Palworld Best Ingot Farming Base Build Guide ~INFINITE SUPPLY OF ALL THE INGOTS!!~ FULL BUILD GUIDE!

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hey guys zi s and welcome back to the channel I hope you guys having a fantastic day and in this video I want to share with you guys my both stepbystep tutorial of the ultimate Ingot farming base which I have made a video of recently you guys really enjoyed that one but a lot of people actually asked me if I could make a step by step on how I set the whole base up cuz a lot of people seem to be having problems with the foundations and everything so that is what this video is going to be about a step-by-step followup to the previous base build guide but before we get into it if you guys could drop by the twitch stream tonight Oran we will be doing a 24-hour celebration stream tonight so come on in join the madness and let's see how that will goes it will be fun I've really enjoyed seeing all of you guys come over to the stream from the YouTube videos say hi when you come over and tell me that you're from the YouTube videos it makes my day thank you guys so much for all the support and without further Ado let's hop straight into this P so you guys know this is the base found over there to the bottom of the free pal Alliance Tower to the right of the sealed Ram of the Guardian which is the V lead fight you zoom out that's where it is as we said on the first video but in case you are a new person coming to the video for the first time there it is so first thing we're going to start out with the foundation on the highest point I usually like to go with the highest point just to like make it nice and Central cuz we're going to put our P box on here eventually so this one's a little bit wonky to get it cuz it's a little bit of a bad terrain spot so we're just going to get a nice little just so it's like right over there and then hopefully this actually works out otherwise we're going to have to redo this Foundation like 10 20 times but you just need to keep doing it until it actually works out correctly I like to do it 3x3 so it's got a nice spot in the middle for the power box and then we actually need to try with these stairs cuz this is the big problem like setting up the stairs if they don't work correctly you need to put up more stairs underneath with foundations which I will show you guys right now in this corner we're most likely going to have to do that everything else seems to be touching the ground so you do that you run around see that it's all working correctly this one over here might actually that works fine so you usually test it by running up yourself if you can run up without being glitched and your pals most likely can do it as well key word most likely so we see that actually worked out pretty good except this little corner right there but it's not the end of the world as all we do then is we take a foundation and now usually it will clip on but you want to try and build it away so you want to get it to really line up underneath the stairs and it just needs to touch the stairs so you could bring it out further as well these trees are kind of in the way right now let me get rid of these trees real quick so you want to put the foundation underneath and then have that line up just so you can have the stairs then on the next one kind of a little bit buggy and glitchy but you got to do what you got to do so you come there and then you measure it see once you can see the floor okay there and now that's perfect so we could go right there we could go a little bit more in just play with it how much you want like how much patience you have it's up to you I like to get it right and nice okay so there a little bit forward bam that should do it look at that and now hopefully this one lets us build in there it does sometimes it won't if it's a little bit skew and you have to take out the stairs and then build the foundation and then bring the stairs down just a little disclaimer if you have that problem now we build stairs and stairs this is a little bit close to this iron all I don't actually like this that much but for for the sake of the video not having to redo this a million times we're going to leave it like that you could build stairs there too but if this all somehow glitches out and doesn't respawn just break away the stairs and then restructure your foundation this is just the basics of how to get it all going if it doesn't work like if the stuff doesn't respawn then you got to break it down and try again but it should work for the most part this is actually not overlapping that much and then this one we need to get it again this one's a little bit worse cuz it's a little bit way worse place we come down down down okay so that that one is not the greatest but this will work we need this all just for functionality okay so it's overlapping there so we actually take this one down and then we put this one on because this one is more important as I can actually get up there anyway from there so this one over here this is not how I had it specifically in my last one because every time you build it's a little bit different that's just the process of how to get it working these two work fine so there we go we have the metal Foundation set up perfectly now we got all the iron or on this side and we have the coal on that side and this area of here in the back I'm going to use for the pal sleeping area as it's nice and open and flat and we can just get the pals to sleep there we don't want them to you don't want your pals to sleep anywhere near they work in my opinion some other people would say you do but I like to keep it further away cuz they only use the beds once like at the night time when they got to go to sleep and then obviously they'll par there and they'll go to sleep so for the most part keep it away from the oils and all the working areas just to reduce the chance of them bugging out so now we go with the p box so we got the working area there and there so I guess we could have them spawning in in that direction so you want to make sure when you place the power box everything around it is open and clear as that big square around it is going to like indicate where the Pal's actually spawn in so I like to put mine on the metal tile that's why I do 3x3 and a little disclaimer before somebody asked in the comments yes I do have my work speed and everything turned up really fast I have like crazy inventory no nothing all my bus are free because this is for educational purposes only so I'm using a modded save this is not my main save as to if I was to go and break down every single one of my builds and actually rebuild them for you guys I would never get any videos out cuz that would take me forever so just a little disclaimer before I do get some comments about that so anyway we have the power box and the foundation set up this is a pretty good start now let's go set up the foundations for them to sleep so we're going to put them in the back area away from the ores we're going to see if we can actually get this nice and lined up I hope it doesn't line up badly cuz this is very much all by chance you could calculate this but most of this is just by chance if you place it and it works great if you place it and it doesn't work well just replace it so we got to go like this we build all the way around I like to build these foundations underneath as well so then the trees don't go back a lot of people have been saying that they you need to place it specifically and blah BL blah BL blah but for me every time I've placed the foundation and then I've like killed the tree underneath it just doesn't grow back so that is how it's always worked for me and that's how it should work hopefully if it doesn't work for you well I'm not sure what to tell you but yeah we just pull this around get a nice and flat unfortunate that one doesn't fit in over there like there doesn't fit either so it's a little bit luck of the draw or you can just calculate it and rebuild this perfectly until you have every little piece of the blue circle within your foundation now we're going to take out these trees and with the power of editing I'll see you guys in a second all right we've cleaned out the trees we are back and now let's try and make the pal we're just going to close this off a little bit of here the P baits you could honestly just place all the way around here don't you don't have to close this off like I'm doing it I just like to do this cuz this is how I usually make my builds we make the the like flat area for the beds then we close it off like this and I actually build above this is what I go and do for building over here we might actually put a little staircase in it turned out bad but good at the same time cuz we can just utilize that for a staircase also make sure when you are building outside of the blue line if you don't have the deterioration thing turned off in the serice settings that will deteriorate and it could destroy your structure so keep that in mind when you are building as well as your pals won't do anything outside of that blue line they won't path outside of that blue line they won't go use beds they won't eat they won't mine they won't do anything outside of the blue line as our moon just flies past it with our times 5 daytime thing on the server so let's go and build this all the way up so we can actually have the bed area and then on top of of these beds I'm going to have the production facilities which you don't need since this is really just a base focused on Ingot farming so as long as you have your two refineries set up and your Pal's just working over time making ingots and pelium oil this base will keep you sorted pretty much from the mid game into the late game pretty easily so we build our walls up and at them if they don't you can actually climb on the structure you can climb up the structure and build while you're climbing too I built the Tower yesterday on my stream and it like pretty much goes straight up into the sky it's insane so we do that and now we put the beds down which is infrastructure fluffy bed you just lay them down keep the beds one tile apart as well I have found that to be a much better placement especially for the big Pals otherwise they like bug out and stuff and they don't play correctly or they won't come and sleep correctly because they're like interacting with another pal to just keep that all in mind little tips and tricks to know while building and I think you can only cue about eight things to build before they like start so if I was to place another one down there it would have actually destroyed the last build you can only CU so many things to be built so we build all these I usually make 15 beds for the tutorials because that's what the base is set on the server setting for the beds base I set mine up to 20 because you know more Pals more work the bigger work for more materials okay so we finished off the bed area we opened that up a little bit and now we're actually going to try and build up so we can get our pales working up above us with the factory kind of stuff so we need to go three levels up to reach the top there so when we're building three levels up make sure you put your spur set of stairs three levels away from where you want them to go so we need to build a little wall over here and then we can build a ro actually wait we need to do it like no I guess the wall is good enough so we do the wall and then you can do some stairs right over there so that will make them walk up there that obviously over there because they won't be able to get in there it's not going to work maybe we could build double stairs like that no won't work okay so that we might want to close this off just in case they decide to you know run off the side of the map so just close this off and this is your stair area so you go up the stairs like this and then we need some more stairs going up and up again so this is our three stairs it's all within the blue line so it's all pretty good they will walk in here and then once we get up top we can put down some roofs how far okay they're actually going to walk everywhere in there just over there they might not path actually they might even be able to path right there if we Bild these stairs out like another set over they're able to path over there quite easily but instead we'll just build it this way around so we'll go like this not enough support also when you are building up if you want this to be supported just go ahead and build a foundation on the ground underneath and then it should be able to support it let's see if we can build further with L foundations while they clip on there's stones and stuff there so they won't actually clip unfortunate but we can build some over there let's see if that actually makes it with the stairs and then we couldn't build them a little bit up so now we come for the roof and there we go you can build the roof and then we just keep building around cuz this is all Foundation underneath just make sure to keep it open over there so your PO can actually make it in so we keep building and then keep the stairs open as well so you want to probably go about there we can start closing it out cuz this is where the PS are going to walk up so if they're really tall you got to make sure that it's open underneath where they come out so they come up like that and they should be able to par through here mostly if not you can just build this on the other side this is just showing you guys like how I kind of set it up if you want to Bild stuff on top so we've set that up on top we don't want to go too far over there to that side cuz we don't want to interfere with like the P pathing up and down the stairs so you could go one more out there or not it's up to you so we've got this whole flat area up top you can put in whatever you need up top here to be and the nubis is like the best pal for handiwork stuff so he could easily PA up these stairs no problems I'm pretty sure he'll get up these stairs with no issues so there is the area now for sleeping working up top and now let's go ahead and finish out the iron or area stuff so we need refineries and we need chests so you come to the middle and then you either put your improved furnace or your Old Furnace or electric whatever you have access to we see we want to have them standing so they can actually blow flames in it so we'll have put this like this and I guess we'll put the chest behind them so we'll put one furnace there we'll put another furnace here so now when the flame pals come they're actually going to stand over the air and blow Flames into it like that so keep that in mind from like which direction the pals have to actually work in these furnaces so we're do that then we're going to place the chest right behind the furnaces as that will make the pals over there path up and then put the put the ore and everything within the chest there without interfering with like the power box cuz you want to keep this PO Box area open so that's that and now we come and use the uh storage this is the best chest to use the refined metal chest actually the big uh what do you call it like the big ass chest the containers they've got the exact same space as these chests but they do have like problems with the PS glitching through them sometimes or like getting stuck on them so don't use the containers like I have used in a couple of my older all the builds you definitely want to go ahead and use the chest and our a just broke so that's beautiful cool let's go back to this we'll just leave that tree there for now so this is the best chest to use refined metal chest it's got the same amount of space and no bugging with the pals so this should be more than enough space to store all the stuff they will gather in this base so now we have the refiner set up we got the chest set up now the last thing we need obviously we do have sleeping we need the relaxation and the food remember to keep your pals in good condition otherwise they won't work work for you pretty well where is uh the pal so we need to come to infrastructure and we need to build them some hot springs so the hot springs you usually want to build nearish to the work area but not like too near if that makes sense and the same with the food so you want to build the food and the the hot springs nearish to the work area so they can just go straight into the hot spring and then straight back to the food so we could like put foundation all the way around here but just to save time we're just going to put these down here we'll build two hot springs on this side and I mean obviously we need to cut down these trees but my ex Bo my ex broke so uh yeah that's that's a funny thing so coal is back there and this is all Iron all we could put like another one over here you don't need this many I think two should be more than enough so as long as you have one on either side should be good so let's go ahead and set up this make sure the pal going path there it's not interfering with anything it's all within the blue line and then the last thing we need is some food and some farms and oh we do need some pelium Grinders as well so there's the hot springs obviously just go ahead and kill all these trees so they don't respawn and like interfere with stuff then this is nice and open over here what you could do is make the grounder place over here so let's see we'll make it equal again we'll build like we'll start not too close to this or so maybe we start by the or we go like that and there we'll go around this will be the working area for the the Grinders or the MERS or whatever it is the thing that makes pelum with um not placed on ground really how is that not placed on the ground you know like some of these things they just need to fix wait is there a foundation underneath oh okay we've got interfering foundations from a previous attempt so there you go build these and now we make this area this is nice and flat for the work over there that the palace can do see if we put it there the stairs might come a little too close but I think we should be okay put stairs up to this little work area and then this is going to to be where the pals come and make validium although we don't have much Works Space because this is right on the edge of the blue so maybe put this somewhere else but like you just use the same idea so let's see for the production the crusher so the crusher actually is not that big so this is good so we can place it over there and the pals will be able to work on it no problem so come and place the crusher right like that the pals will like stand on the stairs and work on the crusher you only technically need one of these it's just to make these pum with stones and then the last thing to actually do is make yourself a stone farm so production Stone pit they should again work on it with up the stairs like that obviously without the tree get rid of the tree and then what you can do with this Stone Farm if you don't actually want them to work on that if there's ores and stuff that are needing to be mined just delete the stairs delete any axis they have to the stone farm and maybe take away these foundations or raise the foundations higher as long as they don't have stairs to actually get to the mine they won't actually mine it so set it up in a way where you can raise it and they can only get there with stairs that you got to place down see over there they could get there so just wipe it out and just keep it a little bit elevated and that way you can choose if you want them to work on Stone or if you want them to actually mine some ores so that is all you'll need there and then last but not least we need the food boxes so the food boxes are very simple just place them close to the work but not too far away so you could place it on there if you want to do the trick to do the the stone p but I'm going to place this right over there and then on the other side near the other stuff you want to place as well so this is the coal no this is the iron oil area so now we go across to the coal area and we place a food box around there too so whenever the PS are working over here they can just straight up come eat and they'll move on with they day they'll eat and they'll go straight back to Mining and then the last thing we need is a farm the farm doesn't need to be near anything this you can just make wherever you want so where is our farm probably be by food F lettuce and tomato is the best because you can make salad but a berry Plantation should work just as just as good so we put this over there they should be able to reach it uh tomorrow it's a little bit wonky but it's within the blue area and the pal should be able to interact with this no problem so you make your Farms whatever you choose or whatever you have access to there's your two Farms now you get yourself a farming pal that'll be farming making food and then delivering it into these feed boxes so that is pretty much how you set this base up it's not as perfect as I had it the first time but every build is a little bit different so just keep that in mind you could also build straight up from here like you could build two uh walls over here and then you could build straight up and then stairs you could have like this whole area to work you could connect that straight onto this Foundation just make sure that's at least three levels up so that the pals that spawn in here don't get stuck especially have like big PALS like yourman tide you don't want them getting stuck on things but more or less that is how you set this place up let me know if this video was informative or if you guys would like me to do it in like a different format I'm pretty new to the Bas Bing tutorial I usually just show you guys like a rundown of my build base after testing it myself and running through it but doing this on the fly like real time is a little bit different for me so let me know what you guys think of the video hopefully I found helpful and it did actually help you set up your base I hope to see you guys on the stream tonight thank you so much for all the support if you do like this video please drop a like and sub to the channel helps me out so much and I'll catch you beautiful people in the next one FY say now Run free and dive into the sky hear the wind crying out it's prayer why we so ashame to be
Channel: Augiesaint
Views: 86,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Best Base, Best Base Location, Best Base for Ingots, Paldium Ingots, Refined Ingots, Ingots, Iron Ore Ingots, How to make all the Ingots, How to get Cement, Cement Farming Guide, High Quality Pal Oils, Pal Fluids, How to make a lot of Cement Palworld, Palword Crafting Guide, Palworld Base Building Guide, Palworld Building Guide, How to set up an Ingot Farm in Palworld, Palworld Ingot Farm, Legendary Pal Spheres, Legnedary Armor, Legendary, Base Build Guide
Id: 9vE1ML2qvG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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