ARSON UPDATE Live Plus Bulk Auction

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[Music] we're getting our sway on for sunday monday welcome back to our weekly sunday fun day live stream what a hails of a week one hails of a week i'm still smiling the smiling is my favorite we usually like to start off with the song jeremy's got a new one for you let's see if he remembers the lyrics [Music] i forgot you forgot already [Music] i took the hog [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you fix [Music] can you fix the hawk [Music] [Applause] [Music] now push down the tree i'll let savannah push down the trees ah let's ban now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] where are you at farmers [Music] [Applause] [Music] did [Music] [Music] can [Music] [Music] can you fix the paws [Music] when i'm breaking [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm actually very impressed he just sung that on the fly with no lyrics in front of him just on the fly it was really tough aggro john deere can you fix the hulk ag pro john deere can you fix the hulk aggro john deere can you fix the hulk when i break them in ball i got skills what can i say mad mad skill i got some serious skills we're both rocking our florida gear no i'm rocking captain fumble the f stands for fumble nuts not florida just to clarify yeah this is for fumble nuts jk super fan jk uh i think most of our fans are aware that if george and i ever die from a diamondback here in florida that we are bequeathing and that's not a fart term but we are bequeathing the channel i've never even heard that word before did you just make that up no uh to jk and debbie vaughn they are going to be the new captain fumble nuts and the miz you will find that out later this week ms fumble nuts shawna ooh are missing all kinds of oh okay you're up for this says agree with jane jeremy needs training wheels on the hog ain't that the truth appreciate it shawna oh my goodness we probably could use a little more gravity to keep it down on the ground too bc eagle deb sent five dollars says hope you're feeling better jeremy here's a contribution to the ag pro repair fund appreciate it deb farmer mark called me and he said jeremy you have done over three 000 dollars worth crazy on the brush so crazy the brush i'm just curious who calls it a brush and who calls it a bush hog on the brush hog i feel like it's the same thing and a new brush hog cost just a little bit over that and i told him i was like don't even don't repair it then not the brush hog repair everything else i broke but not the brush hog we'll continue cutting trails until it dies on us and then we'll kind of come up with a plan after that adam pertick has sent two dollars says florida made the channel way better oh florida you know what the heels is a storybook chapter one was storage units chapter two was coin pushers chapter three is florida florida and florida has been so much so much fun and we're trying to get all of our ohio family down here into florida as well adventure with the hudsons they were the first ones they were the courageous brands with the hudson's they're close to 3 000 subscribers now they're killing it they are killing them they are david of the junkyard sent two dollars says i have your hammock here waiting on you nice appreciate it david so florida is chapter three in the what the hills adventure story and it has been a hails of arrival it really really has we we've had such an incredible week with such incredible people yeah it's been incredible absolutely incredible now tonight we're live streaming on youtube and facebook the youtube so so we are we're putting the live stream out into two different realms yeah we've got a lot of fans on youtube that's where it all started and then we've got a lot of fans on facebook so it's carried over there we ju we uh we migrated over to facebook this past january only i mean really less than a month ago and we've picked up uh there are a ton a ton of facebook fans and so all of our facebook fans that are watching right now alongside with our youtube fans will be watching and and reading all of our our youtube comments we unfortunately were only human we can't watch both so youtube is what we really kind of focus on uh we truly appreciate you watching but we try and keep that zeroed in on youtube and for all of our facebook fans you have so many questions about videos you've seen those videos are all old like some people have asked those are all throwback videos those are throwbacks yeah some people have asked is there any follow-up to this this storage unit that you bought and we've replied yeah there's like four months of videos follow up all of the videos almost a thousand videos thus far are on the youtube channel what the hills and so subscribing how much does it cost to subscribe to our channel free y'all it's free all you do is click a button free with a capital f that's for captain fumble you read it here what the hell so it's all free it's all free we'll never ever charge you a thing never charge you a thing but you might you might get something as a matter of fact remember how we started the year george how did we start one of our lucky viewers is receiving well actually has already received 50 000 that's right we did the biggest reasons for storage the love yet yes which is kind of cool to bring that up because that was a pretty big one this week that was a big youtube channel kind of a spoiler alert because you won't get to see what happens with that money until mid of mid-year mid-year you'll get to see what happens zoe reeves sent five dollars says george be careful when you ride with jeremy on that tractor absolutely he goes super slow like one mile per hour not only do i need training wheels i need a side cart for george to kind of just clamp on so let's uh let's let's remind all of our viewers that um number one if you're not subscribed make sure you do and what else should they do george make sure you guys hit that bell and make sure you select all that way you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live on sundays we go live every sunday at 9 pm eastern standard and we release a new video every day at 5 30 p.m eastern standard time we still get comments on a daily basis i haven't seen you guys in months where have you been and we still respond the same way we release every single day although we missed a day this week we did miss a day because life got in the way but a lot of people reached out because they were concerned like is everything okay yes and we are going to give you a full update on the arson as well so the huge fire we're going to give you a big update on it but the best way to keep up with us is always to hit that notifications bell hit all and youtube will tell you every single time that we go live or release a video if you're not getting notified the best thing to do is go back unsubscribe re-subscribe hit alt sometimes i have to because i have my own personal youtube profile so whenever i don't get the notification from the main channel i'll go in there unsubscribe resubscribe make sure i hit the bell and select all blood sweat and sell sent five dollars says can't wait to meet you guys one day someday soon is he a fellow ohioan oh you don't remember remember he wasn't his name uh real talk mentor yeah so is it mentor ohio um that's a little bit of trivia for george tonight adventures with the hudson's just sent 4.99 purple mohawk coming soon and what what they mean by that is they told their viewers once they hit a thousand subscribers beth was going to dye jim's hair purple and give him a purple mohawk so that'll be fun that will be that'll be a lot of fun we've got a lot of updates for you guys tonight we do we are going to focus on the arson update we're going to let you know exactly what we know we will dive into that but before before that george has another super chat here mark sent ten dollars from austria says you should take out shares on john deere jeremy shares i should probably just try and buy the franchise at this point i don't know if it's for sale but but uh my goodness we we definitely did some damage this week but before before we get to the arson and uh before we get to talking about all the fun we had at robbie's place what's the very first thing that they got the viewers got to see this week we had a little challenge we did have a thrift store challenge because jeremy and i love to compete against each other because george loves to beat me [Laughter] joan curtis sent five dollars appreciate it joan so we went to the thrift stores we found an awesome thrift store uh the repurposed project in gainesville that was awesome that was awesome i i need oh she got back and she found out she didn't have the watches so our watches are there if you guys if you guys watched the video we did a bulk deal on a bunch of watches and watch bands they were never bagged so we're gonna auction them off tonight but we're not gonna be able to auction those off because they're still there but i do have another lot of watches from one of the other units that we got debbie von sent two dollars she said did you change your name to what the whales on aaa don't you change it to what the whales i kind of joke around and change appreciated every time i go on the aaa panel with the guys do you so we had a thrift store challenge george was killing it killing it and then the last place negotiations came up and i just tried to buy out the store and so tonight we're gonna find out who actually is more profitable in their purchasing is it team george or team jeremy because all those items that we purchased in that video on monday will be auctioned off to you except for the watches we're going because those are bad we're going back i did tell the girl that um the girl that was in the video that explained what their purpose is what their mission was um i did tell her that we would come back and that we were only like 50 minutes away from we told them we were gonna plan a whole day and try and buy the store out yeah carol nelson sent five dollars says hello george and jeremy i hope to meet you guys someday appreciate it honestly it's not that fun i promise you as a matter of fact ask leigh ann she spent the past two days with us she'd be like oh my goodness these idiots she she's probably she's probably like oh my i got to see them again [Laughter] leanne had the time of her life hanging out with us so so she said we asked her and you that that's in a future video but we did ask her that's you will see what leanne thinks about meeting us in person in a video this week so that's in an update but spoiler alert if you ever meet us in person so watching a video is very different than meeting us in person watching a video you see hours and hours and hours condensed down into here's the here's the package deal and so even even this week as you got to see us with our incredible florida family and i think you guys already you guys have already commented so many of you have said that the video that we released this week over at the get swamp ranch we were out there with adventures with the hudsons we out there with savannah with gatorland vlogs we were out there with robbie get swamped we were out there with farmer mark which farmer mark has created his own youtube channel now once he he did say tbd so the first time he was featured in our video he said tbd now is the time he did it this week so all the guys and you had you had uh you had ashlynn there was was there as well you also had john deere the john d john deere his name is john right and obviously from the deer and then obviously don't forget z-dog danny rossetti appreciated danny so if you guys haven't figured it out yet no matter who we've ever met in our youtube world we've always ended up giving them some kind of nickname somehow some way that's why debbie von asked did you change your name to what the whales because it still says oh whales i never chair she never changed it that was from aaa the other appreciated debbie i mean i just now recognized it by aa some of you may not realize that aaa is what we have so cocky's flipping adventures second sense and storage legends and myself we all have what we call auctions anonymous we we are so addicted to storage unit auctions that we come together every thursday night and then we have a we have a good time probably a little too good of a time at times so so we are i promise you we are what the hails but even though i just had some roast beef so i kind of feel like what the whale's right now i made some i made a pot roast and uh he had leftovers terry sent five dollars says from recovering amputee when do when do you get any work done and keep videos coming but it really does help appreciate it terry it is very difficult to get work done but today all we did was get work done so we did we did no videoing today because because we have enough videos for the next couple days and that's very rare that we are a few days ahead especially always florida that's always the case in ohio we were we were able to get two or three days ahead but but here in florida we've been lucky to be a day ahead because there's so much work to do so think of this and by the by the way this is one thing i want to emphasize i can't stand it it drives me nuts when people go jeremy you work too much and it drives me nuts like this because it'd be the same if i went up in your face and said you're too lazy you should do more work and so different people have different different needs and they're built differently i rest through work george she rests through sleep i love working i love obsessed with working he's a workaholic but then he's not a workaholic but then when you don't get sleep you become a grumpy grandpa stacy 64 sent five dollars says love you too how do i become a member you just hit subscribe so yeah we don't have any special memberships you just make sure you subscribe so we worked really hard this week we didn't we didn't film today but we were out at the git swamp ranch we had the time of our lives oh my gosh such a good time like i'm still smiling about it but before we get there we still have to talk about about the restorage the love project so do you want to give a little recap of our restored love project it is our least viewed video this week i spent three days nonstop around the clock getting no sleep editing it to make sure it was the best video we ever put out and it didn't get any i watched it and it hurt it brought tears to mind it hurt so bad that it did not get the views that i thought it deserved because it's one it is the heartbeat of who we are and what we want to be about so do you want to kind of recount well it was not not only was it a resource the love video but it changed kathy's life she explains in the video that it completely changed her life and she's just so blessed that lay's clear choice went above and beyond for her because she didn't think that anything would happen so we need to back let me catch up on some uh on some all right you catch up on super chats i'll catch us all up on derek dasher sent five dollars says will their final where will there finally be a florida gator lot yes there was last week there will tonight too there will be two tonight appreciate the five dollars so if everybody recalls last year i went in for lasik eye surgery i got my bionic eyes so i could see better in the storage units and if i can see better i can buy shade at trish for the three dollars if i can buy better we can generate more income if we can generate more income we can do more restoration of the love thanks can't see for the five it's our pay it forward program and so um clear choice came to me and they said hey we got a great idea we love what you're doing let's give away a free lasik eye surgery package so we had a video we found gold with second sense and in that video we said hey if you want free lasik all you got to do is this this this this we pulled the name it was kathy poddling all the way from boston massachusetts yeah so she's got that boston accent which i love okay so kathy flies to cleveland then what happens george kathy flies to cleveland along with her daughter back in november of 2020 was it i guess it all jumbles together she mentions it in the video but we um she went to her appointment come to find out that she's not a candidate and she just started crying like what what do you mean because she would get regular eye checkups working at uh walmart but the reason she wasn't a candidate is because they found cataracts baby cataracts baby cater so it was this it was the beginning stages of baby cataracts which is probably why they didn't catch it so they could have done lasik but really it wasn't going to help her long term what she really needed was cataract surgery and so so george and i still had the opportunity to meet with kathy we went out do you remember where we went out to dinner we met them at a restaurant uh we've never been to in broadview heights yep which is my old stomping ground and kathy brought us bags of candy literally bags of candy yeah we opened it on the following sunday night live but jeremy decided that he wanted to eat a lot of the candy before the sunday night live but even though kathy went back home to boston massachusetts without her lasik eye surgery oh i missed angie's super chat appreciated angie thank you angie we still told her we said hey uh claire lasik and i we were in in conversations in in what could happen in the months to follow and uh and so that was a super cool thing that um clear choice called kathy and said hey we'd like to do everything everything we didn't even see that coming everything i did says jeremy you had lasik now get your hearing checked [Laughter] so they bring kathy back from boston massachusetts and now not not only does she never have to wear glasses again she can see 2015 and her eyesight is even going to get better and he's going to refine and get better and better it's just coming from someone that's had lasik which i have being able to wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night and being able to see without having to fumble around and find your glasses is a huge blessing sarah byrd sent for five dollars says i watched the video and cried so much it was awesome thanks for continuing to bless people from snowy germany town it is ohio appreciate it sarah it might be one of our best videos ever and and kathy received over 12 000 eye care package but once you add transportation and and lodging and all of those car rentals i mean you're looking at you're looking at even more than that so that's why it's over twelve thousand dollar package and kathy texts me after i release the video she goes jeremy you're not gonna believe it my optometrist told me here in boston massachusetts this would have cost me thirty thousand dollars and the best part is kathy got it all for free that's restoraging the love pretty awesome from my perspective one of the best videos i think we've ever done if you haven't watched it watch it it was tuesday's video right it was tuesday's video that we released this week but a lot of you have said that the best video that we've ever done was actually thursday's video when uh when jeremy flipped the tractor all right so what happened what was the deal with that rosie's random treasure sent five dollars she said i nearly dropped my dentures when i saw she was from boston uh she lived about 20 minutes away from boston and now she lives in new hampshire very appreciate it rosie very very cool oh kathy pauline's actually in here is she yep i just saw her message she's in here anonymous person sent a dollar all right appreciate it so kathy is in the chat every donation counts you guys whether it's small or big if if you guys want to chat it up with kathy she's actually in the chat one of the coolest videos i think we've ever done ever done and and as george said she was crying while she watched it afterwards i spent three days editing it crying so you know that's that's the impact that that uh paying it forward in people's lives can have it really is it's it's life-changing and that's what we want to be about yeah and a lot of you have been asking about patients and christians so you got to hear christian interviewing her at the hotel room which was it was nice to hear his voice because i haven't we haven't seen them well you see that i see them every single you video chat with them every day adam uh turn bill sent two dollars says well you have exotic animals on your ranch appreciate it adam stay tuned stay tuned adam stay tuned you never know what the hell is gonna happen okay so wednesday on the ranch wednesday we go out to the get swamped ranch robbie if you haven't checked his channel out it's get swamped one of the things we promised last sunday is that you would find out exactly how i injured my hand robbie has released that video on his channel on get swamped okay so that video is exclusive there we explain exactly what happened as i as i injured my hand my hand's doing much better now much better much much better but george what do you have to say about the entire day lowell sent fifty dollars oh my wife and i love the whole restoration the love you guys are awesome love the idea pay it forward appreciate it very generous of you so we're out at get swamped what do you even what can we even say about that day i i already knew that the day was gonna be pretty awesome because we have we had like the entire gang there we had the adventures with the hudson's who were they were in florida anyways vacationing and then they made a pit stop to come so cool so cool yeah tina marie appreciate the dollar um which you guys will see them in a future video with us as well and then uh we knew that savannah was coming which we met her for the first time at gatorland which is our super fan bonnie bonnie who works at pearl eats at gatorland um linked us up latin lady sent five dollars says you guys are awesome with restoraging the love keep it up with the great videos stay safe and god bless appreciate it so and then we knew that um the guys from ag pro crystal river were gonna be there robbie had no clue romney had no idea i didn't get permission beforehand this was the cool part i literally called ag pro i was just gonna bring the tractor out and i had this idea i was like you know what these guys have been so awesome to me and so i called them and alex and mark got on the phone on speakerphone i said guys i got a crazy idea and i said if you're for it great if not i understand but i said i got another guy i want you to meet and um and i said how cool would it be we're going out to help him in his ranch he takes care of all these reptiles you know this is just a good thing for your business to be a part of ron richardson 25 appreciate it ron without hesitation i'm i'm i'm just telling without hesitation alex and mark both said we'll do it they said just tell us what you need we'll do it they said schedule the day precisely so we can schedule and they said we'll do it and then they call me back and they're like hey guess what farmer mark's on the phone he goes we're bringing a gator to the gator ranch i'm like what he goes yeah brand new gator we're bringing a gator brand new ram like a brand spanking miles on it never been driving before except to put it up on the up on the up on the trailer no not yet appreciate the two dollars what did you think of the gator it was really smooth like when when it when we were hitting like the bumps like you didn't even he you didn't even feel it it was so smooth um for everybody who says jeremy you need to buy georgia gator what do you have to say to them george jeremy wanted to get four-wheelers he wanted to get four-wheelers for the property and i was just like why don't we get a utv stay tuned stay tuned heidi sent five dollars says please find a coin pusher in florida i'm going through withdrawals i know i'm not alone you are not alone heidi but there's a tractor pusher how many trees do you have to push down so much to do in florida that when things settle down then we'll venture way our way out to find a coin pusher so hang tight that's coming soon i mean we're pushing so many trees over i just i don't get it i don't get it they're satisfied who needs a coin pusher we're literally pushing trees over i mean come on caleb sent five dollars says hi from ohio oh i appreciate it does florida have like a cool saying uh i haven't figured it out yet that's not really a saying that's listening no that's trying to smash mosquitoes sherry sent five dollars appreciate it sherry so we've been extremely fortunate do you remember telling me what your biggest fear coming down to florida was that uh well with our experience in ohio in the storage unit world we were like the enemy every every auction we went to we were the enemies so my biggest fear didn't want us filming because they were cheating the system or facilities were crooked or people were on disability and here they are they're buying storage units and now they're there and they're loading and they're cheating the system yeah there are some mean old people the thing we've always said the only people that don't want to be filmed are people who are trying to hide something sure karen sent five dollars says say hi to nurse ebb and toledo she loves you too appreciate it and hi evie nurse evie so then my one of my biggest fears was like oh gosh we have to start all over again and make new friends we made you see the part that you just skipped is oh we started this all in the storage unit on auctions but what happened is the facility started actually inviting us to come the auctioneers asked us to come the auctioneer started filming themselves everybody started filming the whole culture changed because of one little ridiculous channel called what the hell and so now we had this family and you you guys if you've been super fans over the years you've seen us spend tens of thousands of dollars to fly to other states to do collabs with other channels that frankly have done dumb things and we don't associate with anymore and they they'll go you're never gonna see us say anything negative about any of them in the videos even though they're gonna make videos and claim they're the victims let me be very clear they are the victims of their own actions their own stupidity period that's it and so for us it's like oh man we got to go to florida are we going to be able to make good friends that we can trust because we've already made youtube friends and then we couldn't trust them but then we we found ones that we could trust with conkey's flipping adventures and second sense and storage legends and we love them and we feel like they're family and adventures with the hudson's over in dayton and clear and queer thrifts and and so we were like man we we kind of created all this and we were coming to florida and then nothing and then i told savannah at robbie's place i was like savannah this all here it's all your fault let me catch up with some super chats and then we could do mail yeah rosie's random treasure says do y'all need a live and chicken i'll even attach a a prefab chef to the coop and make a tiny home appreciate it rosie they're all they're all they all like to touch each other when they're nesting like when they're when they're when they're roosting all four of them like are in that tiny corner yeah that's what they do we've been so fortunate down here in florida to to meet with savannah with gatorland vlogs she's been awesome i was on the phone with her today i was telling her i was like savannah you're part of the what the hell's family now to the to the fans you're just you you're there and they think of you as part of the extended what the hell's absolutely shauna sent five dollars says one of your videos you said you found a small gator on your land we did there's one over in the creek yeah stay tuned and then robbie everybody thinks robbie and i are brothers separated at birth anyway well you guys are brothers from another mother did we just become best friends linda claxton sent five dollars appreciate it so robbie robbie and my personality obviously i you see it on film it obviously it fits together like a glove yeah you guys uh have a banter and then and then you add savannah and georgian on that and then now you get farmer mark in on that and adventures with the hudson's who yeah if you close your eyes that's why teddy white and her maiden name was white like how random is that george sent five dollars says hi from canton ohio appreciate it george o-h so uh we did break the hawk smash really bad at robbie's and but a lot of it was before going to robbie's most of it was before going to robbie's just sent two dollars says hello george and jeremy thank you so much patty sent a five dollar super sticker appreciate it patty for our facebook viewers who are maybe extremely confused what the hawk smash is because you've not been watching current recent videos on youtube we bought we we did a video that was about a month ago we had we had 24 hours to spend a hundred thousand dollars and part of that was we gave away 50 000 and then we bought a tractor for 45 000 then we bought trailers two trailers that was an additional 12 000 then we bought a 500 gallon diesel tank and then we bought diesel we went over budget but it was fun it was fun and you'll get to see where the 50 000 went this really coming up coming up summer you'll get to see the impact of that fifty thousand dollar restoration love project james matthews sent five dollars says i missed the coin pusher videos you know what james we have a playlist re-watch them again and over and over feel free to re-watch them again okay so i gotta know before we get to the mail what was your favorite most fun part hanging out at the gift swamp ranch this week the entire day was just awesome no i said what was your favorite your favorite part i don't have a favorite it was just so much fun i watched before we went live usually usually before we go live i'm in the chat chatting it up and i even said i must have watched that video four times this week george typically doesn't watch the videos i will i just don't tell him i edit them so i spend so we video i spend all night editing and then and then get up next morning do the same thing so she literally she'll just be appreciate the ten dollars william last couple days she's just been laughing with earbuds and i'm like she's like i'm watching it again so the cool part is is gatorland vlogs uh savannah just released her version of that day which is different it's completely appreciate the four dollar super sticker through another lens on gatorland vlogs of that entire day which was awesome yep but uh so many of you said that's the best video we ever put out because frankly it's funny we've had a lot of fun fun videos that we've recorded but that one by far was probably my favorite and i think that's like the one because it wasn't storage units and it wasn't really it didn't feel like work it was a bunch of crazy people just laughing all day that's what it was it was literally a bunch of crazy people with cameras laughing all day all day yeah and i was as i was watching and i looked at your mouse like i feel like we were just picking on farmer mark the whole time but if we don't pick on you we don't like you if we like you we pick up farmer mark would be picking on me the entire time too shawna sent five dollars to savannah falling water falling i wish we would have caught that oh my goodness i can't appreciate it savannah tell them what happened right before she fell shut up savannah was getting the bodyboard and jumped out onto the bodyboard the bodyboard shot out savannah lost her balance towards robbie because she's about to fall in the gator palm there are third 11 gators and one crocodile as she was doing all this i've got jeremy's phone in my pocket i pulled it out and i'm like do you want me to record you you want me to and all of a sudden you hear savannah's good one i was so close to recording it everybody was just like mickey t sent five dollars says can't wait to see those raider gator wrastlin videos so appreciate it robbie robbie is gonna let me come along with uh with the get swamp team and we're going to be able to go out on the nuisance calls to relocate and rehome that'll be a fun experience oh my goodness it's going to be so much stinking fun so much fun now remember you can't just go out in florida and go go re-home or relocate a gator you have to have appropriate training you have to have appropriate honestly the right license you have to have license so robbie's coached and guided me through the process to get my licensing even then i can't go out on my own i have to be with robbie and so this isn't something we would ever encourage you to do even though you're going to see it on video uh even though you're going i want to see coin pushing dude you're gonna get to see gator hauling man adam sent five dollars says rule number one record everything every seat is rule number one you kill the battery though our batteries are dying non-stop anyway but yeah my goodness we had so much fun so much fun uh star sent five dollars says hi jeremy george from lakeland florida our famous saying is only in florida lol i believe you know what uh one of the things that we have been seeing is must be a florida thing appreciate it star probably is a florida thing so we had a ton of fun everybody who said that was the greatest video we've ever done i promise you there will be more i think uh i think robbie is probably in here right now i know he's in the chat i'm guessing robbie would probably promise you there will be more if savannah's in the chat she'd probably promise you there will be more farmer mark is in the chat he'll probably promise you there will be more there's so much chat we can't see everything but we do want to know whether you think it's brush hogging or bush hogging people are saying it's it's bush hogging if you haven't seen the video that we're talking about yet you just gotta jump on youtube what the hell's go to videos and it's i flipped my tractor and uh it it was a hails of a funny day really was jody winters sent two dollars says is robbie the only one who can hold little robbie love you i've no i've held him yeah the first time the first time we went there there was a video of me holding him yeah there's a video on the channel yeah he's very gentle unless you try and eat his bread i don't know who would attempt to do that but the stoop stroop sent five dollars says i i always love checking out the weekly adventures of florida they are fun yeah a lot of fun okay so we definitely we want to get the mail let's get the mail really quick and then we'll get into the arson update because that was a video that video came out tuesday right tuesday because we released uh i flipped my tractor on thursday and then friday uh i don't even know what friday was right now i can't remember and then saturday was she gave it all away because leanne we got to meet leanne and leanne gifted the storage unit to us that was awesome two units we've got through one so far even though you haven't gotten through one you've only seen one video of one unit but we've been able to go through one whole unit so far we've been working on that all day today sorting but there will be a whole nother unit there's more videos to come with leanne ton of fun i gotta play you the mail song yeah are you ready all right george has the mail all the mail that we had that you guys have sent this week and before we get to the mail it is the mail song [Music] why do you always cut [Applause] first i'm gonna open up this package i'm gonna go small to large if that's okay first package is from june all the way from franklin pennsylvania thank you june june kind of gave me a heads up that this was coming oh really yeah so june thanks for the heads up oh i see what it is i see what it is says dear george said i would send you some hope it helps now um it's if i'm saying this right is it it's an appointment for her thyroid cancer scar for my scar because my my scar has been like extremely sensitive it's inflamed it itches it burns it hurts and it's it's um every time she puts george's skin is extremely sensitive yeah i've tried so many different creams and nothing's made if i touch her right there she's going to get a blemish because i just touched her so and i think it doesn't help that my clothes is rubbing but i can't exactly not cover it up because it gets so everybody's going to tell you then put a bandage over it so you've got it which i have which i have done it and the adhesive on that irritates my skin i've tried everything so hopefully this helps i appreciate it june you're the best you want me to apply some now no because i want to be able to apply it and then and then have like a v-neck okay yeah so well i was thinking i would put some to just the next envelope is from john uh wyclius from enterprise alabama hopefully i didn't butcher your name john too too much should we let john know that uh no that it was postage due let's not let john doe postage do because john could have very easily just put that on and it wouldn't have been postage so wait let me show him okay we had we had to pay what was it six dollars in some absence yeah it was more than worth but it wasn't his fault it was the person at the post office that helped me wrong so they they they did it wrong this how cool is that look what john sent for george that's gonna go with my other elvis stamp collection super super cool today today i went and got uh propane for the camper we have two of the larger ran out of propane for the furnace last night and it got chilly and she was sleeping on the couch and i was sleeping on the bed so we switched and i had another plug-in heater which you're gonna you're gonna see more about this in the in the weeks to come we had a fire and we almost lost everything you will see especially as we're giving you an arson update tonight you will see so she unplugged the heater in the middle of night it got down to 40 degrees last night i woke up in the morning i could see my breath i'm like what's going on and she's out on the couch she's like [Music] because i i layer up and then i have two thick comforters on me and i wore shoes five hoodies she's under five comforters and she's like [Music] oh is that how i sound in love that's what it was that's okay next one i did take the packaging this is from youtube is from ben and renee jones oh this is eva it came from directly from it's from ebook trust me i prepped it for you to open it's from eva it's awesome it says for you see that for you i see it now it says george hope you and the girls like this oh you're gonna like it you're gonna like it oh my gosh how awesome is this it says welcome to george's chicken coop how awesome isn't that awesome that is awesome where are we gonna hang this uh on the inside let's see to protect it from the camper you want to put on the inside of the coop no we're putting on the outside of the coop okay how would anybody see it if it was on the inside chickens can't read this is definitely you can't reave eva the chicken can't read but you can't read this is fine this would be fine eva what you don't know is i have the gator sign hung up and as soon as you come into our drive hudson's adventures with the hudson's probably saw it as soon as you come into our drive the very first telephone pole it says gator cross gator crossing is super cool [Music] okay so love it thank you guys so much let's get into the arson update while you you catch up with some uh super chats and i'll catch everybody up with the arson update okay um dolphin sent five dollars says george and jeremy you are wonderful and you restored to the faith in people it's nice to know that there's still kind people out there appreciated dolphin two two four all right arson update so i got a call last sunday night and i got a call that there was another fire in otter creek now the very first fire that fire was in the beginning of december appreciate it dill hole appreciated bill smith so that fire was in the beginning of december this second fire was across the street literally literally across the street yeah thanks darlene now many people who have watched the arson again video have asked the question if it was empty why is there a car in front of it appreciated henry let me answer this for everybody who asked this question george what's the very first thing that we do when we know we're going to leave and we put something in the driveway what do we put in the driveway so people think we're there a car okay so there's common sense for everyone every single person who asked the question which was hundreds upon hundreds if not thousands if there's nobody living there why is there a car in the driveway that's the very first thing a person does to make somebody not appreciate it break into their home that they're not in is put a car in the driveway to make people think that they're home yeah it's very common that's that that's just common sense and i couldn't believe how many actual questions we got on that so there's a car parked there to make people think that you're there or they could have been storing another car how many times do we play with my multiple trucks your car and we play we play leap frog in the driveway it's like all right we'll leave this here move this there i mean to have another place to park another car sometimes i'd park another truck at the warehouse you name it so easiest thing in the world as so many asked why a car because common sense is going to tell you they're going to put it there because they want people to think somebody's there or they needed to store it okay so that's out of the way second thing have they determined a cause appreciated debbie dever now we know who everybody thinks did it right i mean we already know you viewers we know who you think did it the question is did somebody do it or did some thing do it that's the real question so what we can share with you has is what's been shared with us but as we share it with you we need you to know that it's come from one person to another person to us and we all know how telephone goes the the story gets altered down the line the story is always going to get altered and so we'll share with you what has been shared with us with the understanding that you have that you understand that that story no doubt has been altered you got another one you gotta shout out okay so oh another question was where's george in the arson uh video would you like to answer that question it was late at night when you went it was raining it was down pouring and i was back at the camper working sleeping so at any rate working sleeping and so at any rate sleeping so i got the call i was watching a movie oh working so at working sleeping i wasn't sleeping so i get the call i go out the entire town is there everybody is there and and this thing went up in flames and obviously if you are the owner across the street that already had a fire on your property the very first thing they said to us is oh man we thought our house was on fire and it ended up being the house across the street now thankfully number one nobody was in there so there were no personal there were no people injuries and that was a huge blessing no animals as well correct there was nothing so here's the other thing so many people said well maybe it was an electrical fire again this is what we've been told and you have to understand it's gone through multiple people to us what we were told okay is that all the breakers were flipped off in the house that's what we were told now whether that's the truth or not we don't know we we weren't there the we did not hear any of that firsthand from the person who said i flipped all the breakers off but what we were told is every breaker was flipped off in the house because nobody was living there so there was no opportunity for an electrical fire if that's true what we were told because a lot of people said well maybe it was an electrical fire so i think that eliminates the aspect of an electrical fire because breakers breakers were off now i didn't i didn't go in with the fire department and go look at the breakers and confirm they were off but what we were told breakers were off all right so let's see we got why is the car in there um where was george it wasn't an electrical fire uh we had others saying jeremy how dare you how dare you record uh let the let the let the officials do their job well i this is what i would have to say to those people number one you won't be commenting on any more of our videos number two you have every legal right to record any public official in our great nation not only do you have the right i say you have the responsibility to appreciate it bill so you have the responsibility to do so as well if you don't want to to take that that charge or that um that rally cry as far as the responsibility and the right to do so that's your prerogative that's okay but for me that's something i'm going to continue to do especially as we're in the realm of youtube especially as we're in a new town in a new state and we're finding out we're finding out what different people are capable of and and what the situations are and that there absolutely has to be accountability not only in the state in the county in the town there has to be accountability that's the way that you correct things with accountability and that's what a camera does mark twain i say i tell this to george all the time mark twain said it best don't ever get in a fight with a person who has a pen and people who will read them we don't use a pen we use a camera our camera is a pen and you are the readers so so the accountability there is huge and not only is the accountability huge the the opportunity to give accolades to those who came to help so you have cedar key fire department that was there responded amazing they're 15 minutes away chiefly fire department that responded amazing they're 15 minutes away bronson fire department that responded amazing 15 minutes away they did an incredible job so everybody's going well why doesn't otter creek have a fire department well here's the crazy thing they did they had a fire department and then previous previous leadership cut the funding they turned the fire department into the town hall it's actually it's a library is what it is so they have a town library the fire they got grant from my understanding they got grant money for water and then for fire department they shut down the fire department for funding the fire department now is a library for the town frankly i doubt anybody goes in there to read anything not probably not the best use whatsoever and again this is just my personal opinion probably not the best use of a town building so that being said that's why other locations actually have to come and help the fire department so what's the cause that's what everybody wants to know right do you have any more uh george sent five dollars says are you gonna get pat lemurs stay tuned george uh valerie sent five dollars says use aloe on your scar i've got sensitive skin too always have a plant handy yeah i'll definitely try that appreciate it valerie are we gonna get pat lemurs stay tuned who wants pet lemurs more me or you i think we both do no who wants them more me or you i think we both do it's mutual georgiana central i i want gators you want it all georgiana you want a zoo sent two dollars says it did look like charcoal in the car a lot of people are saying that there was charcoal in the car it definitely looked like charcoal in the car appreciate it without a doubt okay so here's what we've been told fire investigator came out all right fire investigator came out and again we were not told this by the fire investigator so i want to be very clear because so many people in this town tell us so many things and and frankly i think i think a lot i mean this is just it's telephone a lot gets distorted in the telling or gets twisted or gets painted or gets whatever it gets everybody has a version of something and we understand that that we take it all with a grain of salt and we go we'll figure it out ourselves but as we were told again we were not told by the fire investigator but as we were told that the fire investigator brought out dog it was a dog or dogs do you remember was it dogs or dog okay so it could we don't remember they're definitely we were told a dog and maybe multiple dogs that the dogs did sniff out what appeared to be used as accelerant and so dog sniffing appears to be accelerant but burning shingles can also give off the same scent as accelerant being used right because the main part of the house was all metal so if you look at the video again the home is metal roof appreciate it brian then we were also told that there was a carport right there and that carport did have shingles on it so fire investigator brings out a dog or dogs we can't recall we're trying to give it exactly as the way it was shared with us again this was not from the fire investigator this is third party could have been fourth party could but who knows how far down the line dog did did point at what appeared to be accelerant but accelerant that same that asphalt shingles can give off that same apparent scent for the dogs and it could signal the dog as well so from the last we knew last we've been told there is still undetermined as far as what the cause was is whether somebody could have done it or something could have done it we still do not know so many people are concerned for us because this is less than a mile from us it's right around the corner right around the corner literally right around the corner even though we have 70 acres there's still corners uh it's right around the corner and people are going you know are you guys safe are you okay i wanna i wanna make sure that everybody understands we have cameras everywhere everywhere not only here in florida but at the we have them in ohio we have them in florida we have them everywhere sheila sent ten dollars as a fellow cancer survivor cheers to you george appreciate it so much sheila now the one thing that he here's the one thing that we're never going to do and show on the channel we're never going to show you where all the cameras are some cameras are very obvious and most of the cameras are not on purpose we are never for our security our security plan doesn't mean we give you our codes our passwords our cameras that would breach our security so we're never going to give any of that information out to anybody period it's just not going to happen what we will share with you is we are helping others in the town jump on the same security measures that we take and and so i think that's helpful in regards to helping the town move forward and protecting people as well and so we've been able to be a part of that which we're happy to do to anybody in in the town we're happy to help protect the people and other than that uh we really don't have any information on it do we right now it's just undetermined undetermined if we get any more updates we'll definitely share with you guys rosie sent two dollars things that we'd be great pet fosters fosters of what pets lemurs or gators appreciate it rosie and should should i let them all know that we definitely are getting a gator what stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned we are did you hear the feeder just go off the feeder goes off every few several hours i'm just curious i'm just curious eventually the the wildlife is gonna they're gonna get used to that sound once the feeder releases the let's just see if anything is out there right now i'm just curious roger davey sent five dollars appreciate it roger uh definitely something out there right now do you want to guess what it is an oinker do you want to guess yeah oh there goes two babies oh my goodness okay hold on the little ones are so cute [Laughter] they just scurry they're this is what's going on out front right now see the babies oh the little white one this is what's going on out front look at the little white one you can see george's car and the lights are on that's where we're streaming they're right out in the front yard right now which is really not even a front yard i don't even know what you would call it it's a yard it's a yard but we show you that we have cameras everywhere ryan says we need some large cats we got that bobcat that we spotted on the property appreciate it brian we did have a fire after this fire you will see that in a follow-up video yeah okay that was very scary and and again we're not gonna give that all away right now you will see that in a follow-up video appreciate the five dollar super sticker ray bam all right thank you so much who's ready for the next segment i'm ready because you do most of the talking during the auction all right whoo i do the showing you do the talking and then you yeah you know what i think we really can switch roles that i should do the showing why is that five a five dollar super sticker appreciate it why because our deal is whenever we're on a live or whenever we film that i have to do 95 of the talking well because you're better at commentary that's what you did for a living it's not easy that's what you did for a living you're better at it it's not this it's not easy to talk this long well you make it seem easy it's a gift it's a gift that's for sure and then afterwards she's like i've never said that true okay i'll give you that all right guys it's time to get into our live auction if you've never attended one of our live uh streams or our live bulk auction we're going to go through the rules and then most importantly we're going to find out who bought better items to resell who made the most profit to resell yeah monday's video first things first make sure you guys are in live chat not top chat uh that's super important because then it helps us at home along with us see the chat as it goes in real time make sure you share with our facebook viewers what you're talking about all right pertaining yes if you are viewing from facebook you're more than welcome to just watch but if you want to bid make sure you hop on to youtube you do need to log in and uh write message put your bids in the chat in order to bid um i'm going to switch this over so that it's just youtube anyways only all of the lots that i show tonight there is a 25 minimum bid with free shipping here in the us if you live outside of the us you're more than welcome to bid but just keep in mind that you will be responsible for additional shipping costs based on the weight of the package in the dimensions it could vary anywhere from fifty dollars to a hundred dollars just know your country your country's custom laws and if there's any import fees our auction style is minute to win it so when jeremy says go you have one minute to put your bids in the chat and then once the timer goes once the timer ends flipping adventures who is our sold mod will type sold in the chat and then whoever the highest bidder is right before the time end will be the winner of that lot we ask that you immediately send us your information to what the hails at what we want is your youtube profile name your real name your mailing address the lot that you won and your high bid amount if you're the runner runner-up and you want to be considered the backup bidder please send us your information as well immediately and then um i'll be able to send you guys paypal invoices tomorrow morning keep in mind that everything is sold as is there's no guarantees no returns we auction things off to you as we find them in the unit or if we go thrifting we will do a practice lot so if this is new for you you'll get an idea of how it works in the chat also remember you have a chance to win a free lot at the end of the auction by answer being the first two i'll have two lucky winners tonight to answer the trivia question of the least viewed video of the week which we mentioned earlier i could just put in the link for all we were talking about a.a tonight he just put in the link for the the full playlist for the reason all the shenanigans of auctions anonymous so auctions anonymous just so our viewers understand that's where i really let go and let loose and um really can just hang out with the guys and have fun and laugh christiana sent five dollars says my kitty say hi to george hope you're feeling good appreciate the five dollars um keep it just a reminder please do not bid if you have no intentions of paying you will be banned that way um keep it fair for everyone so that you're not hiking prices and what i mean by b you will be banned is if you put in any any fake bids i can go in and ban you so that you can't leave comments anymore um and then as a as a best practice make sure you refresh in between every lot and then switch back to live chat you're ready to do a practice [Music] we're ready to roll yeah all right just a reminder to our facebook watchers we can only accept bids on youtube we can only watch one platform with appreciate the five dollars ashley any time so we encourage you to head over to youtube look up what the hell's subscribe and then click the all notifications button and then click on the live link and you'll be able to bid tonight yeah george sent five dollars says i think george loves lemurs more than the gators lemurs are easy to lost they are they're hard they're hard not to love appreciate it george that is true all right we're gonna do a little practice run here tonight okay uh and what we will do is we'll show you our system one minute to win it first if you're new here tonight we're gonna practice on an item and then we're gonna get into the actual lots the real auction lots okay so we'll be all set and ready to go what do we got for our first item here tonight we're gonna do a pretend this is for practice okay no do not auction off george's chicken coop this is pretend okay it's only pretend george would never auction this not really i will hang this tomorrow i'm gonna hang this tomorrow all right so uh we're gonna pretend auction off this is just for practice so you understand the system but we're going to pretend auction off georgia's chicken coop so you 25 starting bid just remember the terms of the auction 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states if you live outside the united states you're more than welcome to bid but you will have shipping charges make sure you know your your custom laws if you are bidding outside the united states for example if you bid a box bunch of knives and then they confiscate it we're not responsible for that everything is as is no guarantees and no returns biggest thing you got to remember you gotta bid quick you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go all right practice run right now practice run right now here on the sign joan just put in a hundred dollars oh man eva you could sell these things big time look at all this twenty thousand dollars evo you should send more we could sell these for twenty thousand dollars and put it towards three stores for love three pigs five lemurs i saw turtles and you guys all know i like buildings all right we got camels and chickens tons of ketchup bottles with 30 more seconds to go hey a thousand dollars worth of eggs three 37 and a half chickens hopefully it's the upper half and 4 000 ducks i do want to get ducks i'm gonna i was actually i should tell everybody i was looking for i was looking for pot belly pigs peacocks goats and many many horses although they're little divas i told you guys jeremy wants a zoo i was looking for a lot of different uh animals last night five million lemurs all right now we're waiting for flipping adventures to stay sold once she says sold no more bids are taken and in the chat it is gonna say gonna say it's getting stalled with the chickens okay all right that's how it works any bid after flipping adventurous has sold that does not count the bids are over and george i'm thinking we take the one billion lemurs that's a lot of lemurs there's a lot this could be a lot of bananas that i got a lot of banana so it shouldn't be a problem all right we're getting the very first lap uh george is yelling at me saying i've missed super chat so let's take a look here at what i missed on super chats when george gets the first block okay this is heavy carla ratliff five dollars thank you so much a lot of hard work goes into filming and editing love the videos love you all first channel watch four years ago thank you so much carla a lot of work does go into it we love doing it for you guys literally it's a scrapbook of our lives that we get to share with you and invite you to it is a ton of fun all right george is getting out the the first lot rosie's random treasures five dollars a goat and a camel so jeremy can marry you george gotta come from her dad rosie thank you so much okay all right now if you recall this is the lot of jewelry that i got and i've how many lots is this all one line or did you break it up this is one okay so one this is all one line this is all going to be one lot and there is a con a ton a ton of necklaces uh and when i say tan i mean a ton this is where we're going to find out this is probably like 30 pounds worth of feed this is where we're gonna find out who's the better buyer and reseller is it jeremy or george all right we got some more super chats coming in grammy ellis 299 from australia howdy hot hand now remember if you want to find out exactly what happened to my hand you got to go over to get swamp robbie have a video there we explain all we tell all and what wyatt richie just sent canadian five dollars thank you so much that's one loony and two toonies or five loonies thank you so much we appreciate it all right i'm gonna get full screen over to george so you can see this massive pile this has to be like 30 to 40 30 to 40 pounds justin just sent two dollars again sorry about missing your super chat justin got that one we appreciate it sorry to anyone if we missed your super chat now if anybody wants to make sure that jeremy wins and because he's the better buyer and reseller just bid high okay because this is one of my items right here shawna just said five dollars someone did a lot of flashing for all those b tests yes oh my goodness yes this is gonna be a huge mountain of beach yes yes they did this is a huge huge and this isn't even all of that huge mountain there is a lot and yeah there's no doubt there's no doubt somebody did a lot of flashing for all these beats some of you guys are lagging behind in the chat which means you need to repress now if you go i don't know how to refresh it's as simple as hitting the refresh button typically up in your upper left hand corner or the other thing you can do is you can actually shut down the live chat and then go back and click on it pop off and pop back on is the quickest way that's the easiest thing to do that is the easiest thing to do it's well wait there's more wait there's a bunch more oh it keeps coming it's raining bees it's raining there's an entire mountain uh allen said alan said your camera is going in and out are you hitting the cord well tighten it into the computer tighten it there it goes all right alex said somebody used beads somebody used beads to make a painting someone use beads to what make a painting you guys actually can't tell how tall this beat pile is yet i'll show it once i'm done latin lady i bet said mardi gras 1994 best time of my life came home with lots of beads uh sounds like it wasn't only your best time sounds like it was a lot of people's best times all right there is okay we could just keep going on and on with the bead pile that was it but um there's a lot of beads there are a lot of beads i think the metals are you're going in and out again because it's too close to like the metals of the beads all right i think we're good to actually get a get a bid here so a lot of beads we have no idea how many pounds of beads but you're getting them all if you saw the video on monday these are all the beads that i got you're getting everything remember 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states with your bid so it's 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states if you're outside the united states you're more than welcome to bid just make sure you know your custom laws and understand that you will also have you will also have shipping fees on top of that brian just sent two dollars otta creek should have a mardi gras parade they had some type of you have not seen the people of otter creek no they should not all right so that being said and if anybody from outer creek is watching it's just a joke we like being funny all right um and everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go here we go all the bees you are getting beads upon beads upon beads upon beads here we go this is the bead lock we got pam in that 25 dollars cameron is 25 without drake's at 50. 50 is high bid right now drinks runs in at 50. 50 is the high bid remember 25 dollars is the starting bid thomas hill came in at 50 as well surely pearl came at 25. we got 50s everywhere right now not gonna be enough ian's number one mom just 75 75 is my bid to ease number one she just loves the comments today says my dream in life is to hang out with jerry and george it might be a nightmare for you he is number one mom all right seventy-five dollars thomas hill's now 76 76 is the high bid george is cutting in and out in and out for some reason i have no idea why she still refuses to go and get a new camera all right we've got 76 is still the high bin 76 is still the high bid and from what i can tell 76 is still the high bid on the beads going twice thomas hills now in that 80. thomas hill is in an 80 barricade he came in at 75. thomas hill is that 80 barricaded 75. so wildlife rescue said 78 was the highest bid thomas hill at 80. i believe it is thomas hill family nerds just missed the snipe bit at 81 81 all right thomas hill you are high bidder at 80. thomas i have a feeling you got a lot of good plans ahead of you all right thomas here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send us your youtube name thomas hill your real name you're just the same thomas hill your bid 80 you're gonna tell us that it was the bead lot you're gonna send all that information we also need your shipping address you're gonna send all that information right there what the hell's at go ahead and send that email right now that way we know you are all set and ready to go back up bid was it bear kitty let's see who was back updated [Music] 78 whoever the backup bid oh okay the bear kitty says he was 76 andy okay so thomas if you were 76 and 80 then your bid of 76 is your winning bid we're not gonna let you bid against yourself like that and then i believe bear kitty is back up i believe bear kitty is back up then let me just double check on that let me double check yep it would be fair your high bidder at 75 kitty your backup bidder at 75 both of you can send your information boom right there what the hell's thomas your first pick at 76. for some reason we don't hear from thomas that it'll go to bear kitty for 75 i think thomas has a lot of fun times planned ahead of him yeah that's that's my guess here comes another lob all right the next slot if you guys remember when we did the um i got a bunch of purses and a bunch of toads so here's some p here's a patriotic purse another patriotic purse here's a cat themed purse and then here's a this looks new this is a um estee lauder type of bag and then there's a couple wallets in here now these wallets we found in the chiefland unit so i threw these into the lot and then this still has the tag on it american jewel it's a mesh tote bag it's got like a cool reflector in the center another one with the tag here's another wallet that we found in the chiefly units which are the the first units that we purchased once we got support first seven yeah there's another like a coin purse another wallet another wallet and then here's the tote bags that you guys might recognize let's say florida that was a pink one here's a purple one here's a bright green florida tote there's another patriotic florida so are you trying to say that you're really kind of cheating in regards to this uh thrift challenge because you're throwing stuff from storage units in well i want the lot i like the lots to be huge another patriotic she's patting her lot she's definitely patting her lot is a cute purse made out of a box that i found with a beaded handle and then here's a random mesh bag also found in the chieflin unit this bag that was found in the chiefling units some more pouch bags clinique and then this one and that's all of it second sense is in the house what up rob all right that is what did you call this the purse lock the bag tote bag purses and totes all right purses and totes if you want to toast your goats now's your opportunity to toast your goats i was just looking for goats i didn't find any but you can get the totes minus the goats 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go here we go this is the bag coach lot here we go we got shirley pearl in it 35 35 is high bid right now with shirley pearl jan came in at 25 charlotte pearl still having her at 35. i see a 50 by somebody it was tessa i think it was tessa chris allen's in that 100. chris allen is in a hundred so sewing dev came in at 100 as well chris allen still had been around 100 100 as i did right now 100 is the high bid right now 100 is a high bid tina marie rose came in at 99. we got 200 ibids ah that i can see so far there's a lot of bidding there it might help if i actually keep the actual clock straight jennica is now net 101. sewing debt came in at 130. she just jumped the bid 130 right now 130 right now sewing deb is 130 100 is 130 right now on the first coat lock we got about seven seconds to go 135 bid right now janet came in at 110 she's a little behind the 130 bid and let's see what happens when tito marie just came in 102 you guys might be lagging because the bid right now is 130 danica just came in at 131 who was sewing showing devil's 130 jennifer just came in at 131. so jannika's uh 131 let's see what's going to happen let's see what's going to happen and so janica jannika you got it nice nice job janica all right jannika i think you already know what to do jamaica you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid of 131 and then also you're going to tell us it was the purse tote lot you're going to send that right bam right there what tails and then i think backup bid let's see backup bid was i almost sewing deb seven to eight showing deb in my world this thing doesn't exist i'm just trying to point and hopefully i'm pointing at the right hand nice job guys all right george is bringing up the next loss she's got huge loss tonight huge loss but we had a lot of fun science matters oh my cow i don't remember buying all those i do we went to i bought caps at almost every store that we went to all right this is a george lot if you are team george and want george to win which we already know she's patting the lots with storage unit stuff if you want george to win this would be a george lot that goes to her tonight i'm giving her solo loyo here we go this is all of the caps and hats that um i was able to get from every store that we stopped at so it wasn't just one store it was multiple stores but this is a huge hat lot it's huge [Music] it's so huge the h is silent it's a big one this one's still definitely a big one definitely a big one just a reminder for our facebook viewers if you are watching from facebook right now we are streaming live on youtube and facebook because we can only watch one platform with bids the only bids we can accept are actually on youtube so if you want to jump over to our youtube channel it's just search for what the hails you'll find us we're the only one and then you want to hit subscribe you want to hit all notifications and then you'll find the live stream and you can jump in the actual chat just like you're jumping in the chat on facebook and you can bid just a reminder to all of our winners you'll send george an email george will actually email you an invoice tomorrow morning you have 72 hours to pay that invoice and then once you pay the invoice george will ship out your items and she'll give you a delivery confirmation number as well so you can track it know exactly where it's at another thing that we encourage you guys to do is network with each other so if someone in the chat wants to buy this particular hat whoever the highest bidder is if you decide that you're going to sell them you're more than welcome to share each other's information so that you can start networking and sell she did find a lot of cool hats i will give her that like every place we went she was buying up cats uh caps and hats and and i try to balance them on my head yeah she did do that as well ebay is a great place to sell house we've shared with you guys before we know some people all they do is sell hats that's it that's their livelihood on ebay and they make very very comfortable living just selling hats on ebay that's it and hats are easy to ship they're easy to package easy to ship the legend has retired this one still has wait is that my hat you want to rock that one is that my hat [Laughter] you ain't never gonna retire never am i right or retired retire i am retired i'm fun employed what are you talking about i get to do whatever i want to do every single day i get to do that no that's called retired you guys remember the betty boop i enjoy working here's here's the crazy thing about people okay vast majority of people do not enjoy working that's not that that's them that's not me so to go hey you know what jeremy because i don't enjoy working you shouldn't enjoy working or because i enjoy let's say you're a cat lover versus a dog lover because you're because you're a cat lover therefore jeremy should be a cat lover well life doesn't work like that my favorite color is yellow therefore your favorite color should be yellow or my favorite color is purple therefore jeremy your favorite color should be purple i can't see purple so that's the beauty of diversity of people we're all different i can't see purple you guys can so we're diverse that way i enjoy working as a matter of fact a lot of people think that work is the curse of sin for all of our religious viewers out there if you get biblical work isn't the cur isn't isn't a curse work is what god gave adam to give him purpose and work actually gives us purpose and i love it love it as a matter of fact before i met george i spent i don't know a good solid six months doing nothing it was the most boring time in my life i hated it i vowed never ever to do that again and with that being said bam back to george deborah mcleod five dollars prayer request jesus knows my dilemma please pray for me we'll be praying for you deborah appreciate the request not that anybody can hear george right now over the pile of hats last hatch that was a massive lot are you ready to auction them off yep yep yep yep all right ready to auction off uh kathy pauling just sent sent a chat as well she said i retired 10 years ago from nursing she goes i work every day because she loves it she loves she gets to work at one of the coolest places in the world and one of the tastiest places at the world and she gets to meet some of the coolest people in the world all right and they get to meet her because you gotta admit kathy is one of the coolest people in the world that we've ever met it's pretty awesome george is shaking her head yes all right 25 starting bid for the hat lot free shipping here in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you're seeing it all as it is there are a lot of hats right now you're probably asking how many hats i don't know there's a george a lot a lot of them it's a huge lot we did not count but you can take each one and sell them individually but if you're going to do that you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go hat lot tonight hat lot tonight here we go we're up for the hat lock we got adam hartman heart man made fifty five dollars fifty five thousand heart i just saw a hundred dollar bill i see another hundred dollar bill okay bear kitties at one twenty two hundred right now karen j is at 200. karen j is now at 200 high bid right now is 200 karen j put the gauntlet down to 200 200 for the hat lot and even that is a deal and a half that's a deal and a hat all right 200 as i did right now aaron breeding came in at 150 but 200 is the high bid high bid is 200 right now we got 20 more seconds to go two hundred's high bid on the hat lots that's with free shipping here in the united states jesse leels now 201 201 is the high bid with about 10 seconds left to go 201 for the hat lock 201 for the hat lock sean matt came in at 201 as well but you got to up it sean if you want in or shawnee you got it you got to win it you got to win it you got to go up not match 201 is high bid 201 is high bid 201 is still the high bid rosie says keep going keep going 201 is the high bid let's see what happens jk says it's the cap kappa hat this is that barbecue just gave it a tooth barbtee barb key just sniped it just got the snipe in at 2 30 before flipping adventure said so wow wow barb cheese getting her sight on tonight okay barb t you know what to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 230. and then you're going to say it's for the cap and a hat hat and a cat just reminder you're going to email now and then george will send you out an invoice you'll be able to pay any which way on your invoice whether it be credit card debit card whatever and then once that george gets that payment she'll wrap it all up ship it to you and then you'll get that delivery confirmation number as well or excuse me tracking number tracking number and then back up bitter on that as george oh looks like we got a gator lot this is the first gator lot gator lot number one it looks like barb t was high bidder at 2 30. who was who was my first 201 just he was 201 i see 200 karen was at 200. the first shirt was a large this one's a medium i think i think jessie leo was the first bit at 201. excuse me so jesse you would be backup bitter on the hat lot on the hat lot all right giving full screen to george this is a gator lock yes now all the gator items in here um was from leanne's unit we didn't show the clothes so these clothes are from leanne's unit she gave it all away and a lot of this is going to be from her brother her brother who passed away so leanne shared in the unit that her mom passed away then her dad passed away and her brother passed away and she was restorating the love to us so what we'll do with the sales of these items we'll be able to take those funds and put it right back into restorating the love for others like we love to do so leanne's been a vital part of that as she's gifted this unit to us medium yes there's a lot of cool gator gear yeah there is so this will be the first uh florida gator lot and then the second one is gonna be a second chance florida gator lot there are a lot of florida gators most of them live at robbie's place they got it made those gators there and the crocs have it made oh they they're spoiled they are spoiled this one's a large that's the florida gator club yeah robbie spoils those there's a 2 000 this is a large yeah they get fed really well jk said somebody just bought a hoodie [Music] i think we might have some more hoodies right over here coming along sally said good night 4 a.m comes early have a good evening sally and new york new york lock said not spoiled with robbie's feet in those water haven't had my nasty feet in there yet this is a large this is a jacket lynn says thank you to the person who just bought a hoodie yes thank you so much yes appreciate it for those who buy hoodies and you wonder where does all that money go it goes to george another t-shirt size x-large now this one this one's autographed this jersey is autographed number one do you see who the name is on the back number one what's the name ryan's show the whole name you're not in the screen now see if the autograph matches the name it's hard to read it well i know it's like one squiggly like yours i know neither of us know how to read but do you see does that say tebow t-bow i don't know i don't know i thought he was a different number number three i was joking that was my sarcasm that's the medium was my sarcasm showing you're crazy is this is one of those you are my crazy but it's kind of broken you'll probably need a replacement plastic but here's a gator flag does anybody know whose autograph number one is there here's like a garden stone one of those marianne potter said tyler is number one yeah it kind of looks like t-y t-y i did see a t-y yeah she could be right and then here's a gators nest i thought this was really cool and it has the florida gators license plate deborah said you know you guys are spoiling to spoil those gators too that's why you're going there it is fun it's so much fun i want to take i want to be able to take a nap on tebow the way uh robbie does senses other people when we come here's a gators a little fan fan here's a commemorative sports illustrated national champions 2006. sports another sports illustrated on florida gators national championships you get this lovely couple you could probably just set them on the shelf you just showed us up her dress thank you and then bam that's tim tebow there he is i know tim tebow that isn't tim isn't robbie's screen saver on his phone t-ball the gator or the gator the gator or the alligator no this dude might be here's a gators championship recipe book florida's first sect title the inside story and then the little flags that come with the cute little couple and that's it that's a big lot it's a huge lot all right so this is florida gator florida gator number one number one this is florida gator lot number one we don't know who the autograph is we do know because leanne told us that her brother was a huge huge fan so this is just some of the stuff coming out of the unit um some really really cool stuff so gator lot number one some really cool stuff if you're a florida gator fan and some older stuff too so you guys know as far as the sports stuff goes the older stuff does pretty well barbtee sent five dollars gotta buy and run if you want a hat i'll put my email in the chat i like that if you want a hat email in the chat all right so if anybody want to buy a hat from barb t she's going to put her email in the chat and you'll be all set and ready to go all right gator lot number one just remember it is 25 starting bid that's with free shipping here in the united states and if you're welcome to bid if you're outside the united states you'll have additional shipping fees also everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you get just as much time as we get when we buy a storage unit and you're looking at it you're trying to assess and you're trying to go should i buy it the answer is yes it's just you got to assess how much for all right and then also uh you got a bit you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go florida gator lot let's see what you guys got for the florida gators one minute to go plexus just said facebook is lagging switched over to youtube gale hole scent patties tony is number one caddy is dill hole figured it out thank you so much dill hole all right patty hendricks is at 125 david came in at 25 penny hendricks came in at 125 and then we also have microphones came in at 100. high bid is still 125. microphones came in at 100 we still have oh ian's number one mom is now 126. must be that tebow picture ryan albert myers came in at 499 for the love of god put some florida fsu gear on robert we will see what happens ian's number one mom is so high that are at 126. bear kitty is hiding her at 1 30 now patty came in at 125 barricaded he's at 130. bear kitty is high that are at 130. edward sheehan just put put your bid back in so we can understand it you use the comma we're not sure we understand it we can't accept it if you can't understand it all right and then we saw ian's number one mom is number one mom is high better at 131 131 jannika just came to 135. 135 as i bid what they're sold to jannika jannika got it janica got it man is that the second one she got tonight yeah whoa janica on a roll all right janica your high bidder at 135 135 jannika she just put in another bit too as a snipe but that's okay you should already want it all right jannika you know what to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address your bid amount which i believe was 130 david just said somebody got a great deal yep you sure did uh 135 jannika you're going to say 135 and then you're also going to say it's gator lot number one gator lot number one now back up bitter i believe was bear kitty let me check nope ian's number one mom ian's number one mom your backup bidder at 131 131 ian's number one mom so you can send all that information right about [Music] there did i get right about did i get it right that was gator lot number one there is another gator law this is a second chance we had a gator lot last week unfortunately the buyer was unable to pay and so you get a second chance at this gator lot this is a huge lot too it is a huge lot it's so big i'm just gonna give george the entire screen here we go that ball actually has gator skin on it look at that yeah it's really cool look at that gator skin baby gators are a pretty big uh big deal down here oh it's huge pretty big deal i do like the the you you like the logo yeah robbie has that logo on his fence did you notice that i sure did do you think we should get that logo on the uh on the warehouse that we build no i think we should do something you know nobody can hear you [Music] she says no gator on the warehouse what do you think we should put on the warehouse then we have to think about it we still have to brainstorm that's under armour isn't it this is a nike team yeah those are really nice this is xl if it was a 2xl i might have to wear it if i didn't have a dab on it it's got a cool design down below with the nike swoop that's a really nice shirt here's one of those promo uh towels that they give you at the games here's a nike dry fit size large this one's a nice one too if that was your size you'd wear that one too right hails to the yes it's a nice one this is probably like a rug yeah a little rug for your door area if you're a gator and you're inviting the gators in like we would invite the gators on our property we like gators right do you think do you think any gators are out out front right now so something that i learned this week is that crocodiles don't have a tongue but gators do that was in the video yeah did not know that do you think there's gators out front right now with the pigs no it's too cold huh what if i pull up a video and i show you a gator out front with the pigs um i don't think so i don't think that'll happen no like i said it's too cold here's a long sleeve sweater x large here's a floor national 96 champs polo this is a size x large and then this this uh blanket is really nice here's a soft fleece blanket gators logo the baby pigs are having fun eating out there everybody's so concerned baby pigs grow up to be big pigs we're not concerned about that we're actually feeding them we are feeding them and you will find out why in the future it'll be a future video actually robbie's helping us so it's not you might be thinking jeremy is crazy it's not just it's not just us robbie's helping here's an umbrella it doesn't look like this has ever been used you know what they're thinking now jeremy and robbie are crazy you both are nuts yeah here's a gator shot glass there's the blue and orange color this is like a bracelet in all the good ways here's a wooden gator now remember that bottom comes out you you do you move something and then the bottom like poops out something it goes so that pops out pops a little poopy made in alaska alvin said me and robbie are both nuts made from the same tree [Laughter] here's a little patch and then the last thing from this slot is this drawing that could be a famous artist for all we know yeah new york lock said get the four cedar gator four-seater gator that was a nice gator if it's a big enough gator six people can sit on it tebow would be big enough right over at ronnie's place well when when the ladies and when zoli took all the ladies to go get snacks there was five of us on that gator listen z dog all of a sudden i was like where are all the ladies where's z-dog z-dog just turned 20. smartest guy i've ever met in my life he had every single one of those ladies on that gator he's like come on ladies and he had every single one of them on that on that gator i was like that is one smart dude right there all right this is gator lot number two he got his snack on we went and got gator lot number two all right 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns you've got a bit fast you got a bit furious you got one minute to win it gator lot number two let's do this gator lot number two z dog is the man z dog was the smart one all right amy says jeremy you're goofy and oh air breathing says the artist is w perry dole all right anita is in at 55.55 high bid right now anita nina's 55 you know guy 14 says jeremy y'all living in florida right now dude you have got four months of videos because it's not five or six lori hayes is now at 50 50 is high bid right now no auntie just stole 55. but you guys have been catholic is now 60. sean bennett is now 65. jennica came in at 140. jennica just jumped the bid to 140. janet come jump the bid to 140. let's see what happens here 140 140 deal hole said party dole is the artist jannika just jumped the bid 140 with five four three two one janica still high bidder all right here we go jennifer's still behind bitter at 140. she's scared everybody off everybody off katherine peavey came catherine b came back at 80. jannika scared them all off that's a great way to get items is jump the bid leave everybody in shock because it was going to get there anyway soul janaka got she is on a roll yeah she is she is on a roll jannika you know exactly what to do youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount of one i think it was 140 and then wait let me check let me check because i'm out of bed it is 140 and then gator lot number two gator lot number two remember if you want to buy any of these gator items from jannika we can't we can't guarantee that you would sell but you can give your email in the actual chat and then you can talk to danica and see what that's all about what that would take and then we just had a super chat avery catches 369. do we have coins up for sale tonight we do have money which is good just put it there in front of the camera if you guys remember watching the video where she gave it all away all right so saturday's video saturday's video you guys remember this i thought it was uh private paperwork and then we opened it and it definitely was paper it's not private paperwork uh leanne's brother was collecting money from around the world around the world somebody just asked who was um uh where to go somebody just asked who was the dark-haired lady in the gator video was that jane jeremy who's the lady with the dark hair in the gator video that's ashton george ashley she comes out and she volunteers over at robbie's ranch so one of the things that george and i are doing is we're volunteering we're helping at robbie's ranch once a week as well and so robbie has different people come in and help and work with the animals and that's one of the things we're doing as well we have so much fun out there with them and so ashton is out there she knows her stuff she's very knowledgeable very very knowledgeable her son was there too except you didn't get to see your son he's eight years old this is the money lot this is the collectible foreign money lab collectible foreign money law so a lot of times a lot of times what we do with the money well actually all the time what we do with the foreign money is i give that to my oldest daughter right so this is the first time we've ever this is the first time we've actually auctioned off money george and i were talking leanne's intent was restorage the love and so we were talking i was like well i can't give this to my oldest daughter that's not the intent of it it's not restored to the love so we went we need to we need to auction off the money to the viewers and then use the funds for restores the love because that's leanne's intent of giving the storage unit so that's why you are actually seeing collectible money not go to my daughter for the for the super fans you all know all the collectible money goes to my daughter but this wasn't intended for my daughter this was intended for the restorage the love project and movement yes and every every bill is in a protective sleeve and it's definitely been taken very good care of very very cool very very cool collecting pieces there none of these have been folded these are crisp doll chris bills from whatever country they came from new york lock says i opened a free safe with a pile of old cotton paper money whoa nice wow nice nice we haven't done the research either on what the value of these are so this could be just keep in mind we haven't researched any of this that's your opportunity to do right now you should be on your ebay app while you're watching going whoa that one's worth this much this one's worth this much what we have done is we've received it as a restorative love gift from leanne we brought it back to the ranch we worked on sorting it today and we probably got i'd say a quarter of it sorted maybe uh just the one unit she's donating two units and and so this was one of the things we pulled out and we want this to go for the restorage the love movement not to my daughter because i know so many of you know every time we find money i go oh this is going to chelsea this is going to chelsea and so right now some of you are going whoa i thought that all goes to your daughter this is the intent was restorage love we want to keep it in the intended gift for restoration to love and i'm going to give you all full screen because you're gonna have to switch back because i'm done and then you get to keep this little that's where he was keeping all the plugs the little organizer this accordion uh file it comes with the with the line and that's how we found it that's what that's what it was in and there's one thing there's an extra protector that's one of the things we we get so many negative comments on videos sometimes when we find money they're like you never find money nobody would ever keep money in a storage unit and we asked leanne because that was the cool thing leanne is she was there to vouch yeah she's there to guide you to pack everything so quickly because the household so we said leanne does anybody ever leave money in their storage unit liam does anybody ever leave gold in their storage unit silver in the storage unit yup we found both silver and gold in the unit yeah and we let her take keep any um anything she wanted especially if there was pictures or important paperwork this this is a cool lot yeah it really is if if my daughter is out there watching you can bid chels this one isn't on dad you can bid all right that being said 25 starting bid you've been going is there 25 worth of money there we don't know we have no clue but it's still 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns we can't guarantee anything about this honestly i can't even read most of them but i think they look really really cool you know what would be really cool like we were decorating out on the screen porch if we start if we start decorating with foreign money you know how some people put one dollar bills everywhere yeah instead of send it to chelsea we should start hanging foreign money out on the screenport we just leanne we just hung all of your cast iron pans pot or the frying pans we just hung them up on the screened in porch we're gonna have to send you a picture and show you it's so cool it's so cool all right back to the actual auction though okay um leon did say we could keep things if we wanted to keep them so we were like we did the cast iron is too heavy to ship to you guys cast iron doesn't work that much we didn't want to throw it away we used it as decoration so uh 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you got one minute to win it here we go you can put your email in the chat you sure can you're ken uh if i don't see it then others will approve it all right i see fifty dollars seventy five dollars i see a hundred dollars i saw a hundred dollar bid another hundred dollar bid i see a hundred dollar bids all over the place right now i see 100 bids everywhere i don't know who was the first hundred dollar bid but there was a bunch of them a bunch of them catalina lynn is now 110. pamela lynn is at 110 he is number one mom is at 150. 150 is a high dollar bid right now 150 as i've been for this rare money from around the world there are 100 bids everywhere 13 25 120 130 is the high bid 155 now jenny's nifty 13 treasures is 155. now catherine p is at 160. 160 for this collectible money 160 right now is the high bid high bid on the foreign money lot with six seven i mean five i was going the wrong way i got too excited 116 187 is the high bid right now 187 is high bid right now here we go 187 i think everybody got it look at all of these snipes that missed his number one mom's fight 200 missed it missed it missed it tom holland sniped 200 nascar fan this type 199 missed it oh man all of these it was i believe it was aaron breden i believe it was aaron 187. i believe it is you aaron 187 nice job nice job rape it 170 and said 170 and send it to your daughter aaron breeding got it though thanks so much for your sentiment there and your intent ray air breeding you know what to do you're going to send your youtube name real name shipping address you're going to send a lot uh which is the collectible money the foreign money yeah these are all crisp bills these are all chris bills that he collected yeah so let us know aaron uh what the value is once you do that that would be really cool george just said let us know the value once you do the research that'd be really cool or whether you're going to keep it or whether you're going to sell it but uh really really cool all right aaron uh backup bitter i don't even know who backup bidder is that was intense there that one was intense uh if we haven't shown it yet which i don't believe we did i believe it's in a future video there are foreign coins as well but you haven't seen them yet and we didn't find them again in the trailer all right this is this is this is the tv sitcom this is the series the series the people have been begging for the bone series this is all from the thrifting this is a lot that i came up with so if you want to help me win this one in the world this one's still sealed this is the way to help me win right now hero is still sealed free bird says i was in the navy i have coins from over 20 countries awesome wow that's really cool i i should ask chels how many because chelsea went through that collection of two years of everything we look this one still has the price tag people really wanted this born this bone season one here's season two season three yeah they were they were what about little house on the prairie yep they've been begging for that too dill hole said you missed my chat sorry about that dill hole lots of lots of things going on right now appreciate it the whole here's full house the complete first season here's the complete second season of full house battle star galactica season beats battlestar galactica [Music] come on you gotta admit this was pretty cool here's willing grace fred tv coming soon check coin start every time you go past i have 150 coins from all other countries we do we check them in walmarts jen taught us that yeah yeah we always check the reject the reject um slot and then we also check up top pamela has coins from over 100 countries working on getting bills from over 100 countries so cool that is really cool it's just cool stuff it really is it's so cool this is a huge lot of tv sitcoms sonic i love me some sonic south park paul just said where are you all at now i thought you guys were in worcester paul you have months and months of videos to catch up on you have completely and totally missed five four six months of videos paul all kinds of things in here rick and morty jannika did your did your email post i didn't see if it went through or not spin city the osbournes i never watched that big bang theory duck dynasty i know you watched that no never watch duck dynasty either what have you of course well barely there's a live concert american choppers i've watched that and then these are the uh dvds that don't have a case big being big band theory willing grace friends scrubs breaking bad orange is the new black orange is the new black that 70s show that 70s show ben 10 family guy family guy and family guy and that's it all right that is a huge lot i mean if it's like in the negative degrees where you're at right now or if you've got snow and you're snowed in ah this will get you this will get you through a week's worth if not a month's worth if not all winter's worth so there's a lot here to view and by a lot i do mean pun intended by that and remember this is stuff i found so if you want me to win this little challenge i mean don't i deserve a win once in a while just once in a while all right uh lots going on here now just a reminder that we did not put every disc in and test them as a matter of fact we didn't put any disc in and test them the only thing we've done is opened up the cases made sure they're in there and then shared with you the those ones that don't have cases so this is a 25 starting bid that's free shipping in the united states we will ship outside of the united states just remember it's not free shipping though there will be shipping charges outside the united states also you need to know your customs laws so if customs confiscates your package we have we can't do anything about that you need to know your laws before you bid everything is as is no guarantees no returns so for example if you buy from us and then the discs are scratched and they don't work we don't know that they are we don't know that they're not either we haven't we have not looked at the disc we haven't tried them but everything is as is no guarantees no return so bid appropriately and accordingly that being said there's a lot of interest in this lot you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you literally only have one minute to win it here we go this is the season's live the seasons whatever it is all kinds of series tv series richard is in that forty dollars governor bill's at 75.75 is a lot big right now and and i saw a hundred i thought 175 anita is at 175. if anybody's a higher than 175 put in again so i can see it 175 is a high bid right now anita anita shales at 175 80 miller's at 190. 80 190. and janika said dear man i did send you an email on my lots thanks so much danica and 190 is my bid right now tammy p is at 195. 10p is at 195. david is now 200. david's at 200 on the dvd tv series lot david is at 200 200 live mid right now that's with free shipping here in the united states with seven six five four three two one two hundred and survive in 200 is still the high bid here we go 200 is still the high bid and 201. terry p is now at 201 air breed is not 217 217 right now so that aaron braden eric brennan has got her tonight on tonight bam nice air breeding 217 wow all right aaron breeden you know exactly what to do aaron you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 217 and the item which is the tv series lot to what the hails aaron knew what she was biting on she knows the value of it and oh bear kitty got into snipe i think bear kitty is lagging bear kitty is lagging for sure and um if you want to send a message feel free but might have been might have been tammy p at 201. dogma guy says mr hales do you still have the bb gun you recently found you sure do you might even see it tonight no i said might you might even see it tonight all right the next slot is an afghan quit line afghan quilt blankets did you wash them we don't have a washer and dryer she's i asked if she washed them i don't know if you guys can hear her now she's six feet from the microphone you guys always say you can't hear her as it is anyways so um she says we don't even have a washer and dryer so no we have not washed them they are as is the one that we got from the repurposed project actually smells good she's sniffing one right now it doesn't have a funky smell you want a sniff but this is this is a king size quilt that we got from the re what is it the repurposed we think it's a king size we can't guarantee anything we did not measure it but she's saying it smells good and i'm gonna see if she'll smell my armpits and see what she thinks about that so here's the first quilt very pretty and then the flip side here's the flip side but you can get an idea of what the pattern looks like i think somebody left a message on the video and said that that's called the jacob's ladder pattern which we don't know are patterns and if we said it wrong whoops it's really pretty okay so that's the and quilt here's another quilt this one i don't know the size this one where'd this one come from this came from one of the chief one units so that one's from a chiefly unit again we've not washed them she's sniffing this one doesn't my sense of smell is not that great she just picked her nose my nose itched she picked it she wiped it on this afghan i did not quilt i did not wipe my i did not this quilt comes with a george this one comes with two george boogers false here's the other side of the blanket or the quilt it's just like a a light tan this one is probably twin sized [Music] and then here's an afghan which i believe came from one of the chieflin units as well that was a nice afghan yeah this one's really nice it's got the little fringes at the bottom silver wheel says bonus boogers this this one is probably twin size as well again we have absolutely no idea on sizes we did not measure any of these you're just doing it yes these are guesses and that is all they are everything is at your own risk because we did not measure it all right i'm ready all right looks like you're getting two quilts and an afghan in this slot two quilts in an afghan again just a reminder we have no idea what the actual sizes are even if george did say a size that means nothing you go jeremy why are you even saying that why are you correcting george because we already know or i know because i have to go through all your messages that we're going to have 50 people complain that about the size so that being said as is no guarantees no returns it is all an estimate it's a guess we do not know we did not measure and you've got literally 25 starting bid free shipping you literally have one minute to win it let's go here we go here we go on the on the afghans and the the blankets we'll just say it's the blankets debbie bond wants to bid on the boogers i'll send you i'll send you some for free debbie they're everywhere sure the pearl's in at 110. charlotte pearl's in that 110 habit is 110 uh adventures kicking out 100 now anita shales at 175. 175 is not i did right now jane lord came in 100 as well 175 still high did 175's live bid right now shannon fights give me at 100. 175 is still live good to be 175 is on i've been to beat with about 30 seconds left to go shirley pearl is now at 200. surely pearl put the gauntlet up into 200 veronica's in the house veronica came in at 50 dollars surely pearl is high bidder high better at 200 pound last states came in at 200 as well surely pearl's still high bidder shoulder pearl still high bidder at 200 200 live head that's with free shipping here in the united states jenny's nifty thrifty treasures is now 220 with five and four and three two treasures at 2 one jenny's nifty 30 treasures still at 220. 220. now shirley pearl's at 225 225 katherine cooper came in at 225 shirley pearl charlotte pearl charlie pearl road trip shirley pearl shirley would you like to come and pick them up local pickup rooms now everybody's thinking why would jeremy even say that because shirley would always pick up at the warehouse when she won because she lived nearby so surely i really think you should probably come to florida and pick up but if it's too far of a trip we can ship it to you so shirley nice job nice nice job shirley you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address definitely your shipping address this time your bid amount and the blanket lot if you can send that right over to what the heels at back up bitter don't even worry about it shirley is a great great bidder now if we can get her down here that would be even better i think her and randy would love it all right next slot is a military lot if you guys remember we found a cane this so many it looks like a mini box boxing so many people asked about this this says genuine leather and then there's some fur on the inside and then you lift this up and bam united states army this is a walking stick or walking cane deputy vaughn says that cane is so cool it says bridges on the side let's see pamela says i've been 2 30 before the sold let me check who who said that let me check pamela youtube is going to show you we we go through this every single week with bidders youtube is going to show your bid above you we don't know why it doesn't youtube is going to show your chat above actual other chats in the on your screen it was literally only on your screen the reason why we do not chat in the chat during the auction and that flipping adventures it says sold because that's all live real time so when you go back and watch this you're going to watch the replay you're going to see that your bid was actually after it's sold out you gotta make sure she's watching the replay in live chat so so as far as your screen showed that your 230 was before sold but in the real actual live chat that i'm watching because i'm not i'm not chatting again we don't know why youtube bounces it it bumps it up only for you at your house where you're watching it'll bump your comment up for us it's undersold that's what we have to go by when you re-watch the replay you'll see it just like that because it'll show you in real time in the real play in the replay it won't show you what you saw tonight so that's that's why that's how it goes the military jacket's a size large and we found that in one of the chieflin units and then this the united states army cane was found in a different unit and that's it all right so we got the cane we got the dog tags we got the jacket what's the other thing it's like this little pouch and we got a military pouch the cane is what everybody really wants the cane is what everybody wants all right 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you're getting the entire military lot there the cane is what everybody wants you got one minute to win it let's do this um wait hold a second let's do this you got one minute to win it here we go one minute to win it we got richard in at 30 richardson at 30 and i believe bill martin is in that 175 175 right now is the high bid bill martin says 175 for the father-in-law 175 for the father-in-law pamela came in at 100 175 is the bid to beat right now 175 is the bid to beat roy or ray came in at 1 100. pamela came in at 135 bill said yes 175 bill martin is in at 175 buying as a gift for his father-in-law 175 wants that walking stick without a doubt 175 is the high bid right now brad boyd came in at 125. pamela is at 135. bill martin's at 175. 175 is the bid to beat jeff just came in at 176. 176 is the high bid now 176 is the high bid and richard came in at 150. karen b is now 180. 180. 180 is the high bid 180's i bid with karen b care b is high bidder at 180 and mark just gave it a 255. 255. bill martin came in at 178. mark cannon came in at 255. bill martin came in at 178 bart came in at 2 55. so mark you got it man mark got it at 255. nice job nice job all right mark here's what you're gonna do mark you're gonna send your youtube name even if it's the same as your real name your shipping address and you're gonna put your bid amount 255 and you're going to say the military lot you're gonna send that all right about there i think right there okay you're gonna send it what the hell's that go ahead and send that email right now that'd be great and then george is going to send you an invoice tomorrow you can pay you'll just click on that link you'll be able to pay once georgie gets paid she'll have that shipped all out to you you'll be all set to go should give you a tracking number and everything back up bidder was there was a lot of interest in that bill bill martin was at 178 karen b was at 180. i think yep karen b you're back up bitter at 180 karen b you're back up bitter at 180. you can go ahead and send an email as well just in case they have a backup bid or something happens then i would like the item uh if mark doesn't pay i want the item at 180 you can go ahead and send an email we'll be all set ready to go oh looks like we got a keychain but then some of the other ones in here were found throughout all of the units that we bought we purchased here in florida so from the chieflin unit like pretty much every every storage unit was bought they were random keychains are very collectible there's quite a bit there's even a a key fob in here that i'm going to throw jordan do you think i should wear my shorts like this for grandpa grandpa humble nuts yes i don't think i can hike them up hike them up right there put them on the old gut shelf and i can set my phone up there something except my phone there now with the keychain lot look at that i can set my drink on the on the gut shelf look at that are you are you showing this to the viewers right now no this is just between me and you there's a baltimore keychain there's some i didn't go through these we just we bought it from the repurposed project and i threw it all together so there's a couple keys in here some of these solid brass ones so for good night there's a kermit the frog keychain here's a keychain within a keychain someone was collecting keychains it looks like they may have collected keychains in different states that they visited here's cheers from boston canada nova scotia massachusetts i can't say that new hampshire new york boston this one looks like a bottle opener hershey oh that's really cool it's a key hershey pennsylvania a huge lot of keychains have a tampa philly cigar look that looks like the voodoo doll you made of me with your armpit hairs believe it or not but key sell too i was looking on ebay and people would do like key lock look here's a lexus all right i'm ready i'm not gonna shut it off you're not samuel adams that looks like the drunk drawer that we find in storage units super cool for all your texans it says texas not george swamp head brewery big taste small footprint i thought you were you you just said you weren't going to shovel them all not all right apparently she's not going to show them all and then she's going to be like look at this all right so you've got all of these key chains anything that's in there at all it all goes one money so we don't know everything that's in there but there's a lot of cool stuff in there if you like to sort if you like keychains bam there it is uh keychains of themself is that a pacman ghost this looks like a pacman ghost and it looks like you put batteries in it that's super cool she said she wasn't going to show them all i don't know if it's a pac-man ghost or not okay all right so you get the the whole keychain lot here it is 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states also also uh everything is as is no guarantees no returns we have not checked any of these as a matter of fact as george just told you that you're just getting whatever is in there that's what you're getting there's some cool stuff in there some stuff may be great some stuff may need a little bit of work some stuff maybe garbage bit appropriately you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go here we go this is we're calling it the keychain lock yeah the keychain lock this is the keychain lock all right leonard's in at 75.75 is not good right now karen b came in at 35 to 100. we landed in at 75. the land is in seventy five seventy five is the highest bid brad tv coming soon is not 100.000 coming soon 100 was about 30 seconds left to go remember free shipping here in the united states pamela is now 110. pamela is out 110. jenny's nifty thrifting treasures can you confirm your bid i have a feeling that's not what you wanted to bid all right she retracted all right that's probably better pamela is high better right now 110. 110 is high better sherry is at 110 as well jenny's nifty thrifty treasures 125 with 10 seconds to go 125 that seems better that seems more reasonable 125 is a high bid right now 125 with one second left to go we got fred's tv 111. jen's nifty thrifting 125. jk i have five keys jan brock third 130 130 jan got it for 130. jan you are the high you're the one all right jan you are the high bidder for a hundred and thirty dollars hundred thirty dollars jan uh so what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bit amount 130 and then also you're going to say you're going to send all that right [Music] was uh back up bitter was somebody's fault yeah there was one in there back up bitters was jenny's nifty thrifty treasure so if you want to send us a message as well feel free now if you saw a keychain in there you're like well i saw john deere keychain i saw the ghost keychain i saw kermit the frog feel free to share your information in the chat with the buyer we can't guarantee that they will sell but we give you the opportunity to network and buy from one another if there is one in that lot that you wanted that's why we do this is so that resellers can sell individual items we're giving it all to you in bulk and then resellers can piece it out so feel free to contact uh the winning bidder and say hey i really like that dear one for example what do you have here george this was the wallet lot that we got wallets the replacement project wallet it's wallets and bags now this was what i negotiated and purchased so this one goes to me so if you want to help me win this competition now we didn't check the inside so there could be money so if you find money great don't tell us now if you find money do tell us that'd be awesome for us to hear so this is all the bags all the wallets i'm piling it all up she's just throwing it in it's a combination of wallets and medium-sized bags liam wants to know i'm making a mountain um jan we did not get the email yet yep what the hell is at we did not get the email yet that doesn't mean you didn't send it it just means it's not nerf oh you know what is in the spam all right i am going to move that to inbox this is a huge lot of wallets and bags yes i thought i'd moved it to the inbox yeah there it is jan i do i have your email just says jan brock but we don't have any of your actual information in it it just says keychain lot so what we need is just for me we need your mailing address for george can't can't really do anything for you as far as getting it to you so we need your youtube name your real name your shipping address we need your bid amount and then we also need the keychain lot so send another email send all that info please all right back to george here's a vera bradley i'm not going to show them all i did a pan over the pile that i created i'll do another pan you think i did a good job negotiating that buy there's a ton of bags back here ton of bags back here it's a huge lot [Music] all right i'm ready she says she's ready she just hasn't told me what she's ready for so i'm gonna just start the bidding just because she didn't tell me what she's ready for remember this is one of the things that i purchased and the more you bid the more i can rub it into george later if i can win this one if i can pull this one out for the win all right 25 sorry bid free shipping here in the united states shipping to other countries as well but you will have to pay additional shipping fees make sure you know your customer laws everything is as is no guarantees and no returns and you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go one minute to win it we got looks like we might have a bill martin bidda 87 not resident sleepers they're not 100 resident sleepers and now 100 with free shipping here in the united states president sleepers got 100 bid right now we got a 50 10 bid which means nothing because they have to start at 25 dollars so deb is in that 43 resident sleeper is at 100 bids right now 100 bid right now 100 bid elvis presley jr says this would be great for the flea market sewing debt is now at 101 101 they're going jeremy we don't want you to win we don't want you to win jeremy except for jk jk says this is the please help jeremy winlock all right 101. 101 is the high bid right now so we've dev728 101 as i did right now with seven six five four three two one all right valve came in at 75 bucks but that's not going to do it wayne nash is now at 102. 102. now family nerds is that 110. cameron dinner is that 110 rosie's random treasures at 125 catholic priests at 105. it's rosie's random treasures 125 rosie's random treasures wow all the bits came at the end they were all waiting rosie's random treasures rosie you are the wiener winner winner rosie you are the poor huh rosie got it for 125. rosie you know exactly what to do send it all right there roughly right there nice job rosie thanks for helping me win rosie do you think i'm winning are you going to do a total at the end and go this was jeremy's and this was george's and find out who generated more money i think you absolutely have to we have to know okay who was the better thrifter you started out so stinking strong and i couldn't find nothing and then i killed it at the end i was like we should have just came here all right i'll take that and that and that and that yes i'll have all of that and how about all of this someone had messaged us the next day and was like i wish i would have known you guys were so close to me please save some inventory for me yeah we did we did end up taking quite a bit we did yeah service chihuahua says we all want to know who won so you're going to have to total it at the end you're going to have to go this was jeremy's lot this was george's law and we got to have a total at the end all right and if need be uh there can be donations to help jeremy's lot go even higher and they can be from me so i can send the super chat or a donation from myself to help my total grow up all right this is the watch lot from the drug addict that is in jail yes majority of the watches in this lot is from that unit but i threw in some pocket watches that have been found in different units so this is a geneva now the one that is not in here is the rolex correct correct which we don't believe is a real rolex we don't believe it's a real rolex this is a wes clocks pocket watch there's another pocket watch that's still in the box this one has an eagle design on it this one is a limited edition commemorative quartz jan we did get your email with all your information on the keychains thank you so much rosie says i'll be right back gotta go send my email there's a quartz watch there was a bracelet found in the unit so i threw that in there here's the face of a guest watch silver wheels we have no idea why you were timed out but a lot of people are getting time uh your email to say quick way to lose a bidder and a subscriber inappropriate and that can get you blocked and timed out so that's not the right way to go about it we have no idea why it's out of our control it's not it's not something that we can do it's a youtube thing or it's a moderator thing so if your moderator thought that you said something that was inappropriate they can time you out but they probably didn't it's probably just youtube donati but i will i will openly say this and and i have no apologies in saying this if that's the way you're going to handle it the email that you sent us with that type of attitude honestly we would prefer that you just don't so um it's out of our control but it's not the way to handle it paul jordan going through your emails here's charms geneva here's a timex expedition it does need a new band no boundaries this one per capita i use a new band and then there are some backings that i use can i be part of the new band sure sweet sweet i did throw in some backings that was found in the unit so you'll get these as well and that's it okay all right this is the watch live the watch live if you are watching this is the watch lot all right so now you're watching the watch lot now you get the bid on the watch slot remember 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees and no returns we have not checked all of these we have not put new batteries in them did you do anything to them george she's shaking her head no we have done nothing these are as we found them bit appropriately and accordingly because this is exactly as we found them in the storage unit you a bit fast you got a bit furious robbie's calling me right now and he knows he knows we're on a live stream you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it and hold a second i gotta hang up on robbie because his number is showing all right here we go one minute to win it one minute to win it here we go all right we got leonard joe uh leland is in a 75 75's right now fred tv coming soon is at 100. hunter is what i did right now bill martin is at 125 125 it is 125 is the high bid right now 125. 125 on the watch this watch pamela wins in at 120. 125 is still a high bid to be tron bennett is now at 155. lloyd is now at 165.50 lloyd's at 165.50 lloyd davidson is now at 165.50 all right lord he's at 165.50 on the watches lot watches 165 50 joe hold just sent a super chat good night all he'll be back don't worry 165 50 deloitte 165.50 right now the lloyd with five four three two sean is now at 166. sean's at 166. 166 right now with sean 166 right now with sean let's see what happens here who's gonna snipe who's gonna snipe sean is high bidder right now with 166 166 on the watch lot and and so so sean got it sean got it uh robbie just and said market tomorrow if we want to go uh sean market the largest flea market in the state of florida uh sean you are the highest bidder and you know what to do already you know to send all your info right over there to george and then george will get you out the invoice and then once she get the paid invoice then um [Music] then she'll send you out your package so that was the watch squat do you have another lot no it's time for the free line free lot it's time for the freebies do should we talk about who was the better drifter yeah we need toes before we get to the free lot we gotta have toes we have to have totals tonight all right all right she's gonna come back let's see what we get as far as totals she's gonna add it all up oh man i feel like i really got this one in the back i actually feel like i got this all right i i did calculate it while we did the last launch well she was doing some calculations there was jeremy had the party beads yes i had the purses and the totes not to mention the party beads actually come with a whole lot more fun too so really we're not taking that fun into calculations i have the caps and the hats the two florida gator lots don't count correct because we didn't thrift for those we didn't thrift for those the foreign money doesn't count because we didn't we didn't either the tv sitcom dvds was yours which was awesome awesome the quilt lot was mine you did well on that i'll admit that the military cane it doesn't count because we didn't thrift for that was it a storage unit the assorted keychains was mine you did hold a second how did you get assorted keychains was that yours or mine where'd they come from from the from the repurposed project yeah you i negotiated you didn't appreciate the price okay so i'm going to give that to you look at that she just tried to take the key chains from me why i found them dilhole just said i found them you just negotiated for me i okay i'll give it to you i bought them and then see you all see you later alligator he'll be back he'll be back after a while we'll be back he be back so he'll be back after a while crocodiles all right so you get the sort of keychains yeah and then you get the assorted wallets and the bags which did pretty good with that the men's pocket watches and watches don't count because those weren't thrifted either okay okay so i'm gonna total it up real quick okay so you got one two three four so you have four lots and i have three okay so now you're gonna call it unfair because i had four lots no three no okay all right i'll see what you got where are you going let's see where so of the four lots jeremy's total came to 548 548 i want to thank all of you all of the jeremy team fans thank you so much nothing but love nothing more and then i got one two three lots so i'm gonna go three calculate that really 548 because of you guys that was pretty amazing of the three lots that i auction off my total comes to 586 dollars right let me write that down because i gotta document it i gotta document my winning you gotta be kidding me so i beat you by thirty eight dollars shirley pearl you did not you did not bid on my items but you went for her blankets so close so close next challenge i'm finding every quilt out the ladies love the tote bags and the ladies like anybody who wants to put in a 38 super chat right now to make it a tie you feel free a tie for team jeremy wow no a tie for team fumble nuts wow all right who's ready for the free lot you have the question they're all ready yeah i have the free questions okay so two lucky winners and thirty eight dollars now the the free gift yeah i won my penny i won by a penny yes [Music] you just made captain fumble nights night avery i won by a penny that's all it took they deserve a hulk fist fist pump yeah a one by a penny all right now the free the free giveaways come from the units that we that we got from the chief i'd like to know how it feels to lose george i hope you win i tell him all the time i hope you win how does it feel for your first loss ever did i lose no actually i lost big time this week they haven't seen all that they haven't seen it yet spoiler alert so back to the giveaway okay we found a simply guitar learn to play jeremy didn't need it i asked him if you wanted to he said no i know the best songs it's it's it includes a 48-page book i mean this appears to be new and still sealed so hopefully everything's in there it comes with three guitar picks 30 turn and learn chord flash cards and then 12 of fretboard stickers and you can win it tonight so if you if you win this tonight and you teach yourself how to play the guitar maybe one day you and jeremy can have a duo sean bennett says sean says it was over after the last sold i didn't know i didn't know he was our judge now robert myers just sent a buck 99 for georgetown you've got to be kidding me i'm in the lead by a dollar ninety-nine now no you're in the lead by a dollar ninety-eight because i was in the lead by not by a penny so now robert just took my win away robert took my win away give me that fist give me the fist here comes robert robert took my win away wow robert took my win away so i lost by a dollar 98. so the next the next free giveaway avery just sent five more dollars another five and i'm pretty sure it's towards you maybe no no terry said george wins you stole the key chains oh my goodness i found it i had it in my hand and i just said you can negotiate for me but i'll give it to you i'll give it to you okay okay this is this comes with the coa who taught you how to throw this is elsie that's the doll name ashley just sent a five dollar super sticker are we gonna show the down hold on a second yes here's the doll who taught you how to thrift george my parents your baba my peers your baba your alibaba this now this doll appears to be still new in the box never been taken but the seal was open so whoever is the first one to answer you get first dibs on what the prize is that you want and uh the real prizes once you learn how to play guitar you can have a duo with jeremy i'm just gonna have a banjo all right so super cool videos this week um we had so much fun this week and and probably one of the most the one of the videos i'm most proud of is the restoration love with kathy yeah it's just amazing it was an amazing roller coaster ride of emotions but beyond that from flying to cleveland not getting lasik then getting something even better that would restore her sight in better ways than she ever imagined and then the reality is it changed her life it's our least viewed video of the week if you're gonna watch it i promise you you're gonna cry and if you need a good cry it's a great video to watch for a good cry uh it changed her life yeah but it was our least viewed which is just so odd to me because it's just so good it is and i'm really proud of of the way everything worked out i'm so happy and so thrilled for kathy so the question this week actually comes from that that video and uh the question is simply this kathy being from oh christine just sent buck99 i bet you sending that for me you give her a fist pump wham she didn't say anything but i'm just guessing he's just gonna introduce you i'm just guessing uh kathy was a retired nurse and uh she's just she's just a joy to be around she has a lot of fun her and her daughter yeah they're a blast absolutely a blast although kathleen is a retired nurse she's still working here's what i want to know where is she working you got a minute to give us an answer yes you have a minute to put your answers in the chat it's in the video where is i want the exact answer it's got to be the exact answer it's got to be the exact answer [Music] 36 seconds left continue to put your answers in the chat walmart what do you think she's a greeter i see walmart i see all kinds i see cataracts that's what she had i see i watched the video i cried it was wonderful flipping adventures put in the link for the video oh appreciate it this yeah she's just it's an amazing amazing video amazing video six seconds left five seconds left three two one sls said it's gotta be uh walmart walmart vision the answer is not walmart vision good catch that is a really good guess because she did mention that she did mention that she did mention that uh we see things like uh oh bill martin said five dollars for jeremy yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's a win i'm not the only one that won because liz barnes said kane's donuts and that is correct that is correct that is correct liz you were the first one with the right answer it is cain's donuts listen now your info liz is the daughter of dorothy is it dorothy liz's mom gave us the first unit for free for restoraging the love when we got down here in florida so cool so so yeah all right so listen all of your information to us what the hell's at so liz's mom was teasing her that she got to meet us first yeah she was when liz is the one who introduced her mom to us bonnie fleming just sent five dollars for george oh my god no rosie just said five dollars for george of course rosie's gonna look out for me [Laughter] you people you people what do you mean you people that's what i mean you people all you people trying to beat me up all the time all the time all right um you guys are awesome liz great job it was it was kane's donut as a matter of fact her boss made her bring free donuts for everybody at clear choice which was awesome what a what a precious gift as as kathy was receiving a gift she also brought it it's a well-known donut shop apparently now laurie hayes said donuts and i'm not going to accept that because it wasn't the voice i want the exact answer so grandma susan was this the second one with kane's great job grandma susan grandma susan go ahead the next the next lady that's only because i haven't gone on livestream with her and taught her how to do youtube yet she's only doing dollars you're not helping yourself you're not helping yourself thanks danny danny you want me to help look at aaron breeden says jeremy i see judith moore hold on seven five dollars says for george this hurts see so with aaron with air we gave aaron my favorite five dollars says george us girls have to stick together you people you people aaron's on my side look at what jaclyn just sent whoa [Laughter] oh my gosh yes the super chat wave is going on the bill martin just sent me 11. surely shirley pearl karen lowell sent a three dollar super sticker appreciate you shirley patricia just sent me twenty dollars trisha shirley i taught you ebay i taught you ebay shirley we both did i taught you ebay i would hand deliver shirley's lots for her that's true that's true oh my goodness so are we basically do we even know who's winning now do we even know who's winning we don't okay we don't we do know that liz won the first item grandma susan you won the sex second not sex second item the grandma susan i apologize for the stutter though that shirley just sent you five bucks yeah now we're talking shirley that's better that is better oh my gosh you guys are a riot you guys are too much you guys are too much so grandma susan send us your information as well janica oh my goodness janica it's not right there's nothing out girl not right at all we don't do we have any guys left in the chat but you know a little male support here we still have over 2 400 people flipping adventures five dollars for the chickens they're the real winners they are silly as it sounds we love having the chickens on the property love it when they're following you all around and having a blast they're just like they're like pets that they do they bring people that poop out breakfast all right 50 george is the greatest oh my goodness and avery said 25 i'm broke sorry this is the last one jeremy's win nice you guys are incredible oh my goodness if this was your first live this you just witnessed this competition super chat wave chris just said five dollars we do have some more guys out there oh my goodness what do you think we should end tonight on a lullaby oh here we go for you colin ten dollars it's for it's jeremy's not all the money's for you george barefoot last 4.99 for george [Music] if you if you think jeremy one time jeremy if this was your first live hopefully you guys had fun with us and you'll be back thank jeremy one time jeremy tina says okay we need a total for the video i'm gonna have to go back and watch the replay and add it all up if you think jeremy won and not the egyptian hun if you think jeremy one time jeremy oh the one flying landlady says jeremy won everyone's singing george george george when terry says jeremy if you think george won todd you think george won not her white honky hun if you think george one time george won oh deborah said five dollars says for the baby pigs if you think we're gonna catch the baby pigs type baby pig eggs if you think we're gonna catch the baby pigs top baby pigs if you think we're gonna catch the baby pigs cause robbie's helping us get the right rig if you think we're gonna catch the baby pigs type baby please [Music] all right guys we love you so much be sure to check out our videos all through the week and then we'll be back next sunday same time same place be there love you all say good night good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 64,005
Rating: 4.9029746 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 58sec (10978 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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