Mother in law made me sign a prenup which was in my favour

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[Music] [Music] this is from a while ago when i was first getting married to my dh homosexual here we had been together about two years at this point in friends for six college it felt like the point where you either get married or go find someone else so romantic right the engagement went rather smoothly i didn't have to deal with dh's mother after my initial encounter with his mother despite some efforts so i surprised when she invited me out without him to lunch i played nice shoes a nice restaurant for lunch and offered to pay and the date was set of course she apologized for the earlier incident and we made up and agreed to go wine shopping the next day and be best friends forever ls's wonders with their ml yeah that didn't happen i showed up and found myself in a very uncomfortable threesome with a serious looking man in his 50s it turns out my meal had decided her baby needed a print up without consulting him to protect him from his big bad boyfriend guys i read through this thing it was the evilest print up i had ever seen basically if we got divorced the partner with the majority of the money and income would take all of the assets stocks inheritance and liquid cash and it wasn't a five or ten years print up this was lifetime i signed it immediately when i realized what it was now some of you might notice i said partner and not dh when we initially met i was finishing up training in a rather complex field and making very little the moment that was done well i was now making you money my dh also works in a high paying field but i will owe you pace him additionally my mill didn't bother to do any research on my family it turns out my inheritance and assets are worth significantly more than his thanks maranda she walked out of the restaurant without eating bee thinking she had insured her baby's safety from his big bad husband i immediately called my future dh cackling about what i just signed he tattled on her to his dad and then i got a text saying there was an emergency family meeting tonight and that i was eating alone apparently mill went away i i off the grid and pulled in a law firm the family doesn't use without her husband's consent she essentially wasted thousands of dollars creating a time bomb for her child myself came home without a voice that night from all their screaming sadly the only fallout for little miss crazy pants was everyone being peter for a few days but it really set the tone for my welcome into his family hello there i have finally chosen a name for my mill henceforth she shall be known as prin up patricia or pages for short my inner five years has mirth seriously though what is it with mills and tattoos i understand to a certain extent that it's a generational thing but they really lose it on this subject this is set in between dhs and my engagement and our wedding his family had finally begun to actually accept what was happening and was attempting to reach out and get to know me while his most of his siblings were great getting his parents to the same place proved difficult long time southerns it was understandable i mostly saw them in passing and occasional skype calls as their snowbirds now people who leave the midwest when it gets koldakka wasses they were coming up for phil's business and dh coerced them into having dinner with us one night conversation was strained honestly it was one of the most uncomfortable nights i had ever had pages especially just refused to engage with me i put in more effort than i almost ever do to conversation my phil at least found we were both whiskey fans but paige's grey rocked me all dinner it wasn't until dessert that we rolled around some home to the subject of art in the city and how one of my buddies was trying to make the jump to being a tattoo artist pages immediately states all tattoos are trashy the only people that get tattoos are those whose parents didn't raise them right she looked so smug after saying that and went back to her food like nothing is wrong im covered in tattoos i think fear beautiful forms of expression and amazing art pieces on a different canvas i have a full sleeve half sleeve both legs done and various pieces all over normally when you work in the field i mean tatters are frowned upon but my specialty is rare enough i can get away with it i suspect pages thought i was annoyed but it's still an incredible rude thing to say well i can handle most things i really don't care but if you talk about my parents even tangentially i see red and will use what they taught me about decimating people with your tongues dh literally stopped me with one look and grabbing me so hard he left a bruise on my leg under the table we ate the rest of the meal in reality of silence i was furious and about to kill him the moment we got home he interrupted the beginning of my rant which pee me off more and pushed me into changing in tank top that showed off my sleeves i didn't know at the time that his mother didn't know about his tattoo on his arm from college frat brothers right if she found out he had a tattoo she would explode and that's exactly what he was gonna do to her he took a picture of us showing off the gun show and tagged her in it on facebook thanking her for the wonderful meal for all of her sanctimonious church friends to see her babies vomit skin marked by the devil's ink and his horrible hunky tattooed boyfriend dh's phone was blowing up that night still not sure why isn't that a strange coincidence duck off pages my parents did just fine to begin let's ask a rhetorical question dear reader how would you plan a wedding for two pretty masculine mask for mask vomit guys who both are non-religious and very non-traditional pages had the worst answer to the above question cdh and i both don't stand on ceremony we were planning on a small five-minute ceremony somewhere and then a massive over-the-top party we picked our wedding venue with reality of easy due to it not being highly contested send out save the dates then promptly forgot to plan anything about it because it was nine months away the plan for us was to put the whole thing together among thought to in advance and not worry about it until the day if we vaguely discussed outfits and colors and all the but there was a lot going on in life so enter about seven months out where our villainous centers pages has decided without talking to us that this wedding is going to be a train wreck who cares it's about love if someone doesn't step in and lead the charge and who better than the groom's loving mother and mill we wake up at about 9 45 on a saturday to a loud pounding at the door strike one i'm a monster sleep deprived so my already short fuse has been exacerbated adding to paige's bitching that we are not dressed it's 9 45 in my own house you're lucky i put on anything b d h stuffs a sausage in my mouth sadly not a ufannisin they brought breakfast to keep my quiet while his sisters and mother begin detailing the master plan quick side note on my tendency to ramble dh has three sisters ossu is pp's main flying monkey wales in family manuscript who's actually one of my besties awkward and ducking your brother convo is who's pretty chill but conflict avoidant the baby at this point i begin to realize manuscript and a sir along for the ride orson pages are the driving forces behind this kerfuffle pp's first proposal up and dh have a traditional church catholic wedding the same church pages got married in church vows and a sermon in the middle of the ceremony full procession with traditional wedding music and op playing the part of the bride i don't think i can rock heels y'all there was even a white tux involved so many ducking knows i'm uncomfortable around almost any religions growing up gay especially catholicism no offense the last thing i want is a ceremony overseen by a religion that condemns my love for dh not to mention black and white is not my colour scheme at all and i think traditional would be the last word to describe myself luckily i didn't have to douche about that one the h its and manuscript all laughed in their faces and i made passive aggressive jabs about how i should get us some barbers to plan her dream wedding now they are grumpy and whining about how we're being ungrateful easy snipe back of well they kind of shanghaied us into wedding planning we didn't ask for at 10 in the deucing morning i work nights by the way so g i wonder why we are crabby strike 2 wedding 2 was a cringe fest i did not know this until this moment but pages is what happens when horse girls grow up she planned a western-themed rodeo ranch wedding i asked if i got to ride a stallion at the end many glares bareback mountain wedding y'all when dh asked her why it was apparently because he wanted to be a cowboy when he was little and loved horses so much d8 reminds her he's not 12 anymore and that i hate horse so we truck on the last wedding was gross it was based in the south so none of our friends and some point of my family could come dhs excess were on the guest list and we were supposed to come down for a week and stay in separate bedrooms for some garbage reason a pretty obvious last-ditch attempt to get dh away from his gold-digging gay husband dh dries his eyes with harmony it was also obviously supposed to be a circus of mill showing off her family everyone in attendance and her full week of fawning over the mother of the groom the sad part was all the sisters liked this one it was a family event and they would get to see everyone they never get to and have their friends from all over come except it's not your ducking wedding while they were talking about it i just told bhno he was fine with that also the things she was planning were expensive so i asked her how she was planning to pay for it i'm not covering your wedding she replied why i assume your father will cover your wedding demon smile me silence strike three i grab dh pick him up and carry him shouting over my shoulder we are gonna go figure out if i'm a girl you're welcome to stick around to find out surprisingly they did not but this was not the finale of the wedding drama so at about five months out of the wedding i begin to realize i probably should plan this thing at the time some of our save the dates have come back and many of my relatives had checked they weren't coming i'm a dumbass in my haste and loved blindness i had neglected to think of the crowd we had planned a destination wedding and the costs were way high so we came to a decision to have the thing in our home city and then go travel for our honeymoon the people are more important than the place you know now how does this factor into my mill good question see i'm new money my hubby is old money these harsh terms we use to describe what generation people got their wealth dh grew up in private schools and with maids patricia put all of her kids through at eight classes while they were growing up she also refers to their mates and cooks as the help silver spoon i grew up briefly in what could be considered the ghetto gunshots most nights and low middle class my young life i'm super lucky my parents were as smart as they were we didn't become wealthy until my late teens my non-immediate family is not as lucky but most of them are stable we joke that my dad's side of the family could have been what shameless is based off of disturbingly true my mother's side are immigrants i'm a first-gen immigrant technically my family is not sophisticated as a result they are wonderful classy and fun people and dh and i choose a wedding venue to suit that buffet style wedding game scattered throughout bags volleyball beer pong a ton of liquor some wedding games and casual dress it was gonna be so fun 10 from 10 patricia calls sobbing actual ducking crocodile tears these were her complaints in order of importance are moving the wedding was because we liked my family better and not because of fiscal reasons it's true but we should say it marge how could we expect our guests to eat buffet style it's so uncivilized cooked by a ton of fine dining chefs instead of a wedding present and not eighty dollars a port the dress code is unfair she already bought a dress you buy a new dress every week yeah old biddy how could i use my renter kid as a ring bear adh's three-year-old cousin was dying to do so explanation at bottom her guests will have to brush elbows with those ruffians my family insinuating the change was because we were fiscally irresponsible children hypocrite textbook homophobic and other about me being ash partner mmm mill tears dh wrote all of them down in his notebook and told his mom he would consider what she was saying she amazingly instantly stopped crying with a surprised really of course she's his mom and he should consider her opinions he then proceeded to write full essay with help and annotations from a dashing anonymous source refuting each point with why it was inconsiderate disrespectful and rude my favorite was mom i don't care what you think about these people you've never met i'm marrying into these ruffians and they've shown more love and support in a single day than you've ever showed opus he then posted those essays in their family group chat showing what a b she was being i love when all is quiet from patricia those are blessed days rent a kid explanation i sperm donated to some old lesbian friends in college so i have a kid i get to do that stuff with incorrupt and send him home to his moms after it rocks what do you get when you cross a bunch of chefs fat boys gabries country club southerners and drunken relatives our wedding it was a god travesty wrapped in a train wreck smothered in extra i ducking loved it patricia started the day before by insisting that dh and i had to spend the night apart because it's tradition when has that word ever worked for you so he did he went to her hotel room then dipped back to mine grooms won patricia zero now our wedding was super informal we had vague timelines on everything but nothing was set in stone so in the most true to form thing ever for me personally i was late to my own wedding gee i wonder why but since dh and i was very relaxed only way to shut me up is to put a c in it and also kinda tipsy i'm a bubble head no one gave us as long long as the hosts are happy everyone is lifetime party advice this was communicated through much yelling at patricia who began to yell at jews for being late led by her adult children i never expected to see someone get booed at my wedding she went into quite a sulk grooms to patricia zero ceremony was performed a short ceremony is a good one and then we got down to drinking i got in ludicrously expensive champagne balling a blank clean whilst for the wine curious to toast with our parents for the wedding patricia said it was unmanly to drink bubbles her husband told her she must be a lesbian then and took two glasses grooms two patricia zero dh's step dad two flutes of champagne i did an uncountable number of shots we smoked cigars we played bags we gorged ourselves on mitchell in quality food chef friends ftw there was a cake competition my kid got covered in glitter somehow dh got a blow in a dark corner shameless and there were only three punches thrown and all disagreements were solved by whiskey our families got along splendidly much to our shock oh and the guests that patricia was so scared about brushing elbows with the ruffians won our beer pong tournament double elim dh and i got swept by some lesbians and an elderly southern couple dh's dad jay and fam also spent the entire night hitting on patricia's sister in front of his wife point to the point where her headache caused her to bow out early it was perfect grooms love not tennis kind patricia zero op laughs in smug wedding memories so after our wedding dh and i were home for two days before our honeymoon world travels in that time most people's thoughts were along the lines of hey those two just got married we probably shouldn't bug them duck not patricia she texts th the day after we tie the knot to come discus wine b moan complain the wedding he ignores her she calls he ignores her she texts me i ignore her not great at pattern recognition that one she then texts that she's coming over writers round began which we missed due to doing the thing new lie what's to constantly banging pages shows up i answer the door rather disheveled and tell her we're not receiving visitors formal she demands to talk to her baby i tell her that's a bad idea at this time context clues yet i'm broad she insists and that is the story of dh telling his mother to duck off in nothing but handcuffs and a jock strap and knee-high socks tbf follow-up bracket with her jaw drop scratched my hardwood floors but damn if it wasn't worth it [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 70,114
Rating: 4.8728938 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mil, reddit money, reddit prenup, reddit mother in law, reddit, justnomil, r/ girl, r/ mil, r/ money, r/ justnomil, r/ prenup, r/, askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit money, askreddit prenup, askreddit
Id: NhPrSkCnLzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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