MAGIC MOVES Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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we'll be driving around the mountain when he comes am i even singing the song right we'll be driving round the mountain when he comes singing about elvis what are you doing you weirdo hiding from you you keep stalking me kidnapping me bringing me back to elvis and you call me the weird one yeah yeah you are no you're the weird one wanna see how weird she is make sure you subscribe and hit the bell all notifications while joining so you don't miss a thing because you never know what the hells will do find or say with the king [Music] you got to spend money in order to win money starting off with 25 and quarters um usually that's how it goes in business not usually just to be clear that definitely does not happen all the time no at all at all i've had many many many epic fails going to the left believe it or not but guess what i'm gonna go to the left [Music] the nice thing is we have all of the casino chips oh did you see the bunnies move of course i saw it move we had all the casino chips that she won so we already had buy-in yeah tournament for exchange it's like casino credit we didn't have them all because she lost on a few but she doesn't want to talk about that hey i'm not perfect i can't win them all i wish i could say i win them all but i don't this one is going to be a tough one too like i don't know i don't know that the strategy going left like i'm left-centered i was telling her we should have went for the playing field to the right of this one because there's cash there's cash in it somebody already played it yeah and you always do better if you come around after somebody else like you can see already i mean she's not dropping anything you need somebody to do all the destruction for you beforehand well tear it down not set it up tear it down so that's another good way to win is follow somebody else [Music] [Music] this little run you're not being consistent in your drops if you're not consistent you're not gonna get anything to fall off [Music] oh my goodness you just dropped a hundred dollar bill to the left oh my god you can't be giving away money already you got to win some to give something i got some quarters to drop you could put that on a t-shirt you got to win something if you're going to recoil [Music] i ain't made of money you know i'm only about a 10 air [Music] oh yes that was a good push actually [Music] there's a method to my madness right now you're definitely a [Music] method is you need to get one of those little uh pops yes those little jackpots the balls they're like honey holes is that what it is that's your little honey hole [Music] i still think we would have been better to go to the right but there's just not enough i'll let you get it i don't even think you pushed that many yeah i did you got five at least five oh okay there goes two not bad give me some more come on come back come on you're going to need more than that i think it's time to pull in then [Music] hopefully you got more than five quarters you were hoping that i was able to get at least five quarters to drop well guess what seven dollars even in quarters not bad but remember your last one that you just lost this very well could be your fourth we will not speak of that in a row if you don't get this going this could be your fourth loss in a row what don't tell them i'll edit that part out don't embarrass me you be embarrassed you have never been embarrassed in your life about anything anything yeah you're right what's that thing that your sister george always says stop it george you're embarrassing me and then i just laughed but she's the one yelling out george to a woman so whatever i don't know what's more embarrassing she's yelling stop it george you're embarrassing us [Music] oh man all right i'm down to three quarters you might be down to only three quarters push two what are you gonna do about that hundred dollar billboard there's a chance that i could win it back into the world it's not completely on the ledge it's hanging it's hanging oh no all right time to pull i think you might be on a bad street and you need my lucky sock because this is looking like this is going to be lost number four keep your lucky socks my numbers keep going down 5.75 but i am still in the game tell you what i will let you wear lucky drawers i will let you wear lucky drawers that would be a hard pass no thanks oh you really want to lose you only have five dollars left and i'm about to get that base that honey hole is mine that base is all connected sorry what did you do oh man that whole thing just literally dropped killed you down my goodness i made that honey hole oh man i saw the whole thing just literally like defy gravity it was like let me jump inside it's cold in here [Music] i was i was um i was [Music] how many did you make in quarters 39.50 i was not exactly right thank you for admitting that the streak has been broken thanks to the streak in lucky drawers i can't believe you just went there of course i went there what do you think it's getting ready to collapse that one's my favorite that one's always been my favorite look it's got the most in it how much do you think uh one two three four five looks like there's seven the middle hole is seven heaven i'm impressed with your counting skills i'm a little off but i've been i've been taking hooked on phonics i've been learning to count so it's been really good those hooks teach you how to count too yeah it worked for me isn't that what you used to learn english they didn't have that back then what did they have cooked on lamb chop yes that's what they had done lamb chop and oats on sesame street [Music] yeah did you see that drop i'm about to see something bust open here whoa you still look you still have that hundred dollar bill over to the left i think i can get it once the once the honey hole falls it'll it'll teeter-totter its way over i think now you got teeter-totter skills [Music] really yes really why is that so hard to believe [Music] uh i don't know because he's just oh yeah whoa [Music] there's no way there's no way getting that back hold on i gotta wipe my tears real quick [Music] get it together george get it together all right i'm ready ready to play that's that's 100 gone i don't think there's well you know what you need to play left you need to play all the way to the left and get that and see if you can get that that honey hole to knock it off are you saying there's a chance there's a small chance but it's a small chance it hails i don't see it if anything it'll push it more and more it might grab it and pull it in see maybe if i can get it to rotate it's going just place get your coins place them well drop when the pusher goes out there you go drop when the pusher goes out make sure they're all the way to the left [Music] yeah play it to the left and it might just drag it on the way that's gonna help it's pouring out like honey now that is gonna help you did say it was a honey hole [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on have you ever eaten raw honey yeah i love raw honey you do yeah what do you eat raw honey on i put it in my teeth whenever i have a sore throat i'll warm up some tea and i'll throw in some raw honey instead of sugar and then i'll throw in a cough drop a cool mint top drop oh it feels amazing on my throat [Music] and a little bit of lemon juice but just to be clear you do not have a sore throat right now right now no but flu season is coming you're trying to tell me flu season hasn't been here november is when it really really hits [Music] you must have been living a different 20 20 than me to say that season isn't working in healthcare because i thought i thought that was here well beforehand starts in october but it really hits in november things are moving and shifting [Music] you out yeah i'm not complaining oh wow here i thought october was pumpkin season [Music] i think we should probably still do that when would you like to go immediately right now like right now right now what will happen when we go down it'll be closed the bakery will be closed [Music] when we get home we'll go down [Music] the best time to go is early in the morning [Music] oh nice push what's happening it's happening look at that look right on the edge look on the edge it's gonna fall down it's gonna fall get it it's gonna fall here comes there goes everybody's shake elvis is singing shake oh it's moving nice how awesome was that [Music] i already shed a couple tears over it what do you think did it in [Music] oh there's another other ready to drop there's a couple that'll probably drop at the same [Music] yeah i don't time you got the same trick shot there yeah that one's gonna jump in first that one's gonna jump in first for sure [Music] nice [Music] do you think you'll get the base i hope so i would like to i mean i would love to [Music] that thing all right i'm down to four quarters only four [Music] this has been an awesome round yeah not bad after everything else you've been through [Music] and i doubt it [Music] [Music] i was able to get 700 and paper money to fall down a comeback what a comeback and then wait for it wait for it 106.25 in quarters okay so when george was counting the guy [Music] wow today was not my lucky day at all but it's finally paying off [Music] it's finally take off honeymoon [Music] it was like take me down take me that whole thing literally went at one time oh my goodness [Music] whispering over there oh there it goes i was whispering i just came off the pusher i was just saying how incredible the game you're playing right now this is just remember when you doubted me i i do remember but i have eaten my words i eat my words and a pile of poo [Music] so that you know that i'm sorry forever doubting you don't worry i doubt myself all the time and then all of a sudden i impressed myself too that was an awesome question wow just just wow are we still gonna make a pit stop to graceland well that was the plan that'd be cool do you still want to yeah of course we can okay i'll drive you take a nap [Music] i'm gonna be so excited i won't be able to take a nap or sleep the 200 200 rolls just fell [Music] you said something about a man i said elvis is a man so elvis says yeah yeah he is [Music] i was thinking maybe i could swing by and go see priscilla okay why is that funny you're just very silly i'm silly you're very silly it's priscilla presley [Music] she's the [Music] [Music] she looks great for rage [Music] how old does she know i don't know but the last picture i saw of her was when i was reading an article um when his grandson committed suicide there was a family photo of priscilla and [Music] elvis's daughter daughter and her i think she has three kids [Music] [Music] you know what we should do with that 500 [Music] 500. it's not going to be 500 buy it because most of it's played out we need to ask [Music] we could [Music] oh [Music] the other half is hanging off it's so cold up here north it's freezing what are you looking forward to most going south my hands are so cold right now it's hard for me to hold the quarters and drop them i'm losing my speed because it's so cold are you going into the hypothermia something like that do you need cpr no i don't need cpr i just need more are you sure you don't need cpr [Music] because i am certified in all 50 states and seven other foreign countries including egypt you've never been to egypt i'm certified in egypt it doesn't mean it doesn't mean i have to go to egypt whatever you see the certificate the certification is good it's good for what ails you [Music] my nose is freezing [Music] there's a lot of things i'm looking forward to i think wrestling alligator yeah this will definitely be a new chapter in both of our lives and being able to experience warm weather in the winter which will be so foreign for us because we've lived in ohio up north our entire life so to have 60 70 degree weather in the winter with no snow it's gonna be a weird feeling what all states have you lived in i lived in ohio then i moved to west virginia for college then i moved to michigan yeah then i moved to michigan and then i moved back to ohio the whole so think of it so think of this if you didn't go to west virginia and michigan for college you probably would have lived in ohio in your whole life too i sure hope like him if it wasn't for college you wouldn't have lived in those other states right i should have went south or you know what [Music] i should have i should have did like the song says go west young man but we need to change the song to go south young man [Music] that's what i should have done she definitely doesn't know go west sing it again um you know what i'm going to let your man elvis take care of that but it goes a little something like [Music] go west young man i let the evil goes go west young man oh there he is like get that weak stuff out of here let me sing my jam when [Music] alligators definitely looking forward to alligators we don't get any death defying alligators here in ohio what's the most dangerous animal here in ohio the most dangerous animal is probably [Music] the spider i don't know what would be the most dangerous probably the uh the death the deathly highly venomous brown clothes spider that'd be my guess it's small but it packs a big punch what are you whispering i said like you taking on this elvis machine pow wham it's like batman sound effects [Music] how did that hundred put all the way to the left i have no idea but i think you need to rescue it you should have dropped forward [Music] i think you definitely need to definitely looking forward to turtles seeing lots of turtles definitely looking forward to having a pet alligator yeah what are we naming it ow it's your boy eel no i was joking we're gonna name it george there could only be one george why are there six of them that i know of just in your family oh yeah you're right your dad you your brothers and your sister i've got three brothers one sister all named george and my nephew's middle name is george but there can only be one george when it comes to pets there should only be one george what pet do you know out there named george well alligator you're gonna name george i'm gonna call it ally george you could do that george [Music] [Music] are we gonna do alligator and journal videos on the asmr channel we are going to do videos with my best friend ally george every single day me and ally george we're going to go to storage unit auctions we're going to go to the casino we're going to the beach we're going to have the best life 2021 living here live in our best life me and ally george what about where do i fit in the picture [Music] you wanted to go to nashville with elvis me and ally george bachelor there it [Music] goes [Music] named it george it's definitely not heather we're the best friends don't even need him on a leash drove through nashville and drop off my beach silly my white sandy beach are you looking forward to the white sand in your toes yes baby powder white sand it's gonna be incredible you know i could just buy you some baby powder and you can just put your toes in the baby powder right now i'll put it in the top it has like a grit to it i'll put some sand in with the baby powder you can put your toes in the tub what do you think no it's not the same [Music] i appreciate the gesture but no thanks are you sure yeah are you positive positive what if i put some baby powder in the backyard i'll bet i'll build a baby i'll build a baby powder deck it's gotta be surrounded by water the ocean the ball i'll spray you with a hose [Music] vacationing on a budget oh that's what it is now that's what it would be [Music] nice [Music] do you think do you think we could go out in the ocean and swim in dolphins again yeah definitely we could be like people swimming on the back of dolphins taking out all the sharks i wonder i don't know if there will be manatees where we're going there will be a bomb in the water all right running low running low but you definitely pushed a bunch in i'm down to six here we go six quarters [Music] come on here we go here we go you found one hiding in the corner you found one yeah one more will it do anything no it will not holy yeah baby twelve hundred dollars in paper money plus the five hundred dollar chip all right so after you lose three you're going to win one that's the ratio 25 win ratio and then 253 and 25 cents in quarters i'd say so now you're gonna have to be extremely careful to the right you lost 100 bill to the left you don't want to lose one to the right you got to play more towards the middle and you know you really ought to let me see do you think there's any way to trick shot those hundreds out of them i don't know you think you can bounce up [Music] remember what i taught you [Music] the more and the faster yeah but my hands are freezing you know what they say about you know what they say about both hands cold hands [Music] no cold parts what are you talking about really i've never heard that before it's an old egyptian saying i thought i thought you would know it for sure never heard of it your grandma never told you that when she threw a shiv shiv at you no never what about when she went after you with the shank shank my grandma never came in for me with the shake shake just the shift shift and her cane did she get you with the cane my brother she would because my siblings were bad i was the good child no they were slow that's why they were bad they were slow or she would have never got them they were acting up [Music] or bad mouths [Music] do you want to guess who got the most punishment in my family you're the one of the kind child right uh i was the creative one and creativity was not welcome [Music] only control was not creativity yeah you know you know you go some places and an entrepreneurial shift mind our creative mind isn't always welcome and it was not welcome a lot of people don't like your kind yeah they didn't like my kind around there [Music] we don't like yokan around here [Music] but i did one day decide i was gonna go out back and dig a pond [Music] what gave you that notion we need to go swimming during the summer and i wanted to have fish i would get all these turtles and snakes i want to have fish [Music] so that was my way to do it i had to dig a pond because my dad wouldn't get heavy equipment to create one i already get a swimming pool right so then one day our neighbor he came by after a full summer watching me and my younger brother the one right under me trying to dig a pond he's like all right i'm bringing the dozer over he's an excavation so he finally saved us and did a little excavation [Music] you know what i never swam in that thing ever [Music] yeah but by that time i was engaged i bought my first house and then i was out so you weren't there long enough to enjoy swimming in your man-made pond [Music] is it still there [Music] as far as i know [Music] i would think so i did go up to kelly's island and i got a bunch of limestone on a trailer brought it home to outline it with white limestone [Music] so the oldest out of u5 got in trouble and got the shift shift thrown out of the most it was my oldest brother who's two years older than me you were the second naughtiest no i was the good child ask my parents they'll tell you i was the best out of all time [Music] it was their special gift yeah they'll tell you all the kids were a gift but i'm the special gift oh she's special why is that hard to believe why is that so hard to believe because i know you [Music] you think i don't know you i know you i know your pain nurse jeremy here thinks he knows me [Music] so instead of growing up in ohio you could if you could have picked any state to grow up in which state would you okay you know when when my dad immigrated here from egypt his brother came as well they lived in ohio for a few years and then moved to california so i'm shocked my dad didn't follow his brother to california why did his brother go to california warmer weather to get out of ohio why did your dad stay i don't know that's a good question i should ask him the next time i see him so you could have been a californian girl i could have been a californian reason and you love the beach boys so i could have sang i wish [Music] if i did move to california though we would have never met [Music] i used to i haven't listened to them since i was like nine same thing with the monkeys i haven't listened to them since i was eight or nine i listen to christian brock i listened to uh stand-up comedy i still listen to the disney channel she i think that's the name of the station i listen to [Music] [Music] you know what i listen to johnny cash go george that's all i'm allowed to listen to is torch and go yes george you're right george uh-huh whatever [Music] i listen to george all day every day that's the only thing i listen to you so silly jeremy why are you no god boy those pots those pots of gold are [Music] those are a little stubborn i haven't seen the move at all i'm trying to drop as fast as i can but [Music] it's hard when my hands are full my hands are like popsicles [Music] are your depends like popsicles no okay all right let's check them no look everything's hitting the back of them and just swinging out to the left how crazy is that i don't see anything happening everything hits the back and goes to the left you know what we made see what happens but we may have to try them rapido because there's one two three four five six seven eight nine there's a thousand dollars there is a thousand dollars in this oh that just moved it did just move just a smidge barely but it moved yeah there's a thousand dollars on the line barely but it moved it didn't move i saw it all them other ones just jumped in yeah they did that was awesome i wish every time i played that it reminds me it reminds me of when i met you [Music] where i just jumped on the copper yeah you jumped in the hopper you're like well you'll never see me if you're lucky you'll see me on weekends and then i never stopped seeing you you didn't literally never went you literally never went away what makes it hard for us to see each other every day is we live an hour away from each other uh-oh it's clogging it up major clog here i've got a super clog here to the right try try a little bit more over the thousand bucks on the line it just moved a little bit i didn't see it it did it moved a little bit as a matter of fact the one in the before in the middle that one looks like it's ready to fall to the left if you can keep taking that base out it looks like it's gonna crumble and fall so going to the right isn't helping i'll go right center and see what happens [Music] i think going to the right was helpful [Music] i mean i saw it move a little bit [Music] i think everything else fell so quickly because everything had to push something in the path at least it's like water the path of least resistance it flowed through there and now those ones are left standing and so it's still the path of least resistance it's going to flow off to the left because nothing's there that that one in the middle definitely looks like it's ready to fall that was just i'm telling you george what's happening hit it hit it hit it to the all the way to the right it's ready to fall it's gonna fall it's gonna open up and you're gonna get all the coinage okay hit it to the right trust me on this one use my signature move use my signature move hit it hard to the right it didn't it's gonna it's gonna budge it's going to it's gonna it's gonna break loose any second it's moving it's moving it's moving it is you got to keep hitting it you got to keep hitting it hit it hit it don't stop don't stop get it get it i can't tell the difference i'm [Music] it was definitely moving it will go and once that busts free then you can get that other one [Music] it's gonna go keep hitting it hit it hard i'm gonna try and drop as quick as i can oh it's moving it's like ready to fall over i'm telling you it's gonna go it is it's gonna go it's leaning completely and totally away [Music] i feel like my efforts here aren't doing anything [Music] oh it just moved it rotated it's gonna rotate now you gotta rotate now it's gonna rotate and it's gonna fall all right all right once it breaks loose it's gonna fall everywhere [Music] how much money do you have left alive oh it just moved what do you think switch for a rapid fire or do you keep hitting it we can switch if you want do another handful you're getting it it's gonna fall i feel like if we switch we're gonna miss it forward all right one more handful [Music] oh it's just punched it just right towards you it's shifted forward it's moving it's definitely going now break free buddy break free all right that was my handful should i keep going yeah you better keep going it's moving it's gonna fall [Music] i'm telling you it's gonna go [Music] it's like begging to fall i can't believe this is actually still standing it's hard to tell but i promise you it's all leaning towards the ball it's gonna lead forward it's leaning left and then leaning forward [Music] it's ready to blow any second now any second now [Music] i'm dropping as quick as i can i'm fighting through the pain in my fingers getting carpal tunnel they're just so cold you know when your hands get cold you lose feeling in it yeah then you have that numbing i live in ohio i know what that's like that's what i'm getting right now oh man that thing is so close it wants to fall [Music] come on [Music] right here right now [Music] it's so ready to go and it's holding somehow i don't [Music] [Music] left isn't gonna do anything you gotta hit it you gotta get it come on baby it definitely moved but it hasn't moved very far i have a feeling that once it finally collapses everything will just roll into the hopper you think so yeah [Music] it wants to go whether it actually will they both just move forward you call them anything you want [Music] [Music] do what you can do that's been a battle that's for sure yeah i was doing so well in the beginning everything took a turn did you take lucky drawers off i never had them on well there's your problem that's your no that would have been your problem that's your problem [Music] i know for sure lucky drawers has never ever let me down nice you got one nice [Music] get job get it get it get it girl get it girl [Music] things are moving things are gliding [Music] is this what you call your coin confusion yes when all the coins fall out [Music] no doubt everything's confused even elvis is confused oh my goodness i didn't think i'd ever get it [Music] [Music] nice push that was a nice push keep playing that middle [Music] nice what a battle [Music] what a battle [Music] finally lost two to the right and one to the left but despite that still 3 that's a lot of money wow here's that bonus i know who's going to be using that next lucky bag 5.0 is holding 291.50 that's not a bad comeback from uh three losses i'll give you that thank you my turn [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 356,492
Rating: 4.8912792 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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