Beating Germany and USSR with no research in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am Torah and welcome to my newest handsome and forum video today we're going to see if we can beat at the Germans and at the Soviets s Poland without any research whatsoever no research no technologies no doctrines and nothing so let's go record difficulty I'm in most historical focuses start now I'm in Poland for now no research seems like a small thing but we will get none of these bonuses here we will get none of the doctrine bonuses well apart from the first one that you already have but that's entrenchment so it's almost useless we'll get no encryption and decryption bonuses here and no production boost this is actually going to make us significantly weaker let's see if that is enough to destroy us so first strengthen the Polish state we're going to be flipping ideologies because otherwise this will probably be pretty much impossible and then start with building lots and lots of military factories just inventory equipment one and that's all we're gonna be producing all the time and some convoys with the dockyard that we have ok let's be the game up and unpause we're going to train some units I think I'm going for a full army group so we have 40 minutes at the start so that's at eighteen thousand hundred and twenty which is one for Army Group we're training cavalry because it's faster to deploy remilitarization of the Rhineland and we strengthen the Polish state which gives us enough bulk of how to hire an advisor now we could go communist and ourselves with us of it's all we could go fascist and ourselves with the Germans we do have to play them against each other I think we will get a better result if we briefly different the Germans temporarily of course so I don't mind mostly the fascist demagogue here we go and their next focus is gonna be defensive focus then polish militarism defensive focus gives us a bonus to factory construction and this gives us manpower what we find was getting this first it's not gonna be a big difference and we will have sufficient manpower let's open up political discourse and now a Polish militarism Spanish the war no concern of mine polish militarism here comes of the manpower and finally polish reven schism we need that for faster world or justifications for here's the sole division it's wonderful this brings our fascist about 2:38 to go over for tea I will discredit the government that will give us a few more percent not for ten because it detracts from the current government and adds to all the others all right I guess and that's a good time let's discredit at the government forty five percent when we reach a fifty we'll be able to do the referendum what reven Chisholm is done and that's it I'm not gonna do any more focuses for now we need that political power for other stuff keep deploying these out of time and we do have some army experience so let's modify our infantry division to just be a straight up to anyway the infantry with no support and we are at 50% support for fascism so let us all the national referendum hey there we go now a fascist we can join the axis if we so choose and we will start to justify a war go on Romania why Romania well because Romania is guaranteed by Oh Slovakia and with this move we will take out both of them with one war go which will weaken the Germans give us more land factories and manpower and give us access to Hungary for later although I'm not sure we will do anything against Hungary I might go straight against at the Germans after this we'll see keep deploying unit anti-common turn back sure why not let's go to war economy because we need to do that before declaring war because once we declare war our war support will go down and we won't be able to switch do you have any extra skills and deployed all the cavalry let's switch it to infantry and now I should be able to switch about four of you to Mountain years it's not a huge bonus but mountainous will be useful a lot of the fighting will take place in the mountains so a few divisions of Mountaineers won't hurt let's promote general anders given the good traits I'm gonna need some more manpower but I also need an infantry expert let's see how long until the wormhole is ready 60 days that means hundred and twenty yeah I should be able to do both let's switch to limited conscription and then hire an infantry expert right before we attack how are you when those infantry weapons not that great but we should have enough to beat these guys it is time to prepare our orders so what we're gonna do is try and take Joseph a get out first I will prepare a trap not sure if it will work because they're not that aggressive with their I but let's try it anyway this is my trap I'm going to leave this space empty and hope that they move in there they might also not do that in that case we'll have to either just attack or push them a little bit and then retreat which should prompt them to counter-attack us let's see if it works also I'm going to join the access run before attacking which should make Joseph I can move some of their troops to the German border thus leaving them vulnerable here but we'll see about that Chinese United Front not my problem we're not doing anything with that today our goal is a read should I wait until I have the infantry expert I think so yes let's wait a couple more days there it is 150 that's high an infantry expert join the axis slow the game down unpause for just one hour so the Germans accept there we go and now immediately declare war on Romania they should be joined by John Slovakia let's speed up again and they have been joined by just Ibaka ok so ja Slovakia will either sit here and do nothing or move into our trap or move their troops to strengthen the German border let's see what they do ok they are moving into my trap which is great move in as far as you can leave gaps in the front lines that is perfect go on go on let's give them a bit a bit longer Romania is quite aggressive but you know we should be able to hold and we'll deal with Romania after we're done what doesn't work am okay now should be able to easily move into their territory and destroy them let's give you guys new orders and go aggressive on everyone and activate all of them now even being in a faction with the Germans means a lot of Java's troops are here which is going to help us significantly we should be able to crush them pretty much everywhere see they are surrounded here and if we can cut them off the troops here will just die because they will be attrition never lies they are stretched so thin that we should be able to just get in-between their troops like here so just move down south and cut them off see this is working out great looks like I should redo these orders now now of course we do not want to call the Germans into the war they will de justice steal our territory and that would be bad all right that should work out nicely move our planes closer to the action and go Romania will get into our territory a little bit but that's not a problem we want to trap them as well and now we can pretty much afford to do focuses again but we don't want much we're just going to do the ones that give us stability this is undefended you just go in here stuff is happening in China but we don't really care oh can you rush Prague if you can we just win well no you can't rush Prague but what if I use all of you to rush Prague yeah this is looking promising no they're moving troops to defend pity we'll lose this guy and Prague is left empty foolishly and it's ours thank you very much I'm just going to annex everything that deals with y'all so back now Romania time let's try and make a pocket for the Romanians soon we will move against other Germans just not yet right the trap is pretty much ready let's cancel this front line and move you guys off a little bit what's here now this should theoretically prompt of the Romanians to attack and pour into our territory and subsequently a let us cut them off Romania seems uninterested in going into my trap let's push them a little bit down here maybe that will prompt them to counter-attack no what if I give you a bit more room come on Romania no what if I just move off for a moment with everyone ah that's better okay they're moving in now for the truck to be successful they need to put a lot of troops in this area but ultimately whatever they do we should be strong enough to counter-attack here cut them off and destroy our enemy I guess this will have to be enough our army should be stronger than theirs at this point and they have given up their good defensive positions down here but let's give them one more chance stop the attack for a moment and retreat a bit more come on you can take stuff from me it's undefended honest no they don't want to okay then that's fine I'll just cancel all of their orders and use a field-marshal lever order or they'd have stretched themselves a little bit and they no longer have the advantage of defending in the mountains and so on so we should be able to crush the troops here and get into their territory to Italy also let's hire an offense expert it's a progressive attack go I know we had to give up some territory for this but once we start winning like we are winning up here we should be able to lean into the blow and move past where we originally stopped we might be able to cut them off here let's just do a manual attack extensive conscription please all right and the National focus of ideological fanaticism the lack of research is really hurting us I would have a lot of bonuses from doctrines and individual events by now so even though Romania is proving quite difficult honestly I thought it would be a less of a problem but we are green all across the board up here which is fine we can't give them time to rest and recover I was a gun production better these guys are cut off that's not a lot of troops but it's something and with what we've just achieved here we should be able to finish them off now we've eliminated like half of their army so we don't have to resort to any tricks anymore we'll just win although when we see a free spot like here we should take advantage which is why I'm pushing for Bucharest see these guys are rushing Bucharest the Romanians are trying to scramble a defense while we move in elsewhere and that's how we destroy Romania just to rush the victory point haven't surrendered yet okay just a moment longer then there goes Romania I'm just going to take all states although puppeting Romania is usually a good idea since they are quite aggressive hungry still non-aligned I think it might be time to flip ideologies again communist revolutionary please actually you should have done that a little bit earlier no matter no did we lose any units yes one so let's trainer a unit why are we for being ideologies again well we want to use the Soviets against the Germans Germany what you doing demands Sudetenland okay we can't attack hungry yet they're not to get fascist we have to wait until they flip otherwise they might get guaranteed you know what we could do we could attack Italy together with other Germans before Italy joins the axis that was significantly weakened Germany later on and I think that is what we should do now the Soviet Union could be a problem they could justify will go on me but if they do I can just release puppets but we'll see about that let's do that let's just fine we'll go on Italy 145 days and then we'll also do one on hungry ones they become harshest Hungary's now fascist we can justify walking on them without any consequences yeah that should kind of work also let's make sure we're friends well this Virginian I should not have signed it and that mmm and that comment impact but we can kind of remedy that by just improving relations with them let's open a political discourse for later and improve working conditions also I should probably go to close the economy expose focus on free trade do give us bonuses the construction and fabrication but we have to buy steel for our guns I think we'll be better off if we don't have to do that Spanish Civil War over now I will play this entirely differently however without the research my troops are much much weaker than for example Germany's troops with the justification looked Italy complete allows it just declare war on them and we are going to call in Germany ok they don't want to join with my approval Asians with them a bit and there is a chance that we'll lose all our territory here to the Soviet Union but if that happens we'll get it back later come on let's call Germany that's a bit of a problem they don't want to do under working Siddeley well these early will not join the axis now so that's something I thought Union is justifying a war go on me which might actually work to our advantage if we are the defenders but I can also just give that territory up to a puppet interesting the Soviets have declared war in Germany I'm not going to join a working dissolute Union if I leave the faction now they might be friend Italy but if I don't they don't have any way to do that I'm curious what will happen here like somebody joins Comintern well that is pretty cool here now Jim Jones common tone seems like we are disrupting Germany quite significantly because they're going to take up these guys but they are now part of the Comintern so the Soviets might come in and try to defend them um that should put Germany at a disadvantage where's my war goal against Hungary just a moment longer Germany would you like to join my war against Italy no we would not so we have a curious situation done because I can't have put myself in a difficult situation at war with Italy but we're not at war with Germany Germany is at war with the Comintern and they will soon be at war with the eyes as well but let's just do our own thing and destroy hungry now all the Soviets still justified only yesterday arm but it's gonna take a long time and I can just watch territories are these mister a bit because Venus one is ten twelve and a love wolf so what I can do is just release Ukraine that will get these territories and Romania which will get these territories and that will put me in the clear because the Soviets will have their local justification invalidated and when I flip the communism I might be able to join the competent myself unfortunately that will put Italy back in a friendship with Germany agree take all states please no Germany you're doing war with France and that is the moment we might want to cease to destroy them let us prepare now leave one bit of an opening here this way our troops will not all just congregate in this province that's what happens if you are building front lines against your ally maybe it's good that they did not join the war against Italy we have deprived them of Italian friendship but we can still leave the faction whenever we want though I should have flipped my economy when we were at war with Hungary we'll do that later see Germany and does not defend our borders because we're in the same faction the Soviet Union on the other hand has strategic reasons to be unfriendly towards me Oh more communism that's fine we want to flip anyway I guess I could discredit the government to speed up at the moment of a possible flip and let's do some war propaganda I could use the extra war support now I can flip any moment I want I should all referendum please we are now communists still in the axis no Soviet Union would you like to be friends I mean you wouldn't but by how much strategic reasons that is the territories that you want now just to handle that with puppets so now we wait until on the Germans attack the French and we flip sides we have effectively blocked Italy from joining the axis I wonder if they will join a right at the moment of us leaving or not we'll see I guess they should be aggressive are you moving towards my border oh no you're not - just shuffling around that's fine wait a minute you're moving into my territory oh that's fine that's absolutely fine we'll deal with you later well though I might have to delegate an army to deal with these guys okay Germany attacked France it would be a good moment to leave their faction just wait a moment until they're at war with everyone else they are at war with the French but the French have secured the border more or less I wonder if they are going to secure it against Italy as well we were leaving axis now that might prompt Italy to join the axis I don't know what I do know is that we wanted to quickly join the Comintern and get in on that war against and the Germans activate all the orders you do not want me in your faction because of strategic reasons oh and because I'm at war that's unfortunate then again if Italy joins the axis we will be at war against the same enemy well if I quickly justify a war go on the Germans 20 days you know one that might be in the quickest way to get into the Comintern let's do that Italy joined axis that's fine so I'm gonna be at war with the Germans immediately and that should let me into the Comintern like to join a faction there we go they have agreed and want to join the war against the Germans that's well kind of order 66 us because these troops will take some territory but I have a plan for the entire house quickly what's all the soviets will help we have joined the war against the Germans these troops can be a problem I'll try to you know take care of that and the Germans don't have any troops in our borders so we should be able to take quite a lot of their territory very quickly actually you once you're done here we'll try and take out all the spots of German resistance in our territory yeah the soffits seem to be helping a little bit and I'm moving quite quickly into Germany as you can see they did not have any troops here they moved at their forces to the French border which lets also move in a rather quickly and get quite a lot of territory now they will mount a resistance soon but they are now fighting France US and the Soviet Union at the same time and remember they don't have Hungary on their side or all in the industry of jobs lavaca AR the always wants military axes sure deployed an extra army let's give it to general and you guys just aggressively garrison my territories by which I mean clean deal with the German resistance I think it's going quite well the France has secured their border against the Germans so I think France will not fall at all what is our war participation it is fifty percent but dropping slowly because of the Soviets and that's absolutely fine and we're getting closer to Berlin expeditionary forces from the Soviets sure why not the German troops in our territory are about to be pacified and then we can move on towards Berlin with these troops okay everything seems to be working out great and of course it would be much simpler if we actually had a better troops let's go to close the economy I'm gonna need all that steel you have done your job let's send you over to Berlin September 1939 Polish troops invading Berlin some alternate history we do have a huge reserve of guns which is perfect and we do have a moderate reserve of manpower which is why I'm going to service and buy a requirement fall of Berlin Poland takes Berlin September 39 I still have the most war participation which is good that means the Soviets won't be able to steal that much stuff from us I think we should be successful in preventing and the fall of France legionary Bulgaria has access okay let's retreat and this army sent it down south a very very quickly yeah they're gonna get into our territory but the Soviets are helping and my army is on the way Yugoslavia did not get involved at all and we are halfway through Germany aren't the French doing anything I don't think so but at least they are occupying the Germans because they do have to secure both front lines and we have taken Homburg of you in Bulgaria quite well Bulgaria is not strong enough to be a threat to us everything is looking all right even France is pushing back against Italy now once we take out Germany Italy is pretty much a formality when we have all the Allies and the Comintern on our side we have lost half a million people which is acceptable compared to the real-world casualties that's nothing if you are curious about real-world casualties well let me just say that the fascists and the Communists together killed 25 percent of all Polish people one in four Polish people was killed by them and the beauty of fascism and communism and Bulgaria is taken care of we are running out of inventory equipment but we're also running out of Germany which is nice anybody want to send me lend-lease okay Germany shouldn't you be surrendering now what we taking Munich and possibly stood guard and they should be surrendering we have a ran out of infantry equipment and we are running out of manpower so I think it will be prudent to switch to balanced now so far so good we're still making progress although I am really missing that technological advantage now if we could just push with everything and get to Munich well you know what maybe I'll try that you push with everything and take a Munich or mention if you prefer it is well defended but the frontline is a long so there is a chance and force attack on this one not me all day I don't think it will succeed but we have to risk it because if it does well then we win Communist China capitulates and we're focusing all our efforts on Munich we have taken Munich okay it's not enough to make them surrender almost enough to make them surrender pretty just a couple more victory points um but I think we can make it happen it did work a Munich it might work on Nuremberg as well attack from all sides Oh actually attack from here primarily I can surround them like this that would be even better they just abandon this promise if they did Nuremberg is as good as ours yep it's awesome I mean not yet but in the moment no what they're trying to retreat to Nuremberg it's ours okay no they should surrender 99% goddamnit it's pretty sure that would be enough yeah we have to be patient we kind of run out of steam because we don't have guns or people anymore oh the eyes are actually doing something they are invading Italy from the South quite aggressively good job allies well Essen it is an actual victory point so let's move you guys to Essen of Rome well that was quick good job United Kingdom although that might give them a bit too much of a war score 20% I still have a lot we should be able to get whatever we need at the peace conference Germany has capitulated to me cool now Italy will surrender soon and the war will be ours and here girls the Peace Conference okay what and it and decide to do they have puppeted the Netherlands didn't the Netherlands join Comintern weird but I point of that what we want to do is pop it Germany and Italy we pop at Germany and we pop it Italy okay that's too much we'll just pop with them with a small bit of territory South Tirol okay that's a cheap one works for me take your states and take us off to Rome puppet Italy unn take off states this way we'll get quite a lot of manpower and Industry once we and next and Peace Conference as you can see Poland rules are supreme Italy is now my puppet Germany is now mine puppet both members of the Comintern but we still need to defeat other Soviet Union how are we going to do that well the best option for us would be for the Soviet Union to be at all of the Allies I'm going to try and make it happen by getting Finland guaranteed we're going to justify a war go on Finland if the Allies guarantee Finland then when the Soviet Union inevitably attacks Finland we should be able to step in and you know destroy them on the other hand do we need the Allies against the Soviet Union I don't really think so I think I'll be able to defeat them myself No some help is always useful so what's next well we wanted to annex Italy in Germany I don't really have enough convoys to do it we will have to do it through building factories in their territory just send you guys to the Soviet border you'll be useful there later on so let's start Lindley's and you don't send them everything we can all the convoys and all that we will get all that back when we next them no did the Allies guarantee Finland not yet I hope they do could just attacks on people if the Allies don't want to guarantee anyone but we don't really care about you know attacking the ice we just want to take out this virginianus belgium joins the Allies I'm gonna need to do some focuses so that I get access to construction or repair I didn't think I would need to so it's not going to take too long I'm going to need a lot more divisions to steal older men properly so let's create that tiny template we are going to be still in German man hard with it journey has 2.5 million and Italy has just a tiny little bit probably should have just annexed Italy don't try it it's fine what will happen if you want to join the axis and there's no axis left so what Union declared war on Finland Finland get guaranteed in the meantime yes it did let's cut some our justification this should put at the Soviet Union at war with and the eyes that is of course a war that I am going to completely ignore and not join the Soviet are now at war with in the other is perfect and that is exactly what I wanted well what's going on here for a brief moment I thought the Germans have joined but it's actually the Netherlands which are a Soviet puppet it's fine people's United Provinces oh that's what it was called Seop a capitulates - yeah say it's safer with Poland German independence going down now I could order 66 the Soviet Union I'm not sure I want to yes you know I don't have to do it every time let's lower the German independence and deploy and these guys they have zero units about four thousand planes there's gonna be useful when I annexed them actually we're doing way more where the building and then with lend-lease but you know both our help I guess it's time to prepare a German template I'll just take a big infantry division we're only giving that for manpower all of you guys switch to infant idea TV zone that will free up some Polish manpower and I will send back all the expeditionary forces from Germany because it can sometimes get buggy when you're next to subject and you have expeditionary forces from them and we can no annex Germany let's see if we've used up all our manpower yet yes we have okay then goodbye Germany manage subjects index I actually got a couple of tank divisions from them with equipment and everything Germany's taken care of but before we do anything else I still need to next Italy yeah we are slowly becoming an industrial powerhouse I think it would be prudent to outfit our guys with support equipment we can do great war tanks and I don't think that's a great idea we are actually going to screw over the Soviet Union quite heavily see they have a lot of their troops in and the Netherlands which they can access through my territory but once I leave their faction they will not be getting supplies there and they will lose quite a lot also let us modify our template I will add engineer companies signal companies support artillery and support anti-air we'll see how well that works out let's make an Italian played whatever really division in diff'ent area should be good these small guys will switch to it and here comes in detail in men part it's not a lot of manpower but a next thing then will still be worth it because I'll get a lot of planes and chips it's gonna be slaughter here once I exit defection they will have no supply 100 units will die good so which union in excess ton or two though not that surprised and we are almost ready to an exit Lee one more day here we go Italy is no mine see I was thinking I don't actually need to have a support company researched to be able to use it if I uh next subject because if they were using a support company I can still have access to it even if I haven't researched it myself Raika logisitics here I could use this template to gain access to the logistics company alright that so I have used the fact that one of the templates actually more than one hand a logistics company in it this way we can actually use it without having to research in that company and it turns out we have 80,000 motorized that is enough to us with over 800 units like this no it's in poles and see how well we do on equipment we need eight thousand or two three and three thousand a support equipment that's quite a lot okay I guess I can make that support equipment thing happen artillery will be difficult so let's switch the template again I'm just going to do pure infantry with a support it's almost as good much about them but we do need a support equipment still I think I should be able to produce enough of that yeah looks about right now planes as this Bend all of them so I can distribute them better we need ten air units for ten armies also I have quite a lot of ships I guess the only reasonable thing to do with them is to stack them all in the Baltic Sea how much close air support do I have I have a thousand and four hundred air support more or less so it's at a hundred close air support to every army that will leave us a sum for reinforcements and have a nice round number one hundred to close as a bon voyage of those know how many fighters do we have that would be like three thousand fighters I think three hundred fighters each all the German in Italian planes we have a lot of fighters apparently that's three thousand just here and we still have more great the Soviets cannot compete with that no bombers 700 would be seventy per army and we do have some naval bombers but I don't think they will be necessary why are you guys not moving into position maybe when they leave the faction they will okay I think we're good to go I'm going to leave of the faction now leave affection there we go we are no longer a member of the Comintern the Soviet troops over here she'll be leaving our territory now and I'm gonna need a war go twenty days works for me goodbye Soviet Union now I don't think they'll be able to resist our initial attack because they won't have enough troops here so I'm going to go aggressive and activate all the orders now theoretically I can rejoin the faction briefly which will confuse them but it's not really necessary I don't think they can mount a successful defense in those twenty days anyway let's not do any faction shenanigans we're strong enough to just beat them anyway although how is our equipment situation yeah the support equipment thing is a problem though it would probably be better off modifying my template so we don't use that much support equipment we are using sixty I'm going to cancel the engineer company yeah with this change we have enough support equipment I might riad the engineer company later we'll see I just took a [ __ ] on the Soviet Union is complete let's not delay any longer attack no there we go green everywhere see because most of the troops were probably in the Netherlands and they're not gonna get all that supply oh now I am expecting the British to invite me into the our eyes which would be quite helpful mostly for them but we can do it either way the Eastern Front is a green everywhere and then others have been called in we can now push into their territory and there's a lot of Soviet troops here and bad they don't have supply so we're going to destroy them quickly and easily yeah the casualties we've inflicted are not that great that doesn't really matter who does all the work what matters is that we win in the end to be in which this is looking more or less okay isn't it how are the planes perfect air superiority all across the board the Netherlands have been defeated let's send more troops to the Russian front now this is gonna take a while my computer is a bit slower now because the recent changes I had to do reset my overclock and I didn't really have time to meddle with that again nevertheless it shouldn't take too long also where is my invitation to the allies generated too much world and children well I guess I'll give you military access and non-aggression pacts if you want we can be friends yes top moves go into Crimea the front lines always gets wonky over here so I have to do this manually how are the logistics all right looking good and some encirclement - we're actually progressing away faster than I thought we would keep in mind we have no doctrines and no bonuses from any research whatsoever but we did a trap a lot of Soviet troops in the Netherlands which it certainly helps looks like the Soviets cannot resist and the Polish might Moscow is now polish next stop um I guess Stalingrad was are about the station 56 percent well my guess that's about right after all and the Allies did to fight this of it for quite a while before we joined startling Brad as ours but I Ingrid our Finland took that that's fine you can have it unfortunately the Soviet Union is a vast and even though we have taken all the most important victory points it's going to take quite a while before they surrender I guess it's time we redid our orders because we have a lot of troops stuck on the Finnish border everyone aggressive go let's see how is the automatic air superiority working it is actually working great I should be using it more often but usually I just forget I have planes the Polish People's Republic looks kind of symmetrical right kinda looks like a hat doesn't it center here symmetry even Italy is reflected by this nice 97 percent towards capitulation and we didn't even break a sweat not even out of manpower let's have a look at the casualties we only lost half a mil people how many did we kill we killed 1.7 million but mostly we're just pushing them because they can't resist our strength and there goes the Soviet Union we do have the most war score I suppose I could pop at them but now let's just take territory shall we that's it okay Polish People's Republic looking good are you liberated Kazakhstan and some other stones was Pakistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan that's fine we took all the rest oh no I'm pretty happy with how this turned out no technology what so ever researched yes if you wanna verify ok so that's how you do without technology see research is useful but not as useful as flexible foreign policy so that is it for today I think we did pretty well and there was some difficulty when we were finishing of Germany but all in all it was quite successful of course I would have been much stronger if I was allowed to do doctrine for example my industry would have been better and so on but turn I'm pretty happy with how that turned out of course we could switch back to democracy or we could take on the Allies well that was not at the aim of this video let me know how you like this one and if you have any ideas for future videos of course share them in the comments below because I'm still not sure what I will be doing next that is it for today thank you for watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 247,631
Rating: 4.9180532 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 poland 1939, hearts of iron 4 poland 1939, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 poland, hoi4 poland world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 poland challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman poland, hoi4 30 minutes of hel, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, annex germany, hearts of iron 4, annex ussr, hoi4 no research
Id: FZ6_9KaCnDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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