Odyssey | Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #2

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another beautiful day in kenchi we returned to everyone's favorite love story here comes the torso now sneaking his way and sneaking back away long have I waited and long have I searched daily I've walked in and bars have I lurked becoming each day a master of disguise engaged gazed with putrid red eyes but now I must leave and train in the wild actually wait no I need to go back to the city tick by a left arm time to steal more [ __ ] who will I steal from today the art of the heist I must make like the mice and take off my arms and legs and just crawl on the ground literally they cannot see you as well when you're crawling because you get a massive buff too you're sneaking what can I steal note to self never ever press alt f4 it happens a lot in stealing and it makes me forlorn ok I got I got a sapper rhyming but that is so much fun I just figured out it to do that ok so I know we're going back in time but [ __ ] it we need to go to the bar take off my I still take off my legs and we'll just do all our stealing in real time which is kind of hard cuz he crawls so slow but look at this guy the sad part is that there's just not really anything more that's stealing here and there's too many people inside so it makes it harder to do it we need to go somewhere more secluded what about here oh I fallen and I can't get up I will have that and I will also have that in the police station now these books are of decent value I'll fix them up there and bring them back here you just imagine seeing a guy do this he literally he ruff he walks into the police station crawling on the ground then puts on a bunch of arms and legs and runs away I still kneel left arm and I can't sell these things here well although I love heft it's really not good for the early game so I'm gonna turn off my sneaked and holy [ __ ] I am really slow I'm even gonna be able to survive out here I don't know well if I cross the desert as a torso I'm sure I can do it with robot legs even if they are slow it's scary though but let's make our gold to get to the high vers there we can train stealth and they sell limbs too and I need to and I want to a figure emerges from off in the Ezard but I don't have a weapon and this is my next walking speed Jesus now many of you requested to know the great story of Logan my servant who's just well now he's mining he's pretty much yeah I think he's going to be just train labor for the rest of his life someday I'll free him but I won't recruit him Oh to slaver groups have encountered me simultaneously no I'm I'm not that not what you think I am oh okay good they all got mixed up in another fight I can just walk this one off I'm like Liberty prime oh this might be a chance oh [ __ ] no don't hit my ass I need my ass hit them hit them Jesus Christ guys really I'm a completely uh it looks like I'm going to be kidnapped into slavery again hopefully they saved my life all I wanted to do was take a walk but I got into the middle of a war unfortunately if I do wake up here in time there's a number of people to save me and I might just survive please kidnap me please oh please great there are kidnapping me I'm being enslaved how awesome I wanted this so much okay fortunately they've repaired my legs oh where are we going where are we going what an unexpected happenstance now this is actually a good thing because although my life will be misery they're gonna take good care of me and they won't let me die so this is pretty much permission to just grind my skills I'll steal all their [ __ ] like the Buffalo Bills holy [ __ ] I've never been enslaved before in CACI this could be a learning experience you know oh look how that guy died that kind of merits of zoom in yeah he is he's dead just completely dead what a way to go okay but let's catch up with me now I'm probably being taken to a slave labor camp but maybe they can fix my faulty Lin's there I honestly don't mind I was just going to spend my day why are you alone oh no there's a night there is another guy with you in fact but it's not post Malone oh here we go alright maybe I'll be freed from slavery and it looks like I am okay I'm gonna play dead wow that was a really short lived time being enslaved I'm so glad that it worked out like that oh I had only nine left on the stomach to recover from come on you can do it Tour solo they can't carry all of us at once I was just hoping to earn money from this mutual well you know the war between clans it looks like I'll be the first one to wake up here and I'll make off with their pants I've never been thankful for skimmers so much in my life they really saved me here one of them got up before me oh he's gonna kidnap me again oh but a farmer has come back to escape from slavery oh but now he's there well at least he'll carry him away and not me and it looks like almost all of these slavers have their hands full maybe I could play dead I'm pretty convincing and these people do not [ __ ] her Wow the Manhunters have sharp weapons he's knocked off that guy's arm I'm not gonna lie it was very satisfying to watch it happen let's see what they do with me there's no hope of escape so I'm just gonna try to play dead and this guy oh man your arm isn't even working dude I'm still in a recovery coma for another second Wow they're walking away Oh No why did you uh why did you get up let's loot the outlet let's just run away just go well they're distracted and loot the Manhunter and grab all their gear all the weapons and all the pants oh and I can't wear boots here we go now my chance to escape let's unlock the shackles we have more skimmers coming in from over that side and wait till they're distracted or they're all very injured and carrying men I think I'm pretty much home free now oh [ __ ] no nope I am never mind this bearded gentleman not even a beard oh [ __ ] oh come on though don't arrest me again see this is the problem with trying to take people alive I can just walk away slowly surely and picking the lock picking the lock 23.1% my chances are rising I am getting better with every attempt and now I am free time for a disguise no one will recognize me I'm going directly back to where I started from oh that guy didn't get so lucky whoa whoa [ __ ] all right let's avoid having that happen to me you have to be careful when you're out on your own please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me safe safe and now long at last my speed is increasing I'm four miles per hour which may not seem like much but compared to before as long as we're improving I'll go without pants these legs speak for themselves and that's not all I got long have I wandered in search of a home a slave hunters there let's use our still sneak while they pass and train that [ __ ] up so that I can hatch a new plan I don't want to go straight to the newbie areas but the skeleton lands have a lot of good things and maybe there's something I can steal you know I need money to buy limbs and I need limbs to get stuff now I'm getting hungry and have nothing to eat so it's a good place I'll stop there and grab a sandwich head back out and go to the skeleton lens wow this gentleman does not want to kill me who are you oh you're just like me you also need things well alright you run along now and my god the skimmers are dense here this entire region is blanketed with them it even looks like that one got stuck in a tree now if I could stay with these traveling groups I might survive I could always just play the bugs off of them and use them to stay alive please wait for me I'm really slow now only 3 miles an hour I'll have to drop these things to follow along but at least I'll stay alive now at 4 miles an hour maybe this is how I'll travel keeping powerful allies or maybe not allies but just neutrals to watch over me and there it is right off in the distance Stoke we've made it it seemed much closer before but now now I realized what an odyssey this journey has become a happiness is mine they didn't even question me time to steal again always a good time to steal goodbye now they also have a robotic shop maybe I can finish my build here there's nothing I can steal but what does the shop owner hold he does have repair kits I'll buy one and then take my leave still was just kind of a bust this whole desert was practically barren but I know a better place where we could train but in the meantime there's a god-awful crossing we need to complete his crossing his lifeless not even the skimmer out here ok run away run away the next phase of our journey we meet we've passed through the desert a holy nation awaits they will hate me so I might cross through without these limbs I mean just walk through without any any limbs on at all just crawl on my torso they'll like me better that way because I can't outrun them like this ah the spine Canyon named through the spine Canyon that runs through it now he finally come back to the road we were on and discovered ah currents field a holy nation stronghold for the next phase of the journey I'll need to remove my own legs I'm going to make the crossing as a torso and the holy nation should be fine with this I'm safe from skimmers because they'll just fight them as I go a long time to take off my arms and legs out of respect for the bad people okay here we go get ready to Akron's shield I make my journey here hello gentlemen how are you just making my way down to wait no seize the foreign heretic oh they're not talking about me no they're not talking about me oh they're talking about the slavers it's odd okay I'm just coming through just coming through thank you let me use my sneak to get that up we can train our skills here so that when we're ready we're stronger in our own land okay it's time to put back on my limbs for a few more minutes but I need food next and I could steal it from them I haven't done this yet but we could use the holy nation to our advantage they're rich in supplies and they're fine with humans though they don't want my robo limbs I'll just take all their food they're fighting something in here an iron spider oh this is their uh their bastion against the robots it must be vulnerable well as we crawl our stealth Rises and they shouldn't mind me they're too busy fighting robots oh wait no these are people these aren't robots well I could take from the robots here I go holy [ __ ] they're loaded oh they don't want me they're seeing me off yeah [ __ ] I guess I have to just starve here tonight and what could be in here I just need food I'm starving to death and there's nothing in here well I can try this large basket now all they have is fuel they are not happy with me I can't exactly put up a fight though and I'm getting kicked out of everywhere Oh high Inquisitor but Val Tina I made love to you the last time I sell you well let's go to the fertile valley oh [ __ ] the tech hunters they're fighting them I might have a chance to grab some loot I need food alright I'll just take this skeletons things at least I look slightly more threatening now if that's saying anything good goodbye everyone have a nice day stay well stay well I think the first people I'll fight are the ones I'll destroy or the holy nation I hate them and they're powerful and this act sells for a whole shitload that was a rare find I can wear all my stuff again and I don't need to hide and it seems I'm actually gaining strength experience now as I go just from carrying around such a heavy load now this place is safe it's between the granary and the skeletons and my gear is protecting me from the acid rains this long coat turned out to be amazing and my first stop out here should be the holy nation greeneries they're just beyond the valley and I can take off my limbs they should have plenty of food and peaceful people well also warlike people but mostly peaceful ones sometimes they get into fights with River Raptors that will distract them ah here are a few customers I really hate River Raptors but they only get into fights with farmers so I can use them to my advantage the holy nations greeneries the stockpile of the empire I can get food in there how does a torso cross a river I wonder if I'll swim only one way of finding out I do oh I'm sort of free in water I seem to swim the same speed Wow now it's time to get back into disguise take off my legs and play Robin Hood one shot at this hopefully no and there's guards do they have food though there's no food in here nothing at all I can break in the other one I'm getting desperate 17% chance let's give this a try a couple more tries there's no one to guard and Wow hungry bandits approach maybe they'll pick a fight and I could grab a meal no they're just passing that's kind of a shame and we're in we are in holy farm leaders and food all around and I just need to create some sort of commotion or will they mind they don't seem to care ok I got the meat wrap it now I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here I just needed something to get me a long holy [ __ ] ok watch this ok watch this limbs see what they do see what they do we just gotta stop sneaking hey guys hey oh man I just got the [ __ ] beaten out of me for uh I don't even have any food I just got attacked by hungry bandits for no reason I mean damn like I didn't know they attack people without food well to add insult to injury I'm limping with a with robot legs but that turns out that it doesn't lower my speed at all and every day I make my way closer to the high vers they have new limbs for me I desperately need them there it is a holy farm a chance for some food hello don't mind me ah here we go the river Raptors are fighting the farmers we can use this distraction to steal all their food I'll put back on my limbs and run in then take their stuff and run away all these people in here don't mind me just a torso okay there's courting me out okay great okay run in while they're distracted everything is mine everything is my dried fish cooked vegetables you put back on my limbs fast grab everything we well this guy's asleep take all the rest oh [ __ ] I got caught stealing run away run away never should take from containers never take from containers well that's quite amazing and I'm getting away and I have enough for the road hmm okay goodbye goodbye people no things just nothing to see here just a torso lying on the ground we've made it to stack which is the edge of the nation and beyond here lies the newbie region I need to lay low by these guards they keep spotting me off the road I think crawling through the last of the holy nation is gonna be the safest way out and after that ninja town the coast looks clear hungry bandits though let them go and then crawl on by I must not look like I have any food but holy [ __ ] when I get my hands on some limbs I'm gonna be unstoppable I've crossed practically half the map without them or with the worst possible ones this is the level we're at right now there it is salvation a land of behaviour and decent limbs and that means we can run away and not do this forever and the hub beautiful upon my hilltop here we make our escape these people will take good care of us and what's this servant bodies okay I'll take their stuff I know they're not so bad but I need money I really need money oh [ __ ] oh yeah I just put me down put me down okay he didn't get anything vital repair myself am I gonna have to crawl there no I'll be okay the last few steps before the village seems like an eternity has passed I hear they are the soldiers now they won't be angry at me they're quite friendly people just need to find the traitor here we go now the hyper robotics trader I really need sell me decent once you don't know how long I've waited I'll sell you all my clothes just give me some legs and also a left arm a good left arm a good left arm I need I'll sell him my old ones carrying me off Thank You that'll be all just leave me outside leave me outside where are you taking me where are you taking me I travelled so far for this oh I have my legs again in my arms ok great he let me go now I can run and I'm not wow I'm not slow well now I can train my stealth in the middle of the hayver village it'll take till nighttime until I can get the full stat benefits I'm pretty sure but out here with so many NPCs around maybe even if I start crawling too I should be able to get higher stat gains for stealth this way when I get back to the hub and I'm ready to run from threats and make this character into the ultimate fighting machine he's ready to go stealth mode on anybody I gotta be like a shade like a snake in the grass no literally like a snake in the grass he has arms and legs pretty good arms and legs too with that I get almost a specialist grade with everything only economy limbs but we can always upgrade and we're now capable of running at 11 miles an hour that's over a 6 that's faster than a six-minute mile to put it into perspective though a lot of characters in Kanchi can run two minute miles for many miles at a time so let's see if he can outrun this carrillo nope well sort of okay only a little bit of head trauma only a little bit of head trauma that is quite fortunate we have enough to survive now and I'm pretty sure we could just get beat up at the hub and survive there grab it animal skins and selling them take everything that the high vers kill holy crap these I would really love to have an army of hayver soldier drum it just looks like fun to command maybe that'll be the next thing now I can run and make do on my own here I come the hub imagine the look on their faces when they see me now he's flying when this guy gets decent ass limbs he's gonna be running away faster too he still had a negative 12 mile-per-hour loss from the robotics a holy citizen I totally have the right to attack this guy unprovoked here if only I could catch him he's already halfway down the road though oh no here comes back well I doubt that I'll win but let's see what he's got sure we could fight this guy even if we get beat up please don't run away baby please don't go I want to make love to you man come on come back okay this guy is now running up and down the hills all over the hub definitely a crackhead there's no doubt he's a crackhead in my mind he's running all the way back to stack and he ran back past me again where is he going he's at least good running practice okay I will punch you at some point over the next couple days he goes what is this guy's problem all right I'm just returning home I can almost outrun bone dogs and I should be good for travel I think I can start to train more obscure skills like assassination this is going to be the way of the tour solo this sneak around here and trained assassin here sneak sneak sneak assassin I think he's sneaky enough that he's never even gonna need to buy property in the hub usually they kick you out but they don't even seem to see me at all it's a combination of the darkness and the stealth probably even steal food well once everyone leaves oh here comes some hungry bandits the perfect practice let's try to assassinate them using my Terminator hands and yeah I'll failed it's like why would you do that try to another guy he looks pretty frail come on Terminator hands funk Wow nothing I had ever done that before let's grab all this [ __ ] and sell it elsewhere or just use it for myself because I have no gear whatsoever come on assassinate and so we will destroy their whole faction and we're getting better at it as we go home y'all fuel oh good another one bites the dust I will get the hungry bandit leader we take her out and no we can't well I'll deserve this at least I'll get melee training I shouldn't have been so arrogant now let's run away we could probably outrun them because they're all naked now guards help someone is committing a crime against me okay here we go well alright I guess I could fight you I mean you don't have anything wow I've never changed the odds like this but it's amazing it's perfect and I need her horse chopper unlike one punch man I will use weapons this time good while he's the best ones I can find I think I'm going to enjoy assassination I look like Edward Scissorhands no they know I'm here never mind we'll use it on other people it's time to get better at assassinating defenseless people mainly the hungry and sell their clothes elsewhere thank you I guess we could also use them for oh I'm getting quite good at this nice nice turn the fight in your own favor before you fight I like hit one I was gonna call him one punch man torso vote torso torso low I've had so many characters in catchy and there we go well nicely done there she goes and hungry bandits our just pure evil I don't know why but yeah I'm going with that that's how I justify everything my flawed morals now I want to make it clear that I've never I've never called myself a good person I just need experience so sorry that bootay look he's got his hand in his booty I him alright let's take all that I'm just going to start assassinating people because I've never played the game like this this is really running out of ideas and to sell this stuff at the store but hey at least we're getting better at assassinations who else can we assassinate I need stuff I mean it's all just more ignore morality just play maybe one more one more one more good ko oh these guys want to fight me I won't allow it take it to the bar never mind it's time for me to go to bed I'm actually quite happy with how this is turning out we have 68 stealth 69 athletics 24 strength we have a lot of other just random stats i've never done assassination but now it's at 17 Thievery and lock-picking I've never really even trained this tree but our characters coming along is decent gear I mean you know entry level entry level but at the same time it's like you know he started off as a torso with nothing in the middle of the desert so you know I think that's saying something he's he's coming along away in the world and I think will train him will train him in the future and make him like an unstoppable force of nature kind of like one punch man or the torso but I like him solo I'm not giving him any team members keep the story on him anyway I hope you enjoyed this as always I have superpowers my name is ambiguous amphibian and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 527,677
Rating: 4.9565701 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi modded, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc, kenshi game ep 2, kenshi gameplay ep 2, kenshi 2, kenshi modded ep 2, kenshi the torso experience 2, kenshi ep 2, kenshi solo ep 2, kenshi torso mod ep 2
Id: 2o-O2bFk784
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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