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I love his humour and the editing... but the fact he was playing only with end tier equipment kind of glossed over the grind.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Randolorian_ 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
i'm built different that didn't even hurt bro welcome to enlisted the brand new first person shooter where you can play as an entire squad at the same time and i know this looks and sounds a little weird but i'll explain in a second firstly thank you to enlisted for sponsoring this video it is free to play on pc ps5 xbox series x slash x and it's got cross platform trust me this [ __ ] is fire the good kind not the bad kind i'm on fire register using my link below and get yourself a free bonus do it right now i am no longer asking you just kidding that that's a that's a joke this isn't loaded and it also isn't real so please play the game because it's awesome and let me get to that enlisted is an incredible hybrid between a realistic shooter and an arcade shooter with unprecedented scale i've never seen this many gi's blasting 30 odd 6 downrange in my life why are you clustered you gaggle [ __ ] some spread out the thing is instead of controlling a single soldier you're in control of a whole squad and hitting the y key at any time unless you swap between members like is there a punk ass tank ruining your day swap from your machine gunner to your demo man and show them what a shape charge feels like wait wait i have a s i have a demo guy for this check this [ __ ] out one oh my god that's all it took can i borrow that did you just get domed by a sniper while playing your squad leader swap one of your rifleman and save him or run away it's really up to you oh i just sniped an officer and the whole team left them to die anybody in your squad not controlled by you automatically becomes an ai bot so you might be shooting at a human a bot or if someone's quickly hot-swapping when they die you might just kill the same human player four straight times you killed one of me kill all of me exactly and i love this part of the game because it constantly keeps you in the action unlike so many other world war ii shooters where you spend half the game bleeding out of the ground am i right dallas ah i'm dying we call the whole hot swapping between different squad members mitosis which probably isn't biologically correct but once you play a game or two you'll definitely see what we mean or two would have been a lot easier if you could sweat off by my toes technically there is a normal mode where you're controlling one dude and one dude only called lone fighters for a more hardcore tactical feel but we were having so much fun with the chaos squad we barely even played it the woods outside the base looking like a damn movie bro i need help over here oh my god making movies holy [ __ ] that they ever nailed the environments the beaches of normandy are something straight out of saving private ryan and the fact that i landed on the german side of the beach most of the time don't mind the faraday oh i'm mowing dudes down try to be a waste of ammo please your kneecaps are gone oh you're dead too i can pretty well get them fresh out the boat like you taking a stride or two but you're getting cut down almost like the dude is mid-phrase like i can't believe i missed you must be goofy you think you're getting up this beach and it's just a picture of goofy walking on the beach oh i think that guy accidentally cooked his grenade too he forgot to let that [ __ ] go we're just out here you know making sure the allies don't get up the beach is [ __ ] that if the battle of normandy is a little too sandy for you why not try out the battle of moscow there's plenty of snow plenty of tanks plenty of anti-material rifles ready to punch planet-sized holes into just about anything oh [ __ ] i could pin the wall oh y'all [ __ ] up now yo i have a ptrd so i'm ready to blow a crater into someone's head oh i got somebody i nailed you right in the chest koala oh badger you [ __ ] dog is that your hole oh that's your whole ass tank i think i hit your gas tank potatoes with more armor than this i just pulled up is this a good spot please i've almost got him on the move on the move i'm gonna finish you off with a [ __ ] knife thing the squad comes next and man have you got some choices here from regular ass trooper squads with car 98k which you can have nine of by the way so before you call it a shitty bolt action remember that i've got a [ __ ] school bus of germans ready to prove you wrong fish state dm car 98k is actually a good rifle though i like it a lot [ __ ] the beast triple i'm [ __ ] nuts ass alters are basically troopers of the full auto smg's because the trench isn't gonna clear itself especially when heavenly's dumbass refuses to leave it and needs some nine millimeter encouragement sent his way back i need to kill one of you let me hold that before how are you tanking those rounds oh it is nine millimeter that actually kind of makes sense gunners are quite the addition to a team because no matter how outnumbered you are and mg34 can solve between 800 and 900 problems per minute gamers inbound it's okay i have a very good machine gun it does not matter goose they're on the mall they're on the wall they're coming in they think they can tag me you dumb mother oh my god fishing a barrel in a barrel no i threw a frag and i was already in a different spot that was perfect all right i still got dudes i still got shooters alive yeah mitochondria see this is the spot now you with the mg what you can do is heavily you can shoot and then swap to your other dudes that also has an mg34 and they don't know which one of you is human and you can just always play musical chairs snipers are self-explanatory and i don't use them right no scope yellow with one once and that's that dust is mine so brother oh no bomber is demoman and this is a fantastic time to remind you that enlisted is currently an open beta because my chat was going nuts that there's no bazooka no pants or shrek no pants are fast right now but they just added the panzerfaust while i was animating this video with the battle of berlin i'd be shocked and guided doesn't have the other two eventually and i had plenty of fun with the piazza anyways a shape charge and a big ass spring works for me all right y'all low in the valley oh that's a double it hits them so hard oh i got him i killed at least two he's not quite exploded yet though go down you [ __ ] there you go there you go done flametrooper is the best class regardless of team you've got the flamen versus on the germans and the m1 of the americans perfect for exacting revenge on all those bunker campers on the beach you get what you [ __ ] deserve oh hang on i'm in the bunker i'm in the bunker all right i'm coming in i got the flamethrower out oh burn baby burn roast the toast yeah i'm just gonna cover the whole thing and fire so nobody can even step foot in here i mean where are you gonna step right we can immediately catch on fire as soon as you come in here all right we're good oh no that is that is more german they actually did step on all of that fire and die that's hilarious believe me when i say that i could have made this entire video about the flamethrower the ability to seal off entrances exits and flat out torch an entire room in seconds makes me feel some top away don't peek me do not peek me while i have this out yo don't go he has an m2 flamethrower don't peek oh that is a bad guy drop shot drop shot flamethrower baby oh you're all getting the business oh my god the dude's coming in here oh yeah howdy parker coming through here i'm sorry partner you're a little crispy oh no heavenly i'm so sorry i didn't mean around the edges radio operators and mortar men are complete [ __ ] garbage correct me if i'm wrong hardcore enlisted players but in my experience their ass i don't know if action shifts too quickly your enemies avoid it but i have dropped these things boatloads of times without any major results pilots do the job so much better because who cares about arty when you can drop 500 pound bombs on a beast six times okay here we go oh god i can hear it 21 kills baby 21. as long as you remember to not crash until your bombs explode because if you die before they detonate you won't get credit for the kills which is like the whole point this should be good okay you killed everybody all i see is tankers are available if you'd rather keep your vehicle play on the ground and they're dangerous yet challenging to use they moved a whole lot slower back in the 1940s what the [ __ ] i'm standing on thank you i don't think they can do anything oh i just shot that guy's shins off oh my god this is like oh this is a firing squad get over get over cross hairs get over oh [ __ ] up yeah just like that nice shot of here get it down get your turret down you [ __ ] idiot bro there we go that worked my builds around and last but not least the engineer who has end you here to solve the only problems that matter [Music] with spawns being so far from objectives an engineer building a single new spawn can completely change the course of a game not to mention the barbed wire and sandbags he's got for fortifying a position that's gonna be a toasty one grouse somebody gets stuck on barbed wire i'm gonna burn their ass to a crisp i mean they're already on the grill bro just gotta turn up the heat a little you can take up to six different squads into combat because different maps will suit different classes and flame troopers are the perfect example flame troopers on maps with bunkers and houses cash but on maps with open fields or swamps tragic it reminds me a hitchbot like itchbot in canada great hitchbot in the u.s not so great who's heard the story of hitchbot hitchcott was just trying to show the difference or just show human cooperation with one another so he would just hitchhike across the country and he's a robot so like people have to show their kindness in canada he made it coast to coast in the us he was immediately beaten philadelphia did you see the autopsy for hitchbot he was a blunt object stabbed shot at with eight balls and then stabbed again somebody in philly they're just like that's philly yup that's and if ten plus classes isn't enough for you you can even mix and match like i've got a squad that's primarily machine gunners but also has a single engineer radio man and bomber to build spawn points calling artillery and blow up [ __ ] tanks this is where progression comes in and i swear i'm not busting out a [ __ ] excel spreadsheet to min max's [ __ ] into oblivion i'll just speed run it with simple terms and go [ __ ] and go campaign is where you unlock things by gaining experience or buying levels squad upgrades let you add more guys to your squad or different types of guys to your squad you want an extra engineer start and you hear personnel upgrades gives you higher ranking guys and workshop upgrades give you higher ranking weapons logistics is where you can buy individual items to equip to individual soldiers sure you may have unlocked the mg-42 and campaign but you need to get one here to put one in a soldier's hand same goes for every other item and keep in mind every soldier in every squad more or less has a primary secondary equipment sidearm grenades mines and a med kit hot damn so you can see there's some serious depth to the game hell you can even gain perks for your squad members like the ability to jump extra high and air jordan your way over barbed wire don't come through the front door oh i will i [ __ ] will i hop that [ __ ] oh that that's what i like the legs yeah i have the jump upgrade shorten that barbed wire basically the more you play the more you unlock the more you play with a squad the better they become and the more you complete tasks and challenges the more guns and equipment you'll have available the end keep it real spending money on the game will fast track you in a lot of ways so if you see yourself playing it for a while the 10 bucks for premium to supercharge your xp gain is worthwhile but not mandatory the homies and i could still slap everyone's [ __ ] and take doves with level zero normie glasses after spending no money because bolt action's one shot to the chest and our tactics are unmatched wow goose and clue you're really just gonna cap an extra dude at the buzzer and beat me wow i know you found a dude eating a chocolate bar and you just off them you found the guy from the second level of modern warfare 2 you're just sitting behind the cover they gonna find those dry ass crackers at the autopsy big man yeah before you [ __ ] on the default class for being shitty koala shot down clue's plane with a single car 98k bullet so i don't want to hear it i'm gonna nail him oh oh oh god you got me oh my god did i just hit you dude you took out my wing i'm going down oh my god i smacked you through the through the wing with a car 98. wow you dick shot of the century right nice still lose the war though not to mention the fixed weapons that everyone has access to like the mc42 as a primary may be unlocked way late in the tech tree but there are dozens scattered around ready to mow down an entire squad oh oh there's all kinds of dudes over here i got an mg42 behind enemy lines dog oh my god how does it feel now using the mg-42 on your own guys don't go thinking the americans are lacking in their tech tree either because i can assure you that the bar which i now just see is a full auto garand and the trench gun ain't nothing to [ __ ] with the killer is a barge shoot 30 out of six oh god they're getting swagged they're getting scragged baby wrench gun baby trench gun go bro oh that's a quad dude trench gun for a reason they call it a trench coat for a reason boys triple i'm uh reloading you think you're beating me with a slam firing shotgun i don't think so that's pretty funny spartan it's funny because that was basically the logic of the mandalorians jedi's can block lasers okay have fun with this buckshot and in the four days that i streamed it while recording we only lost i think one maybe two games so to challenge ourselves we rounded things out with an offline normandy game of pasta stretchy and i on the axis versus heavenly jello and bada on the allies and man was it ever fun to cosplay the germans he clapped on you crowd [ __ ] good morning god good morning oh man that's fine i i didn't die i'm built different that didn't even hurt bro that's a very dangerous thing to do i will have you now why because i will show you why i will show you the light side oh you're definitely going to burn me i don't care you're still burning death you're still burned to death i i have no bullets left i thought you just made it real personal no no no it's my only choice my team is so [ __ ] bad but even with me stacking over a hundred bodies i still couldn't fight fate so we ran it one more time with heavenly swapping up for grouse in the final showdown where i pulled out all the stops i'm building sand castles yo yo the gulag on d-day probably looked like [ __ ] woodstock let's [ __ ] go i got six bombs that are all 250 kilograms let's see you got 21 last time 17 no you're not i'll show you a flomen bear for [ __ ] out of here let me turn down lo-fi hip-hop beats to study and relax too lo-fi hip-hop beats yes bombs away come on hit me hit me baby nope you can't shoot me i see you trying but you'll fail you will not succeed it's basically the closest thing that they had to a laser beam back in 39 sorry 42 whatever all right how's the plane work dude this is wacky as [ __ ] bulldoze the entire trench you don't get to do that don't cap that fast stop [Laughter] if all that wasn't enough the battle of berlin campaign is now available which means you can finally pm with the panzerfaust and a double barrel shotgun maybe not the double barrel shotgun but an m30 drilling from the loot vapor ain't bad you better put that [ __ ] in reverse terry you're not you're not getting it through there you came to the wrong zone rookie that's mockfield which in german means that [ __ ] banks so be sure to check out enlisted for free down below you won't regret it i'm not gonna put you under the gun and threaten you like a deserter just know that it's an absolute blast it's totally worth it deserter and then it just executes you you just get shot by an officer immediately changing your mind young man all right you for something to put in the bingo card unenlisted and that's about it i'd like to thank you so very much for watching i really appreciate you letting me borrow your eyeballs for like 20 minutes and be sure to tune in next time when we don't visit philadelphia ever look out ohio there's a new state in town that doesn't make any sense [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 5,400,497
Rating: 4.9646115 out of 5
Keywords: enlisted, enslisted gameplay, enlisted game, enlisted tank gameplay, enlisted berlin, enlisted tank, enlisted d-day, enlisted beta test, enlisted closed beta gameplay, enlisted trailer, enlisted open beta, enlisted closed beta test, enlisted beta, enlisted normandy, enlisted pc, enlisted omaha beach, enlisted pc gameplay, enlisted tanks, enlisted free to play, free to play shooter, ww2, battle of berlin, battle of moscow, war thunder, battle for moscow, gaijin, allies, axis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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