Spain takes Russia and other stuff in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am sorry and welcome to my newest house of mine for video today we're going to explore the Spanish Civil War because I haven't really played a proper game of Spain since the new focus tree was introduced so we will fight as a civil war and we will win it well then we'll say but before we begin a message from a sponsor today we'll be playing as a Spain speaking of Spain it's the perfect segue to this videos sponsor rise of kingdoms Spain is one of the countries you can play in that game rise of kingdoms is a free-to-play mobile MMO strategy game with unrestricted RTS type unit movement it also has a nice cartoony graphics style it features 11 historical civilizations that you can play as each of them were the unique units leaders and bonuses for example Spain has the fearless fighters ability that gives them stronger cavalry and economy they can also use the conquistador unit teamwork is an important factor in a war I can join a wall that uses very few troops to defeat many an army with only 60 million battle power can defeat another one with 90 million battle power that is if proper tactics and a great commander are used a good army feel they'll win for sure because of the numbers but may be sorely disappointed would support from our alliance members strategy and tactics your army will gain the final victory download the rise of kingdoms using the link below also check out the giveaway link for a chance to win a prize and the back to house of r4 so regular difficulty I'm and mode and historical focuses I have briefly experimented with non historical but you guys do seem to prefer them historical I have tested this a little bit but not too much I haven't really played a proper game through the Spanish to the war and there is quite a lot of options essentially there are six focus tree branches first we choose the great Spain order box at the front great Spain and deals with the fascist branch the non-aligned branch the Carlists and a middle ground that can let you befriend it too and I have explored this tree a little bit now if we go with the Popular Front we can be the anarchists which is weird we can be communist or we can be democratic moreover a great Spain makes us the aggressor into civil war while with the Popular Front we would try to delay it as much as possible so I'm going with a great Spain because I've explored this focus tree a bit more or heaven to play the proper game or this yet but if you would like me to explore the second branch as well let me know in the comments and then I might make another video troops let's get all our troops to Spain say here construction some civilian factories as usual production lots of guns please and a research Doctrine superior firepower some machine tools and the research bonus and that's about it let's speed the game up and unpause let's also gather up our planes now we could also not do any focus but it wasn't prevent the civil war we would just have to choose with an event and it's actually benefits us a little bit more to do with the focuses in the Spanish Civil War we are very very limited can't really do anything that is not of the Spanish Civil War anyway let's continue the focus Street hand over the cedar campaign chest which is going to give us insane amounts of political power and we will make a good use of it Spanish election of 1936 this unlocks decisions these decisions that strengthen us a little bit and also speed up the military plot and the opposition also does these additionally we can spend political power on the map to acquire Garrison's and yes we're going to be doing that they're going to start with Madrid and it is a crucial place so I think I'm going to try and surround it that would stretch our bold is a bit but if we can cut it off it'll be great so let's first start by spreading the strikes because they're doing concessions to the left which would decrease our political power but with expressing the strikes we can counter that and start spreading our influence to Extremadura if I can take these three or at least two of them I should be able to surround Madrid and Toledo which are very valuable targets also we have to time our decisions very well we acquired the first garcin and of course I missed did I miss the click moment yes I did all right let's just do the basic level in all of them they can counter our influence but they do have to spend political power on that and I think they need to spend more than we're spending negotiate call this support and here as well electronic mechanical engineering complete we're trying genius over here that's fine I just need two of them finished concessions to the left and they're doing positions to the left again each of these missions and don't once we're doing speed after military thought and the ones they're doing stop down all of ours take 37 days and speeding up rising alpha by 36 days now the ones they're doing only delays it by 15 days now we want a quick uprising but we need to also complete all the focuses nevertheless we do need to suppress it the strikes so that we do not get penalty to political power let's do external Medora again negotiators college support of the army of Africa also see what focuses they're doing right let's take this one again they will eventually challenge our Garrison's just need to make sure I have all the influence in two of them and that's going to be enough if I can have all three that would be perfect but that's not gonna work second London Naval Treaty and basic machine tools what next stop when it's finished Extremadura and they're challenging us in suit at 300 you have Africa complete secure the northern Garrison's let's go for Guadalajara how much time a lot of time left let's do this one again we don't suppress the strikes we don't need to suppress them anymore when they do a primo de Rivera speech Oh should I wait a little bit because if I do the primo de Rivera speech now there's gonna be 15 extra days from them plus 15 9 this is 74 and this would take off 73 so essentially the moment I finish this is the war starts are we ready but we need some more time three more days fourteen fifteen all right here if they don't challenge me here and see that that's gonna be okay let's do primo deliver speech we were ready for Civil War let's do see that yeah now I need them to not challenge this one they can challenge this one not this one though secure the little Garrison's and now we have to make choice longest non-aligned or fuse the parties and I prefer to fuse the parties because we don't really need to fight our own people too much and finish this they're challenging extra qualifier Garson which is okay it's the pine gums can I train you Lynn no way I can't train you in it wait that's 13 days and at 7 days and that is 16 out of 28 so that's 12 all right I will finish the focus win one day left perfect timing I suppose okay Garrison's ours which means we'll get these all the round Madrid and when the Primo or the reverse speech is complete we get the civil war but I must know one day left yep perfect no I think if I do any of these that'll be counts anyway Civil War will now start boom Spanish Civil War and we have acquired all this territory now our borders look pretty bad I'm hoping we'll be able to maintain them what I'm most interested in is taking Toledo and Madrid quickly and me might actually be able to do it - Civil War now we get to choose between the colonists and fusing the parties this is the colonists option this is the unity option let's take a unity option now for this to work wait to go to fuse the parties as soon as possible but that will need to consolidate the north for medical list split banish the party leaders say and you know all these as well and then choose the parties so let's start would say oh and the alcazar and we can rush with these troops so i should have put some more troops here but nevermind let's see if I can get Madrid in toledo toledo is actually more important in madrid but it or not let's try and get that we go through here and you pin this guy so now we wanted to assault the north as quickly as we can because we would like to acquire these territories 20 should be enough attack quickly and aggressively i need to take the ports and generally the whole thing as quickly as possible that will require some manual management pin some enemy troops go to bilbao secure the process with these you can essentially write the rest of you you also run towards madrid and you also run towards to lado if you can pin this guy you're peeing up in this guy so this is the northern army this is the army on special assignment to complete the focus quest and these two will just secure as there's a very long frontline Field Marshal with Franco and mola Franco is a little bit better as he was Mahler as a general right I should also activate everyone to be aggressive before the event that solidifies the frontlines happens what we can do extra supplies for all of them sure do that and planes and volunteers from Italy in Germany perfect if I can take Madrid in the meantime that's perfect but it doesn't look like I can you try and go around to Madrid you try to assault - later directly and you get there from the other side and title is of the priority for for the Alcazar focus knowing well enough but Bilbao is defended sad don't look too good I do have to take advantage of the fact that the modify that soul defies the frontlines is not acting yet and attack with all that I've got so let's do the you know super exhausting waste of resources attack force attack yeah this one so the front are damaged yeah that's the one essentially now we won't really be able to do much once I focus on the Madrid offensive oh wait me was that I do have ships I could hunt them down over here on see how to give you an ID no ray them convoys and I thought you have all those negative modifiers I'm not sure I should be doing the super attack anymore well you can take the ones that are not defended so which everyone to balanced stop the general attack we're still winning the modifiers are very powerful and very bad for us I might still be able to prevail up north and I can I do have them surrounded so that's something we're very close to actually getting to later and that would speed our focus off quite a lot so I could do that it might be worth as the losses I'm taking Sadie Alcazar is done which is unfortunate because of that actually you know creates a mission where is it Betty Carter surprising yeah we're working on it say declare 140 days that's no time yeah a martyrdom for primo de Rivera if I could take out the note even though we're taking heavy losses right now no attack what neither today so that's something no that would be awesome are you attacking don't attack no no you hold yeah just once they were taking Toledo yeah see you guys you're just wasting resources don't attack Oviedo Bilbao and Toledo are the ones I want and they are worth the losses we're taking the rest not so much once we prepare the offensive course attack down here now if I stop that I can pull power for a moment it's possible they would move to different prophets but I'm almost there with almost taken it if I can take the two points that would make killing them off very quick and easy meanwhile Toledo I just needed for the mission no well did you get here yeah I don't have enough troops on this front line because it's mean I'm I forced myself into a very long frontline but if we succeed in taking this and this and this bit will be worth it if you don't we'll lose some territory actually looking quite promising I took the bow perfect you stay here the touch different armies so you don't take any holder's you please stop attacking me for a moment yeah damn it but we're gonna talk to later from another side I hope so can't even push this to Madrid without even completing the offensive thing and over here though is ours as well you stay here we attached from any orders got other place attack everywhere now I will be wiping these guys out I can reassign some troops to the other armies guarding our main borders to increase our safety the Hummel Toledo can I get that and Madrid perhaps because we're very close to it means oh the attack power they're perfect we have done the Alcazar mission as extra protocol part and code you of Spain with that we'll be able to high on this island workhorse immediately it's gonna go solder Pollock apart and then an infantry expert I think this is a great success apart they now we're very close to Madrid and the units are there don't have other organization it's possible for us to take it it's not the perfect situation but it is possible so of course we'll do our best to press this advantage if we can take Madrid perfect then again we shouldn't focus on it too much just fall in attacking is fine but don't waste too many resources since in 16 days will not have the penalty anymore it'll be in a better position to actually do it meanwhile we have surrounded them and this is going well actually if we could win this quickly enough we wouldn't even need to fuse the parties but I do prefer a non-confrontational approach if we can do that this arm is actually joining quite all the good work I mean they're gonna die but see how many enemy units they've occupied and in the meantime we were able to take Toledo mechanical competing today is until we get the offensive thingy and we have Madrid oh it's one of the places we don't want to lose let's take one unit and it to the army of you know sitting on the victory points the important ones and soon we'll have to North cleaned up we'll redo different times and then we can attack normally I could press the advantage but you know that would cost us quite a lot also there soon going to get an anarchist surprising and that will also strengthen us so then just sitting on our behinds right now might not be the worst cause of action defensive thing is done we can attack we should be able to push a little bit martyrdom for primo de Rivera is complete now we could do X on the martyrs of the warm but it's not the best choice right now we want to go to for mental car let's split because if we don't do that it's gonna be a car surprising eventually so they don't know that's a lot of extra military factories we could use them certainly all right we can do another offensive thingy okay some go after Sevilla and we can hire and we do more an infantry expert we have destroyed another pocket of resistance just two units remaining I don't need that many of you here let's take half of you I'll reassign them to different army to solidify the frontlines yeah we're making gains Jimmy it's cuttable lend-lease why Germany we were doing so well together oh this is undefended let's go in so need to more popular north and then to be organized by armies why are you canceling the lend-lease Italy don't do that no Portugal also simulant ears and do you think I was contemplating attacking Portugal coming to Carlist split extra stability we must slow down the coast uprising will go after Sevilla next but I want to finish these two areas yes I could get an offensive here to make it faster but they're really not putting up much of a fight now shouldn't these guys be able to supply here they don't have a port we have taken over the Madrid area go after Sevilla much time you have until the uprising and panic are surprising a lot of time so I don't really need to go towards that immediately those are pretty good things I can do these a lot of political power but these can also be beneficial no no let's take the long term benefits XOR the bar and martes you also get the felon guest that is a very good economic guy with some extra support I can't do work on me because we're technically non-aligned what I can do is get an army offense expert let's do that and regional council of aragon declared war i could push them here quite a lot it's very real estate if it's undefended of course so move in still it's good for me if they're fighting each other of course well those attack the students yeah let's take another one no I don't really care about destroying them quickly I would prefer for my two enemies to fight each other especially since I am avoiding that on my side we have confined them to one province I was the second severe very good Chinese United Front I could also attack China in Enberg incident not really a problem for me problem for Victoria as she's not gonna be ruling Germany they have left some territory undefended it's mighty silly of them isn't it why are you doing push-ups did I accidentally oh god damn it absolutely quick exercise yeah well let's try and take the mouth were just these two units mmm they did amount some resistance but we did actually take quite a lot of territory and Sevilla is surrounded this fight with and the anarchists really is taking at all of them now we banish the party leaders for the pool go bar they seem to be in a bit of a pickle I should just push with everything they still wouldn't be able to relocate the troops if I did that it looks like we're gonna win very soon I forgot there are special rules for the Spanish Civil War 5% or less should I try and push for Barcelona with these guys like you had a cure you attack here they're fighting each other we take out both possibly it was a very fruitful endeavor down here are we grouping expert Japan tax China now would be the time to justify one China if we wanted to do that better issue the party leaders housed in northern attack going with enough you go and take more saloon what I've taking Valencia will be sufficient that's terribly three points is one yeah yeah it might actually work I wonder if the impending Carter stop rising will automatically cancel if I win the Civil War and the strongest yeah even says mine and the Second Republic defeated there's still the anarchists I think we should just finish them off but also know if the uprising the Carlist uprising is still a thing if you defeat your enemies before it happens I want our narcs bow to the camera I mean to Spain one true Spain but in Carlist uprising is the thing okay so I still need to fuse the parties but the war is pretty much over technically I'm not online so I cannot justify a war go to use these massive amounts of troops I'm not sure why I can't do the referendum when I played a short test game I was able to do the referendum I guess now we wait and rebuild the DA factories is not too bad they've got the freedom of worship and with this we will get the final victory in the Civil War this will be removed upon the civil wars conclusion but can i bypass it then you know what I should probably do it just to make sure we can get down to this one because integrate that a kit is required this one anyway gives us extra population and attack and defense and from that we can get the Esther research thoughts just make sure well if I could bypass that would be perfect but I don't know if I can bypass of this so unfortunately I have to cancel fuse the parties just the first do or the methodical approach that's the war is over I can just invest in my economy let's do free trade I was in Britain announced plans we don't need to do any offensive no whatever units will modify our units once we're done with the war ethical approach is done just national spirit but you know now it's fused the parties and and the war interesting I mean Hamoui has advanced to level four Nationals victory in the Spanish Civil War don't we have power posts the other stuff so Nationals victory do we the units and templates basically screw our economy well that's unfortunate now we have some pretty bad consequences and even the resistance in our own States so partly that's no longer core for some reason they're gonna be fine what can we do we can do national recovery which boosts us economically we could have joined the axis which could benefit us quite a lot adopted 26 points or go for the research thought oh this gives us a war economy removes modifier autonomous state what does that do no so gives us no me the conscription that's pretty good I must stage my factory said oh bloody hell that's callable why would anyone play that all right let's let's do that it's gonna increase our economy quite a lot now we can start training units what templates do you have decent division maybe too much art to the Ray come on invest in just infantry with support have a lot of experience let's make it a twenty with infantry with recon engineers and supporters away let's watch everyone over so far I find the Savoy itself an interesting concept but the general experience isn't very enjoyable with the national recovery and all that so I think we'll get war economy and the middle inscription so that's gonna benefit is quite a bit so some Austrians can I join the Allies I can if I have Morton on aligned then fascists and there's actually not exclusive so I can first join the others and then join the fascists interesting perhaps I should do that mine online support will go up if I higher the life on college the guy we can fight him later sure and trade some whatever dream a war economy and conscription dictator for life or restore the monarchy oh we can actually restore the monarchy really Oh Mike Franco dictator for life I'm gonna do this just so we can get the research spot and we'll focus on recovery later cooperation governments sure I can do wish I could Portugal during the Civil War it is possible to do that we have to play the long game here it seems I don't like that I do prefer to just attack everyone quickly but I'm committed to checking out how Spain the play is currently if we had gone fascist during the Civil War and declared war and say Portugal in the meantime we could win and expand that way we're not online so we can still do that we just need the world tension to be 50 but we didn't lose most of our troops so we're pretty weak right now we've utilized the intellectuals okay I think it's time to do national recovery give us tons of stability actually so if we join the axis we could do fascist economic aid or into our turkey on our own change trade law to close the economy oh no that's terrible I mean I could just change it but I guess all right we'll do all turkey and just change the economic law on our own as free trade is the only right choice because the company is stupid I mean there are reasons to do edges we don't have one of those in National Recovery is nice totally with Spanish austerity will no longer be getting and the stability bonuses it provides and there's a high bonus actually I'm sorry to keep it a bit longer the recovering from Civil War thing is not that bad I think I'll go for dictator for life of course switch back to free trade step out of the murky fate of jostle a cat and dog semester the end which is sitting here unable to do anything yeah see when I play the quicktest game I have the option to do the referendum for fascism I'm not sure why it went away in this game it's pretty cool we have Francisco Franco as the leader of both of those parties stamp out the McKee right was next demand French North Africa yes we might be able to get stuff let's first check the decisions we just got needs compliance off just 35% oh that's not bad that's cost all the political power I mean it will do it it's just expensive do these maybe we can get some extra territory for free although even drop and Italy joins the axis and then we're just sitting here doing nothing but went well reaches 50% we'll be able to justify war go with that I think I'll take Portugal although there are other options Portugal is just the easiest and it does come with some benefits and we have pretty much rebuilt at the army must do that and GSM glaive alright think we'll get extra stuff from it and stuff is going down now one the world test goes to 50 and people to justify war goes sowhat's banks sampled Kapaa to be able to attack Portugal and the factories will start going up soon because of these decisions of the world tension only 37 46 factories already were also still not enough world tension 42 point capitulates still some way to go alright and we did the Tangiers HomeLife let's see what the Brits say yay i means Vichy France for this one so it'll have to wait splashes 32 yet not really the extra stability is really helping us probably should have not chosen this path I forgot about the stability thing yeah I should have gone found this one this this other key thing was a mistake well too late to change it now then there's the expand conscription is extra 2% recruitable population is quite a lot and we have enough world tension let's attack Portugal we haven't caused all the world tension so the Allies will not guarantee them another lines capitulate and France will soon be taken yeah all turkey was a mistake soon we'll be able to get the fifth research lot and also conquer Portugal I could also go off to China theoretically Japan is not doing too well though yeah very sad about this now about our turkey caramel fest Pilar's really right this amount of units will be sufficient to take off Portugal let's not try any more right now France capitulates that should open up some focus choices in the meantime signal company anti-air or anti-tank maybe anti yeah yeah Rudolf Hess I bought the Hindenburg the expenses conscription and now we can demand French North Africa come on France gimme not technically fascist so Portugal should not join the Allies also our online support is growing so we eventually will be able to join the others most probably so not sure if it's the best course of action for us if we decide against it I can just fire the card list and we'll go back to being fascist well in French North Africa and perfect extra territory for us as direct and the universities and get the fifth research thought that's nice and we can get cooperation governments once we increase compliance project oceans the chance against us were very strong compared to them and they have not been guaranteed so protocol czars sir Croatia and other stuff is happening and we're safely tucked away in our part of the world and we can stay here if we so choose no wake up Chilean aids and we have the war go on Portugal let's attack we could have created affection with them but there's no need of that very efficient I can do what propaganda sure and Garrison see these wonderful well then these also wonderful you'd like me they really like me what school well I could pop up them but I think oh brother just take everything and bothers look much better now we have secured the peninsula well my path from Gibraltar where do we go from here we could join up with the Germans in their fight against the Soviets that would yield very nice results probably well right it might finally be time for Spanish asperity I did want to delay it as much as possible but I think it's time also atomic research for the bonuses hungry joins the axis and we're still neutral what we should do is make sure the United Kingdom finds the Soviet Union this will be tough in India just fine in Estonia I could make this work to my advantage we just found Estonia as well we want them guaranteed we also justify all the United States needs more political power just to make sure estonia gets a guarantee and then they should not bend to the will of the soviet and with that we have suffered union at war with the armas which would be perfect whoops there's no more estonia pity I guess I can try the same thing with Finland let's gather up enough vodka power to do all those at once so it's even if they do get their way they well they usually do attack Finland anyway forget some motorised and some anti-air actually a bit more you know what Romania seats Bessarabia to the Soviets see now we are a power to be contended with but there's not much for us to do I am thinking of backstabbing the Allies but for that I'll need them to fight the Soviet Union let's make sure Finland is guaranteed first we just found the United States generating tons of world tension then we just found Finland hoping the Brits guarantee them they're going to the United States like they need that come on guarantee Finland oh and the last garrison well there's thirty goodbye stability will go with this one and modify our template I want signal company and support that I am assassination of Trotsky the original government of Syrah V Arab Republic where is that exactly this one here there are no factories there sure you do have our blessing and Guinea sure but it sure ROG if there is away from the British Raj how we do you realize the more you know time for the best guns I think let's get rid of the recovering from Civil War thingy so did you guarantee them yes you did from I can now cancel the justification it's not like I actually want to fight the United States yet and cancelled one on Finland I need are the Soviets to remember their vicious and attack them not remember if they do that anymore they did for years so I think they'll still we'll really laying claims I mean we can't have all the territory we need that sort of territory I will try and take some more grease joined eyes and we're up to almost a hundred factories which is a decent number perhaps the Soviets changed their ways and they will no longer attack Finland I mean usually it was like this they would attack Finland normally get the white piece and then affect them again China and Japan have signed a white piece you don't see that often and there's not much left to do oh look a bar let's get at the Army Africa model so so what Union ready to attack Finland yet no looks like I'll have to join the eyes and drag them into some pointless war I might be able to put them in a war against the United States that would be hilarious wouldn't it well never the US will join the axis you know what we have explored the Spanish Civil War this is an almond Games who if I screw this up we'll just be over but I want to test it I want to attack the United States as a member of the eyes which means I think I have to time this perfectly how long to justify war goal in Mexico and rose in 25 days okay and we can do the join yeah let's focus now yeah sure we can do it well do one other focus and then join the house because once we join them this justification might cancel because of how the factions work I don't know they keep changing these things I know I'd rather just be cautious so I guess we'll do a cooking pot organization and the danjo Diaz they might not let us in and in might join the Allies in a moment Japan this is war with the Philippines the United States are at war with Japan Japan is going historical so they attack the Dutch East Indies or British Malaya very soon that'll change things even if this means we'll lose we have already achieved our objective with played through the civil war and we've got a pretty good outcome and we've recovered from it we are a powerful country now so now it's experiment the John the Allies will just not do it jiminy take in the Soviet Union this was a good moment either attack Germany from the other side as a member of the Allies or to gang up on the Soviet Union anyway our next focus is going to be to join the eyes which might be stupid but you know I was just attack the Soviets normally random and french indochina fan declared war on the Dutch East Indies which means the United States join the Allies which means this whole endeavor would point us because of justification pity we'll just have to go after the Soviets instead and then all these 66 the axis and I'll show you that all the 66 in fact works just fine directly on Moscow now we're going to be attacking the Soviets we're not going to be like in the eyes so we don't have to worry about naval invasions or anything like that so all that bouncing around with ideologies was actually pontus because we were a little bit light and it's fine I'll just show you that order 66 still works instead oh I forgot to cancel the focus let's cut the focus to join the eyes we don't need that just occasional Moscow is complete we're going to declare right away you have no direct connection to them so it's not going to be a threat right now it's war stability has gone down a bit but it's not a problem and now now we should be able to get some military access Germans Italians and Hungarians and from the Romanians and Croatia as well yeah we have military access it send some troops over here and help attack the Soviets and getting amenities from United States and from the Germans and that's what you get for being neutral against the so it's not infection while fighting the Soviets we're also getting invited into the axis which is not necessarily worth it right now yes I will join the axis at least once they're in position and go to extensive conscription oh wait a minute they would not accept they were just inviting me they will invite me back I could turn the game off and on again and they would invite them backward I just do the focus whatever four percent participation I mean if this doesn't work I just exited the menu and then get back into the game and they should invite me because they have invited me before we will see though ten percent already we're not really making meaningful progress though all right let's see if they let us join they do industrial you were doing very well United States cancel the lend-lease well we are in the faction with their enemy so it kind of makes sense I did acquire some pot especially already we can increase that later but let us let the Germans do on the heavy lifting British Malaya capitulates to Japan there's not much to do for now monkeys I'll do a spy agency or should have done that earlier lots of resources you could be spending on it we'll send some spice to the Soviet Union and all that you found is doing well mother and Duchess teen he's taken over already maybe being pushed out of China was good for them Oh me I got pushed back but hardly ever happens me might have joined the war on the wrong side we don't try to help the whole frontline but what to do look alikes attacks like this it should work out nicely new operative go to the Soviet Union let's replace this olive oil course with an illusive gentlemen smart workers is usually the best pick but we have nothing to do with our public apart well it does seem like this of it might is in decline she Franz finally joined the war and we're doing quite working so it's actually it's edit the order a bit and we have taken Leningrad I need collaboration governments what do we need this operation because this will lower the swords from the threshold so that we can get rid of them faster also more collaboration we don't have any factories we can build as our increase infrastructure to increase extraction we're the only ones actually making gains we might have chosen the wrong side in this no matter well you could start by taking out the way it really does seem like we chose the wrong side I mean the Soviets are out of equipment and I am far from it problem with cooperation governments is they take a long time British Raj has capitulated hmm the other hand does do Yugoslav it all over Italy looks like my attack on the Soviets might have not been the best idea when you boost the making gains but it seems like I'm the only one doing it I dunno logistics very well liberation of Paris good thing I didn't fight the eyes let's do some nuclear reactors the best source of power in least a confront is retaken but we should be shifting our loyalties soon we are close to defeating the Soviet Union also we will be finishing and the cooperation government mission soon as we take Moscow and Stalingrad they should more or less capitulate I might need to push a little bit further but we're on the right track of Germany and is not doing too well I think I'll need to flip sides after I deal with this of it I am running out of manpower though because I am attacking the Soviet Union on all fronts unaggressive so yes tell us by requirement it is Japan is doing exceptionally well this game mission complete collaboration increased by 45% with 90% collaboration now which actually bumped their treshold for surrender up to 47% so now I just need to take Moscow or Stalingrad and they're dead Oh United States are they here for Stalingrad and the Soviet Union surrenders and also we have the most influence at the peace conference now I could pop at them but we have established at the cob Russian government thing so we should actually benefit more from I'm just taking territory Germany will take some and I'm prepared for that let's pass twice yeah that might be sufficient and now try to cut them off to take the rest we'll probably not have enough points to do that yet but we sure can try what do I mean by cutting them off if we take all the coasts and all the territories that directly bordered Germany Germany should be unable to take their territory I mean in theory they can bar they just want because of how their AI is constructed they might create some puppets though you'll see yeah that looks alright it's not do too much more to go this time you can keep these bits here okay and turn and the Germans should now leave our stuff alone and turn have they taken anything you they have not well not outside of this area here it's passed a few times so it was faster after done nationalist Spain mm-hmm they should have enough compliance for me to just make them a provisional government yep 90 percent compliance I love that you will become a professional government in a moment now I think it might be time to beat up the Germans a provisional government also Virginian they have our blessing Spanish Russia perfect and they are a cooperation government so I get most of the factories and I am out of manpower but I can just use their manpower and they well they have four million which is just enough oh yeah willing to train all the troops to do one of the 60-second Germany yeah that's actually changed this plan a little bit I'm gonna use Russian templates copy in the cavalry division and also copied infantry division edit the infantry division to match what I'm using normally and edit the cavalry division to just one unit and deploy lots of these all that Russian manpower yeah the game runs pretty slowly because it's 1944 I don't feel like I need to defeat the Germans we have already acquired enough power and territory to be sure that we can however I want to show you that all the 66 in fact still works for that I need an army some of you have been telling me that it doesn't work and I admit it partially has been patched and because you can no longer halt retreating armies like armies that have been exiled and they're trying to go home which is a pity definitely a pity did love doing it but there's still a way to make it work and I'm going to demonstrate that all these units reinforce the Army's what's next one of them will garrison Spain and the rest of them or the garrison the core territories of Germany just caught every choice you just want to capitulate them as soon as possible don't really care that the others will get more participation is that everything more or less - dirtiest alrighty you guys are in position I still want to switch them to normal entry let's see how much manpower Russia has which has a three million empire so they're not gonna be fully equipped it doesn't really matter let's go to a steer card it easier on all of them it's gonna take them a while to acquire the necessary supplies and they won't have enough for everyone it's gonna be enough to make a difference I guess also with more manpower training all the manpower russia has there will be a bit more resilient yeah all that manpower is in the field you can lower someone's independence we could index Russia back in and no there's no need to do that they're an excellent source of resources okay you guys have recovered a bit now what we're gonna do is do once the oldest sixty-six against Germany how Oh Germany actually recovered all this territory is this quickly also we do this love is doing great it is in position yet yes and so are you good so what we're doing now is we believe the faction and you declare war but we can't attack them directly we have to attack their arm so I'm going to justify a war go on hungry North Transylvania it's gonna take 125 days which is a lot now can you see that my troops are not retreating from German territory they're not going home the problem with all the 66 not working was essentially the change that Exalted troops will no longer respond to the halt command however these troops are not exiled because prior to joining the axis I took at the time to ask them for military access the rule of thumb is at the AI will always give you military access if you are fighting the same enemy and you're not fighting each other a provisional government's so the moment we attack the Soviet Union before we join the axis we asked as the Germans for military access the third axis might seem pointless because we joined the axis later however it wasn't pointless if let us do this and now when we had Hungary and Germany joins will instantly capitulate Germany or almost instantly they might still defend some of the key feature points but I have lots of troops and manpower here so even if we don't succeed at capitulating them we will disrupt them heavily and more importantly I will prove my point about the other 66 still working my favorite creation within the hearts of man for again if you attack Germany directly while putting troops in Germany they'll just be teleported home you have to attack their ally or someone they're guaranteeing by the way not theirs and thoughts don't need that that's better yeah just the victory points and ports and coasts whatever else you feel like world is your oyster well German territory is your oyster are we doing on logistics so more support and energy equipment the rest is fine Germany focus on securing the Soviet border they did it that's not on the Soviet border it's Russia research motorized rocket because it's cool well united states don't steal my thunder I want to take them over guys building military factories in Russia no no we focused on the forts I mean I don't need a level-10 fort just faster to shift-click everything no there's a German in Berlin there's also six of our people really proud of Yugoslavia fifteen days justification is complete all right time to witness perfection the war Hungary do not call anyone in have Germany joined them Iceland has joined them not Germany though come on Germany ah here we go as you can see all the 66 has successfully concluded these guys are on a garrison orders and on aggressive day will soon start try to acquire German territory everywhere and Italy has been called in as well but at least almost capitulated and we instantly went down to 74 percent towards capitulation probably still hold many important victory points but we should be able to remedy that anger sauce which you over to just care about victory points you to focus on them heavily Vichy France not the problem I'm heavily fortified with levels have been false and they don't even have enough troops to secure the border should i attack I should just attack Berlin's ours which means we just finished the Battle for Berlin 90% towards capitulation some people are being cold in you guys expend a little bit want to take too long now beautiful I do love when it comes together like this the Germans were not ready for it just like the Jedi stole just 97% they missed some core states I might have we'll be done with them in no time at all here we go Germany capitulate unfortunately we just entered the war and we only took a little bit of territory I don't really have any war score which is silly because I did all the work but also that's how the game work you just have to live with it let's pass and take some Hungarian territory yay also let's accept the invitation to the Allies actually I couldn't join the Allies looks like the invitation expired what no we were no longer at war doesn't matter anymore we are victorious I mean most of the eyes are victorious because they have enforced of themselves on Germany but we made it capitulate also proven that all this 66's still exists still works and it's still awesome and also we own Russia so that's something anyway I'm going to end it here let me know how you liked this video and also if I should try the other path on the Spanish poker straight that is it for today thank you for watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 214,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 spain, hoi4 defeat germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 spain world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman spain, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good spain, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 spanish world, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 la resistance
Id: gsZRGtsrn3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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