Jealous sister in law tries to take over my pregnancy

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sister-in-law tries to take over my pregnancy my pregnancy and postpartum period has been tainted by my cell so 38 is my bills 35 fee an K and she drives me nuts don't get me wrong I love her but I can only handle her a little at a time she just too much and a major B who likes to play like she isn't one and she's just a victim and everyone and everything is out to get her she's also can't stand when the attention is not on her she started pressuring us to have a baby before we were married and I told her on multiple occasions that I refused to have a baby with someone I'm not married to but she kept pushing the issue until I finally told her to drop it that I wouldn't be having that conversation again after that point when she brought it up I'd ignore it then after we got married she started back up again but this time changing the wording I can't wait until you have a baby I'm so ready for you to have a baby when you have a baby it's going to be so beautiful when I got fed up with this I started telling her if she wanted me to have a baby she can donate to I have a baby fund and that I'd have a baby when I'm good and ready fast forward when I became pregnant I wanted to keep it between our parents and my BBF but we had a family emergency that warranted still knowing to help keep me calm and not stressed out as I was still very early in my pregnancy I wasn't very happy about this and regretted it from the moment D H told her her response was I'm jealous I want another baby for a month after she found out I constantly got crying phone calls and texts about how our mill would love my baby more because it was her first by our grandchild and her three kids F 15 M 11 F 8 would be pushed to the side and not loved anymore we'll never showed any signs of this happening she constantly stated that she was going to be a grandmother again Syl swears up and down there was always a pause and it was always tacked on like an - thought it wasn't she was also jealous that the H was super supportive excited and involved because the fathers of her kids were this caused me to feel very guilty to the point I didn't want to be pregnant anymore she then started asking me if she could keep my baby when I went back to work could she come to my appointments with me would I give her one of my ultrasound pictures and got a second-hand car seat from someone I don't know but got mad when someone else brought up the baby especially mill basically she was the only one allowed to be excited if I talked about the baby she would completely change the subject she also pestered me about being in her wedding which was set for a week after my due date and she wanted me to bring my one week old to an outdoor wedding in March I told her no and she pouted that I wasn't going to be there to support her she was so sure I was having a girl that I felt that I was having a boy I was told that I'm wrong and she's right because she's had three kids and since I wanted a boy it was a girl now because that's definitely how biology works she tried to dictate our gender-reveal because her oldest daughter's birthday is a day before th and they wanted a party on his birthday instead even though the reveal was over long before the birthday party she still threw a fit because it wasn't all about her kid tried to get us to do a separate reveal for her daughter because she wanted to be with her grandparents instead of coming herself turns out I was right and she tried to play it off like she thought it was a boy the whole time and she's so excited it's a boy blended up telling me she had a tough time dealing with it being a boy that got a whole eye roll from me she tried to insert herself in decorating the nursery and Wendy H and I asked her to back off a bit and give us space she ran and lied saying that BH cussed her out and said awful things to her instead of letting me talk with Mill about the things I wanted for our baby she had all those conversations but gave all the wrong information basically just telling me all the stuff she wanted when she pregnant with her kids then during Christmas Eve she made an announcement better and Bill's wedding was being postponed indefinitely she only had a dress that no longer fits and some flowers after almost two years of planning but the next morning she kept interrupting mill D H and I while we planned my baby shower to talk about wedding things asking how many bridesmaids she had and what we thought about if she did X Y Zed for the wedding D H and I left immediately I decided with a month of my maternity leave I'd be going home 17 plus hours away for the rest of my family to meet my son SILS response was water why are you taking him how long are you going to be gone what does th think of that it was actually the H idea for me to go back home for that time and who the flying s do you think you are I don't have to run my decisions by you she expected to be in the delivery room when I told her I only wanted the age my mom and me l she threw a small fit saying she wanted so and so in the room with her and I'm going to need her and X amount of people there because that's how she wanted it when it became clear I wasn't giving and she said she'd just be in the waiting room which I also shot down I didn't want anyone there because I didn't want the pressure of having to let people in the room with me right away I wanted the time to bond with my son she proceeded to tell me that because she waited in the waiting room for her best friend I was going to want the same thing I completely shot that down around my due date she called me and before I could say anything she immediately asked if I'm in labor I told her that she wasn't going to start texting and calling me checking to see if I'm having a baby she replied that's what you think laughing I told her if she started I'd stop answering her calls and texts she whined that she'd be the last to know when I went into labor and that we tell everyone else and leave her out I ended up being induced unexpectedly while going to my 39 week appointment my mom and EH were with me so we called Millinocket later that night the agent nil went to our house to get my pillow and feed and let off her baby out eh best friend BFF called he is an EMT and there was a cool on our block for a stroke and he wanted to make sure it wasn't our address he was able to hear the heart rate monitor in the background and said he was coming up to check on me and hung up I didn't mind because I absolutely loved him and he so laid back and cool he drove his ambulance up to the hospital and stayed with me for an hour but unfortunately he called bill and asked if he knew I was in the hospital BL didn't and word got back to sill who was at work at the time so the whole time BFS was with me he was fielding calls and texts from SIL saying she was leaving work and coming up and how come we didn't call her but called him which he explained he found out by accident that lasted about an hour just non-stop whining and complaining about missing out then after 34 hours and an emergency c-section I heard my little boy unfortunately he had to stay in the hospital for a week after birth because he needed antibiotics for an infection and yet still still managed to make this all about her we could only have six people on a list that would be allowed to see him without D H and I present my mum was one since she wouldn't get to see him come home before she left BFF because that's who we chose to be Godfather and my best friend her mom and aunt they came from my home state we left the last spot two mil but she never came down lives one hour away d H talked have been about was he okay with know being on the list if not will move things around to allow him to be on as well he was okay with it so we went on with a list as planned so threw a fit and complained to BFF about not seeing little one and that it wasn't fair that he and his girlfriend saw him more than she did girlfriend only solo on the first day after that she came to the hospital with him but sat in the waiting room since she didn't have a bracelet to go in the nursery I decided I didn't want a bunch of pictures of little one on social media for a while I made this clear during my pregnancy and in the hospital room and only allowed a couple pictures the first day other than that I have a Google photos album I share pictures that every one is a part of because I won't send pictures on demand I also made this clear so thought it was appropriate to text me demanding new pictures of little one because she missed his face so much at this point Lowe is still in the nursery and I only see him twice a day because I still need to be at home to rest and heal from my c-section after bringing him home she texts me thinking it was a good idea to do family photos outside with a one week old in the five almost six years I have been in this family I have never done family photos with her outside of Christmas so why all of a sudden is this a thing I let her know that I wanted the first pictures with Lowe to be of just eh and I as a family and her little feelings got hurt saying that was what she was going to do that with her bill the kids and us I'm still confused as to how that's just me the agent low in no one else she also posted a bunch of pictures she took earlier that day visiting Lowe I texted her to let her know that I still didn't want pictures of him on social media and she deleted the entire album that had pictures from our gender-reveal and baby shower everything deleted and the icing on the cake she complained to mill that I'm keeping Milo from her and her family when I had been home with Milo for two weeks Lord forbid I want some bonding time with my son after I missed a week with him because he was in the hospital still I think it's disturbing that my sister-in-law who has a long distance limited relationship with our children had their names tattooed on her arm she did not ask us how we felt just posted a picture on social media once it was done she has no children of her own but is still in her childbearing years she is not a close beloved aunt of my children they see her once a year and talk to her briefly on holidays they never talk about her or ask about her between those times they like her well enough but she likes to lecture them and attempt to parent them so a little of her goes a long way she is going to expect us to all holiday h/h about this too - I have nothing nice to say I'm not flattered I feel violated I feel like it glorifies tattoos something neither I'll their father have though this isn't about tattoos in general it's about tattoos of my kids names to each their own on tattoos more importantly it glorifies her relationship with our kids she barely knows them and doesn't spend time with them when we do visit on our last visit she sent our kids to McDonald's with her friend and didn't join them she later used a photo the friend took of my son's eating and posted it as if she had been there it's crazy instead of the cost of a tattoo this tattoo is huge bTW how about a plane ticket to visit the children you claim to love so much she talks about my children taking care of her when she's in a nursing home why would they they will be busy with their own families and taking care of their parents I was so mad when I saw the tattoo that I told my husband I wanted to cancel our upcoming vacation to see her and their grandparents I have been taking my anger out on him which is probably unfair that I feel his lack of communication with them leads to this kind of crazy hater because I think so too in my kids names on her body is weird am I supposed to feel flattered I feel like if anyone is going to tattoo my kids names on their body it should be me or my husband I'm going to try to make a long story short I've always been uncomfortable around my sister-in-law because she's hot-headed very judgemental quick to get angry but my dear husband shuts it down quickly which is good she really cares for him and respects him and that is important to this story I think she is seven years older the name sister-in-law has had a tough time with life is almost 33 and just starting her career unmarried and wants kids but it just isn't the right time for her career-wise we are 25 and recently got married hoping to start a family in the next few months for some context our wedding was 5th of October of this year and she was a bridesmaid she showed up late to the rehearsal of the church actually showed up when it was over and was angry at me for being a little upset over that I didn't say anything rude just asked why she was late and she told me to calm down she then also showed up late to the wedding the next day was two hours late to photos so I only have a few photos with all the bridesmaids again I was upset but didn't say anything because she terrifies me to be honest the rest of the wedding and reception she was rude to everyone pouted the whole time and didn't dance when I was about to throw the bouquet I went up to her and said come on I'm about to throw it happily and she responded with I'm never getting married leave me alone rudely she was also rude to my th at the reception but only mildly she also hated my best friend who is my maid of honor because she accused her of flirting with her boyfriend my maid of honor is Serbian like her boyfriend and they just bonded over this fact she was not flirting at all since then she's been passive-aggressive with me criticizing everything I do I am absolutely terrified to tell her when I'm pregnant because she'll create an issue how do I deal with her I don't want to drive a wedge between D H and his sister because they were very close growing up and I know he cares for her deeply
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 240,172
Rating: 4.9089718 out of 5
Keywords: jealous sister in law, reddit, reddit sil, reddit sister in law, reddit jealous, reddit crazy, reddit girl, reddit women, askreddit, askreddit girl, askreddit women, askreddit pregnant, reddit pregnant, r/askreddit, best of reddit, best of r/, r/, crazy sister in law, reddit family, reddit relationship
Id: Hz8yDyMgiGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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