Leaving Neverland & R. Kelly Breakdown - H3 Podcast #107

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I think the thread where people were actually talking about the documentary and it's contents could have stayed up instead of the comments being locked and the thread deleted. Kinda lame moderation imo.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 243 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thedinnerdate ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have no problem with Ethan making fun of Michael for pedo shit. I do however have a problem with him acting like anyone who thinks differently is an idiot

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 282 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Nixdaboss ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Why would he pay 23 million if he did nothing wrong"

There is a reason but it's abit of a long read if anyone is interested in knowing what actually happened here it is, http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqqtgj.

"Why is everyone going hard on this Michael documentary when people believed the R.Kelly documentary?"

That's because not only counting the two sex tapes with minors the R.Kelly documentary had the victims, the parents, R Kelly's family members, people that worked with R Kelly in the past and someone that still work for him even went as far as the parents locating one of the girls and making her escape.

"But Michael had 5 accusers doesn't that say something ?"

When you actually look into each of their allegations separately without just saying the volume you would realize how unrealistic their allegations were, and how their allegations were debunked.

"Michael bought a car for a kid"

Now this one actually erks me now that I remembered how you said it, it's actually fucked up for you or anyone to try to manipulate this to make Michael seem as a pedophile

In 1988 at the Age of 16 while Ryan White was battling HIV he mentioned to Michael that his dream car was Ford Mustang GT , Michael got the car for Ryan White as a gift. Ryan White died on April 8, 1990

In 2005 Michael was found not guilty on 10 felony charges and four misdemeanor charges, in the court transcripts the prosecution went as far as trying to connect Michael's adult porn collection and him later visiting children adoption websites as evidence that he is a pedophile

Just let that sink in, That's like me saying since someone watches porn and some time later in whatever time line decides he wants a child that means he is going to do something vile to the child

"Wade burned memorabilia worth thousands of dollars in the documentary!"

Except the items that Wade has shown burning were auctioned off on JuliensAuctions by Wade after he was struggling with money, he asked to remain anonymous but they refused to let him be anonymous, all items were sold. Those items on the documentary were replicas

Wade continued to struggle financially and after he was rejected to work for MJ One, he started to shopping around a book about his story of being molested it was not picked up by book publishers due to his high demanding price, that's when he filed the 1.5 billion suit against the MJ Estate

I've watched the documentary, of Leaving Neverland, I've read court transcripts I've read testimonies,

This documentary is strictly emotional manipulation, this this is the core reason why it is four hours long featuring only the families, Wade Robson and Safechuck

Wade claimed in the documentary that Macaulay Culkin and Brett Barnes were molested by Michael m,, they both were furious on such claims, Brett is considering filing a lawsuit now

Ethan if you are reading this just know it's okay to think Michael is weird, he was not perfect he had his flaws but molesting and grooming children were NOT one of them.

tldr: Ethan instead of preaching people to view the documentary as if it's gospel just know that it's in their advantage to win the public support in hopes it might help their court appeal, when in reality they are banking on emotional manipulation, you can make and crack jokes about Michael but do know it's not a smart approach to things.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 406 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shanfari ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wagner wasn't a Nazi, Wagner didn't even live in the same century as the Nazis, he fucking died before Hitler was born.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MeSmeshFruit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just going to copy-paste/edit this from my post earlier that was deleted when this one was created.

Ethan is entitled to his opinion on the case, but he can do so without being a self righteous asshole to whoever doesnโ€™t share that same opinion (the same can be said for a few of yโ€™all on this subreddit btw). Michael Jackson is long dead now anyway, so this is most likely a case that will never have a conclusive ending. So it should be ok for any person to believe or not believe these allegations, without being attacked/mocked for it. And thereโ€™s also no need to โ€œcancelโ€ MJโ€™s music from being played either. Appreciate great art, regardless of the actions of its artist.

On a positive note though, Iโ€™m not going to hold this situation against Ethan and will still support his other content going forward.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 58 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/House56 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pray for Ethan and Hila.

...Mostly Hila

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 140 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/goddamkidsthesedays ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And Iโ€™m sick of hearing this argument now as well: people defending Michael Jackson are not the equivalent of flat earthers, that is literally the most ridiculous claim Iโ€™ve heard throughout this whole ordeal. If anything, peopleโ€™s opinions being entirely shaped by one documentary that they watched is much more up the alley of a flat eartherโ€™s mentality.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/House56 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I subscribed because I wanted to see someone react to funny videos. Not this.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 163 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Champ2947 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone else think Ethan is kind of hypocritical? In the video about the weird pedo ring on YouTube, he presents the situation as being a lot less serious than it actually is, and is more concerned about the ads being pulled rather than the children, BUT IN THIS STORY where his ad money is nice and safe, he's going full blast.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 83 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
five four three two welcome everybody to the h3 podcast extravaganza bonanza whoa yes yes it is us ethan and ela klein back with another episode we are back joined by of course producer dan intern in and sound lad Zach what a terrific game we've got and I thank all of you you're my trifa cooper troopers out there who join us on this beautiful Friday we've got a lot to get to a lot to say first of all thank you to our sponsors expressvpn and stamps.com yeah how are you feeling on this beautiful glorious God's Friday I am entering the last trimester of the pregnancy yeah meaning three months left and also meaning I'm starting to suffer yeah and I can't fit into any clothes yeah you got this your pant the pants ooh you are crazy you got like this fat girdle are you wearing it now down the way yeah no not the underwear the dirt no anyway you was getting big as a house it's free you can't hide in a sand pit show just that you don't have to don't lift your shirt but just to see like when she walks around it's like and well that's terrific it always looks nice and big on camera for that shirt hides it well yeah but I feel like you could give lessons on how to hide the pregnancy like you're such a pro I swear I forget that you're pregnant it's because I don't like when I'm wearing tight clothes I never did so that's just my immediate it's my style mmm I don't even own anything really tired all right yeah so well there you have it guys from the ELA herself now first up I want to get a little light heart because as you could tell from the title of this episode we've got some stuff to discuss we watched the Michael Jackson documentary leaving Neverland we also wash our Kelly have a breakdown those lots to say about that I'm looking forward to discussing but we've got some stuff to get started with as Zack found it wait this isn't it oh this is the cheese slice I thought this was the the Instagram masseuse where's that at the top I don't see it some there's some black oh that's what it is what weird on me black and blue Zack yeah how did you find this um just scrolling through Instagram fusion healing so this really shocked us she expect to feel and expect to hear as blockage stagnation releases from the body they channel through me as a vessel to the earth so she's giving this woman a really intense is there something there is sound yeah there's none I hear it I was just quiet at the beginning so she's getting in there and then I think we got it really that's what's up man so in theory I guess is that she's channeling the bad energy and then it comes out and burps yeah she's like grounding the chakras you know there's some dudes with like burp fetishes like yo can you pull that on my face yeah that was I would be like that juicy not burping it's actually it looks nice but she's yeah and I was like damn what's that what is she doing I'm trying to do that then she just lays a real nasty stinky one she doesn't really even look away like like if you rip like the prayers would it work if it was a guy oh if it was a male masseuse absolutely not no you have to be pretty young girl to pull that off what if I channeled dark energy through farts just rip a fat one sorry babies just the dark arts it's just the dark energy channeling through me you're looking for some fusion healing so do people expect it yeah it's part of the whack go for that's her expelling the you know dark energy so I would love to start that's almost like a Nathan for you Plaza where you can pick a masseuse we chose it through their ass or through their mouth I just love the idea of a masseuse ripping a fat ass I was thinking maybe a curb bit the glare he goes in for a massage right yeah there's a lot to do with this have you guys heard about the throwing cheese on your bait and your your newborn child's face I kind of did but I have no idea why Oh what let me introduce you guys this is the video I saw on Instagram that started it when you toss a slice of processed cheese onto your baby's face so this is a trend on facebook I guess an Instagram a me a sweet innocent child that I love how about being humiliated seal are you watching this yeah why the kid looks horrified they're like out there like they're like here's what we're gonna do we have a new meme it's super awesome what this new meme is is get let's get as close to child abuse as we can be able to monetize it yeah I mean that's yeah that's bad so Ian who started this why I think they just think it's funny and they got Facebook like so they're like let's go now Ian did some work for us in Tulsa this compilation you put together I was just scrolling a think cheese challenge hashtag on Instagram and there's a lot a lot of people doing this and what kind of video did you see any videos that shock to you I mean other than the obvious like the whole thing is shocking but was there any worse than others well like the ones that had a couple thousand likes the baby would laugh but if you went deep and found like five or six likes they really smacked that baby with that cheese they throw the cheese hard yeah yeah they nailed that baby who is this person that we were just watched I feel bad watching this yeah that guy dude what's wrong with you I'm about to have a kid I can't imagine doing this to my beautiful innocent loving pure child you're gonna throw a piece of all things American cheese it's like humiliating them right out right at the gate look at this poor kid they start laughing at it hello why did you do this to me I hate this person I hate everyone who does this yeah this people support despite his pants all right here we go cheese challenge take one alright here we go it's a cheese challenge get me a pack of smokes yeah you can't just kid it's like punching someone in the stomach be like I'm just kidding No right here where did you behind this who's behind this did Dan just sneak that in right now when he came in you had this in your pocket the whole time how long were you buying this I can't tell you wow yeah you hit my head here don't move oh I'm gonna choose you hey ela I love you oh [ __ ] all right you want to choose me it's hard for respect to these parents now I got a small target too with the little baby face I wonder if this is a game Michael Jackson play it at home catch the cheese that's what's up I kissed you yes got him now you got to eat it don't waste food confirm it doesn't feel good I don't know any quality we get the idea why is that even it's not why don't you just throw a piece of poop on it's like white American cheese why stop there finding it funny just kind of place it on the kids face almost and it's like oh that was very forceful yeah like smacks like that it's like come on yeah so this lady pretty much threw it a full-force like almost like this lady is getting out some hate she has towards her baby like is that what's going on here they're like I got this American cheese challenge I hate my baby I'm gonna throw it at its face like look how hard she throws it that's unreasonable she's the girls like mom I trust you and this is how serial killers are born mm-hmm you can see them on the on the couch of their therapist 20 years later you know kids have a sense of humor and they'll usually laugh at like slapstick comedy whatever funny faces and this kids are not even smiling no they're shocked what is wrong with you the ultimate betrayal I am so freakin I'm excited I'm nervous I'm scared I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad in three months Wow yeah damn and give us got this huge stomach and there's like a baby in it and it's kicking all the time and yeah the weird thing is the father is that I don't Ella has a much stronger connection already to the baby because I just forget she's pregnant sometimes because she hides it so well and the baby is cooking all day right like for you it's very real I don't forget it yeah you're kicking right now no this morning yes every time I everyday when I wake up it's like lots of movements mmm I mean I cannot imagine what that's like to have a creature rolling around in here yeah wow that's incredible that's so crazy and then also just that I the concept that it's like it's half me half you yeah that we just created this baby inside of you it's so weird yeah and he's gonna come out and he's gonna look like me you just can't understand it it's just it's like it's just so unreal it's like magic I'm loving your kid almost in a way is like self-love because everybody has to be humble and they're like because with their kid they're like you're so smart you're amazing you're better you're almost talking to yourself in that sense right it's a way of loving yourself I guess acceptable I don't know yeah I don't know obviously but it's weird because it's us and I don't think so I think it's just unconditional love cuz it's things like so pure yeah and cute but it looks like us is that crazy I think it's gonna look laughs your eyes one of us might look like you this thing's gonna look it's gonna look like both of us you can have your eyes and he's gonna have my my mug that only a mother could love and well little Theodore I'm already excited it's like take him to Disneyland and yeah take him to petting zoos fracking the heck it's gonna be so fun I'm excited my sister gave birth this way yeah congratulations how many is that three it's our third child and yeah it's so crazy like you see her before pregnant and all but then the moment after you see like a real baby and that came out of her I know it's so Wow so well before you mean got pregnant I was like how is a baby gonna come out of you because you're so skinny and your figure is so small no wondering well no but your figure has accommodated like your body and everything is accommodating to a level where I was like really surprised just to see how much your bodies change and now I'm just like oh yeah mm-hmm you got a you got a baby rearing body the body just does thick in other words you you look great though Game of Thrones Season eight trailers out is that worth watching or is it just like whatever it looks great I'm excited for Game of Thrones super soon I'm not very excited I'm excited for the show I still haven't watched the trailer and I I'm not a trailer person I don't care about it so it's pretty hype well the thing trailers are inherently if you can avoid trailers you're better off because it's like all spoilers all misdirection yeah all misinformation it gets you excited I'm already excited I don't know why I don't know how they're gonna wrap that show up in like eight episodes though not even I think six of for real yeah they're all like super long like so they're super long it's practically like six movies okay we're there like an hour and a half yeah exactly I wonder why did they do it like that because they could have melted for an extra three episodes yeah well I think cuz um they got the same budget each year and so if they do less episodes they can spend more on each one yeah battles all over the place and all that kind of stuff wow-whee is all I have to say I mean I definitely love the hour-and-a-half episode I'm all-in but there's a shot of Jon in ten years walking towards two dragons in your life Jon's gonna ride that mother-effer and they're gonna bow I didn't like he wrote his on okay okay listen if my aunt looked like that I'd rather drag them up there my aunt's are they do not look like that it looks amazing it's gonna be a freaking blast when the show started I wasn't so much into it it kind of seemed like soap opera yeah cheesiness but I liked it no yeah it's a tear resistant yeah I've read the books and the Moot and the show now is so much further than the books I don't even I don't even remember that the books are a thing oh yeah Ethan is one and and your whole family I don't know if everyone else is also I don't know but I felt there's a lot of people that come here probably Ethan is the kind of person who knows all the names and someone possible yes oh yeah I've read all the books twice sorry that's crazy Dan yeah okay well when the show first started I read through him and then I was about like a year ago I I just started again I don't know why they're great that's why I know they're good reads yeah when you guys see someone on the screen you're like oh yeah that's that guy who was this annoying guy talking over the entire episode explaining no that's Rhaegar Rhaegar was murdered by Robert that's a battle of the whatever to you know that when Robert killed Rhaegar battle of the the Trident yes that's right he destroyed him with his giant mallet right to the chest and the ruby came off and went to the river right then right although it might not have been him because rubies are always associated with Glamour's and illusions in wait no that was yeah but that was his armor that was his armor that Brian I have to wear but I'll get out the series associated with allusions so maybe he's gonna lie give me a break he's mad he's mance rayder nice Wow Wow but the trailer did show that the Hound is alive he was brought back to life we knew that in the book mm-hmm sorry spoilers it's a [ __ ] show that's been out for years if you haven't read it then who cares no but when it's in the trailer we knew he was alive from the last season write the book diverges in such a weird way because I don't know if this is a spoiler but I just come on it's been so long if you're not gonna the book is so much different than the mmm yeah but so the priest of fire Ryle or she brings back the mom back to life in the books yeah really and the mom starts like a bandit Starks my Catelyn Stark right yes correct and she starts some crazy like that's cold yeah going around him and she's like wow and so that would that never happened so she's kind of like crazy when she comes back well she's like a demon yeah but yeah she's definitely not the old Catelyn lady they call her lady what they call her down Lady Stoneheart yeah Lady Stoneheart it's pretty cool it's a little on the nose to be honest and then also the Hound was reanimated right there The Hound no you're thinking of the mountain not yet no I thought I thought he died and he was brought back oh well he was brought back in the show wasn't he yeah the hounds back in the show yeah he's not back in the books okay so it's like yeah at this point they they really are just different things yes fine you know yeah they're both good in different ways yeah one will end one won't so I'm excited that's less than a month away so excited hey everybody I'm gonna sleep with a kid what did the little kid say in Michael Jackson's bed we'll get to that later so you guys know that I'm passionate about awful food on Instagram I am loved it very much it's a it's a hobby of mine I can spend hours on Instagram just looking at the food 90% of it is really bald ass looking like barbecue and stuff that I love there's a lot of this Turkish food that fascinates me because it's so different and and it looks amazing but there's a lot of really just awful [ __ ] and it cracks me up and especially because a lot of it is extremely popular here is one example that I recently came across okay now this is a perfectly delicious looking burger what better thing to do than to literally take a diary over I mean what the f is this are you Fred is not my assuming it's some kind of cheese thought for the audio listeners it's just a giant burger and they're just completely covering it bun and all with Aria I don't know it's I mean it's a really beautiful completed whole burger perfectly edible and delicious looking so the guy takes a huge ball how I supposed to pull the cheese sauce and and I'm dumps it on it not a little bit he dumped he covers it so I was like wow this is really disgusting that went from edible to inedible and I love all hype the guys it looks amazing on camera no it doesn't looks absolutely foul so that was one hope you guys enjoy that did you enjoyed that ELA I am Joey hating on it Ian did you enjoy that video yes very much thank you and appreciate know and how are you in we love hearing from you intern talk to me tell me a little bit of something there's not much to tell really yes I kept in marvel last night oh I liked it I thought it was good you know I noticed the phenomenon about Captain Marvel rotten tomato and I noticed this on Metacritic and I'm - being everywhere critics liked it the users are like two or three like they hated it and I was like why they despise the discrepancy do you have any idea in uh yeah it's people who are boycotting the movie because they disagreed with something brie Larson said last year oh so it's a political thing yeah yeah it is God come on what did she say do you know horrible movie said something about how the amount of white guys in the reviewing community was disproportionate - it was like only white males and something about that hmm and reviewing movies yeah and we should probably burn our house down furious probably the user reviews and we should probably boycott everything she ever making for the rest of eternity I don't know what she's talking about it might be right I don't know or she might be wrong she's my I don't know breather item was the girl in Scott Pilgrim right yeah I just hate how it's like when somebody has an opinion that you disagree with it's like I remember from a year ago I'm gonna demo you and also I'm gonna find out where you live and I'm going to chill out but everyone watch the Queen move it I had no problem with that's what I'm saying the hip people live like these the people have like tunnel vision it's like yeah oh we loved Bohemian Rhapsody we want to give it all the rewards and malli relic or whatever his name is that [ __ ] serial killer on me he's at the best fabulous we love him also it was directed by a known pedophile but oh we love it it's gonna win all the awards it was directed by a known pedophile uh what's his name Brian uh what was his name banger Brian singer alleged alleged don't sue us Oh known did I say known I'm an alleged highly alleged the allegations are outlined in a documentary got him no but for real I don't I don't know what she said maybe it was stupid but me my god so she says one stupid thing you're gonna try to like [ __ ] give me a brother have to do with the movie yeah was it like come on like how many people work on a movie as if it's just her project if I had to guess it's gonna be a just a run-of-the-mill Marvel movie anyways you know name yeah all about the same quality you know I was I was a little hyped I thought it looked interesting but I don't know that I'm gonna see do you recommend watching it in if you like those movies I mean it is more of the same or the same you know because I am excited about endgame which is the part 2 to infinity war and it ties into that as I understand it is that correct again yeah it does and into where you want a date when you saw the movie last night nope I was all alone in weeping by yourself did you really go by yourself to the movie theater yeah I wanted to get a house oh that's really I think that's a really cute wholesome thing to do yin is a is a big time saw the movie guy that's a very confident play I I go like once a week and it's hard to find people who go that often oh and are you single amp yeah ladies he's for someone to join up to the movies every week hello Serena yeah you watch a movie once a week yeah pretty much cuz there's not that many good movies yeah you must see a lot of fun well there's a lot of like indie type movies that you can dig up why is the camera meet we don't have a camera on and no the others camera privileges taken away oh man because it's just my dumb mug every time I talk to anyone but yeah I don't like that you gotta fix that we need to add one cuz the when I was just pointing at everyone you just didn't really see anyone what can we do about that we should think about how can we get show that because if if Ian's talking I'm sitting here like taking out because I don't think the cameras on it I'm like you know I need a break I need that break from having the camera on me maybe we'll work on a webcam yeah we can I don't care yeah we can figure it out let's webcam him alright simple yeah okay in well thanks for the update appreciate it and thank you so much and really God bless god bless ya bus so where were we oh yeah salt Bay he's my favorite so Bay is so unworthy of his title of being a great chef and I'm sorry to say that because some of the stuff he does is just so stupid here's one for example he cuts so this is the full of gold flaked fillet that we've just covered previously and so these girls ordered it and what he does is he puts it at the knife tip and he made forces unto eat it now I've always learned that you should never point a knife at let alone putting meat at the tip of a sharp blade and making some I'd eat it off it seems somewhat psycho thing to do especially a customer guests like would you do that to a guy yeah dude this is kind of really strange I mean am I wrong do I mean it's pretty strange right no comment huh I mean knifepoint in the face it's like dude just serve them to me you're not giving them a choice Punk I know it tastes like [ __ ] - its right guys it's seasoned with gold flakes how good can that steak taste also you know what I was thinking about sulphate does he wash his elbows cuz think about like chefs and if you've ever worked in a restaurant your elbows get kind of dirty because they're always leaning on [ __ ] and services the guy's bouncing salt off his elbows like dog do you wash your elbows yeah I love it I love to eat a fillet seasoned with squid the gold flakes gimme a break salt Bay yeah right and finally guys before we go to break and talk about all the good stuff so let me break them yeah this is that what I dubbed the salmonella burger I saw this on Instagram yeah was that your title food and cold out wait what oh you can have it look at that that's not that's straight-up raw that is so raw inside mad cow disease now take a look at this okay how about the raw ground beef burger yeah seriously literally not even cooked bro what the half man you know when I was in New York I noticed this phenomenon I saw all the time at we went to delis all the time and I would notice old people eating burgers that were rare and they will order them bloody rare yeah old people that's what they're trying to die they're trying to end it like a whole day people would do it super rare I thought the old people thing was to like burn it to a crisp every single one was like I want it super rare burger well a lot of diners and stuff like that and you know burger at a diner you don't want it rare for sure we would see it a lot I would order no pink at all I'm not [ __ ] around but imagine being like 85 and having like diarrhea food poisoning I mean that's a way to go that's enough for that so up next we've got Papa John has finally resolved with Papa John don't go away to find out the stunning details who may shock you our Kelly has a meltdown you will be shocked and awed by this and finally Michael Jackson did he do it find out after the break admit it you think that cybercrime is something that happens to other people and you may think that nobody wants your data or the hackers can't grab your password or credit card details but you are wrong stealing data from unsuspecting people on public Wi-Fi is one the simplest and cheapest that hackers make money when you leave your internet connection unencrypted you might as well be writing your password a credit card number on a huge billboard or on your freaking forehead because it's that easy to get that's why I decided to take action I protect myself from cyber criminals using oak spruce VP Express VPN secures and then analyzes and then minimizes and then anonymizes your internet browsing by encrypting your data and hiding 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confusing to me I don't understand how big companies are how it works but I guess I'm starting to understand so you have the board and they're the ones who make decisions on the actual yes company well I think the but you have shareholders and so shareholders don't have any influence there's people that own stocks but if you're on the board and again I don't know what I'm talking about yeah but I think more Directors vote on certain issues and then there's the CEO that manages the day-to-day there like the chief officer okay so in other words as as I don't know who wrote this but it's act the right of the pizza king to choose his pizza Prince shall not be infringed and since the country began a Shatner has was hesitant founded about 35 years ago has completely scrubbed yes you we know that here hit me hit me with it she sued his own company several times as part of this deal he has agreed to drop two losses he had brought against the company in a statement on Tuesday mr. Shatner said the agreement would help avoid a costly and expensive proxy proxy war by identifying a mutually acceptable new pizza God in other words I brought this pizza Empire and have nothing and if though at a flower out of water out of salt I beat the door with my very hands bow this was meant to be your pizza crust bowl you were meant to sauce pepperoni to buy and now we must choose together a pizza successor about at home as Papa John how could you take Papa Joe now to Papa John it don't make no sense it's the company as a call to Papa John I am Babu John you get to break that sauce bubbling with life now they say to me like I said slideshows prefer John pictures they say to me Papa you must a set of the lawsuit so we cannot deserve a with the lawsuit Papa a Papa divided cannot stand and to this I say Oh was better stand for the pizza empire how you want or what the chuck-e-cheese owed the Little Caesar more like little seizure I am Papa John I built Papa John's from the ground up and remained its largest shareholder I love my company its employees especially what was the name of that delivery boy who brought the pizza well give a big dip Matt Matt we love that big dip franchisees and customers the board wants just so this is my website and my way to talk to you now you've seen my home I have a pizza silence now if you want to own the pizza game we must have come to a geta I elect to be the next pizza god papa bow-bow we should write a script about this whole story for a movie now we are talking now you're talking and I imagine my axe has changed now I imagine Papa John's yeah he's in his backyard putting up the laundry and all that you know and then suddenly a disaster strikes a heart attack facedown in the mud just like in God food who takes over his trusty loyal son he didn't want to be involved in that circumstances we can't even include this in with the big tip Matt and because his story apparently oh yeah was trapped met with tragedy tragic Matt the delivery boy had apparently tragically passed away oh the chat chat saying rip Matt to a no rip Matt oh man tipped but not forgotten you know I never felt the urge to make a movie but um popping on the topic first for John John Oh Papa versus pop like there's a river screamer well there was this great OJ Simpson true-crime documentary-like oj versus the people of the united states were both people whatever yeah so Papa John verse Papa John like the court case I mean what is that yeah fantastic welcome to Papa's house how what if the Papa John Wooden worked for like little seizures or something now Papa is forced to go to the competing family hmm I don't think any pizza place would take then with these hands I've built the pies I've made sauce you think that I'm out on the street with the knowledge what that son I have the money I've made what are you about a gala GU about a go and now you forced me to join another family who have sworn allegiance against I have sworn my sworn enemy so is he like Italian in your head or yes he's the Godfather what is he in reality he's Italian from what Kentucky or some [ __ ] yeah why but yes he's from Ohio or something he's an old-school white boy can I drop the n-word and now I've been forced to join with my sworn enemies I had made an elite I said if I see an employee of Little Caesars they are dead whatever they walk in my neighborhood and how [Music] violent no no and now i'm delivering pizzas for Little Caesars it's such a shame I chop to the door without it's localized of character I show up to the door delivering a little caesars beats and they laugh at me they say I'll jump no did I get better break them they don't respect me my name is Papa John no it's like they carry their front Lord over the ring turned into Gollum cuz of you eatin it up alright so our hearts go out to Bubba in other words Tom J and the chat suggests Andy Serkis should play Papa John in the film but as mocap like a CG Papa John one if we get cast like Tim Heidecker would be fantastic as Papa John's or like just mix it up really I just like the picture of him being the only CG character like the older all angel movie it's just a CG Papa John's with a live action cast like Roger Rabbit we couldn't get his permission so we named it like Papa Papa Jan Jane all right so our Kelly we've spoken about our Kelly I find our Kelly to be first of all very interesting foil to what's going on with Michael Jackson because people have no problem accepting the reports the allegations the documentaries about our Kelly everybody takes that at face value you know we've all kind of come together and said you know what our Kelly is kind of F dubbed it let's not supporting anymore Michael Jackson is different the people the the amount of defending and not just well it's one thing to defend Michael Jackson but there's there's an active campaign it's this really vicious very vicious people who do not like differing opinions it's just it's a reminder to like how huge Michael Jackson yeah and people love him like yeah really nothing else even comparable Yeah right and although maybe the viewers maybe the thing is it's like all the Beatles squeezed into one person right that's true right one super that's all head he's a one-man show right and he's got the story of being a victim and people don't want to think that this person could do horrible stuff I don't want to for a long time I was like there's no way yeah certainly me too I was always on the fence with Michael Jackson but before we get into that let's first talk about our Kelly because he was in the news he did it his first interview you know being accused and people started canceling his shows and taking him off the radio there was a documentary about it this was the catalyst for all this again an interesting foil to Michael Jackson it was a great documentary was it called leaving or know something about surviving or surveyed yes surviving or Kelly it was fantastic documentary basically alleging that he has a harem really of girls living with him who here again they're not being chained up but they're being it's manipulated they're being I mean brainwashed for lack of a better word so it's not like the they can't go walk out but there's it's abuse itself certainly abuse there's no question about it but at any rate I mean it's hard to explain the whole you know what but go ahead and watch this but where he's defending himself would it be for me with my crazy pass on what I've been through oh right now I just think I need to be a monster and hold girls against they will chain them up in my basement and and don't let them eat and don't let them out unless they need some shoes down the street from the Onkel sounds like Eddie Murphy yeah he's acting it sounds it's like Eddie Murphy bed is that is that some detail in the story that I'm unaware of about yeah that's such a weird aside yeah and I don't recall them ever saying he chained anyone up either you know what I mean like that's part of kind of it's like well no what he does is he makes every anecdote more extreme just be like oh I never did that making a mockery oh yeah making it so crazy so hyperbolic that it's obviously yeah but people nobody believes our Kelly so it's kind of the sound guys like don't laugh he's got the mic on his chest he keeps slamming the sound guys like oh god I've seen people even give this news channel [ __ ] for giving him any airtime Wow oh sure let the guy speak let's hear him out well legendary yeah yes I mean if anything he's so volatile yeah this said it just goes to show that you know behind closed doors is what I mean the guy's got a temper clearly at this point we briefly pause the interview to give Kelly a moment this publicist helped calm him down his publicist that's his crisis manager literally it's a crisis manager Provost how can he afford a crisis manager when he came and post bail Kent he has no money apparently that guy's working on um can't well they say he claims that he has very little cash but I'm sure he has like assets you know he probably just have liquid cash but stuff no you think it's all gone at this point I've seen reports that he's dead broke yeah I mean he he he well he just went back to prison for for owning one hundred and sixty thousand dollars in back child support that he never paid yeah so so some anonymous female friend came and posted $100,000 bail for him to get out and then two weeks later he went back into prison for a hundred and sixty thousand dollars on back child support you never pay yeah really I think doesn't have any money which is crazy because at his peak success I read he was worth 150 million well imagine blowing that much money I mean our Kelly was extraordinarily popular in the 90s yes yes pretty much top apparently the full interview is gonna come out tonight at Nate we're more than yeah I saw some clips they were phenomenal yeah they're really milking it I can't blame them it's really it's huge I love how they're dabbing his makeup as he's them having a meltdown this isn't that doesn't even make sense why would I hold all these women his publicist is like not making my job easy to told me we're gonna like dude snap out of it real but Kelly's emotions remained raw it's real girls out there missing it's real young girls out there being abducted being raped okay when I saw this when I saw this is like you got any leads you know but it's like that argument is strange because it's like well you got leads I mean Chinese they really do have chains on their own okay Robert we have to have a conversation no I don't want you just ranting at the camera lady I came here for them to hear I need help what kind of help this is the kind of help I need yes what kind of help I need somebody to help me not have a big heart because that's like being at the job interview being like well my biggest my biggest defect is that I work too hard I'm too good at everything you sound like you're playing the victim here you sound like our Kelly you do you're playing the victim I'm just telling the truth and the reason I'm emo Robert apologized for that no because this is the first time I was able to say something have said nothing you know you remained top so what's awesome it's amazing how I find him very good not convincing this performance was well what's even less convincing is when he brings out his two girlfriends so yeah which was the follow-up no yeah yeah I mean I guess for me mostly I'm just I'm struck by by how different the reaction are Kelly is compared to Michael Jackson and you know people people always joke Oh like have you seen the Michael Jackson documentary as somehow trying to Lampoon people who were like oh I watched the documentary I changed my mind and they act like oh well you haven't done any research all you've done is washing documentary but the r.kelly one is actually has less firsthand because the art Kelly one is just from the parents perspective yeah but the Michael Jackson one is first-hand experiences and I actually felt like in the Michael Jackson one throughout with them telling their stories you are always seeing evidence corroborate the song Robert they're saying like Michael would come to our house every night and then there's pictures over in their house he would send us faxes every night and they had a fax he would send it was one of the weirdest thing yes my god he used to send us letters used to write us notes used to call him leave messages they've got all of it he gave us memorabilia he did this he did that he got all of it they've got pictures they got photos they got everything to corroborate every detail and I mean even public footage of Michael with the family or Michael with the kid like yeah it's all out there so I felt like if anything that dog Michael Jackson available had a lot more everything I feel like it was absolutely credible and people who are decrying the documentary are protesting it and out of protests are not watching it I find that ironic because they're so obsessed with research but this documentary even if you are dead even if you totally believed Michael Jackson is innocent this is a documentary worth watching because it's research it's first-hand account of people who are who are accusing him of the most heinous one of the most heinous crimes you can imagine so even if you're dead set on Michael Jackson's innocent these guys are fraud you gotta watch it for the for research at least if I'm having a discussion about a book that you haven't read you can't really talk to me about the book if I'm talking it's like you haven't watched it how can you have a conversation about it so I guess they're thinking they're not watching it out of product test because they disagree with the concept of making a one-sided documentary or not including like the other side of Michael Jackson's family and all just to be devil's advocate and you know their argument is that prior to it being released at least on HBO you know screened a couple times I think it's Sundance and everything you know the the PR campaign already kicked into full gear to discredit the guys so before anybody before anybody even had the opportunity to watch it they had been convinced that there's no reason to because these guys you know don't have any credibility why why should I listen to them well and a lot of this stuff I hear people saying is stuff like oh they already testified under oath and now they change their mind because they're getting paid from HBO and somebody who says that is somebody who clearly hasn't watched a documentary because that's one of the main thrusts of the documentary is exploring how can you testify under oath several times for Michael Jackson and then all the sudden come out so hard against him and it's it's way bigger they weren't paid by HP oh by the way sorry they weren't paid by anyone yeah but that that point is exactly why this documentary is bigger than just Michael Jackson and that's what Oprah was saying in the third part because it's about abuse and you can you can go on your whole life not knowing even that what happened to you as a kid was wrong and then at some point as an adult all of a sudden understand what happened and like I think it's just people don't understand abuse right and so they're like oh they changed their story and they stood for him before but I think they really showed that part so well in the documentary and that was why I found it so like good yeah well we will talk more about that because we are working our way down to that I wanted to say about that so let's watch the girls interviewed on our Kelly this is a first time here bring to be honest with you that your parents are trying to get money from our Kelly okay because your father told a very different story yeah to me last night yeah he's he's the manipulator he's very manipulative so he's the one you need to watch out for but uh my dad and my mom they're studies to send threats to both me and him they said oh I'll call your Nick attaches all over the world I'm going to ruin you I'm going to ruin him if he doesn't send twenty thousand dollars to this bank account by Monday I'm gonna put everything out there and then ten thousand dollars after that you trying to solicit me like I'm some hole I'm not I'm your child exactly yeah you sound very angry with your parents you sound very angry and very pained it's very insightful at first you pick the upset while you're crying tell me right I was like what money the guy can't even get post bail what's cool this is the worst shakedown ever that's the worst claim that their parents just want their kids back like they haven't seen these girls in years now they can't talk to them they're the last thing they want is money and their claim is is that they're the parents have naked pictures of them together and that they're threatening to release how would the parents have that is the first time anyone said there's no background to the parents asking for money or all that stuff mmm well yes she's and then she goes on to say well I'll just play in Ezreal this is more than gossip this is more than just rumors these are decades of allegations she spent that fits over there decades we're here to talk about what our parents are doing right now right and what they're doing right now is off for money right now both sets of parents deny ever asking Kelly for money or receiving money from him by the way she was saying earlier before this time stamp that it was her parents idea for her to go become a singer for our Kelly I mean they were like you need to go be with our Kelly and send us money yeah even the most while evil people wouldn't dream something like that up you know it's just not plausible done whatever here you know this is a great detail that as I was talking to them because I had talked to the father there are two very different stories I'm sure mr. Clary if he watches this this morning his head will explode because he has a very different version of what these young women are saying and his team had told us that our Kelly would not be in the room after the interview started he was around the corner behind them they couldn't see him but it points at points during the conversation he would call very loudly like that so they were aware that he was there how wild is that three yeah that's a damn that's a really crazy detail daddy's listening training them up in my basement yeah he didn't do that Zack remember he didn't do that Oh crazy and furthermore Your Honor ladies and gentlemen of the court I leave you with all the evidence I got it you need do you have girl would you like to come back did you I love her clerk order and so now romantic baby girl did you get your shots because I don't want malaria [Music] [Music] [Applause] so good ever this is not a joke girl meet Megan back hit me with that music ooh this is not a joke oh girl did you get your shots shots girl do you have your papers paper this is not a joke please meet me and back and back girl we going to America I think got no chains but I got 9 games to lock you up and you're gonna call me daddy daddy hmm I said girl do you have your shots do you have STD reports America mm yeah so if you're really pretty I'll accept gonorrhea chlamydia is okay but nothing's curable can stay if you've gotten hit by hepatitis or HIV I'm gonna have to skip you and I'm going overseas but if you've got your paper and your passports you can come with me my name is Robert and you can live in my reap engine call me daddy you can get some shoes but don't get a sandwich the Jews run Hollywood yeah did you get your shots do you have your pant but this is not a joke I love this clutch my uncle [Music] but you know how many girls are nod if they're like uh he's talking to me making a proposition don't fake these goats ever ever ever do you have your shots I mean open you here Rob it's like so personal this is what we call grooming yes which we'll learn more about in our next story we're Rob to American Girl do you have HIV then you can't come with me if you have HIV then I don't want you my BP inside of you bum Aditya is curable if you're at ten if you're a seven then I'll skip it you up chlamydia if your innate I'll think about it [Music] how do you even think about that do you have your shots fantastic it's so once coming from the heart his heart's too big and this is so real yeah the thing is so like when you come from a place like Ethiopia or even Israel you have to get immunizations oh yeah this comes from a very technical place the guy knows what he's talking about he's been through it a couple of times yes trying to bring girls back precisely oh do you have your passports have you shaved your butthole to America yo girl come with Robert if you've shaved your butthole give me pictures and back or let me inspect it give me if did you bring your immunization report okay great do you have a valid passport okay great now do you have your STD report looks good background check you'll ride coach and I'll ride first-class go went back to America I've got an extra room in my mansion welcome to my harem did I mention that I have ten other girlfriends when I make a dress up like a boy that's true in a documentary there's one I may dress up like a boy we work yeah that's true wait you haven't seen it that happy did not tell anyone yes yes and frankly I'm not gonna watch it because I know he's innocent I know he's a saint it's a protest listen he was a he was on trial and he was acquitted our Kelly was acquitted in a trial that means he's innocent and do you have your shops and your documents jama'a Michael Jackson's coming up trigger warning for everybody who's too sensitive yes Michael Jackson I'm not saying he did it but let's be honest with our folks Michael Jackson slept in a bed with the young kids every night without parents presents just use your brain people use your brain who does that I didn't have a childhood that's ignorant I love to think about it if it wasn't Michael Jackson saying yes music oh yeah yeah you know what is the little kids say and Michael Jackson's room at night just as an exercise to think about the stuff Michael Jackson did but if it was just a random guy like your neighbor so gross but he didn't have a childhood you did you factor that dissipation yes that that kind of even makes it more likely more likely that it would be [ __ ] up right mm-hmm absolutely so here this is what I'll say okay we're entering the Michael Jackson yeah that's basically and Jeckle yeah yeah so for those of you that cannot handle it who are in protests who will be triggered or otherwise offended by this I hope that you keep watching actually because I do enjoy a good amount of viewership on my episodes flow so I encourage you to keep watching but listen also closely because I think that I have in some compelling arguments to make to you and I'm not one again if you're if you're someone that thinks that the documentary is BS and anyone who believes that Michael Jackson did these crimes is like a Looney tune like listen to me and I I don't blame you for thinking that way because and the documentary explores this concept so good because the documentary is about is the best I've seen about the Sun and not about Michael Jackson not about the survivors but about abuse and how it happens about the grooming products or the grooming process and what was so magnificent about Michael Jackson as we've said there's never been a pop star like him ever he was like the Beatles squeezed all into one person comes oh I enjoyed being a victim and just loved by the whole work like seriously everywhere so he in a sense had this hat or one of the victims said we were already grooms when we met him right because he is this God on this planet earth and he in a in a way he has groomed the world and I'm gonna talk about that if you think I'm crazy and you think I'm [ __ ] that's fine you can hate me just at least listen wonders let's introduce what we're talking about yeah the HBO documentary that came out leaving Neverland leaving Neverland if you're wondering where to watch it it's on HBO HBO which I think is a little bit unfortunate because not everyone has HBO I think a lot more people would watch it hey either you had the hook-up though if you got Amazon Prime you can get a free week trial that's all yeah and it's immediate you just pop it open eyes you know it's funny everybody watch Game of Thrones but somehow when it comes to something there's anything else nobody has HBO hilarious okay I just wanted to give the details for anyone who's not caught up you're done I'm done passing the it's it's a two-parter yeah and then there's a third part following up it's an interview that Oprah Winfrey interviews the two victims and the director of the documentary yes I I thought all three were so good mm-hmm so there's another documentary that was that I watched on Netflix called abducted in plain sight yes and and you know I had watched that recently and it's about a man who befriended a family and gradually built up this relationship with this young girl he had fallen in love with but he had groomed the family he had groomed the child to the point over a long period of time that he was able to just take the girl and run off like there was no checks and balances and the way that it happened was so similar it was so and it was so similar to what I heard in this documentary and again that's what I thought was so important and compelling it's about as a whole child abuse and about the grooming process so bad you know I feel like I was in crazy world seeing all this like when I first saw this documentary I was so outraged I mean I was like my goodness this is absolutely insane and I go online to read the conversation about it and it's not only do I see first of all not a lot of people talking about it but those that are talking about it are brutally brutally brutally viciously attacking anyone who's speaking in support of the documentary and just decrying the the two dudes the two victims the host Oprah anyone just absolutely decrying them and I've thought like man I'm in crazy world but I quickly realized that all the people who were doing that haven't watched the documentary it's so plainly obvious because a lot of their talking points are things that are addressed widely in the documentary but I was just surprised bike that he had so much sway and pull people cared so deeply about him still to this day so it is a testament first it almost is a testament to the fact that the world has been groomed because now even ten years after his death and long after he had an active career I think she goes to show that even now the he has this army of people that can see no wrong in him going to war war with these people so it kind of proves the point that he has this like mystical attraction this mystical pull now I was always on the fence about Michael Jackson me too you know I really didn't want to believe it it's like what the [ __ ] Oh Jackson and I'm a huge fan of his music as I'm sure most of us are I mean the guy's a phenomenal talent I mean the guy's like he's a he's a whenever the one a one in a thousand year talent we would put out videos of him dancing and just like stare at it like this is perfection I mean he had it all he was incredible singer he was an incredible dancer the guy invented like pop dance for Christ's sake I mean he really did he credible songwriter that guy was phenomenal and I was always on the fence but you know I have a thought experiment that I would always pose to myself that always you know edged me towards he did it and that thought experiment is very simple imagine a man any man sleeping in bed with a young child a young boy every night for 30 days straight with no parent what are the chances I asked you what are the percent chances that he didn't touch that little boy in an appropriate way and I would think hard on that and I would say you know I have to say in all honesty using my brain in my common sense forgetting about all the mysticism everything it's zero it's zero percent that is just not something that you do okay so again this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole I've got a lot of things to share so that was a thought experiment always kind of pushing me towards you know what I think he probably did do it and that was an idea that came from him like it's not like the kid said oh I want to sleep with you he would tell the kid yeah you should come sleep with me mm-hmm he put that idea out well here actually since we're I'm gonna skip the head because I have a really compelling video that support that literally some shows Michaels saying that and here what I what I like to talk about here is undeniable undisputed facts okay I'm not gonna toss about conjecture I'm not gonna make assumptions I'm not gonna say stuff that hasn't proven I'm just gonna show you an undisputed fact here's a video of Michael with one of the his his childhood friends okay like no no no no and then he finally said okay if you love me to see what a day so here you can hear the kid saying I didn't want to sleep on the bed oh man Michael Jackson here is shown manipulating this kid and saying right if you love me exactly pressuring him if you love me the god that you look up to you'll sleep in my and this is the beginning of the grooming process that's like so step 1 and you get him to sleep in his bed and then the next night it's obvious it's gonna sleep all that yeah exactly and then they both sleep in the bed for 30 nights now here if you skip to the end it is there's a fascinating another detail I'll sleep on them but haven't you got a spare room or a spare house here where he could have stayed no yes we have guest units but whenever kids come here they always want to stay with me really never because literally that was disputed in the first second of this book five seconds so Michael is saying oh well that guy the kids live with me because they always want to so what happens he puts this thought in the kid and then the kid goes to his mom and like mom can I sleep with Michael right so it seems like the kid wanted it but it starts from and one of the hallmarks of child abuse is convincing the kid that they want it and that they like it that's why victims of child abuse carry so much guilt and remorse because they're so completely and shamed because in their mind on it they're so conflicted because when they think back they remember enjoying it they remember wanting it they remember that it was fun and exciting and so it's hard to reconcile as a grown person those feelings that you know you had when you were a kid because those feelings last right and when you think back as yourself as a little five-year-old you as a 20 year old you sometimes would play it in your 20 old brain and that five year old kid it's hard to make sense of how you felt then so this is what Michaels doing to this kid he's going he on one hand the kid kind of ratted him out and said hmm Michael said if you love me you'll stay in my bed and then a mere two minutes later Michael saying oh well kids only sleep in my bed and I don't always learn them because they want to mm-hmm again so and I have never invited them in my room really they always just want us to what about if you love me asleep in my bed I stay with you tonight I go if it's okay with your parents yes you can't do your parents that you were here so that's all I mean guys that's a lot that's kind of a lie right we can all I think agree on that I know they're happy cuz I was happy do you think come with you your muster time with I wasn't really move Affairs I was with you Michael most of the time but they were happy that you were here yeah no now what they were happy they got to hang out at the ranch and get wined and dined yeah wait there was something whenever you guys almost come one more thing here from this clip funny yeah watch this this part here very unsettling people here that children from other families have come and they've stayed in your house look at them holding hands stayed in your bedroom okay and look how his head is on his shoulders I mean what the that's not how you act with a friend let's say Michael is has the mentality of a little boy in a red a child honey so that that's why he likes hanging out with friends what the how do you explain this even as a young boy I would never do that with a grown man or for our way to another younger boy I wouldn't do that with anyone it's just like as a young kid I would be horrified to do that with anyone yeah even my whatever anyone a girl friend a boy my mom my dad my brother I wouldn't do that to anybody right but here he is doing it in plain sight and that's what I mean by Michael Jackson groomed the world because he convinced everybody that he was just a young boy himself and that's why he loved and he was blameless and he's holding hands with kids they're cuddling with him on camera and you would always say on camera like I just love kids you know this everything you know about him is things that he would put out there basically yeah that is he's been a victim himself and he loves kids and kids are like it's his guiding kids you would say all this stuff that see God see I just want to help case think about that and so you've your whole life you're you're absorbing this without even realizing right so when someone comes and tells you the opposite about him you already have like sorry yeah or away or as a parent when you bring your kids over to come hang out with them and Michael's like well we're gonna just sleep in my bedroom at night okay they're having a sleepover and then it's important to mention and what they show in the documentary when the parents come with the kid he shows the parents a good time too oh he grew and it's like the bedtime it's like a dream for the parent to you meet him Michael Jackson and he loves you and he talks to you and he calls you and gives you gifts right and he bought one of them a house he bought one he just paid just straight-up paid them and one of the things that is an undisputable about this documentary if you watch it is how he groomed not only the kids but the parents here one of these main kids Wade Robinson Wade now weight is super interesting because he was with Michael Jackson and I say with because they were in a relationship for seven years now he would call and talk to the mom every day and this is corroborated because he sent faxes to the family he sent video messages to the family he sent drawings he sent letters he did left messages they have all of this evidence of him talking best friends connecting so powerfully with the mom he would call talk to mom he would call and talk to the kid and wait is the guy that people keep bringing up is so uncredible because he testified I get weird like he testified that nothing happened with Michael twice but his story was so crazy and they explained it so detailed in the documentary like Wade was one of these star kids that was so good at imitating the Michael Jackson dance moves and he was a super fan of Michael he was actually somewhat famous as a kid because his dancing was so phenomenal and so Michael Jackson like look how we got to contests and with adults and they met him when he was seven and the abuse started when he was seven yeah and and so these guys the both of these guys in the video they both had sons and they both started having mental breakdowns they when their Sun started to reach the age that they were when the abuse started and because they were able to actually see what they were like at that age because that when they saw their beautiful innocent pure son at seven who they know full well is incapable of entering a romantic relationship of any kind or having sexual relations with somebody you know what I mean and you could see how easily manipulated and malleable they are so I think well what they both say is they both had sons around there like about to reach that age you know a few years before maybe but and so they could finally connect with that younger themselves and understand where they were mentally and that's when they started to understand that they were truly abused and a lot of and both of them were having like extraordinary mental issues yeah impression and anxiety and self-loathing that they didn't understand and so and and they never told anyone about their abuse because Michael according to their account from the very beginning first of all they had this intense passionate love and Michael would always say to them repeat to them if we if you ever tell anyone about this where we ever get caught I'm gonna go to jail for life I'm gonna be over ever my whole career is come over and you're gonna go to jail for life and so they're like he was like this is our secret this is our love we love each other and if anyone ever finds out I will be I will go to jail and you will go to jail and he kept repeating that to them throughout the whole duration of the relationship and that's you hearing this when you're seven and like and which is so important the most famous magical person that's lived in recent history so for them they were both fully convinced until they had like sons and started having mental breakdown that they were gonna take this to the grave yes also they didn't really know for a long time that what happened was wrong right which is like because kids are run over the problem with child abuse something I've learned from therapy is that we all take things for granted that are we take normal things for granted that we think are normal until you meet other people or talk to other people and until you can compare your your experience to them you don't then you can all of a sudden realize oh that was not normal at all right yeah and so that's very much what happened with these guys they had an experience that was so unusual that was so powerful that was so transformative by someone who was so powerful and so magical they didn't have the context didn't have the comparison to they didn't have the tools and I mean got my god it's unimaginable and you've seen by the way the visceral and the hate that accusers of Michael Jackson received and the disbelief that they always get so all of these things combined and also they never stopped loving Michael Jackson that's what you learn in the documentary too they still love him right because there's still so many emotions for them they still like right they don't know how to break it down still one of the compelling things for me too was like so as they aged they kind of grew out of favor with him and in favor of other young boys and they would see him with other young boys kind of with the same body language and they felt like rejected like they were no longer the favorite because I mean they were in love they weren't literally in love right and so they felt rejected and slowly over time as they aged they grew apart from him they would see him occasionally and talk to him occasion they were still friendly but they grew apart and I and a lot of them they said that they were going to trial to testify on Michael's behalf and all the parents and the whole family did it because they were they were Michael's soldiers they were going to war for Michael there were winning his favor back they thought you know I just want Michael to love me again and I'll do anything to please him to defend him they were his warriors in this battle and so even though one hand they knew that that had happened to them that was a secret love that they shared and they loved Michael dearly and they wanted that love back and so they went to war with him again this is all corroborated it's very compelling it's very it's just it's a fascinating look at child abuse and grooming and it's so so so compelling and I have other things I want to talk about here now that's a little bit of an overview of the documentary now here's something interesting to happen yesterday Corey Feldman who was one of Michael Jackson's staunch worth staunch worthy supporters who himself was just on staunch thank you Dan because he himself was a victim of child abuse and so a lot of his fans and supporters have been looking to Corey Feldman as evidence that Michael Jackson did nothing well yesterday night after Corey watched the documentary surprise surprise Corey Feldman came out and did an interview and said he can no longer defend Michael Jackson after horrendous abuse allegations Corey Feldman is dramatically pulling back his support for embattled friend Michael Jackson in light of the horrendous child sexual abuse allegations he said after watching and processing leaving Neverland he he said he could no longer support him so again people keep thinking a kind of a meme out of like oh you watch the documentary you think you know everything okay so let's go down the line Corey Feldman best friend Michael Jackson victim of abuse he watched the documentary he found something compelling in it also the fact that that didn't happen with Corey Feldman doesn't mean that Michael Guerin abuse right right that's the big one him and him in Macaulay Culkin yeah have both always said nothing happened between them which fair enough and do it to everybody so again Michael Jackson was a very cunning predator and as many child predators are they are very selective about who they choose Michael Jackson has shown throughout the documentary was very particularly he found weak fan he found families with weak bonds who are easy manipulated parents who wanted the limelight who wanted the money who wanted to be associated with someone like Michael Jackson and he would prey on these families and use them against each other I mean it's not every mom who will leave their child with Michael Jackson alone for 30 days I mean that guy Wade Robson he was in Australia and Michael would called them to their house every day and he would talk to the mom too for a long time and eventually he got her to move here with Wade and the sister and basically this whole family broke up over this whole drawing absolutely destroy the family the dad was left back they all abandon him and he later committed suicide which was that I mean the story of the dad was absolutely reject the guy was totally blameless I mean and they left her brother there in Australia - yeah and so actually now later on you see that this family is so fractured today that the child says that he has no feelings for his mom that he can't forgive her what for what she did is trying but you see the pain and this family is a hundred percent real it is broke that that is dead you see the whole family in the documentary they all give their perspective oh yeah Michael called us every night for two hours Michael was sending us faxes every day here's the fax I mean disabling knew that he was calling they would talk to him too so yeah it's all there it's yet a little sister who would go there to Neverland who moved to California with them guess who he didn't have sleeping in his room every night the little girl never loaded their whole family knew that it was about Wade just the boy which was interesting yes he was obsessed with Wade so again just because the popular misconception is just because someone wasn't abused doesn't mean that others weren't he was very particular and he's very smart about who he did it with he did it with people he could get away with and Families he could manipulate and groom and moms at parents who were like who could put themselves in a state of denial and exchange photos of all the great things he in the house mm-hmm okay so this by the way I have to wash this several times a day just to take take myself out of crazy world this is the best thing I've ever seen this guy Kyle Dunnigan follow him on Instagram and Twitter he's the funniest mother effort and the whole freaking world and I just I'm so thankful this video exists because when I feel I'm I just put this on and I'm like I think God there's people out there that are still saying I like this horrible HBO documentary about me it's filled with lies and ignorance I would never hurt children I love sleeping with little boys that's all just a grown man sleeping that is of course I [ __ ] them kids come on it's so obvious I was a good pedophile too huh I felt a whole amusement park and candy store and I say your kids like candy maybe like yeah yeah we like yeah but yeah you like it yeah okay yeah well tell you about me the [ __ ] did did y'all notice how I slip with little cute boys not little girl that is so lovely she was just cute little brother [ __ ] tight ass mmm boys well better get back to heaven I got in because I apologize right before I died damn the rules if you guys ever feel like going crazy world with this video on Kyle Dunnigan is just a genius but again he actually makes some really fantastic points guys he never slept with all of the boys he befriended were like really handsome models one was a TV commercial one was a dad like these were really handsome beautiful young boys right not fat boys not ugly boys not little girls it's very fricking true why explain that the other time if he why why why do you have a type exactly I love how he goes of course I [ __ ] them kids it's so obvious it is it's so obvious I feel like what did the little what did it uh Michael Jackson say to little kids in the middle of the night in his bedroom the crazy thing is do I just got to say it's like even if you accept nothing happen which obviously is far-fetched but nothing sexual happened but things that are overt the things we know about those are abuse like you know having a seven-year-old sleep in your bed with them 30 days in a row right like that even if nothing sexual happened that's Arielle abusing that kid yes so we were spies yeah not the kids not in school he's not doing anything he's just spending time with Michael Jackson yeah soon lives are who they just play video games all day that's cool I mean if you really cared about a kid you would be like dude go to school and come hang out with me on the weekends no here Michael wanted the kid to immediately move in for a year yes the mum to live the kid would imputed fact by the way now what I want to go into right now are undisputed facts about Michael Jackson these are facts that whether you support Michael Jackson or not these are facts that we all can agree are undisputed so here's number one these are all facts okay this is not conjecture this is facts the hallway leading to Jackson's bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make dingdong sounds now this was well done invented by the police and it was covered a lot extensively in the documentary as well is that he had like several doors leading into his bedroom they were all wired for sounds had video cameras had bells so okay so now we so now we have a place in time we have Michael Jackson sleeping in bed with a young boy in his bed for 30 days straight and now let's add this element of that there's three doorways between and it's a serious security zone with video and wired for sound so that anyone approaching makes a dingdong so let's add that to the mix are you still let me do a thought experiment with yourself anybody else yeah you know I mean I'm serious so let's continue with undisputed facts so far five boys Michael Jackson has shared a bed with have accused him of abuse Jordie Chandler Jason Frant Francia Gavin Arvizo Wade Robinson and Jimmy safe Chuck that's five separate abuse allegations Jackson paid 25 million dollars to settle the Chandler lawsuit with 18 million going to Jordie 2.5 million going to each of the parents and the rest to the lawyers Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something long and drawn-out Francie also received 2.4 million from Jackson now a lot of the defenders of Michael Jackson point to this as proof that these people are just after my after money and so that supports the fact that that they're liars but you know that's what Kelly says - right well it was just one money it's such a easy way to dismiss yeah it's the easiest way to say but what remedy first okay first of all this is such a genius play by Michaels lawyers and for the whole propaganda machine because first of all Michael Jackson could never risk being found guilty mm-hmm I mean any amount if there if there's a pot if there's a possibility you could be found guilty there's just no there's no chance so paying them off first of all removes that risk and it gives them the ability to just characterize anybody as only in for for the money so in well false one fell swoop they are able to discredit the the plaintiffs as money hungry and to protecting his reputation by saying oh well we were never found guilty we settled out of court because we just wanted them to go away all right but you don't really pay 25 million when you're not guilty I wouldn't I mean as I'm not Michael Jackson though but I mean I guess it makes sense I could see that he's like you know what and he would I read that he was on tour at the time and his tours are worth like hundreds of millions of dollars so they were you know it's like he just went he didn't want to deal with they he didn't wanna jeopardize his tour mm-hmm make it go away and this you're talking about the 93 case right yes the original first one the one that he did that was settled for 25 right it has an interesting detail about it do you know who his lawyer was in that case no Cochran right Hani Cochran yes the guy who represented the other man who was acquitted of crimes do we all agree that OJ Simpson is guilty I love how everyone points to the justice system as the end-all be-all yeah okay see really was acquitted well the fundamental misunderstanding when when you're acquitted it doesn't mean you're innocent that's why they call it not guilty it can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the jury that this person I built it but it does not being convicted doesn't mean it didn't happen they're not magical they don't know they just can't fully prove it in court a lot and also abuse is one of the hardest things to prove because she said right because at the end of the day it's Michael and a child in a room of themselves unless you have pictures or videos or something extraordinary I would do it really no way to prove that it happened first of all there were no it's not like today when every kid has a cell phone smartphone yeah today but even not even today I don't know that every seven-year-old could access evidence if something had concern it's extraordinarily difficult to to prove so yeah exact the documentary is one side that it's like yeah that's kinda like the only option well in that argument that for me doesn't make any sense because and also what would it help if what the Oscar and Michael's family was I think we already know what they say he's not guilty but but ultimately again they were not in the bed we all agree that he slept in the bed with them right so right who was who was in the room the kid the only one Michael Jackson's passed away if anyone was closest to them was the parents like sleeping next door in a room movie and the parents are in the movie and by the way agreeing on all the details I mean and the parents are basically forced to admit that they're the worst people on the whole planet yeah and they're like almost the real villains of all these mothers they have more to gain by lying about it and saying like oh he's my son's not telling the truth right yeah I was open-minded to give the parents a chance as far as starting the documentary but like the longer it went on just how could you just let all this happen and be there and just let it happen honey mommy I see them a lot of them were just like kind of at a midlife crisis satisfied with their life and they saw their an opportunity for an adventure of their boring mundane life and both of them kept calling it's a it's a like a fairy tale yeah like a fairy tale yeah it's charming came they were my feet they were perfectly susceptible to his charms you know and he knew that he absolutely knew that you know the kids that that guy who sued him or no he so Chandler wasn't in the in the document it was the one guy that sued him that it was dismissed Wade Wade so people so Oprah asked him well why did you sue him you know like like well how isn't it isn't that proof that it's about money and he says well it's the only way I could get them to listen to me I felt like there was this great injustice I wasn't thinking about my I wanted to put it in front of a core and I wanted people to have to listen to me and to what happened to me what I have to say also using the same platform that he used before to defend my soul powerful this guy went on trial twice defending Michael mm-hmm when he was brainwashed and he didn't understand the whole picture he didn't understand he's been abused and he was the superfan of Michael and he couldn't imagine Michael going to prison he was like I gotta save him I mean you gotta hear him explain it obviously I'm doing it justice but no you're doing good to him once he had this breakdown an understanding of what happened to him and he wanted to you wanted to correct the record it kind of makes sense that he would want to do it again in front of court and have the world hear it too so that he's not he doesn't have to live with that guilt yeah game he wants to redo it that that actually that point was struck a chord on me because it's so it makes so much sense I want to get back on the stand and tell the truth this time I just keep saying people always saying it's just soon so so you know like they can't trust him because he changed his story basically they just can't find him trustworthy but it's just you gotta understand child abuse well that's why to those people I always say you shall watch the documentary nest of it is explaining how that's possible yeah and if they were if it was just one person you know I'd maybe be a little bit more sympathetic to that attitude that you know maybe they're just trying this is a scam or whatever but I mean these allegations been around forever yes it was he was never put in jail for it but eventually you know when I think it's five people have come out mm-hmm saying that this happened to them and there's five in total um you know when there's that much smoke there's usually fire especially when there's tons of footage of the guy being a creep with children like well let's watch that the volume doesn't even matter you just look just I mean come on we're look we're looking at just use your brain but also with the way the response they're getting from the whole word discourage it's really discouraging out of people to come out how that that's why I kind of entered the fray to begin with is because I had made a tweet saying that you know I Michael Jackson is a child predator and I wanted I I didn't see anyone voicing support for these victims that I saw as dudes whose life was and family was torn apart by this heinous crime and now hated by the world and I was at I was expecting to see more support for them and I just I felt so awful I felt like I wanted to voice public support for for the film and for these guys and that's why I entered the fray on social media now also something there's a another misconception the guy who sued Michael Jackson the case was thrown out people show that as evidence that Michael Jackson is innocence the truth is that the case was thrown out not on its merits but on the statute of limitation it was a it was a technicality the court said Michael Jackson passed on we can't hold his estate his business liable for this crime and so they threw it out on on technicality making no judgment of the merits of his claims okay because it's like if you're saying child abuse happen and it is cool you're gonna sue the school right we're like yes he's not part of it a company is not yeah it's like Walt Disney abused me so I'm suing Disney yeah well he said he it's a different whatever and the first trial yeah guys we you have to remember that settling is not doesn't mean you're okay we've talked enough the other big one that you see constantly posted is the thing about the FBI right yeah it was investigated for ten years yes like that's the go-to that I keep seeing over and over and over again which you know on a surface down all the pedaling let me pull up the no but but go on then cuz you know you've research this week yeah so I mean with a lot of these claims you know you you see there's all these memes that get reposted over and over again that have like kind of bullet points of like this is why it's [ __ ] this is why these guys are incredible and on its surface it's like oh wow yeah I mean that sounds that sounds fishy but almost every single one of them if you dig into it it's like so weirdly deceptive what they're saying and yeah the the go-to is well he was investigated by the FBI for tires there and they never found anything not a single thing which like first of all they were only the FBI was only involved in so far as providing technical support to local law enforcement so we're not talking about like tapping his phone lines 24-hour monitoring by the FBI kind of thing we're talking about local law enforcement sending magazines and tapes to the FBI for analysis you know what I mean like and this wasn't happening continuously this was happening once in the early 90s with the first suit and again in the mid-2000s for the second suit so it's over the course of ten years but that's very different than ten years continuously you know what I mean like it's two instances of being looked into and so that's not really you know that's not really being fully honest by saying he was being monitored by the FBI for ten years yeah so this is like the copypasta that you see all over social media first of all I was honored to be a guest on Tim's office hours podcast and he made the most hilarious observation about this which is so true I wish I thought of it grandpa Simpson is the raving delusional lunatic of the show why is he the one whole thing it's more it's almost like this was used ironically actually yeah that's a very funny point and the funny thing is that these guys are saying oh we did our reason didn't know but you didn't whenever someone speaks they watch that you didn't do your research all you did was watch a documentary and now you're an expert but these people are just sharing a meme of grandpa Simpson who's the crazy delusional character in the show holding up a sign it says Michael Jackson was monitored by the FBI for 13 years or his house was searched two times by more than 70 officers not true I mean highly exaggerated why doesn't monitor it for 13 that's that's flat-out false hundreds of kids were interviewed somewhere offered money I don't know what that's a very vague claim I tried to investigate that I tried to investigate every single thing on this and some of it is so outlandish somes like I don't even know how to find out about this so nothing was found I mean that's just flat-out yeah I mean somebody says some suspect stuff was definitely found well enough as you said to bring it to criminal court and right I mean they did prosecute him it's not like there was no evidence again it's not like logistics justice system is perfect like soon so why not we all yeah exactly oh and it's not we all just we don't we don't convict we convict people when it's beyond a reasonable doubt okay so it's entirely possible that you can be guilty but you can't convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt and so especially when the person is a super loved hero for everyone even even find a jury that doesn't know yeah and all of his alleged victims are testifying in his favor yes okay so nothing was found that's false he was tried for four months and found not guilty that's true but it doesn't mean he's innocent he was found exactly not couldn't even get him on a misdemeanor well he wasn't tried for a misdemeanor you idiot even now the law works like that's such a weird point it's not like whoa he's not guilty of abuse let's try him for a petty theft it's gonna for jaywalking yeah the reason why we defend him is not because we are fans okay sure we are fans because we have studied the deposition testimonies and court documents instead of tabloid headlines I'm sure that everybody sharing this grandpa Simpson meme has studied the testimonies depositions and court documents first accuser was caught on tape saying he wants money that was the dad actually right yeah and I mean we the other day we listened to the tape of the dad and you know it you could easily interpret it as being somebody that's greedy and after money but if you listen to it you can very much equally interpret it as a furious parent who wants to destroy the person that did this to their kid you really it's all in you know what beat you however you interpret it this is a flat-out lie first accuser was caught on tape saying he wants money false it was his father not the accuser right the boy emancipated himself from his family never spoke to them again that's true but imagine when if your parents sell you into a child abuse you would want to do that as well second case was filed with time line contradiction and gaps okay Sherlock Holmes they had scammed other celebs like Jay Leno I don't know what that means I am I tried to find that I I'm lost on that if anybody wants to send info on that I'm happy to look at it but that that was a weird one I was like what the [ __ ] Wade Robinson and James safe Chuck are proven liars who sued Michael Jackson estate for money but when their case were thrown out of court they decided to make a movie know your facts fam okay Adam so Wade Robinson was the dancer he was suing Michael Jackson as we discussed because he wanted to go back on the stand and correct the record James safe chuck was a child actor he had a relationship with Michael Jackson for a long time as far as I could tell never sued Jackson never sought money never sought any monetary damages or compensation in fact he burned hundreds of thousands of dollars of Michael Jackson memorabilia that was given to him and his family to be fair he did at a late stage in the lawsuit join wait that's what I so that's what I mean sued that's what I'm getting to is that good so Wade Robinson was suing him and I think when they met and collaboration for this what happened is that James was living and still in denial you know not knowing what happened but he was going through a mental breakdown and he saw Wade Robson talk about it on TV and that kind of triggered him to come to terms with what happened and right and so they just they added him to the lawsuit as a they just they just they just added him basically to - so yeah so they they they say their cases were thrown out it wasn't thrown out on the merits again it was a technicality passed the statute of limitation and they were not compensated by HBO in any way shape or form to be in the documenting so know your facts fam and again please recall when you see this on social media that grandpa Simpson the raving lunatic delusional conspiracy theory who has lost his marbles is the one holding the sign I don't understand this whole movement of like oh you're just gonna believe a documentary it's like sorry but I don't really trust HBO I love it everything they make well HBO is dating like credible they have to go to so many lawyers absolutely so many approval ago they they're putting the whole company on the line you know they say I always hear people saying it's unvetted unproven yeah right I don't know oops hurdles to jump through to get cleared I can look into stuff and I did and nothing changed my mind but I'm also not gonna pretend to really a person qualified to look at FBI reports and like analyze a lawyer stuff like sorry I'm just not qualified well when when the dog when I go to see a doctor and he tells me something I trust him you know I believe what he's saying you're only her dealer from that doctor well and what's wrong with the documentary I mean a documentary is a source of information as much as a book a movie a magazine I mean it's a it's up it's a collection of knowledge it's anecdotes and stories a documentary and that is a movie made for the purpose of spreading knowledge and this one happens to be a good one it's the first-hand account you can a lot of people that were in the room with this sometimes there are bad documentaries and you're in town and you know I have some intuition that I can trust HBO is not a network that puts out some tabloids let's put let's put it I just don't understand this it's like a movement now we're anti you just believe we're you what people tell you or well no it's it's a movement of like oh oh that's cute you actually believe that yeah I don't know well again I mean I think it all comes down to this sort of smearing of the of the subjects of the documentary and in questioning of their credibility which again I mean I won't go point by point through it right now because it's really arduous but you know if all those people are saying oh do some research I encourage them you need to do some research actually follow up on these statements that you're seeing that are trying to counter the narrative because almost every single one of them are highly deceptive in RNA that they're worth and and a lot of the facts are so much in dispute so much that nobody has like there's one claim that I always hear and that supports my claim that Michael Michael was a child abuser by the way before I get too deep in that come one of you guys find out what was originally on the sign I'm really curious like that could be really religion Allah I actually I've a glee remember the original picture you know what I was saying is that there's one claim that the child that the F or the police took pictures of Michael's penis and that the child was correctly able to identify a marking on his penis now we were not able in any way to corroborate or there's a lot of claims like that that it's just how you can't possibly know if it's right or wrong so I'm not I'm not bringing that up that's not a Honda spirit fact but there's enough yeah I think to try very very clear picture I'd love to see what was originally written on that sign that somebody said you know I'm gonna erase whatever grandpa Simpson has and write this and people accept that as fact I really want to know was there furthermore don't take my word for it because I am an idiot okay and that is but that is my point you don't need to have a PhD in I don't even know what they expect you to know yeah to form an opinion on this yeah I don't I mean that's how would you go on with your life you can't you can't do anything that if you have to question everything well I always found it so rich when people I built my whole career on sharing my opinion I have a very strong opinion and when people agree they get very excited and they laugh and they love it and they feel like they're on the same team but when they disagree all the sudden it's ethan stick to comedy he then is always wrong his opinions it's like it's like dude I either needs to stop sharing his opinion and stick to comedy it's like I built my whole career this is this is what I do this is what I do you know but so don't take my word for it okay for all of the discrediting you see on social media among Michael Jackson fans this movie received 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and among top critics it has 100 percent now I'm not saying that to sit to say that critics are correct about everything I'm only merely exemplifying that every movie critic 97 percent and 100 of top critics watch this their whole livelihood is critias a judging the merits of a film and they all said there's something credible and compelling about this film that it's worth watching 100 percent of them said that so these are people who is whole livelihood is judging films and they are an unanimous decision that there's something compelling worth watching in these documentaries and Louis Theroux recently again thank God because sometimes I feel like I'm living in crazy world here Louis Theroux one of the most brilliant prolific credible documentarians of all time he's truly one of my heroes now you can say I'm stupid and that I don't do research and that he thing said watch the documentary overall that means it's try saying that's a Louis Theroux if you can't see that Michael Jackson was a pedophile after watching dan Reid's documentary you are willfully blind and if you are campaigning against it you're actively colluding in the silencing of victims what a brilliant tweet and of course if you go down in the comments the top [ __ ] it's like this ain't it fam yeah I haven't seen the documentary yet but FBI conducted 13 years of investigation shocking wow I wonder where you got that information every time I see it I cringe it's like come on people like just start no comment and response was I usually agree with you Lily but on this one it's like okay and the the second part what he said about silencing victims is just so true it's so important and that's just what's so painful for me to watch with the way people are just talking [ __ ] about this to guys and in general and the victims it's yeah so they changed their story because they're a victim I mean you maybe you haven't been to any experience like that but this is something that is very common with child abuse well and their main point that they're clinging to is completely dismantled in the documentary they refuse to watch yeah that was kind of what was so heartbreaking and so frustrating about this is like the if you're willing to go out in public and attack and ridicule and discredit people because on the other end what you are defending is potentially one of the most prolific child predators and that that ever lived so horrific so if if you're willing to go in public and defend potentially one of the someone who's committed the most heinous crime you can imagine one of the most heinous crimes you can imagine I think you owe it to yourself to do as much research as you can and that unfortunately I hate to tell you includes watching this documentary that has a 100% in around tomatoes and is widely acclaimed by documentarians but it's so true you are can't paint you are campaigning against you're actively colluding and silencing victims it's so true imagine you're one of his victims watching this and you're aware you ever come out and this is the response it's like yeah I would never why and so you're already going through so much shade you don't need the whole word shooting on you - yeah of course Louis Theroux puts it so brilliantly and I just such a huge fan his were you guys able to find the original mean I haven't been able to find it yet the chat has been somewhat helpful I think they've maybe pointed me in the right direction of the right episode yeah so okay good the search continued close I'm closing in good thank you Jeff make sure you guys so that's kind of and then I see this to which I mean it's I hear I see people saying they've been two hours they say to me oh damn they go well I believe that Michael Jackson did the crimes he's accused of but because he's dead and can't defend himself it's wrong to drag him um what are that statement to me is profoundly dumb because you're on one hand saying yes he is committing the most heinous crimes that he never lived the judge he never got taken to justice for destroying so many family and so many kids he never got the justice he deserved and I and so a one hand you're like he is a heinous criminal but on the other hand he can't defend himself so let's not talk about it how do those two ideas coexist out there don't I I don't I don't even know what to say about it so if he was a huge awful child rapist we don't deserve to know let's not talk about it I would like to know so important because one a lot of people say well he's dead what does it matter okay they're survivors of his crimes are very much alive their pain is very much alive that their families that were ripped apart is very much alive and to if we as a world in abled Michael Jackson to commit such heinous crimes if we were collectively groomed and cast under his spell that is something that we as a world need to grapple with and understand and make sure that we don't enable people to do it again so now should we talk about him should we let it go because he's dead it doesn't matter that is absolutely profoundly dumb May I don't understand that it's what would the way I see that is just it's kind of like a Michael Jackson apology just sit down right now it's like I don't want to talk about it you're kind of still in denial I don't want to talk about it I don't want to think about it kind of like he's bad right exactly it's proof that they've been groomed because don't want to talk about it you're starting to understand yeah maybe did do something wrong probably most likely did but I don't want to talk about it well let's not talking he's dead I don't want to drag his name what are you his best friend but you don't owe him anything I don't want to talk about it cuz he's dead and I feel uncomfortable but what do you owe him since when is that even a thing what I don't want to know the truth he's dead what does it matter I don't track his good name he's passed on he can't defend himself okay let me speak for him I didn't do it there was no ants hit me with that make a change would you you got it there were even more there we go for once am I it's gonna feel real good this isn't going very well but watching my lap oh that's Stevie Wonder look sorry sorry Stevie sorry Stevie what's that one song about the uh someone to need me is that is that Stevie Wonder as well yeah no there's a Michael Jackson song about Oh Oh night long how's it go that's one Oh Ritchie no come on there's got one dance dance with you all night yeah oh not a robbery I wanna sleep with you oh I wanna touch your penis all night don't ever tell your parents ever I like that tie little butthole everybody I want to sleep with you eh all night three hands up you like wanna lick oh my don't tell your parents what happened because I love you and you'll go to prison forever what else your hands everybody did you get your passport did you get your shots do you want to come with me to Neverland house to Poona glad to that I want you rock with your dick out Oh night don't ever tell anybody what happened ever right right anybody let's chat enjoying this so should I stop sushi babies yeah I don't know yeah sorry no I mean I just don't think you should put it out publicly yet you got to put some polish on that and you know little production I want with you oh not if you love me you'll stay in my bed I want to be with you I don't want to Michael I wanna sleep on the floor the real question can you separate the art from the artist yeah that's a tough one in this case I think it's too fresh yeah I can't currently listen to Michael Jackson and I doubt that I'll be able to for the you know it's such a shame because like I said his music is just so tonight yeah r.kelly I can live without I believe I can fly I believe I can get my passport papers before I leave to America no currently I feel like I cannot do because actually with the documentary paints is a picture of a man who his whole life and everything he did revolved around his sexual deviance he was a man who the music the act performance the fame the magic everything was a vehicle to get what he wanted from these kids and I feel that that's wrong I'm sure that that's not true I'm sure he had love for the music and he was either he was a he was a good complicated guy a decent guy in many ways a loving guy in any way yeah I mean didn't he do tons for charity and all that kind of absolutely that's the thing with abuse I mean you could be abused by your father you know the court can be a good take anything away from it could be a good guy still and do horrible things of course it's it's really complicated it always is right absolutely right but for now I think that I'm not listening out listening to Michael Jackson I couldn't understand it when it's so fresh but yeah I think I personally am able to do the separation like I'm not gonna get mean out I think I need some time to uh that's fair I don't think I'm ready to listen to Michael Jackie my go-to like my favorite one of my favorite directors is Woody Allen which obviously has a ton of baggage associated with him yeah I'm not gonna not watch his movies because of that though the movies to me it stands on its own as a piece of art so yeah that's right I get it though well you know a lot of people say about vogner right he wasn't a Nazi sympathizer but it's been a while now like more than sympathetic well he was a Nazi yeah and he was a straight-up not see people like vogner so I don't know maybe in a couple hundred years I can ride of the valkyries though it's here now what do you actually think that man in the mirror was about I'm looking at the man in the mirror I'm asking him to not rape any kids think he was trying to coach himself out of it and if you think and a different I've got a bunch of LARM in my doorway myself when people come to take Dube away hey everyone put your hands up everybody put your hands up we've got a special guest here tonight Michael Jackson everybody was dead all right special guests Michael Jackson everybody round of applause incredible performance were you able to find the grandpa Abe meme I have not been able to find it and Chad's been on it too unless unless I missed it I'm so curious you know it's something so good like somebody somebody claimed a specific episode is actually a treehouse tree house abhorred episode you know the science says something like totally nuts I mean that character is a loon well that about oh I maybe need to do this extreme vapenation guys if you have submissions for us and we estimate podcast at h3h3 productions calm we would always love to hear you last a few episodes ago we asked for vapenation and extreme places and you all answered the call they delivered river rafting in South Carolina Courtney and Korey that's cute better names a Courtney and Korey like the same name yeah this is the seed bank right yeah this is really cool Greenland's event a rollin huggin suvat Vontae rollin huggin so this is super freakin cool it's in like some frigid it's either in Greenland or maybe Iceland Phrygian area that's always frozen over they have a replica of every seed of every plant species on earth as a bank just in case you know look if the world gets nuked and well attempt it's like a it's an underground it's just the door to a big bunker there's no complex underground store like every seed of every plant on the planet isn't isn't that the coolest thing like sometimes humanity's the cook does it cool Michael Jackson's like sleeping little boys and meanwhile some dudes like I'm gonna make a seed vault Eiffel Tower Pablo Blas I think I was actually Tokyo Tower oh what a scam this is very beautiful so shout out to Jordan god bless okay I thought I recognized but love you anyway same place apparently South Dakota hated God well [ __ ] Papa blows baby hto anime convention the most exotic place on earth yeah Megan shut up - Megan at the anime connection I've heard that's the one of the most dangerous environments to be an on planet Earth brave the wilderness for me Nick in South Africa don't slip vapenation Papa bus and we've got in the hospital battling pneumonia ELISA Papa bless you of a quick recovery T of a [ __ ] Teddy fresh hat Ukraine Hannah Peace Corps trip dude you're good person no vapenation we're rocking Itay for a shot well public bus to you and and your mission there of peace vapenation on a rock Pikes Peak Colorado 14,000 wait that's not it is it yeah yeah yeah that one's Pikes Peak Joe Nepal Alice in the h3 merch throwing a pop of less that's very nice blown fat clouds everywhere he goes this is Christian the Bolivian salt flats is this the same person well shut up - this dude - I don't know I don't know why he didn't get a title sorry but Wow alright and decked out you went all out for this one huh Phil you just got filled in washington d.c vapenation really representing their approve of us great lots of canyon shots Dana at the Grand Canyon dad sir Canyon babe Nash to you Nikolai's at the top of the Burj Khalifa Papa blessed man you guys spread the love even - even - uh where's that--what's akimbo in Dubai thank you in Hebrew Canyon is a shopping mall sorry Canyon in Hebrew is a shopping mall Canyon we should make a shopping mall and the Grand Canyon I call it the candor Canyon came near the canyon Canyon this guy is doing an SOS for flavor Plains vape god I think it says know it says vape call it cuz he's all babies I get caught god that's very clever Sam thank you for a reputation we've got Axl that's a badass name excellent Thailand on one hand desecrating the holy site that you're visiting and so I thank you for that so guys thank you for night for contributing what a thrill I mean my goodness somebody had a skydiving one but it was the sound was bad and he's a quick flash um I don't have a link here do it but appreciate you - do we want to watch Ian and Zach you both watch the documentary tell me what you think for Christ's sake Ian you always got hot takes dead Thome oh no no hot takes I thought it was pretty disturbing okay I thought you were gonna just cop out I mean you have an opinion about it well I can't post my Simpson being four back here I just got a note from ela she says my secret notes she said wrap it up soon I need to pee ela you know pregnant women their bladders get squeezed by the expanding in their body so she has right away while we were talking about Michael Jackson the baby was kicking hmm Oh what is that I don't know each do we want to watch the Kanye soul playing first yeah yeah let's wrap it up with something joyous can you narrate this because you're the Kanye superfan Ian I swear to God goaded is Ian and Dan switch spots yeah you know what you have to narrate this alright let's see what's going on back there there is Dan is out there on the maestro dan is on the maestro mixing it up okay and I'm gonna play this so you let me know what we're looking at okay okay so he was in Seattle doing his church service at the adidas headquarters on Tuesday then this was on the plane flight back to Calabasas did he try to the whole plane are these all strangers no way yeah he just inspired yeah this is all his crew right I would believe so yeah I like to imagine there's one guy who's not kind of looks confused babe the cameras on I'm sure they sound the way too good I think this yeah yeah you know this his gang probably weren't performing at the church I love how happy Kanye looks he's been looking so happy yeah thanks me happy yeah he's all smiles do you really want me right do you really want me thank you and anything else you wanna add in now that you're in the hot seat put the camera on the end and let's let's talk the end yeah boy when can we get a PowerPoint there's not been a lot of spicy stuff for a PowerPoint or are you being too picky yeah I think I'm very picky in tell me you watched all three parts of the documentary did you you went in neutral is that right pretty much yeah and you came out neutral I mean it's definitely it's not a difficult task for me to distance from Michael because I'm not you know Michael listener yeah it's it's interesting to watch kind of removed to see because he is a hero to so many people so watching them struggle with that has been it's interesting to dig into for sure but yeah I'd it's more than likely some some bad things happened more than likely you already hear from me in the dome you can call me stupid but you cannot call in here that guy puts together powerpoints like you've never seen already and thank you thank you you guys can switch off remember ladies he is single and he's going to the movies by himself which is so tragic and adorable at the same time you can save him should I give your Instagram name or no you can find it easily dan is also single as I is that right down yes dan doesn't like girls too young what's your bottom you're not too young but I mean like what no Angie I mean eNOS is younger Dan is older dan your barrier for entry is 25 right yeah that's that's a decent floor I'm 31 so I'm yeah right about and Ian is like 23 so there's a big you know yeah yeah and could get some answers sounded funny yeah okay fine I'll give you that I'm just saying Dan is a very eligible bachelor he's handsome he's gainfully employed he's smart he's insightful and he is very very single ladies very very bad that's desperate yeah I am so [ __ ] single Zach is taken right Zach I am taking man and very in a very happy relationship alright well she's got to try so even doing does she watch this after Yoshi bit okay no she'll have heard that yeah is there anything you want to say to her Highland how you doing oh not as romantic as the Frog Lynn says her name Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay you got a great guy and he's Lindsay those jackets you make her fire it's gonna put that out there jockey Dan you go watch movies by yourself I mean I have it's not a weekly occurrence for me is there anything adorable and cute vulnerable you can share it's adorable yeah it really is so sweet no there's nothing there's nothing sweet about me I'm I'm cold bitter and well that's it what you're gonna Dana's single alright let's wrap it up we've done it we've seen it all done talked about it how did we you know - goddamn it we did it I'm sure people will be very torn that's why our to see the like to dislike ratio it's actually not that bad well that first it was like 50% down but yeah I feel like Michael Jackson Defense Force can only do so much damage hey like I said when you made that tweet that's so controversial you go look at the ratio mm-hmm it's still healthy man thank like the likes to comments so and I hey that's all that matters in life really is like so what does the 12 year old boy say when he's in bed with Michael Jackson no I'm not gonna do it alright let's wrap it up guys we thank you and of course my guys out there who are all single no I I wish I could hook you up I don't know how to help you it started dating actually dating thing kind of doping it hook you up with some h3 fans singles let me call a b.call I'd be down to host like a singles night speed-dating where I'm on the mic and I'm like I wonder how we can make that happen at any rate thank you guys so much we have guests coming what do we have planned a man yeah I don't think there's anybody next week yet but I believe the following week we have next up is Theo von Theo von wonderful and require you're also rific comedian after that we have slow mo guys run after that yet I am personally excited to meet with Emma Chamberlain who confirmed yes it's confirmed Hey okay and so I am I'm a fan I like her she's extremely successful up and coming when she's already come up she's not she's up and she's going up higher Emer channeling very talented young lady that about wraps it up my dudes have a terrific weekend and remember to Jim Aune what is it Jim oh hey I think it's Shambo what is your game on that's H in there you don't want to know and it's getting into the groove you're scatting both okay thank you that well that's it so love y'all I love y'all so much but okay fine just wrap them and bye everybody you you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,180,978
Rating: 4.2535944 out of 5
Keywords: leaving neverland, neverland, michael jackson, michael, jackson, r kelly, r. kelly, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila
Id: q73TtQLC-W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 59sec (8699 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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