FALLOUT 4 A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Can You Beat Fallout 4 Unarmed Only Challenge

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oh is that just a whole bunch of harmless deer walking around the countryside i don't think so eat nuclear bomb yes perfect hunting exactly the way nature intended it hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're back playing fallout 4 but we're going to be starting a brand new adventure today and doing something absolutely stupid you see we're going to be creating an unarmed character and seeing if we can beat fallout 4 using only our bare hands now naturally this won't be like your standard video whereby we're going to obey to the rules said by todd howard because we're going to be exploiting the ever living hell out of this game to power game our character into the stratosphere allowing us to punch holes for reality itself it's going to be majestic it's going to be perfectly balanced and most importantly it's going to be powered entirely by yorkshire tea so make sure you sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and hey if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now let's dive into a brand new world with a brand new hero ah right here it is ladies and gentlemen the lovely fallout 4 character creator my goodness it's been so long since we were last here now we need to create a lovely beautiful hero that goes alongside our incredible strategy of only punching people to death with our gigantic mega fists oh my goodness right i think i've created him um he's he's kind of beautiful and also nightmarish i was trying to make chuck norris and in return i think i've just made chuck chorus uh this guy is he's beautiful okay let's confirm him and oh god he's an abomination uh he's gigantic and ripplingly muscled trust me he looks amazing but um yeah he's gonna be our hero okay well this is our blast chuck norris who we're playing today now i am playing with the quick start mod which basically allows us to skip all of the boring intro and just jump to something slightly new for example we can already start out inside the commonwealth and decide what makes ourselves special of course we're going to be chuck chorus when it comes to our many very important attributes we need to max out strength immediately endurance is also important so is a bit of agility and a little bit of luck right there we go perfect but mostly all of our points do have to go into strength and we'll also whack up endurance just a little bit so that we have more health points right this is looking pretty decent indeed now of course we're also able to work on some unique traits this is a feature added into the mod bit similar to fallout 3 where you could basically pick a couple of unique traits to make yourself a little bit more useful of course every trait had a pro and a con so for example we're going to pick up heavy handed because you know that's just chuck norris and that's going to allow us to do an extra 28 damage in melee attacks however melee attacks are gonna cost us more action points to actually pull off now of course we need to decide what am i going to actually be doing with my life am i a vault enthusiast a survivor list a scavenger a hunter a raider no i'm gonna say that we're just gonna be a drunk that's right chuck norris he's just in the fallout universe he's completely pissed out of his mind but he's ready to live his life also gonna start out in diamond city what do i have with me uh just you know only the essentials necessary how much do i know oh this is actually quite important we can give ourselves a few levels to start out with we're going to say that we know a few things because we'll make the start of the game a little bit easier and right there we go i think it's time to start okay now i have also got a few other wild mods running in the background as well like for example all enemies actually have randomized weapons and items that can be of absolutely any nature and oh yes we've spawned in here there's a patio chair lovely and oh my goodness we are looking exactly like a nightmarish drunk oh poor chuck chorus you are not in the fittest state but hey luckily you've got your bare hands to help you through this game speaking of which it's time for us to actually level up a few times so that we can pick ourselves all of the necessary bonuses that we need most importantly we're going to give ourselves as many perk points in iron fist as possible because this is going to allow us to do more damage naturally however we're not level 9 so we can't pick up the next perk brilliant well if that's the case we're just going to want to pick up the blacksmith perk as well as rooted because that's going to mean that we do an additional 25 more damage if we're standing still which is very important and on top of our existing plus 20 damage from iron fist this is actually very very good you know what overall i'd say that's a good few first starting perks of course we don't exactly have any items really i mean i can check our inventory and what do we have well we have a security switch blade and a muzzled pipe revolver i mean this muzzle pipe revolver is you know look at it it looks pretty damn cool it doesn't actually shoot though because it's a broken randomized weapon but you know these things happen oh dear there's an alpha vicious mongrel well for a start the rules are simple i'm only allowed to use my bare hand so i'm going to be dropping both of those weapons and uh instead we're going to take to punching this doggy and oh dear god we don't do enough damage luckily there's a diamond city guard here to assist us and well this guy has some kind of machine gun with lasers which is perfect i think we can probably take a non-alpha monkey also yep this wild mongrel here we can punch there we go couple of heavy punches and it's dead lovely now the thing is the rules for using our bare fists are relatively simple we need to try and build this character up to a point where they are unstoppable however our bare hands don't exactly kill with much effectiveness at the moment making them pretty useless actually in the long run not too god there's a glowing red ridge right can we punch that yes okay it's almost dead and punch there we go we can even use vats to do punches lovely good stuff chuck choice you punch that cockroach to death oh god let's run but the thing is once we're not allowed to use actual very useful competent weapons like say a knife or a sledgehammer or a gun we are able to use weapons that are classed as unarmed inside of fallout 4 like for example boxing gloves because you know that's technically just your own fist that you're using oh and i managed to find myself some nice clothing as well oh god chuck charles um why is it that when you wear the helmet your hair goes away now you just look like an egg monster well that's fine i will keep the helmet on you friend now the thing is we want to gain our hands on a couple of unarmed weapons because weapons of the unarmed quality are going to allow us to do a lot more damage with our bare fists and luckily for us the game actually has a legendary unarmed weapon which isn't too difficult to get a hold of now you see simply located over here is the lovely location of swan's pond who is swan swan is a gigantic mutated behemoth who yields a massive weapon and can murder you very easily however he drops a unique legendary power fist this power fist will allow us to do a lot more damage with our bare hands than we can currently pull off however in order to defeat swan uh we're gonna need a little bit of money so we're gonna make our way into diamond city go to the market and buy as many stim packs as we can although actually if we get lucky there's another way we can pull this off okay now this person here sells weapons um they sell some unique and amazing wacky weapons like for example this night vision experimental move oh god i really have missed using the randomized weapon mods because it's just so stupid oh they actually sell one unarmed weapon they're selling security knuckles now security knuckles class as a unarmed weapon in fallout 4. they're actually only one of six weapons that are classed in that fashion which is very important and you know what we're actually gonna pick them up because the damage we can do with these security knuckles is actually increased and modified by our various other perks which is incredible well that's basically the last trade that we can manage until we get more money so there's no point of us really going inside of diamond city so let's equip our brand new security knuckles uh which as you can see are slightly broken because you know it's a pair of knuckles with the security bonus so it's got a whole bunch of bolts attached to it and with this incredible new weapon we're gonna go and see if we can steal ourselves one very overpowered swan weapon so it's away we go ah chuck chorus has got a lovely journey as we're going to be taking him from a relatively useless drunk into becoming the most powerful punchy boy in the known universe oh god there's a landmine jesus christ okay we're dead it really is as easy as that to kill a character oh dear oh dear now you see there are actually a whole bunch of comic books also scattered around the world map including grognak the barbarian comic books and basically if we're able to get all of these comics we can make our character even more powerful i'm sorry did that reset us entirely did we seriously not have any other save right i've got to do all of that again back in a moment now here's the thing sadly the trader no longer has themselves an amazing set of weapons like amazing brass knuckles and instead we're just getting attacked by ridiculously powerful uh super mutants yeah the trader didn't have any brass knuckles which means uh we need to basically improvise adapt and overcome so what we're going to do is make our way over to vault 81 because after running around diamond city and harvesting all of their tomatoes and carrots that they have only need one remaining ingredient to create something absolutely wonderful and that final ingredient can be found way on over next to vault 81 and yes here we go just up the slope there should be one remaining ingredient that we need for all of our lovely shenanigans it is of course the one the only yao gaori which is basically a gigantic mutated bear now there should be one around here somewhere oh there it is oh yes perfect oh it's just up on the hill now okay we want to murder this creature this creature is very big and scary in order to give ourselves the advantage we necessarily need we're going to drink ourselves a bit of bobrov's best moonshine take a little bit of rand away and stimpak on up and now it's time for us to try and punch this guy to death now if we cue up all of our attack points there we go you can see we're punching away quite merrily there oh dear god they do a lot of damage back oh my arm's been crippled brilliant oh dear oh dear okay this is going to take a lot of fighting isn't it okay we're going to also take some buff out to give ourselves additional strength and additional max hp right there we go and now swing and hit and swing and hit come on die you great big oversized bear oh dear god this is so challenging right luckily we've also got some more things that we can just consume just a bit of vodka for more max hp stimpak for healing okay now some lovely dirty water perfect that'll wake us right up the thing is we basically have to walk up to it punch it and then move backwards and as long as we're standing still whilst we hit it we have an advantage that's only a couple more hits away from death there we go i think two more there we go one and two perfect oh my goodness thank god okay that consumed up most of our resources but it gave us the one most important item that we need how do i meet and using this we're able to basically craft ourselves something absolutely amazing right now we're going to basically make ourselves a lovely roast meal of some kind i think scrolling down here yep we get to the aogwai roast a unique item because it doesn't take too much to make other than of course the meaty element of it but what it does is it adds plus 10 melee damage now that's what the game says it's giving you however this is a very unique item because it actually doesn't give plus 10 melee damage in reality it gives plus 500 percent melee damage which is as you can guess pretty creatively overpowered what we're going to do is quickly have a nap inside one of these beds for just one hour and that should refill all of our health and then we're going to make our way over to the necessary area near the combat zone so that we can try and pick ourselves up the lovely swan weapon so it's back to diamond city we go and thanks to this brand new item that increases our melee damage by 500 percent we should be able to defeat the gigantic terrifying boss of death far earlier than the game actually intended us to okay now i've wandered my way over to swan's pond and uh in the middle of the pond you can see swan is lying down there looking very spooky now we have to of course defeat him using only our bare hands but at least this time we have one minor advantage on our side with the very very nice bonus meat of incredible power once one come fight me please maybe i can get him to do it if i just eat a grenade at him now we have the yao gui roast down here just to save us when we need it but for the time being i'm just gonna eat a grenade at uh at swan and there we go that'll wake him up a bit perfect did a little bit of damage but it's okay it's gonna be mostly just fists now swan is an incredibly powerful boy uh as you can see if we were to uh punch him now we're gonna do hardly any damage oh dick god oh and he almost one hits us dear lord okay and that's us dead as you can tell we're not a high enough level to actually fight him yet alright so it's become evident that we actually need some kind of unarmed melee weapon uh if we actually want to defeat swann i'm just going to punch this raider scavenger a whole bunch oh he's got a great big long pointy stick but it's okay because i have punchy fists right there go punch him like that and make it a critical oh look at that lovely stuff and we'll be able to steal all of his additional armor now that's good because all of that additional armor we can whack onto ourselves to make ourselves slightly more resilient than we currently are because the moment we're not exactly the greatest fighter okay we're just gonna have to run through the gauntlet here past the machine gun turret oh dear oh dear there's a couple of angry raiders here so um oh dick god what kind of weapon do you have right well i can murder you quite quickly apparently there we go punch and punch easy peasy and then i need to chase you down mr raider scum oh you raided scummer much easier to deal with which is lovely to see right punch and punch oh and i think we just found ourselves some security knuckles on this one raider oh yes oh yes oh yes okay so if we check our inventory go over to weapons and there it is ladies and gentlemen a set of security knuckles what does it look like oh it's just a set of knuckles with some kind of piece of metal strapped to it as well well um it's certainly a unique look to say the least i think i just saw some more security knuckles over here i've now have two sets of security knuckles except this one comes with a machete okay i like the look of machete knuckles apparently this is an unarmed weapon it's just a set of brass knuckles of a gigantic machete blade attached to it okay now here's the thing we can also actually modify our security knuckles and um i think we probably should because you know adding a giant machete to a pair of knuckles is probably not exactly the smartest idea so let's modify this and add in ourselves something to increase damage i would say bladed knuckles oh now that that would look quite good i'm sorry but what the heck you can attach a gigantic rock with heating coils to the end of a pair of knuckles okay i mean sure that's fine that makes sense uh i think we're gonna stick with the nice basic uh bladed knuckles strategy because this will actually cause targets to bleed and bleed damage in fallout 4 is completely and utterly overpowered so bad we're going to make bladed knuckles right well i think we've made a slightly better pair of knuckles i mean for a start they no longer look like a gigantic machete attached to me and looked kind of relatively normal okay now we've made chuck more powerful than ever before with this brand new fisty upgrade my goodness this mat is going to be very powerful however we are lacking one very important thing basically any medical supplies whatsoever because the issue is if we were to go face swan now there's a very real chance he could win because whilst we now do more damage and we also have the upgrade to make ourselves more powerful it is very possible we might still just die but nonetheless i'm gonna give it a shot oh my goodness we managed to make our way over to this area and that's actually given us the ability to level up because of the experience lovely stuff okay now the ability to level up is great because that allows us to put some perks into additional things sadly we can't put another perk into iron fist despite how much i want to the only thing that we can really improve that will give us additional damage is bloody mess which will give us a plus five percent damage as long as we have it you know what seeing how well that went i'm gonna give the swan pond another crack now that we have an improved weapon i genuinely do believe we can deal with the swan hey swan friend i'm here to lob a grenade at you you come out of wherever you're hiding please please eat this fragmentation grenade friend there we go lovely stuff and now he's going to be a little bit angry but of course i'm going to need to eat my lovely meal that provides me with plus 500 melee damage and now if we were to attack swan we do a little bit more but um it's not looking good oh dear god right let's try punching him go punch him i know that apparently if you try and [ __ ] his legs he can't actually stand a chance of fighting anymore so i'm just gonna try and get into here and um die great okay we're still not strong enough for this one okay well we actually had an insane piece of luck ladies and gentlemen i've been clearing out the comics building and well we managed to find ourselves a legendary feral ghouls stalker and he's dropped us a brand new weapon this is the frigid meat hook basically this has a 20 chance to freeze the enemy when you actually block their attack now you will notice it does 75 damage which is a lot faster than our security knuckles and this is quite good considering they basically have the same attack speed so there we have it we now have an even more powerful weapon well you know what i'd say we did a pretty good job of clearing up this entire area oh and there it is oh my goodness i forgot this was right up at the top oh ladies and gentlemen it's the grogginess costume oh yes now this just screams i'm a chiseled amazing man who just wants to punch people oh yes oh yes so yes okay now i've levelled up a little bit we're now up to level 10 which makes us a little bit stronger when it comes to fighting as you can see our meat hook here now does more damage because we've gained some new perks most importantly we picked up iron fist level 2 as well as also the next bonus in bloody mess which makes us slightly better in unarmed damage but of course it's not perfect now we want to try and defeat swan here but swan is going to be an absolute nightmare so i'm going to use every little trick that we can kind of muster up just to give ourselves a minor advantage against him so that includes eating down a bottle cap mine uh lobbing a molotov that just completely missed at him there you go right that should activate our lovely swan friend right and now he should come over and fight us out i just took a hit to the head right swan you need to die my friend did you just blow up my bottle cap mine without setting it off and then you eated something at me oh goodness you're the worst swan anyway i need to actually do something to stop him uh most importantly i need to eat my amazing yogurt roast here and then i also need to actually probably take just every single temporary bonus that i can get including a bit of jet a bit of buff out to make ourselves even stronger as well as a bit of psycho so that we do a little bit more damage and there we go perfect and swing and hit let's actually click on him and do a critical critical hit on swan look at that and look at that other bit of damage i think we're gonna need to get probably as many attacks and vats as possible so i'm gonna drink some wine for some increased max ap then chug a couple of nuka colas to give ourselves the ap buff swing and hit and my god he just broke my legs again swing and hit come on swing and hit if we got any more temporary bonuses i have a stealth boy well that's pretty useless vodka yes there we go chuck norris chug all of the vodka and the whiskey we need the strength we needed strength we've almost murdered him right there we go another another good hit oh god okay start chugging the stim packs now all right there we go stim packs activated swing and hit swing and hit we did it oh my god oh my god this one is dead after so many attempts he's finally dead and what does he drop ladies and gentlemen the furious power fist it does 225 damage but each following hit does more damage to the same target we're taking that bad boy take a look at this bad boy take a look at this tour bot bam dead in one hit that's a remarkable improvement you know whilst we've got all of these bonuses i actually want to probably quickly run down into the park street station but this is it this is really gonna kickstart our amazing journey into the wonderful world of being able to crush everyone with just our bare hands we got some trigger men in here hello there triggerman nice to see you punch and you're dead oh hello you've got a sniper rifle punch and you're dead hello there friend punch and you're dead oh my goodness we do so much damage i mean 200 damage per hit if you can't tell is relatively very good i mean it does help that we also obliterate everyone's limbs when we punch them oh look at all these lovely triggermen here hello there friend and punch and you're dead and punch and you're dead punch punch and you're dead oh my god oh you just just stop walking up to me one by one guys it's not working hello there triggerman i can use vats and now you're immediately dead and you as well and you're dead lovely stuff oh and you're the last one well i'd say this is a remarkable improvement in our punching abilities this is significantly better okay now we're a little bit more powerful than we were before we still have the ability to one hit and that is actually completely off of our own merit because now the actual meal bonus that we were getting of plus 500 damage has completely and utterly worn off oh dear it's a landmine oh dear god they're still dangerous yes we still are managing to one hit things even without that insane bonus so as you can probably tell this is a really really good sign but of course where do we take this power well considering we're already insanely powerful and we can one hit everything i think the only logical thing to do is try and spawn in something with insane quantities of health i don't know maybe some kind of gigantic my lurk of death actually not maybe a death claw will do yeah let's see if i can one hit a death claw okay so i'm just going to spawn in a legendary mythical death claw and let's see if we can actually kill it okay well he's spawned in and um he looks a bit spooky this legendary mafic deathclaw however we might actually be able to do it i mean this is one of the strongest enemies in the game let's start with a critical hit and then punch it again and again and um okay that was not as much damage as i'd wanted to do something tells me we might need to get our insane plus 500 meal again otherwise there's no way in heck we're going to be able to defeat a death claw that powerful right and as we clearly need to become more powerful that means we need more um yao guai meat uh so naturally we're going to be making our way over to where i know exactly two of them will spawn i know the two are guaranteed to spawn over near a trailer park over here which is perfect for us as we can murder them and make two lovely meals out of them now of course these great big bears are going to yield us some lovely bonuses hello there stunted yao gwaii i've not got the ap to technically fight you just yet but don't worry you're nice and weak so you only take two hits to murder now where's the other one ah there you are lovely stuff two lovely bits of yaoguai meat for me let me just use the vats oh yes and punch and punch again it really is as easy as that well that went just absolutely swimmingly so it's back to the diamond city market for us where we're going to create ourselves some lovely bit of food which is going to actually manage to turn us into a god so here it is ladies and gentlemen we can make two of these lovely sausages luckily they don't take many resources away from us and perfect there we go that should now make us much much stronger well there we have it perfect we've got all of the necessary resources we could possibly want now let's make our way all the way back over to the rocky narrows park and see if we can punch ourselves a couple of gigantic mythical monsters to death in just a couple of hits perfect it's now daytime meaning it's the exactly perfect time to spawn in a mythical dangerous monster of instant death okay we're gonna spawn him in over here and now it's time to run away at high speed because dear lord he's gonna be a spooky boy so as we can see legendary mythical deathclaw if we were to punch him that's doing maybe about one tenth of his health that's not gonna do much however in our inventory we have our lovely furious power fist but most importantly we also have beer and even more importantly gwenet stout also some jet don't forget the lovely whiskey and vodka but the most important thing of all the yao gwaii roast this lovely monstrosity is going to turn us into one of the most powerful beings in the universe so we're gonna stand still press critical hit and it's it's not doing the damage that i necessarily need it to but it's certainly doing a lot and it's mutated he's mutated ladies and gentlemen right don't let him hit us oh my god he still one hits us how are we meant to kill him we have to literally 100 percent wanted to oh my god you are a nightmare monster punch one punch two the critical strike is honestly useless it didn't do anything there we go get punched by the death claw that's fine he has mutated again though which means uh we're gonna have to just start chugging meds now let's take some buff out to make ourselves more powerful to medics for some damage resistance and more slowing of time and oh yes some nuka cherry to also give us more ap lovely right come on chuck norris you've got some incredible punching to do my friend he's mutated and he's more powerful than ever before but you just need to keep hitting him keep on hitting him come on comedy's almost dead one more hit one more hit one more hit oh my god okay we are so close to death eat the ribeye steak take the purified water dear god jump oh punch punch much punch punch no he heated me to the sky we joined the russian space program on that one look we got so close we were one hit away we can do this we can really do this i'm gonna kill this mythical deathclaw if it's the last thing i can do oh my god look at this he's just murdering chuck norris take some medics for the damage resistance some men tats for some bonuses we'll also equip the stealth boy because why not and i think that means we can probably get a stealth hit off on this guy let me try and crouch yep there we go sneak attack yes three times damage yes that was it you had to activate the stealth boy for the sneak attack now he doesn't stand a chance ladies and gentlemen oh we've got him okay we need to slow down time again as we're gonna die uh nuka cherry yep give me some purified water a lovely steak just gonna eat everything over a very short period of time and i think this should mean we should heal up no problem okay where's the jet we've got one more jet to take take the jet slow down time punch him once more punch him there we go good one hit one hit one hit yes oh the legendary mythic deathclaw has been defeated oh my god you did it you did it chuck chorus the one the only he's killed the legendary mythic deathclaw ladies and gentlemen dear god they said it couldn't be done they said he was mad and well he most certainly was there's no doubt on the madness thing and hey we got ourselves a fat man for it you know that's good we can harass the local wildlife of this monstrosity oh is that just a whole bunch of harmless deer walking around the countryside i don't think so eat nuclear bomb yes perfect hunting exactly the way nature intended it well there you have it ladies and gentlemen we defeated a legendary mythic deathclaw this is a level 91 enemy but yes we managed it and i mean what a glorious thing i think this proves once and for all the most unarmed damage is nowhere near the strongest most powerful thing in fallout 4 fists are still a wonderful weapon anyway ladies and gentlemen i've been the spiffing brit and this has been the adventures of chuck chorus the man whose bare hands have managed to defeat a gigantic dinosaur of death because at the end of the day with enough dubiously coloured bear meat anything's possible and i think it's time for us to say goodbye to this world we've done exactly what we wanted on our glorious adventure so it's time for us to leave chuck norris away well there you have it ladies and gentlemen that has been today's video if you've enjoyed what you've seen today then hey make sure to give the video a like why not hop on down to the comment section to say hello and spread the goodwill and joy of your presence or just pledge undying loyalty to the brand new galactic overlord that is chuck norris using a gigantic piece of concrete welded to the end of his fists as always do consider subscribing if you'd like to see more lovely videos like this and thank you very much to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make videos like this all the more possible seriously thank you very much for your lovely support and hey if you're sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now and chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 676,380
Rating: 4.9351401 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, fallout, fallout 4, fallout 4 unarmed, fallout unarmed, fallout 4 unarmed build, fallout 4 fists only, fallout 4 challenge, challenge, funny, can you beat, perfectly balanced game, can you beat fallout 4, fallout 4 builds, fallout 4 exploit, fallout 4 glitch, fallout 4 melee only, fallout 76, fallout 4 can you beat, funny fallout 4, video game exploit, funny moments, fallout funny moments, fallout 4 weapon, spiffing brit, english, skyrim, mods, fun, rt game, rpg
Id: UJC4c0squUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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