Our Dark Past with Anime YouTube | Trash Taste #10

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I think other then sparring in taekwondo there might have been only one time when I actually punched my little brother when we were fighting. Part of it was that I started puberty when I was like 10 and hit my 6 feet limit when I was maybe 15 so I was really aware that I needed to be careful to not hurt anyone. When I was 13 I accidentally broke a friends arm. Two of my friends were play wrestling in middle school and I decided to join them and I threw one of them onto the other which ended up leading buddy in an arm cast for a month. Though both before and after that people wanted me to throw them in the grass since they thought it was super cool.

My dad's strategy was to yell but as far as a mixture of scary and funny was my grandmother a 70-year-old Italian woman who I was taller then by the time I was 9 would threaten to hit me with a wooden spoon and would make prosciutto out of me if I was bad.

Any sort of fight I did was usually push, grab or kick. Though I was really lucky and after halfway through grade 2 when a kid transferred out I wasn't bullied again. The bullying also was mostly just having me and another kid always be it or be the sandman for games since there were maybe 5 kids larger than myself at our school and the bullying group only had 1 of them.

I think in general some of the stuff described just doesn't happen in Ottawa with others I know why it doesn't happen. Hazing at my high school was stopped completely after someone threw rotten eggs and milk at me and a friend with the friend he threw it at being deadly allergic to eggs and milk got the school to take it seriously.

For my high school I had a bad time in that I really feel like and have been told I could have seized the day in high school much more then I did. Pretty much no parties, only did sports for the last semester of my last year and really was just a lot lazier then I think I should have been. I pretty much have continued that and am still now trying to work on fixing that since I'm 22 and feel like I've done almost nothing with my life.

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- Question for you, Connor, have you noticed that since you moved to Japan you just start bowing for everything? - No, but you know what I do do? I do one of anime reaction noises. - No, I do the same thing as well. - And you put a thing, what the fuck? That's weird as fuck, Connor. Why would you do that? - Like a, yeah. - Yeah, okay this is why I make so much sense now, right? 'Cause whenever they ask me for like anything at the supermarket I'm like caught off guard, right? - Yeah, yeah. It makes total sense while I do it in anime now. - No, because I've noticed when Japanese people when you're talking to them they need to make it known that they're listening. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - In England, people kind of just stand there or just nod. Japanese like hi, hi. And I've started doing the same thing as well. Whenever someone is talking I'm always having to make it known that- - I do that in interviews and people like, "Can't you just shut up for five seconds? And just let the other person talk?" But I have to. - Oh my God. Damn. - Oh yeah, I guess we're putting that at the beginning. - And that's the intro, go and take it away, Joey. - Take it away. (soft music) - What's up you naughty Neanderthals. Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste podcast. I am not gonna stop doing this. - How long were you sitting on that for? Was that like- - Like two seconds. (laughing) - I bet you have a fucking script or just go through the alphabet. - Excel sheet. - Exactly, I'm like I have to make an alliteration somehow. So let's just pick a letter and just roll with it. Well, welcome to Trash Taste, the show where we talk about a trash taste and everything else in the world. I'm your host for today, Joey, And as always I'm with Garnt and Connor. - We were doing this now. We're probably doing this. - Yeah, I know. So, this episode I thought we would maybe talk about something, I don't know if it's gonna get a little too personal. We'll try not to go too personal route, but to go back to the whole thing about how we first started talking about anime and how we got into anime. We've already done that episode on that. - Yeah, we've already done our origin story. - But how did we meet? Or how did we make our first, I don't know how to say it, anime friend? Is that a thing? - I don't know. Okay, so I have a question for you guys. Okay, to start this off because we talked about our anime origin story like how we got into anime, but when you guys were anime fans, did you have any friends in school or anything? Or how did you guys deal with that? 'Cause I was a cluster anime fan. - Yeah. - I was a complete cluster anime fan. - For all of school? - Yes. - I think that's a British thing though. Like I got rinsed for playing video games. So imagine if I came out and was like this. I like this, - I like anime too. - This is my new thing now. - It like those drawn. - Yeah, can you believe I got mocked for playing video games in school? And now it's just like the accepted past time. I got so much shit for that. - That's weird because in my school, video games were quite normalized. Or was it just your school maybe? - Did you? - No, no, I got rinsed in my school as well. - Really? - Unless you're playing FIFA or chords- - Which I was and I still got rinsed. - What? - I would be sitting in my room in university playing some GRPG hoping that nobody opens the door to discover the fact that I was playing GRPG not any other kind of a game. - I think if I come out saying that I was a massive GRPG fan where I was you playing Persona 3 or something. Then I probably would've gotten beaten up as well, but- - I got so much shit for playing RuneScape. And I still, to this day- - Really? - I think I love RuneScape. I remember some videos pop up in my recommended recently and I had a great time watching them. - Because in my school, I think my group of friends, we were more so than not I guess like the nerdy group of friends. - Yeah, I was too, I was too. - So a lot of my friends from high school got means a games like RuneScape, like Star Croft. other just like land games, like Civilization, those games back in the day. But when it came to anime, I think I had a really tough time because I was literally the only Asian kid in my school. - Oh no, same to me. I was the only Asian kid in my school. - With like any amount of Asian blood. Like I'm not even like full-blood Asian. But they just like, "Oh, this boy's a little bit oriental." (laughing) - He's nice? What the hell? Yeah, so I think I was a closet anime fan for, man, I wanna say like majority of my high school life but then my group of friends who got me into like Star Croft and Rune Scape I was like, "Okay, you guys are nerdy enough. "Maybe I can try and convince them to watch something." And I convinced one of my friends to watch Ava. So I was like- - Why Ava? That's not already the gateway anime I will think off. - I don't know. Maybe because I was recently rewatching Ava. And I thought, "Okay, this is probably normie enough." - No. - That they can be maybe get into it. - Recommending Ava as someone's first anime. That could go one of two ways. - Yeah. - There's gonna be no middle grounds either he's gonna think this is amazing. And he's a fan for life. - But the thing is I didn't want to get them into like Natto or One piece or Dragon Ball to start with because we all know if your to gateway anime is One Piece, Natto or Dragon Ball. That's all you're gonna be talking about for the rest of your career so- - Hey man, I don't know man. I mean, I got in for Natto, but I mean I remember the point when- - You got out. You got out. - I got out, I got out. There was the point when I would only watch Shounen and I know the exact phase you're talking about. And then you figure out that there's other things outside of Shounen that are pretty cool in this medium. And some people, I guess just never figured that out. - I feel like Natto fans, I like the British with food. It's like, no, no, no potatoes is all we need. (laughing) Spice what is- - What is it about like it's not obviously not all Shounen fans, but a lot of Shounen fans who are as you said, like get into say, Natto, and then just exclusively talking about Natto. What is it... I wanna know what their mentality is with anime where it's like, do they just think that everything that's not Natto, it's just anti? (laughing) There's like, no, no, no, there's no in between. It's either Shounen or just like straight up R18 and shit. - They're like, what is this high school romance shit? I don't wanna feel. I wanna feel one emotion and that's hype. - Show Jo, is that a type of Shounen? - It must be the thing of like, "I get it. It's hype as fuck." But they just must want hype their whole life, - Yeah, your like a crack addict, right? - Yeah. - You only wanna feel that high you get from crack. - It's like steroids. - There're the same people and you're like, "Yo, E3 is crazy this year." (laughing) - Every game, every game. I'm hyped for every game and then they don't play any of them. They like the next Modern Warfare. - Yeah, but in the moment there's a bad news article about the game that just came out in E3 and they're like, "Yeah, I knew it was shit. "The whole time. "The whole time." Yeah, no. So like my anime friend, so there was a group of them. It was like me and maybe like, I'd say like six or seven guys who I used to really, really, closely hang out with in high school. And I got, one of my friends who got me into like Star Croft. I got him to watch Ava and I wanted to try that just with one person I didn't I wanna like bring in a whole group of people into it. - It's group viewing. - So I kind of was just like eeny, meeny, miny, moe, okay, I add you watch Ava and he was like, "Okay, I'll give it a go." And he was kind of mad about it at first. - Yeah. - I liked anime and I was like at points kind of like, "What the fuck." - And that was the Memorial was like, "Oh, gateway anime important." (laughing) - And Ava is not bad. - Always Death Note, you can never go wrong with Death Note. - Yeah so I think that one friend he watched Ava and then he eventually found Death Note and Onepiece and those like the two shows that he heavily gone into. So he was like, "Okay then maybe I can try it out with the other boys. "Hey, watch Death Note, watch Onepiece. (laughing) - There was boys before us? Joey, what do you mean? - This were the OG boys. - Do you know what the name of that like... This is gonna be really cringy but... We had like a group. - What was the name Joey? - It was the... (laughing) We were called HBK because we were... Did you guys ever play handball in school? - No. - I think that's an Australian thing. - I think that's an Australian thing. So in Australian schools we play handball but not like the Olympic sport handball like school grounds handball but usually most kids in Australia stop playing handball by around like sixth grade. - So its very rare that you going to middle school or high school and play handball. We played handball all the way until high school graduation. And we were the only ones. And so from no where we were called HBK, which is the Hand Ball Krew. (laughing) - Krew with a K? - Krew with a K. - Of course - And it was just out of nowhere. One day just the other boys in our year just saw us playing hand ball and they were like, "HBK." And we're like, "What the fuck? "What the fuck does that mean?" And then we later found out it meant handball krew and normal people would be like, "Oh, that's fucking cringy." And we were like, "Handball Krew." (laughing) Hell yeah. - I think handball is something I've only heard Australians play in their school 'cause obviously you've seen handball in the Olympics and everything like that. - When we had like a British team like when did they play that? - I know right. - But it's completely different to the Olympic sport. So when I saw handball, 'cause I'd always known handball as that thing that you play in school, where it's like four white squares and you kind of like- - Yeah. - It's basically just tennis but with your hand and a tennis ball in a really confined space. So when I saw handball in the Olympic sport I was like, "What the fuck is this? "This isn't handball." - It's really interesting to hear you say going back to the anime conversation that we were having because I didn't even make my first anime friends, till I started YouTube. - Yeah, yeah. - Really? - That was years after I started YouTube. - Oh, wow. - So I didn't start talking to other people who liked anime until the age of the internet. Well, I literally started talking to other people who reviewed anime because back when I was in school and especially when I was in university I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. (laughing) - Even in uni? - Even in uni. - Really? - It was like top secret confidential. If you find this out, I'm gonna change my identity or something like that. - I remember someone walked into my room of me watching No game No life in university. And it was the moment of like, "How do I explain what's going on here?" It was one of the bad scenes as well. I'm like... - I have a really similar story. So in uni first year of university in England at least we have this thing called freshers week. Where you basically go out every night and get pissed- - Very, very drunk. - Get very, very drunk and just go clubbing. - It sounds awesome. - Yeah, so me being the socially awkward nerd that I was back then I would still try to go out as much as I could, but I mean it can get tiring, six or seven days of just pure clubbing every day man that shit gets to you. - Yeah, that's a lot man. I don't know how people do it. And then people would like look forward to it the next year. - I know. - And I'm like- - I don't know how, I feel 30 already in this one week of freshers. So this one night I was just in a club and I wasn't even that drunk. Cause I'd been drinking five or six days before that. I was just in the middle of this dance floor. And I just had like this epiphany, "I'm having a shit time. "I'd probably rather be watching... "I'd rather be watching anime right now." Like I was just that one guy who just dances in a club and just had the, this is shit. (laughing) - Especially every time I go to the club, I'm like, "I need more drinks." - So instead of getting more drinks, I'm just like, "I'm gonna fuck off and go home "and watch some bloody anime." And I didn't tell anyone that I was fucking off back home. So I go of by myself- - You're that guy in uni. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm the lone wolf don't talk to me. - I just wanted to watch some anime. And what the fuck am I doing in a club when I could be watching some big fat animated which is exactly what I did. - You got that on a T-shirt. - I go back to my room and as you do in uni you're... Unlike Americans in England we have own private rooms so we don't room share. - The thought of having to share rooms with with someone I'd go fucking insane. - Yeah, exactly. So I have this remote to myself and as you do I take off my trousers because as a guy you're just more comfortable in your boxers. - It's true, the jeans are too restrictive. - Jeans are way too restrictive. So take off my trousers, start sitting down, turn on my laptop and put on the episode of Monogatari and- - The toothbrush scene is it gonna be? - No, no it was the shower scene with Senjougahara. - Yeah, yeah. - So it was like episode two and I was really getting into this. - Wait, what do you mean getting into this? (laughing) Its Monogatari, its a good series. - Its a good scene. - How sober are you at this point? Like I fully sober? - I was like a little- - Like that point you feel shitty, like? - I was like a little bit tipsy, but I was just having a good time because you know when you haven't watched anime in a while and it just feels good to watch anime after that anime drought, that was just, "Oh, man, this is just a nice break from all the "drinking and clubbing and socializing and all that stuff." And as soon as it gets to the shower scene, I just hear this door creak open like, (laughing) and then I look around and then one of my flatmates is just staring at me and I turn round and it's just me and my boxers watching. And all he sees is just Senjougahara massive tits on screen taking a shower. And I try to eye him up to be like, "This isn't what it looks like." And he eyes me back saying, "Oh, shit this is exactly what it looks like." (laughing) - You should have asserted dominance just to maintain eye contact. - And then he just closes the door and I'm just like, "Okay, I'm moving to China now. "He knows my secrets." And then he just never spoke to me again. - I have a way worse story than that. It was again like during high school, when I had gotten like the one friend that I got him into Ava. So he unlike everybody else, like everybody kind of got into anime. I was closeted for a while but I kind of was like, "I needed to get out of the closet." (laughing) I need to try and convince my friends that this is an okay thing to watch. So you need to make a YouTube video saying, I'm coming out. - Yeah, I'm coming out. I like anime. - You're exactly right. - So the one friend, the guy I first experimented on. (laughing) - Why are you gotta use this terminology Joey to explain? - Because I was experimenting. - You're just like Light Yagami being funny every step being like, "Okay, If I show them this anime maybe they'll like." - It's like maybe one of them will like get into it. And sure enough, one of them got into it. So I was just like, "Kick off with Doughty." (laughing) So he, just my one friend, he really, really got into anime. I'm talking like, him and I would come to school every week and we would discuss the episodes that just came out like the night before. Like him and I were like full on like anime buddies. And one night we were drinking at a friend's place. And, obviously as you do when you're in high school, you get really shit faced, right? - Of course. - And I was staying at his place and I had missed the bus home and everything so I was like, "All right, I'm just gonna crash at yours." And it was just him and I, and we were like, "we should watch some anime, why not? "Lets just watch some anime." And I don't know how it came to it but we were just kind of scrolling through just looking for something to watch and he's like, "You watched this no, "you've watched this no." And I just kind of slowly turned to him, just as a gag goes like, "You ever heard of QC's? (laughing) - Oh no. - He's like, "No, what's that?" And I'm like, "We should check it out. "We'll just watch one episode just for shits and giggles. "Let's watch an episode of QC's." So imagine me and my friend sitting in a room, six feet apart because we are not gay, just watching... - Just bonding over an episode of QC. - Just bonding over an episode of QC. - It just sound like every incest moment happened to like porn. - And it was worse because I dunno how long he was standing at the door but his little brother (laughing) was standing at the door just watching us, watch QC and we were like into it too. We all like, "Oh, hell yeah." (laughing) - This kids are like Michael Jackson like- - Mind you we were very drunk. We were like, "Who's your favorite?" And he's like, "Oh man, they're both really cute." Just full on like, you would've thought we were like making a reaction video. We weren't like full on commentating the entire thing. - Oh my God. - And what was supposed to be just for shit and giggles. Just one episode of QC we finished the entire series in one night. - What? - Yeah. - Oh my God. Did he enjoy it? - He loved it. (laughing) - And that was the moment where I was like, "This guy's a (indistinct)." - Don't go home with Joey drunk he'll try and show you shitty anime. - Yeah, I've done that. - I like the fact that you had to wait until he was alone. (laughing) - Yeah because, this other boys were like discussing how good the Alabaster Arc in Onepiece was and I'm like, "I don't think these boys are ready QC's yet." These guys are at level one thief and this guys are level 10 mafia boss. So I was like, "Let's experiment with y'all mafia boys." - Joey is like the sensei who sees the hidden potential in that one student he's like, "I can teach you the way." - I sense it in you. - Yeah, you're ready to learn. You're ready to upgrade. - So did he enjoy more of that kind of show afterwards? - So then that was the point where we basically Him and I, we found out from each other that we're into those kinds of shows and we're okay with it. (laughing) - We're just into each other. (laughing) - We were just into those kinds of shows. 'Cause after we finished QC we're both just like, "I just gotta let you know broad now that we've "had this fucking like journey together that "I'm like secretly into these shows." (laughing) Every single moment of this story you tell could be like a coming out to each other. - And he was like dude, "I'm kind of into these shows." And then from there- - Are you doing this on purpose? (laughing) Dude I'm kind of into you. (laughing) - Mike just had enough. - Mike's like, "I gotta get the fuck out." And yeah, so from that point on, I became a lot more open with my trashy taste in anime, right? - Joey is like, "Yes, I'm hentia sexual." - Are you purposely picking words to do this? - No, no. - Then stop this. - I am writing. Look, y'all re write this, this is free real estate. All right, go for it. But yeah, but that was the point where I slowly realized, if I'm closeted then I'll obviously have a lot of fun just kind of enjoying this medium for myself. But there's a whole other enjoyment when you get someone else into it as well. - I remember the first time I was able to have conversations about anime with other people. And that was just so liberating for me that I had spent all of these years enjoying this medium but have literally nobody to talk to about. And then I made YouTube videos to be like, "Okay if I can't have anyone to talk to about "I'm just gonna talk to the void "and hopefully someone will listen." And I remember having some of the first genuine conversations online 'cause it had to be online back then about shows that I liked and I just felt free. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I don't know who your first friends in like the anime YouTube sphere was? For me it was probably Holden reviews and the people from PODTAKU we going and going way back then. - I think mine might've been Misty, - Yours is Misty? - I think. - I mean, except for the one in jail, I don't think there's anyone else I would categorize like... A lot of them were just like fleeting mutuals. I'll tell you guys probably the first proper friends that I made outside of that first- - Yeah because it was strange for me because I'm the complete opposite when it comes to my friends circle on YouTube, where you would think that I would be very quick to bond with other animetubers, the one's starting anime YouTube channel. But weirdly enough for like the first two years or so, I was only friends with gaming YouTubers but that's also because I was doing a lot of gaming stuff alongside anime stuff. And I think it honestly might've been misty. That was the first like proper animetuber. And that was when I discovered this entire community of animetubers I was like, "Oh my God, I'm not the only one. "There are other people who do this stuff as well." And then that's when I kind of to drift away from more of the gaming stuff and focus on what my channel was actually about. - Yeah. - I remember I realized we had comments sometimes that are like me listening to the podcast and it's like, "That guy sitting next to." (laughing) - I love that feature. I love that anime, its so good. - 'Cause I remember I was doing my A levels. I remember listening to PodTaku actually, I remember I used to listened to it. Yeah, I would do my... I remember I have this distinct memory of you guys arguing. I don't know over what, but I was doing my- - We argue over a lot of things. - Yeah, I was doing my math A levels, I was, and I remember just listening to it. And I was like, "Man, and I wanna like be in that. "Talk to them." - I wanna have friends, man. - I wanna like talk to friends about anime even at that point when I was like, what, like 17, I still had no one to talk to about anime. - Yeah. - And I didn't really make friends until university but I got banned from my anime club Facebook group. 'Cause they were talking about like Hellsing Abridged. And I was like, "Shit, I've voiced in that." I said in the comments, I was like, "Oh, yeah, I voiced in it." And then they banned me. (laughing) They thought I was lying. (laughing) Because they were like, why would someone in our university first year be voicing in Hellsing Abridged. And then I went to the club and I explained, like two months later I went, - Yeah. - I happened to go there anyway. And I was like, "Yeah, can you unban me from the club? "I don't know why you guys ban me." And they're like, "Well, we don't know." I'm like, "I know you fucking know why you banned me." - We couldn't have someone having clouts. - I was in that group for like a year. And I had one comment about that. I got immediately banned. Fuck you, Swansea Anime Club. - They were just waiting for, a fucking ban have on that murmur. - They were like, "Nope, no clout in this club." - Yeah, yeah. - My God. - So you joined the anime club in your university then? - I joined, I paid the two pound a year membership and then all they did was watch Gigli movies and that's all they did and I'm like, this is- - I joined the anime club in my university it was the biggest mistake ever. - Its like, its weird. 'Cause it's like a mixture of like... It's a mixture of people who don't really care about anime and like one or two people who are way too into it or into really different niches. So I felt like, I don't know. I couldn't really talk with... None of them watched the same I watched. - Yeah. - And it was the same with gaming. The gaming club in my uni was supposed to be gaming and it was Orchard Magic, The Gathering. (laughing) - I mean it's type of gaming. - It's type of game, but you think of gaming club. - Yeah, then diversify a little bit. - Yeah, yeah and I was like, 'Well, guess I'm not joining any clubs in unis. "Brony Club it is. - Oh, go for it. - I was gonna say, I made a whole video on it a while ago, but I joined the anime club. There was one anime club at Sydney Uni and I joined it and I went to one of their events. Just one, and it was a screening and it was off Paprika. I was like, okay, it's a screening. And it's all the non Ghibli movie. Okay, whoever's picking it must know- - They have taste. They know something outside of just, right? - I know. I was like, okay. And I wanted to watch Paprika 'cause I hadn't seen it yet. And so I went to it and the club wasn't that big. It was maybe I'd say 40 people in this room. Which is quite small club for, especially Sydney Uni. And I was like, "Okay, these people all seem to be excited about this. "Maybe let's watch it." And this is the one thing I hate about anime clubs. And also this is the one thing I hate about cinemas in the U.S is that they love to fucking commentate on what's happening in the movie out loud. - I cannot stand that. - I can't stand, especially U.S cinemas. It's something that U.S cinemas where it's like, if there's like a big epic, right? Like say you go watch fucking Avengers or something, right? And something massive happens or some whatever. There's always like at least 10 or 20 people who were just like, yeah... And they just go off about like... They give like they're like fucking Rotten Tomatoes with you on the spot, right? - I feel like I'm 80 years old whenever I'm one of those screens. 'Cause I'm just like, "Quiet down. "I'm trying to enjoy the film." I'm like, can you shhh, shut the fuck up. "I'm trying to watch the movie." - That's like special occasions, where it's kind of warranted, like watching End Game. All right, I get it. You can shout. I watch Chromat AIX, insane. The hype made it amazing. The worst thing was, one of my exes I went to the cinema with, they've never watched a movie in the cinema before and I was like, "All right, cool." And then she was one of those people. Didn't know that? How do you know that? That's not like on a Tinder bio, right? (laughing) And then she shouted during the first five minutes. And I was like, "Okay." In my head I'm thinking, "All right, let's not make this a reoccurring thing." And then like two minutes later, she shouts again. And I'm like, "Please, please don't do this, please. "I'm British, you can't do this. "I can't be seen with you "if you're making a commotion in public." - Yeah. And then that's how I realized that she wasn't right for me. - That's why I liked Japanese cinemas, man because like it's- - No. Okay. Okay, go ahead, go ahead, sorry. - Oh, no, no. I know how you feel about Japanese cinemas, - Right. - There's a part of it that I like. And there's a part of it that I don't like. The part that I like about it is that people aren't fucking shouting there rotten tomatoes reviews during the movie. - No one says anything. - No one says anything but- - I liked that. - Yeah, I like that too. 'Cause especially if it's a movie that you need to immerse yourself in, like fucking Paprika, for instance, it's like I want it to be just quiet and I wanna get into it. But the bad thing is that I went to go see the corner Super Movie. Which is easily one of the funniest anime movies I've ever seen. But I felt really bad laughing out loud because I was literally the only person laughing out loud in the cinema. And every time I was like, (laughing) - Oh, shit. - I don't think that's was supposed to be funny. - Did anybody else find that funny? - I've had similar experiences in a time movies or going into time cinemas where I remember watching Yuni cinemas. And I don't know if it's just a cultural difference but there would be times when they were laughing and I would be like, "Why is this funny?" And there'd be a really funny joke. And then I'd be the only guy laughing. And I'm like, "Am I the asshole here? Do I just have a really weird sense of humor." - I know, I felt so bad because I was like, "Is anyone genuinely not finding this movie funny? "Am I the only one?" Yeah, I hated it. - I've been going to the cinema at least before COVID. I was going like pretty much every week. And like there's some of the things they do great. I showed you guys this in the cinema. - Yeah. - When you buy popcorn and the drink they give you this tray. And you're like, "Oh that's cool." And then you realize you can put it in the cup holder and it sticks. So you have a whole tray that's in the cup holder. It's fucking genius. - Yeah. - No one would have to hold this shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You just put it on the tray. - You don't have to put fucking greasy thing on your lap. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Put your popcorn on your tray and the person next to you can have it, whatever. Amazing, right? Amazing. And then the thing that I hate... Also, yeah, no noise. The only time I've ever seen them make noise in a Japanese cinema, I was watching the movie and it was about a bomb that was gonna go off in one of the Olympics, right? - Yeah, yeah. - And this police officers accused... Anyway, they go to his house to search his house and they ask him, do you have any guns? He's like, "Yeah, I have guns." And he shows his, under his mattress and he has like a 100 guns and the whole cinema goes, (laughing) Every Japanese was like- - Meanwhile, if they show them in the US cinema, there's like- - Second Amendment. - Yeah. - Weak sauce. - I realized I said the wrong amendment. (laughing) And then also one really annoying thing, right? When the movie ends, the credits come. All right, see you guys, I'm off, Japanese cinemas you cannot leave. - No. - Until the credits are over. - Yeah. - And some of these credits go on for like 20 fucking minutes. And I'm like the first few times I was like, you know what? I'll respect the culture, I'll wait. Now I'm just like, "Credits? "I'm going, fuck you guys. "I'm avoiding credits." - Caveman brain activates again. - I don't care about the seven people that did costume design. I'm sorry. I'm not sticking around for that long. - And then I'm the asshole who in front of a 100 thing is like, "All right, see you guys." I'm just walking, I don't give a fuck. I'm not waiting 30 minutes- - Yeah, I found that aspect to be cool. Because obviously the people go to the cinemas, they respect them. I wanna know who did. And who worked on this movie? But as you said, I think the Japanese like film industry is aware that people have to stick around to the credits so they're like, "How do we extend this as long as we can?" Its like in YouTube, we're trying to extend a video 10 minutes, right? (laughing) - Its like, "How do we extend this credit to 10 minutes "to get that mid rolling?" - I don't dunno like, I used to be the same where I would think, why the would anyone stay when the credits rolling? I don't give a shit about this. And then I remember I did it once for a movie that just blew me away. I think... I can't remember the exact name. - Paul Block. (laughing) - But I remember most recently I did it after watching Your Name and A Silent Voice. And it's actually just a really nice feeling to just to absorb everything you just watch and just sit there in silence. I don't know, when a- - Sometimes, I'm gonna go there. - When a movie hits really deep, I can't... "We're doing this again, we're doing this again." - Oh my God. - But when a movie affects me that way (laughing) - He got it. He got it, buddy. He got it. - Then it's just nice just to absorb everything you just watch instead of just being like, "All right, boys. "I'm off, I'm off. "We'd be good." I go. (laughing) - That's good, that's good. - Yeah, that's the one thing I appreciate about some film credits, right? If it's like, I really enjoy watching, the toy story credits because they do the behind the scenes bloopers real shit. That shit's fucking cool. But when it's a black screen and just white text scrolling for 10 minutes- - Which often is. - Which often is. Then I'm just like, I mean you guys know we have to stick around for the credits. Can you at least make it entertaining in some fashion? And even isn't it the worst? Well, when the credit song is just like, I'm not digging this credits at all. And I have to sit here and listen to the whole goddamn song. - I was too lazy for that. I just leave and then I watch the after scene credit on YouTube. 'Cause it's gonna be on YouTube. - But you can use the gauging, Connor, right? - Yeah, I mean, I normally catch, sometimes when I do it the Japanese were like, "Well, we can do that?" (laughing) And then they'll get up too. - Follow the white man. (laughing) - Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. No one is stopping me here. - I don't wanna- - "He just cheating the system. "I never thought you could do that." - When I do it, I notice I'll get a few looks, and then I'll be like, two of the people who stand up and go as well. I'm like, "Yeah, join me. "Join me." (laughing) It is freedom. - It's like the trust isn't that Japan runs on, like buying alcohol. - I'm slowly breaking that trust system. I don't know. The more, I don't know, I'd say the older I get, the more I have less time the more I just don't appreciate the waste of my time. And I'm just like, "Nope, I'm not waiting for your credits. "Goodbye." - Yeah. So speaking of Gaijin combo, have you guys ever used the Gaijin card, in like funny situations? Should we explain what the Gaijin card is? - Sure, you should probably- - Go for it, Joey. - Go for it. - I mean, I'm sure everyone knows what the Gaijin card is. But basically the Gaijin card, is Gaijin means foreigner in Japanese but playing the Gaijin card basically means you get away with shit that Japanese people wouldn't be able to get away with in Japan. But they forgive you because you're supposed to be like a mindless foreigner. - I mean, I try not to actively take advantage of it. 'Cause I feel like it's not fair of me to use being a foreigner 'cause everyone goes through the same struggles, right? That's hard enough. But I mean, there's some stuff like, apparently not supposed to eat and walk here, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I do that. - If I have like 10 minutes to get to my train and I haven't had breakfast, I'm grabbing that sandwich and eating it. I don't throw my shit away. I don't make a mess. So I'm like, it's fine. - I always wonder that, why is it that a lot of convenience store food is so perfectly packaged for on the go. - Right, right, right, right, right. - And it's like, but you can't eat on the go though. - Like Onigira, that's basically a rice sandwich. - Yeah. - That's meant to be eaten as you're walking along, but, "No, you can't while you walk." - No one gives me looks or anything or anything like that. It's just a, I'm told I'm not supposed to do this but fuck it, I'm gonna do it anyway. But there's stuff I wouldn't dare do. - I like doing the reverse Gaijin card. I like playing the Gaijin card and then immediately after I've committed the act just bust out the Japanese. Just like, "Psyke." - Reverse UNO. - Yeah, yeah. - Can you give us an example of a situation? - So an example of a situation, I'm trying to think what would be, I mean, something like that, right? Like you're not allowed to eat on the go, like not allowed to eat on the train, for example, where I would as you said, sometimes I'm busy and sometimes I got to get something down before I catch the train. So I would eat on the go and people would kind of just be like, whatever. But then what I like to do just to fuck with people is I like to, I finished the food and then just 'cause I love seeing people's reactions to this. I finished the food and then I pretend to get in a phone call and I just talk in Japanese a lot. (laughing) Because seeing the confused phases of Japanese, they will be like, "Is he Gaijin or is he not Gaijin? "I don't even know anymore," is my favorite pastime. - I've done the exact same thing. But just when I'm in Thailand and you know when people gossip about you in their native tongue or they don't know that you understand them and you just want to flex on them to be like, "Bitch, I know exactly what you motherfucking said. "You better watch yourself, motherfucker." - I've had so many experiences like that. Especially, when you're outside of Tokyo where they're obviously not used to the foreigners. I was in a supermarket once with my sister. We were like really, really young. We were maybe like, I'll spin maybe like nine or 10 years old. And we were just in the aisle that has all like the snacks and stuff. Because Japanese and snacks like fucking best. And we were just picking stuff out and there was this kid probably around the same age as me, who was just like staring at us from down the aisle, obviously because we looked foreign and he'd obviously never seen a foreign kid in his life. So he was a staring and then his other friend came up and I could clearly hear that they were like, "Oh, look at these fucking foreigners." It was to that- - These are nine year old's. (laughing) - Yeah, legit. They were like, "Oh man, look at these foreigners. "They look so weird." Or something along that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I heard everything, and I'm just like, "Oh, you prepare for my backhand. "Prepare for my nine-year-old backhand." - "I've never decked a nine-year-old before "but today could be the day." - I've never closed-line to anybody, but man, you guys just put on some distance" So just to with them, I was like, (foreign language) My nine-year-old mind was like, "I'll show them." (laughing) So, out loud to my sister. I said, in Japanese, I said, have you finished selecting which one you want? And I think my sister quickly picked up on it too because I think she overheard it. And so she was like, "All right, I'll play you a game." (laughing) And back in Japanese, she was like, "Yeah, I've almost finished." And then she busted out this really like specific Japanese reference. And from my periphery, I'd never seen a nine-year-old with a punk champ face in my life. But it was just like, "What?" You would have thought these kids would have seen like the face of God. They were just like, "Oh my God, what the fuck is that?" And just to fuck with them even further when we finished selecting our shit, I purposely went towards the kids. And as I passed by, I busted out a (foreign language) And that was just like the finishing brawl. That might as well, I just clothes line them with my warriors. - Even a death note asking counter- - I'll do it. I'll fucking kicked the fuck out of it. - That's so much more like passive than what I think I used to do to kids. - Joey slammed down a nine year old with Japanese and language, swish. - I remember we used to go camping every year in France for like three weeks. I was, okay, you're gonna think wild, Connor. You're a violent like fucking 11 year old. I fucking spent all my time in the arcades. I remember this one time this kid had been taunting me I guess French kid. I fucking hated him. Even taunting me for like days. And I'm playing Metal Slug. And you know how you would put like two credits in? - Yeah. - You press the credit button? - Yeah, yeah. - So, I'm playing and I put another one in for me when I die, this asshole, this 11 year old bitch comes along presses the restart credit button, and then walks away. And then I immediately just turned around and just fucking smacked him in the face. (laughing) I got in so much trouble. (laughing) I had like an angry French dad shouting at me. I'm like 11, right? His dad shouting at me. So this kid's crying. I'm like, I'm gonna finish my game. (laughing) And then I'll deal with this. And my dad had such a fucking go at me. - You were that X-Box kid. - Which I definitely like. I was such an angry kid. I've no idea why, but I'm glad though. 'Cause now I just can't even get angry with- - To be fair, I'd be pretty pissed off too. If some random fucking kid came up to me did that. - Yeah, hen you were like 11, right? This is also, my parents didn't give me much money and I would always use it on the games, right? So to me, this kid has just taken like the only money I was getting for like that whole trip. And I was like, oh no. Oh, no. - We all know like two in 11 year old, like two or three credits or the little Slug is the equivalency of mom's credit card. - I fucking love Metal Slug and that kid took my credit. - No, I can totally understand why you got angry. I just thought, man, there's a few steps between taking someone's credit and smacking someone in face. - He been giving me shit... (laughing) This kid have been giving me shit, 'cause it's like a campsite. He'd been giving me shit for days. I was like, I'm done, dude. I'm done. I'm fuming. I just straight up punched him. I got so much shit for that. And then like two days later, the same kid who I punched had a black eye, he came while I was on my other fucking game. Just pulls out the plug and I fucking chased him, but he ran off. I was gonna kill him. I was gonna fucking kill him. But he ran off. (laughing) Motherfucker just pulled out the plug whilst I was mid Metal Slug. - Wow. - Yeah, man. - I don't even remember... This is going to be a weird question, but when was the first time you have a punched someone? - But I got in so many fights in school. - Was that the first time you ever punched someone? - Did you don't fight with... Oh wait, do you only have a sister? - I only had a sister. - Oh dude, I have three brothers. - Dude, if I punched my sister, my dad would... My dad used to say this one threat. It's like a legit threat. Where if I did anything like bad in public he just grabbed my ear and just whispered being like "I brought you into this world, I can easily take you out." (laughing) My dad won't remember that. But I specifically... To an eight year old that's like, "I'm sorry father." - Parenting 101, dad. - Me and my brothers, so we had the three brothers, right? - Yeah. - So it was WrestleMania, like fucking constantly. - Yeah, I bet. - I must have been in fist fights like three days of the week. - Was actually fist fights or was it like- - Oh yeah, we got to the point we were like actually start like full on punching each other. - Holy shit, man. - We hated each other. I love them now. I love you guys. But back then it was like, fuck it. 'Cause Oh God, so many fights. But yeah, my dad had this thing we called it like, he's pretty gonna kill me if I say this, but he had the single, the murder stare. And when you started fucking up and he would look at you and he's like, "Bro, you're one step away from losing everything." (laughing) - I will end you right now. - It was the look where he was like, "Don't do it. "Don't do one more thing. "I'll end you." (laughing) - I love you dad, by the way. - I was an only child so I never had to grow up with any siblings. Never had to share anything. - Yeah. - But yeah, that was... I had a fairly uneventful childhood because of that. - In 2020, we call that privilege. (laughing) - I got bullied so much in school, so I just started just fucking punching everyone back - I guess yeah, if you get bullied at school, you put a lot of pain at young age. - Yeah, I mean that's when I first started punching back and actually get in fights. People just left me alone 'cause they knew if... They would go for someone else who wouldn't fight back. - Yeah, exactly. - Should have just challenged them to a chess game. - I should've, man, that would have definitely worked to get the kids. - We'll play chess game and then the moment you win and you just punch him. It's like double down on it. Double check me. - Oh my God, dude. There so many times I got in fights with kids. I don't know what stories I could tell if you want any, I mean- - I'm just trying to think when was the... - Do you ever punch anyone at school? Like full on punch someone? - Yeah, I have. - For what reason? - Because this kid in my- - It's always dumbest fucking the school. - Yeah, it's because this kid in my high school was giving me shit. He was the bully of that year. But the thing is he was that one bully that, you know how some bullies are kind of like popular with the kids that they don't bully this kid because he bullied everybody. Like every single person, everybody fucking hated this kid. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And of course eventually he the rounds and the next target was me for whatever reason, but and obviously going to a high school where it's 99% white boys and I'm the only one with a nonwhite bloodline. - Of course, he's going for blood. - He's going for the low-hanging fruit essentially. So he would say all these late horribly racial slurs at me and stuff and just one day he was just really... And I didn't mind the racial slurs, it's when he got up to my face- - I hate that so much. - There's a difference between bully shouting across the playground at you- - And I don't mind that stuff. - Which is fine, because that shit's easy to ignore. - But respect my personal space. - Yeah, I was like, the moment you cross into my personal space, that's when the hands come out. And I never punched anyone in my life up until that point. And I was like, "Okay, there's only one way that this kid is gonna stop." - I gotta teach this kid a lesson. - And in my head I was doing a KG episode where I'm like, "If I punch him, I'm either going to die or I'm gonna come out of this alive." - Joey's like death-noting every action. - But, this is like the total opposite of the way I used to think about it. I was like, just punch and figure it out later. - Oh, no, no, no. I was always the person who was like, "Okay, what's gonna happen if I go down this route?" It was like a visual novel where I was like, punch or not punch. And I was like, "I don't know. "I don't wanna have to ban. "I don't wanna get the bad end, right?" So I was always like, there's a very good possibility that if I punch I'm going to just like bad end. It just came over. And I was like, "But this kid was just relentlessly just shouting in my face and just like..." And then the moment he started pushing me around as well that's when I think I just snapped. And I just weighed all back and just knock this kid in the chin. I threw the fucking barking move on him. Just like, knocked him in the chin and he fell down on the ground and he just kind of walked off and then nobody in my year fucked with me. - That's good. - And I was just like, "Okay, oh?" All right, that was a good end. - This is more like... I'd never recommend fighting back 'cause it can normally like, it can go like two ways, right? You can either fuck up or everyone else will wanna challenge you. Everyone's like, "Oh, you think you're hot shit? "All right." - That's like the start of a anime. " Oh, the nerd fall back?" Dude, there were kids who would like spit on each other at school. That was the stuff that bothered me the most. You can call me shit, but don't spit on me. What the fuck? I hated high school. - Did you guys have this, I don't know if this is only an Australian high school thing, but the last year of 12th grade, literally the day before graduation, I forgot what it was called. I think it was called like G12 free day where basically the 12th graders for the last day of high school they can just run around the school and do whatever the fuck they want. - I think we had something similar in our school. - What? You guys didn't have that? Like our school took that free day literally where some fucking crazy shit would happen. We somehow... It started off quite innocently, like putting lube all over the stair rails and stuff like that so people would slip on it. And another one was going into one of the teacher's offices and filling his entire flow with cups full of water. - What? - So that he could like go into his... And then it got too far when one of, I think it was like a group of boys, they got one of the teachers' cars and I don't know how the they did it. I think it was driving a mini. So it was like relatively small car. And they somehow put the car on top of one of the school buildings, like on the roof. - What? - And I mean, that's too far but that's just sounds impressive. - Honestly, the engineering. These kids going places. - I wasn't there to witness it, but imagine just walking to school and you're walking along the school wall and you just look up and there's just a car sitting there. I was like, "Huh, how did that get there?" - This must have been in the news or some shit. - Non, no, no. This is quite frequent. - That sounds like a scene from some American- - Frequent? What do you mean frequent? - This sounds like a scene from some American high school movie that you watch and you're like, "Oh, this is so fucking stupid. "This will never happen in real life." I don't know if my high school still does it, but- - That's newsworthy in the UK, I think. That would be, yeah, of course. Fucking hell. - Even the goal schools would go crazy like that as well just- - What the fuck? We didn't have any of this. - Because it was the last, last day of high school. So it's like, do whatever the fuck you want while you can because after this day you have adult responsibility. So it's the Miley Cyrus effect, right? It's like, just get all that out of the way once the contract has ended and you're good to go. - But like I said, he must've learned some good skills from being able to fucking get a mini on a school roof. - Yeah. - How would you do that even if- - It wasn't like a multi-story building, it was like a demountable. So it was just getting it up, but still. - How? Did like eight of them coordinate this lift? - I don't know. I wasn't there to witness it, but it was awesome just staring across the school grounds and seeing a fucking mini on top of a demountable. That was crazy. - How do you convince kids to join, " Yeah, so we gonna go lift the teachers mini. "Yeah, you down?" - "I need like five boys who's in." It's like, "All right, let's fucking do it." - Speaking of like high school, why is there so many high school anime? You know what I mean? - Wow, that transition gone, damn. - I was just mad- - Holy shit, he's on it. - I'm fucking on it. - What's the deal with high school anime? What's the deal with high school anime? - Because that sounds crazier than any fucking high school anime I've ever heard of- - I don't know, some crazy high school anime out there. - It's either one or two ways. It's either like the most vanilla- - Did you guys have school festivals in your high school? Like how they have in Japan? I think that's only Japanese high school thing, isn't it? - In Japan, they make school looks so fun. And British school are the most depressing shit on earth. - Oh no, I like it. - They don't do anything. - You guys are here telling your high school stories. I don't remember a fuck.. I remember fuck off my high school. - All I remember is bad, bad, bad things. - See, people always say that, I think I like the 1% that actually had a good time in high school. - I think I had a good... I liked my friend group a lot that I had those four of us and we were all really close, but stuff that happened in school was just always awful. - Like it was what? - I don't know. I got in so many fights as a kid. I don't know why. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like there was one time as well, this is one story I remember. And this drove my blood life through the roof, dude. - Yeah. - So there's a day in the UK, I don't know if you do this in Australia where the kids who are coming into high school get like two days in like June, before September starts. Where they get to just come and see the school. And my little brother was coming up, right? - Oh, like an orientation. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was showing my little brother around. I'm one of the guys just, the bullies just comes up to me while I'm talking to my little brother just slaps me in the face. - What? - Just slapped me in the face. And I'd already been in multiple fights at this point. - Right. - And me, I get slapped down like, "All right, it's go time." (laughing) - The hands are coming out. - You slapped me first. I'm not gonna get in shit now if I beat you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I started fighting him and I- - In front of your little brother? - This is so weird to me. In what world is this just- - He literally- - Does this thing just happen? - Literally just slaps me. And then I'm like, "Wait there." (laughing) 'Cause I was thinking, I've got to show my little brother I'm not a pussy, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's my little brother. He looks up to me. I've got to show him I'm not a bitch. 'Cause if he see we get slapped and I'm like, "Oh, sorry, sorry." He's gonna think, "Wow, my big brother is kind of wimp. " What's up with that?" - It sounds like a inbetweeners episode or something. - It is, because then it turns to a tournament arc where then all his friends the next day we're like, "Oh well, we want to turn now." (laughing) Jesus Christ. And there was one time, and this is pretty the one where I felt most bad is that this guy came up to me. He's like kind of chubby and I thought, "What are you doing? "What are you doing, man? "What's up with this?" He pushes me once. And I was like, "All right, fine." I grabbed his head and just fucking knee him. Bear in mind... Okay, I do not do not condone violence in any sense, but- - But I loved it. - I was such an angry 13 year old 'cause I was getting bullied since like- - You were 13 when you did this? - Yeah. - What the fuck? You weren't even in high school, you were like middle school. - No, not like 13, like 15, 14, maybe 15. - Yes, still. - 15, yeah. Then this guy didn't... I've never had a problem with this guy. I didn't realize why he was doing this to me but I think I pissed off one of his friends and then he was trying to act big. I don't think he actually wanted to fight. He was just pushing me around, but I was like, "Fuck it." Anyway, so I did that and he just dropped and I was like, "Oh no. "Oh no. "I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble." I don't think I did it that hard. I just thought, I saw it in a movie once it looked really fucking cool. (laughing) - I saw him do it once, I can do it too." - "Who gets hurt by getting kneeled in the face?" (laughing) - He's was like, he's smaller than me. (laughing) So he pushed me and then I think I was gonna go push, I just went like, And he just dropped for like five seconds. And I was like, "Oh, shit, are you okay?" And he was like, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." And I think he was so embarrassed, he didn't tell anyone. - Right. - And then he came in the next day, two black eyes. - Wait, how did he get to two black eyes? - How wide is your kneel? (laughing) 'cause I feel like I hit right here. - Oh, okay. - I was gonna say- - So he came in with two black eyes. Didn't tell anyone, but all my friends knew what happened. No one said anything. It was like that one week where I had like three fights, right? No one did anything for me. The rest of my school life. It was great. Everyone was nice to me after that. - You had more fights in that one week than I think I have in my entire life. - I think I had more fights in that one week than anyone else- - This is like fight club. - In my school it wasn't about getting into fights. It was about who did you know? If you're cool with X person, if you're cool with that person, he wouldn't fuck with you. - I don't know if it's 'cause it's like a small town thing. It was such a small town thing and where the teachers often forgave the shitty behavior 'cause more often than not all the teachers were friends with the kids' parents, right? - Yeah. - So it was kind of a thing of like, "Oh, don't do it again. "Don't do it again." - You need someone in the face- - Every single time it was like, "Don't do it again. "Don't do it again." - There wasn't a proper punishment? - I mean, it is what it is. I don't really care now. I dealt with it myself. - Did you go to a boy's school? - No. - Oh, okay. So maybe that's the aspect of it, right? Because I feel that boys will be more willing to get into fights if it's a coed school because they're trying to impress the girls. - I never wanted to. I just wanted to play my games and be- - Yeah, but it just seems like fucking fight club. - Honestly, it was fucking awful. I joke about it, but I remember hating it when I was in school. - I probably fucking hate it too if it was that- - Yeah, yeah. - And I remember there was one guy who would like... He didn't wanna fight me. He didn't want to fight me. I think he knew that he'd get hurt. So he would just, or like I said, he would spit on me and anytime I tried to like fight him, he just run away. So what can I do? It's like that one asshole who like kites amazingly, he's like, "Come to me." - His torn games like on point. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And he'd just kite you and he- - He was just kitting me, I'm like, "Fucking stop. "Stop" Actually he'd run to an area with teachers, and I can't fucking punch him in front of a teacher. - He'd make a amazing ADC anime, man. - Yeah, yeah. He'd make a great one. I swear. I'm behind, man. I'm just like, "Me fight? "Don't think?" But like no, I wouldn't... Okay, if any 13 year old, 14 old kids, don't fight. It's not a good solution. - It's not worthy it. - I mean, I was just lucky that I was freakishly strong for a 12, 13 year old as well. That helped a lot. - Yeah. I don't know, 'cause for me I've always gone through life being like, okay, physical interaction is always my last choice. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I have that now. But as a kid, I felt like it was my only, you know? - You went the hard way. - Yeah, I mean, I'm glad that I was angry as a kid 'cause now I have like zero anger at all. I never get angry about shit now. And I'm so glad that I just got that shit out, you know? - Yeah. - I don't know if that's how anger works. I don't know if this is science. - Not sure about that, it's- - But I feel like 'cause I've dealt with so much anger in my past I've been able to really, I don't know. - Fucking channel it right. - It's like filled your anger quota of life during your teens, and it's like- - I think so. - So I'm run dry now. I genuinely think I have that. I don't know, I don't feel- - You just go down the system now. I get like mildly frustrated at things. Like a British person would, but I never get angry at things. - Mildly frustrated is just the British... That's just the default British emotion. Anything can be mildly frustrate you, and that's just the way we've just grown up. - Yeah. I'll be angry about shit now, but I'll be like angry I play it up 'cause I liked your shouting, but is like the chillest man on earth. Like it's impossible to get mad. I've never actually seen you mad. - Well, I mean that's the whole monk thing, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Do you want to talk about it? - Oh, fuck. - Have we talked about that in a podcast? - Oh, okay. I guess I got to tell the story now. - That was a smooth transition, you see that boys? - I'm gonna get to the toilet before. - He needs to santa up. (foreign language) - Damn that was- (laughing) Am I watching an anime right now? Damn, son. - What are we talking about today, Joe? - We're talking about two particular series that Book Walker is releasing on their website. I don't know if you've heard of it, Connor? I'm sure Garnt you've heard of it, but there is two series. There's one called TenPuru, which is about a temple. Surprise, surprise. - With a monk. - With a monk. Perfect segue into the next part of the show. But also the other one is (foreign language) which I don't know what the English title of is- - Why the Hell Are You Here Teacher? - That's it. - I've seen episode one of this show. Oh my goodness gracious that is not Christian, but I'm so glad I can read it on Book Walker in the comfort of my home. - Yes, 'cause on Book Walker, the manga is completely uncensored. You get full nibs and everything. If you've ever thought about getting with your teacher. That's basically the show. That's basically the manga. - I need no more. - You might need more because the other manga that they have it is TenPuru, which is illustrated by the same guy. No, sorry, yeah. Illustrated by the same guy who did Grand Blue. You know Grand Blue? - I do know Grand Blue. - Yeah, so illustrated by the complete same guy just different writer. But essentially as the name suggests it's about this kid who has these really dirty thoughts but he wants to be a good Christian. So he basically goes to it a temple to get rid of this horny on main Christian thoughts. But the problem is is that he becomes a monk at a temple that is full of hot women. - That doesn't sound very monkly to me. - It doesn't happen to you? (laughing) - I wanna be a monk, I swear. - This was the real reason I became the monk. - Hoping for that scenario. - That's sounds pretty good. - Yeah, yeah. But the thing is because it's illustrated by the same guy to Grand Blue, the type of comedy is exactly the same as Grand Blue. So you love the like really vulgar visual that really made Grand Blue funny, TenPuru is exactly the same way. And the added bonus is that it's way more hot girls ain TenPuru than Grand Blue so. - Guys, I'm getting some breaking news from Book Walker here both the TenPuru and Why the Hell Are You Here Teacher are exclusive to Book Walker until August 13th. You can read half a Volume One of both titles for free. Free gentlemen, free or buy them for 50% off. (laughing) Can we keep that, Adrey? Yes. And lastly, Volume Two of Why the Hell Are You Here Teacher comes with a Book Walker exclusive colored booklet. and in brackets they've said here, extra ecchi, gentlemen. - Extra ecchi? - I don't know what that means. - I don't know if my penis can handle that. - How can it get extra ecchi? - What's the extraness in the ecchiness? - It's that the skin is colored this time. It's not as black and white. - If that sounds remotely interesting to you. You can check it out in the link below. - Thank you to Book Walker sponsoring today's video. - If you want more sponsor reads like that, please actually go ahead and go check out these books. They are actually amazing. And we love doing these silly ad reads. If you like it, please go to support them. Show them that these ad reads work. Thank you. Back to the video. - So yeah, it's a little known secrets or it's a little known fact that I've been a monk in my life but I've not just been a monk once. - Just saying that is so cool. - To me, this is just part of Buddhist culture. So in Buddhist culture, normally when you want to give your family like good karma, everyone in my family has been a monk like twice in their life. Once when they're a teenager. And once when they're like an adult. So you become a monk once when you're like a teenager. We call that (indistinct) and then you become a full monk when you become an adult and that's when you kind of hit like your early 20s. - Okay, okay. - So yeah, so normally a lot of people would just do it for like one or two days 'cause we believe that it's good karma. - Yeah. - I remember when I was about 12 or 13 I was a monk for two weeks. And then afterwards, when I was about 22, 23 I was a monk for a full month. - Jeez. - Yeah. - 'Cause you told me stories about how you are a monk for an entire month but I never knew that you did it twice. - Oh yeah, yeah. I mean, to me it's just part of like being a Buddhist and trying to get... I was that good little Asian kid. I was trying to give like my family good karma and everything. But I honestly liked the experience 'cause it was... I'm not joking when it was literally the life changing experience for me. That was me before being a monk. And then there's me after being a monk because normally people would just do it just to impress their family and just give their family a good karma. But I told my mom, if I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go all the way. There's some temples that you go to that don't take it as seriously. And then I went to a fucking hardcore temple where we didn't have any technology, we had to... Okay, so here here's my daily schedule. So I would have to wake up at around 4:00 AM. - That already sounds like torture. That already sounds like torture. - I have to be ready, have to be completely ready by five. And we didn't have any beds. We had a concrete floor and one little pillow to sleep on. And we had the thinnest blanket in the world, which wasn't so bad 'cause it's Thailand. But when sometimes when you're sleeping in the middle of the forest, 'cause there would be times when we just go out to your temple in the middle of the forest. You can get fucking cold. The temperature drops to about two or three degrees sometimes. And you just have this like tiny little blanket on a concrete floor to keep you warm. So we'd have to wake up by four, get ready by five. And then we just be like meditating and praying for a good two, three hours every day. And then afterwards we would basically go out, barefoot, go to whatever village or whatever area around the temple. And people would just donate the food to... We would carry like these little baskets on our necks and people would come over and they would donate food or whatever they wanna donate because we believe that if you give two a monk, that's a good karma as well. So the food that we got donated, that's what we would eat. So we would walk around for a few hours- - The entire day? - Yeah, For the entire day. - Did you get a lot of it or was it like just enough or? - I mean, you get what you're given. You have no choice about what you could eat. You could eat basically what you were given. Did you ever get anything like super nasty? - No, I mean, it's- - In the mindset, you're not like picky and like, "Oh really? "A Snickers? "Really?" - No, because the whole point of being a monk is that you live- - You don't care. - You don't care. You eat to survive. I guess if you're caring about that that's like- - That's the feet and the point of being a monk So you get what you're given and you live the simplest life you can possibly live and you basically eat to survive and you get one meal a day. And you gotta be okay with whatever you get given. So we would eat at around 11 to 12 o'clock and that would be our first and only meal a day. It was easier when you're a kid monk 'cause kid monks would get two meals a day. - But when you're grown. - Yeah, when you're adult when you're more grown up burning more calories, no you got to survive on one meal a day. And afterwards you could... There was no cheesing. So after that you couldn't have any milk or any like liquids that had calories you could only have water or some kinds of fruit juices. And that was it. And, yeah, It was very... I don't know really how to describe the experience. 'Cause imagine if you just take every distraction out of your life and you just live the simplest life possible you don't eat to enjoy your food. You don't really get the pleasures in life but at the same time, you just kind of you're okay with everything 'cause you have to be okay with everything. And I remember for the first week of being a monk, it's fucking hard. It is so fucking hard to reprogram your brain to not only be like, "Okay, how do I distract myself with my phone? "How do I not check Twitter? "How do I not watch YouTube videos? "How do I just be okay with my own thoughts?" And it's so hard because nowadays your brain constantly looks forward to something. It constantly needs something to distract itself. And the first week I was just kind of like a drug addict, right? (laughing) - I should have tweaked. Give me a tweak - I'm sitting there trying to meditate and my mind just going out a million miles an hour. I haven't watched TV in a week. I haven't seen a screen in a week. It's very, very difficult. But the more time you do it, the more you kind of you realize that, oh, these are all just distractions. You can be completely okay with just yourself and your own thoughts and just doing the simplest things and life activities. And then when I got to that point I kind of just had time to just reflect on my entire life. 'Cause what else are you gonna fucking do when you have nothing to do but literally think back about every decision that you've made in your life. And the way your mind works, you know when sometimes you're lying in bed at 11:00 AM and your brain reminds you about the embarrassing thing you did when you were 12 or maybe by that time when you punched a fucking kid? - I'm like, "I gotta- - So just imagine your entire day just being that just being like, "Ah, I wonder if I'd made the right choice "at this point in my life." And then what happened to me was that I kind of just reflected on every little decision that kind of led me up to this point in my life. And what it made me, what it forced me to do was really think, "Huh, am I really happy about where I am now? "What's my life gonna be like when this monk had ends?" And I was at a really bad point in my life before I became a monk, which is kind of why I really wanted to commit to the facts of being like, if I was gonna be a monk, I'm gonna go all the way, get the full detox, you know? 'Cause I've seen some temples, you walk in and they have like a 50 inch flat screen. And I'm like, "Does this-" - The monk channel only. We only have the monk channel. - This doesn't seem very monkly to me. I don't know about that. - We accept PayPal transactions. - It's on the TV, on it's like a live stream of a different temple and then French. - Exactly. - Nice, nice content. - So it forced me to just reflect on my entire life. And it forced me to really think about what I wanted to do after my monkhood ended. So it was truly a, I don't want to say fucking... It was a spiritual journey and I really just discovered myself- - I mean, I think in this instance you can because it nearly sounds like it. - It kind of was. I don't know. You're like, it's- - Just like me when I go to the toilet without my phone, I'm like, "I'm free" (laughing) - Because people have talked to me about how they've had similar experiences when they just shut off social media and everything like that. And I'm just like- - You don't even know. You won't even know. " Bruh, you don't even know." - Get on my level. - Get on my level, bro. You didn't have any board games. You didn't have any cards to just play around. All you just had was just yourself. And I can't really convey how alien that is because it was alien for me as well. - There is a part of me that just a vision, 'cause as you said, the only thing you had was just yourself and your mind. And all I could imagine was just, a monk guy just sitting there and just thinking of a funny jokes in the locker room. (laughing) - No, no, no. That totally happened as well. When I was a monk, that's when I thought about, "There's a series I wanna make called Anime in Minutes." - Are you serious right now? - I'm totally serious. I'm totally serious. That came to me, I remember the exact moment, 'cause I was just walking around, I'm walking around one of the Thai villages and it just fucking came to me. 'Cause I remember last, not last week but a few weeks ago I talked about being Zen on the fucking toilet in a shower. So that was I kind of... Sometimes when I'm just walking and I'm just zoning out. Sometimes I've reached this point when a lot of ideas just come to me and it came to me when I was a monk as well. And I got a lot of video ideas and a lot of ideas when I was a monk, which it was these ideas when I was a monk that have developed to me to my comeback on YouTube, where I figured out, okay, if I'm gonna come back on YouTube, how was I gonna come back on YouTube. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But yeah, this has been a very closely guarded secret because there were some YouTube, some very odd YouTube clips where I'm just wearing a beanie. And nobody knows why I'm just wearing a beanie. And it was because I had just finished my monkhood and I was just completely bold. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. What if they just like took it in a really dark direction? It's like, "Oh no, the cancer treatment." - Yeah, how do you sign up to be a monk? Is it like a Facebook group, you're like, " I wanna be a monk." Do you just rock up and be like, "Yo, let's do it." - Yeah, I mean you just turn up to whatever temple you want to become a monk. And they're like... okay, you go to the head monk and you request to be a monk. And they ask, okay, before you become a monk you need to make sure you have no outstanding debts. You basically, you've got to give up or material connections to the world before you can commit to becoming a monk. And you'll have this interview now you're like, okay, if you're gonna become a monk, you got to do this, do this, do this. - You know what would be a really cool idea for this channel is if like us three somehow went to a temple here and just like experienced it for like a single that day. Wow, I was just already on that shit. Hey, if you guys would like to see that. - Monk episode when? - Monk episode, like Garnt could be like head monk of trash taste. - We have to shave our heads. Did you realize that, Joey? - Shit. I just noticed that. - I can commit to that, you can't. - I can't commit to that. I'll just wear the beanie. - But I don't really talk about it but now by now that I am, I do like highly recommend that kind of experience. So or just do it doing that kind of experience. 'Cause you don't notice how distracting life is. You don't realize that as soon as you wake up you've got things to occupy your mind. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You got your job or you got, the first thing you do is you check Twitter, open Arknights and you don't know how crazy your mind can be sometimes. So, you've literally remove every distraction, every commitments that you need to do from your daily life. And you just have nothing 'cause it's just a void, right? You're just giving you life a void. And because you give your life a void, it fucking changes you. I don't know. I don't know how else I can- - I totally get that. Back when I was still doing YouTube stuff, I went on this like camping trip with a few of my friends and we went to this area that had absolutely no reception whatsoever. - Oh, Wales? (laughing) - Yeah, we went all the way to Wales. No, we were just in the butt fuck middle of nowhere in Australia with no reception. And we would just went camping. And because there's no reception, I couldn't shake anything. I couldn't like message you. - This is like a lite version. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's basically just like dieting, diet version of it. But I kind of had like a similar experience with that. But only like for that one day and I remember the first couple of hours, I fucking hated it. 'Cause I was just, I was getting those like drugs like, "I need to know who liked my tweet." But after a while, when I hit around midday, I eventually was like, "You know what? "This is actually really nice. "The world is beautiful." - That's why I love going to the cinema. No one can like, be like, "Why don't you answer your phone?" - Yeah. - In every other situation, "Oh, you should have answered still." But in the cinema for some reason, They're like, "Understandable. "Have a nice day." "You ignored my texts for three hours" "Understandable." - You're just like a void. - It's great, I love it. You just literally ignore the world for like three hours and just have fun. - Yeah, and that's why it frustrates me when the void gets pulled back to reality when someone in the back is just fucking shouting. I just be like, "Oh, yeah, I forgot this is reality." I hate it. - Because especially now I think, I don't know the Internet's I feel like has reprogrammed my brain in a way. - Definitely. I don't remember, I don't know if I just have ADHD because I didn't always felt like I was this easily distracted. - It's like subconsciously building patents in your head thou. You've trained your brain to check Twitter constantly. And you will have that moment and I'm sure you've all had it where you're like you, open Twitter, you close Twitter and you open Twitter again. And then you're like, "Why did I open Twitter again?" - Yeah. - I don't know why. - I literally just refreshed my feed like two seconds ago. I didn't wanna to do this. I just didn't. - You check Twitter on your computer and you realize there's nothing to changed and then you close and you immediately checking your phone. - "Why am I doing this?" I wasted ten seconds. - It's the same as course as going to the fridge, see nothing, then closing it, sitting on back on the couch. And then five minutes later then go to the fridge. - Yeah. - It's like food's gonna magically appear in the fridge. - Yeah. - So, I mean, it was an awesome experience to me. I don't, if that's not something that's... it's not an experience for everyone. - The question is though, would you do it again? - I would do it again possibly. Maybe not to this extreme because I feel like I'm in a lot better place in my life. - I'm a lot more privileged. (laughing) - No, I mean, not just that, but mentally. I'm in a lot better place in my life as well. So I don't feel, I would need to go to that extreme again but would I want an experience where I just kind of just remove myself from the world and just give myself- - Yeah, just like a short detox. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a detoxing the mind. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's how I feel it. And I highly recommend people doing that. It sounds really cheesy because people will always think of that like some crazy California- - Gap year. (laughing) - I took a gap year to Thailand. - Exactly that, right? - It's just like, "Shut up, dude. You probably went to the club every night. "Shut up." - Yeah. So that's why I don't really like to talk about it because whenever you say, yeah, I've been a monk- - It sounds pretentious. - It sounds pretentious. People give you that look to be like, why- - 'Cause it makes it sound like it was like a vacation for you, whereas it was pretty, right? - Yeah. - That's why it sounds pretentious. - Or maybe it sounds like it because maybe some people think you just went through adjust to brag about it later on. The fact that you don't really talk about this. - I never talk about this- - I remember I dragged that conversation out of you but we were really drunk in Singapore like three years ago. - I think I just drunkenly offhanded mentioned it. - I was like, "Hold on, you were a monk?" (laughing) - Were you ever angry before you were a monk? Because I swear, I've never seen you angry. What's up with that, Garnt? - I mean, I've been angry before, but- - You don't get... Even when you're angry, I'm like, dude, I don't know if you're angry, angry or maybe- - No, being a monk just taught me how to think about the whole process. Basically, process everything, right? 'Cause when you just kind of empty your mind part of the commitment we tried to make is that we tried to learn how we process our way of thinking. And you gotta kind of... So the way I see it, it's kind of like a logic tree. And this is what happened to me when I was a monk where I'd feel certain emotions I need to have to like logically think be like, Why am I feeling this? How did this come? And then you kind of learned the roots of basically all your emotions and just anger. And then through that I just on the fly I learned how to deal with my anger. I would find another route to be like, okay, before I get angry maybe I could try dealing it with another way, which is why I've rarely get angry. Some people get angry very easily but for me, it's not that I don't get angry is that I just have different ways of dealing about it than shouting or fucking- - I just love shouting, man. I don't punch anyone anymore. That's old Connor. Old Connor's gone, new Connor he just West coast it and shouts loudly. - I love shouting. When I shout, I fucking love shouting. (laughing) - I don't know why shouting is so fun. - So is the deal like purposely shout to just get that frustration out before it turns into legit anger or? - Sometimes if I'm like real angry some days, or I wake up and I'm upset, I'll just go in the mirror and I'll be like, "Come on." (laughing) - I only see that in movies, right? I wouldn't be surprised if you're the kind of person who just punches the pillow. Let's get all the frustration out, but- - I just imagined you in the fucking morning every morning- - Do it. - Like in the mirror, "You got this Connor. "You got this. "You fucking got this." - Okay, some days you wake up, you'll feel like, "Man, I'm kind of feeling shitty today, man. "I don't know why, man. "I'm kind of worthless." I get in front of that mirror, I'm like, "You can do this." My neighbors probably hate me. Fuck it, I'm hype. I'm ready for the day. That energy rushes through you. I feel like a 10 immediately. - It's so monkey but I love it. - I feel like a 10 straight away to start my day. - Question for you guys, how did you guys hype yourself up before recording session for your videos? 'Cause there's gonna be a time. - Okay, okay, okay. This is the thing that... I think this is because you've just recently started doing it a lot, right? - Yeah. - 'Cause I remember when I first started filming my face a lot, I fucking dreaded doing it. - Oh yeah, yeah. - I did everything to avoid it. I would shave like three times just to make sure it was perfect in my head, but really what I was doing with delaying it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Where I'm like, "Maybe I need to go get the groceries actually. "I should do laundry actually. "Oh, its too late vocal record now." - I can't record 'cause I was too busy renovating my house. - But now I just turn it on and do it. I don't have to think about it. - I don't really hype myself up- - I have a coffee, maybe a red bull if I need it, but that's about it. - Yeah, caffeine helps definitely. But I don't really have like a, "Do it face." - In the morning, if you're feeling down man, try it. Next time you feel sad when you wake up. 'Cause it happens sometime, man. You just feel. Just try it. You'll feel like an idiot at first but then you'll be like, "Nice dude." - It's gonna clown on me the entire day. - I was about to say, Sydney gonna be like- - I guess since no one lives with me, so it's like- - Yeah, you can do it by yourself, but if- - Sydney's like, "Garnt, what're doing? "Why you saying, come on?" - Do it. Do it. - Don't let your dreams take you. - Come. - Yeah, come, come. (laughing) - I've realized I'm slowly forming a profile for me of just like a complete monkey on this one. - I think only hyping up by doing maybe, sometimes because I'm not going to even think about recording a video, if I'm already not in that state. - Yeah, I've realized just don't film if you're not in the mood. - So, before I used to have to be like, "Okay, I have to fucking record something." And then I would turn the camera on. And immediately, the moment you hit that record button, you're just like, "Fuck man, I don't wanna do it." - You're like, "I hate my life right now." - It's like, "Not today." But I didn't have a choice because I was uploading every two days or something. But with my current schedule now I have a little bit levity in that. I just know if I wake up in the morning and today's the day where I can just get something out. Because if I feel good already from the morning, then I'm like, "All right, it's time to get that bread game is late. "Let's let's record like three videos. "Just get that shit while the fucking wild hype train is running." - Sometimes playing hype music will get me in the zone. - Just a nice funk, then those beats they hit you- - Dude, like power of music, man, that shit can easily hype enough. - How'd you know what music to pick, Connor? How'd you know what music to pick? - I let YouTube decide for me. (laughing) - Do I go with slow beat or fast beat? - Fast song, happy. (laughing) - YouTube search history for music is just like an AI trying to understand what the emotions are. - This is how my music tastes works and how I find songs. I like one song and then I'll just keep letting YouTube suggest me songs and I'll keep building. I never actively look out for songs. I just let it suggest it the songs. - It's like YouTube and Spotify recommendations were built for people like you. - Oh dude, they're amazing, man. - It's really fucking good thou, man. - I was diehard Spotify for like six years, maybe longer. And then I just tried YouTube music once 'cause I had it with premium and I was like, "Holy shit, I think I like this more." - Oh dude, but I've discovered so much good music on Spotify on recommended. - I think both. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause there's a lot of songs that aren't official that you'll get on YouTube music, the like remixes that will never be on Spotify 'cause they wouldn't- - I don't really give a shit about the remix- - There so many good ones. There's like one where it's like the Sono Chino Sadame makes for like that 90 song by like Diana Ross or something. - That shit claps, man. Oh, I'll send you a link. - What? - There's always the good anime remixes. - Dude, there are so many good anime remixes on YouTube that you're not allowed on Spotify. Sometimes I want to listen to like Daft Punk. But I also want to have that animates remixes. So I can do that on YouTube. Hell, yeah. - Dude, I've recently kind of gone into the rabbit hole of these insane like music remixes and not just like anime, obviously you know the anime remixes, like everyone's seen the Renai Circulation, which has Snoop Dogg or whatever. But my friend sent me one the other day, which is fucking insane. It was September by Earth, Wind & Fire remixed with Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne. - You can remix that song with anything though. - Yeah, but it sounded fucking amazing. I was like, "Oh my God, I need more. "I need more." - I have never seen an Earth, Wind & Fire remix, September. They disappoint me. Except for the Taylor Swift and that was terrible. - But Earth, Wind & Fire goes with everything. - The Wii Show one, have you seen that? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Bro, that shit that collapsed, bro. I can't do it. I will get a copyright. (laughing) - But you just like, "Damn that was too perfect." That was kind of own pitch. Connor was like, "Did I get off pitch there." - I've recently fallen into the rabbit hole of just listening to J-pop that's... They sound like anime opening and endings, but they're not. - Like Polkadot Stingray? - Oh yeah like Polkadot Stingray, Zutomayo, Minami it's- - It's so many. - It's like the rabbit hole, right? You discover one? The algorithm is like, "Oh, you like this? "Oh, hello, let me show you more." It's gotten so deep right. That recently I was recommended a video, which it was kind of like a vocaloid kind of remix but I think it was original song but the video had no title and the channel had no title and then I click on it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah so it's not even like they have a space or something. No, there's just literally no character for the title. - You can do that? - Apparently you can. - There's a thing called like a Hoff Hoff space or something it's a space that is technically a character but it doesn't show up as anything. - You can't like highlight it and copy and paste into the search bar. There's no interaction with whatever character they're putting down. So the only way people would have got this is through recommendations and the video has like two million views. It's just insane. And then I click on it and then everyone's like, "Oh, welcome to the cult." (laughing) - Join us. - I see you have been the chosen one. It's great because like they're probably gonna kill me now because everyone's like mutually agreed not to talk about this which... Sorry guys, I guess the entire internet knows now. Well, I'm not gonna link to it. If you're part of the chosen like show me a message. If I see anyone linking it we'll fucking bun you. - You played me this in your house and I was just hoping one day would pop up in my record. Still waiting, still waiting. - It's like Illumina argument. You just got to wait for that email. - Cook some more crappy vocal and can I get a pop up dude. - No, but that's just the wonders of the algorithm. I mean, I have no idea how the algorithm works. Okay going completely off topic here. But there's been one video of mine recently (laughing) that's just been getting recommended to everyone. And I have no idea why it's an eight year old video that we've not talked about on this podcast. - So many people have tweeted us about it. I'm just like, wow. - Yeah, so there's been a video recently that's been circulating that's called... - Recently at the time of filming? - Yeah recently at the time of filming it might still be circulating, talking about it. It's probably gonna start getting stuck. So I should probably circle back to the start of animetube itself. You guys are about to get history lesson here. - Go on. - So, okay. So do you guys know who the very first Animetuber is? - I thought it was Mr. Anime. That was my preconception. - I'd be surprised if anyone watching this knew because that means you've been around for as long as me but the very first anime YouTuber is this guy called Hards Anime Reviews. And he started in 2006 and he would just basically make very basic animal reviews with like his camera was like up here. - Worst angle. - Yeah, yeah was like kind of like the worst angle you can think of. - The angle we all start at, right? - And he's now quit it's funny because I tried to search him up and see if he's still around. And his first original channel got terminated as everyone's dead back then when they were reviewing anime and his second channel is called un ironically the Hard Mode He called it the Hard Mode. (laughing) If you search this up on YouTube, you have to search the Hard Mode, no space. Otherwise you're not gonna find it. Cause it's like that buried within the search algorithm. But the second animetuber was this person called Mr. Anime and he basically made his anime YouTube channel to compete with Hard 'cause Hard was the only anime YouTube channel around. And then Mr. Anime was the second one. And he really, at the time he really was one of the big faces of anime YouTube. And I say big, he had like a 1,000 subscribers. - That big shit back in the day. - That is big shit back in 2006, 2007. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then it was after Mr.Anime that there were like some other anime channels here and there but those two are the founding fathers of animetube. We have them to thank for where we are now basically. - If people know the ending to the story then you know how funny that statement is know. - I know right. So then after a while I made my YouTube channel and I do my own thing. And the very, very first shout out I got was from a Mr.Anime video and it's still up. - It's video, is it? - It's it's Mr.Anime. - Wait, is his channel still up? - Yeah, his channel is still up. You can view his entire history and everything that he did. - Wow that's weird because was that guy recently got prosecuted for like child pornography and they took down his channel like that. - Oh really? - Yeah that Austin guy the singing guy... Picture on screen. Yeah I don't know. They immediately took down his channel. - I remember a couple months ago a Mr.Anime video, like popped up just randomly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so Mr. Anime, the first time he shouted me out was just he made a video. I think it was called like the face of Animetuber or something and he just shouted out a bunch of OG anime reviews back in the day. - What a nice was is that. - So that was the very first boost in subscribers I got. I remember messaging him being like, "Oh thanks a lot, man, "dude like that they're really helps me out. "I got me like 300 subscribers." Like, holy shit, that was a lot back in that day. I think that was the video that pushed me over my first 1000 subscribers, which was a big fucking deal. So I was really happy and I really respected the guy as well because if not for him I'd probably be less confident to do what I did like to start my YouTube channel and especially no matter what whenever you see someone bigger than you shouting you out that's that's like a big pat on the back. I did well. And he messaged me back being like, "Nah, it's no problem, bro. "I just really like your stuff congrats." He couldn't even pronounce my name back then. I think in the video he called me guy geek. (laughing) - Don't say that now there are gonna call you guy geek. - I've dug my own grave. So that was the last kind of interaction I had with him until- - That was the first and last interaction? - Yeah that was my first and last interaction. Back then the anime YouTube community wasn't... We knew we bought each other, but we didn't talk to each other that much. - It was like the MSM days? - Yes, so there wasn't an easy way to talk to each other. Apart from back when YouTube had messaging. Remember those days? - YouTube DMs which were slowly just phased out of existence, I guess. And just nobody remembers that you could DM people on YouTube, but one day I just woke up and I had this message from this other anime YouTuber who was called ICO Ari soccer 420 who's also like- - You remember that right. - Yeah, yeah. - Jesus Christ. I know the entire history of anime YouTube, right here, right here. - He asked me if I'd heard about this article, that's been like linked around. And it was this article that was this police report that basically just said, Trey Sesler has been arrested for the murdering his family. I'm like, "Whoa, is this Trey Sesler, the anime man? "The same Trey Sesler?" (laughing) - I am Trey Sesler. - We got him first. - I'm like... Fuck I've just blanked his actual name now. All that's coming to mind is the anime- - Mr.Anime. - Mr.Anime. Oh my God. I can't believe I blanked on the name mid-story. - Why did you doubt me? - Come on. - I clicked on the article and he had his face and that was just the, "Oh shit, is this real?" I had like 50 different emotions. - I kind of imagine how it feels. - Just to see him because you don't know how to react to this because the more I read, just the more sickening it got. So the entire story was that apparently Trey Sesler, Mr.Anime had been playing around with his brother and they were playing around with guns- - As they did in his channel. - And they did. See he had a lot of guns in like his channel and everything, but me back then I just think Americans guns that's just what they do. - That's what British people think about Americans. Unless you think Americans just walk around and be like, hey waving with guns. - So he would just have guns in his anime reviews and I just thought that was completely normal. 'Cause he was from Texas as well and I was like this is completely normal. This is nothing to worry about. - I thought there's a text and watch the shooter with that gun. - Even now I see a texting with a gun. I just think that's even normal. Even after everything I've just about to experience. But I read the story and he was playing around with this guns with his brother and apparently he accidentally shot his brother and he killed him. And so the official story that he gave was he didn't want his parents to feel guilt or his family to feel guilt about having their son kill one of their brothers. So apparently he just thought might as well fucking kill them all which is- - It's a fucking awful thing. - Which is a awful conclusion to come to. So apparently he kills his entire family and then it gets worse because like the more information that comes out the more we find out that he was actually not only planning to kill his family anyway but he was actually planning a Columbine-Style school shooting. - Yeah, 'cause I saw like this really good documentary on YouTube I'm sure it's up there still. - ReignBot, right? - Yeah I think so. It's basically covers the whole thing but that's how I got all my information as well where he was planning to do a school shooting and did he post about it online that he was going to do it or something like that but basically was on the way to the school and that's when he got arrested. - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause he was planning the school shooting for way before he's killed his family. 'Cause I think how he thought was he killed his brother by accident, but he was always planning the school shooting anyway. He had it all mapped out and everything. So in between that he accidentally killed his brother and killed his family. And that's what outed him. But he was always planning this and there's this really ominous video. I think it's the second to last, Mr. Anime video this on a channel that's just called Mr. Anime is planning something. I remember watching that thinking, "He's taken a break from any Animetube." - Or he's planning a new reveal. - He's planing a comeback. But I dunno 'cause he talks about anime in that video. So he might've been just purely talking about anime by I'm like with all the information that we have now he's probably- - That title was fucking scary. - It's fucked, that title was fucked. And the more information that came out, the more I just didn't know how to process this. 'Cause how would you process the fact that one of the people you looked up to and respected just killed their family and was planning to shoot up a fucking school? Like what what'd you do with that? That bothered me for a while. And I remember this was the time I was at university and people were like, "Why does Garnt look like "someone just died in his family or something?" - But I think the best way I can describe it is imagine if you like live in a small town and you may be like you know everyone in this small town you might not be friends with everyone in that small town but you feel like this small, tight knit community. And then you find that someone in this small tiny community has done something awful. It's like something that's not like beyond words beyond words, awful. And then to try to process this I made the video, which is being recommended now. - It's circulating everywhere. - Even though it's eight years old for some reason YouTube decided, "Yeah people wanna see Garnt reacting to Mr.Anime murdering his family." I dunno how that came about. - It's literally on everyone's recommended, it was on my recommended, I think Connor was on it. - Yeah, yeah. - I don't know why it's probably not monetize, right? - No, no it's not monitized. It just goes against everything about the YouTube algorithms like it's not monetized. It's about a horrible tragedy. It's about a very sensitive topic. I mean it was eight years old. - I think I uploaded this before even like the monetization thing like started on YouTube or at least before I was monetized 'cause I had like a 1,000 plus subscribers. So it wasn't massive. I remember stumbling upon a Mr. Anime video even like way before I knew about the whole like anime YouTube hemisphere and everything because it was Mr. Anime review on Garnt that made me wanna go watch Garnt. (laughing) - That guy has got a bright career. - And I was like, "Wow, this guy is like really fun." He fucking had... Do you know how ghetto his set up was? He had like a webcam or something to record. And he was sitting on his bed and he had his lap and it was like a notepad, almost like an Apple- - An Apple notepad. - An Apple notepad of the script. And he was literally just looking down at the Apple notepad just reading off the script and then every now and then I guess, because he didn't know how to edit these videos. So instead he had a remote that controlled the zoom of the lens. He control the zoom with the lens and just started talking to the camera and then he just zoomed back out. - Yeah, yeah, no cuts. So he was like... I remember in the Garnt review he was talking about, the acid scene in the Garnt anime and how he was like, "It made me go." And then he stops and zooms in and zooms really far into his face and he goes, "Fuck." And then he zooms out with a dead face and just goes back to reading it. And that was the review. No cots, no edits. And I was like, "Yeah I wanna watch this anime." - Yeah, that was quality content back in the day of animetube. I remember when I started coming out with my videos I was one of the first to actually just use an editing software, even though it was just putting images over whatever I was say people were like, "He's using windows movie maker? "Impossible." But yeah that's the story of the first person I ever- - Humble beginnings. - Yeah. - But I recommend like as of a topic that is like, I definitely recommend that documentary on YouTube- - It perfectly goes through everything about it. And at the end of the documentary, I don't know how they got this footage, but there's this- - Oh the police footage? - The police footage of how he's like the jail cell during the interview, that shit is so scary man. And to think, "This is the guy who founded "basically what I do for a living." - I know right. - Like that's so fucking scary. - It's so weird 'cause I've had this conversation with a few people and we just think, "There's a lot of shit that's happened in 92." That's right. - I think there's stuff that unfortunately happens in every community that we probably will never find out some really fucked up shit that people have done. - Oh yeah I mean, we've only recently out about a lot of it. - It's really unfortunate because we don't like to think that we know people who are like that, but at times proven anything that I've met people who've been friendly with people who have done really horrible stuff I'm sure. - I never knew that one of my best friends used to punch kids in the face. - That's not bad, those kids they punched me first. I mean once you look up and respect a fucking serial killer school shooter then it's all downhill from there, right? - Yeah, yeah exactly. - I know hot it feels to see a police pull me and being like, oh no. - It's just a mess of emotions. First it's, surely this is fake. - As you see it you're like, "I've never seen a police report before." - Yeah, could easily be doctored. Like yeah, yeah. - And then you're seeing all the counts being slowly like added and you're like, "Oh no, oh no, oh no this is bad." - And I think that was the first time. 'Cause I had a conversation with (indistinct) about the anime review about how we should process this. And I remember him saying, yeah, I think he just he'll keep the memories of Mr.Anime, like the same, but it's just, he has to view Mr. Anime and Trey Sesler as like different people. And I think that was the first time I had just thought about the entire process of having to view online personalities as different in-person as how they portrayed themselves. - It's like whole thing of like separating the artists from the creation. - Yeah yeah, exactly. - And yeah, it was more the fact that this happened in our small community as well. - Because it's like happening in like the small rural town, right when nothing happens. - 'Cause I'm sure now in Animetube, I'm sure there's some assholes somewhere. - Someone doing some despicable shit. - We don't know about but they weren't a figurehead in this very small community. - They weren't the fucking founding founder. - The literal founding father. - The more you say that out loud the more I'm like, oh. - The founding fathers tend to normally be sketchy count. - How do we sell that the anime YouTube community is like this really cool thing. - Oh, the founding father is a serial killer. (laughing) That's a conversation starter, isn't it? - I like to think of it of... It's one of those things that was gonna be started anyway eventually around that time. Yeah it just so happened that he was the first or one of the first Maybe that's the reason why nobody used animate in the username until I came up because I know for a fact that some of my early videos, man those comments were just like, "The animate man, I thought that guy went to jail?" Like they legitimately mistook me for Mr.Anime. - Who would mistake you for that? (laughing) - Rewind that. Flash back to five minutes ago. - But like I obviously didn't know about that news until after I started my YouTube channel, because I think what year was it that he got arrested? I mean, it was eight years ago I think... The only reason I remember this is 'cause the YouTube video that's been recommended is eight years ago. - So that's like 2012, right? - Something like 2011, 2012. - Was probably just a really bad time because I started 2013 literally right after it happened, I didn't know about it until I started it and I had like a decent following and I was like, "Oh fuck I can't go back now. "I can't change my name now, "I should have changed it." - So what was like the early years of animetube like? So that was over like what, well, how long you been here? 12 years did you say? - Since 2007. Okay, so how was the animetube sphere from 2007 to 2012? - It was like slow, right? - It was very slow. So before 2012, which I kind of like where I think you came along, it was the quality was not good as it is, but it was fun. I don't know I kind of in a way I'm gonna sound so boomer saying this but I kind of missed old YouTube where kind of anything went- - Always look profondly at the time, when it was smaller, more manageable, 'cause he was more intimate. - Yeah yeah, always look back at that period, especially on YouTube as well I'm sure you all miss the time when you may like 1000 you can just talk to random people. It's so cool. - I remember I made a video when I hit a 1, 000 subscribers and I thought I'd made it. I thought- - I thought. "Mom, I'm dropping out of uni." I swear, like, I've always said this to people, but the joy of hitting a 1,000 subscribers is almost comparable to hitting like a hundred thousand or a million subscribers. Because a 1,000 is just like whoa. - A 1,000 is like monumental. - It is, because it's a number that is very easily like quantifiable. But it's also huge because thinking like, "Wow there's a 1,000 people who like me." Because once it gets to like a million it starts to become something that you just can't really comprehend, like physically. Whereas a 1,000 is like, "Oh, shit I'm popular. "I'm fucking popular. - And back then it was just as I grew into, it was all about doing anime reviews and a lot of people had different styles. If you came in with an editing software you were just... I remember when like Yazoo, Taku and Tristan gloss reflection came along and they used Sony Vegas to edit their videos and it just fucking blew my mind. - They used the paid pro. - Some of the stuff they could get away with that I couldn't do using like putting images on windows movie maker. What the fuck? - It was amazingly glorified PowerPoint. (laughing) - I think my favorite animated video from back then was this guy called Grumpy Jlisan. - I fucking love him. - I do not know. - He's so good. Yeah, he's an OG and he doesn't make videos anymore. But what he'd do is that he'd do anime reviews but he'd do it in like the middle of a desert in Arizona somewhere. - You would review an anime while like hiking through the desert. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it was like, he he was basically pre Casey Neistat because what he'd do he'd always start off his videos with like with him walking towards the camera in like the middle of the desert. So what he would have to do is that he would have to set up his camera, hike like a hike away off screen and then hike back into view of the camera. He wasn't like he was hiking a short distance. He wouldn't be literally like hiking over hills and mountains sometimes to get to the camera. - How long was this intro? Like two minutes? - It was like super sped up and you'd just see him walking towards the camera. So it'd be like a squirrel, just like skirling like towards the camera. And he's like, "Today, we're gonna talk about a bizarre." - A lot of his reviews, he always had like a place to go. So he would start with at the front of the trail being like today we're gonna talk about hunter, hunter and then as he's walking, he would talk about the show. And then usually the one I saw, I forgot which anime it was but he was hiking up this mountain and he must've like perfectly timed this shit. Like he must've done the hike beforehand because the moment he got to the top was when he finished his conclusion on the show. And he was just like, "I've made it to the top guys. "And that's the end of my review." I'm like, that's fucking awesome. - Thinking back it was very different from what everyone was doing. And we were just like, "Oh, old man reviewing anime. "That's pretty weird." But thinking back, he was... A lot of his ideas were really cool. - Ahead of his time. - A little bit ahead of his time. - And that's why he stands out to me apart from the guy who killed himself, I guess. No not killed himself but killed someone else but yeah it was kind of like the wild West back then. I mean all of you all. So if that's the first era, we all like, 2007, 2012, what came after that? What's like the era? What years are we talking between? 'Cause I can't trust it. 'Cause I didn't start until 2015. So all of it before that is like- - I'd say around about... I can't remember exactly when it was founded, but that was kind of like the wild West of YouTube where everyone was kind of doing their own thing. It was a mess of different things. And then 2012 was kind of what like where the anime community really started to form into this one one conglomerate. And I think the big event that happened was probably PodTaku. - PodTaku was huge. - It was the first time I recognized anyone outside of you. And I was like, "Oh there's other people? - And I remember because I was already... So we had four original members. There was Holden reviews, Jean who was originally called extra disturbed jeans and a Tristan, the Glass Reflection. And I remember what started it was Tristan one day messaged me out, messaged me out of the blue with the YouTube DMs being like, "Hey do you wanna talk about this new anime season?" And this was before I'd even started watching seasonal anime. This was before the concept of, "Hey you can watch anime weekly "and be hyped for seasonal anime." - Because I'm pretty sure you made a joke in one of your videos where it's like, why would I want to come over the space of 12 weeks where I could just come and warm? That was a joke you made and I remember that. I thought you completely forgot about that. - That's an amazing joke. - For some reason that stuck with me and that's a great example. I would like to come in one, go. - And my thought process is why would I want a 12th of an orgasm when I can just have one orgasm one second. - Yeah and so we made this podcast, which wasn't even a podcast. It was kind of just a recorded Skype call and we didn't know where to put it. So I made the suggestion to put it on YouTube because this was before like it was an audio podcast. It wasn't a visual podcast like this. So nobody thought that's putting audio podcasts on YouTube at work. And I was just like, "Well, YouTube is so why not? "Why not put it on YouTube?" I don't like saying it like this. 'Cause it's kind of sounds like it's like sucking my own dick or whatever, but like PodTaku was a big factor in shaping the anime YouTube community of that time. - No, absolutely. - You get left as somebody who wasn't even interested in being anonymous YouTube definitely shaped. I think how I felt about it because at the time I was listening to PodTaku like every week, like I never wanted to be crossed my mind but definitely when I got into it I think a lot of the influences came from listening to that. So I think you may not have shaped the generation you were in but you definitely helped shape the one that came after. - There's a reason why even to this day people who were around in the anime.... - People back then still are like, "Yeah remember PodTaku?" Even people who didn't watch PodTaku, knew PodTaku - I mean it's still a big point in my life. I think back to PodTaku very fondly, even though it's like ended now and I've moved on in my life. It had a big part of shaping me as a person. And it's especially because PodTaku was the first ever friends I made that I could talk to anime with. You know what I mean? That goes all the way back to the conversation we had at the start about Holden and Jean were literally the first people I was able to bond over anime with. And PodTaku was kind of like my weekly, biweekly kind of session where I could just nerd over annually. Just bring it into with your buddies. And apparently a lot of people looked up to us back then because a lot of people apparently didn't also have friends to watch anime with. - I listened to it. - And so that really... I feel like that cemented the next era of anime YouTube before I think you came along and I think that was kind of the era of YouTube where it was, I think it was it was a lost era where people could just make content without a monetary incentive in mind. - Right, right, right. - Because we did PodTaku not because we were getting paid. We weren't getting paid for it at all. For a lot of it we basically made it because we just wanted to... It was a passion, but it was kind of like this, but back then this was before we had any kind of monetization. We were just four mates who would just go go on a Skype call and record the audio and just splice it together and upload it on YouTube. - And then I came in when the fat checks start. No, but like, I don't think it's too much to say that, this podcast included there's a lot of anime podcasts now. Big and small. And I don't think it'd be too far to say that, PodTaku probably the one who probably got the train rolling in that side of attitudes. - It kind of amazes me 'cause like before this came along before Trash Taste came along, you look back to some of the views and popularity of PodTaku and it still basically holds up almost to a lot of the bigger podcasts that came after it. I mean, there's only a few podcasts that I can think of that came after PodTaku- - That anime related. - Yeah, that we're able to do better with it in terms of using user stuff. And PodTaku is like six years old now. So that kind of blows my mind. Do you wanna hear with blast from the past? - Sure. - [Joey] Warning, the following audio may contain coarse language and other materials that may not be suitable for a younger audience. Viewer discretion is advised. - That is screaming to do it. There's like maybe a couple of 100 people watching this right now who just cream that that intro is like ingrained in my mind, man. Your accent warning. It's like it's so 2012. - [Joey] Also we may spoil anything and everything. So you have been warned. - If you go to my channel, the very very first video is like a podcast. It looks very reminiscent of the editing style of another podcast. - Oh really? - Looks very very similar with the cubes flashing up between. Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - 'Cause yeah did you edit all of them? - Oh, no so originally it was basically between me and Tristan and Holden who had to edit most of the podcast. And so we basically edited the audio so they would sync up and we would remove a lot of like when you have calls on Skype. - People talking over each other? - People talking over each other and you have this really awkward pause where it's- - You've cut it up smoother. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. And then we were like we wanted to make it a bit more visual. We couldn't just film ourselves next to each other. So we kind of just decided to go with flashing boxes. - Yeah it works really well. - Yeah, yeah. And that was our way of just evolving the podcast. And I remember after PodTaku we kind of added a few more people. - I wanted to ask about that because I was... When I as a viewer, I was so confused. There were just people like towards the end would you stop joining in? And then I was like, J-Taku? And I'm like what is going on with all of this? - Was Jimmy on the podcast? - Yeah Jimmy was. - It was so odd 'cause it just seemed like people were just recycling in and I was like, "Wait, this is not what I wanted the boys." - For the big four. - I wanted the big four back then. As a viewer, I was so confused. I don't think you guys like ever explained any of that. So, I mean, I'd be interested in that. - For me it was because the scheduling just got super hard because like I said, we weren't getting paid for anything. So this was just us making time. And we got to a point with PodTaku where we were having a fucking hard time keeping up with this two week schedule. So I wanted to and it had been awhile since PodTaku started. So I wanted to spice things up and I wanted to see if there was like we could get some chemistry with other people. And that's when I brought on the idea of J-Taku and adding more people and making it a distinct brand of PodTaku is where we just talk about pure, whatever we want to talk about. It's kind of like a free flowing podcast. And J-Taku is we're gonna pick a specific topic and we're gonna stay on top. And that was the kind of idea of J-Taku. It was kind of hit everything 'cause it added some new elements to the podcast and also made it so less of a load was on the original four as well. But yeah, it's interesting to hear what you guys thought about it as a view of it. - 'Cause I didn't watch every single one and then I think I just saw like three J-Taku and I was so confused and then I watch it and I'm like, "Who are half of these people?" - And I think it really worked at first because J-Taku did his job. And then he got to the point when J-Taku kind Of even maybe became the flagship series. 'Cause if you look on even look on the PodTaku channel a lot of the most viewed videos ended up being J-Taku, originally J-Taku videos. Like our most viewed video was one where we literally just talk about hental. - Of course. - But that was back when talking about him and I was like very harsh. Nobody likes nobody publicly like 10 times Twitter or anything like that. - Allow me to introduce myself. - But yeah. So J-Taku kind of became one of the flagship series 'cause he just got more views. And the main, the original four people it would just became harder and harder us to schedule with the original podcast. And I think that's kind of what brought like helps bring PodTaku to an end because I feel like that era of anime tube is defined by the start of PodTaku and the end of PodTaku because I think the end of PodTaku really it coincidentally coincided with a lot of times when Joey really rose and people realized they could do anime content for money as well. Which just wasn't an idea before then. And I remember, I mean, should I talk about the end of PodTaku? - Go ahead. - If you want man. - Are we about to do this now? Am I really going to bring this up. - It's up to you. - Okay so I guess I've never talked about this but we've obviously gotten a lot of comments about PodTaku on this point on caps. Comment on this podcast and it was weird. I don't think anyone's really publicly talked about it and to preface this I still love everyone on the podcast. I'm not about to talk mad or anything like that. I don't belong in the story the long and the short of it is that we came into some creative differences about which way the podcast could go. Because to me PodTaku was the defining podcast of the anime community as I have just said and I really wanted to push that further. I wanted to go talk to like evolve more 'cause I saw the potential in how big the podcast could be because the problem was that we had trouble keeping up with our schedule and then we took like a seven month break or something like that. - It's very long. - It was a very long. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. And the reason for that was basically the podcast didn't really have like a designated leader leading it. So I'm thinking like at the beginning of the podcast it was mainly me and Tristan who were getting things like getting things done. I mean Jean, loved Jean she was like the mother of the group, but she was like she would like come in and out because she was very busy with her real life. Holden fucking times busy. I know I've talked just told him before, unless you tell... If you tell Holden to do something, he'll fucking do it. - If you don't he won't do it. - If you don't, he's not the type of... He wasn't the type of person that would like push people to do it. And I think he's changed now for the better. And I think PodTaku was definitely a big learning experience for him as well. So I think he's definitely grown as a person, but back then it was mainly me and Tristan who was pushing stuff to get done on the podcast. And Tristan started to get less and less involved because he started to transition doing anime reviews as a hobby to actually finally getting paid for it. Cause he had opened his patreon. He was the only one that was actively doing videos- - There was time when Tristan was like really at his peak, he was not really growing up at that time. - I remember his patron was a big deal. - Yeah, exactly. Because he was the only one who had other commitments for his own YouTube channel. So he just had less time than all of us. And then for me, that was also the time when I got my job at BBC. So you see all these factors coming into play where the driving force of the podcasts just had less time to really make episodes and people in J-Taku we were all good friends, but they weren't the original four. They didn't really have the, I'd say authority to really takeover. - You can't really step in and be like, "This is mine." - Yeah exactly. So we basically took a seven month hiatus or it's a hiatus but it was more of not nothing was getting done. - Yeah I won't send anything in the group chat. - Nothing was really happening. - They left you on read. - And it was basically because we just didn't have the time. And what was the driving force for it to be revamped was that was the point when I wanted to return to YouTube. I was getting bored with my job and I was like, "Okay, first step I wanna put all my hard work into PodTaku." And really revamping this because Tristan's doing really well with whatever he's doing with his patron. And I saw potential for not only me coming back but also pushing PodTaku into something even bigger and better than what it was with help formally and trying to monetize it. And they just basically making it- - Have an incentive ever to turn up every week. - Exactly, exactly. And so it ended up being... I was the big driving force to getting PodTaku back on its feet. And that's why I got super, super invested in it because I was the one who was getting trying to get episodes done. I was editing a lot of them not because I wanted to be paid or anything but I just wanted this- - It was your passion. - I wanted my passion to be back on the ground. And as soon as I felt it was kind of getting back off the ground, I remember Trisan coming to me and he was like, "I want it to end." You know what I mean? And I looking back now I totally understand why he did, right because this is where, this is where I put it back to creative differences because he saw that we weren't getting as many views as we used to before the hiatus. And also the dynamic of the group was very different than when then when we started some people weren't getting along as well as they were at the beginning. So he wanted PodTaku to just end there. He wanted to be like, "Okay, instead of just fizzling, fizzling out, I wanted to end here. And I really really tried to convince him to be like, "Look I know we're going through some very big issues now "but I see potential in this." There was a lot of factors that I saw that could potentially have driven a lot of hype back in PodTaku before we ended there. We had Jean had just left. But she was gonna come back we had scheduled that we had also scheduled PodTaku two episode which was like our most popular one. So I was like, "Look, we can do the come." I really, really tried to convince him that it was too early because I totally agree with all the problems that the podcast had in order to survive and to go further we would have had to make a lot of big changes and they could have very easily blown up in our face. - I guess it's one of those things where it's like you could try, but you could very easily fail. It's one of those things where you're like, "Do I wanna put in this work "and I can get the guaranteed paycheck?" I kind of get it but at the same time, I'm like "As a viewer I knew how big it could have been as well." Looking at my position now. And I understand how it all works. Like, yeah, it could have been an option. It could have been severed, definitely - It would have needed a lot of work and it would have taken a big risk and we could have failed massively. But for me as a person, I would rather give that a go then the wonder. And it got to the point when it was just like it was just this one clash, right of just, I thought he was too early to end it and Tristan wanted to want it to end it. And it was unfortunate that I signed, fortunately I didn't get my way. (laughing) They didn't listen to me. I tried so hard. - There's a video that you guys all made when it ended. And I remember watching this and that one of those moments, you're like, please say science please say science. But I remember watching that video and it like... 'Cause I remember the order, it was like you first. And it was like, Tristan was last. And I love trust and by the way, just say it. But I remember watching him, I seem like, man it kind of seems like everyone was like really wanting to keep doing this, but then Tristan didn't, almost as a viewer. It wasn't like that. It was at the end- - As a viewer I think that's an impression I could be totally wrong just compression. - I mean, that was definitely a fraction that supported my stance. There was the faction that support a Tristan stance. - As someone who creates now I can understand both. I don't care about either. You know what I mean? - I mean it's definitely a tough decision right. Anybody in that position would have been like, "Fuck do I take the risk or not?" - If his heart's not in it, his heart's not in it. If you're gonna like drag someone along who doesn't wanna do it, you can't like. - So was there no option to just do it without Tristan? - I mean, we wanted to respect Tristan's wishes. There was the conversation of like should we do this without Tristan? But it just felt wrong. - Yeah understandable. - Because I wanted to leave the option. I asked Tristan, would it be okay if we continued and then at any point, if for whatever reason you want to return the doors they were always open. And Tristan was like adamant, "No, I don't." And I understand because this was his baby. I'm like, I don't feel comfortable letting my baby go and just seeing what happens. So that's was kind of like the last straw, there was no going back from that. And yeah, that's basically how it ended. And it was after that I kind of lost a lot of motivation because I'd put so much of myself into getting this revamped and it just felt like it was just all taken away and it was out of my control and I learned a lot from PodTaku with like learning working on group projects and everything like that. And I wanna say I'm not throwing shade at Tristan at all. We still get along great. I love Tristan. It was just a point where we just had creative differences- - And it happens. - I feel that's a very normal thing. What I'm trying to say is I've really- - Demonized and like don't. - Yeah I'm not demonizing Tristan. We just had a different way of approaching things. I still think back to PodTaku and I still think, "Hey, I think it ended too early." And he obviously thinks the other way and he thought the other way back then and that's basically what it ended to. - How it is, man. - That's how it is. - Yeah obviously we don't want anyone going and being like, "Who the fuck man? "Why don't you not believe in it, man?" I mean, like I said earlier, like if your heart's on it and your heart's not in it. That's not gonna happen. - I mean, can anyone like really blame Tristan again, it's a fucking... I would've really vibrating as well. - If I didn't believe in it I'm normally someone who's like adamant about shit, right. So I would be like, "No, no, I don't believe in this." Like I would do like that. - Yeah, exactly. So it's just how it is, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah I always look back to think what could it be? But that was just the end of an era. And now we're in a new era and everyone's gone down the different paths. I'm really amazed to see what people are getting onto nowadays. And it's fucking great. And I still speak to all the cast members every now and again especially when we would get to meet in a convention. - Hey, bottom line is that at least there isn't a single member of PodTaku that went and killed their family. (laughing) They didn't go down to Mr.Anime. That's the silver lining. That's the silver lining. - 80s outro where it tells you what we've opened up to. - The fucking snapshot is like yeah. - Joey, didn't his family. - Oh my God. - Okay, okay. Before we end it, right I guess the way I see it. Is if you were still doing PodTaku your Trash Taste probably wouldn't exist. - Yes that's true. - That's what I'm saying. I'm not trying to say I'm glad that you'll pass your project, but I'm glad that we have this. - No, I'm very glad as well. Please don't kill your families. (laughing) Just going to throw that out there. - You're not British, how do I get a gun? I don't even know how do you do that? - I don't wanna have to make a twit longer. That's like, so about Connor- - My thoughts on Seadog V God. (laughing) - This has gotta be real. I wanna kill your family, Joey. Just stop talking about killing. I'm so sorry. - Until you choose with anime, let's fucking do that. - I miss her anime I mean the army man. I mean both. Yeah we should've seen the signs all along. It was in the name. - My God it kind of felt that when PodTaku ended that it kind of like, it's like tearing down the Berlin wall, right? - Yeah. - Just letting everyone fucking loose. 'Cause I feel like when a big pillar in a community kind of falls right it's just like a ton of people covering for all right. Basically like it's kind of like everyone's looking for the new, like, all right who's the person I'm gonna listen to. We don't really have that at the moment. I don't feel. And I think we do, we have a few big people but I feel that that's when definitely, like you said the new era just was like all right. - Because back then it was all about doing anime reviews. And then I would say the content started to really like it kind of like opened the doors to all different kinds of content. Like you were doing more blogging videos and analytical channels start to come along. So I feel, it was a coincidence that it happened during the end of PodTaku but I feel like for our community, that was a big turning point. - Oh definitely. Yeah, absolutely. - Because I remember that was when demo came along as well, near enough back then when he was starting he changed the game as well. - No, definitely like there is... I don't think there's a single attitude that's on the platform right now and no longer on the platform who didn't look up the demo in any accident. - He did anime stuff. - Yeah anime stuff like demo was just a name that came back. He's like the dad that went to go buy cigarettes and just never came back. - I'm glad I came into it when I did. I feel like I came into it at the time where it's perfect because it was where I wanted to make the content I wanted to make. - I think you came at a perfect time because it was around the time when the whole anime YouTubing thing really diversified itself in terms of its content. So people like you who did very unconventional anime content, it was very to just slip in. - It's great I'm glad that it's gone to the point where we can make a set like this. 'Cause in my mind, I didn't wanna do a podcast unless it was this good. Like I have no interest in it. Like I don't wanna do audio, an audio podcast. - This is what I kind of wanted to push PodTaku to the direction of going like me. Like we obviously didn't live in the same place but my idea was, "Hey, what if we all flew to a place "record tons of episodes and released it on a schedule?" And we could do that on a periodic basis based on like, whatever funding we could've gotten. But I'm glad that I have you guys now who... It's taken me how long? - I'm not the one saying that. People in that first episode were like, "This is just PodTaku 2.0?" No, I'm hosting next. I'm just gonna do that intro. You have to do it. You have to do it now. - I mean, it's, it's great, man. I mean, I like you said earlier about the ambition of it I think us three really have like really great ideas of ways that we want to make this not just a podcast but something really crazy. Like they like the Akihabara video. It was just like just a step in the Stephanopoulos. - I like to say, I thought of the Akihabara video in the shower. - Thank you to supporting this episode. - You guys are freaking awesome. If you'd like your name on the screen just search on other bonuses, then make sure to aside from patreons. - start taking more showers It's super Zen. - You know what you can start doing following us on Twitter and the sub Reddit which is always in the description below, send us your meme, send us your giga game, the showers anime. - One of us will make a post and the other two you have to figure out who did it. (laughing) - What the fuck tier list, I was like, "Wow, it's poking for the hip." And he was like, "I don't know who did it." - In my head I was like, "Who the fuck is this?' - I signed up to make a tier list account just for that. I've made one of my life. - I love the commitment. - That was good for the memes, man. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah but if you'd like to send us your memes then the Twitter and sub Reddit always open. You guys send us some fucking dank memes over there. - I love the chess monga. - Because I'm way too much town to be making this up. Some of you too good to go. - Yeah hope you guys enjoyed this episode and we'll see you guys in the next one. - The Neanderthal boys, no the viewers are the naughty Neanderthals. - Were the animetubers who haven't killed their fam. - There is no way we are getting monetized this episode. - Worth it for the joke. - I've been your host, Joey, and as always my co-host Garnt and Connor. And we'll see you guys next episode. - Share to my YouTube. (laughing) (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,171,966
Rating: 4.9741993 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Our, Dark, Past, with, YouTubers
Id: 0ei80_jPw4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 54sec (8034 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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