Halloween Extravaganza & Candy Tier List - H3 Podcast #154

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I dont know how someone’s taste in candy can be infuriating, but fuck somehow Ethan has pulled it off. This asshat has the worst taste in candy.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/ScienceGetsUsThere 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Almond Joy is S-tier. Hands down my favorite Halloween candy.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Where are the air heads and laffy taffy?!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/PenelopeAliWatson 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thought it was weird of Ethan to go as Al Baghdadi for Halloween.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

They SHOULD NOT have joey salads back on. Idk where the poll was to vote for him to be back on (wasn't in the vid description of the past video where Ethan brought it up) but there's no reason to validate joey more just for the meme. I feel like the funniness potential of hurting him has been reached compared to how much exposure he gains. It was already sketchy when it was just the car prank but now that's he's an unashamed alt-right (wannabe) figurehead, idk if it's justifiable. There's plenty of other people who could fit his roll without being quite as morally disagreeable.

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/reconrose 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

just came here to say that reese's not being unanimously put into the S tier of candies is the biggest travesty in the story of the internet

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/felixvelasco 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Someone please put together a voting system for these tier things. We need to be the voice of reason clearly.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/nicholt 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man the candy section was almost unwatchable with specifically Ethans lip smacking. How is it even humanly possible to make that much noise eating just a single piece of candy good god. For the love of everything close your mouth while you eat.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/TheAtami 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mass agreement the lip smacking is just too much

Ethan continues to chew into the mic

Also Ethan "No one watches the last half of the podcast"

I wonder the fuck why, Ethan.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MaceShiz 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
- hello everybody and welcome to this very special Halloween episode of h3 podcast it is I rabbi Klein to greet you the world the red the temple's greatest Couture the Cantor is the one that sings during service now as Trisha Paytas had noted I am a Hasidic Jew so I thought that I might as well look the part here today on Halloween my beautiful co-host isn't here ela where is ela oh my goodness is that okay Simpson she brought out a knife okay thank you a banana is much more comforting than a knife so you can just leave it ajar and so Wow Oh Jay Simpson you're not wearing your [ __ ] you forgot to wear your glove you uh you want to try that again you want to come in again no but you should come in again because the gloves are very funny there I mean they are murder evidence so I mean the gloves really make the part so let's do that again no no it's good this is good this is entertaining bad okay and I said Oh where's my beautiful coves oh it's okay Simpson he's got his gloves on I hope he didn't know the knife comes first I hope she didn't murder somebody with wait you gave me the knife and kept a banana okay Oh J just gave me a I don't know how to feel about that and he's wearing leather gloves do they fit are they too small on you they're too big they're too big I don't know what that means well it was truly it's clearly not mine well AJ is obviously an alleged murderer he was acquitted in court but he did lose in civil court so I think we can all pretty much make a informed decision that he is a murderer so good for you you know now I want to show off you want to you guys want to come make an appearance too because you guys is your outfits are beaut let's cut the Zacks oh because he can't really move do you know who he is did that looks so good oh my god he's haloed by light he has a pendant show your pendant the gaze he's really young he's wearing a white blouse this is move to the left or right a little bit so we could see what's behind you the gaze of miracles Brad Oh Zach really pulls off the bras oh I put back on Zach I am so anxious now they're you now I feel calm you're really good I'm not smiling so I feel like the gaze of miracles I was gay and then he gazed at me and I'm straight now am I saying a little lip twitch you want to read what's on the sign behind you it's pretty funny mm-hmm go ahead come on every time we turn it off I get anxious I'm gonna read it for Zach you shouldn't turn around you keep gazing Center it says experience Brazos loving gift this gentle man from Croatia named Bronson has a remarkable gift that has helped countless lives people come seeking help from life's difficulties health problems relationship issues and more and how did you get it just by looking like cures all that by doing exactly what Zach's doing right now yeah during during group gazing sessions with Brazos visitors describe being touched by an invisible and silent power which opens them to new and positive possibilities as they assimilate this power ooh results in a greater inner joy peace and healings life transformations and even miraculous experiences so many share excitedly I feel there was a bit on there that I thought was funny where it says he he does like nine sessions gazing sessions scheduled nine sessions yo he he gazes nine sessions a day in their 30 minutes of peace that [ __ ] stands on stage for like five hours everyday just gazing at people man it's so epic okay well good job Zack is looking like a thousand percent damn what do we got from you from me you said you got to give the whole body experience what do you do rabbit a spine is that raw is that the Ross the Ross of the rock are you kidding huh yeah a rabbit has mine come on where's the ring clicking on the glass oh yeah and then you have to scream like a like you know a dying animal yeah can I get the full body because you do look really good come here come here stand in the toilet yes yeah cuz you look when I saw down I look dude that's Brad bear he's got the Banshee and he's got the crazy hair the blouse really pulls it together man nice what'd you talk about all right thank you Dad Ethan Bradberry and finally definitely how do they say last but certainly not least we have Ian the employee let's go oh yeah baby this is me when I'm so Flo you want to do the line his mics not on I won't lie this is definitely me when I'm on camera awkwardly can you know can you do another one with this is definitely me when I gotta pee I won't this is don't sound bite me well I love Enzo everybody is is is really keeping it 1,000 over here you know I and by the way the Hasidic Jew outfit is incredible and I yeah give it up to Dan and Ian who went on a mission of possibly today this is all do-it-yourself um they put this all together so I thought the Hat was real like expensive yeah this [ __ ] dude the Jews really they shell out a lot of cash for these outfits that you wouldn't expect anyone want to actually want to wear but there you have it afraid oh really wants my glove so I'm giving it yeah you can yeah yeah exactly oh my dog ate my murder uh my murder evidence so today the the big thing we've got here is a Halloween candy taste test tear list which I am so excited to bring to you guys I haven't had a lot of these can't here we go we've got all these almost get into that later but before we do I'm so excited you guys I wanted to want to honor something that our outfits who we are for example Ella's banana gag is of course OJ Simpson's classic gag worked when he was being accused of murder some of the interview won't have to talk about it anymore just did you do it no I did after we did you do it nope nip nip did you immerse two people super violently no no ha ha wasn't me he's like all jovial about it he had a surprise for me and I genuinely was surprised I think it was his idea of a joke and this is it a Twitter world would you like to die hey to the world you know what I always think about OJ I always think does he get girls cuz imagine like like imagine being in a relationship with OJ because he killed his ex he killed the last person I think not only does he get girls you know he got out of jail because he has so many fans people don't want to believe that's not e gonna do oh well Ruggeri I mean he didn't convict him because they thought it was just a conspiracy yeah by the police I think you get a girl's base you think that some girls are coming into the little bit of like I mean it hurtles man Singh yeah that's if you go that's their friend though cuz he's like not in denial but I wonder if it's a little like exciting it's like oh [ __ ] is he gonna cut my head off I don't know maybe I'll lose my head tonight you know girl there are some weird fantasies and of course to honor Zach's excellent outfit we must look at bra so whose gaze is such a miracle that he actually you can call in Skype and get a gazing session via the internet because I mean let's be honest a guy like this can't be everywhere once and his power and majesty is is just too great he must be shared with the world and therefore on skype you can call in for a nominal fee of $20 or whatever it is and watch him gays live from his Spa in Croatia it looks like a spa doesn't his gentle eyes with that would you say see he is such a gentle he does have gentle eyes and so do you that's why you're such a great broads when I think this just just five minutes straight of this Zach Zach sweet young Zach we call him here for green green and great he's got the gays he's got the light he's a load I'd pay ten bucks to watch the dead air Montez zach is definitely gonna win are you not impressed is like not even smiling it's not zags job to talk how of course she's gonna win dead air well if we all did it but it's dead if dead air goes on it's my ass are you saying I can keep a straight face she's saying you can you could get yours talking about just a staredown yeah cuz that's not dead air well that's what we called it when we did it like you want to do that weeks ago you wanna do a dead air right now no but is dead air just like try to make the other person laugh you know what I mean that's not dead air it's just a staring contest I guess dead air is there's no it's live on the show that's why it's dead air okay let's move on this is turning into dead air with words what soap for Antonio look we all know who so flow is but there's one there's his classic one is almost too graphic to even watch what is he up to today does anyone know yes he posts regularly on Instagram here's a real one and see what we got here so Flo he's in later housing wine later hosen Oktoberfest was a success excellent and here he's got a mask on looking like a little height beast and that's four days ago yeah he's very current oh he's first class Wow no please don't please please please please please don't let him have a child so proud to be your uncle think please it I couldn't handle you having a baby did I can't believe he's until rolling in it he's so neck deep and all these weird Facebook scams easy to get addicted to trouble when you get free first-class flights travel hacks [ __ ] what's he got here what is in this bowl salmon gross I won't eat on an airplane yeah but what's rolled up here it looks like salmon cuz he was in Asia that was a Kurt that ain't a carrot who serves a carrot like that looks like LOX yeah Luke can you imagine eating raw fish on the plane I don't care with his first class or not you know he gets for his class again I wonder if the lady behind me was thinking the same thing is there anything in the world more rewarding than this what's rewarding about what did you what do you mean did you know the girls not thinking that anyway I get down the flow hole and I just escape and of course Ethan Bradberry I think there was a famous actress find him for real yeah I think those Elle Fanning hold on let me open this back up now yeah pull up pull up hello piano as we do this that is really I'm super proud of you for pulling that one off now why is he got this girl candidly in the back of his photo anyway yeah zoom in again I'm I'm pretty sure that's Elle Fanning yeah what's her name L ll e alright someone tagged her in here oh yeah there you go bro that's not cool so he knew it was her he was just trying to flick flex probably huh cuz why would he frame it so that she's randomly there I've never heard of this girl but yeah that's definitely her who is she she were related to Dakota Fanning yeah it's - could've finished sister but she's been in some pretty good movies let's see she's been in this Maleficent Maleficent that's yeah oh she's been in L AM L fastens well the new one yeah yeah okay there you go good job so far he was in super 8 movie I'm sure she's wondering is there anything in the world more rewarding than travel she's probably on the waited to work idiot okay let's get him out of my life spent too long talking about so Flo and of course he's in Bradbury who we honor and love I can't say single bad things about Ethan Bradberry owe them that he was race-baiting and for a good couple years but other than that we concerned we can certainly look past the race-baiting when you consider this I think a Bruno Dallas what we got yeah baby sorry what what race-baiting pranks Oh forgot all about that stomping on black people's Jordans in the hoods buddy Eddie of mine that's what I think Dan you can't wear an undershirt under that I don't know it's a good point yeah you got it Saul how about you've been bradbury confidence it's about that's a swagger well Kai sure is that like who wears I mean it's like a it's like Miami Cuban or like an Armenian he broke it I love that can you give us one of your come on forget about it buddy Eddie of mine bra yeah oh no thank you what Dan oh I hurt my throat I'm gonna do it like him all right Cheers forget about it ah this is my favorite in bradbury moment this will always be my field where we got some new stuff no Bradbury's yeah don't 101 yeah yeah we got that my favorite they're praying I was trying to say thanks for watching again Ethan starts threatening and [ __ ] crazy for the charity stream Ethan ammo can we get a live regular what if we have a regular ritual like every 10,000 what should we do to salads cuz they voted to have salads on they did I think we should chemically castrate him because castration obviously is too violent so you can give him some kind of drug that will make him infertile for less no good I'll discuss it with them but I like the idea of having a regular ritual does it look better like this Allah or like this well you do need to be able to talk yeah we do have more well you're right we do have regular 101 you know Bradbury's been keeping up the reglas he's been on every day on twittered having a regular ritual and that that crazy guy actually kept it up he made it all the way to 100 I'm happy to say you got a lot of support and love to 3,000 likes 400 retweets energy levels are high how many coffee machines does he go yeah he goes through a lot okay I was like wow I was a great one there's still 100 of the regular but wait as episode 101 is even more epic so he's pledged to continue on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] when you start to get excited about food you started like breakdancing that's cool that he's that fat about [ __ ] dude he's kind of becoming like we're getting a cult following I feel like before the regular here I mean he's really look this has a thought this has 12,000 likes people are getting into the Ethan Bradberry box I think I said something I said just nodded I'm not gonna play is probably as music on it but what it's even he's singing some song like I could if I wanted to but I don't want to but yeah you think Bradbury's coming uh you know his own man I don't we need to get a petition to get them out here for the charity they've been good to the mutters I made sure look at this right here a regular well anyway let's get to the I've got a lot of fun stuff to watch but let's get to the Cala wean Andy tearless oh not before the break we got to go to break in five minutes uh is there any in you Oh J to show oh no it's all the same [ __ ] just glitter would hate were the world so you know this football team yeah I said this about this and I'm out here golfing and eating sushi and remember how I killed two people back in the 2000s oh-ho-ho-ho well that one's crazy was it was it really that long ago yes world hate Twitter world I killed two people back in the 90s and I also stuck up a Las Vegas pawn shop or some [ __ ] like that at gunpoint I went to jail for that one he made is Halloween one and he actually has a lot of likes it's kind of like he always did no here let me look him up Oh Jay Simpson Twitter the real usually I mean usually you can get about 3,000 44,000 yeah use you [ __ ] know he Murray's a mark let's see what the comments are oj justice Patrick Holmes for Halloween Patrick Holmes right now I don't know any that stuff when he sees this I don't understand all these these sports references so I really don't know this Twitter world it's me Oh Jaime Holmes now I know a lot of you fantasy guys out there wondering if I'm gonna play this week well ot tells me I shouldn't he said wait these 10 days get that tender ankle in that tender knee I don't know martyred is people with 99.9% certainty eight world it's just me chilling in my yard well my ex-wife and her boyfriend are in the ground dead all right take care well then well while we wait for the break Dan the break God tells us when women words break I've I just look I don't I will are we loving dr. Phil or because I remembered not liking dr. Phil sorry you I'm stepping on her JS under yeah they're like okay Ethan wants to go off on me but she's trying to hold her [ __ ] together what can I say is just not a big enough table it's kind of me and my man is like a dining thing you think I'm manspreading yes so do you think manspreading is real that's been spreading maybe dr. Phil I always kind of disliked him because his content is just so trashy but all of a sudden I think we do we like dr. Phil no because watch this video I've been seeing some birds in my comments that I need to ask you all about so like visco girl bro his head has so much makeup on it like like his bald ass dome has makeup on it it's epic as [ __ ] I don't know that's vseo girl or visco girl or by the way is that was that was thus kiss kiss kiss from Jeff Goldblum or is it predate him yes Jeff Goldblum what he thought about the the spider-man he's acting I think it's pretty late so what the [ __ ] is it then because I don't know what it is I don't it's been around for a while and it's like innkeeper culture do you have an explanation I think it's like hahaha type thing but when you're typing on a phone S&K or like in that position left and right so was people just mash it I think it was Jeff Goldblum actually referencing the sick sick sick no are you sure because he goes and I'd never heard anything you play it I think it's completely unrelated well here let me let me let me play you this clip which I love by the way why do you think spider-man is such an important part of you become better sometimes happening this guy's on drugs this is the first I've heard of it you know I'm crestfallen comedic shattering yeah wait how is Jeff Goldblum not like micro dosing acid right now that is like the cool dad I kinda want a micro dose LSD in like 30 years every day he does doesn't he I think Elon does microdose sure seems like it's sometimes when you see him talking watch how he's looking at her but he's always been like this I don't know how can he be that much of a character like he doesn't even know what she's gonna ask him look how he's staring at her so intently you probably guessed all this to co-produce spider-man so it's looking like spider-man I'm not a business person you're speaking whatever you say is Greek to me but to all these the mountains of brooch or the mountains of British are they yeah I thought he was making some actual like reference to Greek mythology learned something right I do think that he is referencing something that's going really slow right now yeah I noticed that too what's happening come on okay all of the suggestions are things related to Geoff Kolb micro does these the mountains of work out I'm sure well to be fair I think that is actually not high on anything but you might be ela that guy's [ __ ] up on some is gonna make fun of whatever she's asked and I'm sure that I mean that question that she posted didn't really deserve a more dignified response than that anything she may not be the first you know so it's like oh maybe he gets asked that like a trillion times today what Oh think he's heard of it like a joint what anyway well how did we get here anyway and there's one that says and I did we have that on the soundboard no I want dr. Phil saying it oh well no we don't but we can nobody cares about that original you know what I mean I need this should we show the original for today and there's one that says and I have a feeling that somehow knows this is a way inappropriate so you're probably getting a really big food out of this I love and all the answers are just total like meme trash like I don't think he got any a genuine answer and like the millions of comments you wanna watch the original and I hope and I hope we do have to go to break now oh well now I'm so sorry to interrupt so sorry it's 30 seconds long this is the original and I hope for all of our wonderful viewers at home carry to the car that means my backseat I've got a million times does anyone get [ __ ] up and drive we know now I mean ours look at the eyes they look like down the makeup yeah that's that is about name worthy moment all right let's take it to a break when we come back we're gonna do this most epic Halloween candy tearless I'm so excited we're all going to participate we're all gonna have different answers it's gonna be the thrill of a lifetime do not go away I guarantee you we're going to have some shabbat shalom and and some mitzvahs some it's fuzz as well all right guys we'll see you soon ever buy something online and find out you could have gotten it for less well take it from me there's no worse feeling than losing money and not saving the maximum amount of money possible take them from me ethan klein not a seed you that would be a anti-semetic trope but me as a person that's what I think there's nothing worse than loot then not saving every money you can it's like when you wipe and you get a little poop on your hand when you wipe nothing worse than that not to mention once it happens you feel like you could be overpaying for everything every time you buy something online luckily I've got the free browser extension that saves you time and money when shopping on lime honey scans the internet for coupon 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do you know why Jews have such big noses no because air is free thank you thank you thank you we love our to jokes I'm kid I kid the Jews I kid the Jews this curly is not long enough I want to make sure my Curly's right how's it look looks good do you know why look at those for you you could be a rabbi yeah dude I totally could rock this bro you know the thing about Jew jokes is that they're funny but once you start doing like Holocaust and gas jokes those aren't funny you don't snack so good point let's start so we've got the candy tearless okay let me introduce you these are all the classics we could possibly think of and I think we have pretty much everything here candy corn tootsie roll Snickers Milk Duds Jolly Ranchers M&M skittles Butterfinger starbursts wooperz whoppers Baby Ruth Hershey's nerds KitKat Hot Tamale dots crunch almond good again you [ __ ] yes I love that [ __ ] Almond Joy Twix Reese's peanut butter cups and of course Junior Mints we have it all right here ela have you tried most of these or you're in the dark on a lot of these so that's got to be kind of exciting for you and a lot of Molly I definitely and a lot of these I haven't had in I mean decades you know so we are all prepared to rate these the guy so is this specific to Halloween these are Halloween candies yeah this is this is what you would find in your halloween back for the most part yeah so let's start with the candy corn because this is a very controversial unknown how familiar are you with candy I've seen it in stores yeah so people really trash on candy corn there's a lot of love lost for the candy corn and so well let's just you know give it a shot I mean you know it's kind of waxy but I don't like no see I like the candy corn thank you I actually do like mechanical um why don't you buddy you want about it I don't like the flavor I guess just tastes like sugar you don't like sugar you but you like corn I don't like it I don't like how it looks I don't like the texture hmm so how so let's well you know what which way is that are they gonna write to I mean I'm with you yes okay and accordance [ __ ] f tear like the most classic Halloween candy no matter it's trash you always say that the discount section yep get rid of it I mean for me it's like a see what well I have there's candies that I hate way more than this one to romance a knife these chuckleheads back here both love it Oh what do you guys items a canyon I'd give it a c2 yeah I'd probably go beat here it's not the and shut up cuz after like five pieces like you're over it yeah it's not become okay but we should give it a D I guess we got our devoted no but the consensus which it is a democracy okay kind not really but I think candy corn gets a deal so candy corns aside now this one is gonna be controversial because next we're doing Jolly Ranchers now there's nothing I hate more in my candy pouch than a jolly rancher that's gonna take forever to really well you can spit it out okay I hate Jolly Ranchers it's so boring it's so lame they get all nasty too because the wrapper when you throw it in like a pouch with all this crap it collects all this dust and schmutz and I love it I just never liked Jolly Ranchers it's too sour that's too hard good I'm not into the Jolly Rancher oh I love the flavor but I know people like it well am I the only one I'm definitely like Jolly Ranchers you know alright well we are back you up on that one either yeah I'm sorry you like jelly ranch room I think you're alone in this one I'm surprised you don't like that go ahead I like it I'd put it on a tear yeah 18 Sunday there for me I can't do that well you're the only one yeah but I'm I'm the one with the mouse a tear what was your ranking cuz you gotta go up because of Jolly Rancher if it was up to me I'd give it up I give it a I mean seriously I just is it I might even give it a tap I just hate all right I give it a seat let's just say see because Chloe tears so it's got to be no I use like a tear as well wait you guys all give it eight yeah I just know so do you guys agree that be then yeah I think that's fair that's our first time okay and even convince me see what okay we should go be we got to move through this but I think that you guys really are misjudging this yeah I don't know that these tearless work on a democratic although it makes people at homeless pissed because if I put Jolly Ranchers in F everybody would down so maybe it's good taste the rainbow right this is gonna be controversial I've had I'm not a fan I love skittles but I'll tell you the problem with skittles at first great delicious oh you're like mega smacking your lips right now is rough thank you for a while yeah but once you get to a bottom I guess turns into like granulated sugar no it's disgusting right now like I kind of agree with you there's a there's an arc to it can you it starts as I guessed here and then drop right I don't have it turns into like chewing gum yeah you're right about that so I know it depends on the type of skittle the yes it always looks like Eminem and then I'm disappointed when it goes in my mouth and not M&M so I don't know skittles I feel like I think my suit is a classic I think skittles is a B I wouldn't give it a higher than Jolly Rancher I'll tell you that I'd give it a see tail yeah I go eighty really yeah I think could weigh up the atomic its class honestly it's skittles bro you can't rate Jolly Ranchers hiring the skills I won't allow it I simply won't allow it I can't I can't even see those candy corns at D this is so controversial I had a feeling that this it's so interesting how we have the I first of all the candy thing is like the ugliest candy I really like it it's awesome it looks like a that's the top so depressing I do wonder if there's gonna be one candy that we all agrees the [ __ ] that's what I'm interested in with the 20 we have here yeah let's just I mean for the for the sake of the classicness of skittles I just I can't go lower than a B okay let's keep it moving I love dots I loved the name already it [ __ ] your mouth up it makes you baby I needed to go to the dentist after chewing on it I've never had dots go ahead when I had a dump when I had dots in my bag my trick-or-treating bag I went for the dots first almost every time yeah they're good but it's a very accessible candy thoughts definitely [ __ ] your motto yeah [ __ ] your mouth up and takes like a week to get it dang that's a C so we're you and I have very similar camp about to say C its dear for me anyone else I'd give it in us at what place one of my favorite candies out you just get you just busted always glowing every time the swish does act the music and welcomes on it's awesome Ian go ahead and speak up on what I don't want have to ask your opinion for after your easy I hate this candy what do you hate about doc because I take a bite and I won't get it out of my teeth in December well then I think you got an S on top you got an F on top I think we got to go with the C then I think that's only fair I'm happy do we agree I think it's fair yeah I think it's middle - yeah honestly I know people have strong opinions about this next one nerds nerds ela have you had nerds before there's just these tiny little kind of sour candy they come in this little box yeah box they're sour I mean hit that I always look at the full package you know I get sold if I like the package okay and I do like the little me personally nerds was always left at my bag at the bottom of my bag cuz they're just whack like these they're like chewing on little stones is like if you picked up gravel and put it in your mouth I don't like them they're too sour just not it just doesn't do it for me I feel like it's not an it's not like a classic like it's not on the level of some of these classic for me it's more like fun it's like a funny I mean here's the Panda if you were wondering right here oh no it's a classic you'll you'll end up with like 20 of these a little box though normally okay yeah that's like a big box and you shake it yeah so go ahead you guys I don't know I like nerds I like sour candy I put it at like an A or B personally they're up there I was gonna go in to see for me they're dirty I know that's controversial I'm going d2o I'd give them an E and E yeah so the consensus that nerd suck well not fast I mean I think it's a D based on consensus we're taking a couple I feel very nostalgic eating it no no I I never had it as a kid but I feel like it's the colors they fool you with the colors it's like nostalgic colors but Jesus criminy I like the flavor same tears candy yeah it's not no the corn has to go down yeah the corn needs to go up I agree with is the corn should be C rank and the Nerds suck they should be deep you guys can't rock the boat the Nerds are D and that's fine that's insane okay my mind fine D corn and nerds are of annual kind it's not gonna be on there man you guys are just wrong I feel like okay so this next one has always and forever been one of my favorites when I go when I would go to a theater as a kid I would get Junior Mints my one of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld the junior minute all right it's chocolatey it's mint I love chocolate and mint combo the center's a little coming so what I like to do is you can fridge them or freeze them and it becomes like it's not it firms up but junior manager so for me Junior Mints is like a great adult candy mmm does that make sense I like it nowadays okay I don't know if it would have been my thing as a kid I loved it as a kid maybe I'm just mature for my age what do you guys think a junior manager I'm not a big fan of mint and chocolate but like them but I but I recognize that that yeah exactly that I'm not in the majority there and it's a well-put-together candy okay bad so I won't really dock it too many points it's not for me but it's Lawson I put it at like B or C yeah D or C you know BB or steer go ahead dumb guys come on speak up um I'd give it a I'd probably give it a C in yeah I'm feeling C as well I want to go go B I can't give it an 8 cause you guys are pulling me down we're going you wanted a I think but I think is what is what oh I'm just I'm so curious what's gonna make it to the top this is this is exciting you guys I already have my eyes on a couple I think I know yes the thing is that the chocolates are always better but do we have here everything everything everything cuz it doesn't look like it okay tamale you've never had hot tamales yeah is one of my all-time favorites all along side Junior Mints I used to get him at the movie theater you can eat him real fast and they're hot or you can suck the heat off and then your heart tastes with his left with is really delicious guard it's not right I don't know when these in like 20 years probably mmm it's cinnamon eNOS bite you know you don't like it it's an experience it's fun right it's really good I want to say it's tasty what but I would I don't think I'm my friend over the flavor but I like the experience interesting so what does that mean probably a see backstage hate cinnamon should DM be maybe guys Nina and Zach help me I'd give it an A oh me too it's like a burn so good like I mean a lot of them I love hot tamales now I'm going to e what Wow in [ __ ] it up for us yeah say what why actually so hold on why do you guys rate it so low I don't like mission yeah I don't like dying eula the cinnamon flavor seven flavor gum big red gum like any other sounds like a C then yeah that's a big compromise but alright a big compromise come on what do you think it should be a D no no I want it to be an A but yeah and I put it a - I mean that's season if I was looking at if I'm looking at our choices so far I think this is like a very scientific you know how they say there was this experiment where you put a jar full of a lot of stuff like you guys have all probably seen this where you fill a jar with jellybeans and everyone guesses how many jellybeans there are and a lot are super far off and some are really close but when you take everybody's guess and average it it's always almost exactly right the group decides correctly and in and in that spirit I think that the group is deciding in a very just way here do you think I'm understand interesting but because if each of us made it alone it would be so different exactly but this is a good universal where we're at here again I mean guys this tootsie roll I mean it's most beloved it's a touchy rolls been around for I mean a hundred years tootsie rolls been around it's at the center of the Tootsie Pop it's chocolatey its chewy and now is this where we are like complete opposite for me to cool it probably and it's an A or Nash from me it's probably or F Y same I don't like anything about it this [ __ ] looks like grandpa's best candy I don't like how it looks it and then it's brown yellow color and then they've how chew it is yeah it's chocolate low quality chocolate though like the lowest of the low claws that's not at guys are really taking me off anyone else got my back he'll spit it out out give it enough it's probably my favorite that my boy Ian I'm gonna go D justify guys expand it is low quality chocolate it is it's not trying to be chocolate caramel its iconic about iconic men real what why don't why do you hate it in the presentation is terrible it's too gummy it's just like it's not good everything about it listen at the description does he roll is a mildly chocolate flavored taffy like candy hello I like it do you like taffy to be you're right exactly it's it's trying to have its footing too many too many places explain how it's been around a hundred years everybody's favorite candy things out for a thousand years it breaks barriers yeah but my grandma's been around that talk some things are timeless unlike your grandma so it sounds like a C then because it's like it cuz in 2009 and became certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union various well there you go these guys are selling international they got that kosher market even well I guess you love it you hate it it's right in the middle than a sea that breaks my heart okay guys again yeah I'm really putting my heart out here because I'm bringing again out one of my favorites that I think you guys are gonna Travis let's try Sunday okay I so this is like my all-time favorite during Halloween The Milk Duds was like Mamma Mia daddy likey The Milk Duds you got this tiny little pouch but they're so fat they're so fat you can only fit like 2 or 3 in it oh yeah milk milk milk though you know what I like Milk Duds too and to round out the point about the tootsie roll look dudes are like tootsie rolls done right because it's like yeah I'm thing but much better I like the necktie better than this little absolutely whoa you're gonna do it chewy chocolate it's the hormone wrapped in chocolate and a little dud bomb the chocolate pulls it all together who makes this this is made by Hershey Company anyone else goes up there for me I'll give it like a B or na Wow I'd give it I probably give it a see there's just no consensus just don't like it's like too chewy it is very very that's a tootsie roll is worse for me no the milk the milk dud is probably the worst chewy ever like that [ __ ] does not for this one beer to be to you for me okay so it doesn't I'm going to be hmm I think we might have to cuz it it sounded like it's like an ass for you Ethan yeah I think it's a tear oh yeah I think milk dud might actually be our first a tear that's surprising I thought you guys were gonna just like it well I love love love it yes I said a or b so I'll just say sure I mean everybody liked the milk dud yeah let's go let's go with a classic next Snickers this is timeless classic candy beloved by all I mean there's nothing more classic than a Snickers bar there really is it so true and I have to tell you I get it I love this sink oh what a parent does tofu is about the caramel it's got the chocolate it's all happening the flavors work yeah you can't argue on this one let's see it's so good to me Snickers is good but they're they're better chocolate bars so I mean I would give it give it like a C or B I think I give Snickers an ass Wow I give it an ass oh no it's not my personal favorites as good as it gets though yeah it's like they figured it out mm-hmm we're gonna get to some chocolate bars later that I think rate above it Ian and Zach can you please not make me ask for your opinion every time I give it an a an a I'm doing a two so I think I gets an A then yeah that's that's fair I mean it has to be like this one was highly rated overall than the duds you think it had a higher rating than the duds everyone I put it at s and you did but I can't go s unless we have like I gave it already though yeah so that pulls down the average a little bit I think is fair I think so what do we got next here mmm mmm fun side baby me too that's the [ __ ] with these nerds mmm always happy to get it crunchy chocolaty I love the hardshell that's a no bomb who agrees Oh to this day I love mmm I love peanut okay you gotta get that heals up and gonna kill our dogs I'll give it a I'll give it an A I love peanut butter mmm I love all the new flavors are coming out with a little too almond I'll give it a day I give it an A - so then what did you we go I gave you an S I give it a s as well but ultimately what I do rate mmm if I think it's go to add you got three days and asses anyone who changed about to ass like an a to me a plus sometimes I like the peanut M&Ms more so I didn't give it an agree well we really like Eminem is alone if an Eminem can't get a test and I don't know what is going to but I think it's an aid I think it's an S it's an a maybe both what Ian just said I'm including the peanut butter and all of them no those are different candies yeah we don't have that what you wanna write like every flavor yeah by the way you guys messed up not getting those peanut butter ones actually it came in a variety pack you do mi name is anonym in my opinion all flavors I rate them all the same I think it's an A I'm sorry to say the S Class needs to be so pure so in disputable at the least it needs to be majority we have to carry out of five dresses that's yes okay but ela you generally don't like the chewy snacks and Dan doesn't like the chewy snacks bye-bye well chewy wasn't the problem with the tootsie roll it's the low quality just trash ingredients okay slow down okay starburst everybody throw back is like SSS FF it depends on the color for me oh come on we're not gonna write the pink starburst alone puts it a nest here for me as well pink starburst starburst isn't hate for me it's not asses guys I may have to go ass on the surface I'd go as 200 I just I I it's not an ass it's not per minute but clearly they're individually wrapped dude the starbursts people really figured it out that that's by far a highest rate of candy mm-hmm interesting hmm the best now let's go with the classic Hershey chocolate because this one is her she's so funny to me cuz it is here it's like the classic chocolate but I think it's an American thing and to me it's not tasty at all yeah it this is a high love chocolate so Hershey's is I very contested oh I'm sorry I just ran over our dog I'm sorry we just ran over Alfredo's my wheels so I hit on him why what does that mean I've always liked Hershey's but when I had German exchange students come they told me that Hershey's they all said Hershey's tastes like a vomit they say it tastes like unnatural ungodly weird yeah and when I first moved here you were like I don't know you bought these like this is a classic chocolate and I was all hyped up and I might taste a taste like [ __ ] there's it there is a taste there but to me is a very nostalgic taste that I like but there's something kind of weird in there so weird I don't got it what do you rate that it's hard because I love chocolate but I feel like this is like the worst chocolate so I would put that II I ready to see I like it though actually yeah Dee it's not good like especially there's so much better chocolate bars like if you're gonna get a chocolate bar dots yeah I'm doing Dee give it a deep that's a D then you guys outweighed my C was too generous here's a wild card Almond Joy this isn't a candy adder not much about in my life I don't think I've ever tasted that but I can tell you when I got this to my trick-or-treating bag I was not excited about it but that's an adult oh it's got like marzipan in it oh it's like coconut it's chocolate that's like the candy your dad would want yeah I don't think any kid would want this yeah it's a straight-up F what K beware that D for me it's F come on this is something we're deeming about it I think it's AE them oh yeah sounds like an e well there you go we're getting a really good spread here I'm very happy with how this is coming out yeah but that makes sense to me almond joy really isn't easy isn't it I love that starburst isn't s that shock the hell out of me I know people like star bottom that's perfection okay next up let's go whoppers that's a little wild card I really actually I don't know how people feel about whoppers I've always liked it look how it comes there's three of them like a little tube I've always enjoyed them I find them to be refreshing break from the really heavy chocolate the snacks that you you get and I always like kicking these back a little bread it's like a bratty crunchy chocolaty joy but also weird flavor in there yeah this expired no that's how it tastes I don't know why there's that weird flavor to be honest with you that weird flavor really demo ah down to uh to the expired section no it's not a nice table ready whoppers that flavor is problematic I have to tell you in theory I like them but Jerry I would love to I get mostly I'm teetering between C and D I'm going deep well again what was your vote because I was like II so it's a bit sad tea that makes sense actually it belongs with nerds no way now here's a while you love her she's crunch it's different I'm telling you the her she doesn't look like her I love the crunch hit that first of all rice it's dried rice and chocolate brilliant it's tasty its crunchy its Airy it's light it's a dream no chocolate let me evaluate there's something with American chocolate is is not it's not it doesn't deliver I know what you mean a chocolate feels a little low quality again I would like it but the flavor is not it's ok was like the crunch with the chocolate just it's not there for me what would I rate it I think you know it's somewhere between C and B from him it's probably a D for me or D yeah the first one I diverged from you on either because I like Crunch Bars I like it probably be give it a beat I agree a b2 I think I think it belongs up there uh how girls see I think I could go see I think it's a C then cuz I was kind of but you gave it a see yeah oh then it's got to be a B cuz you guys were kind of high on the Bordeaux put the crunch bar okay oh wow oK we've got some big boys on the board here we got Butterfinger Baby Ruth KitKat I expect big things from Kit Kat Reese's Peanut Butter Cup also and Twix these are elect with the big boys I mean these are the big names in chocolate let's go Butterfinger I feel like this is a controversial one you know about Butterfinger EULA I don't know if I had it it's a weird crazy one its crispy crunchy peanut butter but it's not really peanut butter it's like candied peanut butter which I mean I I've always liked it well interesting texture too but I like the caramelized peanut butter not my thing I frankly loved that we I can see why it's good but like I'm not into peanut butter in candy I think it's because I didn't grow up on that I think I think it's a bee I'm with you on that beef it definitely tastes like a good candy so I think I'm okay would be just not my personal taste I'd give it a C I'm going deep what explain yourself that's way too flaky just made a mess everywhere it is I think it's a C in that case because he really brought it down with that D I guess it makes sense nexted thoughts and Hot Tamales into T Rosen yeah it is too flaky I mean I well giving me and said the I said B you can't do that both you know I didn't pour almond joy so the only candy we didn't like yeah but almond joy does Baby Ruth is a controversial one this is my mom's favorite candy bar what should tell you something it's literally it's like a Snickers but worse that's what I've always felt because it's just peanuts you know I'll be like good I guess it's like a Snickers without caramel toffee it's got lots of peanuts for the peanut lovers I don't like it that much okay I'm not into it no I'm not it's a see but yeah see see I would say see too but again I'm looking at that it's definitely don't definitely better than a tootsie roll stop with the tootsie roll it's kind of like a poor man's Snickers yeah that's what I've always thought I'd give it a deep in I I guess deep are you guys trying to do at the same time yeah okay so hold on no because I gave it a CE I'm okay wait that D and everybody came in and then I think it might be a D yeah hmm I know I would never ever buy a Baby Ruth like if I was in a store yeah I would never buy a Baby Ruth ever Twix this really [ __ ] go is here with a and go s already I mean everybody loves Twix you can crunch him off you can share them with your friend you got the perfect balance of caramel chocolate cookie I love the tube it's a great device for eating snacks in a tube the proportions are everything it's like the whopper tried to do in a ball and failed miserably the Twix is everywhere at once there's the Alpha Omega it's delicious Wow s tier Twix is us it's a personal a-plus so I could go s I may as well hmm hmm as there's another chocolate bar but you can probably guess which but you so we have three oh yes yeah I mean Twix really how how is them and I'm not up there I don't understand you guys well it's just at the end of the date it's just chocolate its M&M like the classiest okay fine but the times have changed it's like saying you know show me another like chocolate in this kind of format that could compare what M&M nobody's gonna try to do M&M they've tried in Israel yeah come on everything sucks in Israel I mean at the end of the day it's like you know yeah the first car was cool but now we got Ferraris but okay you know so now with the KitKat and the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup is all that remains and frankly I don't know where these ones are gonna land the kick head is similarly positioned in my mind as the Twix it's got the cookie it's got the layers you can break it you can share it it's always bomb I love that you can break it it's just well and these are the many ones but the real ones you can break off yeah you got the wafer cookie the chocolate is really good it's like I should eat chocolate in the best way mmm I love it s as hard s s + SS s yeah that's I think the Twitter go SS so I'm gonna give it a f - Rick to even it out I'm kidding I'm kidding I wouldn't do that to you I do think that hooks is better so I would give it a nail cake is bad but everyone just said s right yeah everybody else is I like twigs but in a KitKat low okay so there are less but their ball s finally and a big part of it is just for the design that you can break it it's just I mean it's engineered to perfection genius now finally I mean Reese's Peanut Butter Club classic as it gets I'm a huge fan I love let me show you the cup okay there's so much chocolate the peanut butter ratio is and fit as fantastic dynamite it's genius in fact they have these dark chocolate ones that are off the chain but you a cross-section there's so much chocolate so I just like it's tough for me cuz mmm your nut butter is not a thing in Israel what is the most popular snack in the whole country and yeah it's not been invited oh wait it's not the same it's peanut flavor yes what's the difference I don't know it's not fair okay there's literally a snack called bomba in Israel that everybody's obsessed with all people eat I don't know if I've just eaten too much candy you know my enthusiasm here yeah it's it wait what is Bombo what does it taste like it's just it's literally tastes like peanuts we had it here in the office and get our Trader Joe's oh oh oh you brought anyway that was good what I'm saying she's like I don't like peanut butter it's like dude it's all you guys eat it's different I don't know butter has like a really heavy tone to it the cup I given it but I could be just because I've eaten too much sweets and I might give it a s on a different day to be honest it's an S for me but and what I recognized yes for me it's an S but I recognized chocolate peanut butter combo isn't for everybody so mm-hmm Rob ibly gonna get brought down a little bit but for me it's an S that's up there with the greats I don't like peanut butter yeah so you go I know I give it a D oh holy [ __ ] I think I that misses I can't recognize that a really good candy okay but not mine so what you're ready so between B and a and a and you don't even like it be honest yeah because it's so really it's really not for me but I can tell that's a well made it's well male that's real I understand how classic I know that it's a classic and I didn't ever grow up here but what do you say - Zack gave it a D on American that's not good cuz I'm going D as well your neck starting to hurt oh yeah Adam you know boosters give them power encourage him Zack gave that he look at that what was your rating anything I gave it a name okay so we have we have addy addy [ __ ] it might be an SC yeah oh here we go is this I think where I'm pretty happy with this yeah we didn't happen because it's candy almond joy needs to be after it might as well be I'm sorry it's just I would spill it at all o'clock is it I mean this is the most popular candy in the world so an act for for them to have been around for all this time being that bad wait oh I'm enjoying the most popular candy in the world well it's no I'm saying definitely not I mean it's got like the two worst things almonds and coconut and meres marsupial it's a neat I don't think it's an enough I'm sorry Zack okay and no amount of gazing is gonna change my mind I like it I think it's a good list I think everybody should observe know that guidelines but the Sun the candy corn is the candy that is an F what do you think if you think it should be enough it's not even in consideration I think it should be there but as the only I think you guys are obviously freaking wrong we don't like by the way this is the thing about candy carton whenever you see it it's always this much yeah like of all the candies yeah this milk bags or a bucket of candy schmudge it must be so cheap to make this the day after Halloween like go to any grocery store and you'll see the biggest back a bag of candy core for like $1 this [ __ ] literally cost nothing to make it's so Halloween though that's why they probably keep those same packs for the next year good hater ass well there you have it alright did pretty good overall you're pretty good with that list oh my god ate too much [ __ ] yeah haven't eaten much from here no well what else we oh I have some other videos I want to show you though before we take off we swatched off to fail on the hoop now ela this one's for you as you guys know I love Instagram food there's all kinds of interesting fascinating amazing inspiring things this one inspired me I think I found a recipe to make for ela for dinner tonight this is a burrito where instead of tortilla it's fried cheese check it off mute so the guy literally you know fries cheese puts the astata lips it into a god damn burrito that's pretty amazing isn't it that's Quito [Laughter] there should be no diet in the world where you're allowed to eat that you know anything that is a hundred percent keto you know is bad if you can eat that well I mean it's kind of I mean do you wake up the next day after you die in your sleep by the way it's pretty cool though it's pretty inventive don't you say it is but I would not touch that I would I would definitely I mean I would take a bite it's kind of like an omelet just without the egg it's just just the cheese through that though anyone who could actually heat that whole thing really really is looks bomb yeah yeah I knew you would like it I love that that's keto though it is I know it is and that's why I think he'll such bullsháá well anyway it's fascinating no matter how you cut it you got any feeding window updates if anyone who's going great I mean I'm really sticking to it it really works for me personally I like to be able to get breakfast and dinner and I'm done I mean it really works for me the biggest problem I have I think is after our snacking and vegging and extra meals so when I cut myself off around 6:00 then I think that that that really keeps my weight in control well see I'm not been weighing myself I feel like weighing myself discourages me some people like it so we will don't like when I lost like all that weight before you came to Santa Cruz I never weighed myself I had no idea what I weighed at any time it was just all I'm with you I don't like weighing myself trying to gain or lose I feel like you can see you can see what's happening in the number I don't think the goal should be long-term it shouldn't be short-term because sometimes you put on weight after a day and you don't know why and it discourage you or sometimes you lose a bunch of weight and then the next it's just it's a long-term process I just for me having that focus on that day to day short-term is uh unhelpful I just want to keep doing this for as long as I can and you know see where we are in a couple months but it is work you definitely and I'll tell you after I ate all this candy I certainly don't feel like eating anything else for the rest of the day I feel like ass feel awful yeah it's disgusting isn't it crazy in which I'm kind of worried as like as a parent how do you let your kid do this that's what always that's the eternal struggle of Halloween because kids fill up an entire pillow sack of candy and then the parent needs to do somehow not make their kid hate them forever and also I think what most parents do and probably what we'll do is like when they're sleeping you go throw out a little bit every day what because that way they think that's so shady what do you how else are you gonna okay what do you what how do you do it without making your kid hate you I don't know yet that I think that's a good idea every night Ruggiero did you finish all your candy okay yes and do you think your parents probably they did now I mean I never suspected that at the time or I'm never thought about until now but I'm telling you a lot there was like a million calories of candy in my in my soul possession you know what the trick is you gotta have multiple kids so that when they do notice the candy disappearing they blame each other hit them against each other but I feel like there's gotta be you need to control this because I'm telling you when you see Theodore come home I'm already worried its way crazier than this you know but the sad thing about Halloween because you've never experienced physik when you eat all your favorite [ __ ] and then what you're left with at the bottom is just the sad enough like for me it was nerds it was right Jolly Ranchers it was a peanut we didn't get circus peanuts what the hell you guys well those are after those dude circus peanuts would have been a half for sure I don't never I don't even know what that is there's the gummy ones circus yeah they're like orange peanut like fluffy pseudo oh I know awful I'm telling you that would have gone oh that would have been easier yeah maybe yeah oh yeah disgusting yeah gross yeah they were disgusting so those were at the bottom that's a sad sight when you're like I don't even want to eat this candy like yeah you know ask what about licorice what do you guys think of liquor love yeah hard love big love big beautiful love fan personally love black licorice love red licorice I even like purple licorice I've never been a fan and I'm kind of just don't sometimes I'll kind of like it that's weird I mostly don't like it fascinating mm-hmm sorry I mean the don't clean you but we were all talking about licorice but I have to seesee in here who did a Halloween special on his Instagram page and as you know czn always turns up always so welcome to czn halloween bonanza Ethan Bradberry stop you could put on the music I think it's the vengers music I don't know about oh it is okay Nicole I thought they had like YouTube loyalty free [ __ ] it's like so Ethan Bradberry spider-man Elsa so they shot it all backwards for I don't know what reason I guess so that so that the spider-man can look like he's jumping up there but that wasn't that bad and then well I guess it was also it could look like he's pulling it out with secret powers but yeah Iron Man doesn't have super person do you know what I'm saying nice cinematography what with his mask would have worked either way no he gravitated the pizza out of the oven oh oh I see what you mean you can't do that Iron Man doesn't have that power he he'd figure out a way what what well I get tony would figure a way out and well regardless just four point three million views so the reveal that smile yeah yeah that helmets sick I want that helmet um so Oh we had like the Twitter ban I mean who gives a [ __ ] just taste this we have the anal fissures yeah did you do some follow-up on the anal fissures I did uh-huh what did you learn and I heard it I've been getting a lot of heat what I said yeah so okay so I guess I was improperly advised the person was just [ __ ] with me well you reveal who that person was uh it's an ant Oh your aunt got you good she's lucky she got her [ __ ] inverted so but I did I did okay I I do have a doctor friend close to my family who you know is this proctologist and said sometimes they put Botox I write I find that very interesting did they do do that Zach so well I I was hoping that you were right because it's so funny but so I do apologize I was wrong there certainly was a lot of backlash against Zach in the comments people said Zach knows nothing about anal fissures why would I they said you're either poorly describing lateral internals this is a good one finked errata me sphincter oh no Meah that's funny is that where they put the Botox up your ass whoever had the surgery was a very rare case of someone who had chronic anal fissures that required an anal reconstruction that's hot or they had some other non fishery lated pain in the ass why do they have to have vision which look the funniest word ever combined with inside your [ __ ] like it's just so funny an anal fissure Zach for your educational purpose we were recommended a very informative video that I think you should watch called what is an anal fissure okay so Zach this is for your a little purpose how explicit is this going to be no it's just married they're just talking yeah so this is a YouTube channel called talking with doctors and they brought like a proctologist to talk about you know four years ago to middle and the guy in the left can't even really keep a straight face even even he's a doctor what are you gonna talk about today so I thought another very important topic was anal fissures I'm really so oftentimes I'll see people in the office who present saying that they have a hemorrhoid but I think it's very important that people know that not all pain in the butt are actually related think she likes ass but you to know like if your proctologist do you like ass player you know I guess the real differentiation with probably don't work yeah I don't know you probably do they probably find the prostate like a mother also related to a really hard bowel movement that passed and then all subsequent bowel movements cancers going to look really painful whereas it actually comes out you feel a sharp stabbing debility even potentially spasms in your pelvis as well okay so that would be the hallmark symptom of slowly following along that make a note yeah which differentiates from hemorrhoids because hemorrhoids will have painful hemorrhoids will have an obvious lump where with a fissure you won't see a lump you'll and sometimes you won't even see the little tear fissures a tear in the in the largest College reaction excruciating pain I think it might be sure what do I do so the first thing and most important thing is actually get a clear diagnosis of what is giving you the pain but start you're all brand buds quarter-cup everyday things love's going to be all brand new i regulate your bowels regulators that was relevant regulation about regulators mown up it was about them taking the Metamucil money what I think it is one of Muslim graduates yeah no I mean you don't want a big heart don't miss this for you one of the biggest office bomb it's not hard not too hard like Goldilocks I think it you gotta stretch it out you got to stay limber the sphincter so so basically you already watch this video you want a big car or you want a big poop but something yeah because you want to basically massage the sphincter as it comes out and you really want to avoid those anal fissures yeah so bases so the fissure is when you poop basically cuts you on the way out right it's a big bowl Duras you ever had a [ __ ] you ever I mean I've had one of those before work I don't get them often but man those things are crazy they like softball it's like giving birth and they just you can feel your [ __ ] tearing up you're like oh it's so painful you know what I mean you guys get the lottery you you how regular are you um I did when I was younger I gotta say being vegetarian you poop pretty healthy it's good for that that's good I had this when I was younger to I don't really have it no I think Zac probably is gnarly poops well I've taquitos jet absolutely I have a slight case of IBS so that's good right no but I mean IBS mixture but he gives you like diarrhea no yeah it could hit you at the worst times like I had to pull over on the side of the road like yeah but it's not you don't get the fissures you don't get desiring fortunately no well that's good yeah the diarrhea is bad obviously yeah Ian EMI have some monster sheds that's not too bad not too much blood I got a piece so I've been out of I haven't had a bloody [ __ ] in a while though so I'm glad we're all good but I gotta say I can't speak highly about Metamucil enough yeah I mean Metamucil is amazing anyone who's tried is like the shiver rules well it helps me like both ways if I'm constipated or if like today either way it's just the center you know what evens yeah yeah it's like what the Buddha talked about the center path the center row a middle way the middle way yeah he was talking about me not too soft not too hard not too soft the middle I was good that's that's in the enlightened path right there so let me ask when you guys are on the toilet do you like to enjoy it or are you more of like a quick and get I'm not quick and get out okay I do it so fast I love it I take my time I don't like when it takes too long what I hate but since I started using baby wipes the wiping doesn't usually take too long and I'm happy to announce today on the show that we bought some tote oh yeah electric crazy our new place does not allow for flushing baby wipes because it had a certain septic system and as well that's that's everything I'm not worried about the city I'm just worried about what were those things called oh yeah they were called uh-oh the sewage monsters they were called something Oh fat burn yeah so anyway I'm off baby whyne so I gotta get this Toto do vase so the seat comes up and it shoots hot warm water at your butthole you finally got on the bidet yeah there all this time alright well I had to get to the totem but yeah it's ever been there right yesterday I mean it's DB day yeah you can control the angle of the water you it's got warm water you can control the pressure how do you the pressure of the water and I'm still not quite sure how I'm gonna get out of there without wiping though because well I've had this we've had this we'll see everyone says that it's possible I guess well I mean you know what I could do is have a baby wipe that I clean up with it and throw it out yeah cuz there's not gonna be a ton of [ __ ] on it it's just to make sure cuz I like to make sure yeah you gotta make you know what I did yesterday that I haven't done since I was like 5 this is embarrassing to admit but I was having like really itchy [ __ ] which and I put vaseline on my butthole yeah I took the baby Vaseline for healing why are you - I don't know I may have a fissure I I get I get what you're talking about did you did say that you get itchy when you have a fish after I think she said the healing process oh yeah I I don't think it's bad it's just I think but you know what it is is that I haven't used baby wipes in a long time and I'm using a lot of toilet paper and I think like I think that's irritating my my butthole and it's gettin itchy site I just [ __ ] scooped some Vaseline up there and it actually was really nice it helped a lot it's almost instantly isn't it yeah no it was amazing I thought my it was gonna feel all gooey and nasty but it didn't at all I I was talking about I should do this every day I should keep my [ __ ] nice and like lit moist yeah so you can insert you can surf [Laughter] okay I don't know if we all needed to know that yeah well honestly what didn't you need to know I mean really at the end of the day and all it knowledge is not much knowledge is a it's very objective to continue on the Fisher I got an email from a fan Zack hi I'm from Australia so the figure surgery may be different here because the other way get it but I like to tell you my experience to assist your recent debate I obtained the Fisher when I was 17 years old and I didn't know what it was at the time so I just ignored it for years big mistake that's what I'm doing right now I'm just putting Vaseline on I thought pain and bleeding was normal I didn't have a close relationship with my parents so I never opened up to them about the issue this Liat led to long term constipation problems even now eleven years later due to the pain preventing me from using the bathroom for weeks at a time Wow oh god poor guy oh it's a girl Kayla poor Kayla end up seeing a doctor when I was 19 and he prescribed me cream that I had to insert into my butt hole three times a day that's what I was doing it's almost embarrassing even when you're by yourself it's like it's just me some Vaseline a finger and my [ __ ] knowledge and your finger really goes in there too cuz it's all the dope with the Vaseline okay so it's like [ __ ] well it was crazy you want to know more no this was an unpleasant experience that never held my issue really I liked it I ended up being referred to a specialist after a year of using this cream and this specialist insisted that I had to keep using the cream I was also put on laxatives by the time I was 22 the specialist finally agreed to perform the surgery he said that it was very painful and the success rate was not good which is why they persisted with the cream for so long turns out the procedure fix the fissure was to cut another piece of my anus muscle which would allow for more blood to flow to the to reach the torn piece and help it heal I was put to sleep for the actual procedure so didn't field thing was horribly painful recovery though but it was worth it to no longer have the pain of taking a giant dump I couldn't sit for days and I had to have a lukewarm bath of salt water twice a day for four weeks to prevent an infection in my anus and lots of laxatives - I'm now 28 years old and I have a perfectly happy healthy butt hole so it has a very happy ending fantastic and as she says I hope this helps report thank you for reading Kayla so Zack she did have the fissure surgery okay and I will have to read it again but I didn't read anything about flipping the anus well it was an exaggeration what I was told I see so I do apologize I wish that was a real tight dude like imagine getting a fresh tight young anus I'm sure they can do it imagine cuz mine is all worn out I've been putting blah Vaseline all over it you flipped that baby around ooh fresh anus it's like flipping the pill oh yeah here's some feedback for you Eva hey that's it that was the feedback Kevin writes dear Ella I'm a die-hard h3 podcast fan I have listened to every episode at this point I am an exclusive iTunes audio listener that's interesting and I'm being 100% serious when I tell you that eating segments are the best part of the podcast I'm usually on your side either but I have to go with Ethan on this one well I do not enjoy the sounds of you've been crunching away on lettuce it doesn't bother me and in fact I feel that eating segments are so informative and interesting it's as if I'm watching a must much less dignified report of the week that's for sure nobody's more dignified than him now I know not to get talked about salads what a great thing to know now I can avoid that cancer being more informed by the podcast I've shown the segment's to my friends and they all agree you'll the eating segments are the best I truly believe that the eating segments enhance the show profoundly thank you for taking your time to read this email and please please do more food reviews in the future I suggest you try fast food soups huh do they serve soup at fast food I've never ever heard that my life Kevin I don't know if I believe in you think he's being ironic oh well you probably read some comic Stan what do people think about the eating the salad section dance headphones are messed up so of course well basically we've got the millionaire I puts it together a segment of people getting the first question wrong a millionaire which I thought was great it's always fantastic but that that's evergreen is it not sure so we also have the Twitter let's talk about Twitter more wrapped up want to give a big shout out to Jack Dorsey I believe is his last name who announced epically that Twitter is banning all political ads how cool is that very interesting he said a political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account for retweet paying for each removes that decision forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people I'm not reading all this I'm over it but basically what he's saying which I like that he's saying this isn't about free speech because I hate that all these companies like Facebook always their their big excuses like oh it's free speech we don't want a home free speech funny idiot it's not free expression or whatever well and first of all it's a private company and second of all well here's the here's the difference is if you take out an ad on broadcast like let's say CNN and you there has to be some truth and advertising for example I have this clip of of AOC asking the Zack for example here I mean I thought I thought this was was a very telling moment in primary is saying that they voted for the green new deal would I be able to run advertisements on Facebook targeting Republicans in primaries saying that they voted for the green new deal I mean if you're not fact-checking political advertisements I'm trying to understand the bounds here I think so you don't know if I'll be able to do that I don't think you could do that on broadcast to just outright like smear somebody she says could I target a Republican and say he voted for the green new deal which obviously is to them like you know it's targeting a liberal and saying they voted to make abortion illegal or something similar to that I would imagine and it if it's just patently false that I mean does the platform have a responsibility to to control that messaging because right now I think we are in the middle of a information crisis and that's what Jack talks about he says here I don't know if you're right though I think they you could run it on television I don't think so I think that is part of the conversation no the part of the conversation is that on on social media there's no auditing there's no verification and people are just taking it all at face value if you go to a major broadcasting network and try to run an ad like that they're gonna say no cuz it's an outright lie and I think there are truth in advertising laws it gets really tricky with political ads there are yeah but the FCC has a very light touch with that kind of stuff because they don't want to appear partisan but what you just said is correct it the the stations generally yeah they'll they'll refuse to Erin had if it's just like you can't just be like [ __ ] you know you can't just run an ad and be like yeah and Zuckerberg Joe dances Donald Trump attended a Nazi rally I mean it's like you you know what I mean right and so Facebook doesn't have that they don't care and Jack very wisely said internet political ads present an entirely new challenge to civic discourse machine learning based optimization of messages and micro targeting unchecked misleading information and deep fix all increasingly velocity sophistication and overwhelming scale this isn't about free speech is about paying for reach and paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramification that's today's democratic infrastructure may not be ready to handle it's worth stepping back in order to address I mean how how cool is that that's so nice I think that he's he's putting a you know our democracy ahead of Twitter's earnings and you know when you see little [ __ ] boy suck here who's like he's doubling down I mean they here let's see a little more after an hour of Jack announcing that they'll no longer run political ads Facebook doubles down says Google YouTube and most Internet platforms run these same ads most cable networks run these same ads and of course national broadcasters are required by law to run them by FCC regulations I think there are good reasons for this in a democracy I don't think it's right for private companies to censor political called politicians or the news and although I've considered whether we should not carry these ads in the past and I'll continue to do so unbalanced so far I've thought we should well here and then to follow that up again it's like she says if you're out like I'm lying I mean you know it's it's a it's a clear and present danger I think in terms of we have it we have a issue of information there's too much information we'd a lot of you don't know what's real what's false it's super hard to know what's real what's false and when people are exploiting that as Jack said you have algorithms in real-time crunching data manipulating people - that's why it's just not real I can't stand when Mark is trying to defend it with free speech because it has nothing to do with that yeah it's it's not really speech it's really just like large-scale emulation I think you Jack Dorsey explain it like when you follow someone and then you see their feed that's free speech but when someone is paying for rich you're gonna see something that is not something you would have it's not natural they're paying for rich so it's not there's nothing like here he's a he's about said a free speech and paid speech are not the same thing our current policies on fact-checking people in political office or those running for office are a threat to what Facebook oh yeah employees of Facebook are now rebelling 250 employees of Facebook wrote a letter to the zuc asked him to change his policy they're concerned that Facebook is a place for free expression and they worried that the policies will undo the work that has been done since 2016 election to fight misinformation free speech they said and paid speech are not the same thing our current policies on fact-checking and political office and those running for office are a threat to what Facebook stands for after the recent controversy over Facebook's political ad policy where Zuck essentially has said that politicians can literally lie and advertisements on the platform the company is getting pushed back internally was signed by 250 employees who are now unemployed sucks put them in the meat grinder it's like a meat meat on day contrary like their argument against the doors is decision set is saying that removing a major source of low cost political advertising from Twitter harms those who don't yet have a large audience but are looking for an inexpensive way to reach votes and identify new supporters so I don't find people think that that's the reason why it should be allowed dude that is such a minor consequence of litter I feel like nobody actually thinks that yeah it's so great he said no political ads it's the only way you can do this nobody no plea even said no single policy ads either like if it's a single issue of like gay marriage was a big one or whatever gun rights marijuana stuff like that no political ads the only political as they're allowing are to get people to register to vote that's the only ones they allow I think it's fantastic I think that it's become too sophisticated to manipulative that these these platforms are posing too great of a threat to the information exchange of knowing what's really going on and I think these kinds of debates and conversations need to be happening not on social media and I applaud that move and I think Mark Zuckerberg is a sociopath I think he may be a psychopath he certainly is placing the value of Facebook above the welfare of the entire world at large I think that the dude is super rich and he's got like a $30 haircut I don't know why the dude likes to smoke meats and he's gonna end up smoking civilization if he doesn't get his [ __ ] together good smoky flavor such a weirdo so I do have to you have to say I went and looked up the rules and it's true that what he says TV networks there they aren't allowed to reject ads because they find it objective all or miss Lee like the rules against false advertising and the kind of stuff which is probably what you're thinking of do not apply to political ads so basically yes you could that's what I rely on TV as well yeah the same way that you can on Facebook I feel like there's got to be more to that I mean we're not experts on this field but I don't think that it's perfect on TV no way there's a guy there's got to be more regulation than not fit on Facebook you can literally you can say me there's crazy conspiracies like this circulated on Facebook that like Hillary Clinton is a child molester and like a lot of people believe that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like you can run that on Fox News well stuff like that I mean you're right they would probably deem that inappropriate and you got to understand too that there's a distinction between what a candidate can put out and then what like these PACs which are sort of these kind of gray area independent it's all packed school right and so the laws don't apply to packs like the laws saying like you can't censor a politician that I don't there's some God did there's better government prevents from censoring political ads censoring but that doesn't mean I can run ads saying that Elizabeth Warren a you know drinks the blood of children yeah good because it gets hard to decide what what is false you know what makes it false what makes it false yeah that she blinked that she drinks the blood of children okay no I understand but I just something that you don't do the level of [ __ ] on something to a Republican would look right to a Democrat would look like a life so hard that's what you see on Facebook is a coordinated intelligent algorithmic there's what they're doing is serving it on such a granulated level where they go it's more complicated and it's a difference but nothing but we're talking about the point that you said that on TV you won't see fake eyes you do I think okay it's different they don't have the smart algorithm like social media does I think the difference is again I I mean can't be back that seems overly simplistic I have a hard time believing that that I could run an ad saying elizabeth warren trench baby but if you if you are the candidate like if you are running for governor or whatever and you run and you want to pay for an ad that says that your opponent in the race you know has sex with animals or something you could do that and but not a PAC is what you're saying a PAC couldn't do it on your behalf right so I think on Facebook you have organizations not the candidate who are REME most ads are coming from PACs like you said yeah so on Facebook you can have you go on in Kansas in this or this it's the small subset of males who follow this page in the city get really activated when they see that Elizabeth Warren drinks baby blood what's going on in Facebook okay but on the on television it's not like that it's not just black or white it's like I'm just reading now like you know how so when they're in commercials they can use like language that may suggest something but doesn't say necessarily like like the top brand of laundry it doesn't say we're number one but it it it's a language that will imply that they're number one so and they do the same okay there's misleading ads but the level of the of [ __ ] you see that's coming from Facebook is another level and but and like what Dan said okay if you put your candidates face on the television you say Elizabeth Warren [ __ ] animals and say this message and I my name is George Bush and I approve this message right that's different than some anonymous PAC there's just running all this straight-up slanderous [ __ ] on Facebook that's happening and on they have and they're so good at doing it that they're based they are literally affecting what people see as real yeah I mean look at Hillary I agreed that it needs a different treatment yeah and I think and I think Zuckerberg is purposely taking advantage of the fact that these things are very complicated yeah most people don't have a grasp on it I mean it he's definitely you haven't even gone into there's distinction between broadcasts networks you know like NBC ABC you know the lower stations versus cable like there's distinctions between those things too so there's like a lot of layers - yeah it's definitely playing dumb but you know and and and that only goes to show how much money he makes from that all right right this was just a couple million bucks or even 10 20 million bucks he wouldn't give a [ __ ] he would take the good PR and he would cancel the whole thing but how much money is actually all this dark money is flowing into Facebook because they go well I can't run this [ __ ] on Fox News but if I go on Facebook I can basically it's like the Cambridge analytical [ __ ] they're like I can reach every I can literally change the election on Facebook with 50 million bucks they're all they're making so much money off this [ __ ] making so much money and all those people that say oh it's silly you know Facebook ads aren't swinging an election or whatever they wouldn't be spending this kind of money on it right it didn't have an impact and and I thought and Zuck wouldn't be taking this bad PR if it was that little money yeah exactly he's part dude they're probably making money like you can even guess they're probably making hundreds hundred million dollars yeah for sure I mean it's just crazy he's definitely I don't know it's acts like he's scary it's weird cause it's like oh he's I was trying to try to like defend his actions with free speech and whatever but is actually doing like real dark well look back there's these these famous leak - dams with luck when first made Facebook at Harvard you said something like these idiots just give me whatever they want I have all their social security numbers and driver's license number just let me know if you want him and the person says why did they give it to you says I don't know they're [ __ ] idiots like verbatim that's what he said about people on the beach I mean he's a meat chef but like sweet baby I do think he probably has some kind of clinical I mean I do think he probably has some kind of sociopathy he must yeah he does come off it's a little off doesn't he well yeah I would think that like if my company had so much responsibility that you could actually like affect the elections I would want to take more action well Jack did yeah that's awesome yeah and I hope that that amounts pressure against Facebook to do the same thing I clearly did but I will say about they they put a statement that they're not gonna do anything well we'll see I mean it yeah they did but I'll tell you Facebook's tools are so robust man we've done some mild testing with like marketing on with Teddy fresh and for whatever reason the Facebook returns are always like insanely better than the Google AdWords stuff but Facebook is always just such is it actually better or is it just telling you well just going off of like what it tells you how many impressions are our I think it's actually better okay and you know they got sued and lost about the whole thing with faking views yeah yeah on the video when you were buying impressions and yeah no this this is based I mean we have all the cookies and it's like straight up conversion and everything right yeah yeah but man I mean I just don't get it I don't know what's going on on Facebook well because they've spent over a decade now building up an extremely detailed profile on what like over half of the country I mean almost everybody that's a Facebook at this point right I used yeah anymore I mean I don't use mine at all no yes but it's a long time though so I mean they still got that info on me yeah I hope they saw us I swear I hope the Facebook died so bad I'll make meats now smoking these meats here such a word over the smoked meats yes it's just his attempt to look human I wonder what he does on his free time he's probably does I could totally see him doing that smoky flavor though so I think that's it we've done it all we've seen it all we've talked about anal fissures what you want to play golf sure I'd love to I feel like [ __ ] there's a lot of candy oh we have The Witcher trailer you want to watch that let's not get claimed over a dump yeah yeah whatever honestly I hope you guys all had a great Halloween I'm very happy with how my costume turned out thank you to the boys back hey making that happen either looked fantastic Dan what the slamming looked fantastic Ian looks fantastic he's still balancing it on his head well done Ian and only by the grace of Zach's beautiful gaze was he able to make it through it and basically this is this is why we're here I mean miles ACK no gate no it's adults mile brats it don't think about all the horsey sauce don't listen to her so much well guys i had a lot of fun here on this halloween bonanza I had a lot of fun lots of laughs gaffes goofs were had I don't like candy anymore I'm over it and that's it so taste Friday that's pretty cool hope you all have a blessed weekend a fantastic let's all go and do nothing how does that sound I'm in baby you know me I'm always in for that these doggies are ready to get at her they were good boys though I love you guys so much I mean a burro Hashem got blessed and everything else that rabbi would say during a sermon what something a rabbi would say he would say listen you would you go home you must remember actually have no idea what they would say they would say you must remember to always when you have sex you must put a hole in the sheet for your dick to pass through because God God knows that you mustn't lust over your wife even when you're having sex so that's why we put the hole in the sheet that's what they do right the Orthodox honestly they put a hole in the sheet and they have sex through the hole that sounds kind of hot that's a good thing like some weird porn yeah like just a dick to Oishi though but then how do they have sex do this does he lay over her and the sheet no idea because I imagine it's like doggy style but then that means you would have to pin the sheet up and then the girl would have to do some kind of balancing act seems complicated well I'll look that up later tonight there's probably some some kind of there's some sub subcategory there and well that's it guys and I and I and I hope all right guys thank you have a blessed blessed beautiful weekend tell the people in your life you love them tell the people in your life they all that you hate that you don't hate them cuz you don't hate that's not what God would tell you to do I'm a rabbi right now so and say blessings for the beautiful food do you eat on your dinner table because there we don't have the bless I mean I mean Moses walk down I'm raiding is that the sex through the [ __ ] is a mate nobody ever [ __ ] to a sheet I had a feeling though I'm utterly well logistically it doesn't make any sense right well do some research for Bob say blessings for the food Moses walked through the desert he didn't have food god damn it so be a goddamn prayer and speed hack be goddamn thankful that you're here on this earth because a lot most things never even get to exist at all but you do exist and so you know what damn it get out there and exist the [ __ ] out of it that's what God said when he created the earth the [ __ ] out of it now this play it created the earth so and the Spirit of God and I and I and I so bad alright let's wrap it up thank you guys thank you for watching nobody made it this far if you did make it this far say and I poop God said say this God said on the seventh day and I hope and he knew his creation was complete yeah let's go hang out with shredder love you guys thank you for watching stay blessed keep the dick swinging and [ __ ] to a sheet brush brush your teeth definitely [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 856,838
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: OwlPtCDGluI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 25sec (7705 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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