A.P.C. vs. ZOMBIE HORDE | HERO vs. KNOX COUNTY | Project Zomboid Survivors Challenge #3

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hello welcome back to project zomboid meet kenneth kniff legend survivor now having killed 2029 zombies and regained a lot of body weight we've come a long way from where we started first we found veteran kelly then it was this guy named patrick we started in this sedan then we moved on to this humvee our goal was to find more npcs to live here but instead i found this apc i got it mostly right today we take this out for a spin oops this thing is basically a little tank we just draw them out come on come on all right everybody let's go your uber is here and if you can't get past other cars just push him out of the way yep that works every time somehow prepare to get swarmed i like it how only just now the panic starts to set in right do you think i'll be able to get out of this one oh god they're starting to flip it still i still think we got a good shot at this oh no how will i ever get out of this one backing up backing up backing up backing up sorry this thing got through that whole group they were just standing there oh god let's see one yep that works and two that works too yeah totally oh awesome three let me just check out my car a second this thing looks completely fine i gotta get out i'm a little concerned i'm out of bullets how far can we get into raven creek all right making our way into the city okay this thing can barrel along jeez move it all right so that damn it so that other way to the city was blocked let's try another one i think it would be great to own a car like this because just no more traffic jams you know you just move everyone else's car who's gonna get in the way really here it goes all right well i am surprised we've actually made our way in apparently brute force works okay this just got a little bit more interesting oh no looks like we just pushed these other two cars out of the way yep this is working just really slowly hmm that doesn't seem too good ah we'll be fine well they did always say slow and steady wins the race i admire this one's determination in front of the car she really wants to stop me from getting in here okay i think we finally hit an immovable object time to back up that was great much better than expected oh here we go again damn it i can't tell but it appears as if i'm being upturned oh god there goes something here we go again come on everybody push okay the car is slowly being freed i just gotta shimmy this out of here this is really making me regret the five points i lost on my road test okay well that didn't work plane b we're gonna have to take him out okay we're back into it no i'm literally gonna try to back into it i may not know what's happening around my car but i can feel it something is still working otherwise i wouldn't be hearing all that splattering okay it's finally turning again i can see the us army logo great look at this progress i think it's over oh jesus i do not want another one of those all right turn yes turn i'm alive as long as we don't completely lose forward momentum we're still gonna keep getting kills like when this thing backs up and then changes it's like you know i'm sorry let's play the game the way should we play the game the way it's meant to be played now okay so here's the problem okay so we've got these two survivors and we've got all of these shotgun shells and all of this tactical body armor so let's just put these 14 boxes of shotgun shells on the seat and why not start there just rev up the engine and you know what i think we're gonna do open the window and go right back out where we were this totally works now all we need is a horde to draw what can we do with this one two three ten that's all that's left conveniently we left all the bodies on this side of the road though the other ones really want me well i still have another 14 boxes of ammo it'd really be a shame if i didn't get to use it okay now we just go back right where we were before and it looks like there are more and now we just pull a daryl dixon okay i'm gonna just put it into cruise control five miles an hour in the opposite direction of the city ought to do and this should lead them out we've got some sort of trail of death going here that's much better i can't imagine you know i should probably plan this ahead of time i do want the road to be clear so let's just off-road this or what if i just drove in a circle i'm sure no one will notice it's like the lion king except it's just a circle of death i don't know why i didn't use this before it's like the ultimate tactic this is gonna leave a big mess later on i think we're just about done here you know this didn't actually seem that bad notice how they're all just dabbing downward should we kill this one i think we'll just leave this one there as a warning no it really takes a lot to get into raven creek oh my god is jammed at least i'll be able to get into the city after this over-encumbered i think not just trying to picture myself like there's a man in there who has now opened up eight full boxes of shotgun shells just backing up his car i need to be more original with these okay but that wasn't enough there we go okay we we kept one side of the road clear for a reason oh look more ah this is much better this is a great tactic is this finally enough to pass through the crystal gates into the city of raven creek which i've sought so long all right time to open the last six boxes it's come to a steady hum now can we hold the line oh god look this one's suffering underneath this car let's end it may god forgive me for the copious amounts of suffering i've caused but we did make it back in oh it's a it's a surprise we didn't do more with that entire apc i was i was hoping that would be more but well we're almost out of shells that's 14 boxes of shotgun shells and we still haven't even broken the line i might be here a while oh there goes my last shell okay well that was a close one oh man that was ill-timed death death but apparently losing one wheel is not the end yep don't mind this car just magically moving don't question it we just have to get back fast what's amazing is that even if i lose the other front wheel i can still go guess i gotta sleep now well you know what they say about shotgun shells when you run out there's always more who rogue hood let's see what another 24 boxes of shotgun shells can do just put them in there man i'm just imagining him struggling you know what let's open up all 23 so that we don't have to think about it what was that sound okay 576 shells we're just gonna put these on the seat i think that's fine and then we're gonna grab half of them into our inventory i like how each each individual shell just has a mind of its own right now i'm just sitting here with a 240 shotgun shells in my lap and suddenly it's zelda actually looks kind of cool and i've taken very minor damage can you imagine just dying by being crushed underneath your own shotgun shells not even shot just crushed under the weight of shotgun shells this one's gonna be a night raid i forgot about this ham let's just put that also in the seat next to me with the shotgun shells all right i have a feeling today is gonna be the day we get in i know there's a school bus right there i'm just i'm dying to use that instead i just don't think it'll fit right now okay the city is looking very agreeable now now we just eat this jeep into this destroyed wreck oh god no it's taken me it's taken me how did that happen how did that even happen oh god all those shotgun shells in the ham are still in the car well here i go now with 190 shotgun shells that car wasn't even moving what i'm more disappointed about is that now there is a running engine in the entrance to the city it's never gonna stop now at least i'm safe inside my mind there we go parkour look i'm i'm in the car i'm don't how does this even happen just hang on a second all right i guess now we're just waiting for this thing to run out of gas well you've got to learn to live with your bad decisions why do you think i created this channel i go where my car leads me and i stand by it you get away from my car i will defend my car till the end somehow i'll move i swear i swear to god if it's the last thing i do but how are you just all falling down this car is a ghost now i don't really even know what's happening anymore in terms of coding and that's after 600 hours of playing this goddamn game if anyone should know what's happening with the car by now it's me and i don't but i'm willing to live with that and suffer the consequences nobly my tears will not be expiated and my ham will remain with the shotgun shells just kidding i'm going to eat the ham now all right a great day to eat ham we don't need cars i i karma is telling me something i'm just gonna give up my old life and move into the city come to think of it raven creek is really made for walking anyway oh what's this another humvee i don't mind if i do ah vehicles life isn't worth it unless if you're inside of one well we can at least navigate the city using this thing all i really wanted to do was explore and have fun oh god well this car just turns off randomly out of nowhere i guess that's what i get for taking a car i just found on the street before this it was some guy's car and now i'm some guy is this all that's left for me yes probably what is this tall glass of water oh hi just snaking on out of there well that's the building i want and uh oh god they're just diving from the windows now look there they go jesus that is just that is so interesting when you get to areas that aren't in the vanilla game things start behaving in ways that they never did before this has to be one of my favorite areas there's nothing in vanilla like it and i can't help but think that my character just looks very confused oh well there's still room to be dealt with many more to kill jesus this thing is so overpowered after taking a break from zomboid because i legitimately thought it was too hard the way it was balanced right now this is just a breath of fresh air it feels great i can't lie it feels amazing oh i'm out of shotgun shells again this could spell trouble oh i just got the last 330 shells out of my car this better be enough that's all i can say because the kill count's now over 3 000 and climbing fast oh this looks good not sure i'll ever be alone again now do you see why i turn off respawning there's a lot i'm gonna deserve this when i get to it all right i think we've made them all jump out of the building at me by now [Music] jesus this is kind of neat you could actually see for miles around here looks like i've drawn them all out i've always been excited for areas like this once multiplayer is eventually released yeah it'll be nice it'll be nice see myself hiding out up here maybe a sniper on the roof people do always hunt down other players like this of course usually i'm the one getting hunted how the beauty of the filibuster rhymes cars the beauty of pharma hug it really does look decrepit and nice well i mean that in a good way like a real run-down city well we're up here and that's what matters okay this seems like a decent area to actually get started uh making a base for raven creek it's one of the most loaded cities in the game you know the military base we left behind is pretty good but this is gonna have a lot more spare parts and really food so that we don't have to worry about farming processed food is just higher in calories and i hate plants so far kenneth kniff has survived a while however if we want to remain heavy and not lose all of the weight we've got to eat a lot of processed food otherwise it's just a circle of growing food forever we've been eating nothing but mayonnaise and i intend to eat nothing but mayonnaise for the rest of the apocalypse this place has quite a lot of staircases up i think this is the max height of any uh building in the game so we'll just make our way back down though then again you know probably be safer to sleep on one of the upper floors or i might honestly just sleep in the bathroom tonight or something there's no telling with this new city but well we've uncovered a whole new a whole new world of the game we have our stats to show for it i doubled experience for this playthrough it takes a painfully long time to level up some of these stats and i wanted it to happen and yet still aiming and reloading have a long way long long way to go we're gonna be sitting here leveling for a while and i think this will resemble what they do on a lot of multiplayer servers which i'm sort of doing this video series in anticipation of i've picked out a lot of mods that i suspect will be used on those servers it's time to wash off the rest of my body and toilet water now eat some rotten lettuce and read a book so that i don't feel sad anymore knowledge leads the way well that's only the tip of the iceberg there's still a lot more that's going to sink the whole titanic and i hope you'll be there to join me for it we got a lot done today i really feel good about this eventually i'll get my apc back through and we'll just yeet through the rest of the city but i think i'm gonna leave it there for today as always a major thanks to ghoul kang for inspiring this series his links down below go check out his channel a major thanks to my patrons i really appreciate it no really thank you for all the help as well as to viewers like you thank you more to come so stay tuned i'm ambiguous amphibian and goodbye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 363,867
Rating: 4.9644041 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid hero, project zomboid hero run, project zomboid superb survivors, project zomboid modded, project zomboid zero to hero, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid b41, project zomboid ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, zomboid, zomboid game, project zomboid 2021, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid military, project zomboid military base, project zomboid part 3, zombie, zombie horde, project zomboid horde
Id: EuJ67V755vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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