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something that i've always dreamed about tony's about to make my dream come true [Music] what the hell here with the special guest my brother george george i'm kidnapping him for the day we're gonna go on an awesome adventure and we're gonna have a couple special guests yes i'm excited for the special guests if you guys haven't subscribed to the channel already what the hells are you waiting for that's right what the hell are you waiting for make sure you hit the bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every sunday and don't forget to head over to taking a risk which is my channel and also subscribe it really does help my channel a lot i don't think he knows that it's us because my face is covering them i recognized beth and jim because i saw a blue pickup truck hauling a trailer it's like hey i think i know them we're on our way to our first pallet experience it's not an auction it's a pallet warehouse it's pretty much first come first first swerve didn't have my caffeine yet i knew i'd scare you i was gonna bang on the window but i'm like uh i won't here comes hey there you like the hair i don't need to breathe it's been a while since you've seen george george so this is where you got gas where were you on the highway we stopped yeah we're one exit away [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so how does this work they have pallets labeled with prices take the bottom one you see something you want you take the bottom one if you see there's only one tag you know someone called dibs take this and open the window you pay okay so this is first come first serve right yes and normally there's a line to get in and there was no where the line was today we just walked right in yeah we were coming and everybody's like no we don't [Laughter] [Music] good morning guys i'm todd with indianapolis pallet wholesale everybody around here knows me as positive todd i'm on hank 97.1 every day i watch what the hills every day every day i love your coin pushing i love your new property you guys are doing a great job out there oh thank you we appreciate you watching glad you got your issues taken care of is it is it really taken care of yet we hope we don't so but uh we watch you guys all the time that's awesome thank you so much for your support look at this palette it's got a bunch of power wheels my nephews would love this but i can't find the price tag oh there it is maybe someone called dibs on it this one's interesting there's a ton of shark vacuums do you like a good vacuum cleaner your name sir my name is tony hi tony lou lou yeah and you this is your son yes okay my son he's part owner here nice and how did you start with the uh the entire business well my my father he used to do things like this okay and then he had passed away oh sorry and uh when he passed away we didn't know that my name was still on the contracts okay so you wanted to keep it so we want to keep it in the family and so me and luke kind of just took it forward and uh and here at the indianapolis pallet wholesale we we uh take care of our customers everywhere we can awesome and lou just got married so congratulations thank you thank you for having us no you thank you for coming out we appreciate it i see you eyeballing this box so i was trudging along i showed this in my video so make sure you go over to my channel check that out taking a risk with george because of the gas cans and with the gas shortage right now people we're going to need these in this yeah there's a gas crate there might be gas in here no gas i don't think so i don't think so so we were actually given special permission that if we want to we can kind of go through the boxes now it's not really special because anybody can do it but i just want to feel so we could take a pixie and put our hands on this season i took privilege of that because this box was just filled with like wrappings and stuff and you know me i see something shiny something to play with well i started moving it around and under in this box of filters and gas stuff there's action figures there's some type of yeah there's it and there's star wars star wars that's something that caught my eye so what do you think what's the price on eight i just moved some more bubble wrap you gotta love it there's some bb-8 in there oh what is that no that's his cousin bb-8 oh baby he's the one that goes oh my gosh and this box is 400 ovo i say obl orbit something else out ultimate michael myers you know missing a piece of cat okay wow and horror is huge resale value on horror stuff is always good so that's what we're coming to find out is that these palettes are just like storage units where you really don't know what you're going to get because just on face valley you would think this is like an automotive palette yeah but here you are the mystery is still in the palette and we were just told love it and we were just told that there's you never know what you're going to find you might find a palette like i was just looking at this but underneath there's laptops or something like that so it is a pretty good pretty good game i like it this has been such an awesome experience already we barely put a dent in this warehouse i think we've looked at what three pallets maybe three rows so far and this is probably going to be more addicting than storage units i don't know i don't know it's like a super mystery grab box car filters and laptops and the best part is there's no garbage like you get in storage units but look at this one this tag right here what does that tell you electronics oh i was thinking explosives we're here with one of our awesome subscribers uncle bo tony now i need your honest opinion storage units or pallets i do pellets because they're easier to clean up he's lying don't listen stay home [Laughter] easy clean up easy clean storage units is hard work exactly and you can definitely make your money back with balance right yeah i always have and this one has a 300 price tag just filled with water purifiers right away you should have noticed the batteries there's electronics down there i think so i think underneath all these eighty dollar brit of water filters there's probably more electronics so just on top right here i can see a recoup of the monsters getting more this is too cool george george is eyeballing another one this one has a 300 tag i have eyeballed everything this literally has everything i want we haven't even looked at half the warehouse yet and he wants to buy everything but there's a ton of tools in this one i'm trying to build a chandelier i've been looking at chandeliers and look right here there's a chandelier i want to buy a new light fixture for my bathroom not only so some of this he could resell and then the other stuff he wants to keep for himself but it's still a really good deal it's always fun to get stuff for yourself uh absolutely and how many comforters have i gotten how many new shower curtains i love it there's no such thing as a weed eater anymore they're weed whackers weed whacker they don't eat no more they don't eat normal and even if it doesn't work you could sell it for parts exactly right exactly the owner tony just said this is his honey home oh my goodness we're getting special privileges right now look at the heaters this place is huge oh my gosh i could use one of these in florida and ohio definitely in ohio them there they light up the tables do the round tables and i sell them for 75 dollars a piece uh and they've got the tops that goes on them oh i love it i'm a freeze baby i i got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and so after they removed my thyroids i'm always cold i'm cold too all the time i'm glad i'm not the only one so i oh my goodness look at all these monitors look at all these gaming systems oh my gosh jeremy would love this palette look at that toilet paper toilet paper is like gold to him because he always says toilet paper is the future of currency oh my gosh look at all of these pallets like this is a reseller's dream absolutely nuts because these pallets are probably going to go for what 300 400 bucks before the auction actually starts yeah each one of these pounds is containing thousands upon thousands of dollars of fixtures even if you sold each one for twenty dollars you'd easily make your three to four hundred dollars absolutely and then something that i've always dreamed about tony's about to make my dream come true we're going to try to i know i know you guys will he's falling up i think you get in there where the hell are they going tony's the master we're winning george jeremy there's a turtle oh one of them fell all right that's the best way to win the accidental win let's see wait a minute he's got a tag on it what did she win 10 off of a palette oh wow i mean you gotta come back this thing is taller than me my water pipes tell me that about once we need to give him a name give him a name name him right now name him let's let the viewers pick a name yeah what should we name this guy his name is handy he's worked him to bone yes is he on break right now he's on board he's on break but he is dieting he's dieting right now apparently he tried to pick up this geode which is several thousand pounds and that's what happened wait look at this trailer it's almost full between george george myself and adventures with the hudson's we ended up buying four pallets total four pallets total love it and this we still need to make one more stop where are we going next we're going to lunch and tony has to decide where we're eating because we're going to follow him tony it's up to you oh it's up to you yeah you look at our cracker barrels in columbus this is the indianapolis prize this is how they do it here in indiana it's all the decor love it we're about to go get our eats on because george george is getting hangry right i've got a hangry we stopped at another pallet place and here they have their pallets all outdoors so let's see what goodies we can find grandma bath yes this right here is probably jeremy's ideal palette do you think that there really is toilet paper in those boxes don't because here's what happens and we found this out when we bought target pallets that they use boxes of other items that have come in they keep the boxes in their back room and items that are returns or shelf pools they go in those boxes so they reuse them they reuse the boxes so it's kind of psychs you out it's a fakes you out so what you're saying is click bait yes touch this box that ain't toilet paper sorry jeremy i would have got this one for you buddy the nice thing about this place is that their pallets are labeled so if you look here this one's labeled target with the price here there's no guessing target there's dg for dollar general so i do like that i like that they label where it's from here's a palette for only 100 bucks you get a bathtub and some gorilla cans and this i think this one's a lowe's cobalt oh that one's 250 oh look at this electronics one for 1700. walmart that's a walmart return there you go george george do you guys see anything you like uh no that drink that that tony has over here it's not for sale it's a nice warm day it's a little parched come look come look baby if you stick your finger in this hole oh my gosh this is like legit this would be a legit mystery electronics palette so you won't know what you could maybe see a mr twister in there uh who you're my you're my sister twister a mr twister twister i don't know what that is it says electronic something you could see there's a keyboard there oh whatever's in there i've got short girl problems i can't i can't see that high so this says i know that one macaroni and lasagna vanessa vanessa that sounds about right so much to choose from here's some palettes with some toys what i'm learning is the the palettes they try and keep similar items together so like this palette right here it looks like it has a bunch of camping stuff so pretty much pick your poison what are you thinking jim you're staring long and hard at this lowe's palette i'm counting worth it if it's battery-operated i'm like two mowers both battery-operated that one's lowe's pallets are only 3.25 decisions decisions all kinds of them 390 for this one it's got a snow blower a power smart snowblower a push mow and some type of four door chest i think my my dad might be able to use the snow blower maybe i'll get that for him for an early father's day gift i love this one for 450. this is like a resellers palette you get your table to sword on another table and chairs you've got a fire pit for your bonfire at night you have a ton of storage shelves look at that five shelf metal storage racks and then at the end of the night when your back is hurting boom there you have it this is jacuzzi hot tub a blow up jacuzzi george george bought another palette i think pallets are his new addiction is my barn door open she was watching them work somebody would want that barn door in a heartbeat yeah what he really wanted it for was this how much is this retail uh if i had to guess about 350 to 600 look look at that teamwork makes the dream work between jim and george george everything's packed in here like a glove let's go do some more shopping we still have room over there i'd like i didn't get one you didn't get one as you're swallowing the first one give her the evidence cheers to an awesome day of buying and reselling these are amazing beth what's in them again coconut oil peanut butter my sweetener which isn't sugar it's an artificial sweetener that's safe for you cinnamon and vanilla and that's oh butter a stick of butter so good and i think the secret ingredient is grandma beth's love yes that's got to be mater from the cars disney the cars this is for the family we have been dying to get the kids a trampoline and it even has a basketball hoop that has it that's cool basketball with the pump i've seen it on the side right on this side here now if you guys want to see the rest of the items that came with the pallet that george george purchased head over to taking a risk with george george what they're going to tell them to use their eyes and if you guys want to see what adventures with the hudson's grandpa jim and grandma beth got head over to adventures with the hudsons and if you guys want to see what i got in the palette that i bought stay tuned for that you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 123,637
Rating: 4.9556532 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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