H3 Podcast #93 - Why Does Everyone Hate H3H3?

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- well hello there thanks for joining us today we're back on this blessed beautiful Friday afternoon in America and evening in Europe either way thank you for taking the time to join us here today thank you to our sponsors honey expressvpn the undies and stitch fix I'm happy to announce that on Friday to Fridays from now the 30th of November the great bill works will be here with us which I'm so excited about so if you want to leave questions for him on the subreddit there's a thread up there slash a trace reproductions been a wild week for us here California and California has been getting slammed yeah this week I'm sure you all heard there was a insane wildfire here in LA and Ventura County and starting with a shooting that we almost didn't even get to pay attention to because there's like the new cycles like it's just tragedy sad sad stuff so yeah right around the corner from my parents house there was a shooting in Thousand Oaks and then the net the next night after the frickin whole town's on fire from a loved her you know I read something I heard something and correct me if I'm wrong Dan but pretty sure this is true i fact I did fact check it myself there was one or two people that was in that shooting and Thousand Oaks that was also in the Vegas shooting being like it's like dude what I mean whoa that's that's a mind melt for that person but I do want to say yeah my parents were evacuated from their house they were staying with us we were luckily not that close to the fire but it was smoky and there was ash everywhere it was really scary the whole the main freeway in LA the 101 was shut down yeah I mean it was it was apocalyptic out here it was wild we just had the news on like the whole weekend yeah I'm gonna couldn't believe it because it was a way it's like just everything's on fire yeah and you don't know if it's it could spread over to where we and just if the wind changes and goes to the wrong direction you know but we are looking at a place for my parents just a week ago in Thousand Oaks or was Westlake Village yeah and just a week ago as this really beautiful little community the gated community and it's in the woods kind of and Thousand Oaks is like a nature preserve so a lot of the decks and they have trees coming out of the decks and all the trees are marked and it's like a protected area but I remember being like man this is pretty like I feel like a fire would ravage this place pretty easily I was telling my parents and that was a week ago that whole place burned down yeah the whole plate that whole community burned down it's crazy stuff and just there's been a real tragic loss of life and property and I will talk about that more later because there's a lot of amazing footage and stories that came out of that that I think's interesting and crazy wild stuff dude but before we get now as you guys can tell from the title we have got to address a lot of the criticism that people have been saying against me a lot of people are tuning in probably to enjoy an epic meltdown for me to watch me make a fool of myself so that's why I'm here yeah dan doesn't usually I sleep through the episode so I promise we will get to that it's gonna be fireworks guys it's gonna be explosive but before we get to that I do want to do a goof of the day to kind of lighten it up a little bit here with this vape god Tommy the vape God somehow this epic troll got on fox news too I guess he's speaking on behalf of the how do you call those Dan the jewels yeah which was these tiny little vape pen it's like a pocket vape pen that apparently like a middle school in high school everybody's hitting these which is so crazy to me yeah because when I was a kid smoking was already not cool there was a couple of people that like went out in high school to smoke a cigarette but now all the sudden with vaping it's like cool again and these kids are hitting these jewels that like 16 years old so this this guy got on the news and it's just an incredible situation specifically with regard to flavored varietals that have helped propel the explosion of these among the young here now to folks on very separate sides of this issue at barstool sports who affectionately goes by the name Tommy smokes first thing I'm going to try SiC a drool trick yeah that guy ribs that they think I think that Fox News always does this where they'll bring like I was watching this video during the Kavanagh that whole thing they brought on a guy who says he's an actual witch that does incantations against him and he's like the most absurd looking person you can imagine it's like they always bring on these people that you can't tell if they're serious or not we're sure like the perfect punching band to their so this guy's apparently I think she's taking him seriously which is well no song Joel Kenny he's trying to pull out these flavor to e-cigs shouldn't be regulated even when teens are using them and these increasing numbers well look i'm 22 years old so i'm using them legally and honestly they're just cool like they're cool you rip them there's nothing cooler than blowing a fat cloud like right that's true the colossus I just it helps my swag it helps my drip I just love walking around it's really good for getting chicks too so honestly I started about a year ago and it does help get you I know that for a fact back since I have a question it's that you use your cell phone quite a bit yeah quite a bit okay so why don't you rig it up to your phone and that way you won't have like the actual calories burned by grabbing your phone so you can Vicki completely a lot Wow and kind of check email and text at the same time you don't like right off the side okay you could that'll be your invention I'm giving it to ya I'd vape like this yeah keep switching devices you write that did she pre-planned that gag or what like I'm throwing the troll she's like yeah the whole writing team came together and we decided you should vape out of your phone well I don't know if this goes anywhere but I just wanted to give a shout out to Tommy smokes the vape god what a legend yeah you know he went out there on Fox News into the Lions Den and he and he fought the good fight he held his own yeah you know and for those of you wondering does vaping help you get chicks yes you didn't truly love me until I start blowing flat clouds in her face so shout out to Tommy now let's get to the reason we are all here today I've been thinking a lot about this let me take a little sip of water here yeah this is difficult for me to talk about because it's something I've been thinking a lot about of late I trying to wrap my head around it and think about it you know honestly and critically and trying to deal with things and a healthier more mature way and it's kind of I have a long-winded kind of story here that I hope that will be interesting and maybe helpful for some people and maybe help some people explain understand where I've been coming from there's been a lot of criticism of me of late there's been a lot of people that have said lots of lots and lots of videos and [Music] I have a natural aversion to criticism specifically which is something that I've been learning about myself through therapy which I've started recently and so they were out my career I've let me start from the top I'm getting ahead of myself what have people been saying about me recently okay that I'm a hypocrite that I prioritize money over everything else that I've thrown friends under the bus that I'm ignorant and poorly informed and spread misinformation that I'm arrogant that I cannot handle criticism and that I've used people just to name a couple of the reoccurring themes I'm sure there's so much more you could say about me and let me just say this okay for the record that I am guilty of all of those things and I'm not gonna quantify it or make excuses or anything I've done those things I am I'm guilty of those things and this is something that I've been aware of myself over the past couple last two years or so is that I have been kind of slipping into a very unhealthy place mentally and I want to try to go through this and and make a sense of it okay so it's been kind of a slow moving process like it's been like a self-fulfilling process in a way where it's gotten worse and worse and I got criticized more and more and I get more defensive a more hold up and I went and you know early on in our YouTube career I went very early on to somebody that was like universally liked I remember in like 2016 I could do no wrong on YouTube mm-hmm and like on reddit everybody loved us we were voted like reddit you know or reddit YouTube channel of the year something in 2016 and like the concept of being criticized on that level was something I hadn't dealt with and I think the problem was that I people had me very high on a pedestal back then I mean people thought very highly of me and there's no doubt that at the time it definitely started to go to my head as well and I'm pretty sure you know looking back that I started to become more arrogant and overconfident and on some probably deep an unconscious level a feeling of almost infallibility that I could take anything on that when I had I had like this and I really did I mean it's hard to come to terms with that and to confront that because at the time you never rationally be like oh I'm out of control I need to tone it down right and so because of this combination of like overconfidence and feeling like I could take everything on it led me to make a lot of mistakes and then when I was criticized for those mistakes then I would act extremely defensive and nasty and not really processing them in a healthy way like for example the leafy thing was and the Wall Street Journal thing and stuff like this where I kind of just handled things in a really overconfidence really thinking that I can take on the world and not and not do wrong and when I end up [ __ ] up it finds out it comes out then when I get criticized I completely shut down I really I have that I psyche I'm learning now through therapy which I've just started doing about I've only been doing for like a month or two but I have a psychological problem where when I went for for whatever reason that I don't want to get into but the way I was raised is that when I'm when I'm criticized I psychologically shut down and so before I became like famous on the Internet I had a problem with criticism but it was so much less amplified but kind of like when you become famous whatever for lack of a better word it amplifies certain aspects of yourself and it definitely puts you through a gauntlet of sorts of kind of learning about yourself on an emotional level and brings out all your flaws amplifies everything and so that thing of not being up behind of criticism in my personal life was something that I could get by on my life and not really have any problems but then when you have like hoards of people on the internet criticizing you it can get so overwhelming that it actually can cause for me like a real psychological shutdown which what I mean by that is like I just feel it feels to me so powerful like it feels like somebody died like I get so emotionally and so well the result of that one is like extreme lethargy like I'll just lay down on the carpet with like no well and then the other thing is that like obviously I get super defensive and super irritable and super aggressive towards those that criticize me in a way that's not healthy and and instead of learning from criticism deflecting it all the time and making it the world's problem in online right so that's kind of where my head was after these first blunders I made from overconfidence I would say and did you know things that I regret and it shattered my ego in a way in a real fundamental way that I've also learned about myself as that I'm in my again this is through pet therapy that's been really helpful for me is that I'm in my best most creative place when I have that confidence and that kind of not not a place of overconfidence or arrogance but just feeling like that people like what I'm doing that I like what I'm doing that it should be a wholesome great thing as an F and I so I think that's one of the root problems why I've had so much trouble creating videos for such a long time is because I've kind of lost my footing I've lost that wholesome place and so everything became very difficult for me having shattered my ego and never address that or deal with it or confronted it and so what happened from that is that a chain it's set off a chain event of of defensive behavior and caused me to be depressed so I want to make clear that I'm not using depression as an excuse for acting shitty it's actually the opposite I was not processing and handling criticism I was losing my confidence my ego was shattered and therefore it could have make videos and all this other stuff and that's what caused the depression and so what happened now is that the depression actually made everything even worse right it made it even harder for me so it got worse and worse I get criticized more and more I get more and more defensive and closed up and I want to make clear you know I just kept shoving it all deep down and becoming more and more depressed essentially and it's only been recently that I've been I've kind of hit rock bottom a couple months ago where I was so amped up I was so so the depression it amplifies all my negative feelings right that's kind of what the problem was and and and worst of all it made me extremely irritable which is I don't know if you know like irritable on that on that level but it's the worst it's the worst because not only do you piss people off but you start to hate yourself to him because you're you know you're acting irrationally but the emotion is so strong that it's like you can't be ignored like just with ela for example at home like a lot of times when I would get aggravated or upset I would direct my frustration towards you even though had nothing to do with you because I'm so irritable and I'm up to and in that moment I know that it's [ __ ] up and I'm being an [ __ ] and I hate myself so much for it and I see that it's upsetting you and then you get angry at me but it's like it's just this overwhelming irrational and I've even learned you recognize it and I would know that it's almost like you're not being yourself right now yeah but it's such a cycle that I can I still I can't not get upset because you're worse dude you were being crazy so I have every right to be upset we know that and then it's just such a cycle like I can't get out of it yeah so because of this crazy irritability I was really just making everything more amplified I was reacting way too strongly and way too negatively to almost everything even the slightest annoyance I would lash out at things and people that were completely blameless super moody irritable guilty always in my head about something and even a negative comment or somebody even criticizing me in the slightly slightest would like sent me off and I would just shut down even people that like respect fleet would disagree with me mm-hmm what turned me like bitterly against them so I'm so bad right I was feel like I was being attacked like fit like is like I said it feels like somebody's dying feel like I'm physically being attacked almost like a flight or fight or flight so for the longest time being stuck in my head and not being able so the first two years I've always felt like I'm not being able to grown or learn or maturing which is so difficult because I have felt so stuck and like this really dark black hole of negative feelings just such an awful place and being so frustrated I'm like why am I stuck here how do I get out of here what do I do about this I'm growing more and more desperate you know by the week and just falling deeper into that black hole and so I would say about a month or two or about two three months ago there's when I kind of hit rock bottom and I was like it was so I was just so miserable that I was so tired of being myself that I was willing to do anything to be anything I want I didn't no longer wanted to be myself because I I was prescribed antidepressants a long time ago and all throughout my life doctors have been trying to get me to take them but I've always not wanted to take them and I think the reason for that is was probably that well one of the reasons was that I always felt like I wasn't hadn't done enough to fix myself mm-hmm like I kind of had this unreasonable expectation that I should be exercising two hours every day and eating salad for every meal and that somehow was gonna cure my depression and until I had done that then I had no right to take antidepressants mm-hmm but I think another aspect was that I felt that it was weak or that it was a change that it would that I was weak or that it was somehow giving up or that it was it would change me I was afraid I'm not a big drug user because I don't like altering my state of mind and I don't like becoming reliant on drugs but I was afraid that it would change me and I think at that rock bottom moment I felt so strongly that you know what if it changes me good because I don't want to be this person anymore whatever I remember hearing I don't know why I was thinking about this quote from Paul McCartney and John Lennon talked about acid use and Paul said he never really loved it because he was afraid of it changing him but John loved it so much because he wanted it to change him and I will always thought how what an interesting perspective and I feel like I felt both of their perspectives now you know my whole life I was like I don't I'm scared to change and that and then from going from that like I'll do anything to change I'm praying that it changes me so I had this bottle of antidepressants in my bedside and I said you know after dealing with this hitting rock bottom I just I started taking it I just I had nothing to lose and I couldn't really go on anymore like that and so you know I was I'll say this the antidepressant is not at all what I thought it would be the first two to three weeks was a little rough I think as your body adjusts to the medicine because there was kind of well first of all I was in such a bad place mentally was kind of hard to tell mm-hmm what was going on in my mind and what I was feeling but it definitely made me feel kind of like foggy and loopy and zoned out it's really zoned out like sometimes I would just be like just not just totally absent like a member once in the driving a lot of rails yeah we were driving and like there's someone crossing the street well I was driving super slow and he was walking slow watching my car so what yeah I was never gonna hit him because he saw me coming but like he was standing there waiting for me to stop for him and I was staring right at him but I was just inching forward and I just he looks like are you gonna stop and I was like what he thought and I just I didn't see him I was just so like so I almost I actually almost gave up on the heads headed president there was a but then I would say around like three or four weeks cuz everybody says it can be rough in the beginning and then it starts to work after like three or four weeks in the side effects go away I had a lot of anxiety too about being able to perform being able to come out in the podcast for make videos and feel like I'm myself mm-hmm and after I kind of proved to myself that I was capable of that that he's a lot of my anxiety about taking it too but what I noticed about the anti depressant after all the side effects went away and the fogginess and all this annoying stuff is that I was it's kind it's kind of crazy but I was not irritable anymore yeah I was still depressed I was still anxious I was still misery but what it did for me that has been so amazing and I'm so thankful for is that it first of all removed the this irrational irritability and kind of gave me the foundation and the tools to start seeing things more for what they are and not this kind of crazy irrational irritable madness that I was experiencing the world through and so that for me was the first huge breakthrough I had and dealing with my situation and I would just notice it in things mostly at home with ela and stuff things that would usually cause somehow a fight for no reason all of a sudden we were like oh we did this without fighting what didn't even get a little and what happened yeah almost remove my irritability completely and I'm telling you this was like a godsend I mean life-changing really life-changing and it hasn't changed anything else I'm come I'm completely the same yeah I'm just less irritable and it's just it's amazing what I learned about antidepressants that it just all it does is blocks your serotonin receivers so they're as I understand it I could be wrong about this but it's called a serotonin uptake inhibitor and so your body produces serotonin which regulate your mood and your happiness and contentment and stuff like that and so this drug blocks the receptor that absorbs the serotonin so it makes more serotonin available for your brain tumors so so so it just makes you a little more you're it's it makes your moods a little better really I'm again for me it didn't change me at all except that my irritability completely went away and so things that were making me crazy before I was able to see it for what I was which I can't I can't it's really little things like it's just irrational so all of a sudden you see it is like oh it's just a little thing it's nothing you know we're before you it would say you often do like room a day yeah ruin your day or we would get in a fight and then it would ruin and then I would feel bad about making about snapping at you yeah and it was but like what how was it for you when I started like yeah I noticed it immediately all of a sudden like I it's almost like we switched off sign I seemed irritable compared to you I know I know I'm like I'm not an irritable person I think oh you're not you've always been like super sane and grounded and great and III wouldn't notice situations where I was like it's always like we switch you a little bit because I would be like oh come on something would upset me and you're like yeah that's fine yeah so but you're in yeah definitely but you're the same person yeah so that was the first really important step for me because I could now see things clearer I could analyze things clearer and boy what a difference I mean my goodness there's so much stigma against antidepressants and I really truly and I and I was I'm guilty of that me too I thought if you don't have to I don't even know why well there's like your you feel almost like a loser like you're weak like you failed to solve your own issues yeah now before we started doing YouTube and stuff I wasn't that irritable right no so was it kind of made me feel more like how I used to remember being in a sense that I I always prided myself on being a more calm rational rational rational person and that kind of the self-image I had kind of melted away and replaced me with this really grumpy mm-hmm obnoxious person that I was starting to hate so that that was huge I mean that that's huge and I'm still on it and I'm so happy that I'm taking it I remember in college once there was I was having awful anxiety you guys might know I had like generalized anxiety disorder I could have benefited so much from antidepressant the college and I remember there was a sign at my very progressive school UCSC it said something like it had like prozac and it was like prozac nation making some artsy claim that like oh we're all over medicated and we're all on Prozac and the undertone being like you don't need this you're weak you're sucker if you take it and I've never seen that being like yeah that's interesting who needs that [ __ ] and that was a very popular sentiment hmm I would say very it's kind of like an anti-corporate like anti like we don't need your medicine also I'm a person that's very like I said I have I have an ego problem and so admitting to myself that I am weak and that I need the help of a medicine for me was difficult to was divil to accept because it's in a sense felt like weak a weakness that can handle it myself mm-hmm the truth is about that that I've learned is that looking reaching out for help outside yourself is the first and the most important step in recovering from a situation like this because it's not weakness it's it's truly a strength because you have to get over your own ego and you have to accept the Grace and the help of other people and the tools I mean this is a well-researched funded backed by incredible intelligent researchers and doctors and psychiatrists and to just write that off because you it's like I mean that's that's stupid that's not strength that's dumb all right so that was one aspect and now the antidepressants are helping but I'm obviously still depressed and I am still you know not cured by any means excuse me so what was the next really important step is that I was recommended a therapist from a friend that I've been doing for about like probably about a month or two months a month and a half and the therapy has been I've always been skeptical about therapy too I think probably for the wrong reasons cuz it feels like week to say to another person I need help mm-hm you know but again it's like to think that you cannot you cannot it's so hard to understand what's going on in your own mind like again therapists this my doctor is a PhD I mean this guy has learned studied schooled this guy knows how the mind works and he's trained to diagnose it and to almost debug it he's probably seen so many people and so many partners yeah put together something from what you're describing that you would never yeah see yeah but the thing that like stuff from like my childhood the way I was raised and the way that I reacted things there's psychological explanations that are so important to explore so that you can deepen your understanding of not only yourself but the world it gives you this incredible empathy for how other people's minds work and how they're affected by their environment and as I touched on earlier there is a very good psychological explanation for why I get so defensive and shut down from criticism that I don't want to really need to get into it just goes back to the way I was raised but just learning about that and knowing about that and talking about it is so therapeutic and it's so important that it's given me a such a good vantage point it's given me kind of the tools and a little more support and foundation to talk to even come here and talk to you guys about this like this now and to think about it more of a healthy way and - the last time I came in here and addressed Chris on the podcast I was ranting and raving and going looking like a freaking lunatic and that's just the symptom of everything that I was describing and so for me being able to come here and talk about this with you guys I think is important for me because I see the podcast as if nothing else honest you know like when I sit here for two hours live unedited over the course of nearly 100 episodes now 100 hundreds of hours of footage of me unedited it's nothing else but at least honest right because I cannot hide Who I am I cannot hide my defects cannot hide my stupid comments I cannot hide my short temper my douchiness my shitty hosting you know if I if I recorded this and put it into a video I would cut all that [ __ ] out yeah or like you you'll try a joke and then we're like well that didn't come off right so let's do it again but here you don't even and you can't know and to be honest with you it's this podcast has been one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life like physically if you talk about it from the standpoint of just sitting and doing it it looks like it's easy to do just sit here you show up you talk and you you know yeah but from a psychological from a mental from a from a lot of other positions is the hardest thing I've ever had to do because one there's no take-backs and so not only are you the fans forced to see me more clearly of Who I am but I am forced to see more clearly of Who I am because and I'm someone that's criticized youtubers and people on YouTube you know what you see it's very people it's very nice when you post videos and you can manicure it and put it out and you put it out for the people to see you one way and you get to see yourself one way too because you cut out the stupid [ __ ] and you forget about it then people see the video and they're like this good this guy's great and you're like yeah I am great and you forget about me well you're kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ] though your new hour of you being an [ __ ] and then 10 minutes of you being good exactly and so I'm not surprised that so many people have watched his podcast Hindman like whoa that's not the guy I thought he was or people who were making videos about like all the things I mentioned because yeah it's it is all in here everything you guys have said bad about me and that you've noticed the oh my bad personality traits and all that it is it's all in here you know I can't lie about that stuff it's all here so it's been difficult especially with this condition I've had of being like depressed and irritable and having a psychological leak unhealthy response to criticism but it's all played out here and it's kind of the only way to do the podcast like our first five episodes maybe we were trying to edit down the footage and thinking about it like we used to think about it video but it just wasn't right like you're cutting down a conversation and then you're making decisions on what to leave and it's not natural exactly we came to that conclusion that it has to be like this that's that's right is it a podcast needs to be honest it needs to be uncut because you've got to see the essence in the soul of what's there yeah a lot of times like you were saying you know we would try to cut out a part of me saying something stupid or not just me but the gas start we were like oh this is a boring moment let's just go you know and that's just I think a lot of people were feeling it we were feeling it that it's like this isn't weird yeah and so we took this leap into doing it live and it's been really tough and really challenging and very exposing of me I'm here bare naked in a way but I also think it's been really amazing for me too because it's kind of brought me here now where I've been able to just take finally a close look at myself mm-hmm and see it for see it more clearly in a way that I've craved so much these past two years to just feel like I'm maturing and I'm growing and I'm becoming a better more wholesome person yeah and I'm just stuck I'm just like why am I so [ __ ] stuck drive me crazy yeah you would say that to me I want to stop like just feel like I'm stuck or how or where but just feeling like I'm just pinned to the floor or you know in a wig and a hamster wheel but I think it's been it's been an amazing experience in that way that we've all we've all been just you know here here it is I said those things I did those things I am that person and it's good it's good to acknowledge that and feel that and be like you know it's good you got it you got to accept that can't just walk blindly and I mean it's just so messed up dude like I said it's just a black hole and it's not it's just what I didn't understand it's just it's strength it's not weakness to come before yourself and confront your many shortcomings as a human being mm-hmm instead of ignoring them and I think I was just I couldn't it was too painful for me so it was my ego was hurt and I was it's just too painful for me it's so weird the psychology of it is so weird you know you think it'd be so easy to just be like yeah you're right you know I [ __ ] up but it can be so painful as Elton John famously said sorry seems to be the hardest word yeah I don't know why so it can be so hard maybe not for other people but again this is my specific problem I think that I'm not learning about myself and I said to ela something recently I'm still depressed but for the first time in such a long time I feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel mm-hmm which for me it was this black hole there was a no escape there was no answer all I could think of was just permanent darkness and now I subtle name with the help of friends with the help of therapy with the help of antidepressants with the help of ela who's been with me this whole time there's just finally I can kind of see a path forward to getting better a path to walk towards the light you know and you know with a kid on the way my god I don't wanna be yeah I want to be better than this right like that's gonna be tough tough enough I don't need to make it harder I you know I want to say you know I readily admit that I've been at times an awful host a terrible interviewer here awful habits as a podcast host you know speak on things that I don't know nearly enough about speak with certainty about things that I shouldn't and I definitely need to do better on these fronts I need to be better I need to do better and I expect myself when I want to be better I've been you know I've heard someone say I don't forget who said it but they said if you're under a hundred podcasts then you really have no idea what you're doing and I really hope that's true because we're caught this is number 93 and I know I still have so much to learn and improve as a person as a host as an entertainer mm-hmm as a human being and we only have seven years oh and yet despite all that so many of you have continued to support us and show us love and appreciation and to see the goodness and the sweetness in me despite my best efforts to thwart you at times I think part of me was so I was so um I felt so distance from the fans in a way recently because on one hand there's people that hate me and so I'm like I'll [ __ ] them I don't want to read the comic cuz I'm too fragile and then the people that love me I feel like because I hated myself and didn't love myself that the love that they will show me wasn't genuine that I couldn't accept it mm-hmm it was just them being nice or whatever I don't know and so I think that yeah I just I don't know I couldn't accept any of it it was just too much for me but I do want to say that from the most sincere and appreciative place for the people that have continued to believe in me and see something good in me and something here that you like that it is amazing and it means so much to me and I wanted to thank you all for your kind comments on that so before the Tom and Christina episode I had made a side that nobody seemed to like the podcast when there was a huge outpouring of love and support in the colonists telling me that I should keep it up and that you guys loved it that was unexpected and very much appreciated and a time that I really needed to hear that I have thought about quitting the podcast honestly a lot yeah cuz it's been such a pain you know if it's such a pain it's been so painful at times but I hope there's been good things it's easy to focus on the pain and to feel the pain to talk about the pain I hope there's also you know another side to it and if you do see that side I thank you so much for sticking with us and enclosing to this long monologue which has gone quite a bit longer than I expected I want to say that if I have disappointed you I'm sorry I know I can be better and I want to be better to those that have continued to support us and spend your Friday your Blessed Friday's here with us I want to say thank you for believing in me and looking past my imperfections and giving me the strength and support to push through it and I do think that it's important for me to talk about these things because I think there's a lot of people out there that can relate to my feelings of this whole depressive attitude and putting off getting help because somehow for whatever reason in your head I'm sure everyone has their own reasons but that it makes you vulnerable or weak or whatever it is but I hope that people can take anything from this that it's actually your weakness and your vulnerability is part of what makes you human and acknowledging that and reaching out to help is strength not weakness weakness is shutting yourself up from the world and then you can fix all your own problems mmm-hmm that's just bitter self-loathing weakness and I hope that anyone out there that is feeling I'm just you know feeling anything similar what I said that you do try antidepressants and therapy there's a reason there's study developed and used by millions of people and professions this is a science this is a discipline these people are amazing and they're here to help you yeah anyway I don't know I hope that was interesting at least I don't know if that's what you all wanted to hear for me but that's it what do you thank you anyway thank you guys all for listening and bearing with me through that so love you all and we will be right back after this short break nobody wants to feel like they're overpaying while shopping online especially during this holiday season gifts travels ugly sweaters it all adds up but you know there's an easy way to always get the lowest price it's called honey my dudes honey's a free shopping tool that automatically saves you money while searching the internet for the best promo codes when you shop online that means that wherever you're shopping you're getting the best deal without even trying on your favorite sites like Amazon eBay j.crew Walmart Sephora Expedia and more so much more honey has over 10 million members and each user has saved on average passively without even 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about the fires devastating this date until we've watched a funny video first okay now their deal do you want to watch a wedding dress explode or my new favorite show now on see TLC is the best network on television every show is an absolute golden nugget you know what we're ones like you want a wedding dress a good so 90-day fiance as you guys know is my new passion in life but I have to wait a week dude I'm in so deep and that is like there's a guy you know Larissa and the other guy are in jail and I'm like who are you talking about and there's like 90 day fiancé oh okay but it's fascinating right but you're like talk about them like it's a because it's it's so freaking amazing and like there's this really vibrant community on reddit of 90 day fiancé they've got all these great memes and discussions and it's fantastic it's so good but I need something to watch in the week between and so the new show that I found is called extreme cheapskates now these people are cheap on a level that is probably should be classified as a mental illness because it's not like getting what's on sale at Ralph's it's not like getting these guys like there's a guy and there they're like proud of it too it's very interesting right they're all like they're all they all have significant others that are super embarrassed by them which I find but they yeah they seem exactly they all seem to be in really healthy relationships yeah but like for example this is one guy he's like 40 and he's retired he's like I have financial freedom I'm retired from being a cheapskate and none of my other friends have this this freedom in life and this guy spends his whole day biking around for 12 hours not because he loves biking but because gas is too expensive checking phone machines for money going to diners and checking the cushions for coins mm-hmm and it's like that doesn't sound like financial freedom that sounds like you could just get a job and work less hours but they have got like this need to think it's it's this need to feel like they got it they yeah they got that one up and the result of some of this stuff is absolutely bananas so this is one of my favorite bags here this guy's such a legend he's such a legend that during the first season they only had six episodes this guy was in two of them by the way Amazon videos you can decide to buy season HD or SD and I went super in the heard of this oh by the way what's going on there we were gonna make a video and it didn't work out and all this left is a stupid [ __ ] Erica I love that the video didn't work out well you're keeping the haircut we had this whole idea for video was gonna be so good and I cut my hair for the reaction and all these sketches and we're sitting down editing it yesterday and I'm just like we're both like this isn't good I just cut my hair for nothing you know I'll walk outside because I feel completely normal and I'll forget that my hair looks like this and I'll walk outside without thinking a walk shredder and you just you're just that guy I know some days I look in the mirror like last night and I'm like almost a kind of a good luck yeah the way you'd kind of have your head tilted to the camera that that side looks okay but then yeah that's a problem Mad Max fallout five dollar coffee so you know wasn't been interesting cuz I buzzed my whole head and I took a frickin razor blade and razor blade my scalp and that was gnarly dude but it was actually kind of amazing I have to say weird oh yeah it was painful it was bad I have a new appreciation for people that shave their heads with razors but it was kind of nice I think I'm gonna buzz it all off and pick my whole freaking head it's like it's such a freedom in a way because your hair is gonna grow back all beautiful and healthy mm-hmm and how often do you get to see yourself just like bald everyone at home is also like [ __ ] you dude every day every day it's not being bald is not a meme I'm appropriating bulbed culture um where was I oh yes extreme cheapskates let's see what we have here so yeah I was saying this guy I only had six episodes the first season oh no what I was saying is that on Amazon you can buy a season HD or you can buy SD and save one dollar and you have to dig they have a more options button you have to go in there and in the spirit of extreme cheapskate I saved a dollar I was very proud in honor of these guys most people consider paper towels disposable like reuse them up a little boost it up blah blah like could we use these paper towels three to five times Roy estimates that over the last 10 years he saved nearly $2,000 just by reusing paper towels but doesn't that way dental tasks we saving we hunted his toiletries blades which are kind of flimsy on these disposables they get dull I sharpen them on the striking part of a book of matches give him a whole new life you can't squeeze any more else and it appears to be empty that's the end and they just toss it away [Music] and there's a week's worth still left in there I buy cheap to play toilet paper and I get two rolls out of one that I have that I saw you need those two plies buddy especially at your consumption level we've seen what what he eats do and do we have the clip of him at the restaurant because I need that one no we got to watch that one smart this is nothing a little toilet plate there's a lot like legs in general the closer you get to the end the faster it seems to go that's a pretty the funny thing about that I've noticed about these chips these uh cheapskates is that they spent so much time it cannot be a worthy investment of their time I guess they don't work that's the thing but like the guy will spend an hour D plying and then re rolling a roll of toilet paper to save like I don't know 25 cents or something you know I'm it's like these guys have but you got to see this guy at the restaurant because that really is ain't ain't nothing let's see here extreme oh the movie day you've got this one I can't believe brought me to the movie so she's begging him this whole episode to take her on a date night which I guess they do once a month or is it once a year once a month and so she wants him just to buy him a soda pop in some popcorn and he's like whoa come on baby what are you crazy so he has a novel idea that some of you could use at home and in your zone are you hungry yeah I've told you I wanted something so much could I have a banana it's a big waste of money to buy food at the snack bar our concessions in any movie theater yeah keep it low yeah people smuggle food into the movie theaters all the time I don't like it but they do it by bringing my own snacks I save at least another $10 eating a banana at a movie there is the saddest [ __ ] I can imagine like damn banana and she's begging him the whole time I want a coke and have popcorn you said you didn't want the Apple I don't want an apple I told you what I wanted when I came in but I want to give up corn candy or a drink sistent on that alright yeah well I'm in a movie what is even going on in that theater I think we went to a crazy matinee yeah they went to like the cheapest show in the state or it's just completely empty you know probably it's like 3 p.m. on a wait I don't know Tuesday who knows but here we go my lucky day popcorn through the garbage she grabs a bag of popcorn he's literally rummaging through the garbage he does the decent free refills with it popcorn and soft drinks so I found a few containers in the trash that surprised my loving wife so by the way I liked he pocketed a bunch of straws you know this lady after being together for how long as they have she knows not to ask questions she's just like thank you you made it happen let's not probe too deep here so at they didn't show but at the end on the way out he fills up the popcorn in the Saline again the restaurant [ __ ] is crazy he got I don't I couldn't find a clip of it but what was the other family that does it I saw this is important I might be I might be he's like a borderline freakin Regan ya know tell me about friggin it freeganism is is people that I I don't know if they exclusively are always vegetarians or vegans but they they have this philosophy that it's okay to eat anything as long as it is being thrown away so it's like a whole diet based off of dumpster diving essentially there was a guy like that in the show yeah I think this guy's down for anything as long as it's cheap so this family is gonna last when I show you guys but I urge you all to buy this on SD and save that dollar hmm so this guy their house was so wild so he takes his family out once a year with change he saves all year to treat them for enduring so he takes them to a buffet and this is wonderful you can imagine the dismay on everyone's faces son pulls up to a Chinese buffet I couldn't believe it all I can see was food stacked upon each other we were modest fine dining near of the table we at least agree to give it a try I guess we're here his wife's aunt showed up at the last minute sting - always helps him out I guess and they're like oh cos on auntie's coming with us and he was like the plates on ya I was so mortified that he would even suggest it so it oh it's so the guy we just wash in this guy does the same thing so at the end of the meal they start taking out doggy bags and then everyone in the restaurant who hasn't finished their food they start hitting them up and saying can I can I take this home yeah that to me what's the best part of this show and I don't know why and there's a guy paid in coins too right yeah and they don't show him pain he whips out like a pantyhose full of pennies it's so good maybe they started that YouTube trend of like huh like they're Bradbury's we're buying Gucci store with pennies that guy's like dude that's just my life what's the prank I highly recommend this show is so entertaining there's so many more great clip these clubs don't even do this show justice if I'm being honest but enough about the funny light-hearted stuff let's bring it down yeah no actually I do want to talk about the California fires because I have a lot of incredible footage that I want to show you guys it's been so nuts out here like I want to emphasize how was just one day all good and then in that evening on the news it was like the whole freaking state was on fire yeah I heard a stat that up north that's the campfire right the agretti this fire was spreading at the rate of one football field a per I don't want to say it wrong one football field per second what's really yeah that sounds well maybe well well yeah I mean no it's just hard to fathom it well it explains then why up north especially there's 631 people missing that there's a good chance there dad so because this fire was moving so fast and so furious that people were chilling in their home or in the car in the mountains and didn't even realize they were in an evacuation zone and then all the sudden you see some Amber's coming over the ridge and by the time you're packed up in your car the fires consumed the whole yeah I mean so there's a town up north paradise paradise I do ironically named so this town yeah I mean it's really beautiful in Foresti but the state is so dry from a lack of rainfall that basically everything's just ready to go up which is what makes these fires so severe the population was 27,000 and in this city nearly 12,000 homes and other structures were burned down whoa 12,000 yeah it was at 6,000 like the whole city I mean like a whole city was burned down 12,000 homes and other structures and 631 people unaccounted for seven people died in their cars in Paradise the boys was so hot that aluminum wheels melted it burnt it burned paradise up north a hundred and forty two thousand acres I have no way to fathom yeah what that means but I have some videos I want to show of kind of some occur all these people survived and are unharmed and we we had the Woolsey fire going on in our area and that one seems crazy and then once we heard the numbers of the one in the north it's like oh my god it was way worse destruction unbelievable I think here because la is so densely populated the evacuation here was way crazier there was a hundred and seventy thousand people who were under mandatory evacuation there were six hundred structures destroyed and three fatalities in this fire and the one in LA and Ventura County I want to show some some footage again all the or more well here that's that's what it was according to the stats I have in front of me correct me if I'm wrong then those were I would pull that from CBS News and they published it around noon today so it's about as up-to-date let me see here so this is the stuff is so it's like out of a movie like I can't believe this stuff okay yeah perfect right so this is just where was this wrong god the this is the Paradise campfire the one up north so you can imagine like describe it for the UH so it's a guy thank you Dan for reminding me so this is a guy driving down a road and I mean it's Hellfire just Hellfire rate up in hell fire on both sides amber when smoke and it's the highway to hell man and this fire was so like I said spread so fast and so furiously cuz it was so windy yeah the Santa Ana winds which is like pressure from ha I don't know how the science works but it gets really windy and really dry and so this guy could very well just be at home not knowing anything's going and then all of a sudden he's trying to escape and here this is what it looks like yeah you can only imagine how hot it would be in that card yeah a lot of people met their end when from that car literally that's so horrible so this is one look here the car can also just stop at any moment because of the lack of oxygen and those like turns off and you get you're just wow stuck there yeah that's well also trees could fall on the road I mean yeah I never thought of lack of oxygen oh that's crazy I don't know which one oh I think this was from Canaan this is right right in Woodland Hills and we've drove up and down this road a million times so how's that frame up that's okay yeah what's good she's driving what is usually a really beautiful and scenic road down to the beach down to Malibu and it's just oh yeah so she's going through a tunnel on the ground and as she emerges on the other side you can see the amber red glow start to emerge she comes out of the tunnel and it's just like that's such a scary drive to do in such a time cuz it's like you drive to a mountains there's already it's not going back side - yeah it's just smoke and fire amber actually visibilities like one foot yeah you can hear the you can hear the crackling how the hell did she record this that blows my mind that she was able to drive and recalling the wheel you know and got our fun I mean I'm in this ooh it looks like she's out because she's in another tunnel and she's coming out and then it once again on the other side of the tunnel it's just endless fire and ash and smoke she opens the window you hear that that is divorce road to beyond and this time it's a scary driver on a regular day because it's so twist and turn and mountains and I'm amazed that she was able to record this yeah I mean how can you there's so many far over yeah I haven't watched 50 but yeah that's but she makes me she's fine I saw interview with her afterwards she's laughing about the experience totally fine but I I don't wish that experience on anyone I mean that is so terrifying um but my god she is a hero for I mean imagine you're driving for your life and holding a phone recording it on one hand that's something she needs to be like a professional camera lady or something cuz she's got it she's got potential yeah incredible stuff Kanan is a landmark in in Los Angeles it's this beautiful really beautiful Canyon Road that goes down to Malibu beach so mm-hmm it's weird to think of it from a beautiful scenic route to that she's like Hellfire Hell so there's more yet well have we here I just thought this was so crazy here you can see that the freeway full of cars fire creeping up the side of the cliff and then a helicopter dumping water on the freeway as cars are still on the freeway I mean the fire spread so fast they didn't even have time to shut down the freeway and evacuate it so you can see these you'll see it's unbelievable I mean that's crazy look at this helicopter is literally dropping water on cars on the freeway being in that car you just like alright and the worst part is that people are stopping to look so there's traffic like stop and go traffic right next to the fire why would you stop I think it looks like you see this they're all they're all right next to the fire just stop and go traffic it's just cuz there's down the merging oh that is so so [ __ ] scary but that's just a testament to how fast this thing spread like look at this just on the freakin freeway people got actually splashed crazy huh and I do want to say I was up at 5 a.m. the night that it broke and these firefighters are freaking amazing yeah like being a firefighter in California or well any firefighters are amazing I have a lot of respect for firefighters in general but these guys were grinding it out 5 a.m. raging in front and they're out there all dug 24 hours just fighting this [ __ ] mm-hmm I had a profound appreciation for them and there was a lot of police involved in a lot of I saw a clip of endued I know they say you're supposed to evacuate and everything but I saw a dude he had like a looked like a pretty poor house and he had like a farm and animals and [ __ ] and his whole neighborhood I was watching this live last night or not last night when it was happening and his whole neighborhood was engulfed in flames and the students just there with the garden hose is putting out Amber's and it looked like he saved his house man I mean he was just there with the freaking garden hose like against this force of nature so huge respect for these freaking amazing people out there and even now the fire is still going you know I don't know it's still I could be wrong Dan it's like what 60 contained or something yes one and then one close to us and yeah I mean the one up north is still raging as well so that's what you it's hard to appreciate they're like now that kind of the dust is settled in the city this fire is still raging on and these guys are still fighting it I just can't imagine that moment you come back to your house and it's gone mm-hmm where do you start it's like I just look at the woolsey fire that is 70 percent contained the one up north the camp fire only 45 percent contain still gosh she was many really luxurious huge expensive houses burned down yeah well a much like architecture and art and why not I hadn't heard if if it had been confirmed whether or not his house survived but the director Guillermo del Toro which you know I know you're a huge fan of water but he has a huge he has a huge private collection of artwork from a lot of really famous artists his house about when I heard about all they're like I think it burned I think I heard a burn did he that that's me let me guess crazy because he had he had a bunch of really awesome pieces and I'd be wrong about that maybe you guys can factor that I'm curious I'm gonna look it up yeah I know that was like as of day or two it this is only minor smoke damage yeah a lot of super-rich people which is good in a way that because these are people that can take it but on the other well they're like their lives are not ruined but right that's not to dismiss the pain and suffering that they'll surely into her yeah from losing all of their worldly belongings and Konya oh yeah yeah kinda hired private firefighters to watch his house and protect his house which was interesting god bless him his neighbors - of evidently which which does neighbors his neighbors were thankful for him but it was his oh yeah that's what I meant is that not just to protect only yes but like to protect his whole yeah I didn't know you could do that but like private firefighters they were saying his house is worth 60 million so I think when you have so much to protect well you're saying you're saying when other people's houses are burning well it's just you know you can't afford the private firefighters to your house burns it's not really fair I mean well world isn't fair and yeah army of firefighters goddammit you go for it pani don't save this whole neighborhood probably help the firefighters a lot because they don't have to come that's true [ __ ] waste resources on I guess my thought is just out these private firefighters nobody pays them do they just stay at home like well I know they're probably not necessarily firefighters just like right it's probably like ex-military kind of sure you know yeah but I had the same I had the same sounds weird yeah it's not it does sound weird I'm trying not to be cynical about it because my first impression was like you know yeah exactly what you write must be not but on the other hand it's like you know what if you got the money if you got the if you got it flaunt it oh for sure I don't blame Kanye for doing it hell yeah but I bet you in the end it probably did help the firefighters love because they're not saving that yeah right he's like start with my house but then you know help other people if you can you know I gotta say I don't like talking about politics and I don't like talking about Trump and I'm not a forest ranger obviously so I don't know how to analyze this statement the validity of it but Trump's first response and and as someone that lives here I want to read this to you there is no reason for these massive deadly and costly forest fires and comfortable like oh thank you there is no reason for is this better much better there's no reason for the massive deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor billions of dollars are given each year with so many lives lost all because of gross mismanagement of the forest remedy now or no more federal payments this was his first statement he did end up saying a lot of nice things and encouraging stuff but you know again I'm not a park ranger so I can't assess his statements all that might be completely and perfectly valid right up to that last sentence where you suddenly threaten pulling funding like you know have that fight after we've stopped the fires maybe sure yeah my problem was just like as someone that lives here is like I don't know I feel like the world needs a little more tenderness you know a little more compassion right now and especially in these times when we're so divided and everything's so political and I don't know I just felt disappointed that our president was making a political point or using it to make a point or to attack people when people's houses were still burning good we're dying in fires yeah I just like man I mean you you might be right I'm not even gonna get into trying to analyze who's right and who's wrong but I just wish that there was more freaking tenderness and compassion and the planet for each other right I mean if there may be a lot of validity to what he's saying about mismanagement and you know things that can prevent it but when it's an ongoing disaster it's not it's not over like people are still dying it's like just you know next month let's talk about that let's talk about what we can do better I don't know and Donald Trump really is a role model for a lot of people a lot of people look up to him and they've Aaron and I just think I don't know it'd be nice to see more compassion in the world and less of whatever this is that's all and so I thought it was relevant just a little disappointed by a fire leader I mean he leads all of us not just his base he's still the president of California even though Californians hate in general you know I definitely am going to donate to support the people that have been affected by this I was trying to research the best place to do it the mayor of Sacramento which is the capital of California and just south of this really incredible fire up north straight from the horse's mouth is that derogatory is that a relevant saying the horse's mouth it's very bigoted against horses mmm straight from the mayor's mouth if you want to help the victims please don't send supplies as the evacuation centers say they have been inundated those working on the front mind say that giving to the Red Cross or habitat.org is the best way to help so these are some good recommendations from someone directly involved in this to give you some ideas if you want to help I'm definitely gonna donate myself so there you go I've just feel awful for everyone yeah it's just it's just you know this promise thing going on a cow for these wildfires are just so they've gotten so out of control every season I was watching a documentary on Netflix that was really interesting about it about a guy who's been following I forget the name of it maybe you can look it up for me one of you guys and better check it out it's about a documentary crew that follows firefighters over the course of like a whole fire season hmm and the firefighters are saying that in the past like 10 15 years he's been getting progressively worse and the seasons been getting longer because there's the change in weather and the change in climate has produced less rain in California and so everything's more dry and it's just making the fires way worse there's a lot of dead trees there's a lot of dry trees and California's a ton of wilderness so it's incense from due to the change in weather just a huge matchbox just a huge so every season like this this one now yeah fire chasers thank you Dan on Netflix was really captivating watching I watch it incredible footage last year the one in Ventura was the worst in history it was the most destructive in California history and now this year the one up north beat that record already and it's still burning Ventura County I don't know what's gonna this poor guys man I'm from Ventura originally they're just getting crushed man I feel so bad for them two fires shooting they had that shooting and the next night before they can even mourn for the loss of like 11 lives I think was 12 la novia that there that the freakin counties on fire same people that needed to mourn had to evacuate exactly man rough probably if I had to guess a result of all the gay people what bring in the wrath of God no there's there's like all these preachers that say all the fires and everything bad happening in the world is because of gay people I swear to God the Westborough not just Westboro I mean people like more reputable than that like people with actual yes I have to look into the specifics of it because I don't want to say anything not true but I've seen lots of clips of preachers being like oh all the fires out here in California is because of the gays you know when you rub tube dicks together what do you expect to happen huh when you rub two dicks together it causes more than just semen to erupt it causes sparks it's like two sticks two sticks rubbing together God said no like I rubbed two big sticks and a whole fire burned the state down if that ain't the God gazed and I don't know what it is here that's why God says you because if you rub dick dry you could burn the house Oh Ella's got there it was pastor Blaine come here you go it was all over this let's see pastor blames Coughlin Wofford's on states embrace me of LGBTQ reasonable stance right there now Trump says that it's because of the poor forest management and the liberal saves because of climate change but I I have an alternate theory that it's the gays when two men rub dicks together it can cause more than just ejaculate known for inflammatory claims passenger kevin swanson got a little subtle upon their inflammatory claims pastor kevin swanson is drawing a link between california's devastating wildfires and the state's embrace of same-sex marriages well it sounds foolproof yep remnants of god's punishment of the Golden State for legitimizing the sin of homosexuality imagine being God in you hate gay people that much the first gay God must be really closeted or something because he hates gays like way too much the first gay pride march occurred in San Francisco in 1970 and then San Francisco legitimize homosexuality in 1972 he said in 2005 California state legislators became the first state in the nation to pass the same-sex marriage law 2018 well ok you gotta have to draw more correlation than that what is a Jim Baker's act when you guys find a video I want to watch a video of one of these guys sure now now a lot of people say that climate change is making the state dry but what I say is that it's dry butthole that's causing the fires what I say is that the gay people having way too much fun it's causing all these dang fires please donate to my church because I need another private jet what else we got here folks we got um what the eff we got men with beards are more attractive than those who are clean-shaven really agree really new study finds huh Dan have you found that to be the case you seem shocked yeah well you know as having a beard not helps you there's there are statistical outliers I guess well just imagine how about how ruffed be if you're shaving well that's true that's a good point I mean have you gone have you been beardless in the past and uh to be honest very rarely like not since I was a teenager basically I've had a beard well I'll tell you I've had a beard pretty much since I could and I'll tell you that when I clean shave I feel like a monster I feel yeah it's not good you know also it really like if you come to kiss me or something it feels horrible to you don't when you see that perfectly it becomes like sandpaper yeah I hate it but the the thing I think the real ticket for me well this guy's handsome is [ __ ] with or without a beard so I mean you know no guy like me like here he is like but formerly they did a study and they showed how much are you like they want to [ __ ] this guy they just showed people probably but I do think in my case the beard it just hides my face and I'm gonna be honest and it's fine I'm not that insecure about how ugly I am that is one thing I'm comfortable with but if you criticize me I'll shut down but I don't know if that's what it is it covers my face I don't I my details are not that good I've got a tiny chin I've got chubby cheeks everything going on here is not beautiful chiseled I don't look like Superman over this ass that's the Fifty Shades cover it as much as possible you can see my nose my eyes my eyebrows that's okay I don't know if that's what it is but I agree with the you win to stay with the premise of this do you think I look better with a beard yeah and you look looks for when I shave no I think that about everybody no I think I do think that it looks better not and I don't like a longer beard though that shirt no there's a point well that's actually what the study found to write that uh did they check about that well let me let me there's there's there's four tiers there's like clean-shaven a little bit of stubble a decent amount of stubble and then like a full beard and the decent amount of stubble which I think was ten days no shaving that was let me read many what full beards are seen as more attractive than men who have just a light stubble according to results of a new study they don't say what this study is so I don't know if it's reputable in any way but it makes sense researchers found the widely celebrated attractiveness of bearded stars like Jaime Dorman Jake Gyllenhaal and Chris Hemsworth is apparently no coincidence doesn't hurt that they're incredibly handsome as well exactly mm-hmm the most beautiful men in the world are found a tracker although could that be a cultural phenomenon because I feel like in the 50s having a beard was seen as kind of like a beard that's kind of like a new thing to come back i if I'm not mistaken you know it definitely became like super hipster throughout the long yeah barren to buy like beard oils yeah let's see as part of the experiment male subjects were photographed clean-shaven five days after shaving ten days and then after a whole four weeks without shaving 8500 women were asked to rate the men on attractiveness as a long-term romantic partner heavy stubble ten days was found most attractive while fold beards grown over four weeks came second oh wow they like the fall even more than the light stubble like stubble was third while clean-shaven was ranked Alise attractive you know shaving is so annoying I hate shaving to the skin on my face because it air takes your skin and I feel like that's part of why I don't like it too because I know that it's it doesn't look comfortable I'm like like you shave your legs imagine denying your basement jeez Louise I'd like razoring like some parts like my neck in the back I use a razor for the back of my neck in the shower that's changed my life mmm but this is so the reason I grew a beard to begin with is because it's so irritable I keep getting like dried out and oily is a whole goddamn thing ever I know this weird question but have you ever had a professional shave where they use like a straight razor and like somebody does it for you I don't know that I have Dan it's so strange no I'm kidding that wasn't that weird it's honestly I I did it once nice it was awesome and it doesn't irritate you I mean that's the biggest thing is the razor is so sharp that it doesn't make you break out a normal review I do have a fear during that procedure that they're gonna slay your neck yeah Sweeney Todd style just [ __ ] I ain't you down I think I have a rational fear that they'll just be like whoops got him I was nervous it is it's freaky I mean I got a guy with a razor sharp utensil to your neck it's it's a little uncomfortable but seems nice I like I would go for that I like what this article is on Yahoo style that's where I calm you I love all these tech companies trying to like exist in the shadow of Google Yahoo style but the research paper concludes that beards consistently render men with an older more masculine socially dominant and aggressive appearance oh damn girls are [ __ ] crazy I want a man that's aggressive and dominant beards may be more attractive to women when considering long-term than short term relation I'm looking for a man that's socially dominant and aggressive for a long-term relationship as they indicate a male ability to sex successfully compete socially with other males for resources I think you're looking way too much into this yeah I think it's a fad of course not everyone can grow a full beard it all depends if it suits you okay whatever tell me what else is Google style got to tell me about the work yeah do we have any clips of those crazy preachers I was trying to find this Jim Baker guy but can't seem to find any evidence so Jim Baker if we've if we've solid your name unfairly I apologize you may or may not dig gaze now many people think that whenever it's such a stupid even many people think that you don't think I should continue with the whole preacher thing or no he's hidden the board in the crickets many people think you blame I say being gay is fine just as long as you use Lube when you rub your sticks together you can hit with the cricket on that one bended Tom and Christina we're at the thought of cricket they were like so they were both had this visitor like what yeah it's funny to us because I I don't have that problem there's so many I know it's funny it's amazing to see they're both really like recoil at the sound of the cricket I love those guys they're so freakin awesome aren't they yes they are um what else we got here oh we got some should we go on to fan submissions we're at an hour 45 yeah it's time uh Joshua McCarty says hi I'm a big fan of the show and thought I would suggest showing this gem of a video I'm from Eastern Kentucky and my local news station had a segment about a robbery I won't say anymore but encourage you to watch and enjoy Thank You Josh wolf I think we're getting some really great clips yeah I want to say guys keep sending [ __ ] to podcasts @h straight reproductions because there's been some absolutely great stuff there I want everything I want questions you want you need advice you have any reaction any suggestions for reaction videos you like what you see it all looks good that's what I was like damn boy what you think you agreed that it almost looks good well it what I mean is that it looks like a style not not the side you're showing us right now [Laughter] looks like you evacuated well it's just not my style I'm not I'm not I'm not slamming the style it's just not my style yeah that's all but I actually it was I swear to God it felt so good to do it all the way down it's really really amazing it grows so fast it's already like it was the skin two days ago yeah oh I wonder if there's a research about hair stubble research found that men were more attractive when they weren't completely bald to the skin Zach just pointed out you actually look like the dude from the dude from his Robert De Niro from taxi driver yeah yeah we wrote out a bunch of we had a bunch of hair that was one of the insoles Maya we had I looked like mr. cleans inbred cousin and then how do you look like how do you look like a Jew and a Nazi at the same time yeah but that it was really shaven and it looked like it when it was in her yeah we had a lot more you look like definitely taxi driver reference at the end there God torturing people people are gonna be demanding this video now it was really bad anything folks the haircuts the best part you getting all the good memes what else there were so many let me just I'm gonna look like we got nothing to do we're at the [ __ ] video no I'm gonna watch that I just I want to at least enjoy what little jokes I want to salvage or whatever I can from this more than what we said let's see you look like a 90 villain extra yeah a little bit those were all meant for me to say to you look like a dollar store zorg from Fifth Element um I think my favorite is how do you look like a June skin at the same time and mr. Queens inbred cousins yeah that's great video I just gave you the hi we can just clip this and put this on me hopefully we are going to start over and make a new video new subjects new everything I hopefully I can leverage this haircut into a new joke I don't want to waste a broccoli assassin cut for nothing I was calling this the carrot cut because the broccoli was more about the crown the carrot is more about the stem oh yeah that's like a carrot cut if I had spray tan I could be a real carrot cut like a nice orange you couldn't make that happen alright let's watch this thank you too for your submission Joshua your home is never a good idea a Floyd County man found that out for himself after having a gun pointed at him when he did just that wYMT Shawn Alan talked with the victim in that case is on the rise Methos so his club must have been a bad batch round here coz ford counties went crazy in the last four days neighbors notified Mason Tackett that his cousin Philip Matthew Higgins was seen carrying items from his house when I finally got down here to the house look see what happened the door was standing wide open it looked like he was packing up for yard sale when he came back by the way this shot okay get this shot cracks me up what is he like 1 inch tall yeah it's like a chase through grass it's like like from his point of house perspective an inch tall no it's not that that's belonging to him around the house because I guess he thought I was upset with these items not normally the target of a would-be burglar who steals a cheese grater Philip Aegon's is charged with receiving 7 million being a convicted felon with a firearm in Turkey Creek Shaun Allen wYMT Mountain News hard to believe that's not a sketch yes he stole my who steals a cheese grater oh yeah where did you say Kentucky yeah yeah Kentucky golly I feel like that deserves a golly I feel like that deserves a Jiminy Cricket I really you could say anything with that accent and it would be funny amazing I'll tell you what no ok thank you see hit me with that cricket you gotta like I really don't mind it either can't use it golly Jiminy Cricket who steals a cheese grater he stole my Nana's I gotta find something yo boo just boo this was an interesting story Taylor Swift apparently used to travel in a suitcase to avoid paparazzi now Taylor Swift was one of the most famous people in the world and so I can understand that trying to avoid paparazzi was probably a source of great discomfort and and annoyance to her to say that leave but the the level that she went to to avoid them was amazing and I want to say as a testament to how annoying these people are rather than that it should reflect poorly on her that being said it is incredible Zayn this was at One Direction and Ian confirmed so this guy from Zayn says Taylor Swift was travel around in a suitcase during the summer of 2007 teen and so he Isle of the huge so here it is here's the alleged suitcase now the other day explain to me that this was actually a rumor at the time and was like dismissed as just being kind of a mean it's just way too over-the-top to be real right but now evidently this guy's saying no you know this is all really happening Taylor Swift so this guy they were dating or they were friends and I feel super famous yeah it's fine outing also it's such like a undignified thing for someone like Taylor Swift but alright now curl up and I wonder if it's like well-padded if it's nice and cooked I was wondering that's what I like heard of it or is it even like form cut to her you know I mean like it's a little like fetal position Taylor Swift slot that she just like space in there Taylor Swift being transported in a huge suitcase from her Tribeca apartment into her truck fleet of cars including large Cadillacs and three SUVs arrived at Taylor's apartment Rebecca dime of a large suitcase from her apartment also dozens of Taylor ship security guards were present to move this package carefully as Taylor Swift remains to be unseen for a long time now I went and there's a bunch of other photos of this suitcase and for the audio listeners do you understand this the suitcase is not well you would have to be more than a person for sure she'd have made her own all crunched up in a ball like if you build a cannonball into a swimming pool so here some detectives have it's a little bigger than a regular okay well it looks like a mute for our use for musical yeah but you can see here I mean if anything this is kind of a testament to how effed up this paparazzi imagine you're willing to do crawl into a frickin suitcase that well do you know what she's probably doing she probably wants to go do something private maybe she wants to fly somewhere go to a beach without everyone knowing what she's doing all the time every day yeah so if like I get it if you're trying to go hang out with all these vultures like filming you and recording you it's like yeah you know you got to do what you can I always see videos of Justin Bieber and the paparazzi people driving him crazy yeah they're pretty aggressive with Justin I've seen that [ __ ] till he gives some [ __ ] back though I like watching those yeah but there's a lot of videos where he's nice at first and they really push it well they yeah they start asking him really inappropriate yeah like getting in his way so he can't drive away yeah yeah yeah man Fame on that level is really yes so it can it's so check people need to appreciate how challenging and I mean those aspects for sure I mean people are paid to try and piss you off literally like they're just there to piss you off so you flip out and then it's a story story right just imagine that everywhere you go in public people are paid to piss you off and record it yeah I mean so I hope that people have a more of appreciation for what ultra famous we'll go through on a day-to-day basis that it's not all just because there's I always hear this kind of set of like oh you have no right to complain it's like tell that to somebody that crawls into the side a suitcase I mean obviously the the riches and the fame that that is nice and I'm sure they enjoy that but you're right it comes with baggage comes with some serious baggage to a lot a lot money doesn't buy you happiness I guarantee and promise you that it buys you well one way ticket in a freaking suitcase in this case I thought that was wild I was frankly shocked by that yeah what else we got what else we got what the Frick gals do we got people showing explosion but that little Kanye goof Ian do you have anything to say about this Kanye goes oh you want to come in here and watch it with us he's like Jay King said please no really there's not much to watch sweet guy you know but if you don't want to I won't force you I mean I understand that you have a choice I'm not gonna podcast rape you uh-huh but you are fired if you don't come with should we show it now yellow let me find it there's a new meme now about what else me saying what else there is yep used to be fascinating now it's what else that's funny it's been a long a one-pot okay where is it I got a whole list of things here what else do you see in this document yeah I'm looking at it right now you can you highlight it for me yep when I see it there it is okay Kanye has gone on stage dressed as the Joker correct me if I'm wrong not intentionally I hate to say this and I don't want to offend anybody but he kind of looks like the guy that I hate to say this so don't say we shouldn't the hair color and the Joker is reminiscent of okay I'm not oh and the guy that shot up the theater on the Batman not saying he's shooter are just saying it looks like the guy is that awful to say I mean he looks like he's doing the Elaine dance kind of from people have speculated that he's on drugs is that substantiate er you think he's just having fun I think once the power of that music just takes over your soul you can't do much but just let it possess you like that's the drug yeah it's the beauty of his music mm-hmm thank you very much reminds me of Elaine though and a little bit of a goober just in general like fun what am I talking about why were you such an [ __ ] he's having a good time let it go dude dance like nobody's watching that's what they say whatever gotta judge the guy ruin a good ass time why people gotta say it looks like the shooter who shot up Batman theater yeah who's saying that [ __ ] ignorant he's having a great time yeah I wish I could go out public and dance like that get it I heard that people were really happy with his performance in a good time dude look at me being it yeah yeah let's see what they think somebody's go yeah whatever I mean to recover imagine reading reddit comments on live on a podcast well it's been less the wedding dress is very short so let's wrap it up here Texas woman declares our protective woman celebrates our divorced by blowing up her wedding dress well I can see that that was a healthy relationship man what the hell did that guy do to you there's like a whole party here to celebrate that was a lot more than I expected yeah just be like a little m80 or something that's a real explosion what that guy did to her man but that's a good it's a good thing you guys got the board yeah all right guys we're thinking of doing an extra episode on Tuesday now me being a fan of the Howard Stern Show they have this segment called cleaning out the computer which is all the segments and all the stuff they had planned that they never got time to do on the show thinking of setting up a panel here with Ian and Dan to join us and to go over all the great things of the year that we never had time to get to do an extra episode on Tuesday let me know what you guys think about that idea not that well who watches this deep anyway if you if you're watching type in the comments what should they type in the comments under the Frog loves Miss Piggy's big titties right yeah that's the classroom that was the big one but I want to know did you know that I read this that farts used to be actually a danger to public safety before people started wearing underwear because you would actually fart out Air Assault [ __ ] particles people could breathe them and get sick I swear that's why I read that's why people wear underwear they invented it back in the day so I read it I don't remember but it seems credible but that your farts obviously our permit are passed through the fabric so the [ __ ] particles are not allowed to freely enter your neighbor's face so you look that up I swear that going commando is like a public health nuisance well no I think through the pants you're probably fine but if you're like bare ass farting I don't know look it up I swear fact check me right now you know I am he was all [ __ ] I think that whole that whole statement about farts being dangerous that's what people should type if they've stuck around this deep hmm type this did you know farts are dangerous if you're not wearing underwear done deal and then if I see that I'll know that you want an episode on Tuesday well if you watch this tape you probably do want to Epsilon - this isn't a good sample size necessarily listen this guys have a blessed beautiful Friday thank you all so much for watching and again I want to thank you guys too for all the nice comments the episode before last was and other than amazing yeah no I mean there's been a lot of criticism which I'm happy that I've acknowledged but there's also been a lot of love and support and understanding which I have a tendency to focus on the negative and dismiss the positive but that's so messed up and everybody who takes their time to show support and love it means so it's so important to me it's so appreciated yeah thank you I mean truly so with that being said oh I didn't mean to do that one I'm sorry you guys nobody loves that one yeah I meant to do that well I'm not going to touch the sound thank you all have a blessed beautiful Friday a wonderful productive happy wholesome weekend there's a good chance we might be her on Tuesday bite and Friday and then the week after bill Wirtz which I'm very good also was there any progress on getting uh what was his name what was his name that comedian I love I'm blanking you were in touch with them oh yeah I've got Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Brian Regan Brian Regan there you go I love him so much so he might be coming home there's no plan we are also planning to do a charity stream like last year yes and that might be the last episode of this year right that's on what the heck was that cheering no we've officially run out the outro song it's looping oh [ __ ] we got plenty time to talk about yeah we'll have time to talk about it that was gonna be on December well hey thanks for watching guys we love you wish you all the cake on Tuesday bye [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,403,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila
Id: oO95NQb-DcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 53sec (7433 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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