My Ninja Way | Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #3

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ohayo gozaimasu welcome back to kenchi our little torso has made it so far across the desert and found limbs we can't even fathom his progress the way of the ninja truly is remarkable but today we develop the true ninja virtue of discipline join me in our quest the way of the ninja is known by discipline only by only by training the six essential traits and we assume the way of the ninja and trained tor solo welcome back my friends our character has grown a lot tor solo now is of greater strength stealth athletics and the ability to assassinate people and he's fighting holy nation citizens who discriminate against him he's actually winning fights he's no longer such a loser but let's take it through this one 22 22 it looks like the torso is in good condition these fights he'll gain some dexterity he needs this for his training but a more sacred weapon would be the katana and so will unsheath this holy blade and so unsheath fukin so unsheathing this holy blade tor solo fights and damages the evil citizen who discriminates against him for no reason for his robot limbs and let's just salute him everyone is bad but me and now i'll sell his shirt and pants in this way we will train our skills get ready for a montage of discipline we will train our stealth in obvious places I know this takes a lot longer than usual but the way of the ninja is safety first just get out of my way patience is a ninja virtue and in this fashion we will just maximize our stealth there's no real way around this we just got to do this the wave the ninja is also getting [ __ ] here we go unjustly accused of things and so we'll fight against these we have somehow we've earned the enmity of the holy nation outlaws but a ninja sees that every battle is an opportunity to learn and everybody and every battle an opportunity to profit as well still our town is filled with criminals who laugh at the way of the ninja whom we will dispose of and why would you just say okay goodbye goodbye and guards guards come guards quick come quick guards there we go okay and every every opportunity is a learning yeah no don't don't fight the guards please switch back after that much better much better a wonderful wonderful biscuit man has a blade I definitely want and I will loot him and have his coat he can have mine it's like playing with Barbie dolls but with people who can't take shoes and his extremely valuable blade is mine suddenly it's like dress-up but with people and oh now I have expensive [ __ ] and I'll have your expensive [ __ ] as well no it's not even doesn't even provide any armor keverage certainly my life isn't so much [ __ ] suddenly everyone I encounter is just practice practice for what comes next good job tor solo I did say the way of the ninja required patience and there's a lot of being patient here when we beat up other people be interesting to do a morally sound playthrough of Kanchi no we'll save that for another time Red Rover Red Rover I'm going to assassinate the bar thug Wow he had some good [ __ ] I'll have his hat I like his hair though I can always just get plastic surgery on my hair and I'll switch out his shirt which is better than mine these pants are also better than mine the boots you know some things in life at least he's no dachi or no daki whatever it is it's mine and sell them to the guy right behind him let's take his armor go it wasn't a guy sorry it was a woman Bella okay yet remove him I mean her he was not fit to be here I didn't even get to use her for combat she won't be too happy with me in the next 15 seconds I just imagined the confusion when she wakes up okay I'm being encountered by the dust bandits in town I can just make fun of them here but let's go inside and get some allies make it like the Battle of Thermopylae just to fight them in the entrance and in this way we can cheat the combat and become ninja masters oh [ __ ] he's actually hitting me I need to get hit on the chest and the stomach and so on and so forth because uh this character has almost no way of gaining - you just went through the wall well anyway this character has no way of gaining toughness you know if I hit it being hit in the limbs so that practice is valuable for unfortunately I can take their stuff as well and sell everything back I know it's hard to be naked but at least you all have your appendages to our any of you still alive I was looking forward to healing you all and then releasing you from town at once for more experience no on to more people I have a new house apparently the owners seem to have disappeared I'm back again ok hello bar thug how are you today go bugger that's pretty mild for what I just happened you seem to have an arrow sticking out of your butt let me go let me help you with that oh there we go alright well you have a good day now I'll just be grabbing some contracts the pacifier a guidance for a troublemaker the red bandit and the what I'm really looking for is the dust king the dust king is a wanted criminal he's very strong and when I kill him I get a lot of money for bring him alive alive but I have world domination on my mind so to do that there's a few prerequisites first off we need to become actually strong for that I'll need to Train we're actually on to bigger targets than just the simple training dummies in here we can't actually gain anymore melee experience and most of the rest we could get out in the wild so let's go find people people to bother and I know just where people the bother are if we go two ways down these cliffs we should come to a crossroads and now coming up on a whopping 70 stealth points in these crags there's usually a group of dust bandits perhaps not the safest enemies but always willing to fight oh [ __ ] what are they I must have I did something wrong I think maybe was the holy nation escaped escaped holy nation Severin's I thought either way I fight for myself I fight for myself weird there's no dust bandits up here kind of a bummer really a hungry bandits just what I was looking for let's get into sneak and oh no they're just bandits well a better opportunity now I don't even have Lin they could hack off anymore so the worst that they could do is kill me and well that would be bad I'm not scared of them see death is just another way every ninja knows uh an even better fine now hungry bandits hungry bandits since hungry pants baking slavers for food and that was the liquid experience we won't get that they'll certainly lose hello everyone I am here and the dust bandits are gonna get into it with the slavers too this is a three faction war I'm just trying to figure out who to fight for experience I'll take out the hungry bandits now don't fight me I'll just take whoever's down at the end of the fight it's a scavengers dream help hungry bandits against the dust bandits I think that the slavers will win this one yeah as my money's on them it's a great opportunity at money though okay let's just not get wounded literally grabbing people's stuff in the middle of the fight okay I'll take this slave mongers stuff tat now don't hit me I wasn't involved run away again hungry bandit hungry bandit slave monger down that's a lot of green another one okay his stuff mine all mine that's about as well as we can do here time to make a sale and we won't make a lot here but enough to do but I have a better idea now our limbs though on or trash they're trashed let's face it they all detract from our skills and we need to literally remove our limbs to be better at anything so I need a whole new set of iron man limbs things that instead of just compensating we'll actually upgrade me and for that we need to go somewhere else somewhere much more out of the way Oh hungry bandits I'll need them you'll make for a good point in my training montage oh [ __ ] well after I get the crap kicked out of me for a while oh you're really not too oh he's not dexterous at all yet okay please just take my food please just take my food good he didn't take my sword I forgot to mention that you need to train your dexterity a lot and your toughness before you can get anything going from a zero stat character will need to get beaten up several more times if we want to truly conquer the world I was knocked unconscious with my eyes open I'm tougher now though at a whopping 20 points I'm healthy again time to run away somewhere new and after fighting more hungry bandits we're actually decent against them now gaining more toughness thank you for not taking too much we're ready for a new adventure so after a few more assassination attempts and getting our [ __ ] pushed in and pushing in others [ __ ] we're ready for a major purchase oh [ __ ] no run run leave me alone I just wanted you to beat me up once I'm starting to look like I belong in Fallout excellent the ninja way involves pain pain of deprivation it also involves violence undeserved violence and plenty of it with the needy in this way we've already risen 6 toughness levels in the last couple of minutes all the while keeping the stakes fairly low another way we can train is by hauling around backpacks full of iron and fighting passers-by and discovering squid I have only a few items of business here first get beaten up outside the city walls for no reason heal myself yet looked at suspiciously by the guards talk to this person by a thieves backpack buy food and a sleeping bag and believe it or not that'll actually take me to about the mid game there's not a whole lot you have to do in Kanchi to get good at least if you're just talking about one character tonight I'm sleeping in someone else's bed tomorrow I continue in the ways of ninja discipline with some hard labor to remind me of the gulag and all of the lessons that I learned there I'll also be interrupted I need to learn to handle these distractions and not lose focus weirdly these guys know I was just gonna say that they don't take separate they take it's about your backpack now what the hell I felt they didn't do that why kept food in my backpack dammit ok I'm gonna need to wake up and aggro them and bring him back to the city I need my food back that was very that was very mean of you I think never do that to someone okay we are running after them now but give me my [ __ ] back tak and run run run run run get back to the city mom mom help oh [ __ ] no will I ever get him back at this rate this is why we need to be faster I forgot to drop all the iron okay just drop off the iron quickly quickly do all that again and then okay we got two off maybe one of these guys as my food please come back with me don't knock me out before we get the K wow this is really bad these are the weakest enemies in the game bond tour solo you can do better than that we at least need to separate them from their comrades okay good go guards help help what guards good okay do you fight them and I will bring back the other people who heard me not not after I get a little bit of combat experience though good good good thank you guards I think this might be the guy who took my [ __ ] don't thinking his [ __ ] though and the UH [ __ ] we didn't get the right one they're all the way out there now will I ever get them back I really needed that food ration hell I guess it's worth it for the toughness XP come on fight me again just need a little bit more ass-kicking good good okay we got them good okay wow we are really slow that's not even encumbrance that's just the robotics we are just that horrible and damn it will get them to go back the other way okay just lead them back over there's actually a bar right over there that we could lead them to if hopefully we're fast enough [ __ ] come on just deke him deke him a little bit deke come to her so you can do it you can do it you can do it door solo we have to get only over there if we can get over there we can get our food back in fact one could get up get up get up persistence persistence there we go there we go that's just a few more feet Jesus Christ [ __ ] I may not get that food back there they go there they go with more outlaws turned back and forth literally disappeared into thin air well that's kenchi for you Oh No there they go there they go give me my food give me my food I want back to cano ha back to cano ha yes there they come thank you guards Oh excellent excellent good good good ah these ninjas are units man they are units okay Eric take that and that and this there please give me my rations for Christ's sake no you don't have them you don't have them you have them got caught stealing okay I'm picking him up then he's got my food on him sorry I'll just be taking him with me this man stole from me I'll keep him in my watch there we go he didn't get all of my food he ate most of it though that dingus I'm going to make love to him you know so that he remembers not to do this anymore ah he's awake an opportunity I'll just do you equip these or do this and he's right now before he runs out of blood there we go get teach you a lesson there we go unconscious for 3,000 seconds and probably a lot more don't take my foods the hard way of life in this game now this guy is such a unit it's time to train our strength with some iron backpacks we can do this by mining in the day and then traveling everywhere at night but don't forget about getting beaten up holy [ __ ] I don't want to die being a ninja means knowing when to run too and also being able to run fast okay fight me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] well they can't cut anything else off dude and they're hurting each other unintentionally guards guards and this will be kind of fun I actually like it when a big group of them comes into town always a good chance for some toughness please don't let me fight alone though now the goal here should be to get your ass kicked as much as possible in the safest way possible so more katana you know dexterity and so on and so forth it's actually quite a good fight oh he's getting this yet kicked out of him but in a safe place in a safe place we actually got knocked out there pretty badly but so did all of them I can repair and we make a lot of money oh [ __ ] they knock the bar man unconscious I've never seen that before it's just in the middle of all of it well they actually had ranged weapons on them probably damn it's not great quality but it's a start this was a decorative way to throw out the dust bandits playing with a character like torso low though you'll start to see that his power scales exponentially he he starts off really weak and then once he can take out one group he can start to gain experience from them and you know the skill acquisition is exponential too so it might not seem that impressive at first but later on he'll be able to take out entire squads looks like we've got another opportunity more dust bandits can you take out in one the others have just abandoned him man he can he actually fight one no it's a fairly even match but at least he gets a lot of combat experience from this we need him to get more duels like this if he wants to get good with the katana now katana level 10 and he can in fact beat one in a fight this is a victory I mean he'll need to fight more but at least he can win 1v1 and unfortunately we can't actually access the inventories of these dust bandits who have wandered out here we can pick the though and put them down and then retake them that way and suddenly he vanished oh that's a bummer that's a bummer well on the other hand we know on the other hand we are now rich and we can go by the limbs that I wanted oh [ __ ] more of escaped holy servants why did I earn their enmity not not a smart idea but at least we can ok here we go this is the ultimate way of gaining strength carry a dead guy on your shoulder and just lock attacks with the other hand get hit in the ass this is how we get stronger use ninja guards to our own advantage sell all their stuff in this way we're actually training our character to become stronger when he gets better limbs like he may suck right now but there will be a moment when it'll be like BAM KaBlam KaBlam he's so much better grab the rest of the iron grab a guy there we go start mining out the middle and wowzers now we're gaining strength at 50% for our for our strength XP gained we've actually optimized the speed at which we're gaining strength and athletics it can't be too much we're gonna put down this dead guy right before I go to bed and then tomorrow morning we'll just wake up our new buddy and we'll just walk around awhile while we train that strength up and hopefully we'll make our way over to the dead lands or the Ashland's I can't remember what you call them but they're there and they have better limbs better limbs for me with my current limbs I hate to say it but they're [ __ ] okay we're moderately improved now it's time to set out on our next journey a journey of strength 40 miles an hour is also a normal running speed for kenchi he's got a naked guy running all across the desert Wow okay let's just fight him because that's usually gonna be good in Kanchi especially with all of this extra gear or fighting a naked guy shouldn't be such a difficult fight for us this is a rare opportunity very family friendly fight and Wow his strength is just it's just KaBlam it's just really increasing right here and great great fun he didn't actually have very much so we'll just leave him there and you know we're good people so we'll first date him no get up that's okay and I'm just gonna run away from him now and he'll run away from me goodbye goodbye you were a lesson worth having now as I was saying in kenchi if you run around with a 20-pound dumbbell by the end of your journey you'll actually be running faster and you'll have gotten stronger see we're already losing Our Strength XP gain percentage because you've already gotten a level or two stronger so by the time that we get to the robots are the skeletons whatever you want to call them we might be going at full speed let's just use a few opportunities along the way to mine more iron we see lying on the side of the road and add that into our inventory not a traditional way of training maybe but it works and Wow it seems there's some sort of bandit dust bandit convention down there we'll want to avoid that and just walk around ninja discipline tells us to avoid conflict and sure Wow with a hungry bandits actually won this one alright I'll fight you you know I'll fight you with all of my strength stuff too because it's gonna it's gonna train my strength like a lot like although you get your ass kicked it's it's definitely worth it they're probably gonna take my food but I'll be stronger later and there we go down just like I thought and yeah they grab my food all right let's pick up my dead guy and be moving ah now after many days of wandering around seemingly aimlessly getting 2:36 strength by carrying this dead guy around on my shoulder and a backpack full of iron well actually it's in the inventory but it works out we come to the most perilous step of our journey robot land covered in acid rain and burning screeching robot parts the dead lands you don't want to get stuck in the deadlines it's very easy to die here tread with caution and don't get caught out alone if you're slow now fortunately this jacket should protect me from most of the peril way I almost got struck by lightning yeah mostly my jacket should protect me mostly and black desert city lies at the center house down a hill actually not such a bad place and what we do next may come as a surprise we're going to sell a lot of our items well buy a masterwork scout leg and sell our old right leg mainly I just want to be able to run that's pretty much the first ingredient for a decent character they'll put that on and now we're already running at 20 miles an hour well sleep in the robot oh we can't afford that well damn I know a place where we can do it for free now our character is able to run at about twice the speed of before I know it doesn't seem like a lot for one journey we just got a scout leg master work but it's the best one in the game and we have three more limbs that need replacing imagine how strong will be by the end of this we can't fight yet but we can run away and when we replace my arms we'll be able to fight and when we can fight then we can conquer the world I mean just look at this right leg it's like twice the HP of the other ones now we have where damage we can get rid of this with our other limbs but I want to start with the strongest ones from each one then when our character is strong we can do the last of our don't get in there you've not swim in the acid I don't know why they don't path around that but after that we can take contracts and start earning a lot more money we're now able to outrun bandits yup Tour solo can escape from threats as we all know becoming a Road Runner is the first step in any successful can can she play through here we go we've actually come upon the dust Kings hideout might as well do it here and we're level 9 oh [ __ ] they want to want to get in those wait for them too yeah I wasn't doing anything weird but I actually wanted it for the lock-picking skill and we actually managed to pick the lock we just keep doing this forever to gain the skill wow I did not know you could just max out a skill that way but it is the ultimate game of spam spam and cheese ah there he is the dust King he's far too strong right now but we'll come back for him later later when we're stronger oh they wanna kill me yep okay we are running we are getting out of here and we can't outrun them and let's see if we can fight to dust bandits that's it they've been shackled so they're good practice it looks like these guys got into a bad encounter with some slave mongers that was pretty easy it's just a sign we're getting stronger we won a 2v1 grab their stuff I have a best way to improve in Ken she's always by fighting and scavenging other people and so I proudly take that up with these hungry bandits now whom I encounter with complete confidence and we'll we over it still might be too many but we should get better soon yeah we got our asses kicked all in good time though more humans more ass-whooping better hits now much better hits cult or solo go get more to that green get that good green fighting five is way easier than fighting twenty if we want to make money fast we're gonna need to use this or stealth need to steal these things from behind a wall I guess that means that we could do the same thing with these I'll just take all of this committed many crimes in the last two minutes from behind the walls don't look suspicious tools cop gears actually out of room goodbye town I'll just do this several times and then we'll get rich we found a wandering assassin no evil and nope and now and guards guards help help oh please help please help someone he knows better than to attack me okay come on come at me bro dude I got one heated she's forced to walk to me it's first aid myself it come closer come closer good come come come good okay I shouldn't have tried to fight somebody good I let money get the better of me more opportunities it's stealing hmm I wonder if I go under the stairs right here I could totally take the dried fish off the table in front of them most unexpected I love this game okay what if I go outside hey you can't you can't seem to right can you okay okay the ultimate heist stealing through the wall no I can't be done oh so close what about the other bar one two three four five six I just got like everything not that bad not that bad yep I can totally do that okay these are people who have had my party before in the game okay what about this can I do this yep that's totally fine - I can take from rain the giant I feel kind of bad I'm doing it anyway okay how about Soto please please please uh-oh weird like it failed and succeeded and described his weapon more value you can have these boots put everybody's clothes on everybody else before I leave and leave leave nobody minded that and the guards were totally okay with me just stealing everything from town sale everything we're making out like thieves wait we are thieves I now have a whole new set of ideas we're still not good enough at assassination to make some of these attempts we're good enough with you we've got a 92% chance with you I'll go on that okay being hop sorry man you totally just do this for everybody he won't expect to anything when he sees me with this hat on I love it other bartender just watches me do that and that accepts it can increase our chances of stealth Kay owing Logan right now we've got a 92% chance on him thunk grab all of his stuff he actually has some decent stuff on him - and sell that to the bar man it has good armor it sells some medicine now and wow that's just making us progressively better and better at assassination he's getting kicked out bean ops just like ya that happened and I forgot we were hostile with these people I actually tried to break in on them before and just fight them or some wrong some assassination attempts that went less than favorable for us we can always run back to our own home I'll be it with a limp oh [ __ ] I didn't realize that the guards help me with this fight jeez okay I'll take it I'll take it oh wait no they don't like me either oh oh no I'm an enemy of the state okay run away runaway shinobi citizens fighting the their own guards I I think I messed up everything here but no skin off my nose loot everyone and run away we'll never come back here and these things that are actually pretty valuable yeah I'm glad we got this more stuff I'm literally looting ninjas right now oh [ __ ] oh here we don't stand a chance here we just picked a fight with a ninja well maybe it'll be more experience yeah we are we're screwed well we're done with the shinobi Oh a nose holy [ __ ] whatever Oh we beat him damn still take it and you know what while swiff is so weak right now I may as well try to fight him yeah let's go attack him just out of nowhere more combat experience even if I get beat up he's a strong dude too probably not a bad dude in any way I just don't really know anything about this NPC and he's going to kick I'm not even gonna [ __ ] oh well I deserve that I don't think I got a single hit off of him Jesus okay run run I'm really starting to like assassination I'm gonna try it again okay and we got it oh I didn't know that they would be pissed come on I just assassinated like three other people a second okay I'm leaving I'm removing myself and here we go I've actually need to go out to the hyper villages before I might one last year they offer pretty good prices I think it's only about 200 for a bed rental it's very relaxing now the last adventure will be getting chased by guru tus Quinn and then selling their meat to the squid Knights squid Knights whatever they are squid residence the people of squint oh and it looks like dust bandits are gonna join us okay I'll make a huge profit here I have a lot of company oh maybe we could just you know set them all off against each other it's hard to tell who's winning I though I think that it's the dust bandits okay I can bring them in too and they're far slower I love using the local authorities to help me here we go thank you help me against the bad people and crap they just took them all prisoner hell we can still grab the car this guy had a lot of good stuff he was a pacifier geez lacking two chainmail his pants I don't even think that he knows what I did to him and one more she just saw me do this no one saw now I'm sitting yeah okay okay let's loot her take that and sneak away bring those back to the hub and sell them there sell these things although we might not be getting it a lot for it it's enough time to get beat up again but now we are doing more of the beating you might even get a few of them out especially with such a large weapon okay okay take my rations why I'm stronger stronger in one last time off into the nether and I'm buying a KLR series right arm first we do the right side then we get on to the left side later and there it is what's actually it looks kind of cool the old ones look more claw like but this one looks like a real hand we'll run it back to the main area I know you might be wondering why wouldn't you go for the leg but what's the point of running any faster now but I can't yet fight all these I'll need to lead them all the way back or just let them go either way I think we'll leave it there for today we acquired new right limbs and all I really wanted to say is let's be true to our origins anyway we'll leave it there there's still plenty of room to grow you come so far now at 39 strength 50 toughness it comes so far you can see for yourself there's only more room to go anyway as always thanks for watching I hope you enjoy this and I'll be seeing you guys in the next video oh geez let me know if you have any uh yeah it is a future enemies to take daggers easy he's getting stronger but only only bit by bit all right buh-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 263,988
Rating: 4.9745007 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi modded, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc, kenshi torso mod ep 3, kenshi ninja, kenshi japanese, kenshi the torso experience 2, kenshi 3, kenshi modded ep 3, kenshi gameplay ep 3, kenshi game ep 3
Id: fnPuJRpmbPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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