My future mother in law threw my engagement ring down a storm drain (UPDATE)

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update my future mother-in-law through my family heirloom engagement ring down a storm drain I haven't been getting messages asking for an update on my situation with my FM il so I thought I'd make a quick post on what happened most recently my femme K went no contact with her after everything that happened this lasted all about a week before she showed up banging at our door my femme K was at work and I was alone at home at the time she was wailing that she was sorry and just wanted to see me to apologize since I have neighbors who were beginning to watch this spectacle I let her inside to talk at first she was very apologetic and said she just wants to have a fresh start she was pretty convincing and I was actually considering just letting it all go that's when she saw my Christmas tree and all hell broke loose yet again she began to scream that I was trying to convert her son to Christianity and that I was just a little W who was trying to ruin her family I kindly asked her to please leave and that she was not welcome here but she was not budging she told me that no son of hers would every celebrate Christmas and proceeded to run towards the tree she began tearing off every ornament and throwing them leaving them smashed on the floor I have many childhood and family ornaments on my tree that are very precious to me several were smashed in her rampage I had to grab her and drag her away this ended with only several times and beanie on my hand I finally was able to throw her out the front door and grabbed my phone to call the police she proceeded to scream like a banshee out front and call me every name in the book the police arrived soon after and just like that she completely stopped her fit and began to try and play the victim she told the police that I was an intruder in her son's apartment and that I had a her the police had arrived with an ambulance which was promptly taken to because she was feeling faint and was in distress after my beer on earth the police then came to interview me and I told them what had actually happened I showed them the bite mark on my hand in the bruises that were beginning to form my fem k arrived at the scene and immediately came to my side he confirmed to the officers that I do live there and his mother is a nutcase seeing that her son was siding with me sent her into yet another tantrum the police asked me if I would like to place charges against F in my L I looked to my fiancee and I could tell that he was conflicted on what to do I had to do what would make me feel safe in the end and I decided to place charges F mio was first taken to the hospital and then arrested upon her release she is now facing charges for assault and I have taken a restraining order against her this has placed a serious strain on my relationship with my fiance he and the rest of his family want me to drop the charges against his mother he tells me that since I have a restraining order she can no longer come near me so I have nothing to worry about I don't think he fully understands how terrifying this experience was for me he tells me that it is my decision in the end and he will stand by me that he doesn't want to see his mother go to prison part of me just wants to pack my bags and run I told him that I felt this way and he is begging me to stay with him he says that we can move and have no contact with his family in the future I'm so confused and conflicted on what to do oh my people where have you been when I was feeling like I was the crazy one full disclosure I'm divorced I would say that 95 percent of the reason why is my ex mil a sampling of the crazy the day we got married she hugged me and whispered in my ear that I had stolen her baby boy and she would never forgive me he was 32 years old at this time Christmas was a study in excess each person in his family got no less than 40 gifts each and she would stand under the tree and count them repeatedly in the days leading up to the event not bad but when you consider that most of the items were either registered salvaged from other people's garbage cans or dollar store rejects ya know after we were married she insisted that they carry on the longtime tradition of mother-son dates every Monday night without exception nobody else was allowed to at and on to the main event every Friday was a mandatory family dinner we had been married about two years at this point and she had been smirking at me the whole evening and finally with great flourish whipped out a stack of paperwork from the sideboard the interrogation began with questions about where we had gone and what we had spent our money on with details as in I see that Sunday you went to the grocery store did you not planned ahead well enough on your last shopping trip what did you buy and why are you paying for region we can all see it's not doing any good yeah the Beast had our bank account records and how did she get them you asked her son put her on our joint bank account I'll pour sir that can sink in he put her on his bank account with his wife that we opened after our marriage when I questioned this he stated that it was just easier because then she could see everything for herself I waited until the car ride home and unleashed hell three years of repressed anger and disgust came tumbling out it wasn't pretty Yeol it really wasn't it ended with him sleeping on the couch and me pacing the upstairs bright and early Monday morning I took her off the account thought that I had made my point and that the issue would be solved ha is it ever solved that simply three days later I got a frantic call from my husband what had I done his mother was in jail oh the humanity turns out ms batshit had gone to the bank to get her weekly snooping fix when denied her crack she freaked from the security tapes she went over the counter at the poor Clark my ex Phil who as far as I'm concerned should be nominated for sainthood bailed her out and read her the riot act deh and I have been married for three years and this is a story about our engagement some background mills father was a jeweler and he handmade his wife's Mills mom's engagement ring both of her parents passed away in the early 2000s before GM IL passed she gave the H the ring for him to propose with when the time came D H gave it to his mom to hold in her safety deposit box fast forward about 15 years D H and I are dating and we are getting serious we talk about marriage etc and we decide that we are ready to get engaged it was just a matter of making things official at this point I was expecting a proposal within a couple weeks a couple days after this conversation D H lost his job and his parents started pressuring him to not propose because we couldn't afford to buy a house what in the city where we live and they couldn't afford to help us this was pretty baffling because we live in a city where housing prices are insane and no one can afford to buy houses everyone rents or moves far into the suburbs in any case we both had quite a bit of savings and I made enough money for us both to live off of in the event that the H didn't find another job right away so d H caves and tells me he doesn't feel comfortable proposing until he gets another job it didn't really make sense to me that I can respect that he wanted to be financially secure before marriage it takes a couple months but he finds a good job so again I'm expecting a proposal because that's what we had discussed we were all but engaged at this point and we were even discussing wedding dates deciding a wedding budget looking at venues etcetera etc the only thing that was missing was the ring note D H was the one bringing all this stuff up d H kept telling me that he was planning a surprise for me and he just needed to get the ring from mill and then we would make it official several weeks go by and still no proposal I'm starting to get pretty pay off even though he kept telling me that he wanted to be engaged to me and he wanted to get married by the end of the year this was in April he didn't want to tell anyone until he officially proposed withering he keeps telling me that he's going to propose he keeps not proposing I start becoming extremely stressed out and anxious I seriously considered breaking up with him I felt like he was stringing me along with promises he had no intention of keeping I couldn't understand why he would do this since he was the one who brought up marriage in the first place the whole situation was a fair my mental health to the point where I had to give him an ultimatum proposed within two weeks or we're done he promises he will I'm crying every night because at this point I don't believe him anymore I didn't want to break up that I couldn't handle the situation any longer two weeks go by it's his last chance he tells me in the least romantic way possible that the reason he didn't propose is that his mother wouldn't give him the ring every day he asked for it and every day she promised she would get it and she never did she kept saying she was too busy she was retired and the bank was three blocks away so he gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him without the ring and promises to buy me one once we were officially engaged I told all my friends and family and posted on Facebook several people commented on the post and asked to see a photo of the ring I responded that I didn't have one yet the next day middle manages to find time to get the ring out the safety deposit box so I work at an amusement park I see so many jános from all over the world this story happened over a year ago grab some popcorn and sit back for funny story so many people plan proposals at my workplace it's a magical place so this guy gets a couple of my cow orcas to help and we do our best to help make it memorable he planned it pretty well he made it seem like a family vacation with some of his siblings and hers as well well as the proposal was taking place mill guys mom snatched the ring and took off running with it boy that lady was able to run it took like a minute for the shock to wear off the cool on the radio was shocking as well she honestly was as happy as can be and her laugh agate was more of an awful cackle totally Verlaine like she was running through my land I work so I put out the call that I had eyes on her and tear direction she was heading so here's this lady running like her tampon string was on fire and she just won a million dollars then out of nowhere you see this big scary looking guy tackle her like a football player would tackle it was freaking hilarious he took the ring and gave it to his brother so he could give it to his mouth enk she started whaling that he can't marry that to to Jezebel and that she was hurt her hip was hurting security escorted her out of the park where police officers were waiting for her our photographer caught everything on camera the son had purchased a package - he could have the memories of his engagement he mentioned something about it being evidence we gave them some freebies and got them on our IDEs so they wouldn't have to wait in line
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 106,201
Rating: 4.9211917 out of 5
Keywords: reddit engagement, reddit girl, reddit wedding, reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit momzilla, askreddit, askreddit wedding, askreddit engagement, askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, r/askreddit, r/, r/ wedding, r/ engagement, r/ mil, r/ girl
Id: Kbm0la-Pd0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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