxi drivers in the countryside. To me as I like Oh yeah they love talking. - Yeah. - Yeah. - In the city it's just like, all right. You're a customer I'm a taxi driver, I will not communicate in any way, shape or form. - Yeah, yeah. - It's charming in Japan I think, when the taxi driver is trying to talk to you. Especially in English, when they're trying to talk to you. It's like oh, damn. you're putting on the work. So please focus on driving but you know go ahead. - The best taxi driver I ever had was in Okinawa and we were going from. - What constitutes a good taxi driver? - Yeah that's a good question. (laughing) - Okay it was a good taxi driver. - Wait do you like it when your taxi drivers talk to you? - Sometimes, I gotta be in the right mood I feel. - Yeah, yeah same here. - Like you know if it's like fucking 3:00 am right? - Yeah. - And I'm like either drunk or just tired or both and I'm stepping in I don't wanna have a fucking conversation with the taxi driver. - Yeah, some sometimes you get in a taxi drive and they ask how your day's going, and I'm just like arg. - Can you tell by the way I look? - Here we go, here we go. (laughing) - I mean it depends if I'm alone or with friends, have you ever had a taxi driver who butt into a conversation between you and friends? - Oh, yeah. - No. - That I hate that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm like Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait hold up, hold up. (laughing) this isn't a social invitation, sir. (laughing) - Now the best taxi ride I had was in Okinawa, because we were going from our hotel to this like one castle in Naha and it was like a 30-minute taxi ride. - Okay. - Right. - And the dude was like you know, obviously an older gentleman but he clearly had been there his entire life, - Yeah. - And he knew immediately he's like oh foreigners, you clearly don't know a whole lot about this place huh? And he started talking and he took us on this really fucking scenic route. - That's pretty nice. - Like throughout all these places but he said he's like I took you on the scenic route but i'll charge you for the regular route. - Oh. - What a nice guy. - So he was nice enough so he would like actually kind of stop the car and kinda be like this is this, and it's a kind of cool thing. - Man's a tour guide, (laughing) not a taxi man goddamn. - No legit Like he was like a tour guide. - I actually had something very similar happen to me when I went to Koshi Valley. 'Cause we wanted to go to this one. - Are taxi drivers just part-time like fucking tourists? - I think they're just happy because they just have, One, they're happy to have tourists there. - Yeah, yeah. - Because I'm pretty sure business has not been banging this year. - Oh yeah true. - Yeah. - So yeah me and Sydney were on this taxi ride to get to this winery and he's like let me give you a tour of the other wineries in the area as well, just in case you wanna go to one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah he only charged us for the taxi ride to the one winery but yeah, we got a tour of every winery down there. - Show me these taxi drivers, I'm never getting any. - Again I feel taxi drivers like that though, really only exist in the countryside. - Yeah nobody gets - Yeah. - That in Tokyo. Dude in Tokyo they're fucking miserable. - Oh, yeah I would be too to be honest. (laughing) - It's in Rappongi, there's a big cemetery. I'll find it - Oh, yeah, yeah I forgot the name of it. - I'll send you a picture of (inaudible speech) but there's this whole area right next to this giant cemetery right? - Yeah. - There's a big stretch of road and taxi drivers just sleep there. - Like really? (laughing) - There's hundreds of taxis parked right? And they all park and they all just sleep and change clothes in this area. It's on a busy road in a really busy area. - All right. - Yeah. - Which they all just sleep there, it's so bizarre, yeah you can do that here. You can just park your car on a busy road and just sleep - Yeah. - Like people do that it's so weird. You can't do that in the UK. - No I feel most countries you can't do that. - No even in the countryside that'd be weird, someone would come and slap you and be like, yow are you okay, what's up? (laughing) - Have you by the way seen, I couldn't fucking believe this, but have you seen those rare taxis that you can get in Tokyo? - Rare taxis? - No. - I can't believe Japan has actually done this, but they've literally turned taxis into Gacha. - Oh my God. (laughing) - Of course they have, of course they have. - I forgot the exact name of it, but I think it's called like Sakura taxis. - Right. - So you know how like in most taxis and this is only a Tokyo thing, but like, you know how on taxis they usually have like the signs on top of the car that like show whether the taxi's open or whatnot. - Yeah. - Apparently out of, I think the 7,400 taxi cars in the greater Tokyo area there are five taxis that have a Sakura thing on top of it and supposedly that's like the SSR of taxis. (laughing) - What do you get? What buffs do you get? - No 'cause one of my friends actually got it the other day. - Yeah. - And when you enter into the taxi, it's lot, lot nicer, and actually like a first class of taxis. - Goddamn. - And inside there's a little sheet of paper that says congratulations you've found one of five fortune red taxis. (laughing) - Fuck I hate that, I think that's so fucking cool. - Yeah, I think that's so fucking cool, and I'm just like, I really wanna kinda go around now, trying to find this fucking mythical taxi, this SSR taxi. - Dude my fucking Gacha pull. (laughing) - Yeah right? - It's the Gacha pool of taxis now. (laughing) - Garnt's frothing already. - Oh my God. - He's like oh my God. - It's like every time you use Tokyo taxi app, you're just like come on give me the SSR. (laughing) - What is this like a 0.01 pull or something like that? (laughing) Fuck it, i'll give it a go why not? All right Connor let's get more taxis now. - Garnt's just calling taxi after taxi to his house and they're all just parked out. (laughing) - It's like are you the rare taxi? No, don't worry I don't need a taxi. - It's like oh, fuck, it's blue bag blue bag. He's just like come on give me the gold bag, give me the gold bag. (laughing) Well I just think that's so fucking cool, that's just like one extra I guess, like piece of enjoyment you can have as a tourist right? - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - Knowing that now when you come to Japan and you go in a taxi, you can look forward to that, being like finna pull the SSR's off taxis. - It's the one reason as a tourist you should use a taxi because Goddamn they're expensive in Japan man. - Oh in Tokyo they're fucking expensive. - They get pissed off if you take a short journey as well. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I've noticed that sometimes I've had too much shit to carry, so I've had to get like, it's like a short walk from the station to my house but I remember like a few times I've gotten the taxi because I had like too much stuff to carry, they were like oh there? Okay. (laughing) - Oh here this house. - And then I say like thank you when I leave and then don't say it back and I'm like wow. Okay in Japan that's like the biggest fuck you. - Yeah. - yeah. - I'm like didn't say thank you back, the audacity. - That's like the equivalent of flipping the book. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, literally. Yeah. (laughing) I didn't realize that until someone pointed it out that it happened another time as well. They were like wow that was really rude, I'm like was he? I thought he was just driving (laughing) - Well he didn't say thank you back, what a fucking asshole. - The first time it happened was a similar situation where it was a very short journey, it was like an $8 journey not even right. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And then I got out and the other person with me was like wow that was so rude. I'm like what was rude? He just drove us he didn't say anything, he's like yeah I said thank you, he didn't say it back, I'm like oh okay. - The audacity of this bitch. - Yeah. (laughing) Ima finna get back in that car and give him a slap you know. (laughing) - That's the thing, it's just Tokyo taxis that are just so fucking expensive. - Yeah. - Because like if you think about it catching a taxi in Tokyo is a luxury because trains are just so fucking convenient in Tokyo, whereas the moment you were out of the greater Tokyo area, a lot of places without a taxi you're fucked. - Yeah. - I think it depends where you're going. 'cause there's some, if you're on the outskirts of Tokyo, if you're going in like an arc, like a quarter circle let's say, they don't really have trains that go, like London right? It's the exact same. - Right. - Where trains go in and out and they don't go round normally. - Right, right. - So if you wanna go the to outskirts, most of the time to get like, just a 15-minute taxi drive away, it might require you to go in, all the way to central, and then go out. - Yeah yeah that's true. - That's like 50 minutes and it's like well you know, how much is 45 minutes of my time worth or 30 minutes? - Right. - Yeah. - But I think like the majority of people - Central Tokyo. - Just don't really. - leave no excuse. - Care about that. - Yeah, I feel you're like you know going to Shinju. - Whereas in Okinawa, there's literally one tram line that goes for five stops (laughing) and that's the only train line that they have on the entire Island. - Yeah. - So that's why the taxis are like half the price that you get in Tokyo. - Yeah if the people rely on it, the local government will help insure. - Yeah like a 30-minute tax free ride in Okinawa I was talking about was like 2000 yen. - Oh shit seriously. - Yeah it was really, really cheap. - 'Cause in Tokyo that would be about like 60, 70 bucks about. - Yeah. - I'm convinced right, that in Tokyo they don't make people retire, they make them become taxi drivers. (laughing) - Yeah I swear most times taxi drivers, when I see a young taxi driver, I'm like wow you've made a career choice. - Yeah I'm like something's up. - You made a bold career choice here what's going on. - Because I speak to people and I swear to God, they look at taxi drivers like McDonald's workers here. - Yeah. - Do they? - Because it's like, you don't need any qualifications except drive, which you know they expect you to do. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it's just like a throwaway job they make old G sons do. - Yeah, yeah basically it's like, I think the average age of a taxi driver here is like 70 - It's like you can retire in Japan. (laughing) - You become a taxi driver? - You wanna see yourself retire or become a taxi driver. - It's either taxi driver or a construction worker. - Um. - But not actually. - Oh yeah. - Doing construction. - Yeah. - Just like holding the signs (laughing) and being like this way please. - Yeah it's nuts how fast they built houses here, it's like crazy. - Yeah we had like a whole school be built right next to the apartment I'm living in, - Mm-hmm. - In the span of the year I was living here. - Jesus. - Which is fucking insane. - They built a full like three-story house next to me in like two months. - Fucking hell. - I was like what the fuck? What the fuck this ain't right. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - No it is crazy especially like say when you go into the city or whatever and you haven't been for maybe a couple of months. (murmuring) it's surprising the amount of things that have changed. - Yeah. - You'd be like, oh this building (laughing) was completely different two months ago, now it's just magically here. - Going back to taxi drivers though, have you ever had any weird or bad taxi experiences worldwide? - Oh yeah definitely in Europe, I've had some. - In Europe. - Pretty shitty taxis. - Where in Europe? - France. - Oh. - Oh okay. - Was a taxi and Uber, the worst Uber ride I ever had was in France. - I don't know why all the weird taxi experiences I've had have been in LA. - Really? - Yeah, yeah yeah. - Like taxis or Ubers? - Ubers. - Ubers right. - I like When they taught you in LA, it's nice. - Ubers in LA I've always had a pleasant time. - It's weird because I've not for like the most part, I've had very pleasant experiences with Uber in LA but sometimes I get a really odd experience and it's. Okay so the oddest experience I've ever had with Uber in LA, it was during AX time, (clearing throat) It was me and two other friends and all we were doing was we wanted to take a taxi to the convention hall, and this was late at night by the way. - Mm-hmm. - So it wasn't like the daytime, it was like let's say 7:00, 8:00 pm, so it was kinda nighttime, the sun was down. So we call this Uber and this car just rocks up and it's like a fucking decrepit (laughing) broken car. - Oh no. I was just like. - Shit. - How the fuck has this passed like Uber standards? (laughing) - I'm pretty sure that like a dead body had been in there at one point. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You know what I mean? So we were like oh this is the Uber? Oh okay so we were like whatever. It's like a five, 10 minute journey anyway, doesn't really matter that much. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - So we get in this taxi driver, and immediately he opens his mouth, and you can kind of feel that he's not all there in the head, (laughing) he has a screw loose right? - Right - Why, What was he saying? - So at the beginning he was talking about, guys I gotta ask you a favor, can you please give me five stars for my journey? (laughing) All I'm asking for is one five-star, I just want a five-star okay. I just keep getting one stars and I don't know why, I don't know why, I don't know why. - He's like the one light kid. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's like we did it guys. - And then I'm like okay that's an aggressive way to ask for a positive review but sure. - That is not how you get five stars. - Sure we'll give you a five star, so he starts driving to this convention hall right? - Yeah. - And he puts it in the GPS, go to the LA Convention Center, and then it says to go on a turning right? - Yeah. - And then it says please turn right, doesn't listen he goes forward right? - Right. - So it's fine the GPS corrects itself and goes please turn right at the next turning, ignores that one keeps going forward and in between him ignoring this GPS and getting further and further away from the Convention Center I might ask, 'cause I was like on Google Maps, 'cause I was like What the is fuck is this taxi driver doing? And he goes and he keeps talking about this fucking five-star and one-star run right? - Right. - And he goes if I get another bad review, I'm gonna lose it a man, (laughing) I'm gonna lose it. - You're like hovering the one-star. (laughing) - He keeps saying that and I'm just like making eyes, 'Cause I'm sitting in the front and my teammate's sitting in the back and I'm just trying to make eyes to be like. - Oh you're in the passenger seat? - Yeah, so I'm just like, - Oh, no. - Yow if he pulls the gun you've got my back, right? - Yeah. Like if something happens, you've got my back. And so the third time the GPS tells to turn right and he misses it again and I'm just like shit man. Something's gone wrong, we need to get out of this taxi right now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'd rather get another Uber. than get further and further away from safety, which is the Convention Center. - Right, right. - Than stay one second longer in this taxi, so we're like don't worry man, we're close enough to the convention center. We can just stop here and he goes are you sure? And so we're just like yeah, yeah please stop. Please just stop here. - I beg of you. (laughing) - And so we get out of the taxi and as I'm getting out he leans over and he goes, you're gonna give me a five-star, right? And we go Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, five-star. Five-star, You promise? Five-star yeah, five-star. (laughing) And we're like yeah, yeah don't worry, we'll give you a five-star. All right looking forward to that five-star, drives off instant one-star. (laughing) - I was gonna say, I hope you gave him one-star. - Yeah, I hoped it was a one-star. - 'Cause people are just like, I don't care how nice you are, you shouldn't fucking be an Uber driver if you're pulling shit like that. - That's the equivalent of getting a pizza delivered and the guy being like $20 tip right? You gotta give me a least a $20 tip, $10 no, no, no 20. - But I could very much see during that experience why people gave him one stars because I mean I kind of feared for my safety at one point during that taxi ride. - I mean it's not even a matter of him just like ranting about like, I'm gonna kill a bitch if I get another one-star. It's the fact that he wasn't even going the right way. - He wasn't going the right way and like I was like okay. At the beginning when he asked for the five stars, I was like whatever it's a fucking review. - Yeah. - I don't give a shit but when he was like I'm gonna lose it man, I'm gonna lose it. (laughing) I was just like oh shit man. (laughing) - That's fucking terrifying especially LA, you don't know what the fuck's gonna happen. - Yeah exactly. - Well that's pretty scary, isn't it? - Yeah. - I've suddenly haven't had any of the crazy taxi journeys really most of them are pretty chill. I don't know I feel like it's really hard to have a bad taxi journey. Although someone gave me a one-star once as a customer on Uber and I was confused. - Really. - 'Cause I don't think I've ever done anything in a car, but maybe I did something that like ruined this man's day and he gave me a one-star. - Oh wow. - Yeah I know. - I had one really memorable Uber ride in LA, and it was again from where we were staying to the convention center, it was like again another like five, 10-minute ride. - Yeah. - And this massive Jeep rocks up. - Right. - Right. - There's only two of us, I'm like okay that's a bit overkill but whatever. - Okay. - Jump in and just this like the biggest black dude I've ever seen. - Right. - He's got like not like fat, like built. Like he's got fucking brick shit house all right, and he's just like are you Joey right? I'm like Yup and he's like LA Convention Center? All right I got you. (laughing) Like super chill right? - Yeah. - And so the car drives off, like two minutes later he's like, aye yo you mind if I put on some music? (laughing) I'm like yeah man whatever you want right. - Real nice circulation. - Just like yeah man whatever you want, it's all good and he's like all right cool. He turns on something right? There's a million different artists, you can envision a person like that might listen to right? (laughing) - Just like oh yeah, just like you know it could be any fucking like hardcore hip hop whatever right? - Yeah. - Whatever the dude's into, fucking Enya comes on. (laughing) - Hell yeah. - He's just like, ♪ Who can say where ♪ (laughing) - Hell yeah. - You can't just have a fucking Terry Crews moment and like white chicks. - Yeah, and I'm just like, I just started laughing, I couldn't help I'm like, if I laugh this man might kill me, but this is just too funny and I'm like you like Enya huh? And he's like, yeah helps me to relax. (laughing) - Dude that's fucking amazing man. - Yeah it was fucking great. - Full on respect to the dude. - Yeah it was so cool. That's the thing though, I didn't know if he was like trying to make me laugh or he was actually being serious but either way I was like, you know what, I can get into this. This is a really cool, you know what props to you man. (laughing) You may be brick shit house but you listen to some Enya whatever man. - I'd love to be an Uber driver and just troll people with music. - Oh yeah, yeah. - I would as well. - You mind if I put my favorite music on? it just plays like. - Lucky Star opening. (laughing) - No if I become an Uber driver, anime ops only man. - Yeah, yeah. - Anime ops only. - As I was hearing your story I was like, have I ever given an Uber driver a one-star? I don't think so. - That was my only one-star. - To me it's like five-star is like encompasses everything from the best experience to my life to you got me there in one piece. - Yeah. - Right. - Four-star is like you literally broke down, you shit yourself (laughing) the car stinks. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You've killed someone, you hit a dog as well. All right four stars. - Yeah, yeah. - And I've just never used a one-star I'm like didn't even know it was an option, you know I thought there were just two. - There's zero-star as well that you can give. - Is there? - Yeah I think so. (laughing) (mumbling) - What does someone have to do to get zero-star? - I mean like the worst Uber ride that me and Aki went on was in France, in Paris and this dude like. - You could Uber in France? - Yeah. - Fuck. - And this man almost actually got us into a car accident. - Yeah french drivers are nuts dude. - Yeah. - I remember when I was I kid. - He was fucking shouting at everybody and like the shittiest kind of like start-stop kind of driving - (laughing) yeah. - Where I'm just like, bro I'm gonna be fucking sick all over this car. - Yeah. - And he got us there and he was like okay, okay we're here for you know whatever, and I was just like all right man, zero stars. - Didn't you get, you got scammed in Italy right? - Yeah almost. (laughing) - 'Cause like In like Italy and a lot of European countries, except for like I don't know, Germany is pretty good for it. I think, like Prague is really bad for it and places like that. - Yeah, yeah. - Where the taxi drivers mad scam you and you gotta be like, it sucks, 'cause it's the most un-Japanese thing ever. But you just gotta be like, no I'm not paying that. - Give me an actual fare. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like this is ridiculous. - Yeah so we landed in Rome Airport and there was just a dude outside of the gate just being like taxi, taxi. - 'Cause they know you're tourists. - Yeah 'cause they know it's tourists right? And we were with Aki's parents as well, so Aki's dad was like, yeah, yeah, yeah sure. You know 'cause he's an Uber driver right? (laughing) - And he's like how much to this hotel? And he looks and he goes uh 50 euros and we're like all right whatever. So then he takes us to like the back of the airport where it's like right opposite where the hangar is. - Right. - And there's just this van, (laughing) and we get into this van and he's like, okay hold on, I call my driver and the guy fucks off and we're left in this van and the longer we look around this van we're like we gotta get the fuck out of this van dude. (laughing) Like this is not a taxi because then I looked up like, you know standard Italian taxi fares to the airport from the hotel. - Yeah. - And we're like a normal taxi ride is like 20 euros and this dude's charging 50 and we're like, we gotta get the fuck out. - Don't fucking listen to those in Europe man. - Yeah. - Like they'll try and get you away, 'cause there's always gonna be an official taxi stand. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Which you should always go to. - Yeah. - So we immediately like, we didn't even wait for the dude. We just like grabbed our shit got out, went to the regular taxi stand and we're like all right thank God. - I mean I'm pretty sure for like any country, you wanna go to the official taxi stand. - Yeah. - Well some countries have way stricter rules on taxis than others and like even if you get one somewhere random, yes a lot of countries you'll still get like. I mean Japan you get it anyway, you're gonna get the standard fare. - Right, right, right. - Right. - Same in like Germany and UK as well, I'm pretty sure it's all the same thing, but yeah, it's. - Yeah. - Yeah we learned our lesson and we were about to get. I don't know where the fuck this guy was gonna take us. - Couple of you got in someone's van. (laughing) - Literally what they warn against as you're a fucking kid. - Yeah, right? - Don't get in any van ever, unless you're the one who's booked it. - Well I think like the craziest in terms of taxi drivers I've had are probably in China. I remember there was this one taxi journey I had in China where it was literally like I was in a crazy taxi game. (laughing) You know what I mean? Like this guy was full-on fucking, he might as well have just been like drifting initial D style. - Right. - Right. And he was like in the middle of fucking Shanghai, and whenever there would be pedestrians on the road, he wouldn't slow down. He was like tapping his horn like it was a fucking quick time event. (laughing) You know what I mean? - That's extra dumb shit. - Like he literally had one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the horn, 'cause that's how often he tapping it man. - My God. - I had never like feared for my life. - You go to Chinese driving school and they're like, right so roll the window down pre so that you get ready to shout at people (laughing) and make sure your hand is always on the middle, (laughing) steering is optional. (laughing) - Jesus Christ. - Oh my God man. - I mean you told us about the story before about the situation that was not (murmuring) right? - Oh, yeah. I've just had weird taxi journeys what can I say. - You have. - It's just Asia seems to have some weird fucking taxis. - That's just Asia and driving rules in general right? - Oh yeah that's true. (laughing) - Which is why like we were talking about bad taxi experiences in Japan. I don't think I've had an even like a bad mediocre experience in Japan. Everything has just. - No it's good. - Got the job done. - If anything the best taxi rides I've had have been in country like Japan. - In Japan right? - Yeah. - Everything's metered, you don't have to worry about tipping or anything like that. I mean sometimes Japan has been the only country where I wish tipping culture was a thing. - Yeah I wish it was a tipper. - Yeah right. - Because I wanted to tip that taxi driver who took me on a tour of different wineries. - Yeah same. - Without asking and stuff like that, I'm like please let me. - Lemme give you money. - Give you extra money. - Yeah we were all fully prepared to like pay the extra, because he was taking us around the scenic route and he's like no, no, no, no it's okay. Stay the price, I'm just like, bro come on. - I want you to go home tonight and treat yourself. - Yeah exactly. - Get something nice. - Exactly. - Speaking of like giving five-stars and one-stars and stuff like that, have we ever talked about what the reviewing mentality is here in Japan? - It's just in terms of everything. - I noticed that right away when I moved here. - Yeah. - Yeah. - How like nothing on Amazon is above four stars. - Yeah. - It's not just on Amazon, like everything on Google Reviews. - Google maps, yeah. - Hardly anything is above four stars. - Yeah. - And if it is then it's only like two reviews right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - They do use Google Reviews mainly for like restaurants and stuff, but there's also a thing called Tabelog, a lot of people who think there food critics use. - It's like the Yelp of Japan basically. - Oh my God, it's insane, 'cause it's like these people review these food restaurants and like three stars for restaurant is considered good. - Yeah. - And that's like it's done it, it's impressive. (laughing) - Because I remember when I first moved to Japan and whenever you'd look up restaurants on Google, you'd see like 3, 3.5 stars, maybe the occasional 4, - Yeah. - And in England or in America when I see a three-star restaurant, I'm like yo something's gone wrong. - If it's below a four then I'm just like up with this place - Someone found a rat in their food or something man like I don't know. (laughing) - I don't understand it's like, do the Japanese think that the stars on Google Reviews is like Michelin stars? - I mean I understand it because they actually. I respect that they have a mentality where they literally actually use every star in the review system. - Right. - 'Cause it's like the MAL review right? - Anything below seven is shit. - (laughing) Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure MAL users don't realize that under five stars actually exists. - Yeah. - Because it's either like seven if it's good. - Six is really bad. - Six is really bad and like five is the most (laughing) awful anime you've ever watched. - 'Cause for like a restaurant the way I imagine it is like, what would I tell the owner if he was right in front of me now? - Right. - Like would I genuinely sit there and be like, this was a three-star experience, (laughing) you know what I mean? - Yeah. - How are you gonna do that to the poor guy, he's just trina run a business right? - Yeah. - It's 'cause to me you know, if I go somewhere I really like the food, I have nothing bad about it, how in good faith can I be like, yeah you don't deserve five stars. - Yeah. - 'Cause there was nothing wrong with it. Like this was exactly what I wanted, I got what I needed. Yeah it wasn't fine dining, it wasn't crazy but there was nothing wrong. - Sorry go on. - Oh sorry I was gonna say like that's the thing I wanna ask about these like super harsh Japanese reviews right? It's like what is a five-star? - Yeah. - It's like do you want a blow job from the chef? - Because this is also another thing where like, can you judge really a restaurant the same way McDonald's? - Yeah. (laughing) - Because what I was gonna say is, even the fine dining restaurants are the same star ratings, - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And that's because they expect a fine dining experience, so if they get the fine dining experience. - That's standard, that's normal. - That's standard, you've done the job and so that makes me wonder, What the fuck would a fine dining restaurant have to do to get a four or five-star man? - It blows my mind 'cause like I said, like comparing McDonald's to like a fine dining experience, 'cause they really shouldn't be on the same scale right? 'Cause they're totally different things. - Yeah. - So when you go to McDonald's, what are you judging about McDonald's? Are you judging the place, the food? What are you judging? 'Cause the food isn't gonna change really. - Yeah. (laughing) - It's probably not gonna be any different. - Yeah. - The only thing that determines a good McDonald's experience or a bad one is like how fast the food comes out. - Yeah that's what I see on Google Reviews, i'll see a two-star McDonald's and i'll see a four-star, and I'm like what is the difference? (laughing) Like ultimately I cannot tell the difference, yes it might be dirty or whatever. - I had three less fries than I ordered last time. - That's what confuses me because then I'm also like, okay so if I rate this McDonald's a five-star, what am I rating it a five-star on? Am I rating it on a five-star because I have. - Compared to other McDonald's? - Compared to you know. - A bigger question is, who the fuck is rating McDonald's on Google? (laughing) Who are you people? - Who is that boy? - I don't do that. (laughing) It must be okay not to be rude but you know, people who are like yeah it's my only fine dining experience. (laughing) I will review every McDonald's I go to. - People who call them McDonald's a restaurant are the same people will call motels, hotels you know. (laughing) You know? - I've noticed that every single like really, really high-rated place in Japan like 4.5 or higher. - Yeah. - Is normally like a disgusting wait time to get the food. - Yeah, yeah. - Right. - Because when you get to that star in Japan, I feel like you get almost like a fandom, like a hype around you. - A cult following. - Yeah and then everyone starts telling everyone. - It's like yo, yo this has got a 4.5-star. - You gotta go there early, you gotta line up, and it's like well fuck now I can't enjoy the place. (laughing) There gotta make it a three-day in-advance reservation. - Yeah I noticed that as well, Japan's restaurant culture especially if something is highly acclaimed, it all spreads via word of mouth. - The Japanese love lining up. - Yeah. - I don't know, I don't get that. (laughing) They love lining up. - As a British person, I can appreciate a good queue. - As a British person I can appreciate a good queue as well, but not to a restaurant. - No, Yeah. - You know what I mean? - I can't fucking stand queues dude. - Yeah if I wanna go to a good restaurant that's exclusive, please let me book it. Please, Please. - Yeah. - I don't want another Gacha system, I don't wanna line up. I want just to have a booking and a specific time I turn up or you could be like us and try to book a table at Denny's, (laughing) and completely fail. - 'Cause we always eat Denny's before we record a podcast and we had one of the guests over and we're like oh shit that's a lot of people, we might have to book a table at Danny's . - Yeah. - So we were like hey, Meilyne. - Which to give context, it's like trying to book a table at McDonald's. - Yeah. - So Meilyne. - You guys know Denny's. - Called up Denny's and was like uh can we book a table for six? and the guy came back and was like. - This is a Denny's man. - What is booking? This is a Denny's. (laughing) Why are you trying to book a fucking table? (laughing) Just come to the restaurant, please. - Man this is Denny's. (laughing) - Wasn't it like he called like the manager or something. - [Meilyne] Then he said like wait I'm going to get someone, he comes back and he was like uhh this is Denny's we don't do reservations. (laughing) - We don't do reservations. - We don't do reservations Yeah. - This is a fucking Denny's. - It's so exclusive, you have to turn up on the day. - It's the most polite way you can just say, it's a fucking Denny's why are you calling for bookings? - Yeah what the fuck's wrong with you? - But also even like going back to normal reviews with products like all the products are like that as well, - and like. - Yeah. - If you see something with fully five stars on Amazon with over like 20 reviews, you're like damn this must be the shit. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Or they're paying for those reviews. - Yeah, yeah, true. 'Cause I remember when I was buying a, going back last week, buying a bed. I could not find a bed over three stars on Amazon. - No I couldn't either, I remember that. - Like there was no bed that was above three stars and I'm like, how many problems are people having with beds? and I would go to the reviews to read what they were saying and they were all saying that the build was too long and that was the problem. - That just sounds like your problem bro. - I've had some of the most pedantic reviews on Japanese Amazon. - They get so iffy wit it. - I've had like someone one-star a product because the packaging was bad. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a really common problem. - The product's completely fine the packaging was a bit off. So they were like, one-stars. - Yeah that's what drives me insane, is that they almost always review this shit around what you're actually reviewing. - Yeah. - It's like oh the delivery man had a bad attitude, One-star. (laughing) - It's bullshit, if the package is a little beat up, but the thing's totally fine. - Yeah. - Fantastic. - Yeah you're gonna throw out the packaging anyway. - Yeah. - Who the fuck cares. - I don't give a fuck, as long as I can use the thing I need so what? This shouldn't be a blight on the company that sent me it. Like this is fucking absurd, I guess I remember as I brought it up to Chris as well, 'cause I was confused and Chris was telling me that Riotro told him it's something like, three is what you expect, - Yeah. - and it is good and then five is like above and beyond. - Yeah. - To get five stars, it has to be beyond exceptional, like beyond what you wanted. Whereas I think for me five-star should be like, all right this is what I paid for, you gave me exactly what I asked for no problems, five stars I don't know weird, weird. I guess it's different cultures. - How do you guys feel about seasonal products here in Japan? Because, you know every country in the world has, like seasonal products. - Do we? - And stuff but I feel. - I guess so, yeah. - It's just not as heavily advertised as us here. - But like Japan take it to the next level. Whereas half the shelf sometimes I feel, is like seasonal products. - Yeah everything is seasonal, everything is premium as well. - I mean I get it now, I remember they would talk about it in the anime. They were like. - (laughing) In the anime. - They're like you don't know the pain until your favorite item has been removed from the Konbini. - Yeah. - And I feel that. - I feel that as well - Because so many items that I just liked and for some reason, the items that I specifically like would just randomly get removed. (laughing) - Yeah. - From the Konbini, - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I'd be like oh it'll be back next week. - Not gonna lie, every time I walk into a Konbini and I see something is like new. - Yeah. - I'm just like oh I might grab one of those you know. - I don't wanna try it, I don't wanna get attached. - Yeah, that's exactly (laughing) how I feel now. - To be betrayed. - I feel like so many times living in Japan, I go to a Konbini, I try out this new product that's only available for spring, 'cause it's like the spring special. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Or the winter special products try, absolutely love it and then a few months later, it just disappears. - It's gone. - I'm like fuck man I want it now, you've given me a craving (laughing) and you've removed the craving and now I'm gonna have to wait all year. - For it to maybe come back. - Yeah for it to maybe come back, 'Cause it might not even come back. - I hate that when they like bring out like a new Strong Zero flavor. - Yeah. - And I'm just like man this is way better than the standard flavors (laughing) too bad it's only around for two weeks and i'll never see it again once it's gone. - Yeah 'cause it's not just like items, Sometimes there's like menu items in like restaurants as well. - Yeah, yeah. - That are only available during certain seasons. - I mean I feel the biggest problem with that is that the one thing in Japanese like especially supermarkets and restaurants, they love to do that whole like, seasonal premium shit with fruits. - Oh God. - Right? - We've gone out, we've ranted about fruits so many times. - We've ranted about fruits, but like I remember like I went to uh. I don't remember, no it was a Royal Host. I went to Royal host and they were doing this like seasonal thing with grapes. - Right. - Like the green grapes. - Oh yeah, I remember this. - Like the muskets and I tried a few of them 'cause I liked green grapes and I was like oh this is really nice. Went back the next week and it was gone I'm like fucking hell, this is really premium isn't it? (laughing) It's like I swear it was only on the menu for like three days (laughing) and it's just gone. - Yeah I swear they take like limited time sales to like another level here. - Yeah. - Because it feels like a lot of things are just very limited. It's a limited edition something, it's a limited edition product. - I mean you know one can argue that that's like very good marketing. - It is very good marketing I guess. - Like people will look at something premium, being like well I guess if I can only get it now, I should get it now. - It is kinda cool going into a place and just having stuff being new constantly but then there is also the fact of like yeah I did really like this one thing and you took it away from me. (laughing) - Yeah. - So I'm very attached. - 'Cause it's like the same thing whenever you travel to a new prefecture or something and there's every prefecture. Like we talked about it before, every prefecture has a specialty and an item you can only get in that prefecture. - Every prefecture will tell you that, this is the best rice in Japan. Every prefecture will tell you, it's all the fucking same. - So like definitely living in Japan, I've tried more, like I've gone out of my comfort zone with trying new products and new sweets and new foods and everything but at the same time I've just found more cravings that I can't get on a normal basis anymore, (laughing) Because it's only available from a certain prefecture. - What was the fucking maple cakes that we bought from. - Manju. - Yeah the Manju that we bought from Hiroshima. - Oh, yeah. - Those were so fucking good but the problem is you can only buy them in fucking Hiroshima. So it's just like cool. - Yeah I'm not really a sweet person but then like we bought those, and I ate one and I was like fuck I wanna eat all of them. (laughing) - I was really pissed off that I bought a tiny box. - And I only bought a tiny box fuck. (laughing) - Could have gotten the pack of 24 but instead I got the pack of eight. - 'Cause you never know, Sometimes you go you try out this new thing, you're like it's all right, it's mid it's whatever right? But sometimes you find that really amazing product and you're like fuck. - Fuck I need it. - But then on the contrary isn't it amazing when you find that one regional thing that you think you're never gonna see in Tokyo, and then just one random shop sells it. - Yeah true. - Fuck yeah man. - Fuck yeah, like I remember in Tochigi for example, they had this thing called Lemon Milk. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - which I fucking love, it was a regional specific thing for the longest time and I was like well fuck, I gotta make a trip up to Tochigi every time I want this. - Yeah. - So I would always buy it in bulk when I would come back home, - Naturally. - but of course it doesn't last, right? And then the craving comes back and I get fucking regressions. (laughing) But then I remember I walked into like a random Konbini once and they were just selling it. - Right. - And it was like fucking El Dorado you know, (laughing) it was just like ah the secret was here all along. Fucking bought all that shit then brought it back and like all right note put it on Google maps, this is the Konbini that sells the Lemon Milk. - The Sapporo special thingy beer, what is it? What's it called again? - Sapporo beer? (laughing) - No, no, no. What's the prefecture called? Hokkaido. - Hokkaido. - Hokkaido yeah. - Pretty forgot for a second there, yeah Hokkaidom the Sapporo beer tastes way better when they have like the actual Sapporo beer. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - It tastes so good, I wanted to bring so much back but it's heavy. - Does it actually make a difference, though? - I genuinely think it tastes much better. - Really? - Yeah. - I think Sapporo in Japan tastes worse than I remember it tasting abroad. I don't know it's weird maybe it's 'cause I have it way more often now but when I had Sapporo like. - Hmm. - On tap somewhere else I was like, oh this is so much better than the other beer that we have. - Oh yeah, yeah but I think it's because you're comparing it to other beers right? Like I remember Asahi tasting infinitely better in Australia. - Yeah now it tastes shit. - Now it tastes like shit. - I don't know why. - Yeah Asahi does taste bad. - But now I'm more scared to go back to Australia and have the shit beer in Australia, I'm like (laughing) if I think Asahi is mid now, which used to be like God-tier before. - Yeah. - I don't wanna drink a VB right? - Yeah, yeah. - Like I feel like I'm gonna throw up drinking that shit. - I can't imagine going back and going like, drinking a Carling again. - Oh God. (laughing) - Carling is like piss water in the UK. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's like one of the worst beers and there'll be sports bars in Japan that are like we're partnered with Carling. (laughing) - Yeah, I know. (laughing) - We sell Carling and Carlsberg here. - I've seen that before 'cause. - Or Budweiser. - Yeah Budweiser. - Yeah 'cause I've seen like special restaurants. They sell like this Thai beer called Singha beer and it's like in Thailand, it's like the dirtiest, cheapest beer you can get. (laughing) Like they don't even put it on tap, they put it in like a can, you know what I mean? - Oh the tinnies, the tinnies are the fucking worst. - And in Japan they're on a menu, like 500 yen for a little can of Singha beer, fresh from Thailand. - Who is gonna go to Japan and be like, oh we have exclusive Heineken (laughing) in bottle, 700 yen please, it's like What no. - Yo Heineken in Amsterdam is fucking great. - Yeah it's very good. - Heineken in Amsterdam is good. - Beer wherever it's brewed is the best. - Well yeah. (laughing) It's like you know, I had a fucking uh, oh my God I'm blanking here the Irish one uh. - Guinness. - Guinness. - Guinness in Ireland is like infinitely better. - Guinness in Ireland does hits different. - Yeah it's fucking amazing but then I had a Guinness here on tap. - Why would you do that? - Because they were having it on tap, so I'm like I was curious. I was like all right well, Guinness in Ireland is so good. - I do that every time as well. - Yeah I was like oh they have Guinness on tap here in Japan, let me see. - Why'd you do it just to get hurt all over again? - Because you hold out the hope right? - Yeah. - You hold out the hope of maybe this is the one, maybe this is the place that recreate. - It's like this pub might be the SSR pool. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. - It's like this might be the one. - Maybe this is the one and every time I get disappointed. - It's never gonna be the one. It's never gonna be the one. - I was like every time I see like Irish Pub in Tokyo, I was like, - Yeah. - Is that the one? Is that the one place that I can go? - It's 'cause it's not even Tokyo it's worldwide for me, and like every time I see a Guinness on tap. - Yeah. - 'Cause it has to be on tap never that canned shit. - Oh no, no, no. - But like it has to be on tap, 'cause I'm like it's on tap, maybe this is the one. Maybe they figured out the secret and I'm still waiting. If anyone in the world has ever tasted a Guinness outside of Ireland that tastes as good as in Ireland. - They're delusional if they think so. - Please, please hit me up. - I need to know. I need to know where that is. - And I will literally travel to that fucking place to try it. - Why not just travel to Ireland Garnt? - Well yeah i'll just go to Ireland at that point. - No I'm curious, I'm curious to see if there's any place outside of Ireland. - It doesn't travel well you know? That's the sad truth of it Garnt. - It's like Kangaroo as well, like that shit does not travel. - I'm okay with that staying in Australia actually. (laughing) - Dude I had a kangaroo steak here in Japan at an outback steakhouse of all fucking places. - Why? - Just 'cause I was curious and I was like man this shit does not travel, (laughing) I found that out on that day that kangaroo does not travel. - You know what's also bizarre? When I was in Hokkaido, I was at a train station, and it was like 11:00 am. - Hmm. - Yeah. - There were so many people drinking beer, in the station. (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah. - Just like everyone every kind of like, you know group you can imagine, like young girls, old men, young men they were all just chilling in the station, just drinking a Sapporo beer. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm like this is weird right? Everyone's just drinking beer at like 11:00 am. What the fuck? It's in the train station like the public waiting area, it's just so bizarre. - It's like that in Okinawa as well but instead of beer it's alimony, which is essentially just really fucking strong shit, it's basically Okinawan vodka. That's the only way to describe it. - I forget sometimes about the public drinking laws here, which you can drink publicly here, because I feel like I didn't expect to see so many people drinking in the daytime in Japan. Like I get surprised when I see an Izakaya open, because I'm like, who the fuck is going to an Izakaya, like 12:00 am for lunch. - You'll see 'em and they'll be drinking a Bevy. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I never thought that the concept of like lunchtime beer was a thing here until I saw it for myself. - Yeah. - And I was like wow, they're actually having lunch and beer. - And it's always like the people you don't expect, 'Cause it's always like the old people right? - Yeah, yeah. - The old retired people, who are just like hey, let's just have a lunchtime beer. - Yeah let's crack open a beer like at 12:00 pm. - To be fair in the UK, it's all the old people do as well. - Yeah, yeah it's true. - If you ever go to Wetherspoons at midday, you'll always see the same old people downing pints at like 12:00 and you're like it's okay they'll be asleep by 4:00 anyways. - Yeah. - Yeah it's true. - It doesn't matter. - Like speaking of like little seasonal and regional stuff that you can only get in Japan, has there been anything you've, like any little products or anything you've missed from home or from any other country at all that you like actively get a craving for? - You know I have Garnt. - Oh man. - I know you have Connor. - My parents shipped out Pot Noodles to me. - Oh (laughing). - Because I do like the ramen cup noodles they have here. - I die a little inside whenever I hear Connor say that. - Yeah. - Because right? I'm not saying that the pot noodles in the UK, which will be on screen, are better than the ones in Japan, I don't think that. - All right. - I think the Japanese ones are superior in every way. - Yeah. - But there's something familiar and comforting about the flavor. - It's nostalgia right? - And also it's very spicy which unfortunately. - Oh. That's hard to come by here. - Yeah it's really spicy, it's good shit, I love it and so my parents for Christmas, because you know ever since you start making your own money, it's like right I buy everything I want for myself. - Right. - Yeah. - So they're like what can we get you? And I'm like well you can get me something I can't get myself. - Right, right. - And not love, none of that. (laughing) - Just send me Pot Noodles from the UK and they're like Pot Noodles? I'm like yes, please send me Pot Noodles, so they did. - Right. - It was amazing. - I always asked my parents. - I teared up. - To send me like Australian sweets and something like that. - Tim Tams perhaps? - No we can get Tim Tams here. - Well they suck anyway. - What? You don't like Tim Tams? - Hello they're overrated. Every Australian swears by them, like it's national pride or something. - It is national pride. (laughing) It's fucking awesome. - It's just a biscuit. - Oh my God get out of here. - I think a biscuit is like, the most underwhelming sweet. Like it's hard it's never satisfying. - It is. - Like soft cookies are way better than hard cookies as well. - Yeah. - What do you think Joey? - Oh I get that, I get that. But like we also have like. Wait so do you guys consider Tim Tams to be hard cookies? - No biscuits. - Biscuits oh hard biscuits, rather? - Yeah there hard biscuits. - Yeah, yeah. What's the difference? - 'Cause that's a soft biscuit to us, 'cause we have these things called. - What you eating rocks for hard biscuits? - We have these things called Anzac cookies, which are literally rocks. - Like I don't wanna have to worry. - Kids break teeth trying to eat these. - I don't wanna have to worry. - That's not a cookie. - If I have to worry about breaking my. - It is a cookie. - If I have to worry about breaking my goddamn teeth, it's not a fucking cookie. - Yeah. Anzac biscuits are fucking. Like Australians watching this would know, Anzac biscuits are fucking awesome. - It just sounds like a health hazard with eggs. - Yeah I don't want it. - It is a health hazard. - It's like chewing. Dude you could work out your jawline eating this fucking cookie. Like it's so tough. - We had these growing up. I still have these in the UK obviously, but they're called Digestifs, did you like those? - No. - Suggestives? - Digestif biscuits. - Digestif biscuits - What? - Digestifs they're called. - That is not appealing at all. - I realized that's not a very fitting name. (laughing) - They were awful, I never liked them. - What's the fuck is a Digestif biscuit? - It's just like the most plain biscuit you can get and it's got like a soft layer of chocolate covered on top. - And the chocolate is shit chocolate and the biscuit is like just dry. - Like a milk biscuit or? - No, no, no, no it's like a wheat biscuit, yeah that's what it looks like. - A wheat biscuit? - Yeah. - Oh God that doesn't look good at all (laughing). - Because you're supposed to like dip it with tea and coffee and stuff like that. - But then sometimes you dip it in your hot tea and it falls apart and your fucking tea's ruined. - Yeah. - But you can do that with a Tim Tam as well. - But I can't do that. - That's too much chocolates put in the tea basically. There needs to be like a perfect chocolate ratio, chocolate-to-biscuit ratio, 'cause Tim Tam's like covered in chocolate right? - Yeah, yeah. - That's too much. - If the chocolate starts melting on your fingers as you dip it in tea that's like too much. - You never done a Tim Tam straw before? - What the fuck is that? - What the fuck is that? - That's like a thing like you do in Australia. - So Joey is like you never done a flip flop kangaroo? - Here's some Australian culture for you all right? So you get a Tim Tam, it says usually you do it with a cup of tea. - Yeah. - Or a cup of coffee or whatever you prefer, you get a Tim Tam you bite both ends off. - Right. - And then you use it as a straw to suck up your tea and coffee and it's awesome. (laughing) - Is this some down under joke? Us in the up and over don't care. (laughing) Like what the fuck? - The up and over (laughing). - When is something a culture and when is it just like stupid? (laughing) - It's what we do, that's what some people do. I did it once and I was like yeah it's cool, I don't do it every time but it's just a little thing (laughing) you can do. - Yeah I don't know. - We gotta find our own fun in Australia, right? There isn't a lot to do. - (laughing) Exactly. - All right. - But yeah I don't like biscuits at all. - No it's definitely like the worst. I'm not really fond of cookies either, I think cookies are overrated. - Maybe it's just because UK cookies are just shit. - No, no, no, no. - No, no, no. - No it's not I've had cookies everywhere. (laughing) - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Come on. - The fucking store brand cookies are always shit, fresh cookies out the oven. When they're like, they need to be. - Soft, soft, soft. - Soft and chewy I do not. Okay my favorite cookies I can get are actually subway cookies. - Oh okay yeah there bomb. - Subway cookies are fucking great. - I get it, I get it You like the ones where you can pull it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Easily off yeah I like that, that is the best, good. - If it's not fresh out the oven, What I hate is if I bite in a cookie and it crunches. - Shit goes everywhere, crumbs annihilate the room. - If I have crumbs then I'm like this, I this is a cookie. This is just a biscuit with extra steps, you know what I mean? - Just a biscuit with attitude. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like my cookies to be gui. - Yeah. - I like it to be soft. - Not gonna lie I've never thought that deeply about biscuit in my life. - I have. - I have because you grow up in the UK you're watching American cartoons and for some reason in American cartoons cookies are like like I don't know the thing that fueled the world, (laughing) for kids generation. - Right. - Cookies were what like the Mayans used to barter and negotiate these kids shows me cookies to be like the godsend of like everything. So when you grow up and you can stop buying your own things, you're like well. - Yeah. - I mean cookies are the best treat, then you start having them. You're like wait these are kind of shit. it was always like you know that mythical cookie Jar right. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah cookie jar. - I didn't have it in my house, so I assume everybody else has one. - It was just like cookies were like insanely like valuable, you know kids were dying fighting wars on the playground - Like currency (laughing) - Yeah literally it's you know? - Cause like for me whenever I get like baked cookies or someone who cooks fresh cookies there's like as soon as it comes out the oven the timer fucking timer starts. - Yeah cause when it's dry it's shit. - Yeah exactly cause you gotta be like. - 100% cookie speed right? - I gotta like enjoy this before it starts hardening and it's like as soon as it starts hardening, it's one of the few objects in the world where moist is a positive adjective. (laughing) You know what I mean? (laughing) - No I get that, I get that. - I feel bad when people like make cookies like the day before and they bring them and there like you wanna try one of my home baked cookies, I'm like I could. - Yeah. - I could try one of your home baked cookies but I will be sorely disappointed. - Like those and brownies like if I have like a dry brownie it's like the limp dicks of brownies. (laughing) - A brownie does need to be a little like. - Wet. - yeah, yeah. - Moist. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If it all just fucking crumbles apart though when I touch it I'm like well. - Yeah. - The structural integrity of this brownie is appalling. - If it's flaky then it's too dry. - If it's not making like a nkt, nkt sound as it should you know. (laughing) If it's not making that sound then it's a bad brownie, you feel me. I can't be the only one that thinks that. (Mumbling) It needs to be like ASMR levels of like lips smacking in your ears. - Did your supermarkets in Australia like have bakery sections where they would bake things? - Yeah, yeah, yeah we did. - In the UK to be fair, they used to make pretty fucking good cookies and brownies. Do you not think so? - Sainsbury's. - Sainsbury's would have their own bakery. - Okay I know the best ones he goes Sainsbury's then Tesco's then Coop cause those. - Do these all sound like just made up names? - Yeah they do. (laughing) - These are the supermarket chains in the UK all of them have their own bakery. - Yeah. - And like you get like four fat ass cookies for a pound. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And they were always like freshly baked on the day and soft and they were fucking good. - They were good cookies. - You could buy the like packaged ones but like why would you do that when you could go and get like a full box of brownies. - Yeah. - Like 16 little chunks for like quid. That's a no brainer. - Right and there freshly baked. - Freshly baked. - Yeah. - Really fucking good. - Yeah that sounds way better. - Yeah i'll tell you what I do miss that I didn't think I would dairy milk chocolate. - Yeah I liked dairy milk chocolate. - Because I thought whenever I came to Japan on holiday and stuff I was like man, the chocolate here's bomb. I fucking loved the taste of chocolate here. And then after living here a year I just feel like I've really something homely about dairy milk. - No they've taken the American way of making chocolate. - It does taste like American chocolate. - Because what they've done is instead of having more milk and making it like a richer taste they're like hmm let's just substitute with more sugar. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then you get this kind of weird chemically taste which I like, Hershey's. Hershey's tastes like in my mind like question marks with sugar. It's like I don't know what this tastes like, it doesn't taste like chocolate, it tastes like a made up. - I am not a fan of Hershey's at all. - American chocolate does not taste like chocolate. - I used to like really like Hershey's. - Really? - I still kind of do whenever I'm like in the UK. - It's not as rich, so you could eat more of it. - Yeah because what Hershey's tastes like, it tastes like cooking chocolate right. - Hmm. - Oh like the melting chocolate. - And I don't know why as a kid I fucking loved cooking chocolate. - Well is normally for poorer quality. - Yeah yeah exactly. (laughing) It's poorer quality but as a kid, I just like anytime we'd cook chocolate I just like always have to dip my finger in it. - Oh yeah of course. - Give it a quick taste and that's what Hershey's tastes like. So as an adult eating Hershey's like brings me back to being a kid and then I have two bars and I'm just like okay this is actually just shit. (laughing) nostalgia gone it's just shit chocolate now - Like American fan, you have it rough man, I know we clown you guys all the time (laughing) but like your chocolate is fucking awful. Please like import some like milker or dairy milk - Cadbury. or something yeah. - Cadbury milk chocolates are the fucking best. Cadbury's is dairy milk right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I think it's owned by an American company now. (laughing) But it used to be I mean a lot of the British chocolate's really good. I think that's one of the things we actually did pretty well. (murmuring) Yeah I think chocolate in the UK is really fucking good. - I think chocolate all over Europe is pretty damn fucking good. - You guys get it from Europe. - But it gets hella bougie and then like the rest of Europe and like - Swiss chocolates and stuff. - Swiss chocolates is fucking great. - It's great but it's like seven bucks sometimes for like a small piece . - It's great but every time I have a bite of Swiss chocolate, I can feel the chocolate entering my veins. - Yeah it's a very intense. - It's so rich. - Depends 'cause I think my favorite like big brand Swiss chocolate is like Lindt. - I do like Lindt. - Lindt's really good. - But you gotta like sit down after you have a bite. (laughing) You're like arg. - It's fucking great. - It's like doing a pint of cocaine. - It's fucking is you go on a journey, when you take that one bite man, when like the truffle inside is just like the perfect consistency. - No, no, no, no. - When you bite off the hard shell and it just the soft truffle and it's just like ah, it's beautiful and my mouth is watering just describing it. - I fucking love a good Ferrero Rocher. - Oh Ferrero Rocher, oh my God. - Yes Goddamn. - Ferrero Rocher is fucking amazing. - Ferrero Rocher milkshakes are like the best thing ever. - Ferrero Rocher's ice cream is fucking good as well. - You can like grind it into like a milkshake and it's fucking amazing. - Oh like DIY. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh wow. - Some places do it. - Really? - I feel like I increased the clause, Whenever I say Ferrero Rocher. - Yeah. - It's someone's porscheous word, I can think of off the top of my head and it sounds so good. - I can feel the molecule forming on my eye. (laughing) - I do need to top hut every time I say Ferrero Rocher. - Ferrero Rocher. - Ferrero Rocher. - 'Cause I feel like you experience Swiss chocolate, you don't eat Swiss chocolate. - No. - You know what I mean? You eat British chocolate, like it's something you can just eat. (laughing) You know what I mean? - The Swiss don't do drugs they do chocolate. - Oh man sometimes I like buy like a packet of Lindt and I'm just like I'm having a good day today. - Can you eat all of the Lindt package in one go? 'Cause I can't like 'cause I feel like I need a pallet cleanser, every time I have like a rich chocolate I'm like give me the wine to go with it, (laughing) to empty the flavor. I have like the problem where I have one, it's enough. - You have a sweet tooth though, don't you? - I do not have a sweet tooth actually. - Bull shit you do. - I don't. - You always snack on sweets. - Only in Japan actually 'cause here's the thing I hardly ever use the snack, I either was that guy in England who would eat a tub of ice cream or go without sweets for like two weeks. There was no in between for me like only in Japan, have I ever like kind of embraced snacking culture and that's just because there are so many different kinds of sweets and snacks here. - Yeah. - They're like kina wanna try something every time. - I used to be a sweet's guy back in Australia but then when I moved here I realized that Japan's snack or like confectionary section there's a lot more savory shit. - Yeah. - That just tastes way better than the sweet shit. - Yeah. - So I always just go for the savory shit now. - It's easier to make something that's tastes good that's sweet though. You just fucking put a shit ton of sugar and call it a day. - Yeah but I also feel gross after eating it too right. - 'Cause if you ever come to my house in England, if you ask for like anything that's not savory snack, I'm probably not gonna have it because if I do have a lindt, like a chocolate or like a lindt box that's gone in like a few hours (laughing) most of the time. That's cause I rarely buy but when I do I'm like super craving it I dunno. - I mean I haven't had a Ferrero Rocher in like probably like a year and a half maybe two years. - Do they sell them in Japan? - Oh yeah. - They do. - Yeah. - I've never see them. - If you go to like international shops they'll have it. - Because like in the UK that was like the not expensive, it's like the if you wanna look expensive but not actually spend too much money Ferrero Rocher's with it. - Everything about Ferrero Rocher it just looks fucking porsche. - It looks fancy, it sounds fancy. But the only thing that isn't fancy is like the price tag, I mean they're expensive, but compared to like Lindt or Leno something like that it's like no. - I've had some super super. You're talking about Lindt and Ferrero Rocher being like a really like deep taste. - Ferrero Rocher aren't that intense. - I've had some like the super expensive chocolates are the ones I feel like you're going on a fucking battle with taking a bite out of this man. - Ferrero Rocher is like the premium of economy. - Yeah. - Right. - It's just a little bit better than normal. - Have you ever had like truly like you gone to like a specialist chocolate shop kinda shop. - Yeah. - And tried one of those chocolates. - They always give you like the super intense like dark chocolate 'cause that's like the purest form and then I eat this and I'm like yeah tastes like fucking ash. (laughing) - But do you like dark choc flavor? - I do but there's a limit like. - Right it's like 90% cacao. - 'Cause you'll go to places like chocolate tier places and they'll be like it's amazing, isn't it? And it's like 80% like a cacao. And then you're like (throwing up) it's great, it's great. (Laughing) - Sometimes I have like one bite and I'm like, oh I've gotta fucking battle this. - I need like two here. - I'm having a fucking battle with my mouth, like trying to get this done man. - Like I get it if I was having like an espresso or something to go with it like perfect they'll wash each other out and you know i'll feel happy. But when you have one bite of super dark chocolate it fucking stays with you for the rest of the day. - Yeah it does. - You cannot get the taste out of your mouth. - Yeah. - And I don't wanna feel like I've just bleached my mouth. - I've never thought about having chocolates with like anything else actually. - Really? It's with coffee, it's like the best. - Yeah you can have it with a coffee. - I don't eat chocolate less it's with a hot drink. - 'Cause for me coffee and tea I just like by it's self, I've never tried, 'cause if you dip something into the tea that kinda like changes it's taste. - No I don't dip in it, I eat it. - You eat it with it. - You eat it and then you drink it. It's like a palate cleanser. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause like if your mouth is too chocolaty you can't keep eating more chocolate. - I might wanna give that a go then because. - Did this man never thought to combine the two. - No because I never yeah I never thought about it. (laughing) - Chocolate and tea unspeakable. - 'Cause chocolate was always been a snack for me that I help myself. - Why do you think that at like a fancy restaurant there'll be like coffee and dessert. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Garnt's like ah ah what?. - Coffee and Chocolates. (laughing) - Yeah 'cause they go together. Garnt's just like wow I didn't know that. - I thought you're supposed to eat all the chocolate and then down your tea. (laughing) - Are you telling me chocolate's meant to be just a snack. (laughing) and not just a dessert. 'cause I guess that's where I see all chocolates. - Right, right. - Like I said I never used to snack, It's like it was my dessert I guess it was like a full on I'm either committed. - Feels very sad to have a chocolate bar and be like ah yes dessert. - My dessert. (laughing) - Yeah 'cause like, I actually like didn't start enjoying wine 'cause as a kid or as like a teenager I would say wine was like the one alcohol that I just couldn't get into. - Yeah same. - I didn't understand why people liked wine and then I remember the first time I tried red wine or good red wine with good steak and it was just like an instant eye opening moment for me man. - I mean let's be honest, you can't really enjoy wine unless you have a bit of disposable income really? (laughing) I don't know about you growing up but parents would like to think that's a waste of money. Which is fair enough. - I mean unless your here. - Even before whenever you know you'd go out with your family or you're one of your rich you know relatives or whatever. And you try this good expensive wine and the only thing you can think of this isn't fucking worth 80 bucks. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Are you're kidding me. And to be honest I still think that I still think any like, I'm probably making some similar cry here but I've never tasted like a wine above then let's say 50 bucks that has tasted a lot greater than some of like the best wine you can get in any other price. - Yeah like a $60 wine tastes the same to me as like a $200 wine. - Yeah exactly. - I mean I've heard like you can buy wine at convenience stores here for like as cheap as four bucks. - It's not good wine though. - That's really bad. - I can taste the difference between that but like the more expensive quote-unquote wines that you can buy like a 711 is like 1000 yen and those are actually perfectly fine. Like I've had a few of those where I'm just like, you know what? This is actually pretty good for 1000 yen wine. - I don't know. - It's good for colombini wine that's what i'll say. - For colombini wine it's the best you're gonna get. - Shout out to Alpaca wine, What's like the equivalent of like the cheap one? - Echo falls. - Echo falls. Alpaca wine is like the Echo falls of Japan. - And in the UK it's the cheapest wine brand. - Like a box wine? - There is a box version. - It's the uni brand. - Oh uni wine. - It's about four pound for a bottle and it's like always flavored like a kids drink (laughing) it's like lemon and grapefruit and it just tastes like anti-freeze with grape hint. - Yeah we have that in Australia just tastes like washing detergent grape flavored. - Yeah it's fucking awful. - It's fucking gross. - But you know what else I'm grateful for? - What? - Our patrons. - Oh my God they're awesome. - Oh my God. - Look at all of them. - Wow shout out to that guy on the screen right now. - They like eating chocolate and wine. - I bet they do. - They hate hard biscuits. - This guy is a similia. - They think biscuit's mid. (laughing) - They hate taxi rides. (laughing) - Thank you for that. - Just talk about everything we talked about and there like yes can you relate. - They hate anime themed cafe. - Yeah, yeah they hate that. - Oh yeah we did start off on that, didn't we? - Thank you for joining us today on the Trash Taste Garnt do you wanna share? - And again contractually because we have to say it, thank you to G-Fuel (laughing) for sponsoring this episode. - Hey if you'd like to support us on Patreon go to patreon.com/trash taste, also follow us on Twitter and subreddit and a for audio listeners go over to our Spotify. - And yeah Joey literally said everything that I needed to say. - Do the outro. - Thank you for taking the host spot from me Joey. So I guess we'll, - I've been your host Connor. - Fuck. - Have a nice episode. - I've been your host Joey as well. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Guys I wanted to say the outro. (gentle music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,511,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: jiK2jmTVF3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 10sec (7090 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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