*NEW* Best Palworld Base Locations! INFINITE Palworld Ore Farm!

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what is going on everyone my name is Si and welcome back to another best base location video in this video I'm going to be showing you guys even more incredible locations that I think that are absolutely insane to build out some of these includes like quartz and metal really cool metal location a really nice flat base location to build your base on and much more also if you guys are interested in joining the community dedicated server um how to do so will be in the Discord you guys also need any help want to chill out with the community or like run some games with the community um then you can also do that in my Discord so if any of that sounds interesting to you guys then come on and hop in the Discord so the first bace location we have here is at 476 91 and this location is just really nice and really flat allowing you to build your main base here and having a lot of room to build and do whatever you want you know if you want to do like breeding if you want to do um you know your crafting base if you just basically your main base um you need to have a nice flat area to do everything uh the game wants you to do and having an area like this is is really going to help uh you throughout your progress and Adventure through this game now I do advise you guys having at least one main flat area base and then the other two like resource mining bases and this is also kind of nice cuz you have two metal nodes here and on the other side you also have two more metal nodes so it is not only a really flat area to build your base it also has some metal nodes as well to get you started off which is pretty good also you don't need to have any you know heat protection cold resistance anything like that so you can come here pretty early on at the start of the game um and start building your base on top of all of that there actually an outer like Cliff face on it um or rock formation whatever you want to call it that protects I'm get out of these trees it's really messing the fov up but it basically protects the whole outer base so you're going to be pretty fortified I'm making a very difficult to get raided if not impossible I have not built a base here and tested it but it is going to be very hard to get raided like I said if not uh impossible making it a very nice cherry on top to the whole other POS positives that this area has now the next base location we have here is at 666 and 111 now this is at the number two Sanctuary Island and yes I did use a sanctuary Island in another one of the best base location videos but I did not realize when I made that one actually that um each of the basically Sanctuary Islands will have a different resource so for example this one has metal and sulfur the top right one up here has metal and coal and the bottom one has no type of resources I don't even think it has metal um so I didn't notice that so this area actually is going to be really good for sulfur now it is split and very like spread out so what I would advise doing is building a base in uh one of these locations um so like maybe up here you'd be pretty fortified or you could even do it up here as well and be even extra fortified to where you basically can never get raided and you will basically the I had somebody in I think was two videos ago say that anything built outside of your base like in the proximity of it won't spawn and that's not true basically um anything that's built inside the circle your base won't spawn is in like enemy wise the resources will still spawn obviously just make sure you don't build over them or block the spawns so what I would to do is come up here like uh get a nice area you know and just build a nice little resource base or somewhere where you can teleport to um and throw some Pals in your inventory that increase your weight and then you can go and hit all these uh sulfur nodes this isn't the best sulfur base but out of all my looking as you can see have so many base locations pretty much there's only like three sulfur spots on this volcano and there's really no other sulfur spots on the map that are actually good to farm so this is the best one that I could find that isn't one of the like meta sulfur spots so if you guys are having issues finding sulfur you can come over here and build your base um and have you know uh some p over here um then maybe you'll mine like one or two nodes and then you can just come over throw some like I said earlier some Pals that increase your weight hit all the sulfur and metal nodes basically um which there are a lot of metal and sulfur nodes on the sanctuary Island and then on top of all that uh you actually can Farm some really powerful Pals here like German tide Ignus um verd Das you know and there's some other ones that spawn here as well uh so you can get some pretty powerful Pals mixing that with the sulfur and Metal modes and the fortification of it as well since you're on a sanctuary Island and you can build up on top here and even if you build up here being very difficult to be rated puts this at number four and like I said it's not the best but it's a very off meta spot that should be pretty much open on any server you're are playing in also if you guys are enjoying the video or you find any spots throughout the video that you may have not known or find any of the information useful if you guys could consider hitting that like And subscribe button it really lets me know you guys are enjoying this type of videos you know really lets me know you guys are enjoying the power videos I make and it really helps with the YouTube algorithm to get the video out there to more people the next base location we have here is at- 64 and 722 now you are going to have to have some heat resist so you don't get like you know killed here and burned since you are in a hot area now this is a very good cool spot as you can see we have about I think seven cool nodes here that you can go ahead and farm pretty big space as well um besides having this little Rock here it is pretty flat um so you can set up a nice little base here just for like a resource mining Outpost and it is very fortified as you can see on the back you have a giant waterfall here on a cliff face so you really can't get raided from the back only being able to get raided um on the front so you can just build some walls on a gate and be pretty fortified here I'm not really have to worry about this area while you're you know p through all the mining um there is some Stone as well but still really isn't that big of a resource but if you want to throw that in there for another plus you can as well but mainly it's a really good coal Outpost farming area and it's pretty fortified as well on top of all that it does have a really nice scenery as well so that's why I think that uh that deserves that number three spot as I accidentally press a move on my pal but yeah I think that's why it deserves the number three spot the next base spot we have here is at 683 and - 290 you are in the volcano area still so you are going to have to have some heat resist but this area is very good for metal we have I think about nine spots clustered here and 10 over there if you count that so it's very nice on the metal location it is very fortified too since you are on top of this hill here um making it pretty much impossible to get raided um because they can't really spawn behind you to raid so they're going to have to spawn in front of you and once they do you have all that lava there for like a natural barrier and like defense so they're just going to burn in the lava and die making this pretty much impossible to be raided on but yeah it's a very nice uh kind of flat area too I am if you build your base and like plop your thing down here you could probably get all uh 10 uh metal nodes and have a very efficient metal Farm like I said it's decently flat very good on the protection in the front you do have one Sul for node here in front and then plenty Sul for nodes in front um so if you want to throw that in you can go ahead you know mine uh manually yeah it's very nice flat good metal nodes uh very nice on the natural protection in front for the lava um and basically making it impossibly rated that's why I put this spot as number two now the number one base spot we have is at 309 and positive 538 now this location is actually a two resource location um making it very efficient for this automated mining bases if you guys want to set that one up we have two metal nodes and I'm pretty sure five quartz nodes here making it very efficient on top of all of that um you are pretty uh defended and fortified against r raid you pretty much can't get Raider from the back on top of that in the front again you're on a cliff face so you pretty much can't get Raider from there the only really way you can get Raider from is either from the left or right side of the base um but even the right side they pretty much only have one way of coming in and same thing on the left so you can just set up you know one gate on the left and right and you'll be pretty much 100% fortified from raids um but yeah I went ahead and just set up a PO Box here as an example to show you guys that you can you know even on this uneven Terrain you can set it up to where you'll get both uh iron nodes and all five of these quartz nodes to go ahead and mine and then you can go ahead and you just set up some Stone foundations here to go ahead and make your base nice and flat and not really have to worry about um you know that on a your terrain you can set up some Berry plantations um and some things like that and a box actually put the uh resources in so you can automate it and then just come back in a few hours and collect all that juicy resources so mixing all all that the you know the two metal the five quartz making that a two resource uh node base as well as it being decently fortified and actually I didn't even notice on the back side there's another uh what do you call it pretty sure it's metal I really can't tell it's either metal or quartz it actually makes it even more efficient than I thought it was but missing all that um with the location and just how cool it is as well to be able to see like a frozen light to your left uh that's why I gave this the number one spot hope you guys found some really cool and useful spots or at least base locations that you haven't heard or seen before um I think the number one spot I haven't seen I watch a lot of other videos but if you guys have seen it before definitely let me know in the comment section below anyways I hope you guys have a great rest of your day I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: SiahZ
Views: 32,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld early access, palworld guide, palworld release date, palworld pokemon, palworld game, palworld tips, palworld news, palworld xbox, palworld tips and tricks, palworld how to, palworld ps5, palworld new gameplay, palworld multiplayer, palworld best pals, palworld gameplay trailer, palworld info, palworld episode 1, Palworld xp, Palworld cheats, Palworld farm, Palworld base, Palworld tips, palworld best base, pal, best, xp
Id: u4URqPBYlh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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