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this one is on the edge are you ready George I know I'm ready are you ready Oh am I ever ready let's go have a hails of a great time and let's see how much money we can make today don't forget to subscribe and make sure you hit the bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every Sunday 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time [Music] [Music] mental mental Oh [Music] Oh that was [Music] [Music] the one dollar bill the hundred dollar bill in the middle just moved I think it's like floating on the top [Music] [Music] [Music] both always home nice push those holes are pretty close I mean they've been playing the side nice there's a really good push [Music] try the middle from the middle you give up he didn't get the iPhone he's going now so we had a $25.00 quarters to start oh we can talk a little longer now we have 25 yes yes yes they were playing this one heavy and then they ran out okay so buy-in we got $25 worth of tour there's one hundred quarters to start how are you doing yeah all right not bad not bad you've had a couple of great pushes that corner just landed right on the dollar maybe it would if it might weigh it down it'll weigh it down so it doesn't float anymore oh nice what a good push [Music] try middle try middle I think I think your your left side is definitely gonna fall eventually if you keep playing at heavy but if you got a quarter already to drop on the hundred dollar bill right there is that thing instead of float initiative it should fall how many more all right we just still gotta still gotta grab your winning so we're good oh you got some more let's grab them would you pull out 7675 why don't you use the cup they give you in okay so 7675 you said right why don't you go get that iPhone that dude got it pretty close over there he gave up put some oh okay that iPhone is probably worth more than the cash on here baby so nice nice drop nice drop you're going left instead of middle all you got you've got like two or three quarters on it now a mess yeah yeah how your clothes actually this one was all the way in the back back here in the beginning how'd you get it up there I didn't even know this all right do you claim the bang see how you do babe what if you go in the middle and then push that and maybe the sides won't push out [Music] that's so will they pile up to like crazy yeah but I think that's because of the lip they just drop on each other like they're dropping on the hundred dollar bill to just drop right on top of each other that one hundred dollar bill is moving oh man these do you want to come home all right so you're gonna play the left No hey you got it you got it hanging over the edge you have it hanging over the there's there's definitely more than one in that clip there's definitely there's got it yeah there's more than one in there there's more than one why I guess we'll find out if you get it pushed out oh look you just jacked up that Center 100 [Music] oh man that is so close no you got one quarter on that bush it is so close you like going to the left yeah look at how close those two rolls are now that's how far apart they were when you started now look how close they are oh my goodness the quarters just came off whoa the quarters just came off the middle hundred dollar bill the hammer in the left she's hammering the laptop it wants to come home to mama [Music] so close keep hitting that lap keep hitting it I don't even know how you got that background up there with that front one oh my goodness oh my goodness look it is right on the edge they might both go at the same time how much more coins do you have oh yeah get it get it get it get it [Music] she's hitting that left side some just fell on the right [Music] [Music] we just moved it just moved oh oh it's hovering that one is hovering it's kind of it's lodged underneath there oh wow Wow we Wow [Music] [Music] come on get it get it get it get it get it Oh Oh my heart can't take it look at this there's quarters dropping on the one that was floatin again somehow you push that back one up to the front and they're floating on the edge [Music] yes all the quarters are going from underneath them they're floating you got a hammer it hard that one that was lodged oh my goodness Oh nice push oh I can't believe you just did that she's stacking I'm heavy on the left there like piled up on each other same thing everybody else was doing in the middle when we got here oh it's teetering it's teetering how much more you got she dropped the other one and she flipped the middle one she flipped the middle one up on this edge we got to keep it down well you were right there is more there's more than one other role you got two roles how many think are in there flipping straight up you got to know when to hold um know when to pull them and then you got to know when to rock this yeah I would say this is pretty good so what are you doing you're going right now rapidfire to the right to get that guy in good push you sure you don't want that middle one nice [Music] you and your bag [Music] knew nothing there man look at that we're on the left they're hanging on by a thread [Music] that was a good push [Music] nice nice drop [Music] Oh baby you just hit the middle look it on the middle and look you put the one in the dollar hundred dollar bill over to the last well those are nice golden wolf wash them with all the money afterwards [Music] oh I'm all shook up Hales yes you should go for that one I don't know but you decide I don't know I don't know you got to figure it out one way or another stayin to the right [Music] that is today is your day going for that one too I don't know if you can actually get that one by going to the right you might have to go in the middle of pushes this Mac I don't know how you got the other one that was over there but oh well that's it that's scooted a little bit I wasn't paying attention how you got the other ones [Music] on Monday takes me let him be I don't wanna be your tiger good daddy good oh I'm sorry for doubting your good luck charm how much came out in quarter corners only that's not the hundred dollar bills okay you didn't count the hundred dollar bills yet you got a little ammo to get these others for sure here she goes yeah I'd say that was a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's really close to getting that one on the end [Music] so close are you going oh how it's so close [Music] [Music] going to the light [Music] Wow so are you trying to push the one on the right or I definitely want to get this stubborn little guy but I feel like my technique of staying on the right oh [Music] [Music] nice who would've ever thought putting quarters on the right would push the money to the low [Music] [Music] oh you knocked it over [Music] [Music] it's crazy that is crazy you got double triple lips in there so they get lodged in the lips as we go back but she's actually gotten this closer to come all the way over here to the to the left oh nice push that was a really good push I'd like it a whole lot more if you split this with me I was thinking 90 million ten years please anybody who knows me knows I give you everything what you're talking about fifty-fifty a hundred percent you know I'm saying fifty-fifty oh now it's 5050 man you just George I'm telling you got that close to the edge again how much more change do you have and good oh yeah oh yeah my my luck a good push that bill is actually moving yeah that's like a Christian brand-new $100 bill oh wow you got 1/4 of the drop nice good push [Music] focus in on the right side [Music] [Music] [Music] Elvis got the jokes bad jokes I love those she's got him so close she's got one on the left one on the right this is just insanity [Music] go [Music] come on big push [Music] that one just moved again I wonder hit in the middle with spreading Bo power oh nice nice nice oh are you kidding it's teetering on the edge go to the go to the left little F hurry hammer to the left all you so close hammer it to the left oh my goodness I can't believe it oh she's got a good drop it's right on the edge right on the edge babe the other oh babe you knock the other one in and we didn't even see it we didn't even see it you not the other one in and we didn't even see it I can't believe it we are so focused on this one when do you see the other role go in this one's on the edge literally oh it's moving it's moving this one is on the edge all the way in if you're gonna get the hundred dollars you got to push it all the way that's like a crisp new bill you're gonna have to get it to fall oh so close [Music] you got a good you got a good coins [Music] she's got that hundred dollar bill running scared it's just ten and they're mocking her Ben Franklin is mocking her [Music] [Music] how'd you do I can't believe it either there is four there's three hundred dollar bills in each world 1,300 wins alone come on 1225 1:12 25 plus 1,300 what the Hales [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 191,875
Rating: 4.8932781 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: mLav6FGYsBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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