The FASTEST WAY to get all LEGENDARY SCHEMATICS (Glitches) PalWorld

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for fast and reliable poweroll gold materials and more delivered straight to your base check out Link in the description or head over to their Discord to see what other people are buying from power world or even fortnite v-bucks or GTA 5 cash yo what's good guys I'm going to show you the fastest way to collect all of the legendary schematics all right guys so first of all for the rocket launcher schematic the legendary rocket launcher you get that by using the butcher glitch on jet regon I'm going to show you guys how to do the butcher glitch later and I'm going to show you a few other glitches that are really helpful for doing this we're going to kind of go really fast on jeton because everybody has seen this before there are a million ways to like kind of glitch this guy to catch him you can put him here in the middle of the volcano and he gets stuck you can go over here and he like falls off the cliff sometimes and it's really really easy to catch him or you can build up a big ramp kind of like I did over here and you can get him to fall off the top I've talked about how to kill this guy a million times on my Channel and I mean if you've watched any of the videos on how to glitch you can pretty much always do it so this one's a little easy even though he's the hardest boss in the game and he gives you the rocket launcher schematic now remember they only have about a 5% chance of dropping this so instead of killing him right here we're actually going to catch him and then we're just going to abuse him over and over and over again until he drops us some schematics so again I'm not going to go over every single way to get him in detail because pretty much everybody has has done that already but now that we did capture him I'm going to use the butcher glitch real quick pretty much everyone knows this glitch too but I'm going to show you guys one more time in case nobody like in case somebody doesn't know it or whatever but pretty much everyone knows it now this glitch in my opinion is going to get patched very very soon because like everyone knows about it it's the most popular glitch in the game right now it's the most OP glitch in the game right now I would highly recommend that if you're going to be like stocking up on all these legendary blueprints or whatever you do it very very very soon because they're definitely patching this glitch like for sure either way how you do it we all know now is make sure you're not around any Pals or that will mess you up you're just going to go over to your pal make sure you have a Sabo on it this is essential so just butcher him and then on the second butcher you just ride him and there you go he's going to still be alive he's in your inventory you can go ahead to redo this again just drop him pick him up and then do the same exact thing and you can do this over and over and over again I believe there's about a 5% chance for legendary schematics so you want to just keep doing this until you get one and remember jeton he is going to drop you the legendary rocket launcher so he's definitely one of the best ones to do this with but we're going to be looking at all the really good schematics I've done it about four times already and I have not got it yet so let's try it one more time I don't really need to like sit here and grind it I already got it from him about two times and I think I've done this glitch about 30 times times on him so I mean if you just spend like 30 minutes doing this you're definitely going to get a couple and you also get all these other really useful materials too including the precious Dragon Stone which you can sell for a ton of gold anyways now that we have got the rocket launcher blueprint or you will after a little bit of doing that we're actually going to move on to the best armor in the game the pal metal armor now I actually haven't done this one yet but it is right up here I'll show you guys the cords when I get to it it's all the way in the desert there and of course I'm talking about paladas and necromus they have the best armor in the game the pal and get cold resistant armor and the pal inot heat resistant armor so we're going to go do the same exact thing to them we're going to go catch them and then we're going to bring them back to our base and butcher them over and over and over again it shouldn't take too long until they drop their legendary schematics so let's go find them all right it looks like here they are they don't look too big of a challenge but again if you're a lower level there are all kinds of ways to deal with these kind of people first of all the viewing cage method where you build a viewing cage and then you get inside of it there's the ramp method where you build up a big ramp and then they fall off of it either way there are tons of ways to deal with these two Pals right now these two bosses that if you're a lower level and you don't really feel like fighting them legitly you can just do like a Cheesy way to beat them but I'm going to catch them real quick and then we're going to bring them back butcher them and see how long it takes for us to get the legendary schematics there is also one other really secret kind of cool glitch that not too many people know about that I'm going to show when it is time to catch them and that pretty much makes you have unlimited really good balls so I only have 16 legendary Spears here and we're going to obviously need a lot more to catch these two so I'm going to show you guys a really cool Nifty glitch when it's about time to catch these guys when they're a little bit lower Health okay I actually did not know these two were so hard so I'm actually going to be using the viewing cage method if you guys have not seen this well take notes because that is what we are about to do you put down the viewing cage now I don't think the viewing cage is actually available on multiplayer servers but I'm going to be showing a multiplayer server at the end that I play on all the time and is really cool so if you guys need a multiplayer server make sure to skip to the end after you're done and check that one out but we're going to be using this viewing cage to easily catch these two Pals so what we do is we aggro them over there and then we're going to want to put ourselves Inside the Cage so in order to do that that's we go over here we throw our pal in the cage we back up a little bit we get on our pal don't build the cage we want to get on our pal it seems like he's a little busy attacking right now and then once you're on him you want to go inside here and drop him and then you can just pick him right back up and now these two Pals won't be aggroed on you at all so you can just sit back relax and uh kill them as many times as you want a lot of the time they stick through the the thing the little gate I don't know why they're not sticking through this time but they are glitched so I think we can just throw our pal right outside here and he should be doing most of the work all right now that we got him low enough to capture he's still in this little box glitch I am going to show you guys another glitch this one is really really easy and this is the unlimited palpar glitch hopefully he does not die to this fire okay great he's at 100 HP so what we're going to do is you need two different kinds of Spears for this one I'm just going to go over this one really quickly in case any you guys don't know about it you need a regular pal spere and then you need whatever pal spere you want to duplicate so we're going to be duplicating the legendary Spear and all you have to do oh looks like he got away a little bit hopefully we can get him without killing him oh my goodness he escaped the cage but pretty much all you have to do is right when you throw the spear you want to switch to the other one so we're going to attempt to catch this guy without our pal doing it and okay he killed this one Whatever we'll do it on this guy real quick pay attention boys pay attention cuz this is one of the most useful glitches in the entire game I'm just going to do it to this guy even though though we probably don't have a huge chance of catching him until I get him a little bit lower but pretty much you're going to want to throw the pal and then right after you throw the PO ball you want to switch using two or whatever it is on Xbox to the blue one and you should be able to duplicate it so remember we have 16 legendary Spears I know a lot is going on right now guys but try and pay attention so we're going to throw the spear and then switch right away so here we go we're holding in our hands oh my goodness if he could stand still for a second throw and then switch okay well that didn't work cuz he had too much HP but once we get him a little bit lower I'll show you guys what I'm talking about it is really really useful this is great now they is Frozen we throw and then switch right away and remember we had 15 of these we're down to 14 now watch this throw and then switch right away and boom we caught him even though it did not really work on the palpar glitch it only worked one time it's a little bit of a fine timing but you can throw it and it will actually stay in your inventory while using one of the blue pal spear so I'm going to try and do it one more time just like that and it's almost like that we're actually failing at doing it right now but if you throw it and switch it just the right time you can actually keep it in there while only using the boosters I can't get it again maybe I got a little bit worse at it it takes a little bit of practice but that's not the main point that that just helps you out a little bit with catching the spears but now that we actually caught one of the pals we actually caught necromus and he is going to give us the pal Ingot arm we're going to go back to our base and see how many SLS it takes now remember this is just the armor and the rocket launcher that we got from jet regon the rocket launcher from jet Ron and now we're going to get the pal metal armor blueprint from necromance which is the best armor in the entire game so I actually don't even have this yet I'm really really excited to get it now if you guys are wondering why I go away from my base every time I do this is because if another pal walks in front of you while you're doing this it will actually cancel the glitch and you won't be able to get anything so that is really really annoying and we do not want that to happen and we'll accidentally butcher our Pals all right one thing you don't want to forget is actually make sure you have a saddle for him or else it will not work and you'll just butcher the pal I almost forgot to do that but now that we have him away from base we're just going to butcher him and then ride him on the second slice there we go we'll hop on him and the really good thing about these Palace too is not only do they give you the legendary blueprints they actually give you a ton of really good stuff this pal in specific this gives you pal ingots which are incredibly useful and they take like forever to smell so this is a super super definitely one of my favorite Pals to slaughter now if you're looking for just gold or whatever then jron is probably the way to go since he drops those little dragon like purple things and they get you a ton of gold if you sell them but if you want like uh pal ingots or anything else like that or some Bea blueprints I think necr mass is definitely um good so let's see we've done it three times already we have not got any legendary blueprints you can get lucky and like get it on your first time you don't have to butcher him a certain amount of times or anything it's pretty much just luck base so you could butcher him a thousand times and not get anything or you can butcher him only four times like I did and I got the heat resistant metal pal armor schematic let's go definitely the best armor in the game right now so let's go catch the next one which is going to be the AR assault rifle now not just the one I have regular this is going to be the legendary one so the best weapon in the entire game so our next pal that we're going to be heading over to is all the way over here on the volcano he is basm mut he is going to provide us with the AR legendary schematic now forgive me if I'm saying every single one of their names completely wrong I know a lot of you guys get mad at that in the comments listen boys I know I know man I know it's it's a little bit hard but let's go catch let's get what's important the legendary golden AR this is like the golden um AR in fortnite like this is crazy I definitely need this gun and remember guys ammo is the main problem with guns so if you just butcher the jeton a few times you can sell all of his little purple stone things for ammo for money I mean and and then you can just buy the ammo so that's a really really quick way to get ammo now where where is this pal bro looks like he is a little hidden anyway here are my cords for the little cave that we're going to go in - 420 -600 and we're about to go in and hopefully catch him all right well it's trolling he actually was in here he's in this m shaft on the other side a little bit above it minus 438 minus 530 so we're going to go in here and catch him and hopefully we can get as lucky with this guy as we can with the uh with the first pal that we had the uh the necris cuz we got the legendary schematic and that guy in like two two seconds all right here he is remember guys don't take out your torch here during the day or else or during the night or else you'll start like bleeding to death I don't know in the new update they made it so like you can burn if like a fire pal is near you or something but hopefully my jet regon can just take care of this guy it seems like he's sleeping actually maybe maybe we'll just be able to go up and catch him really quick we have a 3% chance I've heard a lot of like newer players they get lucky with catching them just like this and uh that's not going to happen to us so lookss like we'll just have to do it oldfashioned way there we go got him down to 100 Health that should be an easy catch he's kind of annoying I hate catching these legendary BS cuz even with the best balls they like do not stay in like just just get inside my nut side bro there we go we finally caught him so let's go back home make his saddle and then see what we get from him and how many TI tries tries I mean it's going to take to try and get his AR whoops catching these boss is definitely the most annoying part cuz half the time I accidentally kill them and I know a lot of people also have that problem but once you get them you can butcher them super super quickly you can grind them really really quickly and it's actually really easy to get their blueprints this guy sad is actually really cheap compared to the last few Pals we caught too so we can make this one like really really fast and if you're on a multiplayer server again like I said I'm going to show you guys a server at the end of the vid if you need one to play on this is really useful to do but remember some servers don't really all low glitches and stuff so make sure you either you know keep it on the low key keep it on the down low or look at the rules and see if you're allowed to do this all right hopefully we get lucky with this guy and the AR is definitely something I need I don't even have it yet so remember slice twice and then hold F and you should be able to do it oh it looks like this guy doesn't really give you too much stuff he gives you precious claws which is like okay for selling but he is not as good as the other guys so in my opinion unless you're trying to go for the AR like I am I definitely do not suggest pushing this guy the last two Pals we did were much much better however let's see how many tries it will take us to get him so far we're on two tries and remember guys please please please please please do not do this near any other Pals because it is really easy to mess this up especially with the butcher knife when other pals are walking in front of you they're walking around the game like gets confused and it doesn't let you get on your pal and it just dest destroys him permanently so it's super super annoying and uh one positive I guess this guy's like really good for grinding out coal I'm really like curious how much those precious claws so for I have not sold one in a while so at the end of the vid before we uh look at the server on multiplayer we're going to actually go to one of the shops and sell everything that we got and let's see how much money we got from all this cuz we got a ton of the Dragon stones from jet regon we got a ton of other stuff from the last guy and now we're getting a ton of these precious gems we're getting a ton of coal and everything from this guy so not exactly what we want but they will be worth a lot of gold remember to also throw your pal out and pick him back up after every butcher or else he'll just keep falling through the four we are officially weighed down with all the items we have and we still have not got the AR yet so like I said I think it's about a 5% chance if you butcher them so pretty low but if you do this like 10 or so tries you probably should get it soon we're on about 10 tries right now let's drop some of that coal we don't really need that but the flame organs are nice those are kind of annoying to get and then also the precious claws which might sell for a lot I don't really know we're definitely going to see at the end of the vid how much everything sells for and we're actually going to be looking for the shotgun after this we still have not got it but remember guys the alternative to doing this if you want to look for uh regular like schematics like the regular way without cheating at all without doing this is you have to go and kill them over and over and over again and remember they only spawn once every hour so that would be horrible nobody wants to do that this is a really good way to skip that weight time you can do it in only like 5 minutes like the ones earlier only took us a few minutes each like 1 minute each for the pal this one's being a little bit difficult I think he has the same percent as the other two we're just getting a little bit unlucky so hopefully we can get him soon but doing this like normally would take literal days I've seen some people who took literal days to find the schematic they want and that is uh not what you want to be doing oh yes finally we got it after so many times look how many precious Claws and ancient civilization parts we finally got the assault rifle amazing so now we have the rocket launcher the pal metal armor and now the best weapon the assault rifle so now we're going to go get the shotgun and we are going to be all set with all the best legendary schematics in the entire game and only a few minutes of work all right the next one is suzaku this one is extremely easy to get and should drop the legendary shotgun I don't know how many times they're going to butcher him I'm kind of burnt out after the last one cuz that took forever with that guy but for the legendary assault rifle I guess it is kind of worth it so we're in the top right desert right now we're going to be looking for the like red bird kind of guy and he is going to give us the legendary shotgun maybe if if he doesn't like the first few butchers or whatever maybe we'll we we'll do it but we might have to call it a day I'm not going to lie I'm kind of getting annoyed with like Mass genociding these Pals all right to be honest I couldn't find it and it's kind of useless I don't really need the shotgun anyway now that I have the AR but let's go see how much we can sell everything we got and remember guess this wasn't even the main point to get gold if we wanted to get gold we could have just like slash a jet Ron for 20 minutes and had a million of it but let's see how much gold we got just from trying to find all the different schematics this is going to be a ton I will not be surprised if it's like over like 500,000 so all the dragon Stones they sell for 100,000 all of these sell for 155,000 Holy 46 more thousand and then two diamonds only 2,500 so we end up with about 400,000 gold that is not bad at all for just like an extra kind of side gift and we have all the different legendary schematics back at the base so now we can just be like decked out in all the best gear anyways I'm a dip guys but if you need a multiplayer server to play on I'm going to be playing on this one at the end of the video right here I'm going roll the vid for you guys make sure to join up if you want to play that
Channel: White Mamba PALWORLD
Views: 4,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pal, World, new Game, GOTY, pokemon, open world game, best palword, strategy, palworld strategy, palworld best, palworld best pokemon, palworld best beginning, palworld best items, palworld best playthrough, palworld gameplay
Id: u05MQPEiSgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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