HERO vs. KNOX COUNTY | Project Zomboid Survivors Challenge #1

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hello welcome to project zomboid what will you do when the dead walk today is july 4th 9 a.m our character is kenneth knife from connecticut knox counties in disarray all the conventional channels of human order have broken down um out of the few ragtag lone survivors clannish behaviors and hierarchies emerge today we join ken it's time to gather the last of humanity and jump ship run out the door and head for the hills we start at zero hour the clock is ticking and we suit up for disaster time has come we sneak out grab whatever we can while we still have the time anything we can take with us anything to defend ourselves to prolong life or a final toast something wicked this way comes and it's time to get out of here gather up the last dregs of humanity and escape fortify somewhere safer we steal away the first step is going to be self-reliance there's a lot to handle here's one another survivor he won't make it alone but some are overconfident and we make our way down the block self-reliance will go only so far we need allies we scour the local surroundings for useful tools and items outside it's a war zone but now we've got a water bottle a bag bandages and a makeshift weapon self-reliance is key it's time to get out of here we'll be trapped in a dead end gonna be a challenge to get out of here at all might as well make myself useful before i start recruiting survivors this neighborhood's looking overrun and more of them come by the second right over the fence sleuth will save us that's all we've got left ken may be out of shape but he's also very organized we'll need to eat to bring up our weight and get back up to full strength with times of the essence it's already halfway through the first day we'll need literature skill books and anything we can get our hands on this neighborhood is rover run and we hit the ground running making our search when the coast is clear we use the opportunities where the dead have entered then we can follow we let them do the heavy lifting and we follow in their wake this is just what we need to get out of town this place looks pretty overrun and i don't want to stay here any longer tools attachments everything we'll need to get out of town we soak up all the knowledge we can in the garage and as luck would have it we chance upon a few useful tools some takedowns we break in a few residences and as luck would have it we happen upon a big hiking bag doesn't look bad either we chance upon a fallen survivor but it's no good for now we can't use this yet but we can take it with us that night the neighborhood's in disarray we chance upon another survivor and it's the end for him too everything we touch dies there's always death in the wake we flee to seemingly the last residence i think the neighborhood is overrun it's time to hide and stay hidden for a while as luck would have it on the second day we happen upon a car with a key it's been a lot of searching but i finally found one of these things it's not my dream car but it is in great condition the gas isn't quite full either but well it's just a matter of adding some to the tank throwing that in the trunk and then gathering up the last of the survivors to make it worth leaving this place conflict isn't so worthwhile here i'd rather spend the time making friends but it looks like there aren't that many left to be made it's time to leave this place i know exactly where i'm headed anyway got a live one come on join me will you join me uh she won't you just keep bugging her she doesn't have too many options left it's too bad she didn't join me uh what can i say on to the next one now we'll drive gingerly we do want to keep this car in good shape we've got a long way to go and there's a lot of oh that's my dream car well they'll have a lot more of those where i'm going this is probably going to be the first of many but let's see does it have what i want it does oh this is even better all right matters just changed a lot found ourselves a humvee [Music] i know it's not in great condition but i take a humvee that's not in great condition over oh this thing's in terrible condition but it's so cool there we go this area is just about cleared oh nope it died all right i better find that out now than later they'll have plenty of those things beware going there's a lot to this town but i've got to leave this place behind there's somewhere much better where going fort redstone way off to the west i may not be a fast driver but what i lack in driving speed i make up for in uh well careful turning i may not have gotten my dream car but i there might be 10 of them where we're going next and a whole lot more beyond cars you see though you don't see them out here by now i'll bet there's hundreds of groups of ragtag survivors lone wolfing it or going at it in groups in the wilderness moving across the map and looking for a place to take up their residence oh what's this whole school bus maybe this thing's in good condition we could take this up see we've got a few trucks over here to negotiate let's check this thing out i believe won't even take this but i still just want to see looks like this other wreck is in the way we'll have to push it out with our own car i didn't really pick this for its towing abilities but i guess it'll work for now let's find out what this thing can do let's take out the window as well all right well no key but worth a shot anyway maybe someday we could hotwire something like this for now it's just back on the road finally we get to rosewood and we make a stop there's a lot to see in rosewood and plenty you can do and what i mainly came here for something that would make my life a lot easier time to head out where we could find more of these here we go the police station was sure to have them assault rifle cops it'll wear out this car but that's why i have a backup probably enough all right there's one two three and four five and last but not least my real target there's one two and this is what i needed belt with front pockets we'll grab that that should give us more storage space and just give me everything else in here throw all that in the trunk it looks like some of the npcs are not so friendly over here i'm gonna have to beat it before we can even get anyone on our side oh you come with me ah please i can help you what about you oh all right we got a group member our first one aaron you need a weapon all right let's get out of here just not safe uh overrun and my car is all filled up ellerin i don't know uh yolo i'm out of here oh it's too bad that's another one we gotta beat it there's more showing up by the second i'm much better back out with my three wheeler oh somebody's shooting too bad we've got to beat it at least it's quiet by my old car oh that's a relief actually a little worried it would have gotten hot over here you can just kind of unload everything into the trunk still in great condition and we got quite a haul here however we'll stay the night up here i want to arrive at dawn where we're going and so we'll use the last of the daylight hours to sneak over to the grocery store where we're going there won't be as much food as there is here but there's still good stuff everything's locked made it in that's just what we needed any kind of food we can get may not be much but it'll save us time later just what i needed and no time left here they come i'm out of here we made it to safety almost lost him all right looks like i'm sleeping in my car tonight i thought i was gonna get a hotel or will we made it out of there we may be tired but i'm sure somewhere on the road we can rest and like a fat kid i eat in my car we just have to pull over and sleep for tonight we'll wake up tomorrow at dawn i'm exhausted everything should be safe and i'll have a warning if i am attacked all right we made it till dawn just before dawn actually and with these summer mornings the sun should be coming up early i'm gonna get a quick meal and set right out on the road we're gaining weight rapidly again this is great we found some tactical neck armor i think it fits and if it saves us from getting bit and scratched and now we have a firearm but no magazine we make our way through the dense morning fog early morning summer fog nearly at an empty tank of gas now sight of zombies here we arrive fort redstone it's ours for the taking if we can take it that is while i'm wary of the fog it also might help us get inside there's bound to be a lot of them in here but it's something worth taking here are the gates but we don't have a sledgehammer to open it with they're after us and i'm on my way out this won't be easy but if i can find a secret way to slip in i'll be in luck and i'll be safer sure enough an opening in the fence right in the back now the coast isn't clear but clear enough we'll have to be good enough for us right now this place is like a pinata waiting to be broken open but there's a lot of them that one has a very nice backpack this backpack is mine one of the best in the game all right i think in terms of storage we're like fully kitted now we've got as much storage space as we can possibly get we may be locked out but there's other ways inside i think i see an opening looks like i just went through reality how did the all right i'm not gonna question it right now we just go look for the guns it's like we found the barracks there's plenty in here but there's better areas ah here we go mess hall and the power's still on too and to be a kitchen yep i was right i had a gun or is that a oh jeez that scared me yep more pistols and this is only the tip of the iceberg this place has got a lot to it lecture hall and i think this is it two more doors to go one the armory right here so many locked doors but it's worth it this is everything we need this could be the center of our base from here we fortify everything you need for years what i need is this here we go this is a lifetime's worth of weapons i think we found one that we needed all right we found the magazines get ready the weapons all right well here goes nothing one that choke didn't do nearly as much as i was hoping there goes two three i think i could like this a lot or even have any training and go again and again and again oh this is sick it's amazing what modders can do with this game and i think i just found my new ride may not be the humvee but ah no key more magazines here's where we'll officially set up lights on taking back the base one at a time there it goes the choke must be doing something i mean i'd expect more you know you could work on that door for me you stay there little reloading never hurt times to defend this armory this is our new home and i'm going to defend it and i won't let them take it i'll scour every hall whatever it takes whatever it takes that's what i'm doing aviators don't mind if i do we want to take back the military base we've got to do it one section at a time i don't want a ghillie suit but i do want my car back and if we had one of those humvees this would be a lot easier because right now it's one by one line by line ready begin really can't get enough of the sound effects here that'll do and that will too very effective i think we're gonna empty the base next well if i'm reading my map right the vehicles should be over here yep that's definitely a vehicle time to clear out the gas station there's a lot i've brought with me but i think i have all the ammo to clear this place out by today it's a matter of managing panic now fortunately it doesn't matter at all with the shotgun oh jesus christ if guns were this strong in the main game i play a lot more all right we're tapped out we gotta go back time to beat it while we're ahead and we really did a lot to this place but zombies don't actually respawn here so once they're dead they're gone well unless if they migrate back over which there's a there's actually a pretty good chance of that i'm gonna need a lot of boxes sip of water too all right now we're surrounded just gotta hold them off wait until you see the whites of their eyes don't panic either i might panic a car a car is all i wanted man look all of the barracks are just torn open every single window i can't even use them for heating and insulation anymore oh well i guess it's just mowing down from here i'd recommend uh not doing this ever just take a used car you don't need a new one i don't quite understand how the spread or range of this thing works but i'm not gonna argue with it it's working pretty well for me save myself there that was two boxes of shells all right prepare for the worst and the best is still yet to come fortunately i'm pretty good at staying calm i think this is actually the last of them here all right now we're really out seven boxes of shotgun chills i'm gonna say it'll take about nine or ten to clear the way to the humvees i'd still find that to be worth it you've still only just barely scratched the surface of what's even in this armory and that's only in terms of shotgun shells oh my god this thing really is it is majestic this entire garage is completely filled with car parts as well we're rich we just need food this one doesn't have a key either though we do have gas pumps we could get power running here for infinite gas and infinite power as well it's difficult to tell what's even going on here in the way of pathfinding do we have the key to this no dice again and while i could search the corpses i just don't think it would i don't think that's ever gonna happen we still got the airfield and the hangers and nothing in them another jeep take a look no dice again sad day not a single car with a key not a single humvee and a second armory wowzers yeah this is a whole stockpile jesus gas cans as well and again no dice i think we found all the secret stockpiles too and a secret radio room well it's not that secret it's just a radio room it's been a big day though no luck on the vehicles no sign of a radio contact either but at least i can sleep in this chair don't mind if i do it'd be fun to try out over the next couple of days this one looks just like me just a couple more zones to clear out oh looks like i kicked up the hornet's nest i can feel the power you know i take back that thing i said about one at a time it's better than any humvee i ever had just keep counting to seven just keep counting to seven it'll be over in a few minutes close the door walk myself into this one yeah that's right come come right this way should never have brought you home with me you know what i'm thinking that we've done our good deed here for today and as they come on me from all sides i can't help but feel like that this was a trip very well spent congratulations kenneth knife the base will soon be ours now this is like some scene out of full metal jacket or something these watch alarm is going off i think that might be the last of them that was a lot but now yeah somebody's watch alarm is definitely going off of all the things okay just a totally normal walk through all of this a car a car my kingdom for a car let's finish emptying out hell okay i think i'm done here now oh look a key right there it was there all along wowzers that's the key bohog 244. yep we're saved is a wrong car this must be for the trailer oh this is the trailer charming yep all right got myself a oh so many options now all right well that was just about literally 24 hours worth of shooting oh here it is well i may not have a humvee but i have a sports car now uh or whatever this is just a very tough looking car so that makes two cars wowsers two cars plus the one we had two and one that gives us three cars now i gotta know what is what is in this building this is this is like the building to be in oh my god there's even twice as many still in here oh it's because it's three floors worth of them so they stack up interesting i mean not interesting all mostly just a menacing truth to behold yeah i'll be back later it's almost midnight all right home sweet home again oh god it's really blinding when the lights come on oh baby a triple that's 1431 zombies now it's time for dinner i even have one there's even one in the kitchen well let's eat what's in the fridges first because this will be the first stuff to spoil as soon as the power's cut oh god that one really i'd been through a lot there it looks like some foods have already started to rot in the apocalypse not really the first on my list of priorities though fortunately the fridges are still working and we can save some of this stuff looks like they just had fresh imports too it's time to drink this bourbon now and go to sleep it's been a long day kenneth knife from connecticut impressive well that's a lot for one day i need to get away from all these dead bodies or i'll get sick it's either going to be the world's worst corpse cleanup or uh or just a five-day vacation away from here until a few rains have come a little bit more clearing but we're thinning out the hordes yet again i think we're getting even faster at reloading yep that's a definite all right you're the last car i haven't checked one way in and out that's the last car well it looks like we're stranded here just as i suspected i went through almost a thousand shotgun shells three rounds of cleaning nwd40 what is inside of this place and now i gotta know there's just a bunch trapped under the staircase medical ward this place looks just as full as that other building and yet i think it had 20 times more spawns oh i don't like the look of this yeah they're streaming in they broke out of every single wing in this building still got one more floor what is this what is the secret showers yeah this looks a little sus well that's what we're responsible for looks like we found the uh medical examination and what appears to be experimentation rooms up here kind of nervous because i'm still hearing a lot and i don't really know where they are i'm cornered but now we know more and knowledge is the ultimate liberation i think i'm content to just retrace my steps and get out of here we've made it up to the roof in helipad and well that's an opening there and it just feels good to be above it all for once up here we've got a great view of everything the whole base i may even get my original car back all right well so begin the adventures of kenneth knife from connecticut we still need the survivors but i think we have our place and we have a whole armory and more at our disposal before i finish up i just want to say thanks to my friend ghoul king for inspiring this playthrough he always does play-throughs kind of like this so i got inspired this time we've been hoping for multiplayer zomboids so we're still lying in wait to get more of that go check him out please make sure you check the mod list because there's a lot i'm using here we're also in the build 41 beta again check the description and comments survivors aren't in the game yet this is a mod by nolan ritchie a fantastic modder all of the modders in here are incredible in particular breida for all the weapons and paulo for much of the gear i'm using and along with a few other helpful ones i'll put my mod list below so you can check it out on the steam workshop if you want otherwise a major thanks to my patrons they are the gun cleaning kits that keep me going and i can't thank them enough and thanks to viewers like you i hope you enjoyed as always i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 515,572
Rating: 4.9723449 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid hero, project zomboid hero run, project zomboid superb survivors, project zomboid modded, project zomboid zero to hero, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid part 1, project zomboid b41, project zomboid ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, zomboid, zomboid game, project zomboid 2021, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid military, project zomboid military base
Id: c1gkABOjygc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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