Cottleston Pie. | Project Zomboid ZERO to HERO Challenge #3

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hello sing in me o muse the tale of gerald williams school slayer former taxpayer ash slinging ice walker worm eater depression haver tree chopper the modern life is one of on we so survival overcoming the odds is not a vestige but a metamorphosis of atomism upon which the individual social animal endeavors to beat the odds each day at first the world seemed a large place life is torture fighting is joy snow is cold to fight and to be close to man is to know the way welcome back to project zomboid much as expected we're still not very good at anything we lack protection we're still largely useless and now losing weight but having killed 84 zombies with a hand axe i'd say we are a bit more confident now and so while the earth is covered by mother nature in a thick blanket of snow we endeavor to make our new home clean wanna see me do a magic trick there want to see me do one again there all human life is suffering this suffering is because of ignorance if we rid ourselves of ignorance we do it by learning knowledge is liberation last night in my reading i encountered a new passage the words of the late great poet a.a milne hoddleston coddleston coddleston pie a fly can't bird but a bird can fly ask me a riddle and i reply coddleston coddleston coddleston pie to live is to suffer and yet we go on playing the game to live is to play the game and so today we go straight back into the city to find more supplies apparently it's only chilly around here but there's a freezing wind chill i think the weather might actually give me decent coverage but i want to test out how loud this storm is going to be there's a chance this could be the death of me but i think i've learned enough about humility that i'll go back when the time comes and with near zero visibility conditions i figure that the only thing that's gonna lead them to me is the sound of my coughing apparently that's enough but i can at least thin out the hordes nearby my base and if nothing else we'll get our hands on a decent axe and some tools that we find lying in zombies backs a lot of the new combat systems make combat a little bit more manageable now too beyond that it's just goddamn beautiful thanks to turbo's new fog system the game looks better than it ever has especially in the cold weather shaking trees multiple layers of fog massive storms reveal how exposure is the deadly enemy here some would call it the adversary naturally the added coverage makes it easier to take on one zombie at a time unnaturally i am very bad at this game undertaking the way of my ancestors i open the door even in the dead of winter cabbages and potatoes should be okay i prepare a table in the midst of my enemies my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i can relax on that note on that note some would ask what is the purpose of our lives some scholars would ask why some skeptics would ask why go on living in a world devoid of meaning to live is to believe or in the words of rudyard kipling to fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds of distance running or speed walking either one is completely acceptable today we make efforts to find food i've put this off far too long and there's a lot of zombies in this area obviously i can't fight them but at some point i need food if i want to get back to this town if i could just make myself well fed i could recover from this cold and get better if i could get better i won't make so much noise on my looting trips but it's not worth my life and almost nowhere is safe almost everywhere is a dead end except for this pile of crepe we'll see if it has anything at all in the kitchen fortunately it's empty unfortunately the cabinets also seem to be empty which was one of my only hopes for food butter butter a fantastic find and yogurt but my life is in danger is that it that's all i have it's worth it for the butter a single stick of butter could save my life here and with all that being said it's time to eat the butter 3 200 calories of pure fat there's no better food in zomboid for a starving man and whether or not it actually makes me well fed it's definitely going to restore some weight on my bones much needed a godsend the gas station also proves rich and full of chips all right i'm out of here and like a fat kid i eat cupcakes shortbread i have to get out of here nowhere is safe ask me a riddle and i reply i have to get out of here before i die holy [ __ ] this is jesus christ jesus jesus that's a spicy meatball that's a spicy meatball i need to calm down the town is completely overrun i don't think i've ever seen that many zombies at once not even in my wildest dreams could i overcome this time to drink soda pop cigarettes and chocolate milk now i'm finally well fed at long last and nearly cost me my life and it seems more of them are streaming in i'm gonna need to run down the road from here but i am well fed and i can eat this yogurt as well while i'm running for my life after which there is a slight chance that i'll recover from this cold i think i made it i really should not have taken that chance though it was uh it was really foolhardy i'm lucky i never tripped in any of those instances but i will survive and i might even recover finally back to the main road back home to mccoy and i'm safe i regret to say that's largely a wasted trip in terms of zomboid's internal systems i believe if you're not well fed you'll never actually recover from a cold so i'll need to resort to other measures to find food we're now fortunate enough to have more soma and water my potato farm flourishes my depression rages on and i and i i take the road less traveled by it seems that the fog is cleared up so i can now go with visibility there's one last area here that might have food and get me a full stomach to recover from my to recover from my cold and it looks like this is a postal truck i don't actually have a weapon anymore my metal rod broke but i found a bunch of post office people ain't no mountain high enough ain't no storm ain't no snow storm cold enough to keep me from breaking in this door this is some of the last refrigerators i know of on this map and it seems there's nothing in here nope nope nope nope nope yes no no yes no literally only one thing it's unfortunate but we might need to make a campfire and it seems that this trip turned out to just be a massive bust but simultaneously at least i'm getting warmer and i did manage to bring my weight up a little bit and it seems my cold has actually disappeared i never thought i'd see the day i guess that one night's sleep was enough to get rid of this cold huzzah we're finally at risk of getting another cold huzzah we are we are healthy again it's been so long since i've last had no moodles now all we have is peckish and slight wind chill i guess the last thing that's really keeping this character down is just the fact that he's underweight likewise he's also very unfit and weak i'm gonna go ahead and uh i'm gonna save working out for the night because supposedly it's supposed to be better done at night i haven't really figured out this whole system yet but i'm gonna start making my way back to town not that i think i'm really gonna be able to do much better there like i said arrogance is usually the killer but assuming that i don't get another cold i could use stealth as a friend now and i can't believe it i haven't been able to use stealth in a really long time not that i'll be much good at it at all but we've got some new company there's actually a chance we could sneak now since we won't be sneezing constantly we also might have lucked out with this mail truck finally some good fortune except everything is locked and i don't have anything to break into it with no matter the snow's cleared and the fact that it's still there is good enough for me at long last we can just out walk zombies without any fear of attracting them i am extremely attractive but we need to get inside before it gets cold oddly enough cold does make you sick in project zomboid and we need to prevent ourselves by insulating exercise and sleeping eight hours a day and find more layers to insulate ourselves with and now i'm going to tell you how waking up at 5 00 a.m each day changed my life every day i wake up at 5 00 a.m i sleep each day i sleep in this chair and i open the door i pick up my axe and i make my way off and i make my way off to work i sneak off to work and i go in the back door grab a snack and then i kill a man after that i usually grab a snack wash my face and then i steal everything but in all seriousness this warehouse looks amazing i think i could make this my new home if i managed to secure it there's also an antique oven in here inside of one of these crates this could make it an actual heat source the large warehouse has been the base for many players and although it has glitches it's actually a fantastic area it has great loot fuel and a whole lot of nothing actually this time though the large warehouse might just be ass i'm i'd kind of be surprised if i found anything in here now there's a lot of nails that we'll need those but these antique ovens would be useful and this wrench and this glue and this sack and the shovel there's quite a lot of good stuff in here now that you mentioned it and also a hand torch i haven't even seen one of these in the game yet lug wrench and if nothing else it'll at least give us a vantage point from which to see everything around nothing good over there nothing good over there absolutely nothing good over there yep the entire place is overrun i'm starting to question why i came here in the first place though i think i'm gonna pick up this couch and leave no i'm not gonna get to do that actually i don't get to do anything so seeing my exertion rise i think i'll just head home this trip was okay and at least i got my stealth up i found a bit of food i'm not depressed and i do have more items they're not that much better than what i had before but i'm gonna need to get back into the neighborhood to get to these homes next i won't survive if i don't find more food and clothing a major short-term gain here would be to find a down jacket if not a couple down jackets we can start to loot zombie corpses for more subtle items like long socks another thing i'd like to find around here would be uh a watch if we could free up some inventory space from that alarm clock or even just find a watch on these to know what day it is that would save me a little bit of trouble nope nope nope nope nope yes apparently no one wore a watch in the 90s but if we're in such better condition now we could actually start to go on a killing spree and fight them for the only thing that matters in life time i am getting better in combat it's a good sign but i don't want to be arrogant yet one two one two and through and through and i spy a machete in that one or just a giant butter knife it could be that and we may as well utilize this axe skill we've already got the combat's starting to feel more fluid i admit i wasn't that good with it in the beginning of field 41. it took me a while to get used to it i think we're down to a better rhythm now though there much better yep it was a giant butter knife i was right just an enormous butter knife oh that one was a bread knife okay well that's upsetting but fact of life we'll continue to make our way through these woods but now i'm gonna have to start to even out the woods i've attracted too many zombies in here see there's ones right around me and if i could just bring them out into the open that would be much safer either that or i'll have to start chopping down the woods and i don't really want to get rid of my coverage it's unsafe now one one shouting about two more three more than i can handle at once it seems i'm getting stronger i managed to push him down more quickly and i think my character is almost healthy but i am starting to get winded we won't survive this much longer if we have to keep fighting these onslaughts it's time to run thin them out never fight when you're tired that's too many run and a magazine more reading liberation enlightenment intellect if nothing else this is at least a chance to train our axe skill and the combat actually feels rather satisfying now another chance for some exercise burpees i can do a thousand now i i can't do a thousand at least it'll make me stronger in the end stronger and more fit i still don't think it prudent to walk through these woods so i'm just gonna keep clearing them out one two three these skills are getting faster aim is getting more sure now beneath the coverage of snowfall we can take out a few of these but again we don't want to get too arrogant this is actually a lot i should start to run yeah it's time to go more than i can fight we'll try to stealth it out we'll try to stealth it out even if we don't even if we don't manage to stealth it out there's value in at least trying because it's going to improve our skill right now we have no stealth skill whatsoever obviously not an ideal place to be does it get better yes does it get better by much no we can at least get to this house without waking up the entire neighborhood i think i might have attracted them here though see if we can take the ones from around the side of the house it appears as if it's almost cleared i might have actually found a lootable house i think i can go inside and just don't destroy that window we're safe we might have found a safe house to loot let's see if we can get anything out of it no ice cream no butter but a bowl bolognese another can opener more pepper cooking pot dish towel all worthwhile and books all right knowledge is power death is liberation a spear with a screwdriver can be separated out into a spear and a screwdriver leather gloves a belt more books knowledge knowledge is a vacation for the brain having fun isn't hard if you've got a library card i can read any book i please and that just about does it ravioli ravioli what's in the canned spaghetti bolognese time to eat a smashing italian meal yeah it's it's magnafique oh it's so magnifique i have to gain some weight i'd say that's about it for one day i've uh i think i've had enough of this and uh i can't take it anymore as always my name's amphibious ambiguity and thanks for watching you're an absolute lad if you made it to this point in the video and series i don't thank them enough so god bless the aaa support group for keeping me alive i love each and every one of you truly random shout out to the twitter page so that i can post more random memes i'll stream again on twitch if i feel like it click on all the things below do it do it now until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,294,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, projectzomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, zero to hero, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid zero to hero challenge, project z, zomboid, zombies, project zomboid 2020, project zomboid gameplay 2020, zombie game, zomboid build 41, ambiguous amphibian, zombie gaming, zombie game 2020, zombies 2020, cdda, project zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda challenge, zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda gameplay, ambiguousamphibian, zombies game
Id: 9rcZC_TTL5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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