Project Zomboid - Welcome To The Apocalypse // EP1

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of project zomboid this game was voted by all of you for me to play on twitch on sundays and then subsequently air on youtube so right before i started this stream i did a very very quick flash poll i polled everybody well you know everybody that wanted to vote i announced it on youtube and discord about uh where we are going to be settling uh and the overwhelming majority well not the overall majority but at least the plurality of you uh said mulder so just so that all of you understand mold rug is definitely the largest city it has many buildings many points of interest it has about average zombie population density and it is roughly located in the center of um kentucky i don't know not kentucky but but the play map uh the entire play map i'll link the play map in the description for youtube but for you on twitch all you have to do is look up project zomboid playmap i'm sure one of the mods will link it to you uh the other choices were riverside riverside is a medium town with some buildings but it has more zombies than muldrug my last twitch series we were in rosewood which is probably the smallest city it's sort of central south and then there's west point which is the northeast river city as well uh very similar to riverside so starting off this is the character i've just uh i've designed you can always access this in the help menu so i'll have high thirst which means i drink often i'll be overweight which of course can change if i diet as i start weak stomach so i'm more likely to get sick from food poisoning uh that sort of thing uh slow reader takes me a little bit longer to read books sunday driver i drive slowly uh the positive traits outdoorsman i won't be affected by harsh weather conditions which means i can be out in the cold rain etc etc uh we have got fast learning so i learn faster thick skin so that scratches and bites have less of a chance of breaking through the skin and strong which is more knock back for melee weapons increased carry weight and well stronger my character is not the way i designed him a second ago um well he's supposed to be well i guess now a shirtless round swanson but he is gonna be ron swanson um that i guess changed the design as i went back and you know we've got uh short brown hair mustache you know i figured he was kind of a man's man to survive i'm gonna give him long socks and formal shoes now eventually what's going to happen is that you all will be able to decide on projects goals that sort of thing but right at the start of the game we need to just focus on the basic survival because there isn't time for specialty projects and all that um for everybody that just dropped hype train stuff thank you so very much and without a further ado let's get going so this is a brand new map let's say the way that project zombo works is you have two ways to start a new map a new playthrough you can either generate a whole new map from like day zero of the game or you can continue where you died so this is how i died for those not familiar with project zomboid it is a brutally difficult zombie survival game where combat is really not the best way to survive the best way to survive is stealth hiding staying out of sight avoiding combat and hoarding so it's more of a survival game with zombie elements than anything else so right off the bat here i am uh 95 kilos all the skills i just mentioned uh basically no protection whatsoever due to the fact that i have no gear on no like good weather uh clothing uh and right off the bat i am going to want to uh learn everything i can what's going to be really really important until the power shuts off oh bye tusk i don't know where she's going my door's closed uh what's going to be very important come here come back up uh until the power shuts off is to learn as much as i can from the television um which is strange but you got to remember that this is a modern day full of garbage television programming it is sort of more historical than that iota so we aren't uh this isn't 2021 this is like i don't know sometime in the 90s you can kind of tell by based on the tvs and whatnot um so right off the bat we are going to turn on these tvs and we will tune in to like life and living and the tv programming literally just ended because it says see y'all tomorrow so when you start sort of the most important things for you to find are survival tools there are a lot of different sort of tools that you're going to be looking for ideally you're going to want a backpack and a weapon that is step one i am not well other than spoons and forks which i don't think are gonna benefit me very much we're gonna need to find oh a sewing needle that might help when i get started in tailoring there was a can opener i'm not going to be too worried about the can opener oh actually let me turn down this tv it's at almost max volume and in fact i'll probably not even stay in this house very long so i should uh i should just turn it off uh pipe wrench and tweezers soap so pipe wrench is a oh i just hi yeah there we go accidentally kicked her a pipe wrench is a decent weapon it is just a weapon it doesn't actually do plumbing you need a regular wrench to do plumbing i did grab tweezers because tweezers can help you tweezers can help you remove glass or stuff like that if you have injuries now generally speaking i believe this is the case generally speaking the house that you start in is safe whoa hey that is quite the raid party oh my god i'm trying to give you a shout out but chat is flying by you were last playing project zomboid as well awesome uh well i am just starting off so for all the raiders this is a brand new series this is the house i started in we are on survival difficulty and i very much appreciate so banlish thank you so very much in fact my little mascot here wants to say a personal thank you or something like it you've been following uh me on youtube for many years well i so much very appreciate it a full salute yes this this series i've been playing uh just so that you all know uh including my own community i've been playing project zomboid on twitch for i don't know a few months now uh i'm definitely new at it i'm not great but i now feel like i know enough to put this on youtube without being ridiculed for my lack of knowledge so you've seen star sector rim world and kenshi awesome yeah i uh i'm actually going to be kicking off a kenji series a new one soonish i don't really have a set date but i would say within i don't know a month or two if i was to uh to give you the the down low it's okay band's terrible edit too i think everybody's terrible i mean to be fair this game is literally designed to kill you it is you start playing and it's like hey this is how you died you're not gonna live you're just gonna die you're gonna die in a most unfortunate way and that's just how it is and that's this game in a nutshell so for anyone that's like oh you know you should uh you should get good or whatever oh man do you not know all right so the first thing i'm going to be doing is switching into any clothing that gives me more bite protection and scratch protection than what i'm currently wearing because what i'm currently wearing is terrible um i did just shred two pieces of clothing for a sheet rope i don't have um i did just get a box of nails oh my goodness you raiders are kicking the hype train well thank you i think my other mascot is slightly out of you test come here hi hi luckily for me she does not bark at zombies so she would be a very very good mascot to survive with um so we're very early game we have water we have power we aren't going to be settling anywhere until the helicopter comes and screws everything up uh if you're unfamiliar there's an event oh whoa whoa my starting house had a hiking bag oh man wow that is legendary hiking bag is like what the second best bag you can get i think man that is some streamer luck if i've ever seen it it it i almost find it offensive how lucky that is um all right so most of this stuff that i have here i have a bottle of disinfectant which is good if i get scratched or whatever if you get bite bit you're just dead you're just there is no surviving you just eventually die but um um i have rip sheets for bandages i have a pipe wrench uh now i'm gonna go back for that can opener i have no idea why you would need to own three can openers that seems like uh someone that has some sort of oh four can openers excuse me [Music] uh how long have i been recording on youtube so that's kind of a hard question to answer the longest short of it is like officially maybe two and a half years or so um but i was doing it as a hobby just for fun before i ever thought i would do this like for real um so i have some youtube videos up there from i don't know 13 years ago 14 years ago something like that um but i wouldn't say i was officially a youtuber until far more recently um all right let's see cigarettes so yeah uh what what about yourself how long have you been doing uh twitch i am ooh duct tape i'll take that a sack i've not ever really done good amounts of fishing and i'm gonna have to pause just a second because i need to i need to look at my map real quick and figure out um well i have no idea where i am in fact maybe i could i have a notion of where i am i'm somewhere in maldrug i think i i think no no yes i know where i am i'm actually just north of the little pond that's right outside of maldrug i believe i'm i'm 90 sure uh did the house that i just leave had a big row of flowers yes big row flowers okay i know exactly where i am five years in a few months oh sweet i will have to well i'll have to read you back and uh and follow you as soon as uh well as soon as this is over um so i think you as you all know getting into combat especially as a zombie skill zero especially as an overweight uh you know weak stomached who's that thick skin i want to pick my combat carefully very carefully because i really don't have a lot of armor on like if i was well armored that would be a whole different matter but i'd preferably not cut this series extraordinarily short well thank you for the raid i really appreciate it and i hope you enjoy your lunch or dinner or whatever time zone you're in and i'll be sending sending my my folks your way sometime soon okay this house has some unwanted guests now one of the advantages of the trait one of the traits i picked um let's wear this is that uh because i'm strong i do have additional knockback on weapons uh so i don't want to fight everything but at least i'm a decent fighter without actually having fighting skill ah he heard me just one at a time [Music] oh streaming daily for 1800 days that is that is insane and i thought i was prolific [Music] so in this house here i could definitely hear some um someone popping around yeah my guy is is ron swanson ron swanson famed gold hoarder this house is messed up man it is uh full of dead zombies already and there's probably one in the closet i could be very careful here this is not a good house to be in but i'm here and it's what i'm doing all right so this device i'm going to turn it all the way down and tune into life and living in case there's tv programming that might teach me something but i'm ron swanson so what is it really going to teach me right um i'll take a book books early on aren't usually all that great to hoard because they're very common you can find a lot of them uh frying pan i don't think i need as many cigarettes as i'm grabbing oh hello oh this was a doomsday prepper a handx a machete and kitchen knives [Music] yeah often the houses that have a lot of dead bodies are like full of good stuff um case in point this one i'm gonna stay with my uh my pipe wrench though yeah this does seem rigged so machetes and hanax's hand axe would be able to like cut down a tree and then a machete can cut the uh can cut the tree limbs down to spears and spears oh no don't don't burn the house down please uh spears one of the advantages of spears is they're very very powerful weapons they break very quick but uh they're very powerful weapons that uh that cut up and one tap zombies with pretty amazing efficiency so i think there's a zombie upstairs because i don't see this door being you know if a zombie's pounding on the door it would you would see it shaking rattling that kind of thing okay they were definitely zombie prepping because they have sheets over their windows uh and there's most certainly okay there's zombies in both rooms this one's dead digital watch is always nice to have uh you just have to make sure that is not alarmed and this one isn't when i get a screwdriver i'll start disassembling these digital watches uh for electric uh electrical skill in fact i think you can do that with earbuds as well i'm just trying to prep for the future when i'm not toolless uh so unsurprising that room is empty i don't have the game options that allow me to like highlight specific uh interaction spots which makes maybe i need to enable that i don't actually know where that is i've been told to do that but um but yeah texture what is that called where are we living i have no idea we're gonna have to decide that um at some point man i can't find it well maybe one of you knows what i'm talking about where you can highlight what you're going to interact with [Music] but sometimes i find this is muldrog oh house keys that's nice uh sometimes i find it kind of difficult to figure out what uh our dude is aiming at so for this digital watch i'm actually gonna wear it and then the classic watch i'm gonna drop a digital watch will give you temperature information uh time and date type stuff which is um who keeps mushroom soup in their bathroom what you guys are weird man yeah my last my last series i actually never really truly failed but um i never really fired a firearm once because firearms are scary to fire [Music] mercenary emergency supplies just in case you get hungry and in case you get the munchies while sitting on the can you can go from mushroom can to toilet can [Music] you know we're talking like gluttony in uh seven because i don't have it memorized what time is the life and living episodes because i'm obviously going to want to tune in okay so there's a small horde to my right hey reverend thanks for the follow actually everybody all of the raiders that i missed because there was too many of you going off at once thank you all so very much for your follows and and bits and pushing that that hype train i appreciate it all right 6 12 and 18 so i've got the 18 in a bit but not too soon don't bite me [Music] man ron swanson killing zombies for a living who would have thought hey magic hippie thanks so the last house i was in um let me pause a second this house would not be terrible to shelter in at night because all the second story windows already closed or um sheeted plus i've cleared it uh and you know the active clearinghouse is kind of nice because then you know it's empty and then you close all the bottom doors and yeah farming and mechanics for beginners that's very good reading very very very good reading uh farming for intermediates is gonna be nice how to use generators is pretty legendary that i just found that as well but i hear a zombie so i'm gonna check my surroundings let's go ahead and shut this uh this tv so it's a lot softer it doesn't need to be blaring uh first aid i don't think first aid is oddly one of the most useless skills in this game um in my opinion because you don't if you're leveling it you're probably dead like you you really don't survive a lot of fights unless you get extraordinarily lucky so first it's one of those things like hey if you need it and you've been leveling it uh you're playing wrong i'm trying to loot without my back being turned because i hear something back there my backpack is nearing full though so uh let me eat a zucchini because it's nearing full another thing i probably have to do is try to find a vehicle uh that i'll be able to use to shuttle my stuff really early on uh you're sort of looking to loot everything you know you're trying to expand your wealth but uh stuff is stuff weighs a lot and ultimately the problem is you have to figure out where to keep your stuff um white hair dye well now i'm ron swanson i have beautiful hair so we all know that's not gonna be what's the goal of multiplayer uh the there is really no goal of this game this is a very sandbox game where you're just trying to survive so the goal of single player or multiplayer is to have fun and survive it is harder than it sounds all it really takes to die in uh i already have a farming for beginners do not yes all it takes to die here is like to be grabbed once unexpectedly and to have that zombie bite you and that's it you're done one bite you're done there is no going back all it takes is one bite yeah or starting a fire actually in my in my last series um that i was playing as practice i oh my goodness did i ever set myself on fire a lot it's way too easy to do so i did just get a hammer and i now have a hammer nails and sheet rope so if i need to in a pinch i can go out the second story windows of a house to survive once i get to the point of basing up yes i will pull i'll even pull if it is going to be muldrog at all um you know if it was up to me i would say oh boy that's a lot of zombies right there i would say yeah i preferably settle in mall drug but um but i i think the order of business that i want to address is first order business i want to find a vehicle because without a vehicle it's going to be really really hard to loot essentially without a vehicle you're just destined to go over the same territory over and over and over again um you know because running around takes a long time so now i have a hoodie i i wouldn't say i have a lot of protection god ron you are a beast uh what this jacket is a little better so one of the challenges is you start off um there we go now with this jacket and hoodie i'm going to overheat probably uh but i i have at least a little bit of protection especially in the arms one of my coats has a a hole in one of the arms so you can see my um what is that my right forearm is not as protected as my left uh there are only zombie npcs there are no survivor npcs eventually the developers are going to be adding in um survivor npcs but when i cannot say every pz player has been waiting for that for like years and they keep telling us and this is not a complaint i mean this game is glorious and fun and whatnot but um they keep telling us yeah it's coming it's coming it's coming but like i wouldn't hold i wouldn't hold your breath okay i'm just making sure that the digital watches that i'm looting off of these corpses do not have uh any alarms set because an alarm would be a really really really bad thing to go off if i was in the middle of uh looting a house surrounded by zombies or something like that so if you want to figure out where i am right now uh if you go to and you look at muldrug which is the it's sort of in the east center east um there will be a little lake uh just sort of in the middle south of the uh oh you made that a command cool uh there'll be a little lake in the middle south of the map and i'm just north of that lake once you get in how long does it take to become zombified uh roughly 48 72 hours something like that couple of days and it it happened to be in my last series it never actually really tells you that you're a zombie you just get sick and start dying it never says that you have an affection because there are normal infections you can just get infected wounds um without becoming a zombie and then sometimes you can get wounds that have nothing to do with um zombieism right like if i jump through a window with broken glass in it i'm very likely to uh cut my hand or something if i run if i sprint through a forest i'm very likely to cut you know trip and cut myself so there's a lot of wounds that you can sustain that have nothing to do with zombies uh sort of like walking dead right uh what was your name laurie that like wasn't paying attention to the road and flipped her car and got like a concussion or whatever right these things happen in project zomboid 2. if if you know if i hopped in a car and floored it yeah i'd probably get concussed so really early on in the game uh you have all you'll have um power and water and eventually the power and water gets cut and you have to figure out how to survive without a you know on generators for power and rain catchers or well water or something like that for you know for water um so really early on it's easier than late game late game gets tricky i think we are almost almost time for a life and living let me lower the volume considerably uh so let me pull the curtains so life and living is a tv channel that teaches you like life skills uh and this only applies early on in the game because eventually what ends up happening is that uh exposure survival guys oh nice all right so let's sit on the ground and while we watch life and living i am going to be reading my one of my books for double learning uh so we've already read let's read how to use generators and the life and living channel is giving me fishing skills all the while i'm gonna pet tusk because you all told me to [Music] so here we are high tusk oh you're a good puppy [Music] there we go my fishing just jumped from level zero to level one only because i'm sitting in front of a tv uh the programming is already over if they just said until next time um now one of the real advantages of the life and living that i do i uh where i live right now is actually where i am right now i'm not living here but uh check donations oh my lord did you just i'm just going to go ahead of time and say thank you bash let me open this up [Music] i like all these um these very very happy oh no it's bear oh well thank you bear i see it now bring up my overlays for donations this is your reminder i love it i never do it i have it i have it bookmarked and everything but i just i'm so bad at doing it i like need a whole another monitor and maybe a secretary so my guy is watching his weight because i'm overweight and i would like to lose weight so if you take a look at the map right now this house here is one of the closest houses to the pond but just west of me or southwest of me hey sin thanks theresa sorry that i i turned you into the black knight in rimworld just southwest of me there's a house with fences which may be better than my current ones so um i'm gonna possibly settle there uh but what i'm gonna do is um i'm just gonna grab like all of the food that i can get here yoda's overqualified for secretary he really is he's overqualified to be my mascot far too overqualified okay taking a look empty jars aren't bad at cooking pot that's important cooking pots allows you to filter to boil water in uh large quantities um so that you can make sure that you have potable water you know water that's safe to drink etc hand torch and radio i'll take the hand torch i guess so the next house i'm stopping at is probably where i'm gonna sleep for the night oh but let me check this uh this vehicle looks very beat up but maybe the keys are still in it [Music] i'm spinning there to just make sure there's nothing around me because you really only you only see um in a cone in front of you hey what is going on hello nope where are we i mean in the map uh let me try to get coordinates so if you if you take a look at maldrug um there is a little pond southeast of maldrug we're like right next to that pond [Music] hey jimmy thanks for the follow all right so this this vehicle is totally um buttoned up so this is the fenced in house that i was talking about down here and i'm gonna make my way that direction uh to see if it's habitable uh the weapon that i have right now has lost maybe a sixth or fifth of its durability so this this fence here is not really high enough to stop a zombie um but it would slow them down if i had to run banlish recommended you so here i am well thanks jimmy i appreciate it a fellow uh partner as well what do you tend to stream jimmy oh no no no no no no no no no no [Music] i'm not worried about the cops [Music] now i did leave a bit of a wake of dead zombies over here so if i backtrack into my wake i don't think i'm gonna run into too many but if i'm sleeping for the night i'd very i'd much prefer to sleep on a second-story floor than a first one [Music] okay that was should i grab this guy's credit card i'm just kidding there's nothing to buy nowadays okay there's no equipment that they have that i need [Music] yeah i pack a punch i pack quite a bunch being ridiculously strong helps i'm talking in game not in real life we are the police hey you know i i can deputize myself i am if we hold fair and free elections for who should be police uh i vote for myself i am the only one that lives in this town so i am now sheriff and then we'll vote for who's the mayor which is only me i'm the only vote that counts so i guess i'm mayor as well so i am police and mayor uh i'm also unemployed all right this house looks nice uh so the first thing i'm going to do here is where's my box and nails here it is open a box of nails and i'm going to open the window and uh why is this not working um i want to oh open the nails yes thank you thank you uh add an escape room so if if the door here gets like sort of bashed down or whatever um i can hop out the window quick okay i think what i'm gonna do is sneak downstairs and we'll treat this as my base of uh my little base for now it was a survivor's base so i'll just keep surviving in it aruku thanks for the resub or continuing your gift itself so i i want to go to sleep now and the reason why i want to go to sleep now is i want to be up for the life and living um that is tomorrow morning so what i'm going to do here is this will be my temporary base until i find a vehicle uh oh i hear zombies around me i don't like that uh so what i'm just ditching basically everything that is in my backpack in here for later uh some of these things i think are actually going to come back into my backpack for security like uh disinfectant rip sheets uh maybe a needle and tweezers you know basic medical supplies uh because i'll probably need it but uh everything else can be in here um and this will be the temp base am i a fan of dwarf fortress they're coming to steam with um sprites and graphics so the games i play are voted on the reason i'm playing project zomboid right now is because my community voted for me to play it so i'd play dwarf fortress if it was voted on i probably would have to take like months to teach myself it because from what i've heard it is a complex game but uh yeah i wouldn't say no okay so what's coming back to my backpack it will be let's say three rip sheets if i need more than three bandages i'm probably dead tweezers a needle if i need to sew myself up although i don't have threads so it kind of doesn't matter a hammer because it's a very useful tool um disinfectant and that is it [Music] thanks shield for the uh the shout out there for the uh how the series are determined all right i'm gonna close all the other doors and go to my little sheet rope and let's have a sleep i should have set my alarm for like 5 45 or something like that but because my character wasn't all that tired i think i'll be okay yeah it's two in the morning why am i holding a flashlight [Music] was this flashlight on the whole time oh that's stupid i'm not a quick sleeper i just wasn't all that tired all of my traits if you do exclamation mark help you'll see the traits so one of the scary things about going out at night is oh boy there's uh there's several zombies coming my way uh more than several all right let's get back inside see if they pass by peacefully well peacefully or not i think yeah i think they are morton they're coming to contest the election i'm the sheriff i am the law is there um where's the light switch for this room i can't seem to find it but i would love for there to be more light in this area yeah i don't know maybe there is not even lamps i might need to just well i don't have any electric electrical skills so that's kind of a non-starter there all right another thing i'm going to do is all of the doors that don't need to be open for points of ingress or egress or whatever i'm gonna close because i don't want zombies to be able to just come on in so let's close these curtains so no one can see inside uh another good thing to do is to walk around the house and see about uh close the window uh tack up um sheets on the windows so the zombies can't see inside now this tv over here is making a little bit of noise and that's so that it's tuned in to the life and living channel um which will inform me of tv programming that might help me but uh tacking up your windows and covering your windows will stop zombies from walking by that have a visual line of sight on you to mess with you whereas i don't think i can tack up t-shirts whereas uh you know sound level and light level or sound you know vision and sound or sort of how they hunt sneaking around to watch tv in the morning yeah it does to me feel like um i don't know like i'm a kid again waking up at the crack of dawn to see dbz on the tv before i'm supposed to be up so i'm removing the curtains from rooms up here that i don't intend to use because i don't need curtains on these windows and i'm going to yeah i'm crawling over a lot of dead bodies one of the problems here of course is that these bodies will eventually rot so this is not i would have to carry these bodies outside if i wanted to live here long term which i don't it's not actually a nice house or anything like that it's just convenient because if i think there's a bunch of zombies outside that want to kill me how does the rot work over time zombies will start to decay and as they decay if they decay near you they get you sick so you need to make sure that if you're just clearing corpses away from your base yeah it's just a matter of proximity um but if you don't do that you know you could fall ill as a result of um oh darn i don't have a sheet for that one as a result of allowing you know living too close to a bunch of corpses and unfortunately this house was full of corpses so if i want to remove the corpses um you know there's a lot of work to be oh a lot of work to be had so no there's no way to fertilize them there is a way to fertilize any food so if um uh if you have like rotted fresh produce or something like that you can easily fer fertilize that stuff but you can't fertilize uh zombie corpses zombie corpses do the opposite they're terrible yeah honestly would you want to use zombies as fertilizer no no i wouldn't even want to use like like dog poop is fertilizer i'd be worried about like parasites yep now this only really applies if you're there long term and and um the the zombie decay like the the way that they rot is also a method to clean up your save game file because if these zombies never decayed that would be a lot of information that your game would have to save so what ends up happening is um you'll see them slowly rot over the course of time and once they're fully rotten um they do disappear you can also light them in fire but i don't like playing with fire on a dead is dead run through because it is so very easy to just like accidentally let yourself on fire and then that's it you're just dead leaving them out there as a warning sign yeah i should like spell like get lost or something well if you're it's ron swanson so you know all i need is a plaza to to tell them all to leave me alone um that would be probably the right approach so i've got about 50 minutes in game minutes until the life and living channel is back i've i honestly oh we're a baseball cap why not i don't really know why i'm cleaning up these zombies i don't i just don't really have anything better to do [Music] um and if i do want to stay here at all i i suppose i do need to uh to clean them up scour the house for emergency big pickens i just i just actually watched the clip of him going to um some sort of grocery store with uh aubry plaza's character and um being offered vegan bacon and he takes it and just tosses it in trash and he's like i'd like another and he does it again he's like uh sir is there's something bothering you and he's like oh i just want to make sure that nobody ever eats this and he's like well i'm not sure i can uh i can offer you another piece and then you know april bloodgate goes oh can i have one and then she also throws it directly into the trash oh man i had a good laugh about that that was a funny show but in this game i would not mind vegan bacon it sure beats dog food sometimes you'll be stuck just eating dog food cat food squirrel you know you can't be picky so jd yes this is a new um a new start help doing exercise uh i would do exercise i just don't want to be in pain oh let me remove this curtain i don't want to be in pain or fatigued or anything while i'm searching so once i have a base of operations and i can afford downtime absolutely i'll do some burpees i'll do some you know sit-ups and stuff like that that that has real value in getting into shape but that kind of fatigue will make me um less effective as a fighter if i'm fatigued so he's talking about this if you go to health and go to fitness you can do squats push-ups sit-ups burpees and then if you have a barbell uh you can do barbell curls dumbbell presses or bicep curls um but oh oh oh oh oh it's time [Music] sit on the ground i think i'm am i holding a corpse oh i don't know who cares this is a cooking show good good good okay while we do oh you know what unfortunately i'll just sit here patiently so unfortunately i didn't bring a book normally what you would do is you would sit here and watch the tv as you read a book and then you kind of multitask learning but i don't have a book with me i put it in the boxes uh you know over yonder and they're literally talking about bacon this tv show it's uh hey what up dude fine i'm i'm learning how to make bacon oh my god this is perfect do they know my name is ron swanson and boom cooking level one and it's just gonna keep going up and up and up oh yeah see y'all tomorrow okay there's the program now the next one is at noon uh i'm not gonna make the same mistake i just made i am going to have a f farming no mechanics for beginners book in my backpack ready to go i need to put yoda in a zombie outfit i think you're right [Music] i have for uh upcoming i will i will try to dress him up appropriately in the future i'll put it that way so i wanted to add a sheet here and close the curtain okay let's we're headed out hey sadder and savior i mean thanks for the bits can we please have green hair on me if i get the chance again uh yeah sure if i find green hair dye or maybe i'll even i'll collect a bunch of uh hair dye colors and have you all vote hey tusky i'll have you a vote on what hair color so there is a oh i see some zombies uh there is a pond down this way kind of where my head is ish oh hi oh hi double high [Applause] no don't get up now my guy is no uh uber zombie slayer yet so he does get panicked no don't you bite me he gets panicked once he's around zombies all right honestly there's there's too many i need to uh weed them out so the more oh go away the more zombies you kill um the less panic you become when you're panicked your accuracy and ability to hit zombies uh lowers if if if i was in a situation where like i found myself all of a sudden extraordinarily surrounded by zombies my guy oh yes leather jacket my guy would go into a severe panic and um it would be very very very challenging to hit anything now there is a trait called brave um and brave helps you it raises your threshold but just as you kill zombies and survive a long time uh your panic level goes down you know your you'll be harder to be panicked so this leather jacket offers me pretty good scratch resistance and decent bite resistance there's an annotated map here another leather jacket leather is a very good material to make um matches if i need it to make oh jorts you need some fashion advice uh it's a very good material to make um like patches for clothing and stuff like that oh was there better blockers down there back there oh yeah beta blockers will also lower your panic too uh so so there's there's a pretty sizable group over here that i definitely don't want to mess with because they outnumber me you know like 15 to 1 something like that actually this whole neighborhood sucks i'm gonna try to go northeast because because of that uh house alarm that it triggered southeast is really a no-go so there's a hole in the there's holes in the torso of this leather jacket meaning it won't offer me protection um this regular jacket i'm just gonna drop i don't need it anymore the reason i'm keeping is i'll tear it up for leather patches for clothing [Music] uh zombies can respawn yes so if you secure an area that um zombies cannot reasonably travel to so for instance i'll give you for instance if you live on a second story house and you knock out the stairs with a sledgehammer to remove the ability to walk from first floor to second floor um no zombies will be ever be on your second floor if you climb up like a rope ladder to get to your second floor because zombies can't climb rip ladders they can tear them down to remove your access to your house but they cannot uh they cannot themselves climb so there are ways to prevent zombies from being able to reclaim areas uh which is an important part of making a base because if that wasn't the case obviously and zombies could spawn anywhere there'd be no point basing anywhere because everywhere would be dangerous so there is a there are methods that you can employ to secure areas and um once i have a vehicle and once i have a pretty good setup uh i do plan on basing now i like to base places that have a very very wide footprint because and at least is a two-story building [Applause] those are my two requirements so the the wide footprint is so that when if you do use um if you do use uh sheet ladders to remove access from first floor buildings uh a wide footprint will allow you to add sheet ladders all around the perimeter so that they're very very unlikely that zombies will remove your access oh this this jacket looks in great condition yep it's bloody but it has no holes ho ho it's the holy grail actually i think my last one was also bloody with no holes okay so i have two very high quality jackets so a wide footprint um is quite important in my opinion and living on the two-story is pretty important and then what you can do is you can use a shovel and move dirt uh from a first from um you know from the ground and plant it on a roof or whatever to turn really any two-story building with a big old roof uh into you know a rooftop farming and rooftop farming is pretty [Music] awesome oh i see you does anyone know how to do the uh highlight thing oops that's not what i meant to do whoa that's not cool i always forget how to do the um highlight target options but i don't want to sit in the customization menu forever i can turn it on in the menu so where is it on the menu display accessibility um yeah somewhere in display oh aim outline any weapon maybe that's it okay there's another leather jacket here and let's hope it was aim outline because i'd love to be able to outline what i'm targeting oh you know what it's what is it not in the morning i'm gonna need to get to a tv soonish [Music] make sure never to climb through a a window full of broken glass i think that's also true in real life don't do that i've known some people irl that have done that irl uh is nasty it will shred you does this house not have a tv come on house it has a purse okay um i'm good if i was really in a in a lurch i could use the purse for um uh for storage yeah i'm gonna want to get to a place with a a tv soon so that i can um benefit from okay no alarm set good i can benefit from uh from the almighty talk box a dead mouse oh a first aid kit full of first aid supplies i'll sort through that later blonde hair dye so if you wanted to you know vote on changing my uh my hair color i'll start accumulating hair dyes okay this house is explored my guy's getting a little hungry but i actually do want to be a little hungry because i want to lose weight i'm overweight right now and if i let him be hungry he'll slowly drop weight all right so instead of um doing more looting i think teaching myself new skills because the tv gives you the tv skill gains you faster than okay yeah that is the highlight i wanted uh faster than i mean ridiculously fast it's so overpowered so it's 10 a.m do you know where your children are all right so this was a house i could read in device options turn on life and living tune in i've got about an hour and 20 minutes i'm a little early but i'm a slow reader so i can just sit here and peacefully read for a bit which is weird to think peacefully read but is true [Music] can we save all the rubber duckies oh boy hi there yeah i can aim to save rubber duckies excuse me miss this ain't your house i'm really hoping to find a um [Music] oh actually maybe the med kit i looted has scissors no it doesn't okay has a suture needle but no scissors [Music] i don't think i have uh really any food on me so i'm just gonna be hung really hungry for a bit that's okay all right i'm gonna sit on the ground i'm going to take out my um let's read this annotated map actually so this is march ridge i'm nowhere near march ridge so i'm not even going to worry myself about this annotated map normally an annotated map can tell you where to go where not to go do not use guns or don't use guns stuff you can use as weapons here um medical center it's quiet here you know uh some of some of the times these things will be outdated and and you can't rely on the information because they're not exactly true anymore they were once but not now um oh i guess i have butter that would feed me it would be disgusting and let's read mechanics for beginners because i don't think i'm going to be farming anytime soon even though i have farming for beginners because um you know we're not we're not nearly towards the point at which i'll be able to to uh [Music] you know explore in that way so i'm going to take out all of these med supplies and put them into my backpack instead of having them in the first aid kit to lose to ditch the weight of the first aid kit because the kit itself i don't really need i just need the uh the contents and this weighs a pound so i don't need a box that weighs a pound uh we are at 10 40. i'm gonna start reading can you make a one character survive and definitely you can it's pretty challenging but you definitely can thank you all for watching the first episode of project zomboid which originally aired live on twitch if you'd like to catch a live stream of mine just go to for my stream schedule a link to twitch which you can follow me on or a link to discord where you can sign up for twitch announcements if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below keep in mind that there are four more hours of this stream yet to air and also that well i guess you'll see not to spoil it alright thank you for watching i'll catch you next episode farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 79,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Let's Play, Twitch, Tutorial
Id: 46UTRR2CPbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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