Coworker tried to get me fired over breast implants

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Kalka tried to get me fired over breast implants so I pulled a reverse you know card four years ago now when I was twenty four my mum died of breast cancer and as both my grandmother's had also died of it I saw a specialist for a screening I found out I had some cells in one of my breasts that could have turned cancerous at any given moment I was told I had a few options I could have regular screenings every three or four months until it is developed into cancer I was told the risk of the cells becoming cancerous was very high due to family history but it could also potentially never could turn so I'd just be getting these screenings for no reason I could get a single mastectomy on the breast with the bad cells but they'd need to keep an eye on the other one so I'd still need regular checkups for the other breast I could get a bilateral mastectomy and remove all of my breast tissue basically eliminating the risk I went for the ball lateral mastectomy it was admittedly the most drastic option but after seeing what cancer did to my mom and grandmothers I didn't want to risk it I was warned about scarring but told it should be fairly minor it wasn't and I was left with two huge pink jagged scars on either side of my chest each about an inch long and half an inch wide and it caused me to go into a severe depression where it got to the stage of me not even leaving my flat because I didn't want people to see me throwing out my mirrors and getting physically sick looking at myself I went to a therapist who suggested a plastic surgeon the therapist said they'd never normally do that but it was clearly something I was struggling with and I might never get over it and the therapist could see why I struggle with it although I'll admit the therapist bit sent me to ask about scar reduction the plastic surgeon suggested a creep a laser or implants the cream didn't work and the laser was both expensive and risky so I went with the implants my natural boobs were unethical so I went with a slightly smaller DD since then my mental health has improved and I feel a lot better about the way I look my confidence has gone up as has my self-esteem I know I shouldn't cut much into my appearance but I wasn't exaggerating about these scars huge bright pink jagged raised just really awful to look at and I hated seeing myself and they are now nicely hidden away and you can barely feel them in the present day I'm 28 years old and working in an office I'm doing a lot better than I was Michael Carr Joe found out I'd had a boob job but not about the cancer thing when myself and my friends from years before the mast ectomy were planning a holiday and she made a joke about me going on a plane with my implants and Jill overheard by the end of the day the entire office knew I'd had a boob job but not why and half a dozen people confirmed Joe had told them over the next few months Jill made many jokes and comments about my chest to Cal walkers when I was in earshot at one point saying I had more plastic than Barbie and calling me fake in two ways I didn't hear this one myself but a friend in the office told me that y'all had at one point referred to me as a sack of silicone I don't know what her problem was exactly but at one point she mentioned the NHS so I assumed Jill thought that I'd got my tits done for free on taxpayer money I'd gotten the mastectomy on NHS but gone private for therapy and implants I asked her to stop more than once but unfortunately the places I'd talked to her were places like the lift and the women's bathroom where there weren't any cameras and Jill just kept making comments no matter how often I asked her not to I wouldn't say it was every single day that I heard at least three comments per week for three months I hit my breaking point when me Jill and a few other cow walkers were having lunch I referred to something as being shallow and Jill said you'd know all about being shallow while gesturing to my chest I snapped I said do you know why I have these a few years ago the doctors found potentially cancerous cells in my breast tissue I was advised to get a mastectomy and was left with huge ugly scars on my chest I went to see a therapist who sent me to a cosmetic surgeon who advised me to get implants to hide the scars just so I could look at myself in the mirror without crying so maybe next time you want to judge someone for having cosmetic surgery you should ask them why they had it first and feeling like that was a Mick drop moment I picked up my food and left for the rest of the day I had about 1/3 of my office come up to me and offer support and the rest tell me that Jill was just joking around and I was being a [ __ ] I replied that Jill was being a [ __ ] long before I was I then got an email from HR saying they wanted to talk to me the following day and when I called for clarification they mentioned a hostile work environment note this is apparently an American term and holds little weight in England but it's what was said over the phone I knew the person who signed off the NL and I'd spoken to her name was Debbie and she was Jill's friend in HR so I was fairly confident on who had reported me I realized that if this was already being sent to HR I needed as much ammunition as possible so I went about collecting my information as Debbie had dealt with me so far it was safe to assume she would be the person reviewing the complaint with me and if that was true I was docked however I vaguely remembered a section on complaints that was in my contract when I first signed with the company I flicked through the contract and there was a part in complaint section that said I was contractually allowed to request a change of review if I felt my allocated reviewer was biased it was called an impartial overseer I photocopied the page and highlighted that part then I message the people who had offered their support over Fassa book and said basically HR have asked to see me do any of you remember Jill insulting me to your face and are you willing to write and sign something saying what you heard and when not everyone was willing to help us Jill is somewhat feared in the office due to her befriend in HR and management but about 20 people were willing to help me I guessed roughly when I'd asked Jill to stop previously the four asks over the last few months some timings were easy to guess as they'd happened on my break or when I'd first arrived at work and I wrote them all down along with a rough time of when the lunchroom confrontation happened and a list of names of who was there for the lunchroom confrontation I got to work slightly early the next morning I went round everyone who had messaged me and most of them managed to give me a printed and signed letter some didn't manage to write one but NBD this isn't exact words as they're 16 letters to sum up here but the gist was my name is their name I work with Joe last name and opus on date at time approximate I spoke with Joe last name during which she referred to offers quoted insult I felt this was an appropriate as it directly related to ops appearance and I'm willing to go on record further to establish that Joe last name has been discussing up in the workplace in the same manner for three months now causing me discomfort and creating what I feel is a hostile work environment signed their name I wound up with about 16 letters all from different people and one of them was in the lunch room for my conversation with Joe Simeon had bullet-pointed lists of everything Joe had said to them about me or other people as it turns out Joe has issues with a lot of people's appearances she apparently made comments about one cow Walker's weight and something anti-semitic about a different Calchas notes all of which were put in these letters there are about 45 people in the office so while 16 wasn't a majority it's still a decent amount the letters weren't hugely long most were only a paragraph but they had all the necessary information I was asked to come to HR at 10:00 a.m. I took the letters from Cowell cos the photocopy of the page in my contract and my dates and times in a little folder with me I got there and Debbie was the one overseeing the interview she got up from her desk ready to lead me into another room I immediately turned to the other HR worker that was currently there and said so is my meeting with you then Debbie said no you're with me I replied that this wouldn't sit well with me as my contract states I have a right to an impartial overseer and as I said this I took the contract page out of my folder Debbie read it I wouldn't let her take the paper when there was a shredder so close by and said she could be impartial I replied that I really didn't mean to be a pain but I had it on good authority that the person on the other end of this complaint is her friend and my contractors say I'm allowed an impartial overseer Debbie stomped off to get supervisor supervisor asks how I know she can't be impartial and I tell him that I have it on good authority that the Jill who was on the other end of this complaint is a close friend of Debbie he asked Debbie if this was true to which she only replied I can be impartial supervisor took a deep breath asked the other HR rep to come with him and the four of us all went to review the complaint I thanked them for being so accommodating I was worried I'd annoyed them Debbie took out the complaint and all three of them went through it with me Debbie looks homicidal the whole time the interview was happening as she had clearly anticipated firing me or at least recommending me being fired the interview went something like this it took like over half an hour and they kept asking me the same questions but phrased different ways so this is a really drastically condensed version here you said outside that you think joe lastname reported you why is this hey joe has had an issue with me for about three months now q why didn't you come to us when you realized your had an issue Hey I had no issue with her q what issue does Joe have reviewed a four years ago a specialist identified potentially cancerous cells in my breast tissue I had surgery to remove my breast tissue there by removing the cells in the risk after the surgery I was left with large scars on my chest I went to a therapist for low self-esteem and depression the therapist suggested a plastic surgeon and suggested breast implants to cover my scars all of this is in my medical history which you have a copy of in my file in my full permission to review Jill found out about my breast implants but didn't know about the cancer Jill had a problem with my breast implants and decided to communicate this problem to our Calchas here why do you feel this is true hey there's sixteen sign statements all from different Calchas all testifying that Jill told the entire office I'd had breast implants on the she found out and has since made comments about these implants frequently they have quotes of what you'll said to them about it and rough dates and times here rough dates and times hey no one knew this would be escalated to such an extent so no one really took notes as and when it happened here what event or events do you think directly led to this complaint of harassment a for me harassment began when she'll told everyone about my breast implants without my consent but as to the complaint placed against me it would probably be what happened at about time yesterday in the lunchroom Jill made a comment about me being shallow while gesturing to my breasts and I replied by giving her an abridged version of my relevant medical history and ending with a comment about the importance of getting the full story there are cameras in the lunchroom so I'm sure you'll be able to find that conversation I'll admit I could have handled the situation better but after three months I felt I had to put my foot down here's a list of names of people who were also present there were six people at the table including myself and Jo one of these people is also in those letters and has written their account of the conversation and signed it here have you had a conversation with Jill prior to this regarding her comments about you a several spaced out over the last three months each time I communicated to her that I felt uncomfortable and upset with these comments she was making and would appreciate it if she were to stop here to your knowledge was still made aware of your former cancer at any point in this time a no it wasn't mentioned in the conversation with my friend she overheard and I didn't tell her because frankly it's none of her business and I did not feel the need to detail my medical history to a cow walker in order to avoid further sexual harassment supervisor stands up and says well I think we had done here he shakes my hand and sends me back to my desk saying that I'd hear from them after they reviewed the evidence letters CCTV medical history and anything they had already and made a decision on the case I got back to my desk pulled up my CV I prepared to start the job search again about an hour goes by then the person who wrote the letter and was there for the lunch room conversation gets called for a meeting with ours they come back ten minutes later the other people who were also there for the lunch room conversation get called one by one except you all of them are gone for about ten minutes then come back find the cow Walker and say that HR wants to see them then the people who wrote letters but weren't there yesterday are also called one by one and are each gone for about ten minutes each some longer some shorter by about 3:30 it looks like everyone who wrote a letter or was there in the lunch room has been interviewed then finally Jill gets called in she's gone for about 30 minutes and comes back fuming she glares at me while I work but I ignore her for Curlin 30-ish Jill gets called into HR again 5:00 p.m. rolls around everyone is either leaving or getting ready to leave when Jill storms back into the office she glares at me the whole time she packs up her desk she then starts telling anyone who will listen that I got her fired before shoving her way on to the left an email comes in from HR my case is closed [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 98,595
Rating: 4.9326639 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit coworker, breast implants, reddit work, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit girl, askreddit coworker, askreddit work, r/ girl, r/ pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, reddit revenge, r/ revenge, r/
Id: 5BjUws4Pfdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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