Why Kenshi Is Still Worth Playing In 2022

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kenshi is fun and there is no game like that

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/SCARaw 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kenshi will be worth playing in 2050. No one other game allows me to sell drugs to a highly corrupt feudal society while being apart of a technophobic, racist, and utterly sexist theocracy with my army of amputees, cyborgs, murderous cows, and martial arts masters.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/wormtheology 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

you can instantly down heavily armored paladin with sword weighing over 50 kilos and fight giraffe-avian , eyeless monsters while wearing samurai armour

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bruh, this is still going to be playable even if it's already 2077

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/cathyrin03 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
Over two years ago the open world sandbox game  we all know as Kenshi was released. During its   time there's been plenty of things going on and  revolving the game especially considering it's   just a single player game. When most single-player  games end up getting uninstalled after the first   or second playthrough, Kenshi is a game that keeps  players returning to it time after time again.   I personally have kept it on my pc since getting  it I've put in a lot of time into the game and   made plenty of videos on it so I felt like it'd be  worth giving my opinion on why the game is worth   playing even in 2021 or even later I'd say. So  this video is gonna be mostly for new players or   people that are on edge about picking up the game  but it could also be used for returning players.   If you like content like this leave a like comment  subscribe check out my channel and my other videos   it helps me out a ton let's get into the first  topic and that's the world of Kenshi. The world of   Kenshi will draw you in just from hearing stories  about the game or the gameplay trailer alone,   but if you've yet to play the game and experience  it for yourself I'm sure you're wondering how the   actual game world environment works and I have to  say it's one of the most unique and interesting   game worlds I've personally played in. The game  features four main races that you can choose from   these all have different factions and  civilizations as well as sub races   and all these different factions go and spread  up across the map they all follow different rules   have some religions or ways of life. Starting  the game you have a lot of variety and choices   in your adventure, it may be difficult but it's  going to be a rewarding experience whenever you   survive and thrive in this world. Aside from the  different factions that you can interact with  and different towns, there's a huge map full of  places like ruins and points of interest like say   the vault of the emperor for the united cities.  The world is a great mix of interesting things to   do so much so that i myself haven't even explored  the entire full map yet, I'm still working on it.   Depending on how you play the game your adventure  could end up taking hundreds of hours and the   entire time it's up to you on how you want to do  it if you want to be a normal guy who gets strong   you do that you want to be a traitor who wants to  barter you can do that be a husband who beats up,   we're not going to make that joke you get the  point. Moving on though in Kenshi there's lots   to do when you consider the amazing modding scene  the game has to offer. If you're a fan of add-in   mods to games like Skyrim or Fallout, this game is  going to be very good for you as it basically has   a built-in feature in the game that allows you  to make mods. Some of these mods are very basic   and using other things you can actually do a lot  more like add in new textures or new characters to   the game. Over the past couple years there's been  steady progress towards new cities, way stations,   bandits, enemy factions, weapons, armor. So if  you feel like the world or the wasteland is just   getting too familiar or you want the single  player game to be a little bit more spiced up   then consider just checking out some of the mods  that the community has put out. Whenever I've   played Kenshi there's almost never a day where  i don't check the workshop quickly to see if   there's any interesting mods that have been added  that day. Because especially the past year we had   some of the biggest if not best mods come to the  game yet there's a mix of between like thousands   of new characters weapons types of armors,  ways to change the game exactly to your liking   and aside from mods you can always take your  creative endeavors into making your own and   adding new characters or weapons that you want in  the game. Modding is one of my favorite parts in   Kenshi and definitely deserves to be checked out  as a lot of these mods like the next one I'm gonna   share a with you briefly can drastically change  the game. If you haven't seen it already project   genesis is possibly one of the biggest mods to be  made for almost any single player game. The mod is   a compilation of a bunch of mods to expand on the  vanilla world, if your first full playthrough of   Kenshi wasn't enough you might want to feed more  hundreds of hours into the game by using this mod.   Just to shortly give you a description it adds  a lot more life to the game, makes places like   the hub a little bit more functional you'll see  shop traders on the streets plenty of different   characters from factions, there's even more  buildings and shops to interact with. Project   Genesis is a standalone reason to buy Kenshi or  give it a second playthrough as this playthrough   will include thousands of extra lines of dialogue  and a bunch of new content. For a single player   game this is definitely a mod that tops a lot of  Skyrim quest mods that I've seen in my opinion   as it completely changes the game and gives you  a new kind of experience. And next i just want   to talk about learning, mastering the game and  a bit about the game's mechanics while currently   there aren't really speed run categories for the  game that doesn't mean you can't try and speed run   this game or at least try and be more efficient  and figure out the game's mechanics. Things like   RNG are a little bit at play sometimes as you  can maybe find a small bandit group which is   reasonable and that's you some nice xp making you  stronger or run into a massive groups of cannibals   who kidnap you and eat you alive. Depending  on where you are both on the map and in the   game and level of stats this will determine how  great of a chance you have surviving and making   it back home each character in your faction has  their own stats potential to get [ __ ] killed   which makes a personal storytelling for the player  a unique and engaging experience. On top of this   the game has base building and base defense as you  deal with the factions and races inside of a game   this is one of my top favorite parts about Kenshi  as well, picking a nice spot on the map figuring   out how i want my base to look and then trying  to survive there, i really like sort of tower   defense games in general but this makes it another  gameplay mechanic along with the many others. The   possibilities are really up to you if you want  to set up a base and try and thrive in the wild,   stay in the city there's lots of stuff to keep you  playing and feeling rewarded as you make progress   in the game. Kenshi is a very big game so when  putting all the mechanics in factor my advice   for replay value is just try different things  or strategies as each playthrough can be a lot   different if you play it differently. I spent most  of my playthrough for Kenshi let's struggle season   two in the southern end of the map and mainly just  exploring all of those zones. I've dabbled to the   north but i haven't really done much there but now  that I've done almost a full run in the south i   kind of want to make a new run and go up north as  the factions over there are a lot different. It's   like starting a new game can be a completely new  experience while also being familiar and being   the same game that I've been playing for hundreds  of hours. My best examples of this are looking at   my first save files video. Other than the game's  journey being similar but also really different   for each players, there's lots of reasons and  moments in this game that have stood out to   me and made it some of my favorite moments in  gaming to share. Everything you're going to do   in the game is just going to make your character  a bit better running gets you better athletics,   fighting better fighting, building makes you build  faster, it's very simple while also innovative as   very few things in the game you can do will  actually make you lose progress you're almost   making progress every minute you spend inside of  the game. & finally leading on the last point is   the game's community both on YouTube videos and  other platforms like reddit, discord, Facebook,   etc. Kenshi is played by thousands of different  players every day and with so many players who   have gone through to make videos on the game  ranging from mod videos to guides tips and   tricks as well as many different playthroughs to  choose from. I saw the Kenshi Facebook group which   isn't really that big it's still pretty active it  has a lot of people in it and they were doing some   parody Kenshi news content which I'll try and find  and throw up for you guys. Along with this I've   talked to a player who was on day 3000 in game  and had over a thousand hours on a save file.   When I started making Kenshi videos or when the  game first came out there were quite a few people   making content for the game but not that much.  Mod videos guides any tips and tricks especially   commentaries were basically unheard of for the  game, and if you compare it to now you can almost   find out everything you want to know about  the game from written guides to video guides.   Everything has been being worked on and being  done by passionate players like myself. The game   isn't as big as something like Minecraft but it's  definitely got its own niche and its own community   around the game across many different platforms  so even though it's not a multiplayer game Kenshi   will always be like a single player World of  Warcraft to me. As the feelings I've gone from   playing the game day to day and the different  struggles and challenges I'd have to face   makes the game the most unique video game I've  ever played. I've talked to people probably more   about this game than I have any other online game  and whenever i try and compare it to any other   game that's out right now it's just i can't really  do it the game is so unique it's in its own field.   It's kind of like Rimworld, kind of like this kind  of like that but it's not it is very different   from everything. So if you see the game on full  price it's around 30 bucks but on sale it's around   like 20 in Canadian at this time, so the game's  an absolute steal. I myself have around 500 hours   of play time in the game and aside from that I've  also made a lot of videos on the game which take   just about as long to edit so that play time could  probably be doubled. Now if you're looking for a   unique and interesting open world sandbox game  to play and choose, I definitely think Kenshi   is worth picking up it's not for those slifer  slackers. if you see games like Rimworld and   they just make you want to [ __ ] chop your ball  sack off and they piss you off don't pick Kenshi   up this isn't you're going to be your game. If you  think you're going to enjoy a game that's going to   give you a lot of punishment as well as a lot of  rewards then Kenshi's definitely in your alley.   There is a Kenshi 2 in development but that's a  long way away so I'd definitely suggest playing   the first game first to see if you like it, and  then if you do end up liking it well there's a   second one to look forward to so your money went  to a good cause. I've got plenty of videos on   Kenshi 2 on my channel as well as different videos  on the game in general so feel free to check those   out if you guys want. With that though that's my  reason and opinion on why Kenshi is still worth   picking up or playing today. I would say even  if it's a couple years ahead like 2022 or 2023   and you haven't played Kenshi before it would be  worth picking up even then, but anyways my social   medias are in the description subscribe  and I'll see you in the next one peace.
Channel: Cool Kid Croc
Views: 116,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, is kenshi worth playing, is kenshi good, kenshi review, kenshi worth playing, kenshi 2021, kenshi worth a buy, kenshi review worth a buy, kenshi gameplay, is kenshi worth it 2021, is kenshi worth it, is kenshi dead, is kenshi fun, is kenshi a good game, is kenshi still being updated, kenshi 2, why kenshi is still worth playing in 2021, why kenshi is still worth playing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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