$50,000 OWED CHILD SUPPORT I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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it's time are you ready i don't know you're not an author authorized person only and it does say danger i'm gonna do it anyway we are back in sunny florida as a matter of fact earlier i had the hoodie off it's middle of december i had the hoodie off we bought seven units seven now we typically don't do that we buy one out of every hundred that we look at this location is 15 minutes from us and we need supplies for home so this one was a cheap unit we knew it was a cheap unit we were hoping we could find some decorations and look at that george isn't it your birthday it's your birthday no definitely not my birthday your birthday is coming soon we'll hold on to that for decoration that'll be cool that is a really cool piece i love the nautical theme so uh let's dig in just a little bit further here that that's gonna be toss that aside and we're gonna toss that aside as well okay that's not gonna do anything for us but but you think this will that is that another broken axe handle okay um we've got a couple tree branches okay okay that's that's not going to do much for us here let's come over here let's take oh something's in here all right let's see what's in here if i can figure out how to get in there feels great oh my goodness you still have your jacket on why it's still a little chilly for me but it's it's hoody weather george has which we're okay with hoodie weather she has her jacket oh here we go she has her jacket on and is it harley it is it's harley davidson nice okay bonus nah hopefully there is more george has her jacket on and a hoodie and everything else a t-shirt and a tank top okay we found a lighter hidden lighter we've got clothing we'll just donate all the clothes we figured it's good stuff like the harley we figure we're definitely we're going to find drugs we always find drugs we think we're going to find adult items because we always find adult items but we weren't picky and choosy based on which actual units we bought but just bought them all in the location so that we can find supplies so that's part of the process we're gonna have some things that we normally i mean other people would probably purchase these but this is not a typical purchase for us at all we're not into you know look at all those beads well truth be told really why i bit on it because mardi gras is coming up what's mardi gras mean i don't know i don't know either i'm too pure for that instead of mice here in florida they have little lizards that's all my first lizard i'm guessing you're going to sell all this in a lot yeah that's a lot worthy we found our first broom see we don't go out and buy stuff we buy storage units because every time we go out and buy something what happens is then we find it in a storage unit so i need that's a lot of beads yeah the milk crate i see what you did i see what you did there a lot of beads all right oh look at that snake box dangerous holy cow when's mardi gras seriously one of those i don't know i don't know what it is either okay tom stuff tom had a lot of fun at mardi gras someone was a collector of beads beware snake box rattle by thomas live snake this is actually appropriate because you want to catch snakes i don't know if we should open it it literally says there's it says it's danger okay danger holy bees uh here's tom spokes do you think we should get into oh george check this out we got money wrappers that's always good there's it okay there's a lock for a gun it's always good there's a wallet there's a multiple locks down here and okay let's see i won't show any personal info okay i see cards but i'm not seeing any money in the wallet okay let's um [Applause] holy beats my goodness it's pretty much every color all right so the beads if you go to mardi gras the beads more than paid for the unit you will get your money's worth but that is not my scene okay let's see what we have here some sunglasses are they ray-bans i'm not seeing anything there let's see [Music] it's definitely someone's junk drawer yeah marlboro we could always use a lock well i see a key here let's see if it goes guard brooklyn let's find out and then there's another lock in there too see if it goes to that that doesn't go to it although it slides in i mean be nice but no these look like house keys not lock keys let's find out nope and nope nope no such luck nope nope all right it would have been nice we could use those locks for uh securing our units here's another wallet two wallets now all right let's find out what truly is it tom's stuff and then and then we'll open the snake box tom stuff here we go is that a blunt come on give me a ton of greeting cards remember the last time we found gift cards and all the greeting cards i know when we found them a nintendo card this time around maybe that's a sticker uh-huh tommy has some cool stuff okay we've got more cards move that out of the way there's a watch here's a brand new watch uh this is a no boundaries brand new watch stuck to whatever this is called i forget this is 1937. this is an old protractor tom has some old protractors here is what kind is that start light moon i don't know but the back isn't on there this is a balloon red balloon let's see everybody wants to know where we are in florida and we are due according to that we're west we're due west we are we're we're 15 minutes from the gulf that is true we are west are these one hitters that's a one hitter right no you don't think that's a one hit that's a constant hit i don't know what that is please oh this is the one hit [Laughter] okay lots of lighters grizzly crossing which we're hoping we have grizzlies apparently there's black bears in this area definitely hearing aid that's kind of cool all right let's do it i don't care what the box says i are you sure you want to do this you know what you're right we should wait to the end because this could be dangerous and i might die and if i don't authorize persons only are you an authorized person yes i don't clean this out you're not going to get the 60 bucks back for the clean out fee if i die from a snake so let's clean up a little bit and then we'll get into that what did you find while we were cleaning paper with fine tips like we usually do come to find out uh he owes over 48 thousand dollars in child support and he was only paying 98 dollars a month and he racked it up to 48 000 i have a feeling somebody doesn't know about tom's magical snake box no maybe all the money is in that box i found some good stuff did you find come here i found a balloon that expired in 2011 and he was part of the north florida paranormal society oh how do we sign up uh i think we are the paranormal we are not normal at all and we're a pair one of the reasons why i wanted a bid on this one doesn't that look military yeah it's definitely a military vet it looks military and look at that it's already not letting me jump okay you got that for 350. that's a better deal than what we got this storage unit for but watch this georgia ready right like that sandy soil okay so i'm gonna toss that out and i wanna see if there's anything specifically hiding in this military bag in the strangest places all the clothing especially this guy if he owed 50 000 and back child support just curious what he could be all right there's answer number one he might have been the tiger king okay uh we'll put the tiger right over there with the snake box all right he'll keep an eye on the snake box what kind oh i'm finding stuff i am finding stuff look at this polo club that was for cleaning that's for cleaning this pipe that's for cleaning the blunt okay okay there's i saw another one in here i saw double mint let me see where'd it go though here's a here's a subway there is our first there's our first gift card gift card nice okay there's some fifty dollars but that's not what i said where'd it go i saw oh there's a dc comic yeah i saw a double mint and there it is something's in there and it's a bullet firecracker firecracker and i think this is a pen yeah okay so that's a pen see what else is hiding in here there's paperwork in here paperwork see some pennies here's another box okay good in there oh here's something philly's cigar okay i feel like scarf remembers that other bag this one was a clear bag but again look at that i could see you in that george right there it probably looked better on you than me okay good underwear all right let's uh let's back this all back up for good will i think there's some other good stuff back here what are you doing you weirdo how you like me now it's official you're in north florida paranormal i am a ghostbuster where did you sign up well i didn't you see thomas he didn't pay 50 000 towards child support he paid fifty thousand dollars to actually try and find ghosts so so his priorities were elsewhere his priorities were a little off let's see let's see what else he spent money on okay here is some stuff over here okay here's a tool box okay and we didn't have some tools in there now we have not looked in the snake box yet we have not looked in the snake box we will is that for lids yeah we will live in the snake box just i was scared until now now that i have now that i have my paranormal ghostbuster ghostbuster shirt and my ghostbuster saw all right things are getting serious look at that there's our first our first license plate cool for a new warehouse we definitely got money in the sockets something's in here what do you think's in here probably more sockets you're probably right let's find out for sure though okay and there's those little scissors you've been asking for you're like i need a little scissors i need different scissors i went and you're growing you can do whatever you want and you're like a storage unit so i don't have to buy little i don't remember having that conversation okay do you remember i think you dreamt about that do you remember this case being in here and it might be dangerous to show i would look first before allowing me to come in and uh department of florida credit truck title let me see here well let's just say there is a ton of paperwork let's do this let's we'll go through that paperwork but it looks like there's more paperwork right here okay let's see what we got let me see if any evidence of ghost any evidence of ghost state college you know what he might have got his degree in ghostbusting i'm afraid we got a ghost okay i don't even know what some of this stuff is that's like putty i don't know some nuts and bolts okay uh porn that's what i better do yep probably like ah i heard the haunted george there's that lizard you were talking about earlier he's hiding where is he you can't see him there he is he's camouflage hey there little buddy my first baby alligator he was hiding in the toolbox he's in the toolbox now he's in good hands by the way we'll be actually we'll be keeping all these sockets because we have no tools here in florida well we do now lighting's a little rough right now but i can still see profit like look at this that's a solid wood cane and then we also oh i thought this was another cane down there though those are pruners those are we could use those yeah we got a lot of pruning you know what chainsaw would be a whole lot better but oh how about sticks hello i never said that i didn't there's a lot of pots and pans okay let's get pots and pans i mean for us that's pretty dirty that's that's gonna be crap take it to the scrap yard that out get careful over here it looks like uh just like a bunch of kids looks like a bunch of kids to not be paying on okay family photos ton of babies more photos more photos cam photos photos photos photos photos what is that that's for your car so you can have reindeer it brings the ghost in that's what i hear oh this is oh you know what this is you know what that is george is that part of the ghost hunt yes this is for trapping ghosts a handmade trapping ghost you throw it out and then the rope unrolls unravels and then they go for the coke bottle and then you pull the ghost right back in and then you and then they're in how do you know this i used to do it with farts so i would do it i just i'm part of the society this looks like all yeah there's other stuff down there i just don't wanna i don't wanna we'll go through that box with a fine tooth comb we will if we if we find it if we find anything juicy we'll share it with you okay this one is more paperwork more paperwork holy cow remember the last one where we found yeah we found money the bonds it was a crisp crisp bond oh look at this old school photos this is black and white photos military yeah people collect black and white photos that's cool old poker table very very cool oh my goodness look at that military it's all military oh that's cool look at that wow wow how cool there's more military more military we did find a license plate said u.s navy yeah it was a license plate cover but so we found out that it's illegal here in florida yeah you can't have covers in florida but you know what just happened emotionally to everybody watching when we shared he was fifty thousand dollars back in child support everybody's like ah i'm so glad you got a stuff he deserved it now that we said he was in the navy they're like oh you should give it back you should give it back hey choose a side choose a side that's all i'm saying okay we know our videos evoke emotions just choose a side and stick with it be consistent look at that military military wow wow wow wow i think there's some deep rich history pictures could pay for the unit very well so uh i'm i'm sure they will look at that wow okay all right let's set where did that come from that came from in here right here here's a 10 no it's not a 10 it's a it's a christmas tree box ornament and [Applause] he was definitely a smoker or he collected the picture this is silver the unit doesn't smell like smoke but there's lighters everywhere is this silver i think that's real it is korea i don't see anything on it that's the first jewelry we've seen all right let's set this aside now we do have we do have a dvd player over here and that's good because we have a dvd player had one just like that we have a dvd player in the camper came with the camper but we don't have one when we're in in the the house the house will eventually it'll get demolished once we build but uh that would be nice to have things going on as well look at this here is the world keychain or some kind of puzzle game okay and then did we save the best for last gone with the wind what is this oh wow where is the coin collection what do we have in here more paperwork lucky rabbit's foot absolutely wasn't that lucky batteries get some rope here's some tokens interesting okay lots and lots of randomness randomness yeah overall though cooled unit let's let's clean all this let's go through with a see here's the beautiful thing about florida we're going through everything we're sorting everything with a fine tooth right here 75 degrees why wouldn't we we love this we'll let you see if we find anything of greater value we did find a few more little gems in there for example we got what is that new york new york pin which is actually kind of cool because you found all those pins in the other unit here oh yes in this same location we found this tie tack which most people might think that's a j but that's actually a t we know that because we get all the information from the unit we know his name is thomas not only that he says by thomas okay we did a further check on this and this is not silver unfortunately is that a real shark too uh that is a real shark tooth though so real shark tooth that's kind of cool stuck on it's gonna be our next adventure right we are gonna be going megalodon uh tooth hunting so we're gonna look for giant teeth giant shark teeth megalodons and those teeth are bigger than your hand on my face bigger than mine all right it's time are you ready i don't know you're not an author authorized person's only and it does say danger i'm gonna do it anyway why the hell's not i laugh in the face wait no george laughs at everything here we go i'm kind of nervous a little nervous here oh it's over merlot and chardonnay box okay this is looking pretty good got a some kind of is that gum is that a little old box of john gum sure we can go with that okay that might be diet gum let's see diet gum oh that's a weird it's a weird looking piece again i wonder what flavor that is um moving right along okay we know what flavor this is mcdonald's french fries what is that 1994. that's gotta be i bet you it's still collectible though oh yeah here's uh here's like a knife oh it's kind of bad you think that's the knife he used for ghost hunting probably george what is that rattlesnake eggs keep in cool place to prevent hatching should we think they're in there should we look here you look so that i can get bit by the egg you ready oh no i'm almost afraid oh my god i'm afraid [Music] what is did you hear something oh it's tricky you very tricky jeremy i didn't do it thomas did [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 58,521
Rating: 4.8873563 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: dZRqAGh52t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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