Project Zomboid | Base Defense Guide For Beginners Build 41 2021

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alrighty everyone welcome back to another project zomboid guide video today i decided to cover some basic base building tips and tricks to try to hopefully have you all survive a little bit longer in this tough apocalypse i'm a bit of a slow learner in game and real life so after around 700 hours of playing this game i can hopefully pass on to you in just this video anyways let's get started location is pretty massive when you want a nice and fortifiable base camp to stay after a while so make sure you have a building or home in mind so that you can prepare accordingly unless you're like me who just wanders an eternal nomadic damnation waiting for one base to really click the first thing to look at would be proximity to nearby areas to loot as you want to make sure that looting runs won't be too far-fetched but you also don't want to be too close to towns if you're new to the game as it increases the risk factor because obviously the closer you are to town the more idiots you will see on the day-to-day apocalypse business some other features you want to look for is a fence to where you can effectively choke point zombies the size and scale of a building as having a two-story base will be crucial in base defense if you want to have an invulnerable defense down the line for my example i will be choosing riverside high school because it's located inside the town which is a bit dangerous but still doable with my combat experience it also has a spacious interior with the second story and an easily accessible rooftop lastly it has a ton of storage and furniture which can be used for both storing and barricading the entrances now in order for things to go smoothly having some items and a little bit of prep before will be well needed so what you want to have or at least keep on the priority list goes as follows a sledgehammer is a massive help as it allows you to destroy just about every tile in the game which can really open up a lot of options though this one isn't as needed as the others as you can still secure a base without it it's just not as good as it could be you'll find these usually in boxes or warehouses throughout the map up next is a hammer screwdriver and saw these three are most essential to your base defense as without all three of these tools carpentry becomes increasingly difficult as you can't disassemble or pick up objects without them you also need a hammer to build fortifications and a saw to process logs into planks which you will need a lot of so if you see any of these don't pass them up because you will need them later down the line nails are equally as important but a little down the priority line as you can just disassemble furniture for them if you're in a pinch it is good to have a couple of boxes ready just in case though sacks and garbage bags are also really helpful to set up your base because sacks allow you to move full amounts of dirt and place them somewhere like a roof and having four garbage bags allows you to build a rain collector which can be especially important when the water goes out in the world lastly we have a blowtorch and welder's mask this can be useful for making some metal furniture and using metal sheets to reinforce something though you can get by with just a hammer plank and nails so think of this as just an alternative and something not necessary [Music] now that we have the tools and location down we're going to decide where we should stay and where we will reside for the most part now for the school we're going to exclusively be staying up on the second story as this is the most safe but right now we should just have an idea of where the bathroom is and what room would be the furthest away from danger how many entrances there are and where zombies are most likely to attack from also knowing what furniture we can use for both storage and defense would be nice as well using this we can get a good idea in how we want to defend it and what we need to prioritize firstly so if we sleep in the break room upstairs our main focus points should be to to defend the stairs and hallways leading up to the stairs okay now that we got the essentials out of the way i'm going to be going over some basic security tips all the way from simple plank barricades to more full proof security plans alrighty i'm going to start this off with a form of securing which can help out with barricading especially if you're in a fenced in area but essentially if you can get some excess vehicles you can place them at choke points to better help hold off the hordes now before these used to completely stop zombies but recently the devs nerfed it and now zombies can crawl under the vehicles so it still kinda works at at least slowing down the undead but i wouldn't rely on them completely now there are ways to work around the crawling though but i don't have much expertise on the matter but putting them behind windows and walls seems to work to help stop them from crawling over completely okay now that we have that out of the way let's play a visit to the riverside school on our character and go over some useful ways to secure this place since we decided to live on the second story my main plan of action is to actually block off and secure the stairs which is the main danger now in order to get past the problem of me removing the stairs we will be setting up escape ropes throughout the school in order to set one up you need a hammer a nail and two sheet ropes you can make sheet rope from clothing so it should be no problem now i recommend setting up multiple throughout the base as zombies can drag down these ropes so having many throughout the area can save yourself being trapped and unable to go to the second story anymore [Music] the first one is the most secure and simplest to pull off all you need for this is a sledgehammer and to make sure you have multiple safety ropes on the ready as this is permanent all we're going to be using is a sledgehammer and we're going to simply destroy the stairs with this technique you will be the safest as after removing the stairs there is physically no way a zombie can reach you the only problems with this method is that it's permanent and a lasting choice as the only way you can make stairs again is you reach level 6 carpentry so make sure you have a lot of escape ropes but this is the safest way to secure a second story building [Music] the second method is the least expensive given you pick a big enough area and that is using furniture to create a cheap barrier between us and the undead because we based up in the school we have a lot of furniture to use for major entrances or exits especially these desks in here which we can pick up without any tools in order to pick up furniture make sure using the furniture pickup and place tool right below the inventory and health tooltip this tool right here is slept on a lot and is very useful in all aspects of zomboid now one thing you want to make sure of is when furniture is up against windows your character and zombies will clip right through it so if you are using furniture make sure there is a small gap of air and that should solve the window clipping problem the benefits of this is that it's easy to set up as you don't need any skill requirement to place certain furniture such as desks and fridges and how cheap it is though the furniture can break very easily so don't expect the zombies to be caught up on this for long though it can be great when combined with other techniques as well it looks really cool on top of it [Music] the last method is the simplest and that is to actually build walls and barricades to stop the undead this has the benefit of scaling with your carpentry levels as the higher your level the higher health pool your walls will have you can also build doors and make the barricade as streamlined as possible this is a really good method when combined with the furniture method and is a great alternative to just breaking the stairs with a sledgehammer the only downsides is that it does have a skill scaling so it might take a bit to work up towards and it also uses a lot of resources such as nails and planks to build though if you are strapped for nails you can also just build log walls with just four logs and some ripped sheets and just a quick note the last two methods for securing the stairs can also be used anywhere else on your base so feel free to leave a fridge or a wall outside your door or room if you decide to live in a normal home instead this is just universal knowledge in terms of securing an area alrighty now that we have the second story all settled in working on the first story should also be nice to give us an extra layer of defense so we'll be working with barricading a few of the windows and doors in the school now the main resources you're going to use for barricading these doors and windows are wooden planks metal sheets and metal bars to start off with we'll be using normal wooden planks in order to barricade with a wooden plank you will need wooden planks nails and a hammer each wooden plank you add to a window gives it extra health per plank so the max you can have on a window is four leading up to 40 total hp on one side though one thing that a lot of people don't know is that you can actually barricade on the other side of the window as well leading up to a total of 80 hp per barricade another little fact is that three planks on window cut visibility lines thus working as curtains as well the second one we have are metal barricades while aesthetically different both the metal sheet and metal bar windows have the same hp of a hundred so that means that there's around 200 hp of material to break if you double layer it what you need for these is a propane torch a welder mask and either one metal sheet or three metal bars one benefit is that you don't actually need any metal working skills to use these so keep that in mind if you decide to go for this alrighty now that we got that out of the way i'm going to be going over a few nice things to have and a few tips uh now that we finally have secured our base we briefly touched on furniture being used for barricades but there's also some more uses for these objects so while you're looting keep an eye out for these as they might help you out way more than what it seems the water coolers in game are one of the best things currently they hold around 20 fresh bottles of water only weigh 5 kilos and are found readily throughout knox county if you come across some of these while going throughout the world be sure to take them with you as they become incredibly useful when the water in the world finally decides to cut out just a few looting runs and you'll have enough water coolers to last you months they're also refillable as well another thing to keep an eye out for is grills and barbecues scattered throughout the world like the water cooler these are really useful to cook food after the power goes out in game they're usually powered by charcoal or propane to also build on that finding a wood stove is also very nice as it both cooks food and heats up a room without power being necessary you can find these either in warehouse crates or within a few homes that have one of these so keep your eyes out now these last two pieces are actually needed to be crafted but they're definitely nice to have around the first is a water catcher which is useful to have a replenishable source of water whenever the game decides to rain though you'd still need to disinfect the water directly but this is well needed if you base up in an area where water or a river isn't nearby the other is the compost box and all it does is compost rotten foods that you wouldn't have used in the first place so you can get fertilizer for your plants and even a few worms to snack on every now and again lastly using either crates or metal shelves for storage is really nice to have both crates and metal shelves have a capacity of 50 kilos with the crates being able to be stacked and the metal shelves being able to be picked up without any skills so these are very nice to have if you want to make a loot room now that we have all that out of the way we can dabble with three last things that i'd like you to know while making your base the first one is rooftop farms if you can support one making a rooftop farm is always a nice addition that adds practicality and aesthetic to your base all you need is a shovel or some sort of sack and that you can transport durden after that all you do is fill up the sack lay it on your roof and that allows you to plant crops to add on to that learning how to make stick traps would be nice as well as stick traps can be used in any environment instead of just being exclusive to wilderness just to make sure you use worms to bait the traps so you can catch birds with them these two sources can add a lot to your diet especially near the end game so keeping this in mind is going to be really helpful the second one will also make your life just a little bit easier and that's setting up a basic plumbing system this allows you to take a rain collector barrel and connect it through to a sink now what this does is allow you to actually use a sink after the water shuts off and the sink automatically filters out the water to be clean and safe to drink now in order to do this you need to place the sink yourself and set the rain collector right above your sink now the sink has to be placed by you it also has to be placed in an enclosed area and the barrel has to be up adjacent to the sink not directly on top of it so either of these tiles will work just make sure you're not placing it directly on top lastly this one is a bit more fun but taking cool signs and posters from throughout the world really add a lot to the end game of zomboid so if you want a cool looking base that evolves over time i highly suggest taking back a trinket or two to add to your base every time you go out it gives your character a goal and it makes your base look really lived in after a while it's definitely a novel idea if you find yourself getting bored easily anyways that's it for this guide i hope you all have learned something today if you liked this guide video be sure to check out my others on this game and be sure to subscribe for more content anyways i'll see y'all later peace out
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 641,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid guide 2020, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid base defense, project zomboid base building guide, project zomboid guide, zomboid guide, project zomboid base tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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