WUMBO | Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #9

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nandeska the old master woojin gave the day's lesson to his disciples in all things the sage does not compete it is the natural way that true harmony lies in equilibrium when the left and the right act in equilibrium then the true nature of things is revealed to the spectator and so i think it is with you when the strength of two tools is fully harmonized then the fine tempered blade crashes like a waterfall welcome back to kenshi in today's video we're going skin deep to spar with some of kenshi's most dehumanizing enemies so instead of just being a maniac for fun we're going to actually contribute and fight some of the strangest enemies in the game savant is the leader of the skin bandits this is savant let's talk as a man of few words i have little other option but to fight savant but holy [ __ ] is he strong i'm not actually sure i've faced a boss this tough yet arguably katlon is tougher but i think we're going to need to fight his patrols first because i seriously got really effed up there this guy is a tank but if i do one thing for this entire video and it's kill savant it'll be worth it as with other bosses we're going to need to whittle away and savant's no ordinary boss like catlon he's surrounded by skeletons an entire army of them either that or lure in one of the large crabs that i got now you may notice that crabs are slightly larger today that's because i modded the game to make crabs 100 times their size though now i have this new problem where crabs collide with everything and they can't move gameplay so if the worst comes to pass we might be able to lure a crab to savant's base otherwise i'm on my own we can start by fighting some of these patrols of skin bandits outside his base they may look human but they're all just skeletons wearing people's skin as the name implies yeah this is not going to work out we're going to have to run run is it even possible to solo these guys it's there's got to be somebody who can do it well in the meantime i do have a backup plan there are a number of leviathans out here and if they're just solitary creatures i should be able to survive their hitboxes get really messed up on me and there's also a lot of weird [ __ ] out here land bats this corner of the map contains the strangest stuff fortunately they're not a match and it's basically baseball from here though i'm somehow getting glitched out here on them getting surrounded is never fun we'll have to use spam to stay alive it was a good day and torsolo rested peacefully and since most of this is just a massive stat grind anyway i'm gonna get you caught up on our strength and toughness and so on we've come a little ways in heavy weapons melee and defense but we're still looking for more toughness and strength really a little bit more of everything wouldn't hurt so it's gonna be a little bit more combat today but we're right nearby a bunch of high tiered enemies and i think that these land bats might be able to help me against this leviathan if it doesn't kill them all first but honestly i think i'm better at fighting it i will wait till they're done and then go in fortunately land bats are very helpful and if we can just beat this thing before the health regen takes over then i might actually have a chance at knocking out a leviathan plus the land bats are a major distraction here we've actually got its head down to half health i'm actually going to build a bed right next to it so that i can sleep while all of the other creatures fight the leviathan and once it's taken out all of the land bats we can go back in for round two oh [ __ ] that's so lowing it i'm soloing it this is a full-sized leviath this isn't even a pup anymore all right about 30 hp on the head though it does regenerate fast i think we have a good chance of hitting its head though and hitboxes also aren't a thing i guess and it looks like we're gonna take out its head before it takes out me jesus i've never done this before i've never gotten one so bloody two more hits i think and one more hit one more hit one more hit and oh wait it's gonna go flying uh no i don't want this guy to get the last hit in dude let me do it oh there it goes yes full-sized leviathan down uh i'm so proud that's all we get though one leviathan pearl and we can't even pick it up actually kind of unfortunate we killed it and it only it severed only one human right arm oh look we can we can move its corpse around i am powerful i can feel it let's go like oh there it goes down the mountain oh it's going for a ride i was kind of morbid right let's fight these gorillas just xp farming here wildlife is very good for xp farming and we keep selling these things in spring right by tin fist who's extremely powerful we'll just go up the mountain of doom sell this thing to lift and make a sustainable profit i've never noticed this till now but tin fist actually charges people a hundred cats for bed rental that means he's actually running a hotel here failure well i'm honestly kind of bummed about this whole uh crab debacle you know i couldn't fight the skin bandits i'm still too weak and there's just not enemies uh easy to train against even full-sized leviathans it's kind of a risk fighting them all right i guess we're just fighting giants for a while more giants to solo now we're hitting for 200s over 200 per hit geez that could be productive 194 to get a nice bite out of my left arm well despite the fact that i'm getting my ass kicked it's always easy to escape when your opponent just collides with everything around you and you hit him for about six times as much as he hits you for even if he does have that much god he never hits me we're so far away i can't even hear the sound effects anymore though when you zoom in on torso it sounds like mating mating season but this has significantly raised our stats just look at how much better we're getting at melee and attack and defense here we'll be hitting for more with heavy weapons soon and once we can one shot the skin bandits i'll be ready to head back you know i take it back i think he can solo a leviathan now holy [ __ ] i never thought it would be that easy compared with the skin bandits it just kind of be speaks how strong skeletons in this game really are i have three skeleton limbs and they're way stronger than any human limbs could ever be they can't even eat me when i'm unconscious because just my hitboxes don't they're not even near it oh see this small hill good luck getting past it i'm going to sleep right next to you and then wake up and fight you again well they do make up for that with the hp regen but they also can't sleep in a bed so having opposable thumbs rocks i'm at full health already he's only recovered that much like 100 health i can do that in one hit okay we can train now by soloing leviathans 12k per each and take out this one too we'll do it in fast motion all the more satisfying this is a feat even one punch man couldn't manage i'm just getting ready for the animation when it rag dolls up okay here we go one more good hit on this thing and it's gonna go flying 113 on its head he's needs to land one successful hit and wait for whoa look at that look at that [ __ ] what does it look like from what does it look like from his point of view oh my god jesus christ okay let's go loot it this is amazing it's bigger than it's bigger than the terrain someday i'll have my army of crab people and oh it got back up no stay down stay down damn you well at least it gets to do it again can we just oh i just gave up this time no no it's too big i can't even loot it i can't even get to the location where i'm supposed to loot it it kind of feels like i just caught a big fish or something smile for the camera just caught a big one no seriously can i loot it it's still not dead and there we go we got it for one second come on come on no i i literally can't loot it i just did a second ago okay we're going to have to keep on pushing its body around there we go come on torso just oh this is getting to be a lot of fun okay oh come on i gotta get under it it keeps disappearing there we go okay goodbye new friend i had almost forgot what my face looked like and we got another leviathan over here now that i know that we can solo them this gets a little bit more interesting the best is when we can find one that's glitched out on some rock and it can't even retaliate that's just like free points now the sound doesn't even come out till i start to zoom in and right here it just starts to sound awful when you zoom in on it what in the world is going on here wow he did even better against this one he's already got it down to half on the right arm what happens when the arm goes out before the rest of the body he hasn't even gotten one of my legs yet i'm worried about this thing one-shotting maybe somewhere somewhere in here no good oh yeah this one can hardly even hit me i think his hitbox is up here we have some sort of cheese advantage cheese advantage i'm looking forward to this hasn't given out yet hasn't given out yet and we're still doing okay it's arms gave out but no it's arms look fine it doesn't use its arms okay so hitting its arms is pretty much useless maybe it bleeds more or something but who is ooh another one bites the dust wow come on land bat could be anticlimactic if the land bat killed me after that goodbye land bat hello leviathan another egg i mean pearl whatever it is oh no what are the crabs got in there hmm i have a weird idea can we somehow get this crab to fight the leviathan hey buddy hey buddy come on over i got somebody i want you to meet i've never had a monster battle before here we go just come this way my money's on uh my money's on the crab because now they're getting closer they're getting closer every tree is an obstacle oh how are we gonna get past this one oh [ __ ] this tree is right in the middle here look want to stay interested in me stay interested yeah baby keep coming oh it made it it made it i knew getting the leviathan to come to the crab was a better idea than getting the crab to come to the leviathan come on just a few more steps okay okay we're here the crab is actually significantly larger i never noticed when i did that come on baby fight to the death fight to the death okay we're gonna need to anger the crab too man the leviathan's not even fighting back at me anymore there we go come on buddy come on get the crab here comes some land bats maybe they'll contribute to the fight somehow all right you two just uh you two just hash it out there geez i got them so close yeah he actually whenever he tries to attack the crab he just stands right next to it oh well i'm going to sleep i'll see you all tomorrow you too can just hash it out over there though when i really think about it i think torsolo's training would be greatly enhanced if all of the animals were just giant you know i think that the crab was a little bit big let's make the crab a bit smaller and everything else a bit larger let's just go back in i have slightly changed all of the animal sizes ah the crab is of much smaller size now it might actually be possible to hit it now good we can hit in fact hit the crab and the crab is still very healthy and strong it still has a lot of hit points that's great it doesn't seem to be taking any damage for somebody the the crab is just broken somehow and i've destroyed the game the land bats also are enormous not quite that large but how large do they need to be let's go see how they're doing over here wow the gorillas too are larger let's go see how they do in combat they're uh fairly aggressive fairly aggressive and how are they doing against the hivers well these ones actually are taking damage thank goodness oh they really they really did a number on this gorilla have they also scaled up in hp it seems that they have but they're all bloodied i guess they just recover i guess they count them as having that amount of hp that they started with when they get modded i don't know i'm definitely doing things in a weird way right here but oh [ __ ] yeah i'm in trouble again oh [ __ ] okay the gorilla might save me that gorilla may very well save me run back to spring spring where there aren't any giant animals oh [ __ ] there are more oh my god look all of the gorillas are king gorillas now pretty much they have 1500 health on everything oh that'll be kind of fun okay rest up at spring and then come back down and fight him let's start off with the black gorillas now they're really doing a number on the hivers here but i still think we could solo it it's hitboxes aren't so messed up can he even hit it i think they could hit it from the back but i can't hit it from the front come on attack and torso okay this one might be uh this one might not work but we're still gaining a lot of levels i mean look at how quickly he's gaining melee defense now whenever it attacks him wait till he gets back up he's just waiting for an opportunity wow he's really gaining melee defense quickly i guess the answer to grinding is to just make all of the weak animals giant but i don't think black gorillas are the best enemy to fight for this i have another idea now goats are also about three times their normal size goats are notoriously aggressive savage creatures but they're hitting me for only one or two and they have 260 health each jeez it's spam heaven look at these enormous goats monsters will be two one or two shouting them if we hit them right though they're relentless relentless monsters can we even get one goat this goat is just [ __ ] looking at the ground they still sound like goats monstrous creatures well they are grinding up his defense oh [ __ ] here comes a land bath it wants me okay get out of there tour solo get out of there save yourself no from the monster goats well goats were already op we knew unfortunately the the traitors are still normal size oh here comes a bone dog now three times its normal size here we go jesus they do look a little cooler than i had realized their model made them look now at least they have a normal hitbox again oh i can actually do damage to you though they were weirdly weaker than goats now do they have more meat no it's the same meat same kilogrammage now there's so many other animals i changed i don't see any of them around here i know there's some definitely over here though oh here we go since he had such a fantastic run against them before i made beak things even bigger so i'm not sure if this is big enough how much health do they have it's not that bad he'll uh he'll do fine against them let's just get them somewhere somewhere we can actually fight them somehow i feel like that the size comparison is just lost oh that's a shame look at this oh man they went down too easily i think their neck like the angle at which their neck hits me is just not the same it makes some animals overpowered and other ones underpowered like land bats are about as tough as they were originally because they're low to the ground though they hit for slightly more i think they just overcrowd me anyway beak things are weirdly now underpowered crabs i can't hit because of their weird hitbox run run big things are strangely nerfed a sad day for beak things but they do they do do better against certain other animals now i think i scaled up garu too right aren't the garu bigger that looks like a slightly larger garu ah more beak things i think we're really overpowered against big things so i'm gonna just see how he does in combat 269 hit it's just that his sword does so much damage to them already and they they can't oh this is perfect yeah i'm sure they'd hit me for a lot but they just never hit me i'm gonna pick one up whoa this means that we can actually carry around giant creatures now this is amazing normally you can't carry around most of the giant creatures but i guess since i scaled up the smaller creatures now that smaller creatures are giant i can carry giant small creatures if that makes sense well let's go back to town beak thing and i like the fighting the beak things i wish that they were even bigger i know what to do next oh i know what to do next much better oh [ __ ] okay right much much better well i am legitimately scared now let's uh let's no not that anymore put it down i wonder if we're still faster than them how fast can they run they were already pretty fast to begin with oh [ __ ] they're hitting people for a hundred damage my god these things are enormous jesus jesus christ what what the [ __ ] and that's only like three you could make them much larger than that too okay wow only nine damage is he uh is he ever going to be able to be close enough to hit them what is this doing for his melee defense he's still gaining melee defense unfortunately he's not getting horrible hits hmm oh like a baby one okay i'm sure we'll do better with the baby one okay hello baby one how are you good i can actually get a hit off on the baby one there goes some giant bone dogs being i guess when you scale them both they kind of do better against each other since both of their uh hitboxes are all messed up now this may look like an ordinary fight but uh hmm can we get these i need your help guys i need the bone dogs help against these good good help fight them oh [ __ ] here comes some more oh the bone dogs are just pretty much okay with this okay good i might be able to take out one of the baby ones are they at least working on them they are trying to hit them but i think they never sense that they're close enough to them to start hitting them so they just never get a hit in well i guess i could just kidnap this baby one that's kind of unfortunate honestly my god that's bananas run run how fast are they gonna run now uh put this one down let's do a speed comparison i'm running 41 miles per hour and they're hardly even walking oh my god yeah the speed does scale speed does in fact scale the size okay excuse me i have a new idea have them uh you know what they do fight leviathans i'm pretty sure okay great they're fighting one of their kind come on i want to get you over here to fight this thing come on come on this way and good can you hit me there we go okay we got him to fight wow look at that that's crazy i think it's the leviathan is at a disadvantage here because it can't like sense when it's over the beak thing so it's just gonna get [ __ ] up here jeez okay let me attack the other one we'll just uh go in on it boneyard wolves are are they still the same size they look kind of large okay we're just fighting monsters now this is just animal planet like a giant metallica concert that's crazy you know what let's just grind our stats this way i'm okay with it he doesn't seem to be getting hit by anything yes it's cheesy yes it messes up the hitboxes but occasionally i get my [ __ ] pushed in and i don't think it can even hit my hitbox to be able to devour me yeah it's cheesy but it's my [ __ ] show and that's what matters we can always run them past some obstacle but they just can't get past oh that is the darndest thing but more big things run or maybe it's not that they're actually running faster it's just that they're running the same speed at a different animation you see what i'm saying like they're still maxed out at 40 miles per hour but it just happens to look like they're walking when they're moving at 40 miles an hour so i guess you'd say that they're walking at 40 miles an hour still kind of fun do it not as much fun as camping what if we made them even smaller this is getting stupid let's just leave them all at their normal giant size and for minnie w for wumbo i think bone dogs are still legitimately fair enemy to fight against so i'll grind on them and we just got one the garu are also huge they don't look much bigger but i i made them only a little bit bigger i didn't want to mess with them too much because there's just so many in the world though you could mess with them a lot more and we're pretty much fighting the same way we would have before this one won't die though and it's a lot of toughness training as well oh a baby that's why it's the baby ones look normal size now and the large ones look wumbo sized another day of justice and this makes your normal dust bandits look really weak because humans are actually not even quite as good as animals because of the weapons that i use it's even worse now a pack of bone dogs this totally reinvents all the beginner areas i thought i was done with the beginner areas but now like it's a whole new set of challenges he already did pretty well to begin with against bone dogs now he's just oh [ __ ] some people being attacked by goats i must save them ah save the hungry bandits from the goats die die goat you're good look it looks like they're going to eat the hungry bandits starving bandits our net well when were they ever not hostile to me the starving bandits always hated me are they like a faction do they have us a leader like who are they fighting with the are they fighting with the dust bandits really they're gonna have a whole new set of problems in a minute i love it how tourist solo can now just he can solo you know not only is he solo oh look there i didn't even see his arm disappear geez not only is he so low in the sense that he's so low but he's solo in the sense that he can so low and he is a unit he is a unit there we go yeah hit him in the head hit him in the butt hit him in the oh you see did you see that hit him in the arm hit him in the leg yeah there goes another arm yeah where can we just get consistent really weak enemies i guess if we just made ourselves really conspicuous here in the hub there's so many hungry bandits that come around that we would probably be able to fight forever trying to think of a city that has really weak guardians i'd go to the hive if we had to fight only the hive drones actually i guess we could pretty much just wander around over here there's so many hungry bandits it's not even funny how many there are or maybe we're ready to go back to stack and love the inquisitor now we weren't ready for this last time but now that we've fought all those giant animals let's see if we're uh ready to fight one inquisitor just a single one and the answer is no we aren't unless if we just haven't healed enough let's go back into the wild and now that we have enough money at 121 000 cats i have a purchase i'd like to make hello and he still doesn't have these things in stock industrial lifter arms masterwork he has only one specialist one but since i think it would be fun to try it out let's grab it we could also grab a thief's arm because stealing is fun i'll take that and wow his sk his stock is pretty horrible that's a surprise well goodbye citizen i don't know if you could see this but we now have that klr arm and now this industrial lifter arm so although it doesn't really improve our dexterity by that much i mean the klr gives us 10 more gonna give us a lot more strength and i'm hoping that'll help us uh yeah we'll see how it affects combat we don't really need the unarmed damage bonus that we get from klr oh this looks like a spicy meatball oh how many how many i guess this will be a chance to test out the new arm one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four ah probably like the most satisfying sadistically satisfying thing to watch wow hmm he's taking 16 total chest damage no soup for you well definitely uh definitely worthwhile sleep it off get ambushed by another one after sleeping one of them just hit me for a zero i don't know what that does we just totally negate the hit oh that was a good position grab that bag and go back to stack take out some dusty bees dusty bees this guy's just like i'm going home i'm going home wasn't a good fight there yeet now for the real test this was one that even one punch man couldn't succeed at i really had to spam the uh inquisitor out of leaving the city last time i did this hopefully it can be done in one fell swoop this time throw down a bag and walk into the city and first off we'll want to take out any other guards around where there are many in here but they're they're kind of tied up from the last time i came around yeah so not too worried about that there's another guy outside there's not another guy outside anymore and just disarming house to house is a good way to do it unfortunately they aren't aware of what happens outside of the house we gotta bring these guys outside though my weapon actually has a disadvantage inside here we go wonderful wonderful and another splendid in another he didn't even have anything like a that guy's just stuck on a stoop he's afraid to leave his stoop and another one and they're falling like flies this is a much better time to attack how about in here i don't like anyone who lives here good good let's get all of them small emperor statue i'm a bad person but what i do it's what i do and i'm here good oh hooray uh somebody's on the wall somebody's not on the wall anymore here comes some more whatever they lack in strength they make up for in numbers alar ooh alarm raised haven't had that happen yet i should see the whole city pour out on me i just got to stay somewhere safe and we got a paladin hi paladin not just any uh this isn't safe i'm going to my safe place and i'm under arrest i'm in jail i am out of jail and i am free it's really not it's really difficult very difficult to arrest me here good no no i will just keep running i'll be taking that back oh my friends my bandit friends good no i wanted to be your friend okay goodbye see the one thing about the holy nation is that no matter how much stat spam i do they just have people spam they have so many people look at all the people that they have and they're all armed armed and armored we need more spam than that here we are okay good i'm actually fighting against skilled swordsmen now should uh this should up my attack in defense though even if you're losing fights you can tell that if you're on your match in this game you're gaining a lot of skill for one thing we just got to level 69 melee attack yeah yeah good like the sound of that we got a high palate in here not quite at the same level as an inquisitor but they often come with a lot of help as they have right now bro you'll never get me in my sleeping bag only one guy came great he's at torso nick he's at chess negative seven there he's not a chess negative seven anymore unfortunately these people have only hungry bandits outside their base they're the only antagonists that they have to deal with like at least hivers have beak things that they have to deal with you could feasibly take over a hiver area if their warriors weren't so goddamn strong no no do not free him i can't imagine how confused they must be if a robot samurai man comes in and just attacks everybody in their town oh some nice animal traders they're actually decent people yeah you know what just give me all of the animals i have 78 000 cats left we might as well spend it on something worthwhile i'll just buy all of these animals and then you uh good goats are opie good i i know i said i would be i said i would be solo but at the same time animals uh they're just too ridiculous okay good me and all of these animals are gonna conquer this town good okay so torsolo and the animals save the day it's too bad that these animals aren't as large as my other animals but they are very endearing and so i like them for that they'll at least help me against my foes go inside bone dog yes bone dog go fight the bad people mainly they're just a distraction for me i'll let them uh pass on from this world once we're done here but really animals in this game are very overpowered compared with people or many of them many of them plus i don't really run around with pets very much so it's very gratifying to do this hey and if it prevents them from shooting at me that's uh that's a small victory and that's all i'm looking for right now there's only one living goat he's limping uh that wasn't really worth it i didn't think it would be but it was fun nonetheless for what it's worth i think i somehow got the traders to be angry at me the two though so this has gone south very quickly yep yep that is i was these bulls aren't part of the holy nation but soon they'll be dead too so yeah really just uh worst news for them but how are okay our other animals are all dead all right it was worth it for 42 000 cats i think of course everyone's gonna get up and then it's just gonna be it's gonna be the walker brigade when they all get up no one's going to live of course uh or they'll live but of course many of them will be jibbed who are you that you have so much caravan guard the gumption now this has really thrown tor solo into a new bracket i gotta say he's uh he's significantly better with well he started off at what 60 now he's at 64. that's good well done well done torsola yeah there we go okay we're making progress in town could help your animals help the animals they didn't deserve this let's just attack all the i'm not going to loot all of these people it would take too long but let's just keep attacking them while they're weak until they're all crawling in the dark looking for the answer good and the bone dogs are by i think it's in a recovery coma well done well done man this is a real good example in the front of town oh we got an inquisitor we caught one alive great his right leg isn't doing too particularly well here and another one oh he's not in particularly good health either but the fact that we're uh we're actually you know standing off against these inquisitors is a very good sign and did we just down one no that was a holy sentinel regardless we're holding our own regardless well done well done tor solo them's fightin words them's fightin words we've taken down his left arm good his uh right arm is still hanging in there this guy must have a very high melee defense stat he's no longer uh has a left arm that's what i was aiming at good he still might beat me even with one arm nope he didn't we'll just completely uh neuter the town and great i don't think he'll be causing any more problems without that leg great so many people to tend to here i'd say we did a good job in this city i'll just heal my animals i don't want the animals to die i mean eventually i'll set them free but i just think they make for funny companions for a moment a distraction if you will a wholesome a wholesome meme everyone loves animals man i think even more patrols are coming to town though so like the enemies keep multiplying and i don't think anything prevents like patrols from spawning so there's practically an infinite number of enemies that are here i have to leave and just sleep it off again for a second i probably fought 40 people in that town good go to bed solo tour solo yeah my animals are all dying [ __ ] see now this is what i think is broken about kenshi is they can kidnap me in my sleep and you can never get away there should be a fix for that and yet there is not but sleep i must or we're healed up and practically in the i bet you that it'll be a whole new set of manpower in the town they're not too happy you again oh they're pissed but they're all way weaker now look guys that guy's arm isn't even working yeah oh but god damn look at them all look at them all that's just so many at the same time though this is kind of the challenge i was looking for and this can be amazing for no goat is dead it's going to be amazing for his stats ultimately and it'll be interesting to see what becomes of the town good pack oh no i do i would like for some of the animals to survive here ah there we go okay they are become snakes good this is what i needed the snake marsh there's really too many to loot here so i'm just hoping that i de-lim each of them somehow at some swing which isn't really that infeasible there we go goat be free don't actually no just uh stand here and provide a distraction i like how this guy is just totally forgiven he's just been staring at death incarnate for the last 15 or 20 minutes and good come on one more a bone dog a friend of snoop dog come back here we go just one last group of them i think i'll go to bed one more time for christ's sake another patrol i can't take it anymore let's get out of here i have to bounce it must be the rest i'll say this at times attacking stack can be really really grindy but it actually feels more satisfying than grinding now because each time that we attack it's like we we finish them it's it's just the reinforcements that make it a pain in the ass eventually i'll make my way into the inquisitor i just want to make sure that they can't like send in reinforcements uh really the main the main thing you want to prevent is patrols from coming in and totally reinforcing everybody so we got that only a couple citizens left okay now i'm now i'm going into the police station this is the real prize here there's like five inquisitors in here and oh no not anymore we've got one inquisitor two inquisitor that's a third inquisitor and high inquisitor seda or ceta he's actually one of the toughest bosses uh so we're going to draw them out of here because uh we do better outside in combat and also because i don't want to fight five of them inside now we'll see if we can fight them right here in the town uh i'd like to limit the number but i also don't want to be a pansy so we'll see how we can do against a few of them if not we'll have to draw them out uh which honestly i think is gonna happen because these are very tough enemies here yeah see what they've done to my head already yeah i'm gonna have to run right we're gonna have to deal with them one at a time as they come out but we want to draw out an inquisitor each time it's hard to get them to leave town they're kind of uh home bodies so to speak so to say so to say we got one of them out this is just a regular inquisitor there's actually nobody left at the main gate great they're completely undefended except that one guy who keeps shouting at me i'd say we're clear to go into uh no you don't have to shout mean things at me mustachioed man i'm gonna teach you a lesson oh this is absurd now we have several paladins inquisitors and uh a high inquisitor so this is not really a great fight for us we need to draw them out separately and we can't fight them all one or as one because that's just way too much to deal with at once so we'll drop one of them outside of the city gates and or two one or two is fine two inquisitors will take these guys out d-arm them and then actually go in for the big prize i hope that we can win this fight at this point in time he should be able to kill two generic inquisitors oh we've got high inquisitor ceta here okay he's actually uh one of the higher level inquisitors in the uh in the holy nation he was tough he was tough for one punch man too so if we make this fight we're about where we were before oh that other inquisitor is there more of them are joining in the fight how low is he inquisitor seta is low the other one got up that's not good i will maybe we'll take one more hit in this fight two more hits willing to do it out duke it out for a little longer okay now i gotta run but in the end this is all training is toughness i just i like the positions that they're uh now oddly enough these human enemies are pretty much stronger than all of those giant animals that we face these giant animals are just spam they're good like punching bags but the the humans in this game are really skilled in combat and also the skin band it's the skin bandits were unbelievably power from the beginning of the video one more run in to dry out these inquisitors i have some questions for you nobody expects the spanish inquisition and here comes another this is a good we want to de-arm this high paladin loot him grab that throw that down just take away the lower level guys and who is that some other high paladin we de-armed them is this inquisitor seta not just a regular inquisitor good it's actually who i wanted to fight where are all these other people coming from good we got another one i just hit you for 193 for christ's sake good we got him alone we got him alone he's very good at blocking he also has great armor too these guys melee defense status i got him okay these are some great items let's grab them throw down his sword can't do much with that i'll even take his armor i'm probably gonna take seda's stuff more we've taken away another guard and here we go the last few we actually got the high inquisitor limping now uh let's bring them out actually raise the alarm we'll run out of the city here we go one more inquisitor in the high inquisitor here we crippled his right leg though really badly that might just go off in a second in fact that's most probably the way we're going to take him down this him yep this is the final boss of the man of the area inquisitor santa that's a [ __ ] both his legs jeez ah man he took me down i don't think they're gonna recover though to capture me just get knocked out son paladin inquisitor i don't care who you are the armed one more the other one is just he is crawling in the dark looking for an answer all right now there's more we should get back outside just keep the advantage keep the advantage here we go fight martial arts guys outside that's always a better decision i'll take him on in here i'm all right with it 27. he's surprisingly limber considering all i've already done to him he's one of my favorite enemies there we go yes he's down kidnap there we go great goodbye now stack should be uh down once i've kidnapped him i think he's the he's the main guy he is the main man all right go to uh squin go to squint he's got a pretty decent bounty on his head too as far as i remember that should make up for all the animals i bought as a distraction what do you know suddenly the hub is not uh enemied to me anymore maybe because i took out so much of stack made them like me more well that won't be for long we'll sell some [ __ ] i want to get home with the inquisitor i'm gonna put him down everybody's jumping oh actually you know what his stuff is not that uh valuable i'll still put it on the ground fine i'll take his things he is humorously buff like many of the other uh higher level bosses it's quite entertaining yeah there he is jesus christ all right kidnap and uh be on my way how many cats is that that's a hundred guardian uh acronym zero cat reward the heck that make a huge mistake there i swear i've gotten a bounty for this guy before from these was it the united cities come on dude he's so sh i'm gonna have to kidnap him back if you didn't want him you should just left him with me oh this was a total waste total waste unfair giant bone dogs are taking over the place again i'm going to send out these animals and i think i'll just dismiss them from my squad goodbye i've loved you goodbye goodbye goodbye okay let's find out what happened to stack usually the city needs to re-render when you leave it it's weird it says i'm wanted for zero cats from the shacks thief oh maybe it's because i kidnapped the inquisitor while i was in squin something something fishy happened there well you try to do good you know this kind of means i hate the shacks though right now too never been at war with them but there's a first time for everything oh what they took over stack too come on man the shecks took over stack i gave you a whole city you wouldn't even give me any money that's crazy that's crazy it says stack is uh friendly now though kind of a funny happenstance should i take it back over from the shacks that's interesting they transformed the entire place i'm going to use a sitting pillow now with all that said and done we're about 10 levels over where we were before 10 uh 71 melee attack 70 melee defense 66 and 7 in heavy weapons 73 strength 83 toughness 63 dexterity i have one last boss i want to take on today he's he's in a morally dubious position the leader of the outlaw farmers we can just outrun the entire holy nation now goodbye logan's life is still bad but he has 89 laboring now and 15 toughness we'll save you someday soon someday very soon this camp actually shouldn't be too challenging before too long oh time to fight some giant skimmers before we hit this place ah giant skimmer holy [ __ ] they are big well their hitboxes are still existent and you know i'd say that they're pretty much exactly like they were before just albeit slightly larger we can carry them as well pick it up here we go running around the desert with a skimmer hey another i'd like to see one of these larger ones go flying up in the air good good put it down two more there mating or something look he's doing his sexy dance goodbye goodbye there's totally a trifo i don't know what this is there's a triforce from legend of zelda in the sound but when i zoom in it's it's like a desert mirage look at that interesting now in kenshi most people are bad boss simeon may be against the united cities but he preys on the weak and he's still bad so with the help of these giant goats whom i'll uh i guess i'll attack the giant goats right now for practice i will then take out boss simeon this is gonna be fantastic for my mate wow that's actually getting grinded really ground whatever it is trained really fast they're more powerful than beak things and they're also peaceful fine training companions wow so many opportunities to grow really giant goats are like the ideal training buddy i've been doing it wrong all these years i've been doing it wrong great okay the goats are defeated the giant goats are defeated and yes we are stronger now here he is bad as ever they're not awful but he is a i think he's one of the bosses i'll be able to make pretty short work of right now so i'm gonna take him out uh where is he i always get mixed up he he looks pretty generic outlaw heavy outlaw swordsman heavy heavy captain oh there he's boss simian talk uh sword up yeah he's uh i just want to fight him i just want to fight him how do we do against these guys they're actually a fairly like low to mid-tier boss he's not so bad more more than anything else i just want to measure tor solo based on how he performs in this fight okay a foot went flying somewhere great there wow some air time on that great he's soloing them all fight hardly taking any damage knocking them all out he's fairly dexterous this is against like mid to low tier yeah [ __ ] and then i'll probably destroy the faction i turn him into okay i'm gonna pick him up that makes sense oh now they're hostile toward me after i've totally destroyed their way of life well great okay i totally expected that no hard feelings um i'll be right outside waiting for your entire faction to just start fighting they have sta staves you all stayed in a room and sit on chairs even look i killed i just stabbed the guy right across from you and you continued to sit in a chair there just wasn't ever any teamwork here wow just uh blatantly ignorant okay goodbye didn't really do much for levels at this point i think wildlife is really gonna be the best bet wildlife and then i'd actually like to start taking on the end game bosses i've never faced down with savant and uh i was actually quite surprised i thought we'd be able to fight him today but we're gonna need a lot more training against the leviathans i think we could pretty much exclusively fight giant animals next time though as they appear to be a great training method well justice ain't always fair we get 20 000 cats that's really not that much but it'll cover the cost of training and with that i have one last person to visit the only one to whom i have any allegiance they say if you love something you should set it free and so i'm taking out this camp i think we're far stronger than any of them here now let's uh just take out all these people and set them all free logan and all of his uh all of his companions good logan be free logan be free oh he's in jail yeah [ __ ] uh get this guy and the other ones good everybody be free here we go here's the boss i'm gonna talk to him first looking here to buy no uh no thanks attack unprovoked here we go actually we got to engage him outside because i have a better advantage there wow these people are pushovers nicely done i'll take that snazzy looking rope and those pajamas pick logan's lock unlock his shackles set him free give logan the pajamas and one of the heavy paladin items that i found earlier how would he look in this no i like the paladin thing and the shirt oh i forgot he's a hiver never mind well you have your pajamas he looks so happy and now that we're free with naruto runner well now we can set him off and dismiss him to his own life logan i free you be your own person you can go your own way [ __ ] no don't get don't get killed immediately you will die immediately okay you know what let's follow him for a few steps see where he goes because he's going off to live in the sea like shawshank over a hill happy trails old friend happy trails we'll probably find him in a city somewhere gambling or something well that's all we have time for today i hope you enjoyed i've definitely enjoyed modding the game and learning a little bit more about what's going on underneath whoa that was fun if you have any other weird ideas let me know because uh i got a whole list of them for kenshi i want to try out anyway as always more content to come my name's ambiguous amphibian i hope you enjoyed and as always i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 574,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi modded, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc, kenshi japanese, kenshi exodia, kenshi the torso experience 2, kenshi fast, kenshi speed, kenshi money, kenshi leviathan, kenshi giant crabs, kenshi ep 9
Id: VcFeC6-73lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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